The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 22, 1948, Image 1

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May hog nia April 30 —Ira Bowman Orchestra — Sponsored by Sophomore Class
| The Mount Joy Bulletin om ls soe
. Water Supply Inadequate
VOL. X XLVII, NO. 46 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, April 22, 1948 $2.00 a Year in Advance


List Land Owners New F OUY = Berore THE LIONS CLUS Brief News From Yor THE VOOks Everything Th at | Pinkerton. Road Drain Pe. To Be Extended
At the regular meeting of the Jimmy Markley, the right hand A special meeting of Mount Joy | .
Mt. Joy Lions Club on Tuesday The Dailies For man around The Springs, had an H d A Boro Council was held in the Fire T C C lided
aner 1 irt or ross vening, Rev. Howard Bair, the experience Friday that is really one appene t {Company's social room Monday ! wo ars 0
evening with Messrs. Eicherly,

“Whittling Minister” of St Paul's | I for the record hooks. | | 5
Bids on the approximately seven | Methodist Churcn in Lancaster | uic ea g Jimmy went to work that morn- Florin Recently { Keller, Shoop and Krall present At Rheems Satur.
and one a half miles of four lane i { D entertained the group with his pop- | The Vanity Hosiery Mill, Reading, | in” and while doing the 100 and one , Upon motion Council went on | State Pol ved tw ean
ichwav fr c i ae 2 ¥ 3 y 4 : Mrs. B. ster, : ( otate ee reported a 0 &
highway, from a point east of Mt. Ir cou ay ular lecture and the display of the emploving £75 persons, closed for odd jobs which usually crop up, lost Mr B D Kiehl, of Lancas ter, record as favoring Daylight Saving | Ran olice : I Te Ne Pike
Joy to the Manheim pike, a short miniature characters he has carved. : : ay his wallet. But happy go lucky Jim 'SPent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Wit- i... pv 4 vote of three to one accident on the arrisburg
| two miles west of Florin at
distance north of Lancaster, will “iC J St 11 Forty-four Lions were present foo Friday, : didn’t worry, no sir. He just kept tel i Chief Mver: Friends! F :
opened tomorrow, Friday, April 23 | amp une 0 at the meeting of which six were A Quartyville mah Ves kicked id about his if Mrs. R. W. Roberts of Mechanics- res : yore o ig | p. m. Saturday. Pelice said
and construction will start at once, The one hundred Girl Scouts of | guests from other clubs. § cow ind i stig That afternoon while giving the burg, called on her parents Monday Seo gr 4 9 g : i et 2h mito deiven by Janz B MEISE
according to the Highway Depart- { the Mt. Joy Neighborhood will be Lion President Charles Eshleman 0 close the wound. Dl arve lava. neat nS tov the | Morning on her way to Philadel Sun 8 1 Pepe Nur 7 he from E-town R 1, pulled onto the
ment. happy to hear that plans are going [announced that the new Lion em-| Five Boh were injured during 2 week end. driving a tractor towing "phia on a business trip. > A na 5 Sly x ¢ [highway at Clearview Diner when
The new Harrisburg road will | forward ot their. fourth sews Wave heen installed fire in the garage of Eden Paper Mi of threo ae. dof The Mis. Joli. Eberly of Mount: Joy WE wi « ie E 1%, it was struck by the second ante
rut through some of the county's | four days of Day Camp, in their places on the highways Monday. The fire damage was Pe ater: tarted to drag and wouldn't amd Mrs. Samuel Brubaker and el Sa Ye An ; ge driven by Herbert Stahl. Sunl
finest tobacco and potato land and ; Permission has been received [Out of town, bud. Soon. #1 : R. out. Jim stopped to remove the ob- daughter Sara Rebecca, called on Ska on a, a aii ond Charles Engle, both of E-town
damages are expected to reach ap- | from Boro Council to again hold a| Dr. Workman announced the Won, Sees, 61, Poorin, B. Lt: cle which is usually a broken | Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Hershey | =" : , oo = ee Yo sonveved io. the Lancaster
proximately a quarter of a million | camp at The Cove, June 8 to 11 |drive for funds to enlarge the Shginee?, dind ai the throjtle i branch. much io his surprise Lon Sunday. Gane: : and inch nozz ig Boje General Hospital by the E-town
his train pulled into the depot at | Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Arndt and lectively they pumped 562 gallons | fire Co. ambulance. Attendants

