The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 22, 1948, Image 1

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Result of Recent Vote
What It Does To Business
Mount Joy
out to
pare it with the time it was on the
did Mr. Enter-
on | line, the progressive Dodge agency,
Several weeks ago the
get the
whether or not Mount Joy should be
by-passed. We feel quiet confident | was relocated? Compare
that for
that matter definitely
of Commerce set ‘main drag”. Why
concensus of opinions
Rheems when the highway
the thriv-
| vacate
their labors are
was settled |station, restaurant, etc., to its con-
months ago. dition today. Compare any country
We do feel as though their effort [town in Penna. with and without
to date should be made public. Here being on a main highway.
are the figures: Up to 6:30 last eve- | The Boro of Myerstown, the main
ning there were 99 votes for and 23
against a by-pass. Of the 122 votes |
street of which was a highway,
Six months
just recently by-passed.
enly 34 were signed. from now go and interview its busi-
The Chamber has also contacted | oss men and see if you can find
various organizations here but the |. Wh, would not be willing to be
only responses are the Rotary Club || ted on a highway.
17 yes and 8 no, and the Lions Club
24 for and 11 against.
Up to this time the Bulletin did
not express an opinion because we
ninety-five percent
men, location is the
and foremost essential to success,
whether it be a general store, con-
id not want to influence any one. |. :
did ven! : fectionery, gas station, restaurant,
;, for the best interests of our
Now, 4 1 : | hardware store, barber shop, cloth-
m & its people, we want to be or
and iis peal ier, etc. That”s why business men
heard. po i
‘ : : . pay top notch prices for location. |
First—we are with the minority |
for many good, sane and sensible The Local Vote
reasons. We absolutely don’t want Even though the vote here was
Mount Joy by-passed because we [4 to 1, let's see how it came about.
do not want to see our town and its | There was no restriction put on
business people die an unnatural | voters and as a result a person
death. We respectfully refer to oth- | could mail as many votes as he had |
ballots. Many expressed themselves
(Turn to page 3)
=== EE ——
er places that have been by-passed.
Look at Rheems today and com- |
Development Here

Slight damage was caused in the
i G d Pro asition om of John Crider, N. Market
ds 00 on , Thursday evening when the
We call attention t a half pe? oil overflowed and ignited.
page ad of the Pleasant View According to Fire Chief Ray
development elsewhere in The Myers of Friendship Fire Co. No.
Bulletin. This concern has a | 1, the blaze originated around an
proposition that should interest | oil burning hot water heater in
any home seeker, the bathroom of the Crider home
Mr. S. Nissley Gingrich is de- | wher the oil overflowed. How-
veloping a portion of a large | ever before the arrival of fire-
farm on the scuthern boro limits, | men, Mr. Crider extinguished the
a large section of which is within blaze using a small extinguisher. |
the boro. It has been carefully | Mrs. Crider ran to the nearby fire
plotted to conform streets in that hall and notified firemen.
section, the plans have been ap- | Following the blaze, which dam-
proved by Boro Council and the | aged a linoleum rug in the bath-
Town Planning Commission, the | room, Chief Myers smashed a
grading has been completed and | finger when a window fell on it.
the owner now offers for sale | re

