The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 22, 1948, Image 3

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|The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa.,
BY = PASSI NG The following is a report of the
F [daily temperatures and rainfall in| PHOTO FINISHING a gh
(From Page 1) ihis santion. fy right exposure ro evelope:
[this section from Wednesday, July plain or deckle edge, 25¢
Thursday, July 22, 1948—3
Anthracite — Bituminous
Walter Derr, 23 W. Main St.
: Miss Shirley Eby returned Sun-
day from a two weeks’ visit with
her uncles, William and Ross Bar-
Rome, New York. !

Mr. to at
5 Reubey, Shellenberger visited


time the Bulletin bitterly opposed

mount Joy, Pa. [Landisville, Pa. Phone 4111. 6-24-tf

WANTED: Men for night crew on
Ta 3 | Mic EF Stoner 2 bo) ow) | ‘
Dy © ALITY Mes Emma Stoner at Lebanon on lop code, San Dicge, with more than one vote. fH Tuesday, July 2, Whi. eal) pris Be Sach alu Mount Joy, Pa.
/ J hs Sunday. alif., a former linotype operator at | The Ovposition ay ow High Rain order 25¢c, Capita ity oto Ser- Telephone 268-J 5-13
PRODUCER i Eugene, Gerald and Otis Bender | this office, made a pleasant call here | A]] the opposition we could find|Wednesday ........ 66 87 01|vice, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa. 2/15/tf NEW © D ECTIONAL
von ges Sa 2 ¢ | are spending the week at Boys|Tuesday. He is visiting relatives | wag that some people didn't feel|Thursday .......... 62 86 00 NOTICE: I will buy all kinds of | GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7'. 8x8
WNER GY | OD) > i wie ‘ : Vs ois . . 3: ‘ > oe 9 3} ’
Wea TRAN RN ¢) | NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING | Camp at Laurelville, Westmore- |and friends at Manheim. [like waiting half a minute when Friday A Tn 56 86 Wiserap iron and magazines. Also stove | 10°x10°, 12’'x12’, In stock for im-
8) | Y ASHINCTON i di | land Co Mr. and Mrs. Warren Heisey |they wanted to cross Main street.[Saturday .......... 65 88 08 wood for sale, locust and oak, in|mediate delivery. Automatic electrio
: WASHINGTON, D, ¢ fo : head d Co
faqs lee] TE . ef perch —— | and son, Bernell, spent two weeks |goyeral others who do not even|Sunday .......... 69 89 00 al Jos or ruck Joud, Suv D; Sverhead door operators. mizolled
i ASH x ; : . nh a, one -R, y
bahar labs By Anne Goode touring thru the New England | have a business on Main street ob- Monday » 86 00) Die one lot of commercial and pivoted steel
@ is the proven producer of States and Nova Scotia. They |jccted to the noise. One of these ob-|Tuesday 62 89 os : Coote sash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Joy,
: s ye chin returned home Sunday. is a individual who! ——————— - |[FOR SALE: 1 usec oolerator | Pa, Phone 145, 4-17~
cuality eggs and lots of | A new plastic broom really chases returnec ) | jectors is the same individual who iE mM i A
A ee dust and dirt. By produci i eh tea rr = AY {i es | Refrigerator; 1 three burner oil
i them. Time-tested at our | £08! 8 q J arcing, stile elo. _ Miss Vera Eby, Mrs. Clinton G. tried to have Main street narrowed SINON P. NISSLEY [stove, plus oven; 1 Universal elec- | TYPEWRITERS & ADD. MACH'S
id Laborato d | lust ‘and li los: FL Ps Eby, and Mrs. Park Neiss, Sr. [4own to about twenty feet—a mere] Yaa [tric range 1 1938 Philco console | New-rebuilt-used. J. M. Engle, 411
ry an on-the- | dust and lint particles from rugs and : MARY G. NISSLEY rath 3 s
ll farm operations - it's dem- floors. spent several day with the latters path—many years ago. At the . . he radio, like new; 1 National cash |E. High, Elizabethtown 14J. 4-8-tf
P ty x * * brothers, William and Ross Barto i FUNERAL DIRECTORS [register. Far] B. Longenecker,

