The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 22, 1948, Image 4

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    d—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pu., Thursday, April 22 1048 1 "REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes


—-— —— : i
Teams w L : Pet. 1S YELLOW i TOMATOES } . 60 COLD WAVES
East Donegal .... 2 0 1.000 BEFORE? 3 - i Apt IN] MACHINELESS P t i
Marietta .. 2 0 iu a UE DEB-U-CURL erm an en 5 i A
Fu AX 3 233 ase, A Shampoo & Sets — Finger Wave — Facials
East Hempfield 9 2 000 No Manicure
Manheim Boro § 1%, SA J w Cream & Oil for dry hair
| Net Breck treatment for falling hair
PHONE MT. JOY 153-11 Maude Buller, Propr,
Marietta High school defeated Mt . 3
Joy Monday in a close and interest- " Te ” 3 pp NK eg KT KON
ing game by a 5 to 4 score | EVERY WEDNESDAY GAME NIGHT

wee ott ‘Date With Judy’ THE LOW DOWN l woe SHEE Re =
shreiber p 0 0 0 0 from | STEAMED CLAMS. SCALLOPS mi
cot 0 By Junior Class HICKORY GROVE | LOBSTER TAIL :
PY L. Miller 2b 0 1 1 0 The Junior Class of ount Joy You lmow, ire this fal and Yours %
1 1 5 0 High School will present “A Date





7 H. K¥'r 1b ‘ land it is kinda upsetting and not | |
[7 ’ 2 1 1 . a y on v hd | :
A W I S E OW L Lea i 0 0 0 with Ju fy a comedy in three act up to tradition or Hoyle to see our J MEMBERS: REMEMBER FRIDAY NIGHT LIA
Ww er 3H 0 i) 0 0 Thursday and Friday nights, Aoril people being given anything but the | | % L P i H
- - 22 and 23; in the high school audi truth, the whole truth, and nothing | A i X erican egion OSs i op)
the T I 5 1 21 1 torium Miss Cathar ine G Zeller but the truth, by our leading gents NO. 185 MOUNT JOY, PA. 10-3-tf I I
NAME Mount Joy r ho alnglish teacher, is direciing .... jy 0 i mind how some of | Km Ke Ne KR KT THI
fter joke ) . : 9 vroducts will | Pp) al { BLI
; McCue cf ... ei 1 : 0 0 pr Segtion nid Phe em are veering from the welfare of | USING WHEAT, BARLEY, it
the English would: then Karple cb 0 0 1 Cast of characters includes: Phyi- themsolve how. they: build ’ 15]
nee I 3b 1 0 0 Olis Hoffman, Joyce Ellis, Nancy oh] lil 83 ho RYE, MILLET, RICE AND MORE TEA IS | i VA
i ‘ ‘ woblems, ther ny t er
W ! rue W¢ couldn’ | Max Pp 1 1 0 0 Brown, Dolores Wilson, Clark Der: answers on how to fix it. OTHER RAS, THE DRUNK IN THE Im ortant Announcement! y
ve ke- | Rice 11 0 0 1 0 Glenn Shupp, Mary Jane Krall, It is in and fren] GREEKS MADE MORE THAN WORLD THAN ANY CH
; Tovud na May Yassick, \ =
bathe umpman 1 . 0 1 l 0 Jack Tyndall, Anna May Y: affairs, and reclamation, and social 62 VARIETIES OF BREAD. OTHER BEVERAGE &
| VI ( 1 5 0 Glenn Batley, Victor Morris, Cor- A i] p———— 1 |
i [BALE 3 : | fumididdles, day after day, And all | |
Ressler rf 0 0 3 rine Markley, Marianne Long an these cooked up problems make jobs | |
, Yane Anderso |
} Kose 1 1 1 0 Jane Anders n. i for thousands and thousands. And | Jim’ $ un C e on e e a
ive on the point of a|Oconnor ’h 0 0 0 C Helen Detwiler and Jopn Me} ory thousands and thousands of votes | v1
| Lindl of 0 0 0 Oare student managers. Charles 8.| 1; pe sneezed at. Take an| DONALD MILLER, Owner
What range diet.” | tovenolt, industrial arts teach T. 15 jem like flood control—it was not POST OFFICE BLDG., FLORIN
' 9 3 ising » stage co ee. This : . * |
. Tota 1 6 21 3 advi ing the tag ( mmitt ¢ Thi the whole truth—it ‘was the “front | ®
ie | —— a o Co ot ictol i | concealing slevirie power. Now. they | |
EST TE YT THE ris, chairman; Charles eisey, elec~ : {
i atl contin HIGH TEAM LOST THE ris, rman; : come out for steam plants at the
| OPEN R TO E-TOWN trician; Leroy Hess, sound erates foot of the dams—after the dams Will Close Week Day Evenings at 10: 00 p. m.
