The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 24, 1948, Image 1

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    Playground Opens Monday; Fire Co. ii Festival Sat.; Carnivals at Florin Friday and Rheems Saturday Nights
MOST Pp. TH E = NUT Y | thi
Only 2 Members S u £ I N L ANCASTER COUNTY poy g That
: [25% The Mount i» Bulletin fsa,
1 old
| Mr. Ralph Good of Upland, Calif.
held Sunday at a 97 vear old | is spending some time with Mr.
uy two | VOL. XLVI, NO. 4 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, June 24, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance [nd Mrs. Paul Koser.
Once a year services will be



county church that has or / J A :
i . Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Hershey vis=
- members on its rolls, Mo an iN Hen > oy
Harvey L. Zink, 71, and Mrs IMOUNT JOY AUTHORITY i . LANDISVILLE LIONS HELD | Re berts at Mec d
Zink, 69, took their annual seats Police Officer Neiss & APPEALS STATE RULE am Ie immons INSTALLATION PIG ROAST e 0C ews rt y Mr. and Mrs. Jesse eisey an
at the Eby Evangelical United | _ \ TI Landisvile Li s held 0 uar ecor | Miss Minnie Shelley, of Lancaster,
Bret} cl | 5 . | The question of whether a burgess a 1 1 andisvile ions hele were week-end guests of Mr. Sam-
rethren Church, about two miles R h rt Kra hill, Ten BY g lat f ofhi 3
may also be a member of a munici- 6a S f {MW ona’ pig roast and installation of officers g luel Shelley
7 1 ’ I Ray Lia y W i
2 north of Mt, Joy on the Back Run | 0 e y [pal authority was argued Thursday w “lon the farm of Clyde Mumma, of or € as ce oun ou Is Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
0: Sunday. | A ; risited rmers father, r.
Road, hr in} : ae | lin Dauphin County Court. in | 4 3 Columbia R1 on Monday v it Jane goo Neftsville +o
When the ou intred in Ios, d iracu ols Scape, The Mount Joy Borough Authori- ence! ile ec ion Those installed are: Elmer K { ery rie y 0 nti € oC 1 y Sunday é
1 1e church had 40 members, but | r Cope. preside Jay T. Dombacl a illi
3 ; | v. of Lancaster ( r. appealed : ope. president; Jay ombach The > Wie . 2 yo ~ i ane Mr. and Mrs. William Hershey of
3 J they all drifted away. Mr. and | Chief of Police Park E. Neiss, of I! 0 Jas el 2 a, pp ed 1 Samuel F. Simmons, teacher of | coo A. Shetek and Fred Roo I'he Lititz Firemen held a festival Charles H. Hougendobler, seven Rock rh Ce ur L BR on
Mra Zi : ‘ : | ruling > nnsylvania State : ry x I took irs $305 di Ras : | ' Loe
~ Mrs. Zink said they just never [town, and Robert Graybill, aged 10, | |D Fk si y ow at griculture at Fast Twp. | cor, vice presidents; Benjamin L took in $3.05] and cleared. $2.00 oh Columbia N. E. Hershey and family and Mr.
transferred to another church. of Florin made a miraculous escape | epartinent Ww nea refuse to ap- High School, Maytown, was elected | ci cider secretary; George J Mil- | John Shreiner, three, E'town RI, Ella, wife of Benj. Hess, at Man- | Buller’ and family on Mon-
Now the services are held an- [from death, at the latter place on {prove the borough’s authority char of the Vouational: Auris ys i : | was struck by a truck and injured. | heim aged sixty-four years. lay on their way home from Texas.
J vi 11 iu t © cre 18 turday evening ter because the burgess is a mem- . Sel f the P V ca lef, Lethe! do, Bane) Fie d ' 1 1 : Edna Anna, wife of Harry M. Ut-| Mr. and Mrs. Warren Eshleman,
ally, just as a matter of custom, | Saturday eve . cuture ction « 1¢ a oca= 1 nial secretary: Jav Rowe, lion | “ire destroyed a motorcycle own- gin gig i land aughte f Emigsville, in
x : : . Kk ary; Jay mn | rin . . . he wae |@Nd two daughters of Emigsville,
Friends and neighbors sit in as a Officer Neiss was chasing a speed- | ih : : tional Assoc. for the year 1948-49. Paul Cope, tail twister. led by William Hornberger, of Man- | terbach, at Columbia. She was York Co.. visited with Mr. and Mrs.