dollars. The road will by-pass Lan- inclusive. | Lancaster General Hospital and | this time was his wallet. The cut-
disville. | Mrs. A. C. Mayer, chairman and urged each memb:r to promote
| Mrs. J. B. Spangler, leader of this drive to his fullest,
road will merge with the Manheim | Brownie Troop 105 will serve as
co-diractors of Camp Little
per minute, Mr. Myers said this is { said they were suffecing from con=-
approximately the amount of water | cussions and lacerations. Their
one engine will pump with a suffi- | conditions were reported as satis-
Lancaster. i Mrs. Alpheus Rye and Mrs. Wil-
Kenneth Bernhauer, a sixth grad- | Ban Beck ar 2 wh Saban.
. | arble championship | [leather wallet and some paper mon- | Beck and Mrs. Joseph aban
er, won the marble champic I fev therein ash attended the funeral of Elmer | A Iv. H tl |
. oh » = Jey rei. ai ent supply. He said that the test factor < lav Qiate ye %
sponsored by the VFW Post of Eli- |€ sliver nv C pl) J actory Sunday. State Troopers
: Much to Jimmy's surprise when | Geise at Malvern on Monday ras i dist and th i
1 3 { was a disappointment and that two | John Aumond and Herman Simms
{que . Dav zabethtown. Mr. Frank Schlegelmilch of Eliz-
Chiques, The Mt. Joy Day Camp. Quarterly Meeting v 5 _ {he opened that wallet to inspect i 9 of the pumpers couldn't get enough | investigatsd the accident.
"WwW ane sec bor- 5 y or Mp
across the Norman Stauffer farm | Mrs. Mayer was a very able direc- New Holland is the second bo abethtown visited his mother, Mrs
| Sarah Schlegelmilch, on Sunday.
ting knives had cut a slash into the
Plans now on file show that the

pike on the Clark farm and then

continue about another half mile
to eliminate a curve in the present
Manheim pike.
Where the now road ends traffic
: | the mutilated contents, there was wien to make the meters register
f 7 sh in the country to hire an en- ( 1 e meters register rr tll Cee.
tor of the 1947 day camp. Mrs. Ch bh f oug ; tre. of his best irl \
am er 0 om. gineer. He will receive $4000 a Wi pleture of Lis g Mrs. Emma Keener spent Monday His giles: id to Council was an| 225 chicks were stolen from a
year and is a State College man Na be ot Middletown visiting Mys., Ma (Turn to page 6) brooder house near Christiana.
Now scientists claim they can | n as appy - x GS

Spangler has served on the staff
each year since its beginnings. The regular quarterly meeting of

Miss Mildred Zink. who for the [the Mount Joy Chamber of Com-
will be diverted either across the | toc) hat! er Easton. =
| Dillerville road or tarough the city | past three years has been a direc- [merce was held on Monday, at the manufacture uided missle ig f A paper demonstration for the he Loc Ne S | Morty u d
Cc by either Prince St. or the Lititz | tor, will ke unable ty serve this |Fire Hall. The minutes of the pre- |“'" be fired hallgay aroun _oncert of Inter- benefit of the Shining Class of the ry ecor
pike. world and cause tremendous dam- | jE. U. B. Church, was held at the
year because of her new duties as |vious meeting were read by Secre- : F T
In addition to the Stauffer and [assistant director of the new Lan- |tary Maurice Bailey, and the vari- [48 are et eel 4 em B dA 27) ame Hig: Meta Rate i or € ast ee oughout is
(Turn to Page 6) caster County Fstablished Girl [ous committees made their reports oro an pr. Wednesday evening.
§ |
; : SSN , auft . . *
| Scout Camp in Clay Twp. It is|for the last quarter. GRADE CROSSING PROJECT Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman and V B fl T Id E Lo ali
Cc | APPROVED IN HARRISBURG Through the efforts of three uo Mrs. Emma Peifer, Mrs. Adah Eich- ery rie y 0 ntire C ty

