Bulletin, Mt. The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher D JU NE, 1901 - SE ——————— —— a sa'ary Joy, Pa., Thursday, March 11, 1948 and do it {ter than the chap who will do more 1s worke- ng fer not only fun, but a siring of t umes besides $2 (0) $1.00 Fhe time that Mount J qo vill G0 have a Bore Manager m iy not be 05 far distant. ( FRE} ® 9 0 fice $ 1 THE GRAY MARKET J m il m Much has been heard of late of March 3, 1879. | hein the “gray market” in el. In that market r Jind sell the I U R I AL whe are in I, at | directly com the certain dealers de unscrupu'ous product to buyers ED ! { desperate necd of prices. It is the field, mand big bonuses extortionate + + + us count 1 parable to our blessings |. . ton In automobile where s and our mistakes machine oO! «il ing 4 3s : oo 6 ibove the list price of a car, or an unduly low value on a car they it thought that should | (1 in trade i r in tins paragraph was com- = I . NO one knews how extensive ple forgotten while answering | C : y the steel gray market is, thouzh an unnecessary telephone call. : yi : uy ® PY | i iy accounts loy hut a very : . small percentage of total sales. In A report came out of Washing- he ind ! I : : event, the mdusiry 1as img Friday that 18,000,000 Ki ‘ P : . ... een taking positive action to com- women now at work in the United $3 oe " "se at it, The largest American steel working because they ; dik company, lor instance, sells steel mt Eighty-four out of every nly to these who have a bona fide ist work to support them- use lor it: reluses to seli steel to others. The women who : o-called brokers; will not “tie worked “just to have something to. ,, : rss es in ales of steel with purchases ao, or to get pm money, are . a? ? : of scrap or other scarce mateiarls; etting fewer daily. and, where tangible evidence has ust too bad ladies but that's 0 been produced that its steel has the case nowadays, Sov reached the gray market, has re- A NEW SLANT fused to take further orders from We hava] Ne : hat The industry, in short, We hardly expected the Ameri- . . Ly i Xs ive Isn't just talking about the gray cian Automobile Association to add 1 . . . Le Tai a: market — it is doing everything their opposition to the longer skirts | |. : : : . in its power, by direct action, to for women, but they da — and for . . . ary mt up. reason. The fact is, the i clad legs catch the auto is clearly impossible to com- eve. especially at night pletely stamp out rackets of this : licht stocking gives the! fort m steel or anything else. When fe nedestrian better | 20 ds are in short supply, there fe pede i chance of safety. During night- always those who will take time, if the lonz skirt is a dark vantage of the condition and color. the driver doesn’t see the fi in while the going is good. pesdestrian “as readily and ctnse- | The ultimate solution will be suffi- quently ‘the. accident hazard is | cient steel, production t+ handle greater. Of the many reasons | the demand in a normal fashion. heard for disliking longer hem- |The industry is involved in a lines. this one of the New Look | major expansion program now, had | and the gray market will be a | { ata ry being the Last Look, perhaps of them. phenomenon. not been one ® oe EO THE CURFEW TOLLS | Te A California town has instituted Lire Co. Selects a curfew to sound at 10 o'clock | : (From Page 1) to warn those under 18 | to clear the streets and public {held in the Evangelical Church, on places, unless accompanied by an Sunday, March 21 at 7:30 P. M. adult. Parents are held responsible | Firemen to leave the building at for children and fines from $25 for |7:15 and march in a body to the the first offense to $520 for each |service. offense thereafter and imprison- The Trustees reported they had ment from 10 to 90 days, are part [selected a Bronze Memorial honor- the ordinance. Curfews used to | ing the men who served in the past Be a common thing in many towns, | war. The list of the names to appear rs back. Perhaps they helped n this tablei has been placed on the te » child delinquency, we can’t | bulletin board for inspection. Errors 1) uch an edict may seem se- [should be called to the attention of vere and unjust to our youngsters, ie trustees, y the necessary cor- but as a lecal parent puts it, “why | rections can be made hould minors be loitering around Ti Telephone committee report- the streets after 10 o'clock, curfew [oq no action by Council at their or 1 meeting, concerning the fire alarm ® eo tem when dial phones are install- MUCH ALCOHOI a { » of the protests to the [he President named the follow- ricling of distillers