’ | Harris C. Arnold, of Lancaster, y v | fifty-nine. (G :
ity! matter of curiosity and courtesy. ing motorist. At Florin young Gray- | ar boreach licit sendedt at the annual P. V. A Confer=- Directors for: the vear are: Wil- | heim } . George Mumper Sr., on Sunday)
Y . be . . . our yoroug solieuor, contendea! > . | . ————————— | S Sg an - 109 ar -
. The annual homecoming worship | bill riding a bicycle, tried to cross that tie. department's wa ence held at Eagles Mere, Pa. ony jj, pg Hoffman, George D. Rob-| Richard Volket, 21, P.P.& L. em- Bony: Boiling ics ary ve
9.9 . : ¢ ents ling as i tT Zilarirn { es 5 a.,
Was conducted at 230 pm by the | the highway between the speeding improper since the State legisl pe Bal S. Ernest Kilgore, | ison, Mark S. Nolt and Elwood |plove, was electrocuted at Leola, | Sandra Lee Fackler | the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs
» . » > > wl 3 Wisla- al | ’ i
19¢ Bev. John H. Gable who is pastor | car and the motorcycle a short dis- ore: did: not ‘vive the State D rel | dire ctor of guidance at McCaskey | Cramer Arthur A. Hackman is | vesterday Sandra Lee, two day old daughte , (B. F. Kauffman.
15¢ of the Florin Glossbrenner EUB | tance west of the square. The offi- | ] ; h 1 1 i "| tligh School, Lancaster, was elect | in past president. | Ira Huber and his son Bill, of Mil- [of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fackler of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatton, of
“ mo x 1 ny » Tig 8) selare ER . ia
Church. The Florin church has | cers cycle struck the rear wheel of a t tae rig gecare tie two ed president of the Guidance Sec- The next meeting, Tuesday, July |lersville, caught 514 sea trout at hi died Saturday morning. Inter- hi ash ngion, > C., visited Me. and
ins PT : Ices meomps le i ) ves . . : | Ss A & aturday.
Cc had charge of Eby’s church since | the bicycle and both were thrown hs 4 : ticn of the Pa. Vocational Assoc. |g will be outdoors at Hostetter’s | Lewes, Delaware. ment was in the Eberle Cemetery. | M3 3 ons RE xo Sy
{Turn to pace 9 iderable dist ¢ il The court took the testimony un-|. . . Mi Si | wil w fift Washi Mr. and Mrs. John Buch and Mr.
) ge 2) a considerable distance rom 1e . : 101 € same perroc i . “jin Mt. Joy. lima eaver, Hhiteen, ashing- os . (Turn to page 3)
. ler consideration. , :
)c scene of the accident. ] ore Ip a ’ - a mons and Mr. Kilgere automatic- etl C= been { tonboro, was hurt when a tractor | Nerman Moyer {
r . : : : ally © 1e vice-presidents of the | \ re ving TE / rer We =f . {
[ri Neiss escaped with only slight in- | ally | n e-presiden she was driving upset. Norman Moyer, seventy-four, of opr GARBER OIL COMPANY
' A 4000 Mile T ri . ‘but: Robert Grayhill: J son [ Pa Vocational Assoc for He rie ews From The 33rd annual reunion of the | 31 New Haven St, died at Lancas- | yw ARYL .