8 | Mount Joty High lost its opening George Germer, curtain man; kEl- are in. If Congress keeps on being
Voit can load & Horse lo a same to Elizabethtown 6 to 1, Score: ton Bomberger, William Gath a sissy and dishes up the dinero, we SUNDAY 12 m. to 8: 00 p. m.
1 ‘ t ks him drink | Mount Joy ry h 0 a Elwood Rice and Glenn Bailey. | will be in no different boat, from | :
ear > OT NT 0 Elwood Rice is chairman of the i a i 2 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE i
ue cf 0 1 1 the way it is over there on the |
. ah 0 1 1 { business committee. Clark Derr and Volea 1 EASE 3M
tell 1 te yi evel . oiga.
3 1 | | id; I | Kose I SS 0 0 0 0 Kenneth Drohan are his helpers. | Fooling the people aid the THE FIRST STEWS WERE MADE AN AVERAGE U.S. HOUSEWIFE i a
fl ia : 1y 2 1 os 0 wi [i <n 0 1 1 (Hand properties are in charge of creepin in of foreign ideas—is some- BY STONE AGE HOUSEWIVES SPENDS ALMOST 8 HOURS | = he
aut ou cannot make ne 1 t . > reepi i 2 |
|Rice 1b 0 1 5 1Joyee Will, chairman; Ruby Hel- | 05 0 in Gur pipe and smoke | | WHO PLACED MEAT IN HIDE-LINED | EACH WEEK DOING THE I~
. . >. 1. 5 5 h |
eae Sumpman lf cee. 1 0 1 0 wig, Mari ane Long and Lee Ranck. on. By November we will maybe HOLES IN THE EARTH. HEAT WAS DISHES, ACCORDING TO SUR- P ar t i cu 1 a r P eo P 1 e j-
: Benriet +. Imitter c 0 0 i | Wardrobe mistresses are Peggy or hen. CBTAINED BY DROPPING HOT VEYS MADE BY THE GLIM {
Sign in ennett estaurant; : 12. 2 oytiz py |
“If want 4 bot . rb b 0 0 ) { Garber, chairman; Jean Mumper, Yours with the Tow down. STONES INTO THE oor”, TESTING KITCHENS . 2 |
I. you fat wo so ur ant I 0} ( Romaine Shenk and Anna Ruth > yn - P
nd cigarette butt mn youl Cui Hai p «<b . ) 0 0 0 S i ie en 3 [ JIMMY CO = | Y e Ce :
1d CE let the waitress know Tynd Id . 0 0 1 0 in : i M vi 1 | SY |
a Dy Vesa) Miss Edna Martin is advising the . itive to these essays will be given at, Every presidential year you will |
he'll serve the coffee the | Ressler ri 0 0 1 v 3 : | Mount Joy High easily defeated | J | OO A
é nd oe i x : I in ¢ ticket committee and Jean Meyers Fok a o i heat "geste for 3s {a later date. oar someone say that “this coun- | B i. U E R i B B N C O L
asin ray No ad. = nas Hemplieclc 11g uesda) ( s :
- Tota - 1 i 18 ffi Oder members a first win of the season 12 to 6. Score: | The Chamber of Commerce de- try is back at the crossroads.
