The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 06, 1948, Image 4

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4—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, May 6, 1913 _REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes * “THE EVER POPULAR
| a, Joy and Elizabethtown > TEs Reingold’s Tavern
- GEE || FRIDAY NIGHT, MAY 7, 1948



st -

played a good game Friday after-
noon and with the hits three and
two in favor of the visitors, E-town

OE ae fu ORE Wt ou One-fourth mile East of Elizabethtown on Route 230
team, Score: VW
Elizabethtown 1 h 0 a |
Fbersole 2b 1 0 2 2 | ; . p
Gutshal (0 0 () 2
D Ano cf 1 0 1 0
Shirk ) 2 11 0 i
Baker 3b 0 1 0 — ove To
Goodling p b 6 LU 2 BUY A POPPY, WEAR A POPPY TARGET SHOOT AT MAYTOWN In order to give hunters and | upon these opening dates for the
Kavl 1h 0 1 0 erro . , ~e : : ll
Weaver 1b 0 0 6 | POPE Y DAY — MAY 29TH The Conewago Rod and Gun Club sportsmen ample opportunity to |1948 hunting season: Small game,
sul vilurans. of bot Arsh» emesis : : : : “fe i
Chapman If 0 0 0 0 Disabled elerans of hoth wars! ¢ Elizabethtown. Pa., will sponsor plan vacations and hunting trips Monday, November 1; Bears, Mon- J ;
| work sid y side in veterans hos- . . 9 : . | un C e e
se, : di i 2 another 50-bird White Flyer in a next fall, the Pa. Game Commiss~ | day, November 15; and Deer, iN 4






i d 1 CO vy dur- ' :
oun oy ; h - count cur Se ries of shooting matches to be sitn at its April meeting agreed | Monday, November 29 DONALD MILLER, Owner
BY . at, 0 0 I held throughout the year on their on Sn int Ge ~ G.. FLORIN
Be ler 0 1 3 2 unds located one-half mile east NEXT TO POST OFFICE BLDG.
ISE E OW McCue 0 0 0 2 of Maytown, on Sunday, May 9th. The *“Crestw
\W/ ) \ > 4 00d” ©
1} ( } p i :
A 1 0 ¢ 10 1 SE i, o Finest Victrola radio- STORE HOURS
e 1b CATE » .
io of 0 1 1 0 MARIETTA THEATRE phonograph! Superb WEEK DAYS ~~ 6:00 a. ml. (0 11:00 pp. m.
A friend of ours Re 0 0 2 0 “Galden Throat” tone. °
was compelled to dis - KR 0 3 : : SHOWS EVERY NIGHT Record changer and radio SUNDAYS ~~ 12 m. to 11:00 p. m.
tC ( ) 1 . ‘
dener for dishonesty. He feit ls J a8 Mutinoes. Sat. at 2: Sundav. af 13:20 in one roll-out unit. AM,
3 I ( 0 1 0 Matinees Sat, at 2; Sunday at 3:2 J . .
ind: 7 for doing so, but for tne short wave, FM radio. . 3 3. .
Hinds boy ro % ; family m | 9 9 } Record changer has passed Will Serve Meals and All Kinds Sandwiches 3
sake of the man’s wife and family Total 0 2 EF 13 THI . ! g as : 4 i
he gave him a “character,” and |E-TOWN 010 004 —0 THUR. - May 6 - 2 Hits 3000 hour operation test! 3-11-3M §
a SE yi ee 5 . ”" . LC \
framed it in this way: “I hereby |[MT. JOY 000 000 0—0 BETTY HUTTON Sle Sapphire” pickup. —_—
certify that F D has been my lo oo Milley ball Man: “Th St n k Cli bh" Mahogany 9 CS AO oil re ARS
dener for over two yeal nd Lai ‘B a 0 ir ne or u lond finish, AC. RO PE RN RR I RRA a EE 4
gardene we o years, and) ck out 3 100 . fi EE - : : i
during that time he got more (10, Hit by pitcher—By Plus Mm HOLT in Zane Grey's Be - SUNDAY MAY 9 MOTHER Ss DAY
of the garden than any man I ne : sed ball UNDER THE TONTO RIM | Ee. Vietrola”~T.M, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.
Conner. Umpires