the most desirable

many of build- |
ing locations in cur boro. Hire Engineers For
The Development makes pros-
pects an interesting pr Posies n. - Wa ter System Survey
It will sell you a lot, it wi a
build you a home So to In an effort to procure a com-
your own ideas and last but not | munity water system for Maytown,
least lots can be purchased on a the Fast Donegal Municipal |
monthly payment plan. Authority has hired the General
Locations are offered on Pinker- | Engineering Corp, Dillsburg, to
ton Road, School Lane, South Mar- make a preliminary survey and
ket St. or Delta St. has hopes to install an $88,0000
Anyone interested please con- | system withiy a year,
tact Mr. S. Nisslev Gingrich, 12 S According tc John S. Hiestand,
Duke St., Lancaster, by filling out ' chairman of the authority, plans
a coupon whi which appears in his ad.| call for using the waters of Glad-
an felter Spring, one mile from May-
| town on the E-town read.
The King's Daughters First steps for the project were
token this week when the Author-
H Id A Pieni ity held a public meeting. At
p nue IC that time, about 80 property
The Kings Daughters Bible Class | signed contract cards and
of the Cha of God, held their | made a deposit of $25 each to
picnic at the home of Miss Anna cover the ccsts of the preliminary
Hoffer on Saturday afternoon. J survey Eventually according to!
Games were played and then all Mr. Hiestand, about 125 of the
sat down to a delicious lunch with owns. families are expected to |
hamburgers served by Mrs. Arthur participate.
Hoffer and Miss Anna Hoffer rr spa
Those present were: Mrs. Helwig, RICHARD C. FLORY TO HFAD
Mrs. Laur Heisey, Mrs. Garth | COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSN.
Snyder, Mrs. Elsie Grove, Mrs Richard C. Flory, Elizabethtown, |
Mary Walker, Mrs. Kate Barnhart, was elected president of the Eliza-
Mrs. Dorothy Derr. Mrs. Stella | bethtown Community Association at
Sweigert, Mrs. Daisey Sprout, and @ meeting held last week. Others
Mrs. Christ Charles, Mrs. Annie named to serve on the executive
Stauffer, Mrs. Ellen Lindemuth, |committee are: Vincent A. Heinle,
Mrs. Mary MacDonald, Mrs. | Vice-President; Mrs. Mahlon E. |
Blanche Parsons, Miss Mae Shreiner | Patton, Secretary; Robert L. Ma-
and Miss Mary Charles, Miss Em- { deira, Treasurer; Wilbur E. Weaver,
ma Shookers, Mrs. Arthur Hoffer | Publicity Chairman; and William M.
and Miss Anna Hoffer. | Webb, General Chairman.
"mss 0 Me sre sr David E. Schlosser was select-
| : .
{ed as organization director the
Mount Joy area, according to an an-
Eugene Boll, 15, Manheim R2, nouncement by the executive com-
was admitted to the Lancaster | mittee. Efforts are also being made |
General Hospital] Monday after he | to select team captains for Marietta,
had suffered a traumatic amputa- | Bainbridge, and Elizabethtown.
tion of the second finger of the rt
right hand when he caught it in| LANDISVILLE LIONS MEET
a baler. His condition was re- An outdoor meeting was held by
ported as good ky hospital attend- | the Landisville Lions Club at the
ant Monday night. [ heme of J. Melvin Newcomer, of |
Mates fl Uf eens Salunga, Monday evening. Fred
NEWLYWEDS FETED | H. Koser, a member of the club,
Mr. and Mrs. David Shenk enter- | gave an occupational talk on un-
aad its history.
at their home, Man- | dertaking
of their son and |
| More than fifty members and
= s—— ( friends of the York County Histori-
A TOTAL OF SIXTEEN | cal Society spent Thursday after-
Two more cases of typhoid fever noon touring Lancaster Co. Among
a the points visited was Donegal
Church at Donegal Springs.
tained recently
heim R2, in honor
daughter-in-law, Mr.
Shenk, who were mjarried July 3.

developed ip the county Friday,
total of sixteen to date.
naught as |ing village of Chickies with its gas |
The Mount Joy Bulletin


Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, July 22, 1948

Protest Gas Station
Home owners in
a gasoline ad-
| objecting to
Jacent to
asked the
and award
property, have
them damages for
court to close
line which allegedly seeped into a
Harry S. Alleman and Harvey
| and Mabel Greiner, Manheim R3, |
[seek an injunction against Peter
| and Daisy McGarvey and the Sin-
clair Refining Co.
Their complaint states that gaso
line storage tanks and pumps were |
| faulty and permitted the gasoline
to seep into the well They fur-
ther aver that the water in the
| well was rendered unfit for hu-
[ man consumption. They said the
| water could not even be used for
| They claim that they had to
| haul water for drinking and had |
[to wash clothes elsewhere.
station is located a-
| The service
| long Route 72. pumps are
located 50 feet from the well
| Alleman owns the property and
| the Greiners have agreed to pur-
| chase it from him.
———— 4 Gene
Rotarians Hear
Rev. James Mort
At the
{tary club on Tuesday noon,
the hot
weather and vacations seemed to
have a stalling effect on the attend-
and a number
ance. there was
| there were a few members not pres-
a good
crowd visitors,
John Booth a of the
| Board of Directors of the Chamber
| of Commerce, that
| cent meeting of the Chamber,
stated at a re-
it was
decided to take a poll of the mem-
and Florin,
bers of
| Mount Joy to the
| consensus of opinion relative to by-
passing Mount Joy with new
He stated
that recently
the poll
Chamber, asking
of the by-pass, was
The poll tak-
for the
Mr. Booth
the members not pres-
citizens of town, if
were in favor
to one in favor
| pass and eight opposed.
en by club was 17
will contact
vote, will
and after getting their
it to the Chamber
| present Com-
Rev. James Mort, pastor of
Methodist Church in Mount
and his topic
This was
was the speaker, was
“My Devotion”.
esting talk, and Rev.
[it to the
in inter-
Next week the playground super- |
visors, George Broske and Mrs
James Eshleman will be the guests
[of the club. They will tell about the
playground and
activities of the
{what is plannex| for the
{ weeks.
William H. Pvle, 46, Maytown,
was arrested Saturday by
Pa. State Police Colum-