onstrated its ability to pro- A aan N
duce “Quality Results at |. ty Sis writing, it seems doubtful at Rome, N. Y. the issue and you all know the an- _____ mmr | eae | fan cutting and shake-out, $1.00
Low Cost.” Phat « ing sus session of Congress the Mr. William O. Mort, Pottstown, Can you PICIUTE PreSent| meee [FOR SALE: Thomas Laxton Hull| per hour. Marietta Holloware &
i a iii) Yai oe the fa a Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mort and son day traffic on 1 street about half ~ y [Peas for freezing. Paul Metzler, | Enameling Co., Marietta, Pa,
Irene A: ote on legislation which would repea . : a) ic a jireek 3 1% [FP oy 127J: 5-171 -1-
LR 4 5 taxes on yellow margarine. But home- Bobby, Ashland were weekend vis- | Main street's present width? | CLASSIE IE D I! hone Moum Joy 2. it io
et Beil calla | makers can continue to remind legisla i 2 » Rev. & { 3 FO 3 R "Ww ™ art
emind legisla itors at the home of The Rev. and | A movement to get the presend [FOR SALE: New and used quart
tors, both Federal and_State, that you
want yellow margarine tax-free. Such
great progress was made during this
ion that it seems impossible that
selfish dairy interests can prevent legis-
are essential for egg pro-
i fits in ‘48. Desirable yolk
color, firm whites, delicious
flavor - (consumer accept- |
ed)...that's the description

next session.

Mrs. James Mort. Mr." Mort is pas- |
tor of the local Methodist Church. |
——— A
traffic out of town is a deliberate
slap in the face of every
man from and including Brown's
Mill to the west end of Florin be-
business |
{cause all these men have paid many|, pet dog, house trained.
Rates for this column are 25¢ per jars, price reasonable.
nsertion, If over five lines, 5¢ per|iler, Phone 101-R Mt
line each insertion, all payable in
Guy D. Spit-
Joy. 6-17-if

[FF INTERESTED in selling your
— |ear—See—Ben Staley or call 163R2,
FOR SALE: Good Milk Goat, also|Mount Joy. 5-9-tf
Telephone] —

Stauffers Quarry
of the Red Comb Quailit * Michael R Hoffmze 6 Mav- - = 3 - S——
Faq Y * Sicha oilman, 3, BY . | thousands of dollars in taxes, wages Mount Joy 144R14. 7-22-1t TRAILER E OR SALE: Good strong Good Wages
A There's a gold rush this summer — town, underwent amputation of oto. and have made odr present womens [but light trailer, metal box 38x6.6 | Time and half time over 40 hours.
but this ‘time the mine is accessories. | his left leg above the knee in | y= : fore WANTED: Washing and Ironing tolft. will casily carry 100 to 1500 lbs. Telephone Mt. Joy 308

of your production is not determined
Gold bags and shoes that never ven-
tured but till after dark are now being

| . .
| Jutlon from being passed during the
Lancaster General Hospital follow- |
ing admission July 7 suffering the |
dustrious boro and community |
(They want people to come to town|Joy, Pa.
3 peo} 3
while the by-passers want to keep
at home. 99 W. Main St, Mount/double springs, spare tire. Price $50
7-22-2tp|for a quick sale. Phone 320 Mt. Joy.

! featured with informal davtime dresses
by {2d vost alone. Your mandae. | formal daytime dresses, i : . - |
PY 10g esl lone our manage- | white, Gold Jewelry, too, fractures of both ankles. His | [SAVE YOUR CROPS with Miller
ment is of equal importance. Manage | 1s fashionable ’ condition today was slightly im- {them out. Why should all these insecticides. We have a complete! WANTED: Sexton for Mount Joy
Righit~Feed Right Profit Bight on the * + % proved : {business men and women be thelline, Paris-Green, D.D.T., Copper, |Presbyterian Church. Apply Mr. 4-22-tt
B® Red Comb Quality Egg Program. i v I rs: ; [goat just for the sake of a few who|Zenlate, and Rotenone. Ask about|/Wm. Brian, Newcomer's Hardware
om TLE NEC 1 wh you sandpaper baby’s shoes just a Hospital officials said it was Bke the noise?” lour airplane service. Call Marietta|Store, Mt. Joy. 7-1-tf WANTED: Wrecked Automobiles.
i i® | bit on the bottom, the little one won't necessary to amputate after an| Cont Ke the i 3285. Yh ve! : Any make, any model. Also Scrap
—|FOR SALE: Half h.p. Air H. B. Shank Auto W:
Phones 333:
be apt to slip and fall as often . . .
And speaking of shoes—keep those di-
minutive numbers clean with the ol’