ever employed.” {
ve blo] Kauffman and Weber
—— a 44 | May 7-8 | S {
One of our neighbors is building LEAGUE STANDINGS y 3 | 3A} R¥ yey. pri ng €ara nce
another closet in Tis home for Secton 1 ; i, ed “O } Of Th Pp +’ { ON ALL
his wife to keep her “nothing to} Ww L Pct jhe the winter and spring making u eras
wear’ in. Gone Bor gal vs B 0 1000) ctl a 3 > SAT 2 BR. M/ - 1 SHOWING ONLY | RADIO PHONOGRAPH
—— Elizabethtown cine 6 1 857 The poppies are fashioned by “ANNIE OAKLEY" | COMBINATIONS
Vier View P ar k Hellam, Pa.
entertainer extraordinary. Singing and yodeling, guitar and

as te tel ou the arietta = 3 3 S500 han velorans orking i ele fF ;
; a ji € he So : 3 x je Yor is a 3 3 : oN hs by i 5 ; working in i i : | JIM & JANE & WESTERN VAGABONDS :
ame ( ne 2 o SC tl kas empliel ‘ & wodibheds, in wheel chairs or in occ pa=- - . | . - . ae A oS thes 10% AN EE gn i
this laff, but she is such a little Boro 1 5 167 ional therapy shops SUN.-MON. May 9-10 |8 Big Tradein Allowance While They Last ony Surin So seve Sire of.
mite, it would embarras that big {Mount Joy a1 6 143! The flowers are made of crepe GARY COOPER HAROLD PRATT & HAWAIIAN SHARPS 8
lug of a husband of hers, and he se ol paper in replica of the little wild WALTER BRENNAN
would never live it down. GAMES IN SECTION ONE opis of Teance and. Flinders. use EARL B LONGENECKER
OF THE COUNTY LEAGUE ich grew folds ; The Westerner >
THE which grew on battlefields and cem-
A Ting ai d
Novelties and singing and playing of all kind,
lead hauled off with his right to date. boys have a EAST DONEGAL BOARD 10 no PRIZE FOR THE YOUNGEST MOTHER ATTENDING AND ONE
smacking the female star across | yecord of six straight. » y | BE DEST 1 R i] 7
the face. Suddenly the little win was over Manheim born Tues- The East Donegal T'w Pp. School meee eect rr A inn —— ys ADMISSION ADULTS 30c {ax inc.
It was a tense moment during! Fast Donegal is the only team in eteries of the two world wars. a inh ia LANDISVILLE, PA. PHONE 3796