I { Elizabethtown r h o aRuby Helwig and Miriam Shel Bast Hempfield gh 0 a|cided that if Lancaster City has |
to th ( r Jhon. ‘chair ar > al : Sa He ERE RE
f 2b 9 y 0 { John Melhorn, chairman and Karl [ww ler 3b i i 9 3| Daylight Saving Time, our Com- MARIETTA THEATRE
trout we received were so Campbell 2b 0 9 0 0 Max form the publicity committee. [Carn 2b 1 0 1 0! munity will also have Daylight Sav- SSE EP
xaggerated, we won't even rep | Ushers are: Lee Ranck, chairman: |C. Risser s 1 0 0 31 . Cli aylig T GENERAL
: Baker 3b ... 1 2 0 Ysnels are: Lee Nano, chain il I Rice ig 1 0 6 1|ing Time. If Lancaster City re- ‘SHOWS EVERY NIGH MOVING pr 3 Al 4
them, 91 ) 0 0 og' Mable Baltozer, Kenenth DIrohan,|d. hiSser ¢ . - es nw. Myon as . 2. 0 0-7 = HAULING
Reingold 3b ( a : p 1 0 2 3 | mains on Standard Time, our Com- | Matinees Sat. at 2; Sunday at 3:20 Ga IY Wits a
CGuatshall ss 1 i 3 1 William Garber, Harold Heis 1 1 7 0 munity will remain on Standard | RR La Tod oh
I many studie ue YY Ighirk 0 3 13 9 Doris Hummer, Elizao th Greidel 0 0 0 0 | Time "THUR. ih il 99. 2 Hi
ca > Mary ked Jim ( 4 ir 1b 0) () 9 0 Donald Lec dom, Paul McGar Vey 0 0 0 0 Af : i 1 tl | pri f 5
rs one and. d fins odaling a 0 0 0 | After the business meeing af the OP SUCCESSOR TO “HERE COMES CHARLIE"
i 1 rryu nc 1 Weaver 1b . 20 0 0 ( and Dolore $ Ma Yr. os ot Krall If : ; 70 0 0 0! Chamber of Commerce wat coln~ HENRY FONDA SU CES L R TC \v
lou Kavior 1f .. 0 0 1 1 Make-up in c oS ol ot - Kauffman rf 0 0 0) 0] pleted, Mr. H. A. Warrest of Mil- CLUAUDETTE COLBERT - te -
en it y alrms Jane Anderson, |g, 0 ( : PI ce ee so ie — u
: D. Ano ea UO gave an interesting tik on |W PRUMS ALONG =
i f l 11 lor 1 1 1 1 Peggy Garber anc orrine Markley. | : - h I 4 f the
family Did + | ig a > i 6 ; 18 Lyte e ulation and operation o € 9
Cirrus. 3 Shenk cf : 0 0 1 0 = ; | Me unt Joy r h 0 a ie sanitary sewarage Sys- THE MOHAWK RNR, RA ~
Newiown man ol a nt Tos! LOCAL NET TEAM WON ly at.’ 21 |
: iti ' | Bailey 3b vd 0 1 3 | tem. EVENINGS BATURDAVS ve
dent. And the latter answer Total 6 12 1 4 The Mount Joy Varsity ........ 1 0 1 2 re SHOWS MATINEE
“No, she brcught with her. ur A J Tanm. dafented I: Trade team | McCue of . , 4 3 1 0 T DOWER | AND
MOUNT JON . 000 000 1—1/Team defeated Patton Trade team 1 Cite ¢ : Spas. el re TYRONE POWER 7 AND 9:00 P. M
rr ELIZABETHTOWN .. 040 110 x—68 to 1 at Mount Joy on Thursday [Max ss ...... 3 2 0 1 Russia seems more intefeged In LINDA DARNELL T 5 EAT R be HOLIDAYS
Letra bu u 1e int toi > : na Rice 1b 2 2 7 I {the World of Tomorrow than in the »% SATURDAYS 2:00 P. M.