infection developed in his left |
No one hears Elizabethtown|
| : i
His right ankle is in a !sSqualking. That boro fears a by-pass|We wish to extend our heartfelt{Pressor,
land from what we can learn is do-[thanks to all our friends, neighbors

complete with hose and
spray gun. Telephone 227R5, Mount

74 N. Poplar St., Elizabethtown, Pa.
Phone 38-W or 191-W.

and 132R
CoRR 8 shinola white whic] ust 2 8 : Li.
roar peed hae e ich both clears and cast and was reported to be | : : and relatives for words of
1 J every 5 sible to keep the A J J | —
healing ing everything possi t I Bl os cy.
- sett teem meses sr esses cr —— ealing. Ee is Ti = ark and beautiful floral offerings during|rOR SALE: 2% story brick dwell-
Hitman wos injured when. a | highway 5 is. T ey an par on our bereavement. The Bentzellj, all mpdern ‘conveniences, corner WHY
BULLER’S BEAUTY SALON tractor he was operating plunged | both sides of the street and have Family. 7 Ave. and New Hever: Ste.
) tris for two lanes of traffic,| meee | pn arvey Eber :
through the end of a barn on the [ample room for wo Tans of i ie FOR SALE: Live or dressed, ring. Joy, Pa, Sep Hany oY Eve! Contihue to feed 100 ordinary birds
FLORIN. PENNA. Grove farm near Marietta depot | Our Main street is just os wic i necked pheasants, Telephone Mount 63 New Have ol: when approximately 80 Pedigreed
oN . and plunged 15 feet into the | and Rr ier at many lees If it Joy YUTRIS. 7-15-44 - Musser-Bred Leghorns, lay just as
PY 00) § n I { p t barnyard. Hoffman grabbed an |Wwere leveled same as at we . nS TY att. 1 [FOR SALE: Homemade motorbike. Thirt breed-
| . LOTS FOR SALE: Five| , : 5 | many eggs. Thirty years of bree
Ee pecia i Hmmer grmanen S iron bar and held himself moment- would have ample room for park- |" “0 60x200 each on the east side of APBLY Hohert eu 3B ing on our own farms have de-
ha % - $8 COLD WAVES now $6.00 arily. The rear of the tractor [ing and traffic. _ |Longenecker Road in Mount 7 Dine ~ A op veloped chicks which are extreme-
&e 3 $5 MACHINELESS snapped the bar and he fell into| Let's wait and see what the Pus Borough. Price Reasonable. OVER $20.00 ON' AN ARGO- | ly heavy layers and are at the
IN 4 wpa now $4.00 I the barnyard but clear of the [ness men at Salunga and Landis- | E. Brown, Phone 169 or 34. i [FLEX CAMERA. Factory overhaul-| same time highly resistant to all
J or DEB-U-CURL FOR LONG HAIR $5.00 eate st tractor. ville have to =ay six months after like new. Sslis $09 82 new, oor the poultry diseases of this aren.
i IF Tr < 3 : speci: dee $49.( i
“aus FEATHER HAIR CUTS 50c The gr He died at thé Lancaster General | the by-pass is opened there. PRA E SALE: bet fronting 40 iy Lp is Mo re Soo Learn more about these superior
$ Hospital yesterday. Several years ago the road from with about 309 ft. depth. 212 i” "wiih Cameras. Middle chicks,
PHONE MT. JOY 153-11 Maude Buller, Propr. refrigerator pital yesterday Akron to Reading was rebuilt and|Frame House, 8 rooms, with light] Vito! Klahr Cameras, Middletown.
: land water, Write today for prices and your

Community and Public Sale

value ever
offered at
this Price!
relocated. Ephrata, Adamstown and]
Reamstown were bypassed. Now in-|
terview the business men who were|
located along the “main drag” and|
see how they feel. A number have
already moved off the old road.

frame stable. Located SALE: Prizer Royal Cook
Call F. H. Musser, Salun-|Sigve, Ivory Enamel, $60.00. Call
7-22-2t Charles Mease, Landisville 2646.