© juries but Rober iraybi r. wo oca ea t } re = : : TIRE 1k: I 3 s* WILL ERECT A BUILDING
T of Mr. and. Mrs. B.A. Cre hill, | j eo ing yea Wayne B Rent- Eberly Clan will be held June 27 at | ter General Hospital at 12:50 a.m. Being crowded for floor space
c h 0 kk Wo 5 ras rey | schler teacher of agriculture it iry Uni Picnic Grove r day) He 1 :
! Vi od St., was conveyed to St. Jos- | { Mount Airy Union Picnic Grove Thursday (today). e is survive {due to increasing business. the Gar=
0 e Zar S 1a : : i iy West Lampeter High School, was € ilies or Injured in an airplane crast | bv his wife. Maude Mover Ino
» eph’s Hospital in the Friendship a es as ee njured in an airplane crash on | by his wife, Maude oyer. ber Oil Company, on South Bar-
) N 0 ] I Mive Company ambulance, Eliza- | ppointed as one of the nine dele- k R din Sunday, Tillman S. Risser, from memset 4 Bee (bara street will erect a spacious
> 1 . y ios actio { ve ont th oricultur: er ; tained : . ack * 5 TE YN hal : Pee
© ew r cans- I eX. bethtown, and was treated for a| Two local realty transactions wer | 8 t 1 J en ie Agricultural ic ea g F-town, sustained a broken back SPEAKER FOR NEWTOWN [new building that will increase its
’ ; . ken. Jaw orat f the chin made within the past week. Secti f the P. V. A at the 4-veqr- : bf dore i <4 TINTON MV | ¢
We are in receipt of the follow- broke n jaw. lacerations of the chin a Br Voctianal An, at A Washington, D, C. man was Ths 4 Yom old Son of Theodore | SCHOOL REUNION, JULY 3RD | stor: age capacity over 2200 square
) ing news item gov ion 1,000 miles | and left arm, and abrasions of the] y wil De and ah 4 . killed ‘whey, his plane crashed south | Grege, Paradise R1, fell off a trac- The guest speakers for the New- | feet.
ae in two weeks by Mr. and Mrs. | left leg, attendants said. His condi-| Mr. and Mrs. William B endrix, ' ing to t * In vaukee In | tor and under a hay rake, being ; . 5 3 Ny Ya . of Yeas veils &
=z Samuel HU. Miller. West Main St a SOI a, Sti Wourt Jov St. have bardhaged | Decomber 1018 [of York. { > town school and community re-| Mr. Carl Drohan has been given
; Leaving Mt. Joy on June 7. for | ton was described at “fair he Ho Ty | pi ye puoi a tH | Fire destroyed the barn on the | badly injured. union on Saturday, July 3rd will [the contract to erect a concrete
: er oi NE hy After the accide Ire te y arry Krall property, corner o Ine theme of the 1948 conferenc Uo) ! Heinz C chase o Vo alm 1133 :
™ a sight seeing trip to New Orleans After the _accide nt Graybill's one i pi Br 4 » ope 4 2 2 ae he 87s is Frank Horst, Ephrata R3 farm, loss | The Heinz Co., who purchased the | ,o Mr. Alvin Shonk, of Washing- | block building 38x60 feet, immedia=
D5 and the Ozarks, we crossed Mary- | shoe was missing. It was thrown South arket and Henry ¢ now 22 =Y Al he urricu- | 85 000 |old ‘Lancaster fair grounds, have ton, D. C., former school teacher |tely in the rear of the present frame
land, West Virginia anc Tirginia, | gp av £ . ‘occupied by Mrs. Lillian Backen- lum The additional problems | $200. | ab: , » idea of erecting : tye et Nats :
ne i Views ia i 5 from the highway over a 11a story occupied by ia Backer hd 5 3 i p ps) A two 2nd a half veer old gir] {abandoned the idea of erecting a] ;¢ Newtown, at the afternoon ses- building which fronts on South Bara
sing at Bristol, i ity isi; Ye Li. : Sloe resented by the recrganization of | | hall Ye: ipl: Te. a he 5%
one half in Virgini» the other in | Puilding and pic ked up in a neigh Be ma oh Toa "1 at Dneaster swallowed a tov | plant there and resold the plot to| op | bar a street.
TohBossos It hos two post | bor's yard about 150 feet from the The transaction was made at pri- Hstricts ano by fic new spoon [the former owner. Fvening service Rev. G. J The new building is to be com
offices. The main street is the ene of » accide vate sale and on private terms. The plan fo tional education . | Last winter Jerry McKonley, 79, sper vhanlal
dividing life on oh br Stoney th ——— | mers expect to take ses- | Were discussed bv teachers, s . | During a rain storm Saturday | 3 . ct bi . ar Umberger, Chaplain of Lebanon | ple ted as soon as possible.
