O6—The Dulle lin, COLLIERY COAL: Fag Wi. Joy. Pu.. tove and Amos E. Burkho I. } B. Frank Kready, Attys. 2-12-6t TO RUY OR SFLL ~ WANTED: Girl or woman for gen- RFAI. FSTATF sral housework. No washing. Short ATT, afternoons if desired. Call Mount Wn. T Eline Jov 320 or apply at The Bulletin Mountville, Pa. Phone-9241 Office 2-12-tf 9 am to 9 rm. “We need 100 for immediate per nut, $15.00 Pe nL: Buckwheat, 10 1% » 0) 1 1 Bs SEE CLASSIFIED Walter Den 230 West Main St Mount Jo hone 2088 1 p ; J R . umn are 25¢ BOY WANTED: For paper route, I ive lines, Ge l Kulus New Agency 9 Fast ie insert payable Ma {re Viount J I i - 1-22-tf FOR SALE: Katahbin pata I y "Ty y ( { Pl ) FOUR BUILDING LOTS FOR |". Joy Ri, Phen SALLI 60 ft. each, on Detwiler ! Avenue VI Joy Price $630.00 each, Telep Mt. Je 1-W' © I'ED O REN or 6 1 V Weis 190-R-14 11-26-tf e in Mouny Joy. Write M t I | Viount Joy Rl MEN W ANTED to work on poultry 1 farm I'el ie Mount Jov 905R6 FOR SALE: Hog weighing 175 t 1 { | Next to Ch Dry EXTRA ICE W ¢ A r 11-11 potato 3.1 pe imndred Vil VA NTT Wu liam K. R 4 TONERS: I Wishing and 1 Mt. Joy, 126-J-4 9.4 } Cal 213 M ( it J 11 PHOTO FINISHING 1 1X or { eight expos roll develoved and ! Che oar printed plain or declle edo 256.4 : 5 ps (coin). Reprir le each linimum order 25c¢. Capital City Pi Ser four J v vice, Box 5 irrisburg, P 215 J WANTED: Wrecked obi I'D I Any make, Vv me 1 Ad Sera Iron. H. B / Wrecking, © 74 N. Poplar St., Elizabethtown, Pa. ~! Phone 38-W or 191-W 8-14-tf ~ - . WwW FED: 1 ! I J. WILLIS FREED pt PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TAX CONSULTANT A NTH B 19 W. MAIN ST SY 1-1-tf retary NOTICE: I wll buv all kinds of Z. Sn r. Fa scrap iron and pape Also stove in, P Phor wood iar sale, locust and oak, in FOR SALE small lots or truck load. Guy D. °F a y Spittler. Phone 101-R, Mount .Tov intled ri ] on 10-30-tf 103J3. Mt Jo 11-1tp CL AMS A ND | ov STERS. For Sale: WANTED: Male or female over 18 Chincoteaoue lt water ovsters Vest Fo mtain service, evenings at Schrells 33 35 Tx twiler Lin ‘oln Bowling Alley }-11-1 Avenue, Mount Joy, or phone 156- - ny J. Will de liver 9 19. dtp FOR SALTY \vples for eating and —— eh oo! in Stavman Win nD, Roms Ww AN" TED: A painter to act as for cant Smokehouse Delicion man, must know lor D. Loraw, York. Grimes Golden and Paralise Florin, Pa, Modan: Joy 150-.J-2 Prices van ) siz rade 2-5-tf and voriety thryn Z. Sny- le “t Flori 24. | EXECUTORS NOTICE Oh. ¥ n > 4 sor, Pa. Estate of Clayton R. QGibble, | «4R eet late cf Mount Joy Township, de- RT ceased. oy CC | APPRECI I wish to ex- tend mv th ts 1c] yrociati Letters testamentary on said Pe aan he annie mo | . . nn Vv endef heir cards estate having been granted to the 10 ny ign PF men ee ] nd flower ent ts me while undersigned, all persons indebted, Ho . 7 ‘ avi Pe : : : wspitali MIvs. Clayton New- thereto are requested to make im ; 1 1t 8 nor o=-11-1tp mediate payment, and those ————— EL Vn D ing claims or demands against the FOR SALE: Girl's dusty rose ) same, will present them without weioht nri topper, like delay for settlement to the under- 8 Sir definite. but about signed, Cal] 320 or at 9 E. Main Street. UNION NATIONAL 3-4-tf MT. TOV BANK ie resp estes es emits ns MT. JOY, PENNA. FOR SALE: 2's story Frame double Executor house, on Main street, Florin, Pa, Arnold, Bricker & Beyer, Atty’ Fach side 5 rooms, light and water 2-19-6t Anply Gulf G Station, Florin een — Phone Mt. Joy 172-J-11 2p TT ADMINISTR ATOR" S NOTICE . mate Estate of Anna Schwenker, late TOR SALE: two B:wrouchs Posting of Borough of Mount Joy, de- Machine and 1 Burro Adding | ceased, Machin Avp' at the Union Na- | Letters of administrotion on tional Mount Jov Bank 3-4-t estate having heen granted to the ——— undersigned, all nersons indebted MEN WANTED: Reist Coneret thereto are requested +» make im- Clock. Telephon 7-J-12 Moun mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the ey Tr : y : POT A 947 8 Mod sante, will present them without i LF ig ! 4 delay for settlement to the ninder- |. oh nd re or a i 1 1 like 1 $55.00 ppl Kuln signed, wnt J ; NAT Ne tore 1-2t) BANK ND TRIIST — A , ANI oy + FOR ALE: Bantan Trail 1 IMPANY OF MOUNT tay ailer, al JOY tv, | tives, $12500. H T N It Flevin P a_A_9% Ad { \ vissl Florin ¢ o=-4=-2t dernard J Mve T Bernard J. My ; OR SALE: Gas Si four burn- a. = bla PN vi’ broiler. good mdition. $35.00. 212 South M EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE ‘treet. Mount Jou. 2.961 Estate of Elizabeth N. Hoffer A Oy tit now Elizakoth I rr Wagen- mOR SALE: Dry field baled straw. | bach late i de Ceasca. Victor Hawthorne, R1, Marietta. Pa Letters testamentary on s id eS Phone Marietta 3391 2.12-tf tate having been granted to the un-| — dersigned, all versons indebted INTERESTFD in selling vour | thereto are requested to m ake Staley or call 183R? mediate payment, ar nd thos » having fount Jov 5_9-tf claims or demanc wainst the ——— same, will present them without WANTED rs, delay for sr ttle nt to the under- "porentice lakers signed at 110 XE. King Street, Lan- Core RI d Labor- caster, Pa. ot a and CLOV HOFTWR ng x Marietta, Pa D. MERL HOFFER 2-12-tf i ——————— ey Arnold, Bricker & Beyer, TO I RENT a House in Mt, 1-6t ) yo vicinity, See Joe Bucken- ——————————— wer, Acme Markets, Mount Joy. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 2-18- th] Estate of Ephraim F. Baker. late ————— mr rr ern Yov . 1 v1 WAN" + Office clerk, ex- of Mount Joy Borough. Pa. dec'd ] tin | sw . n he 1 but . Letters of Administration era | ne q IX it ‘= I 3h Ho on said estate having been granted MW Ai to vn. Yo nd to the undersigned, all persons in- WV yy dng a ] 8, ae or and , X= debted thereto are requested tc Png on {ary : . nected, in first letter, Address re- make immediate pavment. and those Box. 102. Marthe. Pa having claims or demands against Vly to P. O. Box 102, Manhe Co the same will present them without FO a tf Seley for Sede ent to the under- PEWRITE RS New - Re ht, ilt = signed at Mount Jov, Pa TR 411 THE FIRST N; ATIONAT, RANE Us ce J. M. ENCLE, 411 1} : Hie h. AND TRUST COMPANY OF “hzabethtowr : MOUNT J10Y i Administrator d.b.n.c.t.a | caster, jail down his cig Highway Thong March 11, 1918 "LAND home of Mrs. Lewis Mease with 12 the home of Mrs. Wallace Greid- { Ruth on Sunday members present, er with 12 members present. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bender en- A | Fire meeting was held Monday Lizzie Ruth and Mrs. Greider en- [{erfained at a dinner on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Herr cele- evening in the Fire Hall. The La- tertained in keeping with St. Pat- evening: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mil- 1 vated their 29th wedding anniver- dies Auxiliary were invited to at- ricks, A nice time was had by al fore of Mountville and Mr, and i ry on Saturday, Nerch 5 ins tend, at which time pictures were | pp and Mrs. Herbert Axe nh, Mrs Notwri an Bender and daughters | # I'he Ladies Aid Society of Zion [shown and refreshments served. son of Paradise visited Mrs. Lizzie! £laine and Linda Lutheran Church held its monthly The Adult Bible Class of Zion | —— neeting Monday evening at the Lutheran held its monthly meeting | ~ TN | A IN ORDER || Mason's Grocery Store 4 | : { (Formerly Kaylors) \ 2 | 3 IMPROVE STANDARDS OF WORKMANSHIP | Ys og Enjoy them NOW! TO PROMOTE BETTER BUSINESS METHODS RHEEMS, PA. . etl © 8 or BATH ou ae Rab Ford Cal, Cling 3 0 KEEP ABREAST OF ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTS | Q No 234 Cc = IN THE INDUSTRY * cans 7 is HEI CIFOR ead | Week End Specials PEACHE | } SE UR FI) RY ATION ON NEW PLANT PRO- Halves or Slices In Sugar Syrup CESSES, SUPPIYES AND FABRICS. { Chocolate Cocoanut Cream Easter Eggs pound 40c eee eet: \ Ty or rm. . i ’ No 214 can AND TO PASS THESE ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS IN | Hershey Chocolate ‘Syrup 16c Libby s or Ideal Cal. Cling Peaches '6 can 29¢ THE FORM OF IMPROVED DRYCLEANING SER- 1 Delhi Cal. Freestone Ho? « ICE ' Oranges dozen 28c - 35c 02314 VICE. | cans EICHERLYS [jj Seeger roe iy H | ' | | Oysters dozen 50c Kx EESE Mellow, Creamy Ib 55¢ 5 IS NOW A MEMBER | : } A Full Line of Baby Foods PABST-ETT Cheese Spread 614-02 pkg 25¢ ' Cc a ONA L Cl | STORE HOURS: 7:00 a. mi. to 7:30 p. m_: Friday 7:00 a. mv. to 9:00 BEANS van Camp's Improved 21-0z can 17 t1tute | p. m.: Saturday, 7:00 a. or. to 10:00 p. m.; Asco Best 16-02 c Ins of eaning | CLOSED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING PEANUT BUTTER a 34 & Dyeing . + l GORTON'’S recvtorry Codish Cakes or A : | : ' HERON nN 14-0z FREE DELIVERY PHONE E-TOWN 484-R Asco Plain or Tabasco eh EE l hi CATSUP wor 21 err TOMATO JUICE se Brief News From The Dailies For Quick Reading California goes on daylight saving time on Sunday. Ww at Meadville the first syrup sold for $5 per gallon. “The re 3.908.000 babies born | in the United States last year. were The Helm Coal Co. at York, has applied for a television permit. There are fifty-cne cases of | carlet fever in Adams county. are polluting the Codorus creek York Ceo. The Bayuk Cigar, Inc.. at build a $175,000 ion to its plant. Sales fell off so sharply Tire its producticn Sixteen industries in will addi- in Jan. that Rub- 30 per the Goodyear and ber Co. cut cent killed railway 378 ac- Decem- Ten persons were and mmjured in 321 street cidents in Penna. during Ler Wm in M. Red Lion, because Kinscly, 62, he admitted sar factory to get the in- burning surance. Tree west Lincoln was badly on the York, started Pine Inn, of imaged by fire when two mnies were stuck in a fuse box. the Armstrong Lancaster, re- $9.648.592.00 fter deduction of The president of Company at t of orts a net prot 1047 taxe Your Insure Part Too IF YOUR home burns, after the mortgage note is paid will there be sufficient mon- ey from the insurance to re- imburse you for the value of your equity? Wouldn't you be relieved to know that your insurance is adequate