- {
NEEDED: Man or woman at once
to take care of established custom-|NOTICE: If you are suffering from
ers in Mount Joy for famous Wat-|0ak or Ivy Poisoning and want im-
kins Products. Average $45 weekly mediate relief, ask for Doctors Pre-
income. No investment.

free copy of Musser’s colorful 1948
edition of “Chick News.”
Musser Leghorn Farms
Phone 905-R-6 Mt. Joy, Pa.

AT ® HUGEBUILT-IN FREEZER LOCKER When one considers the foregoing] 7 Write J.lseription No. 700-084. Sold by E. .
® DEEP CRISPER DRAWER facts we cannot see how they could R. Watkins Co., Dept. Cc. Newark. |\w. Garber, 21 Mount Joy Street,
BEVERL Y TWIN MARKET ® SHELF ADJUSTABILITY conscientiously favor by-passing N- __7-8-22-pdiMount Joy, Pa. jos
® BIG VEGETABLE BIN i our boro, (BUY YOUR CAMERA FROM SALE: Cucumbers by the 100
® MEAT STORAGE DRAWER | renal liens. [DIRECT DEALER for service and|oy M., taking orders now. John S. FOR SALE!
n . . |
Farm Machinery and Livestock Exchange |
G. K. WAGNER, Proprietor Phone 442-J-2
Everybody bring in your surplus Tractors, |
Machinery, new and used Autos and Trucks, for |
this sale on |

Never before so many quality
features in a refrigerator at this
sensational low price .
it’s Philco
huge 7.7 cu. fr. capacity refrig-
erator was designed by Philco
engineers to give you the most
for your money! Takes no more
kitchen floor space than smaller
.. and
uality. Yes, this


Sale Register
If you want a notice on your sale|
| FOr :
| inserted in this register weekly for nice sauce, now in season;
from now until day of sale. ABSO-|
LUTELY FREF, send or phone uss
selection. All leading makes in phone Manheim 348-W4.
$3.16 to $332.50. Victor Klahr's Little 7-15-3t
Camera Shop, with the big stock,|
Middletown, Pa. 7-22-1t

Estate of Norman I. Moyer, late
Mount Joy Borough, Pa. dec'd.
Letters testamentary on said es-
Also some car-itate having been granted to the un-
; varieties apples, in|qersigned, all persons indebted
od cordition for eating and cook-|thereto are requested to make im-
FOR SALE: Early Transparent Ap-|,
and strong vinegar.
ry over winter
Suitable for Business Location
Call Mount Joy 145

capacity refrigerators. A sale date : he areling Se Te lv. Fairview : :
a) greater hve aut, dp your sale dute and whe 2 you ae ng ¥ i J Js v je mediate payment, and those having EXECUTOR’S NOTICE
atur ay ul 4 ! 948 living! Only Philco has it! RED 3%) ROSE ready let us print your bills. That's Fl Th Pa a | ho claims i demands gaat the Estate of Elizabeth Althouse, late
K 8 . | the cheapest : dvertising you can get Pn y TT (=lo=-clisame, wi presen hem withou . ts
o 4 y 9 GROWING Vs! { i : : "YD TT rt Ratan er delay for settlement to the of Borough of Mount Joy, de
| re BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY ed ceased.
{ Letters testamentary of said
Starting at 10 A. M. Sharp, Eastern Daylight Saving Time, on old Hershey