{ largely thru Miss Zink's enthusias-| There was a lengthy S |
6 E0000 or Dee] ar C sic Super- : :
A $350.000 grade crossing project | Lancaster County’s Music p leh and daughter, Margaret and; Wrs. Annie Heibeck, Strasburg,| Mervin Arms, fifty-eight, at Col-


tic “fferts that th» Day Camp plans [relative to our stores and business . .
i Rn : ry ween | visors the people of Mount Joy will . ie ‘
0 acco oves have been so successfully carried [concerns closing on legal holiday, | the Herrisburg pik between or il : tr to: see and (Turn to Page 5) celebrated her 100th birthday on | umbia,
3 . : y i re a= ave ve oppor y see & etl xs a ~ sz .
Off Lik I 0 out each yeor, {It was finally decided that the Mt. Joy and Lancas r was ap by Ww 1 By at oe) Friday Ellen Stark, wife of Miller G.
Missa te | hear > = é | ‘ y y . . . fi
; 1 e ce n i Chamber of Commerce would rec- | Proved Tue day by the Public #0 t Joy High School Tuesday ev FIRE COMPANY AUXILIARY A. L. Brubaker, sixty-four, Man- |Evans, at Columbia aged sixty-three
4 i 3 ‘ arris | Mount Joy Scho SU) i ~ RIN '
; 3 SURPRISE SHOWER FOR ommend that our stores and busi- | Utility Commission at Harrisburg. | ° rr 4 STARTED AMBULANCE FUND heim Rl. was injured when he fell |years.
i The State Highways Department | ening, April 27 at 8 p.m. = of the 1x
e usque anna MISS HELEN HOCKENBERRY ness concerns will observe Monday, ys aT This organization was planried for I'wenty-one members of the La-|dowp steps. Harvey B. Eckman, West Hemp-
| Miss Helen Hockenberry was the |May 31st, as Memorial Day, and plans to complete the work before eile a 1 v he ho the dtadents dies’ Auxiliary of Friendship Fire| A branch of the Campbell Soup (field, a Naval Ordnance Inspector, at
1 2 > Coder: 1s e cation: Vi » 8 ‘ . 5 . :
The remaining or unsold and not | guest of honor at a surprise shower, | Would be closed for this observance. Nov. 1, 1949. State and Federal lio protivote. good will wmong the Co., attended the April meeting last | Co. located at Lititz, will be moved |St. Joseph's Hospital Friday. He
in : . . SOON > y apa > sts | romote goo / « 3 . ~ . \ :
contracted for tobacco crops thru- | Tuesday evening. April 20 at the There will be more information at|gcvernments wil] share the costs a1 on rol Yo crite wie Th Thursday evening at the Fire House. | out of that boro. leaves three sisters.
2 ; 3 ’ A: allv ic nvolve create more in- ar ; a 3
out this locality were gobbled up home f Mr. and Mrs icholas |@ later date concerning this matter. equally. SE : The Ladies have started an am- Leroy Martin, 43, East Earl re seer
[home of r. anc rs. Nicholas The new grade crossing will be |terest for the support of better in- 8} oak : .
at 35 and 10 on Mcnday night a5 | Leiner. The Chamber of Commerce was ne new grade crossmg Wi t tal for ous schools bulance fund and for the benefit of [sustained a broken jaw when | Jacob N. Engle
shiv us : . i ' i ‘here R >» 128 \ | strumental programs for Se 9 Li. & . . wi rics TI :
3 Suddenly a3 the ce neu the | Following a red and white color |advised that Nissley Gingrich is built whore ey 195, the ilo and to provide better entertainment this fund, a cold platter lunch wil kicked by a horse. : Jacob N. Engle 75. died at 10:50
Ss J Fiver in the pring. (scheme, Helen was first presented making progress with the ground gong , oe li 29 > Wn for the music lovers of this area. be served at the ¥ ire House on Sat- tichard Tressler Marietta, charg- | am Monday at the United Zion
The General Lo Gar a, | with red balloons which she had to | Work for his new development. It Sg je a an ill Be They have been rehearsing reg- urday, May 1st from 4 to 7 p.m ed with driving after his license was | Home near Lititz, after a lingering