is, that of chicken corn an indirect return (o prohibiti : committe Rav Myers wany who lived in prohibition |, i Brandt. Jim Marklev. Harvey day want none of it. What is of |; mer. I Good. Hubert Rice concern to us, is the increased |. , Christ Charles, Oliver Spickler, cost of alcoholism to health and to i Arndt. Harry Prohibition won't cure Hendrie. Jovios Worked: Walter alcoholism, but statistics warn us |, that in this a today, 6.6 per | young, and James fichneider, , 1s A $10.00 donation was received cent of men and 15 per cent of | m the Anxiliary of the women, are “problem drinkers. Eos mo re Sh Alcoholism is an individual pro- $53.00 was put In the Servicemans blem, plus the need of physicians, nd. Doriation from Harvey Ret- psychiatrists, penokogists social { Yond Brinser Heistand. ; workers and civie organizations Permission was given to the Kn- Private institutions and state insti | lertainment Committee to put on a tutions for alcholics are burdened 90W In ihe near juture, with the cs and treatment The company voted to put the faced with the employment and Ladies Aux. members who were in habilitation of Hivse alcoholic he service duirng the war, on the released. It is ap economic issue | Memorial Honor Roll. that affects most of us, but now I Company voted to put the think we're on the right track. proceeds of the chicken corn soup Some fellow just recently a New engine fund, uni- invented a carburetor that will and disabled firemaus drive a car better than gasoline, | fund. it will enable autos to go places A committee of three men were in high gear as has already been appointed to go to Council to discuss proven, the only drawback being the purchase of a new engine. They the present exorbitant price. wre: Earl Zink, R. Divit and Ray! ® © Myers A BORO MANAGER The Financial Sec'y reported the | first balances ior February Firemans Fund $934.95, | Uniform Fund $554.18, General hrata is the boro in Lan- lowing a boro manager, | Disabled well | New to have 6 ter Lo ad has found it is money went. Now New Holland passed an [Fund $12054, ENT Fund $250.29 ordinance on first reading for the | Building Fund $1362.29, Relief Fund | have ervicemans Fund $349.01. | ordered the pur- | 4 $500.00 Gov't Bonds. | { move. | Bills were ordered paid and the | sami purpose. We that wise by every almost $3701.95, S The chase of 3 4 heli « reason lo believe any company bere wou'd be maxing a similas Net that the many ceuncilmen | adjourned serving gratis, (but they can now rere eesti Besa pre Iraw a salary if they see fit) are A TURKEY SUPPER and do their . The Ladies Auxiliary of the wt capable. They are work well but there are so many Landisville Fire Company will hold wccasions © when Councilmen can't | a turkey supper in the fire house | drop their work and serve their | Saturday, March 20, from 4:30 to | boro. {8 pm. Supper is $1.50 with half When again ils oniv. fair and for children 12 years and | ws a . Under. If you like turkey, there's | | reasonable that a man working for ' no better place to get it. / caster Automobile Club to an all- | time high of 24,722. S. Edward Gable, president reported to the | Conference of the | Motor This Section’s Numerous Weddings Viiss Avis M. McTheteris and D Fidward beth of Harrisburg ried at the offic f Jus- Peace James Hocken- alternoon Miss Clara Weidman, daughter of M Stella Weidman, Manheim Rl, and Henry Kravatz, Reading, were uried at 4 p.m. Sunday in the Vit. Joy Evangelical United Breth- ren Church. The Rev. Ezra Ranck officiated at the single ring cere- mony Engagements Mi and Mrs, Anthony Warta, east of town, anncunce the engage- men{ f their daughter, Marian Anita. Warta, te Charles Tuerk, | on ¢f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tuerk, West Oak Lane, Philadel- phia Miss Warta graduated from the Philadelphia Hospital Nursing School and is on duty at the Ly- | ing In Hospital, Philadelphia. { associated with the Philadel - Ir. Tuerk is Walker-Cadillac Ceo. of phia. The wedding April 24, will take place on Janet The engagement of Miss Escott, of Lancaster, and Robert H. | Philips, of Quarryville has been announced. The bride is a secre- | tary at the Hamilton Watch Co. | md M-. Philips is a graduate of | Franklin and Marshall Academy | nd Franklin and Marshall College. Master of from the He will receive the Science degree in June University of Pennsylvania. He erved 42 months as a lieutenant in the U. S. Coast Guard, heads the English department at | Fast Donegal Twp. High Maytown The wedding and now | School, | will take place i Cover's Welding Shop Delta and Marietta Streets JOY, PA. Phone 289 | 1 early Summer. Mrs. H. M. Gordon, Pittsburgh, Kansas, announced the engage- | ment of her daughter, Madeline | Cunningham, to Larry A. Brahm, n of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. | Braun, of Florin, Pa, on February | 14th Miss Cunningham is employed in the Fiscal Accounting Depart- | ment, Naval Supply Center, Pearl | Harbor, Hawaii. Mr. Braun served in the navy during World War II and is now with the Public Works | Cepartment in Pearl Harbor. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Apri] 3rd, in the Cathe- dral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu. —— Three Twp. School (From Page 1) Rev. T. A. McGregor, Donegal Pres- | byterian Church and Thursday, | March 25 - Rev. H. Gable, Florin U. B. Church. The township schools will be closed Good Friday, March 26 The school boards of West Hemp- field Township, West and Mount Joy Twp. suests of the East ship School Board at a meeting held | March 5, After made an Donegal Twp. were the Donegal Town- to discuss the | in- | Friday evening, mutual problems. meeting, the boards spection of the high school facilities and enjoyed a luncheon in the school cafeteria Boy of the Barnhart, been chosen Month of the as the Kenneth senior class, has “Boy of the Month” by the Maytown Club. the guest of the club at its Patsy Weller of the March 25th meeting of Bainbridge- He will be next Lester will Rotary meeting. and Hawthorne, senior class, speak at the the Marietta Lions Club. members of the senior public speak- They are ing class. Al A LANCASTER AUTO CLUB NOW HAS 24,722 MEMBERS An addition of 2446 new mem- bers in the last 12 months has boosted membership of the Lan- | | Electric Party For Little | (From Page 1) about three weeks ago -— but the { party was postponed from that time until Saturday because the gir] was in bed with a broken back suffered in a fall, Satu day wa the girl's birthday, and (he ifts began arriving along with many of her friends, including children from the Overbrook Schcol for the blind, which the girl attended until recently. Mrs Eliza Paine, director of the Lan- caster County Blind Association and Mrs. Mamie Kreider, president | of the auxiliary for the association. were among the guests. It was Joan's second big party in | On Christmas a party for her at| which time she giwen a hat- designed for a few months, friends held was tery radio especially bedside .—.ii'jz her Stimulate your business by adver- | tising in the Bulletin. SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. Best Quality § Colliery Coal PAUL E. HESS Successor to C, B. Myers FLORIN, PA. PHONE MT. JOY 249-R-3 Stoker Coal Our Specialty and Gas Welding Also Specialize On FARM MACHINE WELDING AND EQUIPMENT Automobile and Truck Welding | LAWN MOWER WEE SHARPENING | | MT. | AUSHERMAN BROS. | I Realtors | James P. Haus, Agent Hl | Phone 251 | | Cor. l EASTER 1 o 2 Swank Jewelry 3 \ Pajamas - Hankies drop Est PHONE s just around the corner Fine Clothing Issle Beautiful New Button ¢& Pullover = oo x Sweaters SMART NEW STYLES (f mm O \ SS Em AY Hosiery - Belts in anytime 1LEMAN B ROS BULLER’S BEAUTY SALON FLORIN, PENNA. FIRST ANNIVERSARY 16", . Ss Reducticn on Permanents Sed 2 MARCH 8 TO 13TH. ; SPECIAL: $8.00 Permanents $6.00 $5.00 Permanents $3.50 MT. JOY 153-1-5 Buller, Maude Propr. Shirts-men’s{& boy's Neckwear Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. | | | | BENNETT'S Restaurant 45 EAST MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY Open 8 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. Monday thru Saturday 5 to 8. served 11-2 and ° CLOSED EVERY SUNLCAY | UNTIL EASTER » | Dinner Breyers Ice Cream $1.90 Gal. Container C. M. WEBB & SONS 122 South Barbara Street MOUNT JOY, PA. ROOFING — SPOUTING SHEET METAL WORK ROOF PAINTING PHONES: Mt. Joy 117-3 Manheim 211J4 AR RT. II] HT xm | | | | | | | | | | | | ER STANDARD OF LIVING One reason for the fast growth of Lancaster County Farm Bureau Co-operaiive Association is that any bonifide farmer in the area con be- come a member. Another reason is that this organization also provides services for non- members as well as members. County Farm Bureau, farmers pool their purchasing power. This en- to bargain more effectively for Through Lancaster ables them quality and price when they purchase needed supplies. Savings that are made through bulk purchasing really belong to the member or patron who has used this organization io pur- chase his supplies. Since its incorporation in 1934, Lancaster County Farm Bureau has distributed more than $301,556.56 in savings to its patrons, This ac- tually made