ESC CER er CPA PNP Er Eee LAT mans bean SE n v y 2=The Bulletin, Joy, Pa.. Thurs day March | 194 pr DYNA Wasa of | ’ r -_ 4 '"PENINGS i i A | IN i x Cc ount Jo y € loth n —_—0 Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Si LONG AGO A 4 ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ——— thinkn v boy will t 1 - at Ae a Published Every Thursday at No. bird, a mai " nethin el 20 Y rs A oO 9-11 East Main St, Mount Joy, Pa nd wi asi { ea g —— a ullet may n b Subscription, per year $2.00 neighbor ha ASR fon ed $5 Six Months ........... . $1.00 d Fe 3 v 1 omeor ' 1 ats ’ Three Months ........ 60 windo i meone In Ns pain Single Copies ............. 05 will be maimed for life. Usually Sample Copies ......... FREE grown-ups are more careful and een ins were so would the younger eneration I Parl Entered at the Postoffice at Mt il the « W Bast Elizabethtown, Joy, Pa., ag second-class mail n at- Bui. & to impress the 1 the W. B. Bender build- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 : voy Eee younger generation of this danger, orial nop it will reflect hardship on the I ter Brubaker, student at E D 1 TO R 1 A | der folks. As soon as that erdin- | I VM. College, preached hi ce becomes a law and you n at the Methodist * + ppen to see a big rat Sew 1 16 : x ui vu : } ha \ lon f( et it 3 legal Laniel Moore, Newtown weld The three months training given | back yard, dont io | : « : . te i t unles V( in yt a nual ly bird shoot at the at the State Police School at Her- to Kill it unl you tA ml 3 ef | buck and J 1 1 arn shey, is not of the cream puff | buck d get a permit : : ¢ hen be a hardship on Metro Ge Cc pany wil! type according to reports. Of Lan- Then tes it will be a ha H 2 : i Tap 4 } . rabbi " ect moder: | g ta 1 caster's seven rookies. two were | the hunter. If ther thbit « ¢ nodern a ln tation o . Cu . \ « ( i t of the Old le Lion Hote injured and sent to the hospital | pheasant in wden, who al oo i : Red Lion H . y SUI) n wa i oving voi Hot McGinni to date. Our local Cop, Park Neiss, | summer long aestroying your A od hop - . oetable lon forget yeu can't wget rggs, 24-36¢ Butter Jr. is ong of the students, vegetables, don't forg : oo 0 0 shoot it unt vou first call on | 40c; Lard, 1 . I : ot . Burgess Brown i mp « a I 11 Qualit Shoppe January retail sales ftll far be- Lt If : hat io { tl pin the Rich . crm. i avs inn tha ng I 1 10 1 - low those of the preceding month |! P| Yor't 1 Ch ore Trot Hand . you got a case doi ( 1D 1 all over the United States. Big hooting frst Shank retired farn { nage the mista OL Si § I's 1 cl arn 2 Fo av 1 re 1e cold ) 1 | Wigs say it was due to th and then applying “for the per purchased. th, weather but we think otherwise ; ? Isaac Holling proj i 4 mit, linger perty 1 They hate to admit that we reach- 0.0 Rheem > : ar > way r ed the peak and are on the wa; FREEDOM ARDIEN ur expert mechanics of Wil- down to normalcy { FREEDOM GARDENS vig I qt ro i ; in: Sop rt re erecting teel oe 90 ne years ago it was a plea for » isvk Yor Vir ( Tw ALS] i he ) vate ank 01 The Goverpment is - gradually | YICtory Trardens .lo assist n pie ppiying water for fire protection . . ar off 2c ASE {1 ppiyin water I 1 { 1 catching up with many of the War effort, At this time of co orful j Cameron mansion ‘at ones ; “an and | Seed catalogues, when man dreams a i . guys who were not on the “up and toads : 3 y f ning { the goo: art 0 up” during World War II but only | OF turni 10 Ne Ma I Roy G. Hei of Rheen 1c aes | ori string bean eels and 2 : Br eT last week the authorities unearth- | 5'0W 4 ia . 