Sy gpg | 6=—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday. July 8 1948 jet surface permeable to moisture - ba nd al | 14 a — D H C Killh ff | the extension icultural econo=- | LHLC.RKilthetter || ni it penn state College. In. [AIP SWINE COMFORT Optometrist come tax reduction and increased | Hogs suffer greatly from summer te ly | heat and need shade as well as am- MANHEIM mili ry Spend £2 lave nade more 1 ; " le fre water, minds Li, ( 163 S. Charlotte St, I purchasin power available i 2 resi Ww ren 4 Telephone 137.R ste vith’ ‘vesultin Madison, extension lives ook spec= Mon. & Wednes, 9.5:30 ting tor food ialist of the Penna. State College Tues, Fr. 7.9. P, M, { DP Tog procunt Where trees or brush do not provide — A — . . Tues Fri. Sat, | natural shade, an artificial shade $:30-1:00.2.5 P.M. ' | yp 1 (WEEDS IN CORN can be built with framework four ELIZABETHTOWN | ; ot a 16 E. High St. Many farmers do nearly all their |feet high covered with straw or Telephone 24.R | early cultivation yr « 1 with a {waste hay ! } | ] 0 © ee |1 ry ho pike harrow, or weed- lr r, reports J. B. R. Dickey, exten- Why is it asks ubscriber, that! MARKET OUTLOOK IMPROVED asronomist of the Pennsylvania sometimes the hottest arguments Recent events have improved | State College. Harrowing knocks the [are base | on the fewest facts? the furm products market situa- | weeds out of the row while they —— — tion according to W. F. Johnstone |are still small and also ket the Patronize B Sulletin advertisers LIVESTOCK AND 82 POULTRY ARE THE REASONS We will render a complete Feed Service to feeders — details of which our representative will explain when he calls. In the meantime, drop in and see us about your feed requirements — or phone your order — PHONE: MOUNT JOY 328 AND CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES are even more attractive than in the past / OT only does Chevrolet stand out as the first 2 and only low-priced car with all the following major advances which comprise the soundest and best in modern motoring . . . not only does it offer all these major advantages of Big-Car quality at lowest prices . . . but it offers them at prices that are now definitely and decisively Veer than FIRST in Value... te those of any other car that even remotely approaches it in quality! FIRST in Big-Car Quality at Lowest It's the first and only low-priced car with the original and outstand- ing Unitized Knee-Action Ride. It's the first and only low-priced car with a world’s champion Valve-in-Head Engine. It’s the first and only low-priced car with the enviable Body ly by Fis sher. It’s the first and only low-priced car with the triple “safety -protection of Fisher Unisteel Body-Construction, the Unitized Knee-Action Ride and Positive-, Action Hydraulic Brakes. And yet, despite the fact that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CI EV. ROLET IS FIRST to offer all these major advancements of f low-cost motoring, it holds an even greater price -advantage and gives you Re Prices... FIRST in Registrations Sr even more value for your dollars in comparison with other automobiles | today than at any previous time in Chevrolet history! } Vieluer 1+ v.. Cor pps pets CHEVROLET — and Only | afi y H.S. NEWCOMER & SON, Inc. Mount Joy, Pennsylvania SR —IS FIRST! | | Electric | Automobile and Truck Welding Covers Welding Shop was employed by Mechanicsburg Wednesday, July 14, the annual | ber Shop, all in Mt. Joy and the il Supply Depot Union Picnic of Mount Joy, Florin | former Bank building in Florin mesma SB Newtown will be held at Hershey | The same st ps will be made on BY KENNET] DROHAN Park the return trip. The following is a report of the Contests for children will begin | The basket truck will make one daily temperatures and rainfall in at 10:00 a.m. a twilight ball game trip ontv and will make the same this section from Wednesday, June |. 4 pm and a prayer service in i stops as the busses at 10:00 am 3 to Tuesday, July 6 : the Band Shell at 7:30 pm { and returning at 9:00 pm, Day Low High Rain Busses will be furnished by the Tickets for the picnic will be on Wednesday . 62 2 15 Penn . Highway Transit Co. and | sale from Monday, July 5th until Thursday 63 83 00 will leave Mt Joy at 8:00, 9:00 | Wednesday morning July 14th, at/K Friday . . 54 8 00 and 10:00 am and will leave Her- | these business places; Mt Joy Saturday 60 87 00 shey at 7:00. 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 | Sloan’ Pharmacy and Tynd Al - | Sunday 62 93 00 bn | Siore; Florin: Forney's and Steh- Monday .... 63 9 uw Busses will take on passengers wns Stores Tickets may be Tuesday . 69 89 00 at the following stops, Union Nat'l | used cn the regular busses -—— | Mt. Joy Bank, First Nat'l. Bank ; Round trip fare 70 cents Chil- = AUSHERMAN BROS. - I nd ™m : Lo do De wiles Ba - | dren under six year free i | Realtors James P. Haus, Agent . | Phone 251 | Everybody Is Invited | Those In The Service (From Page The Union Sunday School ing Center, Camp Peary, Va Before entering the Navy he at- Picnic at ers Pe u 14: tended Mount Joy High School and Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. = a 8th Anniversary APIA TERT MRSS TANS. memes || Landisville Camp Meeting TOMETRIST LANDISVILLE, O21 Big 8 Miles West of Lancaster on the Harrisburg Pike 59 N. Market St. Elizabethtown 10 DAYS ~ JULY 16 to 25 Weil-Known Guest Speakers Talented Musical Groups from Lancaster City and County PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE T-1-21 PHONE: 334-J Eyes Examined by Appointment haw > 5 COME AND ai J: { : 4 . 