possible lower production costs of food, benefitting the consumer as well as the farmer. It aiso enabled the farmer to enjoy a higher standard of living Lancaster County Farm Bureau Co-operative Association Quarryville New Holland Lancaster Manheim PR. S MILLIS OPTOMETRIST 59 N. Market St., Elizabethtown PHONE: 334-J Eyes Ex cavined by Appointment Daily: 9to1land 2to 5 Evenings. Tues. and Sat. No Hours Thursday 6:30 to 8 might. to send three AAA directors last The board voted delegates to the annual Secretaries Pennsylvania Federation to be held in Harrisburg next month. The annual contribution to the Cross fund was authorized. tl Qe re ABOARD USS BROWNSON David C. Boyd, fireman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bainbridge, is serving aboard the destroyer USS Brown- He entered the Navy in Au- sust 1947 and received recruit training at Great Lakes, Ill eee lee clubs Red second class, Boyd, son, Patronize Bulletin advertisers. } MOTHERS! TRY THIS FOR YOUR CHILD'S BEDWETTING Mothers? Give, y : Hum-6 Long De i by Dr. Humphreys, for relieving minor urivary disorders. Easy, pleasant to take, even for small children. Only 30¢. All! druggists. Try it! & | ¢ "Homeopathic Medicines | $id Since 1854 TT a TUB i WASHES AT LAST a washer that really takes the work out of wash- Jat THIS 5 day! The Easy Spindrier's | twin tubs do the average ( TUB SPINS family wash in less than one hour. Clothes come out snowy clean because Easy's patented “Spiralator” washing aciion washes «/! the clothes in all parts of the tub. Clothes dry faster both indoors and our, because the Easy Spindrier whiris out up wo 259, more water. No old-fashioned wringing’ deep-creased wrinkle; to slow ironing. i A HURRY Then ORDER | quicker FOR IT? NCW for “delivery a fam EAST MAIN ST. IMOUNT JOY, PA. J That means vo: i'll save plenty of time and money, too. Core in to« day for high quality groceries . . « delicious dairy products , fresh fruits and vege- tables . . . oven fresh ba- kery treats . . . and scores of other good things. You'll agree, -A&P really has the values! Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables dozen 35° New Crop Florida Valencia Oranges 150 size Florida Crisp Pascal CELERY. 2 % lorge stalks i7¢c 0 Texas Fresh §/ SPINACH ~~ 2 I5¢ Florida STRINGLESS ) BEANS 2% 29 California Sno-White Cauliflower Lorge NONE Head HIGHER 23° / LARGE PRUNES 1802 5, 35c | 40 fo 50 to the pound 1-1b bog Real Buys in Quality Canned Foods Just Arrived! DOLE PINEAPPLE 18-02 31 Juice Supply Limited Swansdown, Gold Medal cor Pillsbury we QYPE Cake Flour Reduced to “jy 3G Del Rich a Oleomargnzine vn RE Sunnyfield Enriched All Purpose Family or Pastry Flour we 37¢ Cheese Food ie Ched-o-bit SUNNYFIELD 10-1h bog 7h Lc MILD CHEDDAR Cheese Ih VEGETABLE JUICE V-8 Cocktail S55e¢ 33¢ 46-02. cans *lain and Decorated Eggs We Have a Complete Yariety of Chocclate Cocoanut Cream Easier At the Lowest Prices in Years Butter and Egg Prices are Down Again! Sunnyfield Fancy Creamery BUTTER S4 IN Vs LB PRINTS..." 85¢ Sunnybrook Large All White Leghorn Fresh Eggs... WILDMERE LARGE FRESH EGGS sm CRESTVIEW LARGE EGGS 1-15 tolids ' CHICKEN FEED DAILY LAYING MASH $1.35 100 1b. bag $5.25 DAILY SCRATCH FEED 25 1b. bag $1.39 100 1b. bag DAILY CHICK STARTER $1.35 100 1b. bag $5.25 DAILY BABY CHICK FEED 25 lb. bag $1.45 100 1b. bag $5.69 : lb. bag $5.45 25 1b. bag | 83 E. Main St. Mount Joy, Pa. Prices in this advertisement effective Thur, Fri, & Sat., Mar, 11,12,13 Pancake Flour 2.0. Df FLORIDA UNSWEETENED OR SUGAR ADDED - Grapefruit Juice 18e¢ THE 1. BY KE! The f daily te this sec 3 to TH Day Wednes Thursda Friday Saturda Sunday Monday Tuesday THE Ci Medic Monday chicken mumps Also five three m and one OF 1 SATURI On th road le Bainbrid of Two C fashione Rockers, Couch, | Small |! with m board w Table a with dr: TWO 3- One 1 Cane-se: dozen O en Chai White Se Baby Ci ug, 9x ster Rug about Carpet, : ing Chai Kelvin N ] Top ! Stove, C Mirrors, Baskets, Forks. S Utensils Clock. E and Sm made Sc tray. 2] CHICK! Consis Brooder, Chicken Metal N Tools. L 41, ft Iron. A Teed B barrow. vel, 4 Metal Ti ticle S No Sal M., wh known | Walter 1 J. H. Er P VAL THUR The w power c F. Bake lic sale, ing desc A 2) DWE FRAME STORY situated Main St together belongin East Ma tending feet, to the rear property east and The d with el heat pla and gas Sale t on Thur o'clock | ditions 1 FIRS TRUS Adn of Bak Charles Amos E B. Fran at the s sold an father’s ¥IRS TRUS Adn of Bak P W.st Da in the E sylvania feet. wil SATU at 2:30 MOUNT JOY, P! Arron the celle specting time of | Sale 1 when fe made kr Al AM] JOY Charles Claude