from the
{ bia on a charge o
and disorderly con-
He was held in jail for a
hearing before
Francis E. Gaus,
At a hearing Monday night he
| was found guilty, fined $10 and |
| costs and in default was sent to]
| jail for thirty days.
| weasel A
| Theodore Ted Koch Vallrath, for- |
|ty-two, former athlete. was killed
[in an auto accident at Overton, Neb.
| He was born in Mount Joy, a son of
| : 1
Frederick and Rosa Slaymaker |
| Koch.
{ AQ Arran
Among those to lose their drivers’
licenses recently were Walter 3.
| Nissley, of Florin and Charles Wiasal
of Mount Joy R3. Both are charged
with speeding.
| rm — Cr ree
Mrs. Martha S. Eshleman, of town
was elected a district secretary at
ahe Republican reorganization
meeting at Lancaster Friday night.
Rapho Twp. Residents
: \
regular meeting of the Ro-
nine organizations in |
by |
Morts first vis- |
the Peace |
Forbes Magazine of
Business is
publishing an article in each issue
of the Nation's fifty leading business
men. In the June 15 issue it feat-
| ured Kauffman T. Keller, a native
| born, in a lengthly and interesting
article entitled “Men of Achieve
In a nation wide poll of Americas
fifty foremost business leaders, Kel-
following citation:
great motor-car
likes to des-
“ i
a mechanic.
received the
| ler
of a
cribe as
Superb master of many
technical skills and of the art of
directing corporate human ef-
fort towards maximum produc-
tion. For his priceless services
in time of war a grateful nation
bestowed on him its supreme
konor, the Medal for Merit.”
Florin Play Grounds
Held a Pet Show

Everything That
Happened At
Florin Recently
Mr. Albert S.
days with his
Fike spent several
daughter and
Mr. and Mrs.
at Newville.
My. and Mrs. Christ
Maytown, called on C. A.
Mrs. Luke
family of
day with C. A. Melhorn and fam- |
Mr. Harry Hursh and Mrs.
Rhoda Stehman are spending sev-
eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack |
Bachman at Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Weaver en- |
tertained Mr, Weavers parents |
from Neffsville on Sunday. |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom and
Mr. Jake Leedom spent Saturday
with Mr. Miles Leedom and family
at Elizabethtown,
Myr. Frank Burl of Florida, called