to protect you, too? INSURE NOW with — O. K. SNYDER O. K. SNYDER, Jr. MOUNT JOY PHONE 15 \ Notary Public maple Lan- | MANHEIM R. C. ROBERT FRY D. 1, P ENNA. | lf AIR COMPRESSOR | WORK | Rock Drilling | Concrete Breaking, Etc. PN & ; t A gis Laan a ut Lh ER EXCAVATING & GRADING Cellars Trenches, Etc. | PHONE MOUNT JOY | 126-R4 3-11-3M Everyone Needs This Limit or highway. subway, el ing street, walking along truck, bus, trolley, train, commercial airplane. eyes, ene hand and one foot, and sight of one eve; $ hand or one foot or sight of one eye. Also $20 weekly up to 13 weeks for due to above accidents. Towing (up to 14 miles) in U. S. anc This insurance pays $1.000 to $1,500 for loss of life, loss of beth hands or both feet, sight of bosh one hand or foot 500 to $750 for less of one $5,000 National Surety Bail Certificate. Protection Hundreds Belo riding in evated or Daily Licen Notary Serv Claims and Travel Ser AAA Clubs w $50 Reward member's car Yearly disability subs 1 Canada. Who Do Not Drive a Car Road Emergen Tire Change Use of Waiti 24722 Belong to the LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB Why Not You? is No Age Own There ng MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS INCLUDE: Personal Accident Insurance that covers mem- ber while driving or riding in autemobile, cross- cy Service Service on the Road se Service ice Adjustment Service, vice, Maps, Routings, Aid of 700 hen Traveling on conviction of thieves stealing or hit-ran injuring a member. cription to Lancaster Motorist. ing and Rest Rooms ANNUAL DUES I hereby make application for membe bile Club, subject to Constitution and By- Name Only $5 Street or R. FF. D $2 extra admission City or Town fee the first year Cash with this Application $ rship in the Lancaster Automo- Laws year’s dues to: 8-10-12 S. Prince Street, Lancaster Join Now! Fill in the above application and send it, with $7. for admission fee and first Lancaster Automobile Club Phone 6118 * | Save on Fresh Vegetables and Fruit | * FANCY ROUND VALENTINE 2 'bs 33c GREEN BEANS 17° TENDER CALIF. BROCCOLI ROME BEAUTY APPLES Arralachian 3 ibs 25¢ JUICY FLA. GRAPEFRUIT 70 SWEET FLA. ORANGES beh 25¢ § for 23¢ doz 29c 176-200 FRESH CRISPY Carrots Tomatoes FANCY SLICING 2 full 7 cello i os 1 pr 5c i Glenside Park Grass Seed § Ibbag 1.19 1 2-Year-Old Field Grown Rose Bushes ¢a2 55¢ i New Pack Fla. Orange Juice Stock tock Up and Save! and Save! 3 18-o0zcans 25¢ Blended Juice at the Peak of Deliciousness! Fancy, New Pack, Fla. big 46-0z cans 39: © 3 3. 29¢ ah +3 Qc cans 2 PURE LARD MARGARINE Asco Enrichea, FLOUR coi seal enriched COFFEE Asco “heat-flo" roasted SUGAR Best Granulated PEAS roma Large; Extra Standard + 37¢ in Be 10... 79¢ 8sc © 10 :.. bag 85¢ 200: Be Beech-Nut Baby Foods Strained Junior 3 jars 25¢ 3 Jars 35¢ Paas Egg Dyes 3 Pkes 25¢ Krispy Crackers 'b Pk 26¢ T-Minit Pie Crust Pka |T¢ Dromedary Mix Gingerbread or Asco Cider Vinegar 92! 