4 i le ship of the . . hichoo ine in lea HS ! ed shocking information. During | "dishes, we bring a plea fo fy i Cleveland : Ted Freedom Garden as 1 safety =ompany 0 SVelans, 1943-44 the Western Union and | ee ee se: uN measure a27ams umger. i 1s hop- Pacific Telephone and Telegraph ea 1 4 $l : “ } ” A Jew emaining tobacco crops i i i that twenty million such gar- y i ! Companies gave horse racing wires ed h ey he : : fend : \ col were sold at 20 and in the West priority over the | “NS will be put in this spring. ey iis. . ind 5c : 3 h ly We ¢¢ ling our ewn 4 United States Army. Many war | this way we can line our y E. Funk was appointed lant applicatio fcr telegraph | ard shelves and also pro- bots plan applications or elegrapi | vids fof hui of Ei egistry a sor in East Donegal facilities were turned down in| Ts doo +. | There is personal gain many towns where racing service | adh The brick warehouse on Man- ‘was using its leased wire service | nd of . Rugering e belonging to the Moye! ite freely | the soil for a growth cof turnips, a an quite freely. {air sR YN. e old to Messrs. Elme; eo ee | tematoes and cucumbers, waen | the result will benefit the hungry |W. Strickler and J. E. Garber at . Lg 131 i { LR ERY If people get wise to themselves, ep private sale. they should begi realize that | 2 me and abread. With a short- | 7 sin icy should begin to realize that I age of meat, we tan provid h Thievery such as apples, chickens business in general is gradually | . . other loot has been going on receding. "Thi g i . | family board with a fine repast « oe gl Bh Te receding. This is quite ' true in [ Ite rown. The subi. East Donegal Twp. the past many lines, even though the hizh- | i : Se dh { weel : ly | est home Cen will ave the er ups won't admit it. averse fi \ nd benefit concert for the May - The large producer, if he's af, ~ °° ire . : Fi Co. was hald in the . . . MUD a ye ARMS mn ie 1, Wilh go> good business man or a wise poli- Fhe food what it is today. | Band Hall by the Rohrerstow: tician, he'll give some other alibi / . | Ban 4 . Cw Say Americans wl a such as a shortage of this, or a bY Slirans and A delightful birthday © surprise shortage of that which preyeats | Desh eit bon Jl the f he * pra t that they fai! to appreciate the |W held at the home of M IH. production, values of the natural in their | G. Walters in honor of Miss Ethel When in reality the actual truth | ob { Bucher : . Sort io no ne mechanicat. y= ined is += no demand or tao high in| va sid Federal uthoriti ized 730 . § M Yo Pul 1 but we aire of the opinion €( 1 e1Z¢ { lee or Mr. and Mrs. John Pub | that ‘wher we use slogans, .ad- | Bol ; of high power keer in Ic. t vertisin o, mechanism, to feed the |the Reading yards at Lancaster hen a big industr arts lay- | Jil : : td Wn : bald vo 2 W : lo rae, i highs hungry abread, add our toil in Wm. H. Strickler held a public ing off employes in one depart ays Jo of liv kk implements. and 8 : pioy S uo € these twenty million gardens, we | sale of live implements and ment and says “similar conditions : heusehold good +s | are not unapereciative ol the | hcusehold goods. may spread to other departments”, fa Lt hy > — to em : : undamental truths. al o a lack of material, it A due he a lack a : al ooo CONCERNING THOSE avesnt look too good for business . x “ye in general. Time will tell | The time of George Washington | IN THE SERVICE . . : Alb Yetzler Brow seaman. | ® 00 was a » of great epochs and All en Detzler Brown, . eaman, ia a - say oak vee ia 3 f dis- | second class, son ¢f Ben Brown of STANDING ON THEIR great wen. Many names of dis=| Mount Joy street, this boro, i OWN FEET tinction have been connected with | «*% Mount . Sires his oro is ‘ : 4 thic ave. It is vroven that a man | serving aboard the Naval ‘auxiliary The European recovery program } this age. It Is prove t i . hip. USE 3 . : oh Ts. i his name in | Fepal 1p USS Ampnion, now stresses the point that we give the of good wrk Write nis name u New Neil Shinvend . red they Finca 5 i . INC re Naval Shipyard, necessary aid, to help others help history and the time in which cach i N Vv nal wid : : + a I'¢ V1 Y fcr repair ang themselves, Huge sums of money | man lives, offers him the opportu- for reconstruction seems necessary | nity te record his distinction, then ; 3 . 1 re i L 1 to promote peace and understand- | he can’t be listed as great. ; ‘ ; chi or ing, but this is water down the Washington the irue Ameri- : i ¥ ( sioned drain if such money doesn't en- | can patriot, inbred with love cf ual 1946. H hm mi . . 