ing Ii vhich 1s a bron in — new owners expect to take posses Y super- . Columbia hid $1,000 in bills in the | voterans’ Hospital and former | mR db fhe
plate every 10 feet Crossed sion July 1st administrator night 3-inch hail stones fell at oo A five was X DSP alk
| Sed er A 6 it f 0 | > sol el ee Stoystown, Somerset county. joven of a stave. re was built by | Newtown pastor. | KINDERHOOK MAN THREATENS
< Vislies ae Wher Dam our C HY 1€S 0 ur | Jo i Tovey Said I | A couple at Lakeworth, Fla. were in the Toney WE Entire program will be publish- | FAMILY, JAILED FOR COURT
ext state was Mississippi where The mgenecker homestead on J | ashes. e sent the ashes to Wash-| od next week [ i
1 otton is grow ‘ottor served with an eviction notice. They |’ : ed next week. | Arthur E. Schaeffer, Kinderhook,
A h oy h ' Hy yo 1 { | is 1 Police Officers Longenecker road, this borough, | Urers Are Drawn % ven child away and | ington and was reimbursed with en | was committed to jail in default of
quires much hoeing by hand and \ ve their seven c ‘én away a | Ve J
hundreds were busy at it. Next | |purchased by Mr. Leonard H. John- | [moved he | $940.00. THE HENRY M. HESS HERD [$500 bail for court by Justice of the
was Louisiana where corr toma- he s sre | son three years ago, has again been F cor : . | Meme cn - ‘ | La .
Tos, Pah ond les are | rie following Matera Se oe or Coming Our S| An airliner with forty-three a- | BEST PRODUCERS FOR MONTH |Peace M. L. Schaibley, Columbia,
RE twat. Too Tend oro is, alms Sumviencd for Bearings dor Moto i We Feank Moral Three and oe ¢ [board, struck a high tension line E : The Red Rose Dairy Herd Im- following a hearing Wednesday
inl : i 3 y ~ > © ‘chaser 1s Mr. Frank Mar- nree dred and fo es 0 “as . . $e .
level When we were about 59 | vehicle violations by Chief of | } a Jager an . pam or ir Mt. Carmel, and was complete- | ngagemen S provement Association, in its mon- [night in an assault and battery case.
les fr lew vlea shiz | Police Par Jeiss: ‘ar nko. |iner, of Connecticut, who is afliliat- city and county residents, drawn fc . : . a he i
I Irom Row 0 be OD oy hd ln | Palle: ok Noles: Co} : Be oni A sith the Armstrong Cork Co 'iury duty next Fall in i Dy {ly destroyed. There wasn't a whole | Miss Betty Jane Carpenter, 40 |thly report, says Harold Book, of | The charge of assault and battery
; to oa 0 Far ato ne J og | Highspire, improper passing, be- |e 2 1 the Arm: 8 , bo y : body’ left, all being killed. West Main Street, town, whose en- |Ronks, had the cow-of-the-month. |was filed by his wife, Mrs. Naomi
De i 1 ug S re: é 01 . 1 v . { yg 1 11 or Ee ’ 3
. : > 3 A re Sq ‘« Hockenberry: Donald | at Lancaster. {ieas an Juarter Sessions ourts, mre FN oy : i py ob ord for | Schaeffer. allegi
a 20 mile causway At this | 2 9 Hacks n high > wil Realtor. Owen BB. Coldwell of} Grond Taos be Rs iE gagement to John E. Wolgemuth,| The highest producing herd for | Schac ffer, alleging that - she had
Place Bh oy k wes held up a few Solel OWN, Stop sgn | Lz tor. made the sale for $14.000. | have been listed GRANTED A DIVORCE [son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller Wol- | the month was that of Henry M. |been beaten by her husband. His
3¢ Vig fore or ? hi Be Dar A don, He Bro He ow po il Re Ia Rothe ; Ira K. Newcomer, fifty-three, 903 | 119 N. Market St. Mount | Hess, Mount Joy Rl, which with 21 |wife testified that after the warrant
cars were stopped by police and | G. Landis, Lancaster RD 4, a Mr. Mariner will take possession| George W. Rutherford, Bainbridge |g Market St., Elizabethtown, was | . ; 5 5 oduced an average |was served her husband demanded,
searchel Fntered New Orleans : ‘ Tulv Riv the only one of twenty Roky. SHALLY + Was | yoy is announced by Miss Carpen- [cows on test produced an average was : SHE
Be ‘ from the East instead of the North, | Stop sign violation, before Burges: | ty Tol a di ha | thie 1 lif | BY ited a divorce from Mary RB. {ars aunt. Catherine Wintermeyer. Jof 1318 pounds of milk and 50.2 lbs. [several guns which she had hidden
wm : : Nek 7 vio Mr vill discontinue rawn from this loeality Nui Os 3 a | } ’
c fi, the very lemme city with a Brows; Henty N. Pugs, Mi. Jo Jonson Rane : . 2 Poti ol | Newcomer, fifty-eight, 1057 S. wedding will take place in [of fat |and then threatened to use dyna=
i pecial guide. [hic is from | RI stor go violati before landscape service to take over the | Sept. 13, Petit Jurors . Vin ol : | :
Y : : m | RDI, stop sign violation, before cust St, Elizabethtown, on the | . ‘here were 2.375 cows on test |mite to blow up the home.
