Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa I'h ursday, July 1, / 948 ! - i rr MEMBERS N WL | A FES VIOUNT JOY MIDGETS WON \ iY OB vob ¥ BUT DON'T YOU ARE \O HNN THINK ITS A BIT G 0 Fo MARIE "i A MONDAY \ ix 1 ( oo HE ror. INVITED % Jo yosed out Marietta, o- tL, cen \ BIRD 7 - CR A GOLD : Me. Joy nosed out Marieta, 3-2 NSS A GOLD Fisk? TO THE wh 1 a Lanco Midget League game or 8 AY 3 Mh A Monday evening a i] C4 Si q 1C . Marietta r h 0 a | | SAR” ' Marl b = 0 0 i - ; Mr ot 3 lig 1 | 0 4 Pen 4 H oO 1 1b 6 0 1 0 TTY = Y MOUNT JOY, PA. S) ith 0 0 0 0 77 {1 Baus's wg 4.0 0 Lu 3 hE Eo KE ED KT KA KK X G l¢ A «3 0 0 0 -— — Bal + 0 0 6 EE — re ee i K ) ( a : +9 a | GRETNA PLAYERS PRESEN’ | I ] 2 9 DOWN = THREE MEN ON A HORSE Cl Dai | C | J O Y SATURDAYS tag of 2 THE LOW SON Sie oister Dairy Ice Cream — Fe ( 0 1 0 from AND { I ¢ 21 0 1 3 fT rman Re a ha ag dl to assume 1 us ual name when MANY FLAVORS 7 AND 9:00 P.M TH EAT RE HOLIDAYS [ He =] 1 0 ORY GROVE : ake to te hoards, but one . SATURDAYS 20P. wh Im Tt 0.09% entirely satisfied with ||| 1 gal - $1.85 2 gts. - 95¢ Pints - 25¢ HEE, Mount Joy, Pa. ———— BY. {Brown 2b ¢ ...... 0 0 J i ubject. Thi n is Jimmie Smith, of the Ice Cream Sandwiches - 10c | ’ noele 31 ) ( 2 ry D. G crme ih 1 eo 2 dyer, go are super-duper—more | Gretna Playhouse cast, Who will | | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JULY 2-3 A W L > E © W Li 0 0 2 2 plentiful. And while it is a good | play the part of Erwin, in that | S alt t I C JUNE HAVER — LON McUALLISTER -in- WH I 0 0 0 0 for Gravensteins, and Wine= | hilarious comedy hit, “Three Men || upp ee - e es ce ream | ® | 1 Ys rb zu T= | 1 A lc V J oper 1 W eks | | ov thot outs! 324 sows. and Delicious, and Spitzcn- | On A Horse” which opens a wel il 272 gals. - $5.00 1 gal. $2.10 2 qts. - $1.15 Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay! VARTFTTA 100 1 ber and Newtown Pippins, it will at the popular summer theatre Pints - 30c | MOUNT JOY 012 x he just the opposite for the Doc- |in Mt. Gretna, Pa., Thursday nite || | 1 C0 s Ths Ww with uly |] I . ; | Of! 5 My I'w A ° tors—their sn. ss will Mg J : 1 or | HOLIDAY SPECIAL - 1 qt. BOX 55¢ MONDAY — TOESDAY, JULY 56 : it Ale . everybody nibbling apple Jut 1 | ¢ role oi rwin 1m ee | | ATRL RA HE aig erik: . : 5 oe i Mo > by recon, the Doctors will be glad, they Mi 0 \ will give the 1 Full Line of . c TY BONE OWER JEAN a C stil " | x 1:20 ure been on the jump for the past Gi 1 lienc chances to 21 6 tain FON: as i © oH ese years. But even work- | how wood he is for it is the key || Frozen Fruits k Vegetables pt on ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION ing short-handed as they been do- |p 4 us comeay. Ist SHOW C 6:3 . M. A . |RECRGANIZED MONDAY NITE ing, they carried on and have de- YE i ON SABE AT Ge "41 The Mount Joy Athletic Associa- veloped new methods and medicines | MARIETTA MIDGET-MIDGET'S | : x | hon helq its first reorganizational —and it is to their credit. I know | TIED MT. JOY M-M's 5-5 | MT JOY FROZEN F LOCKER PLANT rine THURSDAY hie gi Yh [n ine Monday night at the Fire the last tooth T had out, the surgeon | In the first game played on the I . GREGORY PE DOROTHY McGUIRE -in- ! vi | House Thirteen persons attended fellow did such a neat, workman-'§igh School Diamond here Monday [ PHONE - 185M " her bo : tite