let M Errors Roser, Garb evening ii | lL 3 0 Olney Look of today “MARK OF ZORRO Sov. P
etal Men "e . nl Shenk Sineles 0 1 ) 1 a. fount Joy, Pa. TRS ERA
Tyndall, Campbell, Shirk, Shenk. Sing C ER AA EA
women, - pr John Hihn, (PT) defeated Lee ser 2b .. 0 0 3 : i
LEGION AUXILIARY Ranck, (MJ) 6-4, 5-6, 6-3. |Tv & Il xf 0 8 3 of Poni Bult Ami 23-24 FRIDAY--SATURDAY, APRIL 23-24
High heels, corsets, silk 5 yeas si (Ressler rf ....
‘ = William Bates (MJ) defeated Wil 'Q RTYWIART | es “i Freee ra .
© fi ie Te Ey There were twenty-one members liam Springer, (PT) 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. { To 12 11.2 | NOW OPEN Richard Conte - = Helen Walker os
y Is, 1 : | nt ti Robert Kramer, (MJ) defeated (E AST HFMPFIELD . 100 110 3 we ALBU E UE
nt at the monthly meeting of hd * » J
a The TRY BD 6 MOUNT JO 204 033 x 2 £4 N h
S. Ebersole Post, American Rus Finney PD 6:2 60. i on By ery Sunday | “Call Northside 777 UER
Y ocd penja n rown (iid) detleale 5 1 3 n a * r dice ira . i Fo . .
7 a sion Aux I : ght Bie wig : on 65 68 I% Bailey i C anne} hi e, SAT. 2 P. M — SHOWING ONLY
‘ Legion Home when plan Hid JOHNSON ) my Led, A OSET wo base hits vee lier " . I” .
li i: 4 the public card, William Garber (MJ) defeated | McCue Max, Fshleman, Struck out Mount Gretna BLONDIE'S ANNIVERSARY MONDAY—TUESDAY, APRIL 26 - 27
A x : x ; si : i | + ‘Arner 3 3-3 Dy I n n( ckel 5: c 11 4, a - ‘ ree .
: v on Wednesday, May 5th bert Carpenter, 6-4, 6-3 [5 ; ot] HUMPHREY BOGART — WALTER HUSTON -in-
de Y WOT i it] x bop TT) lofeated | Umpites—MeClain, Ruth
hom. lok like unrolled] Mrs. Jack Bemnelt is chairman of William Beaston (MJ) Cian, Bu £ If Ceo SUN.-MON. Arid 25-26 5 - .