two to three feet } sea level . Tutie f head gardene CW | 14s A Dew. Eiizabetitown RI: | December. There were 2375 cows on est I
and 15 foe below fhe Mit Squire Hockenberry; John S. Eby, du be s of hea Are 1 ; 1 De ize by i 2 | grounds of indignities. They were | with “the ‘association during. he | enact Gi ee
} em Page BY | Manheim RD2, stop sign violation, sonic Homes at Elizabeth mer MecFlhenny, 'Landisville; stober 5. 1918. : separa= | A kama . tH
(Turn to ge 5) bie 1 i oh 4 Ra Niro Mout. Jog. Bb: married Octobe i be 16, and separa { Mr. ang Mrs. Charles R. Bushong, month of May. | AL TO AND MOTORCYCLE
——————— el ree | beiore rgess rown: rank | wh 3 Ty bi. Yo \ A )4 en eee etl Reema TRE Q
Weidmah. Mt. Jou sRD. 3 : reckless "RECIPIENT OF MUSIC DEGREE | Ralph L. Mye Salunga ied Aus St isa. 432 High St., Lancaster have an- | COLLIDED HERE THURSDAY
2 B I t Sh tA before Justice of. the AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY, OHIO | Oct. 4 Petit Jurors [nounced the engagement of their | MAKES RESTITUTION AND | Abert C. Walters, 125, Gay Sts
dariving, elore Justice o 1e eace / t L LIN | ne yy AT artetts ng ite
. il g 0 Gross ~ : : nt . a E Paward 8 Lane: Motnt Jov: {daughter, Thelma May, to Clayton | CHARGES ARE WITHDRAWN | Marietta, was admitted to St.
Hockenberry; John B. Howry, 620 Julia E. Shonk, daughter of Mr. | Ya DOM SOY e In S ruou ot i | Josephs Hospifa) last = Thursda
. | { rh Eollman. |E Heisey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charges of larceny against Dal- |¢ I SPIE % f y
Pine St., Lancaster, prosecuted on and Mrs. A. E. Shonk, of Wash-| Mich : man, : 2 : A Brosev. Malet Salunga. | night where he was treated for a
Ver njure d al Saturday for a stop sign viola- ington D. C., natives of our boro, | Joseph E. McLaughlin, Mt. Joy; lc layton B. Heisey, 8 Henry Street, | VIn sey Male horn, Salunga, 8 i
{ 2 . Pie g , i I hy Man R2 { ommunit | this boro were withdrawn before Alderman [torn ligament in the left leg and
Spurgeon Kunkl thirty-one 4/3 tion and on Sunday for improper recently received the degree -of | Jay Leroy ifaus, Manheim he. ur | n : : Chuist | We J. Fdward Wetzel after titution | cuts of the leg suffered when the
Spurge I kle, r-one 473 . | 3 : { are Chris < ap 2 . dwar etze] after res on £ g ¢ 1
Bassing oe honed Bochelor of 1 slc from Miami Oct. 11 Petit Jurors | oth are irist Kunzler and Co. : :
Salem Ave. York, was accidentally ] ; in Hi an bs ummoned Bac hel 1 of hx Xr m Ma Florin . k | employes had been made and the costs paid. | motorcycle he was riding collided
shot in the abdomen with a stray et quire j versity, Ho, ohe ¥] v5 So Yad ir urm ast ee | ————— Malehorn, arrested by Sgt. Walter | with a parked car in front of
Officer Mich: . | , i Nat Benjamin F. Myers, Bainbridge; { :
TC 97 aaliber billet while SIEGE on the Mhicer Michael Good prosecuted member of Delta Ormicon, Nation- J rs, bi < Price { the State Police trait Sheridans
| 22 calibe Lie sitting or » | | i 1" ; ye " : . : n) . WW e, O e State e, admit-|* Moldhies
} : " ug 3 Roy Spitler, E-town RD 1, and al Music Sorority and, during the| Jacob Miller, Elizabethtown R2. Miss Margaret June Martin, the| Mr. and Mrs. Earle W. Garber, ted oy ; oot op uy He wes, cmveyed to the hospital
8 veste e 0 » Susqueh: . { y @ ted stealing cigarets vi xd at § { x 5 : J SP1ie
yosiomn shone he | Bevnold Minnich, RB D6. nas: four vears in Ohio. she sane i TY daughter of Mr. ond Mrs. Ext] A.[10 East Henry St. this’ boro, an- | ted stesling cigarets valued at $60 | Sod ar