the league that has not been de- i hs agin

recent movie when the mal


boy in front of me piped up in alday in nine innings and Elizabeth- Board will sponsor two playgrounds SE CeO EEE SSSR ETT TERRE Tee _ Children under age: of twelve accompanied by parents, F REE
voice that could be heard all over ji stopped East Hempfie Id 8 to 6. this summer under the Extension | SHOW STARTS AT 1:50 P. M. — GATE PRIZE — FREE PARKING
° 1 Reserved parking space for cripples and shut-ins
‘the theatre: “Mommy, why NNT Education Act. The one playground h S f Be hg ere
doesn’t she hit him back — like ln yoy TENNIS TEAM will be at Florin and the other one T e weetness o Low Prices : A i I YOU DARE ML : 4
you do?” . DEFEATED MANHEIM TUESDAY at Maytown. The Florin playground i! a. : Ll :
TT Mount Joy J. V. Tenni team will be co-sponsored by the Florin Cannot Equal
Speaking without thinking is like traveled over to Manheim on Tues- Hall Assoc. and the Maytown play-
shooting without aiming. day evening and won 7 to 2. ground will be co-sponsored by the | g ° 1 Th . f Ii I ——— J O Y
—— 0 2 feated of Donegal Legion Port | ON) Your Diall} The Bitterness of Low Quality EVENINGS
A minister was writing in his|g 6-2, 6-3. K Playground instructors will be Mrs sHows AND |
ic i augnte nith t lefeate Shank, + « 3 ‘ - - — EE EE 7 AND 9:00 P. M 5
studv when his little daughter Smith, Mt. Joy, defeated Sha Joan Saylor and Mr. John G. Hart, T EF T R E-
3 : Smita 1 Say ET - 5 : H A HOLIDAYS i
came in. “What are you writing, |6-1 6-3. & 1 physical education instructors oi HOW ARE YOUR SHOES SATURDAYS
: Engle, Mi. Joy, defeated Kraybill, > ; JON'T WAIT TOO LONG == ae 3 6-8-10 P.M, 2:00 P., M.
she asked. “1 am F% Tast Twp. Schools. The DONT WAIT TOO LONG mmm Rise
daddy she 7.5. 6]. Eas Donegal Twp. Schoo i y BRING. THEM IN i GENERAL Mount Joy, Pa.
ting a sermon, my pet.” How do Brooks, Mount Joy, Defeated Nis- will be opened June 21 and contin-

asked. “God tells me, Residents of East Donegal Twp.

/ now what to write?” she |sley, 6-0, 6-1. is tor wecks ow 0 fi
De mil Ter] Tomer Mv. Joy, defeated tT iit wee City Shoe Repairing Co. [0 ————
father a few ge child [© Rohrer. Manheim. defeated Zeller, who intend to send beginners to 0 LANG iy WE 3 NA. 1 Jan STEWART HELEN WALKER in
remarked: “If God tells yout. go school in Seplember, 1948, are again ay ys. at 6 a 77 99
what to write, daddy, why do youl C. Markley, Mount Joy, defeated pominded that the pre-school clin- SUCCESSOR TO “HERE COMES CHARLIE" Call Morthside 7
scratch some of it out after you Heistz nd, 6-2, 6-1 cies will be held on May 13 in Florin = ———— . man 3
wile it?” —--She expected an in- || Sangrey, Manheim, defeated les. Uy ew by 434 Be Toten | BEER! Call 11815 OO ERE I §
Et crower too Myers, 6-3. 8-4. A ae Por Homie Delivary : - MONDAY — TUESDAY, MAY 10-11 2
telligent answer too. A wkle ve Mount Jov. defeat- must take these t¢ by ore they ( IM elivery Te < x IK ” oh 4
em ed Pinkerton, 6-0, 6-2. can be admitted to school. WACKER ROY ROGERS — JANE FRAZEE -in- 3
This kills me! And O help me ST TT renal Alien = EVERY WEDNESDAY GAME NIGHT » : 3
S = - i - 3
I'm gonna try it. A Salunga|MT. JOY TENNIS TEAM THOSE NIGHT DEER-HUNTERS PIEL'S WE = 66am Fo 29
5 I 1d 3 HA ! yw NIG BR NERA OR | EK EN Ss 4 . i FF
spouse saw her husband slyly |DEFEATED MANHEIM TWP. MAY LOSE THER AUTOS word oP hci PECIAI The way Ranchero
fold a piece of papér and put it. The Mount Joy High School Var- Hunters. who thelr ALE & PORTER | STEAMED CLAMS LOBSTER TAIL
; 3 + farthest corner of the Tennis team defeated Manheim | aE ma | |
; mn the farth Ol : : 1 i ery 1 3 By 3 i 1 = bile ind spotlight tor Kuling aeet Victor Fe Sehmoll TENDERLOIN STEAK SANDWICHES WEDNESDA THURSDAY MAY 12 i3
dresser drawer, he haa “| Township thigh School to the 1 at night mav. find themselve mihus| Nateitna! EDNESDA HURSDAY, J
lessly thrown it in she wou dof 7 to 2 at Mount Joy on Thursda ib; he ; | Pa ing en CHICKEN - A - LA-KING and BISCUITS ROBERT — AUDREY TOTTER ore
have thought nothing of i But Apt il 29, : T Q e Commission an- | Drive In For Curb Service ‘MEM DI ev Tc = erm
SS kod “Whats that?” And Singles hie Sune Sonne EMBERS: REMEMBER FRIDAY NIGHT “High Wali”
he answered, sheepishly, Ranck, Mt. Joy defeated Holling- Ju ir 00 EHS American Legion Post
nothing.” r 4-6, 8-6, 9-7. would: confis he cars of hunt- Qu of} 1 Me al z a : - Es TEE meee
She keptawanderns what it Dues, Mi. Joy, defeated Borger, ol ua 1 y cats NO. 185 MOUNT JOY, PA. 10-3-tf FRIDAY — SATURDAY, MAY 14.15