i he card party conmittee R. Oberboltzer (PD) 3-6, 6-4 87. | Guyer Longue Seores 0 urse CORNEY WILDE Treasure Of Sierra Madre
y a1 1 id iv ha Sve oubles AT bias ym ‘ :
I iy 00] on DUS i | Marietta 8, Manheim 2 im GINGER ROGERS
work | house on Market St. Two prizes will Ranck and Kramer (MJ) defeated East Donazal 5. E-town 1 “1 H T B Y 2
‘hn. table and iwo Hin and Springer (PT) 6-4, 6-4. | eR IFS 7
Rp d to cacn table sad twain and Springer (PT) 6-4, 0 | pa PARK OPEI OPENS MAY 2 “It Had To Be You WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, APRIL 28-29
1 toast. wil dates an 3rown (IM. lefeated | Sax Cr mre Evan mae 3 ve ia : oxi :
t coats hiding ti ¢ view 2 Ize ke and a roast, will Fimes and Johnson (BD) 8-2 6-2 LOCAL TENNIS TEAM (NOTE-—-SUNDAY MATINEE NOW | DENNIS MCRGAN — ANDREA KING -in-
ne «Il JO 1SOn i )=Ly I= SE
into view 9 re uN ie LOST TO McCASKEY HIGH AT 3:20 D.5.7.) 3
i eo Sse won theres 1 Ey can “MY WILD IRISH ROSE”
—— The Mount Joy High School) thigh Sehool, Lancasiel | SE TEVA SRR,
w, slac We mighty fcoty Jject prize Jee im : eno |defeated Mount Joy High's tennis BEER! Call 11 815 ! f
Dory sore buted to the Varsity Tennis Team won their sec- * 3 J
during the ff ) ropple wer Ms 201! ted Tao : tarts against | 280 Wednesday as fellows: For Home Delivery
the effort was trying fo get nto|members tobe sold during the on malch in as many starts against Am Rr FRIDAY—SATURDAY, APRIL 30 - MAY 1
i Hershe H School it ershe; tid 3 1
| camipaigt : . A fainted SPRENGER Twig :
icks. ; : ot le weit Charles Grove, (M) defeated Lu VALLEY FORGE ~ JEANNE CRAIN — DAN DAILEY -in- :
| The Heaton: decided 10 cider mele |Ranck (MJ) 6-1, 6-; PIEL'S owl
we: won the war. Andjone hundied and fifty annivemary | SEE | Willen Bates, (OM) refeated Ger roL RG Rock | “You Were Meant For Me” | |
th ot of ladies in town |cards, the proceeds from same to be Ran {ald Slaugh (M) 8-10, 6-2, 6-2. ALE & PORTER 1 ON A | a
Iplaced in the Legion fund pr Oy | % w td Valter .
lacks who nt I! ed Bates (MJ) defeated Stettler (8) | Richard Conlin, defeated|| Wietor J. Schmoll .
- 6-1, 6-0 | Robert Kramer, 6-4, 6-2 Distributor FE | I"
i it 2 A HURT ER »-1, 6-0. : ~~; Pe
Boog” Nei etween | BAINBRIDGE HURLER Kramer. (MI (ID Jack Graybill, (M) defeated Ben OPEN UNTIL 2 ©. M.
the eyes the other night but he is | SIGNED BY THE BIRDS 6-1 SA I tad) Hom { Brown, (MJ)), 6-1, 6-2. Drive In For Curb Service { CAN SAVE |
net seriously injured, it w Henry F. Weidman, 20 year old" "=. : | Alfred Pinkerton, (M) defeated 2 WwW
: rs oy Ferrer. U3, Brown (MJ) defeated Heisey (H) | . .
wil wa Risto Bi handed pitcher tom Baie 3-6 |v am Garber, (MJ), 6-4, 6-4. . Ww - | L
ha 170, 3-0 v -
ge, dos been. by [pp a. detested Qualit Meats 2 5 3 $ 1 MILE SOUTH OF HELLAM ON THE YORKANNA ROAD § |
J ( Hun ol t inte stale 5 MJ p 6-3 js | € reorge Germer, 6-1, 6-2. y SUND 3 Y A
+ ti { on (4 y= ; : )
Ne Doubles Pe Doubles 0 a WEEK Now! 9 PR. 25, 1948
wse he Salisbury, Md, clu Ruth: hel Kramer (MSs dof Grove and Slaugh, (M), defeated A FULL LINE OF .