ing to oroke the Sa emate | 1 st to get a note lelling her where | Was also reported that the plans for n —- A Hs hs ou pavions Wm tre 2 | dlatle: te the different schools under On Sunday 16th, the Ladies will suspended, posted bail for Court. illness. He was born near May-
of the 28 and cents plus bonus to find her gifts. Games were play- the construction of a dam along ade at Sy ber ; ki the direction of Mr, Willig banquet to the retired rail-| John Spicer, Columbia Democrat, town, tho son of the late David W,
Syst ig son i prove Sore ed and prizes awanded to Nancy (Tur: io Page 4) re | eon Eg pi oa Newton, of our own school; Mr. H roader® at the Fire House. was fired from his state job for pol- | und Sally Nissley Engle. There
e Marc se g their . : —————- Seen nna. R. R. tracks in E. Hempfie , — tll © Ce ee tian] assictande amsev Blac w
Since Ma ‘ ; » sending heli pllis, Mrs. Robert Shaeffer, and ig an in : Morrell Shields, of the East Donegal itieal assistance to. Ramsey Black. |are no survivors,
> 5 1 y " a TQ a of 0 is r ore T "i
S ne wig i py : wii i» sn | Miss Christine Weidman. MAYTOWN CARD PARTY asap a, {and Marietta Schools; and Mr. Sam- DEEDS RECORDED Four Columbia youths were hurt I'he funeral was held this after-
bAday alter: elfices 0 Sa Refreshments were served buffet SATURDAY, MAY 1ST (Turn to Page 2) Harry B. and Mary R. Guntry- [when their car couldn't make alnoon with interment at Reich’s in
> na" YC P > x es a vst v 1k \
in Somes Ne i ye | style to the following guests: Miss| The Auxiliary of the Donegal | THE STATE POLICE ARE BE man, Mt. Joy Twp, to Paul H. and [turn and upset on the Marietta pike | East Donegal,
AQ y iv ‘ rion or > EMIS THEFT y 2 ; in v p .
o 1 to buy at a fiat price o "| Helen Hockenberry, Miss Christine {Unit 809 American Legion will PROBING RHEEMS THEF] Ruth V. Brubaker, Mt. Joy Twp. |east of that boro.
gi 8 cents hi | Weidman Miss Nancy Ellis, Miss |sponsor a Card Party, Saturday Sgt. Hermon Ries, ofiine CoN Sunday School tract containing 20 acrcs, 78 per- William R. Donalies twenty-four, | Kaus Fitschen
aay : no a Ba : nid D, ate Police . . 1.3 At #
wh 4 — re | Vera Eby, Mrs. Robert Shaeffer,|evening, at 8 p. m., May 1st in the bia sub station, Pa. State Police f ches, with improvements, on the |was jailed to later answering a| Klaus Martin Fitschen, eighty,
ocent: rec \ avul . . Midian vestio ‘ . sv al Fo Y 3 . ni : :
fc Yroser Tes We Devoe igars, Mrs. James Roberts, Mrs. Lemar |East Donegal High School Audi- Friday nye tigated oe robbery af highway from E-town to Lebanon |charge of deliberately burning a at the home of Mrs. Samuel
Jae mn oo Fig hg Co. | Blanten, Mrs. Lee Rice, Mrs. Jas. [torium, Maytown. There will be the M. M Wenger mill, Bheets. : or ers roup in Mt. Joy Twp. coal company’s truck. Peiffer. Newtown, Columbia R 1,
ane Ih ® : 20 100 10 the field | Hockenberry, Mrs, William DeCar!- door prizes, prizes for pinochle, 500 Burglars broke into the office of On Monday evening 3 new or Alice K. Ober, Raph, Twp, tc - Thursday at 11 p. m. after an ill-
w uh 8; 81) fut ey ie General ton, Mrs. John Snyder, and rs. [and bridge. Mrs. Mervin Brandt is the mill and escaped with an esti- | h 10 i fo} he Evangel Walter G. and Daisey P. Hosler of [TWO AUTOS BADLY ness of one year
ice jas reporte | . fa ated $12 : - ing > ice | vas born i > Evangeh- | Us : dei 2 id an . :
Pe a 1 | Nicholas Lietner. | president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. |" ated 312 after looting We offic i Bn : th c “hurch, known Rapho Twp., two udjoining tracts [DAMAGED IN COLLISION Born in Germany, he came to
GW. oO 0 oz 9 ’ 1 aleives 4 a in a o J rethren ne >
ie how all for a “E'S Paul Peiffer, chairman of party; nd breaking into a candy vending je 2 tle 3 of land containing 8 acres, 62 per- Na one was injured but two autos | this country as a young man and