55 Ey HK 5 SE
end as soon as ne was gone shelg.o 6.0 — — lien ALSO =
looked at it. This is what he Kramer, Mt. Joy, defeated Bare, w= oh IRIE | A FULL LINE OF my remeron




read: “I will buy you that new g.3 §.3 : oe; TL Ba 99
hat you want so bad if you are Brown, Mt. Joy defeated Nick, > 2a on oil ¥ te Force
y : y were &J fatal and 20 mos
able to resist the temptation andlg.2 6-1. i y i i ai
ceidents i f
il los 5 his iece of paper rarber O\ 0 y= 7-5 . A ,
will leave this piece of paper|Garber, Mt. Joy won 6-0 ) ont oe oltont i & & Vegetables 8%
alone.’ Beaston, Mt. Joy, defeated Martz,’ = | "oo 3
Now she is in a predicament. [a ¢ 8.6. 6-4. ia : nay
H:w can she claim the hat with- Doubles i KRALL'S M at M k i
out giving herself away?? Hollinger & Borger, Manheim {047 |, os He is gd al’ g
: a Twp. defeated Ranck & Bates, 6-1. ;, pennsylvania resulted in th | West Main St., Mt. \t. Joy ‘
For contri wa fe custom 15 re weit tal Wes e ompany
in Arabia for the man to ride the Kramer & Brown, Mt. Joy defeat= 1046 the State Gon ie
family donkey while the women, |.q Bare & Martin, 6-3, 6-4 coals dition
} : ; d B: Martin, 6-3, reports
carrying the household goods,| Nick & Arnold Manheim Twp. Ca a in i [es 15 Mount Joy Street
walked behind. Now she is}iofeated Garber & T. Bates 8-6, 4-6, -
a { . rete - santo ’ The 1947 mall game wnting . pg
emancipated. She walks in front [g_1 ; ALONG CHICKIES CREEK MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
p b-1 % eason in ‘Pennsylvania resulted i
oe season 1 11 sultec 1

as there may be >» ¢ld land re -
#5, Hore, may be some oid Iu _ the killing of 1829843 rabbits $300 cach
mines laying around.. MARRIAGE LICENSES erainst 1.524708 in 1940. the: state

(Apply at Office)