ard painless, Job, that 1 would Levering between the Marietta and jf 's Ag len y] the session. like and painless j ny ling between the Mari Ha wd | OPEN DAILY 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. OPEN FRIDAY TO 8 p. m. Gentle ns reement Ir for the past 20 years, the not care how soon I had another lit- | Mount Joy Midget-Midgets Base- J : roup ve over the major portion tle jc hn for him. I salute these Doc- L 11 tear resulted in a 5-5 tie. EE em, : a “lof its first meeting to discussion of tor fellow teenth FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JULY 9-10 arious subjects. But back fo apples. There is a PRUNE FLOWERING SHRUBS DANA ANDREWS -in- No offic were elected. It was bigger than normal crop this year. ' As soon as early flowering a 99 . x ¢ to send a representative to Sg I am interested in getting more | shrub are through blooming they “The iron Curtain i contact the recently formed Mount to show their skill on baked | hould e pruned, says A. C. ALT FALL ah! ; an : Joy Welfare Association in order to apples, apple pie, ete, so that the | Rasmusse: he extension orna- the I HS ( chieve cooperation between both pple farmer can Il his crop and | mental ‘horticulturist of Pennsyl- at : 3 ©: | organizations. made a little dinero, and he will not | vania ate Coll . MT. GRETNA, PENNA. : ; i : The athletic association will work he discouraged, but will tay In Forsythia, weigelia and spirea and ! 1 the welfare association and the pusiness choose to have apples!in thi ( * NOW PLAYING DON'T MISS IT + in I driver J out his yy ough high school in its plans. A prext vear. - : i % : is representative of the Mille rsv ihe My Susie has a little back. “Apple j _— St ~~ IT'S THE LAUGH-SENSATION oF THE SEASON E ons che § ition an dn Talk" was printed by thi North- MARY lc. WisSLEY J OUTDOOR VAUDEVILLE : hs io for th he ne X § wo | ern Py ific R i Wd severa rs FUNERAL BIRECTORS ree en n orse wo, but maybe you can stil Moung Joy, Pa. wrette, reverse or top, « ‘ + ETE ¥ pip dl BEL I DR ee WEEK ENDING WBNESDAY. 7 SAT NI ] IL E, y JI ULY 10 STANDINGS 3 ,— Se ir I rin ) 5 Apple ie with Die( Mf chee ; # . i he 1 ay Teams Ww I Pct. Bin & B EF N N E T T 9? q + 4 le 3 1 889 Fy : 8 9 wag Troe This is the riotous Wbmedy which had Broadway in rE Applicant: Why he i sully] > | Yours with the wd an uproar and movie audiences howling. It is the story THE FIRE COMPANY PRESENTS wach t a woman Seil 9 1 ob Jil n of Erwin, the greeting card poet who picks horse race OH G t "I Sy Rotary 3. 5 375 an 0 - ve S alia winners for fun. Trouble starts when three gamblers j rr Ss) Ca Vv F Ww. | 6 A ZINK AND FELLENBAUM | 15 EAST MAIN ST. kidnap kim so they can clean up on his selections. woe. & WTI, 0 5 000 win IN TENNIS TOURNEY MOUNT JOY : Ds Ered . — Two local college netmen, Rob-| Open 8 A. M. to 10:30 P. M * u hen 1 happened upon bares ox oo 5 ren « NM, : « M, . . Fens wi op The ent ry dane 5 oth Zink of Brads snd | Monday thru Saturday * Curtain 8:30 p.m. || Adm. $1.00 Plus Tax % With THE GEORGIA CRACKERS Just as 1 got even with them, one 11, Legion 10 Ri Pwd ; C Tle © nod) Dinner sifved 1g and 5 to 8. Long time favorites at Rheems, who are now RCA Victor ! skunk said to the othe Monday. June 28 a the obeiine day jay | OPEN. FOR Recording Artists wm: yo 1 A er r + 7 > | ———————————— i. = Merchan > V F Ww. 4 in the Eastern Intercollegiate te SUNDAY DINNER io dave Srila. dan ; Florin 10, Seiler 2 nis tournament at Montclair, N.J 11:30 (0f2:30 P. M, ° ° THE WINTERS SISTERS ild waist iis 2 REN Tuesday. Closed ‘Sanday, July 4th ay CARNIVAL AT MAYTOWN 1 Jo i Cpen July 5, 11:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. ime e S 1Vad . : ik is At A The M:ytown Fire Co. will h nd 1 WE SPL A top flight act, direct from the Latin Quarter in New York City | 1 or n« 11 we + LLL 1 Carnival on July 10t} Feller 1 Pe ild one in | © gi ia : hi Breyers Ice Cream I i oved they Yeytown FH ie = 4 o At the Fountain and Bulk Saturday, July 3, 1948 d J d Rain da will be July ith 2 ( the | =— Wn : Pant Sor Se WE PoE HOW ARE YOUR SHOES ? FLORIN / HALL, FLORIN, PA. Lot ai An ers |} \ a tl friend 1 " : ¥ } ! or thelr hive 0° by: Mayiown Fite ( O:] Frank Zink of DONT WAIT 170 LOX PROGRAM: The most sensationdl act to come to America from Denmark : Ce ; Band, Dick Hoover with Accord- College lost to J. Badger, Yale, | BRING TilEM IN. ” : 8 2 y stun 1 the end to i in a decade. i Selections and a Marimba En-'5.4 and 6-3, in the second round. | 3.2 AH ; me a ais so and 008, 1 the send ond (City Shoe Repairing Co. || OKLAHOMA TRAVELERS i now, I > O81 1p ter doubles team lost to the team f 30 SOUTH@QUEEN STREET featuring VIRGIL O'NEAL who appeared on Major Bowes program J to 26 ut, you nev ell 4 preterm Zincent | tron Mi LANC, ASTE R, PENNA. Nf e——————— Oo Son and Co | Vincent and Johnscn from Mia Xf | how the human voice can —— aint ae 2 e ; \OURLE HEADER TUESD/ 6-4 and 6-4 R change until you fear a woman |POUPLE Han B11 i y Sr I td Ta 2 PLAY THE FAMOUS SARAH HOLSOPPLE Direct from Yue T tv Mian, Flo her husband to an- Tuesday, BD: a Tend Ty 2 sili the famous dutch comedienne heard over L / stati WCMB 71% ympid ecire in Miami, Florida, Club have pl { a double header advanced wit a 6-3 and 6-2 over M 4 c e heard over Lemoyne station WU! - et mani Se baseball game between the Wilm- Herb Bekhard of Penn State | ount retna - y And from our Sage Department |ington Five-Point Boys Club, who ee | - | PRINCESS ALOHA ROY REBER S ORCHESTRA : : + the Midget champions of their Pasture Improveme | 4 x i V ) V to ninety, y ® h g ee ani SSS ORY — i tor ie yn the | district and the Mount Joy Lions th in ; Dp: y | native Hawaiian dancer. ; Midget thi r be will COME EARLY TO ENJOY et A: ts of 5 ilk pu hi ALL KINDS OF EATS — The fist game starts at 5 p.m. Aig | The Amateur Talent Sot A min Waa wilijand will be played on the High ea ears —f— CHICKEN CORN SOUP, SANDWICHES, SOFT DRINKS §| = ~~~ ° ae Contest 4 to bal $7500 hou chool diamond. nd per animal. It will even mean | SWIM | [AT THE From] 6:45 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. — Contestants see Herb Mason} : dy 7 500 ay for - Sear pouliry production. C they K- | AMUSEMENTS AND GAMES FOR ALL G A M E S eet mest er . 