Florin Playground held a pet |, friends in town on Sunday.
how last Friday morning July 16 M:. and Mrs. Cyrus Geib and
| A prize for the oldest pet was won | ya Musser were Sunday even-
| by Marlene Mumpers black cc cker (Turn to page 2)
| spaniel, four years old, while Mar- asset eset MA eee “emp
| lene Gerlitzke won the prize for | GIBBLE FAMILY PLANS
| the youngest pet, two little rat| 33RD ANNUAL REUNION
je two weeks old. Other The Gibble family will hold its
{ prizes included Andy Landis gold | 33rd annual reunion on Sunday,
| fish as the smallest pet and Bill | August 1, at the West Green Tree
Dommels dog for the largest pet. | Brethren Church, two and a half |
John Wagner received a prize for | miles north of Rheems.
| the best flcat, with Ennie, Meenie The committees include: pro-
| Miny and Moe, his pet rabbits in| gram, Rueben Ziegler, Raymond
| it And Gay Eppley received a| FP. Gibble, Mrs. Clayton Breneman
| prize for his mother and daughter | and Charles Keith; nominating, |
| combination, Trixie and daughter | Elmer Gibble John S. Gibble "
| Susan. Noah Gibble: historical, P.
Florin Playground also held a{ Gibble, W. W. Gibble Clyde G.
| Doll Show on July 20 at which | Hollinger and Clayton M. Gibble;
{ (Turn to page 5) Officers are: Robert Cocklin, io
| EN Sr eratcr: Henry T. Becker, assistant;
| 3 ANTIQUE FIRE ENGINES Anna W. Gibbel, secretary; Mrs.
LEAVE FOR THE MUSEUM Raymond Lefever, assistant and |
Three ancient hand-drawn fire | [. H. Stauffer, treasurer.
| engines relics of local history, ———
| one of which was used in Mt. Joy | MOTHER OF TWO FAILS
for many years, left Lancaster on TO RETURN FROM PHILA.
| Wednesday for the Home Insur- State Police and Philadelphia
lance Co. in New York City police have been sked to search
Oldest is a hose cart with the! for Mrs. Ruth Halterman, E-town
silvered reel labeled ‘Unicn No. 1'| R2, mother of two children, re-
| a id dated 1789. It came from | ported missing since Tuesday.
York, although many Lancastrians | He: husband, H. Halterman
beieved it to belong to the com-|told police the woman left home
pany A Mt Joy fire engine | for a shopping trip in Philadel-
about 1850 and a hook and ladder | pinta and failed to vyeturn He
from East Berlin in about 1860 | said he could give no reason for
| alsc went to the insurance firm |her disappearance and said she
| exhibi of early Americana had an estimated $150 with her
4 Semen Sne left two small children
Richard Jr. nine, and Joyce,
Week's Birth Record five, and the boy, according to |
| the father, is under the care of a
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stoner, Mt physician
Joy R1, a girl at St. Joseph’s Hos- ee ll eet
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Flory, 110 | PA. R. R. TRAIN HERE
{ South River St., Maytown, a he A broken air line caused a Pa.
ter at the Columbia Hospital Sun-| R. R. mail and express train to
day. stop here at 9:00 p.m. Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Miller, | Repairs were made by trainmen
Manheim R2, a son at the General | and within 15 minutes the train
Hospital on Monday. resumed its journey east
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Swords, For about an hour Sunday |
this boro, a daughter at the General [ morning a westbound freight train
Hospital Sunday. stopped at the station but resumed
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hess, Bain-|its trip about 12:45 p.m. Trainmen
bridge, a daughter Monday at the [refused to give the cause for stop-
Columbia Hospital. ping at Mt. Joy where only pas-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibble, Man- | senger trains makes stops
heim R2, a son Thursday at the Sr A firmer
Lancaster General Hospital. RESTAURANT TO RE-OPEN
: NO ——— After numerous rumors and alot
| TWO NEARBY MOTORISTS of speculation, the Lincoln Rest- |
FINED AT IRONVILLE surapt on East Main St., will
| Squire Glenn W. Kauffman, of | open next week about Wednesday
[Ironville, fined six motorists last | or Thursday; under new manage- |
| week for violations. Among them/| ment
were Andrew R. Byerly, Manheim Breakfast, dinner and supper
| R2, driving on the wrong side of the will be served six days a week
highway, he was fined $10.00 and | with hours from 5:30 a.m. to
costs, and Bruce F. Gingrich, Florin | 12:00 p.m. The restaurant will ke |
speeding, $10 fine and costs.
rr —- ——

| Married 22 years, a lccal man
| has brought suit for divorce from
| his estranged wife.
Earl S. Zink, charges
| indignities in his suit against Mel-
| va B. Zink, fifty, also of this place.
They were married May 15, 1926.

Earl Charles Hess, Mount Joy R1
and Doris Irene Martin, of Marietta.
Albert H. Peifer. 103 W. Donegal
street, and Lyra H. Seibert, Eliza-
| bethtown.

closed all day Sunday.
County Republican
Committee unanimously re-elected
G. Graybill Diehm, chairman for his
tenth two year term at a meeting
at Lancaster Friday night.
There was talk of opposition on
the part of a Lancaster man but it
all disappeared as completely as did
The Lancaster

last winter's snow.
Three hundred and sixty-seven
tickets were cold at ahe station here
for the Grocers’ Picnic at Atlantic
City today.
son=- |
Lester H. |
Kauffman of
His Twenty-Sixth Term

Who was re-elected president of
| Mount Joy’s Community Exhibit for
{his twenty-sixth term
—— eee
The regular meeting of the Lion's
{Club of Mount Joy was held July
[20th with a large number present.
| Pins were presented to thirty-eight
members who had a perfect attend-
{ance for the year.
| The Lion’s Club of Marietta were
| their guests
A very nice lunch was served by
| Mr. Hostetter, our caterer, on the
[lawn in the rear of the Banquet
[Hall, after which we all went over
to the Park playgrounds and enjoy-
ed, Bowling on the Green, Volley
[Ball, and Quoit pitching. A good
time was had by all.
Brief News From
The Dailies For