I Minnich, Lancaste R D6, past four years in Ohio, she sang in : rr \: :
ver, about two-and-a-half miles] , 1 FF 18 y | : “| vl and a pair of $5.50 sun glasses | by Bud Cunningham of town.
rarth. of t 3125 pom : both for stop sign violations. Dayton, Columbus and other Ohio | HURT IN PLANE CRASH Martin, Salunga, became the bride [nounce the engagement of their ; i : Ai SE el | “Officer Mickel Good vestigated
3 north of Accomac, « S32 Pp 0 . 7 | ~ rom the service st: Mel- | ! é xr{ DE 8 .
: i C 1 : : bel They will be summoned for hear- cities as well as on the radio. She Far] Heisey. 36 and Tillman S.. | of Gerald Clinton Berry, Warren, daughter, Dorothy Eleanor, to Carl i N yd wii { I —————
i ings before Burge 3rowr | gave her fir lic recital. in he {Risser Elizabethtown, were slightly | in Grace Lutheran Church, State | Benton Alexander, son of Mr. and] Vi fvérhood, Salunga {
: He was admitted to the York Hos § 1 urgess Brown ave her first public recital, in her { Risser iza wn, wel ightly | | tre net som lc OF C WILL ASK CITIZENS
5 ne dS <i 1 ( ( > ‘K 0S- | | . ’ a > y x i 4k
: ii TT ihome city, this past Monday even- [injured when returning from a | College. Mrs. John Alexander, 501 Ruby St.
pital, where his condition was re- | . yy y : : : ae) . : TW yy. ISTE IN |HE RE TO EXPRESS OPINION
> tod 8 ic? torv today New SUPPORT ORDER IMPOSED ling with Theodors Schaefer, noted fishing trip Sunday when their plane | The bride was given in marriage Lancaster. 'WO LOCAL FISHERMEN La tod . orl
5 yorte satisfactor oda ollowing 0 : AKKE ANNIE CATC J n a arterly
4 Dope ti : Norman Kumler, Manheim R2, concert accompanist, at the piano [er ished on the Manheim road north | by her father She was attended | Miss Garber is employed at the | MAKE A BANNER CATCH 2 po of the quarterly meeting
i - Nh | iy i . © ‘ham rr PY » Na) 1
BI} The gy C . | pleaded guilty to charges of forni Bi. dh of Milton Grove | by Miss Betty Jane Lefever, Lan- | Lancaster County Farm Diner and One of the best catches of trout |of the Chamber of Commerce will
State olicem John olde Bry erg, i d | : : - ELE x . | be liche i . te i
Sal Joh olden, of cation and bastardy and was fined JAP BEETLE QUARANTINE cent 4 A | caster, as maid of honor. Miss | Mr. Alexander is employed at the ted hereabouts this season was | be published in our next issue,
| the Columbia sub-station, said that Na he as v4 IEETLE QUARANTINE : m ; Yeovil ade by two local fishermen Friday. | which will contain a ballot for the
2 . Tn) $10 and costs by the court. Kumler; Fourteen counties in Pennsylvan- | LETTERS GRANTED | dea Mate Dalton, Lansdowne Yows! 27d Like Service made ay two “cal fishermen
the shot was fired either by Leroy he | ls . V. gor eh ity oe wnd. Mrs. Donald Currie, sister of integer fliers nose Raymond Rinehart, Florin, caught [people of Mount Joy and communi-
M. Snyder, twenty-one, Marietta Rl, | © his plea to guilty after the ia, including Lancaster county, were Carl S. Krall, of town, is the exe- | sil : : a ty to vote for or against the
eT sheng cen "trial had started. The Court also put under Japanese beetle quaran- tor of Wee estate of Elizabeth | the bridegroom, Warren, served as | HENRY HACKMAN'S CAR six brook trout, measuring 14%, 14, | : bias OE hew
or Miss Helen June Herr. nineteen, : : p : Quarat Sil : kridesmaids [AND CATTLE TRUCK MEET 13. 12%. 12 and 9% inches. [highway going through Mount Joy.