1 13 er D nay 11S- courage those who receive it to | country, steeped in American tra- Ii f£ 1] floot : : " ( ervice ships of the flee try and improve their economic | ditions, devoted to progress nd i \ hice 1 froft . > ‘ 1( npt 1 LCO ‘ange rom difficulties by exerting themselves | development of a new republic, cat Islan instr 1. xz Lp . . He Cision 1S ments 11 to get back on their feet. This | He established a struggling nation tical sh { tl m \ : : . ‘ . . ptic hop ) le massive nation has been accused of being by laying a firm foundation for its =n und. inl th Bid . : ging hamme In the Imperialistic, of wanting to rule | building. The task befcre him was blacksmith shop snop, I or rying to buy our | one at mig have crushed mos the world, of t yi gt 3 ne that tht 1a v She most Equipped to handle anything | way. Such assertions are absurd | men. After suffering military set- ‘ Wilt to ( V valCi a and unfounded. backs during the war, he managed i the Amphion repairs At a meeting with representa- | through courage, common sense ’ typewriters, diving 1 ior Ch: ap | . = A 1 S, ng tives of the U. S. Junior Chamber | and activity, to hold together a ‘and aby niece. of res] of Commerce, Secretary of State | half-starved, unpaid army and 1 ound aboard moderh 5 Marshall emphasized this point of | win at Yorktown. During his ad- | Exports ab wd such repair others help themselves. | ministration as our first President, | |. wandle printin photog The Junior Chamber had a sug-| pe displayed the same character- | 1 blue printing. gestion to make, along this SAME | istics that were victorious in war. ees . ne as - * Foy 1 » i . ‘ | fe. Tele idea is to offer Sram daniel Webster in an address on | HERE'S A GOOD WAY TO such as a trip to the U. S., to those | pol, 22 1832 gave this bit on “The | GET RID GF S1 RAY DOGS young farmers abroad who make { Character of Washington: Ii there are stray dogs roamit impcriant contributions to foreign “Among his earliest and most your community and they e agriculture. They believe that, Y | important duties was the organiza- | the no good kind, here's a these young farmers competing to | tion of the government itself, the | way to get rid of the canizes Mr < ar arming n . . . . CR EAS 5 Tf . 45 EAST MAIN ST. One nuisance corrected. Colliery Coal : Chief of Police Neiss reporte d | MOUNT JoY ie aod wet bel DAUL E HESS YN ore 2 5 01.10 1002. 1 traveled 55 miles by Successor to C. B. Myers Treasurer Krall reported these ue FLORIN. PA x Monday thru Saturday Boia, Soh; Wor 92s PHONE MT. JOY 249-R-3 Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to & 158.00. ° At the February meeting of Stoker Coal Council] Burgess Brown reported: . | CLOSED EVERY SUNDAY “That he was petitioned by a Our Specia ty ‘UNTIL EASTER number of residents on Frank Street, asking that a certain portion » of the bore in that vicinity, now ° Breyers Ice Cream : ; y rie in the Industrial section, be trans- Elect g $1.90 G i J ’ . al. Container ferred to B or residential section. and Gas € in Mr. Brown sent the request to the Also Specialize On VOOOC Zoning Commission where it will] FARM MACHINE WELDING he c Tiered 2 then sent to AND EQUIPMENT E, M. Ww E BB AE _ A re a Automobile and Truck Welding & SONS ‘ndation, after which i y NIN | will be acted upon by Bore Coun- LAWS. MOWER SIWRPENING cil.” ’ . 122 South Barbara Street The Commission, without action, Cover's Welding Shop MOUNT JOY, PA. returned the petition to the Bur- ( 18k ROOFING — SPOUTING gess and he in turn sent it to coun- ! Delta and Marietta Streets SHEET METAL WORK cil WT. JOY, PA. Phone 28 ROOF PAINTING Now Council started the peti- — ~~ ~— -— tion on iis second round, 0 PHONES: . Eases Like A Doctor's Formula Mt. Joy 117-3 (Manheim 211J4 | bedy ordered it sent right back to | A EE Commission from with tive Zoning | whence it came; instructions RHEUMATIC —————————— A & PIS THE STORE WITH VALUES GALORE Then don’t overlook the colossal your A & P. You can't heat A&P. ; 0 Looking Fer grand feed values? collectien of budget-heating buys & the buys you'll find at your friendly / JOIN YOUR RED CROSS FOR 1948 NOW! SUNNYFIELD Pancake Flour FLORIDA UNSWEETENED OR SUGAR ADDED Grapefruit Juice MILD CHEL{DAR Cheese Ih 55¢ 20-02. pka. 2 25¢ 17 SHARP 1b 69e¢ can VEGETABLE JUICE 4 V-8 Cocktail D Laas EDUCATOR Crax we. 20e : ae First of the Season! 