59¢ HEINZ | HeinzChicken ClamChowder| Noodle Soup 2 = 33c | 2m 33c cans ; 4 Daily from Our Bakery White Iced 1 i Devilfood Layer Cakes or 65° Choc. Cream Squares ea 33c Jelly Rolls ea 19¢ Coffee Rings ea 19¢ Supreme Bread Choc. Iced Layer Cakes 43¢ loaf 14¢ Fresh Sugared DO’NUTS doz 21¢ 3 Tk | Save In Our Meat Department | * ; HAMS Wilson's Small Lean Smoked Whole or 8-14 |b 'b Shank Half avg. Fresh Country Style Sausage Lean Smoked Picnics Tender Sirloin Steaks Lean Sliced Bacon ...', 9: | Ib 49¢ wb §Ye +59 Fully Dressed, Fresh Killed Stewing or Roasting Chickens SKINLESS FRANKFURTS Ib 57 Ib 45¢ Ib 45¢ 1b 39¢ : Haddock Fillets Fillets of Perch Salt Water OYSTERS NEW OVERHEAD SECTIONAL BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE on CES - — " —— Fancy Large Shrimp '®69¢ int 50Q¢ GARAGE DOORS: 8'x7’ X88. New Street, One Lot—50x176 feet; = A i : . : Ib 10°10’, 12/x12’. Tn stock for jm- One Lot—50x153 feet; One Lot—73x REDDY KILOWATT . Right, Sight, Light! . . .. Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Boneless Steak Fish 29¢ mediate delivery. Automatic electric|150 ft. Price #300 each. Apply E. E ’ X . overhead door orerators. Controlled Brown, Mount Joy, Phone 169 or YOURE RIGHT BETTER LIGHT BETTER SIGHT YOUNG Nabisco _ Ibpka [4 from the dash of vonr ear. Also agg 5-28-tf RITZ CRACKERS lot of commercial and slog) = nL hy ere / EYES | bea S gash. Paul A. Martin, Mount Tov FOR SALE: Kirby Vacuum Clean- JUST PLUG IW. «Ib can Pa. Phone 145. 4-17-Y er, excellent condition, complete tM WITH GOOD LIGHT Hunt Club | D deal d 43c 3 can 1 CESSPOOL. SE TIC TANK with attachments. Phone Mt. Joy, FOR STUDYING.. Og roc os 00 SPOOL, SEPTIC T $1-R 12-29-f EYESIGHT IS SO PRICE- oxic | Hershey's Cocoa Butter ildine & Cleaning Ae ARE RARE le b I ARMSTRONG FNGINFERING |FOR SALE. Fuelsver Stoker. Ape LESS AND GOOD LIGHT 5 063° 12. cans 23 Toilet Soap Soap Flakes A IN ay arn I Er lie gay A COSTS SO LITTLE THAT | win No Rub 2 Ks K Loncaster R4 - 32770 oly First National Bank & Trust : ilbert’s No Ru oz 3 c 29c pkg 36¢ ; > YOU CAN AFFORD TO : vor 29¢ or Earl Wanner - 43 East Main 8 Co., Mt. Joy. 1- 22- tf HAVE GOOD LIGHTING. Furniture Polish Fs 272-J Mount Joy ul 5-H AVE YOU R GARDE INS "AND SK Parson’s Ammonia at {9g Blu-White Flakes 2 [Te Rr SE Pa FOR IE FOR Octagon Cleanser 3 cans (9¢ | SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP PLUMBING, HFATING AND SPRING PLANTING. DETAILS K cks bath cks ELFCTRICAL WORK IN ONF OPERATION, BY Octagon Powder Pka [0c | 3k 29¢c 2 29c 333 MARIETTA AVENUE ROTOTILLFR. March Family Circle Magazine at all our PHONE 215-J MOUNT JOY ALVIN S. ENGLE | Prices Effective March 11-12-13, 1948, Quantity Rights Reserved. See display advertisement PHONE 108-J MT. JOY Conright HT by Rady Kien REDDY KILOWATI i i 3-11-4t heb a wt ud | 0218: ld LLAR BUYS pd Ei THE. ACME Re At .a Thursday mission rail: $1 conne hew nearly in change from a pe to Lanca The P changes the highway the Stat There ha cost of tl At crossings Di actua an ways plained jects are The fir: of the Re Mot Fro Auditor proved pe A2 to 57 sc class in Legislative support of The loca each will $11,241.16; 771381; Ea 297.80; Eli Marief Joy Boro $10,123.26; Washngtor Hempfield or, wl] MISS HE STUDEN1 Miss Dc ter of Mi Heisey, 2 received Nurse at Hospital 1 tended t Ann Gau and I Raymond Joy. Perso! Mr. Mechanics Annie A. Mr. R town, spe Taro an as the Miller. Mrs. - Ax Amelia M Mr. and | bethtown gue JOHN Mi] At the of the Lc poultryma for a thre Are Fifteen dents par Show” du Jast Frida awarded t« his saxoph pianist anc soprano sc H. Brown Brandt, M lison, May Hoeltzel, 1 Hol; Special will be hel March 22 for the ass follows: M er Matte Church; T Ww. M. All Church; (