straight price 35: e : ; machine las the “Sunday School Workers > ‘ :
$ ce of 35 and 10 cent : . we 1
ght § S Mas : reer. chairms machine ches and 1 acre, 61 perches, Rapho adlv de ollis , 3;
. : ci WM. THOME PURCHASED Mrs. Adam Greer, chairman of ac- bre aiding hand of § & 1 Rag were badly damaged in a collision | formerly resided in Salunga, He
for tobacco with nothing extra for tested x : The robbery is believed to have {Group under the guiding hand o T $10.200 : Av :
i i GIBBLE HOME, MILTON GROVE | tivities; Mrs. Elam S. Waltz, chair- : > . ; a Ps wile, on the Harrisburg pike, near Roy | was a member of the Lutheran
hauling te the warehou anv <b iL, | +100 3 ~ | Ei 1 Kaylor, Superintendent of the !
iling 1e warehouse nor any On Saturday afternoon Auction-|man of Property and supplies; Mus. [taken place sometime between five | Fa 2 : I ee me eee Broneman’s east of town, at 6:50 a | Chucet There ‘ore no known
is " ay amy DE ay - v Mae . : 7. v y = IE nday oChoo he oo” - . r
Jens inducements to sell, growers eer C. S. Frank sold at public sale Joseph Mollenbaugh Mrs. Carl ™ Puesday and 7 a. m. Wed- |Evangelic h 20 we ARRFSTED AND JAILED m. Monday State Policeman Nagle | survivors in this country.
oid Shun So 9) You | Shenk and Mrs. Mervin Brandt will | nesday. Entrance was ined | meeting which began at T30 was |p Lo coNDUCT id J T. Sullivan 47, Lan (Turn to Page 2)
ve wove olf ‘o .._. |for the Union National Mount Joy {Shenk and Mr=. Merv a S School Workers Con- | © ivi, said. James 44, ‘AaNns=- o Page
Leal hovers oll got quite active Bank oe + of Clay R. Gil be hostesses for the evening through an overhead door. | called unday Schoo ° : On Friday evening officer Good |downe, was driving west when his "sett
Monday, each one contacting his Bank, executor o ayton R. Gib- sol ep] WAGES PO A, | ference with 39 superintendents and 1 C bl Ze ' ted 11 vo. Jeol! i the)
al a4 Orne tran 5 a “onstable Zerphey arrested lear was forced to the le 0 wel ‘ERNING AU "ERS
Mist of patrons and Tussdey ‘movie ble deceased, a 9-acre tract of land BUYING. NEWS } Sunday school teachers, present 2 Cones ie 5 Yi arrestec : 2 wa oe d to lo ot | CONC ERNING AUTO DRIVERS
i p i i: Yu AW: : . .yneh, WwW 7s ‘ shway a: assing atler-truck 'Q
jng are of the dealers told the: the village of Milton Grove. The * P b DISRUPTED MEETING } Mr. Kaylor called the roll and | John Lynch, New Yor ity, on alhighway by a passing u ; re i WHO VIOLATED LAWS
writer he does not know of any improvements are a frame dwelling ating al ty y ro. 4 pa = : ti _ lund the United Brethren had 14 charge of disorderly conduct at|and crashed with on auto being « ¥i- | Sixteen drivers from . Lancaster
“| blacksmith st y » coal h Word that tobacco buyers were : the home of Mrs. Harvey Weaver, | ven by J. Merle Wittel, twenty-nine | lost their drivers’ licenses
unsold crops around here. rlacksmith shop, garage, coal house, . in the field offering 35 cents a lp ]representatives, the Evangelical 10 is d + lip % Hook 81. Blight : 1 censes
— — chicken house. ete La ltl | hh of God 5. Methodist 4, the at Florin. e was given a hearing [160 E. High St., Elizabethtown lest week, Among them are the
{ Sav disrupted the meeting of the Lan- | Church before Squire honk Hendrix here ——— : : ‘
Same was purchased by William Teint . x r nigh | Lutheran 2, the Site pal 2 and the etore qY : r an | following from this locality:
E t Theme for $3.810.00. At the same The Youth Fellowship of St. disville Lions Club Monday night Prodsyterisn none plead guilty and in default of | NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE | Speeding—Howard Gibble, Mount