3 TNT Daily: 9to land 2 to 5 BRING YOUR FRIENDS Evenings. and Sat. 6:30 to 8 No Hours Thursday Tues. (Clean Crushed Stone Prompt Delivery at Low Prices SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. BENNETT'S Restaurant | 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Open 8 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. Monday thru Saturday and 5 to 8. Penn Lime Stone & Cement Company RHEEMS, PENNA. 5-6- Dinner served 11-2 OPEN FOR | SUNDAY DINNER te EE —— 11:30 to 2:30 P. M, PHONE E-TOWN 66-R-2 WE SELL Breyers Ice Cream At the Fountain and Bulk Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT How About Giving YOUR CAR A TREAT TO OUR LUBRICATION SERVICE LAWN MOWER SHARPENING ALSO Delta and Marietta Streets Phone 289 CARS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED MT. JOY, PA. Sinclair Service Station RALPH WALTERS PHONE 162 od Will You? IF YOUR home burns down the You will today will you have cash to rebuild it? have if your insurance has selected in Ask this check There is no been correctly the right amounts. On this Independence Day, each of us should set aside time in which to think of our Republic - - of what we owe our country and all the gallant men and women who have protected it in the past so that we can enjoy our freedom Hartford agency to your policies. obligation whatever. O. K. SNYDER O. K. SNYDER, Jr. to-day. MOUNT. JOY PHONE 15 Notary Public Ee ETI a TRUST COMPANY MOUNT JOY ‘OUR WANT JOY, Fen hin ADS ARE SMALL | | but they get ' | NOTICED Fe) n Ideal, Enriched with Louella Butter TOMATO SOUP VEAL ROA Breast of Veal + 23° | LEAN SMOKED PICNICS | Washing, Waxing & Polishing : { stays soft longer. Sunrise or Rob Ford Quality 10°] 3-18 farge 46-02 can PLACHES sic yer a5¢ 16-02 PRESERVES ore Penna Eo Bar i hw C APPLE BUTTE Dutch Recipe 2 cans pka oF © tail 3 ge cans ORANGE JUICE 2 PABST-ETT Cheese Spread (Reg.) ENRICHED MILK roo 2 Garden Fresh Produce ---at Acme Savings LUSCIOUS RIPE WESTERN .) CANTALOUPES 17° =19 Seediess Grapes Ih 2c Yellow Onions U.S. No. 1 Fancy 2 is 1 7€ Red Beets Tender Local bunch 5c Blueberries Large, Cultivated pt box 37c Crisp Celery York State 2 vcs 17¢ CRISP, FRESH CALIF. oe 1 Be Carrots SPECIAL! Blue Winner Pitted Halves 5 APRICOTS large sit med. shee full bchs large 35 to 40 No 215 halves in a can light syrup Save on Quality Meats - - - Satisfaction Guaranteed SHOULDER eT 3 3 Oc Ib §3e Ib 53¢c Meaty Rib Veal Chops Fancy Loin Veal Chops Ib 49c¢ 1 Ib 29c Skinless Frankfurts Assorted Baked Loaves CRAB MEAT | Fancy Haddock i“ 19¢ Claw White Boneless Steak Fish 29¢ 69° bo 79 Fancy Large Shrimp ' 63¢ Gold Seal Enriched New England Style All-Purpose Molasses Sauce Baked BEANS 2 LY Why Not Save 2 or 3c a Loaf? you can't beat the quality of SUPREME It tastes better, toasts better and 14c sliced loaf QS Va. Lee Do’Nuis doz {5g | Delicious Pecan Buns 33 4 Varieties Buns Pka 9¢ | Va. Lee Coffee Rings ©* 19 White Iced Devilfood Layer Cakes a §9¢ “heat-flo” roasted coffee has the FLAVOR 3 and you save over a - dime a pound. “ ASCO COFFEE Ib 43c 2'bs8§5¢ Save the coupons WIN-CREST COFFEE Ih 4G¢c 215s IDEAL COFFEE 18-0z jars D Tern TEA 5 for Refreshing Satisfactior and be sure to get Asco Pekse Tec 28° ea 1 Hh vacuun acum Eades You'll like Va Tea Bags can oF jar Glenwood Grapefruit Juice 3 2Qe Pineapple-Apricot Preserves Rob Roy 16-0z jar 35¢ Stuffed Queen Olives 7345-0z jar 7c Bonner Seedless Cal. Raisins 2 25c 10 Qt. Galvanized Pails ca ye Easy, Quick and Economical |=", , Dict bs Big July lssue Fresh from the oven flavor eco le PRIMEY Gold Seal Cole or 1 | = CIRCLE ea Now on sale st et Fell Mixes sae. Yo | White Cuke, Spice Cake 25° Ze 7 & oir Devilfood Mix and Hot Roll Mix pka copy Prices Elective July 8-9-10, 1948, Quantity Riglite Kescivad, po cu Ne A. Lor Br Fir Bor night ler, SI local z resign: Action month Tax sented which collecte Burg lection licenses June. Mr. mittee, as orde Mr. reporte was in moved Mr. ] said tl being I't Dr. S ported Council’ mended an contract be mad Open Camp The L open fo year at will July e) 251 for the the Rev the Firs Lancaste of Meth under th Methodis Spiritual Control, bers of Aaron L is the | this Ground, yea other de Methodis July 16 and thei the Boal Commun at the Spiritual | Aute At H annual Automob on Thu day prog all Among will be: Mornin by the F concert } est to Township free vau baseball ¢ Lencaster together speakers A safet Police tra Police at prcgram. tertain th Two h | TWO DRI IN COoLLI Two dri at 6 p.m. automobile road betw ing Hill, | said. . Gordon Joy R2, st forehead right knee ter Dyer, | Landisville nal injurie knees. Bc charged fr Pvt. Sp ing west o was negoti head-on w Damage timated at