Quick Reading
| The Pomeroy Fire Co. cleared
| $6,734.00 at a fair.
The price of steel was hiked
$9.34 per ton this week
There was a 20 percent. increase
on all railroad fares effective Mon -
J. N. Heilman, 29, Palmyra, was
killed instantly when his car hit a
| Governor Duff has ordered a cost-
of-living pay for the state’s 40,000
Doctors at Jefferson
H spital re-
pin from the
moved an open
[throat of a 15-months-old
29, took her
aged six
Mrs. Hazel sler,
and then
nine and eleven to a
A double deck airliner to carry
| 84 has proven okey. It costs a mil-
lion and a half and flies from San
Francisco to Honolulu in 8% hours.
| In ap auto accident on the Lin-
{eoln Highway east of Lancaster
| Sunday forenoon, a truck rammed
two cars, killed three and injured
| seventeen
Richard Benjamin Parmer, 22
Community Exhibit
Directors Organize
A meeting of the Directors of [ championship, horse show, soap
the Mt. Joy Community Exhibit |box derby, display of cattle, baby
was held in the Sunday School {beeves, hogs, etc. In addiion
‘oom of the Methodist Church on [the directors contemplate adding
Tuesday evening with Dr. E. W. [few new features. i
Garber presiding. Crowning of a corn queen’ will
The minutes of the preceding|egain be a headliner,
regular and special meetings were The election of six directors re-
read and approved.
The report of
Horton, read a
that the
ond ordered
sulted as follows: Messrs. Joe
Treasurer | Sheaffer, Frank Weidman and
nd accepted | Curvin Martin were re-elected for
The report | 3
Garber, John Roland
terms and Messrs.

and Paul
had broken even on last year's | Hess for six year terms.
exhibit and must start the 1948] The reorganization of the direce
show from scratch. tors resulted as follows: Presi=
All the leading features of last|dent, Dr.. E, W. Garber; Vice
year's show will be repeated in- | President, John Roland; Treasurer,
eluding the corn ashing | (Turn to Page 2)
The Local News
Dry rot has struck Le
grape crop.
Marietta will hold a
The Lions’ Club carn
heim, cleared $1,500.
The West Lampeter
held September 1 to 3.
The Marietta Depot
new athletic
The ninth
was held at Refton with 115 present.
The seventh Martin
ve held at Lititz Sprin
Paul Snader, 13, Ephrata, had his |
left eye removed after
a BB.
new internes
work at the Lancaster General Hos-
pital this month.
annual Ressler
gs park, July

incaster Co's.
flower show Miss Flla Kiehl,
I Menheim.
ival at Man- Harry G. Herr, sixty-five,
fair will be
dedicated ga
field Tuesday.
Melvin Graham, 26, Manheim Ri |
fell off a ladder and broke his ankle.
West Donegal twp., at
last night.
reunion |
reunion will
heim, Friday. Simon R.
> » was born
being hit by Fairview, He w
{egal township.
began their

Mortuary Record"
For The Past Week Throughout This |
Very Briefly Told Entire Locality
George L. Lindsay, 72 at Colum
seventy-one, at
John S. Monaghan, seventy-nine,
born at Bainbridge, died at Lancas~
Martin B. Winters, seventy-eight
Martha R. Risser, seventy-
six, widow of John Risser, of Man-/
Nissley( *
Manheim R.D. is a brother. Ra ¥.
Jay S. Gainor, fifty-eight, at West
Mrs. Matilda Derr,
Columbia R1; Mrs. J. Harvey Shu-
Elizabethtown; Maris L. Gain=
or, Mount Joy are sisters and bro-

his home
in E. Don-
Two Lancaster County men were thers.
fined $50 each for practicing barber- :
ing without a license | Levi W. Newcomer, 79, died at
While Mervin Linand. Marietta. | iS home in Rapho Twp., Mount
’ gd 39 . yr 1 Qo 1
wis removing paint he set fire to | YOY Fe after an illness of nine
his house entailing a loss of $2,000. j mont 1% re
The Young Women's Bible Class | Born m Behe IVD: Je Pa a
. 1 ~ a | » late Jaco an ar-
of Landisville Church of God spon- jon « i Ye Jat $03
rod innings sal i | bara Weidman Newcomer, he was
sored a rummage sale at Lancaster,
i y 9
Monday and Tuesday. | __ (Tum no page 2