ing last week and toe lad kept an- | the Esstern Shore Leagu PRNCR and Kamer. ye) cereal [Ranck and Kramer, (MY) 6-8, 6-2, PRESENTING |
ovhe Foe co cack ih nadie] Weidman has ‘been training at Bice and Stettler (H) 7-5, 6-1 | od denies How much a month iH 5
SIE : ELT ‘ . ... Bates and Brown (MJ) defeated |" a i . yy . | WwW O 33 K J b
Bp under The bile Louis Cardinais fam 0) and Winters, (1) 6-0, 6-3, |, Does nd Brown, O07) detested], for life will I receive || amporee ang
fish. The Loy never said word ; camp at Albany, Ga., for thet last = ——— “| Conlin and Graybill, 2-6, 6-4, 6-2. ! & . | 3 i : 5
and Jim left it go at that Some | monu He previously play2d i or —_e : Nene mer and Pinkerton, (M), Fruits Vegetables beginning at age headed by More and featuring “Rawhide” i
time after that Jim kKed up un-|w ie East Donegal High School MAYTOWN HIGH WON defeated Garber and Germer 6-1, .
DEFEATING MANHEIM 1 - 0 Qeiented C : L] Ll LJ J &J d
cor the bridge and there w and the Bainbridge club: in the Pr AL - 6-3. J ani an W t V b d
toy standing in the middle f the G r County League Forced to go into an extra inning ere iD 1 sess KRALL g Meat Market 50 im e es ern aga on S
heac and. lit em reread WR merce to break a scoreless tie, East Dene- | . [e#turing Texas Lill and Ken | Ken Mon‘ana
am, shoes and alll Ct ee : i M i West Main St., Mt. Joy Name -
i ems we nave ill presic al ii |
Tg Jove oll mente He vy wenn ter) Meeting i: Actress Freddy Messinger 232 Skyline B
which t ip pockets I f Sam Fisl who gave up onl) | (From Page 1) DR S MILLIS y 4 g THE y € 0ys
hip. rr | A er eae two hits in eight innings. the Little Chickies Creek are pro- Ne a v © Present Age pupa featuring the Skyline Quarteite
Wie vho 9 The otner Section 1 game aw zs gressing favorably. Dr w { » = rs
1 f i i od the E-tow defending champior of | Th Ag reas 1 Committee ve OPTOMETRIST Mail tot Reserved space for Cripples and Shut-ins, $
ney we irst worn in factori notning to wear 1s dressed in the ™ ’ RaPlONS A e gril 1 ommitiec - | $e . 3
£0 the g I Wo rs their | heig f fast the section, get off on the right | ported that there will be strawber-|| 59 N. Market St., Elizabethtown i Prize Rusu everyone, 30c. Incl. Tax 7
flouncss caugl the eg be ————— foot by stopping Fast Hempfield, [ries and ice cream at the next yuar- PHONE: #34-J | Penn Mutual iden ule] 12 years frec. €
But after a lady weighs 200 pounds | off when she went t bed 5 to 2 : | terly meeting. These strawberries - i | Life Insurance Co. Show 1:30 P. M. i
that safety idea gets lost in the chif- — — Wp are raised by members of the 4-H|| Eyes Examined By Appointment | BIGLER H. MUMIA
fon, I advise all stout ladies to heer HICH SCHOOL SCCRES [Club. This program is sponsored | Mount Joy, Pa, 9
— my warning. Unfortunately, the East Donegal 1, Manheim boro 0.|by the Chamber of Commerce. Daily: 9 to 1'and 2 to 5 | Telephone 7-R J 7 om SE] ?
A lady in the vicinity of the up- Is do not follow my advice the E-town 5, East Hempfield 2, | The Essay contest Award will be || Evenings. Tues. and Sat. 6:30 to 8 | - ¥
per. bank woke up with her hat on | Way I follow the gals —— et eee: | P! esented to the lucky Senior again | No Hours Thursday ' 1-29-3Mo. THROUGH THESE AD COLUMNS ¢


last week. She hadn't taken it A WISE OWL! Patronize Bulletin advertisers. "this year. More information rela- | pu — ———— mnie

A A lA HR A A MA Se I A A BD Ar ATS A Tp OA eh AS ps A ti Bo A aA AN ne . {