Florin. Both were faking. tuins Imposed the usual support order. tine Monday. * Althouse, ke of Mount Joy. ids. ; AND (C/ = ) MEE a a a aa
: A reception for 50 guests was Property damage estimated at 350 Chester Eurich, 117 W. Walnut, St, |
also caught six of 15, 14, {FOUND SKELETON
shooting at mark in the river along
dollars was reported by State Police Phe
held after the ceremony at Pi
» skeleton of what appeared to

the Lancaster county shore at he Hi Dor Pry > ily © 1 4h i Erbe ; sat he y 9, Ol. inches ‘oan 1e ¢ f ¢ >
C fe Janes ny 8 or : 1¢ 1storic on a res ter an { 1Uurc 1 Kappa Phi fraternity house at the who investizatod a trudkeadlo e- 2" f13,12and 9 inch each. ; i : : De
Schock’s Mill, near Rowenna, police | (Turn to page 3) ‘ They were fishing in Middle |be a new-born infant was found
=z said. The bullet, which may have S { The 1 Tl cident pi ee ad ye Creck near Lititz {hidden in the ceiling of a Summer
corhete traveled sonvins >» 3 | tion at aumansville, three miles ———— a {a1 shen at the home od
2 eobaien, nese « wis AD) 1¢ an Reunion Last Thurs. . . oct oF 56 BE 5. 0, Tito ra I
pg oo Attor Jol The Lions Officers day. No one was hurt WAS SIXTY-NINE MONDAY i Elizabethtown R1, Wednes=
ov Be an non : hor Bt q : a (7 ) He len H. Hackman, thirty-nine Mr. John Roth, on North Market If ly morning —-
V ever ordered that both Snyder ’ ii oH. y : -
y : : street, as sixty- » Monday. |
y and Miss Herr be released on their Were Installed {Manheim R2, was traveling east and | re bo "gy ig? ond Y'| NOW WORKING AT HERR'S
la cattle truck, operated by Warren [John is employed at the New Stan- | . + “Poon”. Shan
1 cattle » Of Mr. Christ “Peep” Sherk, who
own recognizance, pending further
steer. Elizabethtow {dard and is on the.job daily. His | ;
y THNeleen, ny has been conducting a garage on
strice » 3 Or . J,
District Deputy Governor Paul R. Ebersole
{hobby is doing woodwork in _his|
gation and the outcome of . : : :
Hoffer, Millersville, installed the
R3, was headed south, police said. East New street has accepted a pos-

Charles Heaps, first vice-president; | the U. S. Navy Air Corps for a Miss Esther K. Straley, daughter |
Morrell Shields, third vice-president | period of three year: Afte r ten of My. and Mrs. Charles A
Arthur | | weeks of recruit training at Straley, Maytown, has been ap wee 3 ecor
Robert Schroll, treasurer,
ointed to the faculty of West) ar. ong Mis. John B. Metzler, of
Lloyd Myers, Great Lakes, io] He yu he so ly
to school at Jacksonville, Florid: “Hots A whoole he vo
( ol a icks ¢ da. | Lampeter Twp. school She re- | Manhe im R2, a daughter Sunday at
ceived her Bachelor of Arts degree
from Theil College, Greenville ir
x injury. i 3
c yi 1 : : | new officers of the Lions Club at eee liens basement where he makes all kinds i
I'he police report there will be ih . ti | 1d | tw K | [1 utiful household ti | ition at Clarence Herr's Garage be-
. | 1 meeting neld last week. ! ‘ . SVEN WARY SIGS 10 ea 1 opusenoia articles. - .