# you want to grow good |
Friday, July 23--At the Bulletin
Office, East Main St., Mount Joy, a

Providing for furnishing of VIOLA M. ANDERSON
estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted
Pike, 2 miles north of Elizabeth!own, 8 miles south of Hershey. | | . \ . | i i
APN 7 74 . . ‘ [A few other models in stock pullets, you'll appreciate this 2% story Frame Dwelling House electric street lighting service to the Administratrixs =
10.00 AM Sharp—Eastern Daylight Saving Time | qualit Growing Mash, de- [with 2 story garage located at 119/Borough of Mount Joy. County of Randolph C. Ryder Rta, thereto ale Yequesied te Im
Lot of small articles. One ton Cup Grease, 500 Ibs. Honey, Tools and signed to meet the needs of {N. Market 5¢, Mount Joy by thi bon; Si Pennsylvania, 129 W. Main St, Mt. Joy 7-22-6t aims” Pay demands against the
Hardware, Jack Davis with Government Goods. Cheese Dealer. New growing birds from the 7th [Fest Nasional Rank & Tous 2 (7 nee % fare is how oh fle ya isk same, will present them without
bdea Yobavco Planter. . oi lo ount Joy, Executor o 1e lus-|the orough Secretary a form o PUBLIC SALE a or
£2 Migeo nla) week to maturity. Builds | tate of Michael M. Sauder, deceas-|2greement covering overhead elec- of delay for settlement to the under-
10:45 A.M. Sharp
All Kinds of Farm: Machinery, Tractors—seme horse-drawn.
70 Tractors
Few Crawlers

Earl B.

strong, sturdy constitutions |
that stand up better under |
the drain of Peo egg pro-
duction. Phone us today for
details and prices.

ed. Sale at 7
pm. CC. S.
Saturday, July 24—-Op the prem-
ises at 13 South Market Street, Mt
Joy, public sale of personal property
by Mrs. Lillian Backenstoe. C. S
Frank, Auct. Sale at 1 p.m. DST.

Saturday, July 31—On the premi-

ic street lighting service. |
ED by the Council of the Borough SATURDAY, JULY 31st, 1948
of Mount Joy, and it is hereby or-| To be held on the premises at 546
lained and enacted by the Market Street, in the Borough
of Marietta, Penna.
containing seven rooms
and bath, all conveniences;
and an
of the same
That the
County of
Borcugh of Mount Joy,|
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, |
enter into an agreement with Penn-|
ylvania Power & Light Company
the furnishing of all with oil heater
signed residing at 221 S. Market St.,
Mount Joy, Pa.
Arnold, Bricker & Beyer 6-24-6t
Estate of Abram M. Bernhard, late
of the Village of Florin, Mount Joy
Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., deceased.
i M.
on Daily Until 9 F- ° ses at 546 East Market St the oF ‘his | Letters testament id
Pies Fl M 1 | Ses ab 04 J TH Ake ji in Su electric street lighting service re- [automatic hot water heater. This etters : testamentary on. sal
N d d of All k our 1 S [ Borough of Marietta, a 2% SOY] to light the streets of the Property is the eastern half of a|estate having been granted to the
NCW an Use Oo Ma es | frame dwelling, 7 rooms, bath, hot|, . double dwelling, in goed condition, | undersigned, all persons indebted
> ; = > Tv om yay : MOUNT JOY, PA. water heater, recently insulated, Borough for the period and in 2 tly ins lat Als two- ar thereto are requested to make im-
Farmall M's, His, B'S, BN's, A's, F-20's, F-14's, John Deere G's, A's, B's: half of a double house bv Jacob G.|Sereance with the terms contained Yecen y ms ect 50 cay mediate payment, and those hav-
New Red Belly Fords: Used Ford-Ferguson: New Allis Chalmers W('s: | F “Wal AC Sale| iD the form cf agreement now on|88rage on premises. : coal ate p a : th
‘ | antom. Walter Dupes, Auct. Sale Possession can be given within | ing claims or demands against the
New Cs, Bs, Oliver 70th, €0.h, Massey Harris, Case, Super A's and others. |
Massey Harris Self-propelled
Corn Pickers

Close the door...and let light in!