2 9 p id the office boy.iens aoni cnew ¢ & V 1e rised? Fy i a . le ce # graze, just a «La ke Bez FREE Benefit of FREE EATS AMUSEMENT S&S Seine me Ye SER tle green (e eal ADMISSION FLORIN FIRE CO. 5S ADMISSION 50c l in ome ho tore “He is cut too ing the mer and f: 1 a ADMISSION 1 v Vil this pil ‘Well, thes the editor?” keel p up e and sav 0 RA UH'a — CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS FREE] as sy Je's out too much as 20 p t on the feed bill le . tena GC - . pies = A es Tro ih fe onal | Grew Seo in rvs out | EE —— SUNDAY JULY And 3 eward Yes, theyre all ow Aun ng The hes st was the - 4 — SUNDAY 8 et dh oak, | your dog.” — We'd do the same fuminure and “il SHOWS EVERY NIGHT | ELL AM W ot nut ike 3 pun: orads box { ak : ks | Me itinees Sat, at 2; Sunday at 3:20 A i K ? : don't know where he got the sions, it eventual; lid, the SS PENNA Bn D re ae Son a ro we vear old off turned out to S a S¢ at. | I Two Hits - Thur., July 1 . by the wives like | idea Ula le Ls Te] paral sh. $3 oFow 4 v Size d XCeY that the ss don't | the householc 1 was staging an im- pri? i u te d ec elt posal 1 i DON AMECHE ONE MILE SOUTH ON YORKANA ROAD A cook their own biscuits. promptu quiz show of his own In lic "THAT'S MY MAN" P réesen t l n g the : ' bs mn y — Plus HOPALONG CASSIDY 3 . “Pyadd wa know hew to hot cro lice cf whiskey | “Dada, do you know how io ger a din JOE PHILLIPS AND HIS DIXIE PALS pl bein udied by a | COOK: rat - : ; Str Fr YAR A pt ist. 4 > ae ey The father replied, ‘No, Son, iB 8 V2 rie FRI-SAT uly 2.3 | direct from WFMD FREDERICK, MD. Brought back by popular demand ink pe — Could be! | how do you cook? Music in Industry [fale 5 —— - ve “Well, first you strike natch More th: 0 3,000 ¢ str panies al- | JAMES €AGNEY MELVIN PRICE AN HIS SANTE FE R/ ANGERS {8 no { who told me | Then you stir with a spoon and ready includ the roem- | . 99 4 1 “He use work from {then ycu go lie down! — Hey pl re lz Bu ons Pre: brat ie asing £1 Fighti 69th GO E VALLEY TRIO ' as a rale der and in easing | [ dawn , lingerie shop. | Mom! the tedium of the I W 1 nigl tchman. -_— cle arly lemonst NEMO AND HIS GE RIDERS From Station WwW N ow . A man once rented plot > SUN.- MON, July 4- 5 My mother was always having | ground to a negro neighbor, upon a (Sunday Matinee 3:20 P. M. H( YW A { YH i ) ¥ trouble with y father or |which corn was to be planted and ed GLENN FORD RD J NSTON N VELTY CLO VW N the furnace time she | at harvest time the on s to EVELYN KEYES With prizes for youngsters would watch one the other would | receive cne fourth of the yield — - 0 go out: —S¢ it's old But it fills | Meeting the negro during harvest Ta ai ik Car Train Mat ing Of Millie’ | And Your Own W. 0. R. K. JAMBOREE GANG as. | he she Lak | The a ity of oil “tl A | heard daily om your local radio station. 6 to 7 7 A.M. Saturdays 1:30 P. - 9 Sumiay 9:30 A. M 1 os | ook here, Sam have you har- hauled - A man lost a ‘valuahle sl 1. | vested the :corn? - TUE. - WED. Jul / 5. 7 i - Eo ovale gow dog HR Be ELE a ov ADM. ADULTS 30¢ tax inc. Children under 12 by parents FREE and adyertisi In" a newspap or | 4 LYIN] | . oh. ES ward] "Well wat 1 to get one C0 CS O ANS SHERIDAN | Free Parking Space Reserved Parking Space For Cripples and Shut Ins. Gate Prizes. | Ns « lled regs s the ad so | fourth? wverage tank car'i . he oh Roc fe office { “Yes, boss that the truf but der rels. Thus, : ‘Sil River’ Picnic tables for your own lunch. Games and refreshments of all kinds on the premises, "1 want to ‘see fe advertising { wasn't no fourth! Der was jes Pr A I ver 1 SHOW STARTS AT 1:30 M. SHARP TILL ? ? DON'T YOU DARE MISS IT. man.’ - ry three lcads and dey was mine. i AR non 5 A 0 3 a A wr REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes v — | —— | rn FF 1) I