— no criminal action as the affan : : : | LOCAL GRADUATE ENLISTS | A tween here and Florin. He went on
[ The ers for the coming year | bid
W accidental. The: officers Ios eo ; ear E. Lowell Sumpman enlisted W POINTED TT ACTIX TV duty Monday
are: William Batzel, president; | oy 3 8 { APPOINTED TO FACULTY ——
i sree eee
Perso al Mention
Ir. and Mrs. Guy Spickler and
and ‘Mrs Warren Bates and
two children spent the week-end
Sprecher, secretary,
. - |
Park Shetter, directors; George
Broske, tail twister; Freeman Nagle, |
Lowell was a member of this years
graduating class of Mt, Jov High | t | M Col 1 q
Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Sacco, o
Dayton, Ohio and Indiana, a| lion tamer


250. site uth tOUE. On Labor Day the local club will School and is the son of Mr. and | pjas La ndisville, a daughter, at 5:40 a.m.
V1 O. K. Snyder met her] sponsor a horse show in Mount Joy. Mis, Russell Sumpman, Mt. Joy | TSS [Tuesday at St. Joseph's Hospital.
Mrs. Alice K. Snyder in James B. Spangler, Jr. Richard |>treet FARM WOMEN'S CONVENTION | EES SR
Philadelphia and both attended the wh er OA ~ ne Divet amd Mahlon Foreman are | a | The annual county convention of LIGHTNING KILLS COW
ig c mencement of Miss Helen M. | eet oe mr ii members of the committee in charge 1.0 OF. RALLY AT BAINBRIDGE Farm Women's societies will be held | A Holstein cow belonging to. C.
Snyder, who graduated at Somer- ‘oa LO im oy A re... of the event. | An Odd Fellow Rally will be held |at the Landisville camp grounds, on|g§. Frank, near m, was ki
ville, N. J., in a class of 233. Immediately In Front of The Church Is The Famed Witness Tree 300 Yrs. Old The Allentown, Band has been Jon Monday evening, June 28, 1948 Saturday, July 31, it has been an- | by Ay i ig ae !
eet | Shimmering in brilliant sunlight [ most ancient place of worship last { nowned historical and botanical |engaged to give a concert in the [at 8 p. m. in the Bainbridge High nounced. | during Saturday mornings storm.
CELEBRATED THEIR SILVER | the towering oak tnat has stood [Thursdzy, where many persons landmarks, Daniel Strikler, lieu- [high school auditorium on Septem- |School (Lance. Co.) le — | een
WEDDING ANNIVERSARY | for 300 odd years in the plot of {had gathered for the thirty-fifth | tenant-governor of Pennsylvania, [ber 30. Musie by the Bainbridge Band. HOPE HE GETS WELL QUICK [MADE SOLO FLIGHT
| Mr. and Mrs. Christian Cover, on | ground that is now the churchyard | annual reunion of the Donegal So- | pinch-hitting for Governor James| The club will finance the erection | Speaking and entertainment. This| Jimmy Markley, the all around| Paul Hawthorne, of town recent-
Marietta Avenue, quietly celebrat- | of 227-year-cld Donegal church, | ciety. {H. Duff, addressed his fellow-meni- [of temporary bleachers at the high |meeting is for all branches of the man at this office, is off duty due | ly made a successful solo fight at |
ed their twenty-fifth wedding anmi- | sent shadows dancing across the | Here, under the famous “Witness | bers of the unique society school baseball diamond fox use 1. 0.0.F. and open to the public. lto sickness. Pleased to say its noth- ihe Donegal Airport after eight
| versary last week, white facade of Lancaster County’s|Tree,” one of this state's most oe) (Turn to Page 2) during the present season | Bring along your friends. ; Jing serious hows of instruction.
% 3