Entrance halls need not {
be dark and gloomy.
at 1 p.m.
Saturday, July 31--On the prem-
ises at No. 236 East Main Street, in

file with the Borough Secretary for :
the furnishing of such service: and|thirty days of sale, and can be view-
that the proper officers of the Bor- ed at any time. ;
oush be and they hereby are auth-| Also at the same time and place
crized and directed to execute and/there will be household furniture

same, will present them without
delay for settlement to the under-
signed, residing at 26 Donegal
Springs Road, Mount Joy, Pa.

Insulux Glass Block Mountville Boro., a 2-story frame feliver said form of agreement on offered for <ale.
10 New Idea and Wood Bros. Corn Pickers brings in abundant dav bungalow type dwelling house, gar- behalf of the' Borough Sale to commence at 1:00 P. M,, : ection
{iB i | 3 Si | taht wi ifici age and personal property by Nan-| go. din: DST, when conditions will be made | Louis S. May, attorney -17-6t
Lot of Balers; Combines: New Hollands and other makes; 3 Silo Fil- | light—without sacrificing Lew Stonesiter. of and nacted into an crdinance and bi
' 2 ree >. . : | rn xX OI an e Co . oO Bor. by
lers; Corn Binders; Side Rakes and ether machinery. | privacy. Devise under the last. Will and Be I by le i ay or 4 i ; JACOB G. FANTOM | To Andrew Bear, his heirs, execu-
Tractor Manure Spreaders You can close the Hoon | Testament of John M. Weaver, de-| ju jg 7 TE EE SY Ol walter Dupes, Auet. 01s, Sud Lesions:
ara ls tractor. : ‘ oC and still let the light in! ceased. Edgar F. Funk, Auct AV ¢ revere & Garman, Clerks. 7-15-3t the children, grandchildren, heirs,
Grain Drills, tractor- and horse-drawn; MeCormick-Deering Ensilage | 8 JAY G. EICHERLY legatees, executors and trustees of
Harvester and John Deere, [ ee — President of Council Jol Greid , deceased:
20 > Saturday, July 31-On the prem-| PUBLIC SALE ohn Greider, deceased:
Lot of Tractor Plows ! 1 | ises in the village of Landisville, Brie vin F. Brion of 3 Take notice that on June 4, los
Fractor Discs: Tractor Spring Harrows; Cultipackers, Tractor Culti- | GLASS BLOCK household and kitchen furniture by : oF: Rein; REAL ESTATE Charles B. Redmond and oria Y.
I : r Spring Harrows; Cultipackers, Tractor Culti { Jorough Secretary Red I his f resented th
vators [oy above Tractors; Rubbes-tive Wagons; 2-wheel Trailers; Duce | ii ARERICAN STRUCTURAL PRODUCTS CoMPANY || Mis, Win. Hoffman. Sale at 1:00 p Approved thi 15th day of July FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, 1948 BOT AB DE ell
Corn Shredder and Husker; Woed Bros. Corn Pickers; Lot of other new | of QWENSILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY ||; C. S. Frank, Auct 1948 : di oy on sy, at 7 00 P. M., D.S.T. petition to the Orphans Lourt of
x wedder sker; ( 3S. rn Pickers; Lot « er new 94 Lancaster County, Pa. setting forth

At the office of the Bulletin, East

and used Tractor Mowers, Inc. : —— THOMAS J. B. BROWN \
| Insulux Glass Block is a | ry. eve Chad #130 ‘ y dD. that they are owner of a tract of
1:00 P. M. FURNITURE Landisville Office Mt. Joy Office beautiful and functional | Wednesday, Aug. 18--On the El-|7-22-1 Burgess Main St, Mount. J Pa, land containing 137.36 perches in
. . foi building material. It is mer S. Musser Farms, Lancaster R1,! ——————— eat eat The unde rsigned will offer at pub- West Hempfield Township, Lancast-
Lot, of new and wvsed Cars and Trucks, of all makes. Bring them | Phone 3511 Phone 65 designed to do many things only a short distance from Silver lic sale: Premises 119 NORTH MAR- re C i Pa. by Ep: f deeds
in from 9 to 12 noon on day of sale. They are selling high now. | Lancaster County Distributors Lat ihn | Springs. 75 head of Ree. Poland ATTENTION KET ST. MOUNT JOY, PA. lot Te Wg 5 2, wo 1947 WE dd
200 P.M | China Breeding Stock by Elmer S. MEN AND WOMEN fronting 45 ft. 9 ins. on the east side [ated X'¢ ee ofce IE for
: | Musser. Singer and Horst, aucts. Are you interested iny a steady Market Street, and extending in the Recor et s ice Day a ior
4 job where you can learn a depth of that width easterly 180 ft. Lancaster -ounty in ed [Feo 3
; Vol. 38 page 541 and April 14, 194.