ouT OF THE NAVY | Ic ac and Adaline S. Shenk, Mt.
Richard Mumpetr ard Leroy | Joy township, to Frederick J, and
Bates, both graduates of Mount Joy | A. Hanlon, Lancaster, small
high school in the class of "46, have | {pact in Mount Joy township, con-
returned to town after two years | sideration $1,500
enlisted service with destroyer Ida A Leib, Mt Joy to Ed-
fleets in the United States Navy. ward K. and Vivian G. Brown,
Mumper was discharged at Boston | Mt. Joy, lot with premises on W.
on the 14th of July and Bates from | Donegal St. Mt. Joy $7,375.
Newport on the 20th. { = Statler
To date both these young men’s | A FLYING BREAKFAST
future plans are indefinite, but at About forty planes and one hun=-
the present dick” is very capably | dred passengers are expected to take
filling his “before-the-service” job part in a flying breakfast Sunday.
at this office They will visit five county airports,
TT ey, among them Donegal airport with
THE BAINBRIDGE MAYTOWN part of the breakfast served at each

of Twp.
rn cet I nese.
Forty-four stores at Ephrata have |
Friday and Saturday. Elizabethtown
merchants are having
event so why not Mount Joy?

bed at his home.
Semen) Gers
Lee Hassinger,
of E
united in an annual Sales Day for had his hand lacerated by a buffing |
; machine, shortly after
a similar morning, at the New Standard Corp. | club was held at Poplar Grove, near
|He was treated by Dr. John Gates

Donegal High school,
{in the
lizabethtown, | HELD JOINT SESSION
7A M this | town and Elm-Penryn

have enlisted
United States Marines.
seers slip le
A joint session of the Elizabeth-
| Brickerville Tuesday evening,

New Holland R2, who shot himself port.
| while hunting ground hogs, was ar- The Bainbridge and Maytown ( - yr
| rested on two charges — no license | Rotary Club was awarded the | GROCERS PICNIC TODAY
| and failureito report an accident, Howard Witmer trophy at a meet- { Mount Joy, Florin and vicinity
asm ti ic ing last week for having had the | supplied 3 odly number of the
Voss es A largest percentage of its members | excursionists to the Grocers Picnic
i A COW ib es in attendance at the District Con- at Atlantic City today. A num-
Ri 7 = ‘ : bik: A vention in Harrisburg Rotarian | ber of ou using places are
tertained at the Cove Tuesday Robert Trimble. of Elizabethtown closed
J evening Mr. and Mrs. George guest speaker. anti Ml et
| Gruffner, Mr. Henry Stamn, of | Ul HAROLD KULPF HONORED
| Hurrishurg: Mr. Robert Miller, |gqunyy conprmioNve | H Kulp, of town, was elect=
| Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Oulick, of | DHE UNION NATIONAL BANK d president of the Kulp clan at
| Middletown; Me! and Mrs Henry The Union National Mount Joy | the twenty-third ar nual reunion
Reiner, of E-town; Miss Dorotiny | Bank is being sound conditioned hy | held at Lititz Springs Park on Sun=-
| Coulter of Parker, Md., Martha installation: of Beousti-Celotex | day
| Roger and Majorie Bates. on the ceiling and side walls. This! = = ee
| TE will greatly add to the convenience | WANT 6-CENT GAS HIKE
| LETTERS GRANTED : of customers by reducing noise A State gasoline tax of 10 cents a
Maud E. Moyer and Viola M. An- [4 4 minimum as well as enhancing gallon—an increase of six cents from
[derson, Mount Joy, administratrices beauty of the interior the present four cents—was advo=
of the Norman I. Moyer estate. RE cated Friday by the Pennsylvania
Elizabeth M. Newcomer, Rapho |yyeTIVM OF THE HEAT Hotels Association at Harrisburg.
Twp., Flory Newcomer, Mt. Joy | Mr. Mark Mumma, 105 W. Main pe a
Twp.; and Mark D. Newcomer, 'St., collapsed from heat exhaustion [TWO NEW SAILORS
Rapho Twp., executors of the ut his home on Tuesday evening,| James Andrew Madara and Rus=
estate of Levi M. Newcomer, late |,nd at this writing is confined to [sel Lee Shope, graduates of East