ngagemen S time a lot of personal property was | Mark's Evangelical United Breth- | it Landisville fire hall, but despit | po first part of the meeting was $5.00 fine and costs was commited IN EFFECT SUN., APRIL 25 {Joy R1; Luther B. Martin, Eliza-
¥ 5 ho hasty "7 rn of Ihany or = e a 4 pen va . i
Miss Betty Weaver, daughter of | disposed of. ren Church cf Mt. Joy, spent al ' 3 Tasty Darius, of Hany ge i a devotional period consisting of to the county i for fifteen days.| The following schedule goes into | bethtown.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Weaver, of ! — Ms we enjoyable evening last Friday, in Ee ie ey Pe sind | congs. a scripture reading, a prayer, : effect on the Penna. R. R. here next | Licenses Restored
es | ert a Aol y hea » ‘ess of the evening BF £ er . Ww ‘ 1 OR ' . ce
Landisville, engaged to Charles | SPECIAL CLASSES FOR a roller at Rack I A A A I a 1nd several solections ty & wale [TWO 1AW OFFICES Sunday, April 25. The appended | Allen F. Schatz, Mount Joy; Mrs.
Casale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | BOROUGH OFFICIALS Springs Park. Twenty-five members ; i Sa, Tne 1 ( Turn to Page 5) William R. Howard, attorney-at- {time is standard time. {G. Musser Stauffer, Lancaster RS;
E. Casale, of Pitmen, N. J. Miss| A series of eight special classes for | friends of the group made up | ©! toe club, spoke on The History -— law, of Lancaster, has opened his| Eastbound—6:10 and 8:41 a. m.: Johp Richard Stauffer, Mt. Joy R2
Weaver will be graduated from |phoro officials are being held thru- the party. The group included |! Are e and the Function prune, A. AUTO STOLEN IN office for legal practice, in the Har-[4:49 and 5:44 p. m mmm mall Mies
r | ep Tele es ie } of the Architect. 4 ov Che ap roperty on ‘West M: 5:08 C 55 J ZINK S 3
West Chester State Teachers Col- lout the county. The first meeting eter Boot Joyee Ginx r, in % . | Cob UMBIA 1S FOUND ry Garber property on West Main | Westbound —6:08 and 8:55 a. m.: |yoHN NH. ZINK SOLD HIS
lege in May and Mr. Casale is|was held at Quarryville early in| Rane, gio SF OF 1 i An auto belonging to Quy E50. next to Tyndalls Store, ~~ p.m : CLEANING - PRESSING SHOP
is attending Franklin and Marshall | March Sherk, Marilyn Newcomer, Mary | FIRST OF THREE INTER la : Philadelphia, stolen from a Mr. Randolph Ryder is continu-| Add one hour for Daylight sav-| yo = Zink, owner and opera-
‘ . . : ‘race her yenevieve Zim- | BO Al RTS | Quinn, Hace pa, ig i eo lice wl: : x vk Ter | -
College. No date has been set for| One of these meetings will be held | Grac Bucher, Genevieve Zim- | E OR0 BAND C nr. | 3 king on Second 86, Cos ing his practice in the office in the [ing time, says S. J. Dock, passenger |, ¢ 41. Zink Cleaning and Press-
ie weoding lin the Fire Hall here next Thurs- | Jet ™ I ait, ees I aiid BO ii Sy lumbia, Monday night was found Brubaker property on West Main [agent [ing Shop on North Market Stt, has
rr + a loy randt Robert | high * schools presente » first a, hy Rig stree ment tli Grn eet |
| day evening. April 29, when In- 2 ds Lloyd > dt Rent ch a Pres: n : ; ine oo 5 on a sural vosd between street. —- - sold the business to Benjamin M.
- » Sher ar 0 or vk. la se 0 ree ntar MN J x —— AR ., SOT + TE x
DIVORCE SUIT FILED [structor, Mr. Charles H. Pearce, jieth; Con k ; B oo ts M i Wi Mt. Joy ond Drytown Thursday. FORMER DIRECTORS FETED Lehman, of Elizabethtown, former-
| Sher ar or ee Ranc . and concerts onday : é Uh. X Hd PAS SIGNS TR FG ~
| Sherk, Carl Brandt, Lee Ranck, Wm Monday night a Stale Policeman Miller, of the LOCAL PASTOR RESIGNS AT E. DONEGAL BANQUET v of Florin
Libel in divorce: Jonas Leinart, former instructor in the Assessors
Florin vs. Viola R. Leinart Loys- Training Séhool, Public Service