100 Head of Hogs & Cattle


Thursday, Aug. 19— The Edwin
P. Eby farm, in Mount Joy Town-

west side of an alley, on
erected a
to the
which is
trade in textile industry?
need young men with mech-
recorded in the Recorder’s Office in
and for Lancaster County in Deed
THE BEST THAT GROW | sip, Along o hard rou anic hilly tralning ~~, 2% STORY FRAME |p "5 v1 “36 page 195, and aske
Ti is for everybody ti sell and to buy, so bring in yowr surplus | of 50 Groom horge wih our working lars are ex- DWELLING HOUSE [ing that a charge created by the
goods two to four days before sole date, so we ean line it up in the field | Y B th (}] ectric, frame barn, chicken houses, || = tionally: ood. ard oo hav # with slate roof, 8 rooms,|wlll of John Greider, deceased, re-
before dav. We lways get in more machinery than the bill calls | our a room [Se hy Cras M1 BY: Phone Pls Er ard BN So ae hall and laundry room; electricity; corded in Will Book D, Vol 2, page
for. We had 110 Tractors on our last sale. Be sure to be here on time, ou it Joy. C. S. Frank, ct. Sale Group Insurance and Hospital flush toilet: sink. 175 and being a lien on a tract of
to buy t{ wchinery you are looking for. Now ? at 6 I Nia La alin With 2 STORY FRAME GARAGE|137 acres more or less in West
Ter Cash scttlement must be made on day of sale. | ® Ls Bay 2 {Warm food served) jjin rear of said premises. Hempfield Township, Lancaster Co.,
Biing livestock on Day of Sale. | Get tid of “the olf Style fixtitres and. to. eniov a. commietel | [COURT 0. K's SOUND TRUCKS Paid Vacation Al jules sie well constructed |Pa., of Which Je Shove Promises
3 Sty: / 4 rab sels a 3 JON r Tut an ‘ely located. are a part, be sche 1 y
Our Next Community Sale Will Be | modern bath. New design, Easy to clean, Beautiful, fo . 304 deeiion He Urited Dispensaty and Visiting Nurse DD a at 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. wi Eom of petitioners to-
SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1948 | Payments To Suit you. Take Months To Pay. First Payment State Supreme Court, on June , Air Co Plant Friday, July 23, 1948, when terms:gether with the entire 137 Acres
F | Due November First, 1948, reversed the ruling of the : and conditions will be made known |more or less be released from the
tats On Grounds Ee ee lower courts on the use of sound New Homes Available by effect thereof.
Sales Manager. |
If I+ Is Machinery You Need, We Have It. |



trucks that users must first obtain
a permit from the police depart-
ment, holding hat “the right to use
a sound truck is included within
the guarantee of freedom of speech,
Executor of the estate of Michael
Sauder, Deceased.
S. Frank, Auctioneer,
Apply in person
9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. - Daily
8:C0 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. -Saturday
Ask for
Mr. Livengood or Mrs. Siefred
You are directed to appear in the
said orphans: Court on August 16,
1948 at 10 A.M. DST to answer said
petition and show cause why a de-
cree should not be entered dis-
charging the above lien.

Horst, Diffenbauch, Wagner, Martin, Aldinger, Auctioneers. oy ‘ : C v ) . \ ANE, i
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Weidman, Clerks : J . whim of a Municipal officer.” 7-22-1t 99 kK. Grant St., ancaster, Pa Aruold, Bricker & Beyer,
an, Clerks. a Pp er. | 6-24-5t (Attorneys 7-8-4
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