7 FLORIDA NEW CROFr VALENCIA i 3 } HUMPHREYS : . ‘ » race o » d | to have it back in time for the PAINS 66 ° DR. S MILLIS April meeting 5. To ease stiff, aching erry TDA CYT Burges Brown recommended muscles due to expo- OPTOMETRIST oivine vk ine h a ’ sure or change in giving packing oh a number of) | Serer, tio Him. 59 N. Market St. Elizabethtown streets some consideration. The phreys “15!” Relieves pains and sore- OL ubject was discussed but there ! ness associated with. Muscular Rheu- PHONE: 334-J i > iain | matism, Lumbago and Sciatica. | was no action, | osly 30¢. All druggists, Try it! Last Fall, at the October meet- | =) Eye s Examine ed by Appointment ing, an ordinancé regulating the | HUMPHREYS ye v Y dn use of firearms in the bore, was i Daily: 9toland 2to5 presented as prepared by the boro + Homeopathic Medicines Evenings. Tues. and Sat. 6:30 to 8 a be 0 0 Tal olicitor. N:thing was done until ma Since 1854 No Hours Thursday Monday night when it wag assed | TT NCH AR it's just here are garden tools and supplies inviting . and Take a look at the calendar . . . shouting "Get Busy... It's Spring” you to plant up and fix up. 8 GARDEN GARDEN SHOVEL SPADE Hellew back type. Blade is Ox12-inches, Turned over top Fou r 11-inch Blade, shank and tines: pointed with socket of forged edge. Straight. strong peolish- polished face, an- steel. heat treat- ed handle. gular back. 30-in. ed. Armor D han- dlc. Blade size 71; x12", hardwood handle CANVAS GLOVES CANVAS GLOVES Inexpensive leng- Heavy weight wearing work gloves. Buy sev- gloves for farm eral for all and home chores, chores, Brown plastic weave wrist 2 od Rubber Tired WHEEL BARROW 3 Pc. Garden Here's finest quality in a wheelbarrow! Heavy, rust- TOOL SET preofed, pressed steel bed, A feature value at this price. Each piece is all metal, very sturdy de- sign, attractively cnameled, sturdy cak frame, reinforced, PRUNING SHEARS ber X 6 semi-pneumatic rub- tire, on disc whedl, Special steel blades, very sharp. Has flat coil spring; locks shut I | GARDEN © GARDEN J HOE // RAKE Polished LAWN BROOM i | | Lh steel 77 i // 7 | Black oxydiz- 22 springy J blade $3: x cd finish. Bow steel tine 2 inches. ilar. type head, 12 4 oy i AR polished hard- gpd curved teeth the job eflici- Naa weed handle. iis penetrate soil ently! Will not i : i Holds ifs edge. ig and break up scratch np new Estes sed he clods easily. growth, H. S. Newcomer & Son, Inc. Mount Joy, P PHONE 200 vertising left on their door step. DOZEN 35 I LARGE 150 SIZE Here they are, straight from he sunny South. They're ripe, sweet ond juicy. Always delicious and I thrifty at A&P. 2 Ibs 25¢ CRISP PASCAL CELERY 2 4% 15¢ CALIFORNIA SNO-WHITE _ CAULIFLOWER. v2 §¢ FRESH STRAWBERRIES "452 cco 29¢ FRESH WESTERN CARROTS "ON: rriceo g bunches {gg GRASS SEED 05 0a ess 5 ter 31.19 EVAP. PRUNES 40 TO 50 TO LB. Ib bag 18¢; 2-1b beg 3a¢ SEEDED RAISINS suman 2 rhe 29 JUMBO PEANUTS FRESHLY ROASTED ib 35 mp GOLDEN RIPE SUPPLY LIMITED NONE PRICED HIGHER lona TOMATO JUICE 18-01 cans 46-01 cans 3:25 | 2 BUTTER KERNEL BANQUET PEAS FLORIDA ORANGE JUICE Sugor Added r Unsweetened NABISCO COOKIES ANNIVERSARY ASSORTMENT MARVEL BREAD 16-0z Loaf 14¢ 39° 20-0z can 21¢ 2 18x 19g cans 1-1b pkg 55€ 24-0z Loaf 19€ HOT CROSS BUNS JANE PARKER pkg of 9 25¢ RED CIRCLE COFFEE 1b bog 43 3b bog $1.24 BORDEN'S CHATEAU cheese roop 2 boot 99 CHED-O-BIT CHEESE FOOD 2 1b Loa 95€ A & P BARTLETT PEARS 29-0z can 39 Whole Chicken— Ready to Heat & Serve PINAFORE CHICKEN Ib can $1.98 PERFECT STRIKE CHUM SALMON wr 4§e SAUER KRAUT 2 7 25 SUNNYFIELD ENRICHED FAMILY OR PASTRY FLOUR 37 73 | PRIORITY GRATED LIGHT MEAT I TUNA FISH 3% | A&P FRUIT COCKTAIL 38¢ BEANS WITH FORK & TOMATO SAUCE 2)-0z2 VAN CAMP'S dr 35 CHICK FEED | DAILY LAYING MASH 25 1b. bug $1.35 100 1b. bag $5.25 DAILY SCRATCH FEED 25 1b. bag $1.39 100 1b. bag $5.45 DAILY CHICK STARTER 25 1b. bag $1.35 100 1b. bag $5.28 DAILY BABY CHICK FEED 25 Ib. bag $1.45 100 1b. $5.69 bag 83 E. Main St. Prices affective Th ursday, Mount Joy, Pa. Fridav and Saturday, a March 4, 5 and 6