Garber, Richard Martin, Henry | Fast Donegal Twp. High School in
Zerphey, Dale Williams, Owen | Maytown.
Rev. C. A. Price of Methodist M. R. Hoffman, Sr, William| Myr. Lehman, who is now with
Church, has resigned as pastor, to Young and William Hoffman, for- {i Qnavely and Book Elizabethtown
Columbia sub station said the car
ville R1, Perry County, Adultery Institute will have charge. Subject: ve apparently had involved in
. Se x . Smith, Jack Eberle, Mrs. Albert The second concert will be given | APPATENLY 8 acral as + x S v Bvan- a ' x
Married Oct. 22, 1925, separated, Assessment, Levy and Collection of mith, Jack Eberle 4:1 ie Jo! it. Monday : = . en in an accident as the front bumper accept a call to the St. Mary Evan me: school directors were honor | cleaners, will také possession on
March 17. AssesSrents i Brandt, Mr. and Mrs, William | next onday at Marietta High gelical Reform Church at Silver | guests at the annual Teacher Di- {pay 1st
arch 17 laxes, Special Asses ments. (Turn t age 6) School and the third next Tuesday had been knocked off. ; sts ; May 1s
EE ITE mn to page b : Te aa eee cement mettle ee Run, Maryland. rector banquet of the Fast Done- rl re
enamel AB ees at 8 p.m. at Mt. Joy igh choo you ween) 40 SM ml T . s ‘he the hig
gol Twp. scheols, eld at the high | THE ARMED FORCES
on en 4 Bp de ai
i hower was held at the By ih | Four county youths joined the
HERE WERE INSTALLED SALUNGA MAN INJURED A surprise dice: Groff executor of er a A of or
home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sentz, Maurice Groff, executor of thelgey. Ader of St. John's Lutheran {Armed Forces last week. Among
District Deputy Joseph P. Helm, Ralph Lutz, twenty-four, Salun- . last will of Ellen C. Henry, late of { Church of Co via: : :
May Day Celebration May 7 is i i ga, was treated at the Lancaster [Rl Columbia for their daughter RS Ny Ste Nd hurch of Columbia spoke to the ty. (wag Russell H. Gingrich, of
E-town and his installation staff Mount Joy, to Lulu W. Stauffer, Mt. group Wie
od this boro.