—— Edgar N. Geib, Mount Joy Rl and Commission reporis. flaking Your
Fail Philosopher says: When it| Anne Groff, Lebanon, Conestoga R1. Penile Wm. I. Kline
takes you twice as long to rest Donald R. Grant, Mohnton R2 The total game kill in the 1947 reins = : Farm Pay
and half as long to get tired, you |,nd Betty J McKinney, Florin hunting season was 3. al MOUNTVILLE, PA. PIONS SU | i { 7 f i
are getting old! Elwood Nelson Earhart, Mount birds and animals against ' 9 a.m. to § p.m. Daily he sound value of farm land
depends upon the capacity of
the farm to produce a profit-
able income over a period of
years, Our part in this picture
is to help farmers keep ina safe
financial position. Let us hel
YOu with your money er
Y 5 < ras ar anin 5 agains ¢ total
er — Joy Rl, and Helen Grace Hoffer, of 2,953,509 in the 1946 season. the - — ease Time has BEE EXTENDED . ’ .
An E-town matron was dressing | Elizabethtown R3 Game ( mission repor
for a party end she chose ani Harvey % Manhein Su ie Sonn wl : cf ! . . fo Sat., MAY 15th to
gown with a very brief | rian 42 East) ; ery YL Reel {
Evening ‘gown With a very briet!R2, and Marian M. Bard, £2 East, ype pow BOYS AND GIRLS | Byam y
top. | Mein St, Mount Joy. TTA TW NWN WEST. OPlOMLTRIGT |
After cbserving the low-cut! 1 |
i 5 1 Out at North Bend Ore, senior |] 59 N. Market S 1 t P Ze 2 00
neckline, her 5 year old son sug- Mount Jov Sportsmen's Assoc. E 99 N. Market St, Elizabethtown | s ri h ®
boys and girls have a peculiar way
“ ' | y a ; ALi pl istar } y NH: 334-
gested tactfully: Mummy, don’t {will spend Sunday at Christy Mil-' .. . At PHONE 4-J 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prizes — $10.00
of Initiating the freshmen. some
ou think you ought to wear alleys g lodge in U . : hte toes ibs
you 8 a ler’s hunting lodge in Union county time during the term the senior loos Next Ten Prizes — $5.00




T-shirt under your dress’ Sportsmen with their families are Le ey ha in win Appo intment Ls 4 J
3¢ vou wish 10.40, phone El= 50" se=skift” the freshmen hd | i rT Finish this sentenge="1 like Ehrlich’s ‘10-68’ because
A grade school teacher szid: |wood Martin, The cars will leave TC boy de-pants” the [| Daily: 9toland 2 to 5 * and mail you, answer (with label from bottle) to
“Quite a few plants have dog at 5 a.m. Sunday. freshen, Six seniors were recent- |} Evenings. Tues. and Sat. 6:30 to 8 w P.O. Box 1435, Lancaster, Pa., §
for an antecedent. For exampie, | mer tapes illness ly suspended in an effort to break No Hours Thursday | Not later than May 15, 1948,
' | t up. \ ”
dogwood, dog rose and dog violet. MAYTOWN LOST BOTH GAMES . CI a RS *1 0~68 tL
Johnny, can you think of any| I City-( { M he = Te Is a" New, Highly-Effective
y, C& 1K any | n the ity-County league, May- EVE
gle” And dobnny promptly town lost both games played to CARD PARTY AT RHEEWS ATHLETES FOOT GERM | INSECTICIDE Ti I tors. Binds Ne
oy promptly town ltt Kanes played 0 CARD ARTY AT Ks | ATHERVES i he Union Mount Joy Bank |
replied: “Yes, ma'am. Collie | date. The last setback was at the The Ladies Auxiliary of Rheems He W TO VE HOUR iT. Kills all & wing and flying insects i i i i Da
flower.” hands of Mcuntville Sunday 8 to 2. Fire Company will sponsor a card OUR | 'JSE AS DIRECTED

SEDY your 35c back,
: : 3 y M q
| > this STRONG Available at Your Favorite Drug or Supply Store OUNT JOY. PENNA.
I am subject at intervals, to the | characteristics of a confirmed 8 o'clock, in the dining room at the RTE 20 por | J. C. EHRLICH CO., Lancaster, Pa. Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
i avi steak and drunkard’s cravin arnival grounds veryone is. m-| © | : vi
widest cravings for steak and drunkard’s craving for rum On C roun E I I=) at J In Mount Joy available at Sloan's Pharmacy
ale Bi)
onions. Funny but it has.all the second thought I like rum, too vited to attend. SLOAN'S PHARMACY
Gin fda wn, dh dn A ML he Cee SR an ELAR Ah TR hm MW AR eh a aki \
{= = party on Wednesday, May 12th at