Down on the Farm will be the | Johnson, Lester Hawthorne, Jim [of the Independent Order of Odd |General Hospital Monday for lacer- Helen : Joy, two tracts of land. Mount Joy -— 1 i :
rats dara it ’e ide 1 sions. ; : he i uests were sent lq seg | a
annual May Day Celebration to be Madara and Robert Mackison. | Fellows, completed a _eounty wide ations and brush burns of the right : Sisty four guests yn $1450. MISS ERMA GAINOR IS | MARRIAGE LICENSES
held on the East Donegal Twp. |The junior attendants are Hazel | program with a joint installaticn in [leg which he caught in a machine and many beautiful gifts received. ——— flues. a TWN . : ‘i
School grounds on the evening of | Miller, Glcria Fisher and Mary | the IOOF hall, West Main St. on |[show. He was discharged after Ye LEFT OFF TOO EASY HONORED AT LEBANON ve Jay E. Siegrist, Landisville and
Friday May 7 with May 10 as a|Jane Sollenberger and their es- | Tuesday evening, treatment. ADJUDICATION FILED John I. Lewis, mine boss, was The YWCA of Lebanon Valley Mary E. Lungren, Landisville.
rain date. All high school grades |corts are Jack Madara, Kenneth| During this special ceremony, |at work, records at the hospital] An adjudication was filed in thelfneq $20,000 and his United Mine College recently voted for their offi- | Winfield Z. Hendrix Mt. Joy,
will participate in the program. and Raymond Good. The | officers of clubs in Mt, Joy, Bain- 8 Museen Orphans’ court in the estate of | workers $1,400,000 for contempt of cers for the coming year. The Presi- | and Helen Heckenberry, Mt. Joy.
The May Queen will b2 chosen by | sophomore attendants are Mabel [bridge and E-town were installed. MUST PAY $15 WEEK Alice H. Hauenstein, late of Bast|court. dent for the year will be Erma Harry J. Farmer Jr. Florin, and
the student body from the five |Gess and Shirley Warfel and their Tee James Hawthorne, this boro, was |Donegal township to the amount of Gainor of this bore. Miss Qyinor is [Lillie Rosine Kling, 160 Manheim
a Junior majoring in Business Axd- |street, this boro.

genior girl attendants ncminated by | attendants are Vernon Hawthorne [INSTALLING DIAL PHONES ordered to pay $15 a week for sup- |$4457.00. y . ns i 1
the senior class. They are as|and Merle Arnold. The freshman| The Columbia Telephone Com- {port of three children plus $1 a Tar om—— > Week S Birth Record ministration Bt fue
follows Carolyn Cyl, Rose | attendant is Doris Ginder and her |pany is busy installing the new dial | week on a $90 arrearage to Anna | WOMAN NAMED JUDGE

You might use those old radio



Mattera, Mildred egrist, Janet [=ccort is Russel Herr. telephones thruout this locality. A | Mae Hawthorne, of town. He was Edna Eshelman was named judge| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Zerphey, A man may not know his mind ear-phones to prevent hearing the
Eater and Jane Wear Their| The junior and senior high |large number have already replaced | given 30 days to pay costs of the of elections in West Donegal Twp. | this boro, a daughter at the Lan- [but his wife can usually make it up noise of the next door neighbor's
escorts are: Sam Fisher, Charlie (Turn to page 6) Jthe old call phone in the Boro. j proceedings by the Court on Friday. caster General Hospital Saturday. ®for him. radio. .“