8—The Bulletin, Mi. Joy, Pa., Thursday Felruary 12, 1018 Have You Taken Advantage YF Eshleman Bros. MIDWINTER SALE 1 — COFFEE ‘ MAKER Accessories for measuring, fil- ! unper bowl { | stand and elec- | pretty color, 4 i tri stove are KITCHEN Completely au- STOOL i 8-cup maker. Select a good strong one in a ‘|| 5: Pressure Sauce Pan Made of extra thick sheet alum- finish. Has i i—-mirror nolish HU 0} { knobs. In red, green or blue. snap under pressuye. CANNISTER SET loosen | Saf of 4. { FLASHLIGHT BREAD BOX light at home Heavy guage metal bread box is colorfully enamel finished and | [77 = a decorated. Ventilated end. | oe. Chl I 20 | = Ze? H. S. NEWCOMER & SON, Inc. LER RE MOUNT JOY HAR] ELECTRIC | | IRON | lie Has Heat | CAN OPENER Control away, wall mounting opener. Complete Beautifully enameled metal can- nisiers with constrasting plastic AN Be prepared, keep a good flash Pennsylvania Power & Light Company COCKEYEL wey CERTIFIED SATISFIED / WHENEVER YOU SEE THIS TAG ON A LAMP, YOU CAN BE SURE OF THE BEST IN LIGHTING PERFORMANCE! Tora SICO Coit: TO DATE TO PUBLIC SCHOOLS $166,982.44 SICO CUSTOMERS are the BENEFACTORS The MORE SICO CUSTOMERS — The MORE PROFITS for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. APRIL 1947 LL) Tg be oe No alarm needed | WHEN YOU Insure with | this Hartford agendy you can be certain we'll be there prompily after a fire ready to settle your loss. At all | times, we weldbme the op- portunity to advise you on any insprancé matters. Be sure your insurance is | | adequate. today ! O. K. SNYDER O. K. SNYDER, Ir. MOUNT JOY PHONE 15 Notary Public Interestge IN BUFING W bt \ A Larg Quantity ‘NN NW W PENNSYLVANIA CROPS 3 AR isl vd lo. inc FLORIN, PA Best Quality Colliery Coal PAUL E. HESS Successor fo C, B. Myers FLORIN, PA. PHONE MT. JOY 249-R-J Stoker Coal Our Specialty OE A nt Mount Joy Mills Inc. | | { \ | WANTED Men AND Women WORK ON Sewing Machines APPLY 125 Mount Joy Street MOUNT JOY, PA. 7-10-tf maaan tases seems Base ie AR i IUNPHREYS ad | Eases Like A Doctor's Formula RHEUMATIC PAINS HUMPHREYS 9% To ease stiff, aching muscles due to expo- sure or change in weather, take Hym- phreys “15. Rg lieve: 3 pais and sore- ness associated with Mcular Rheu« matism, Lumbago whd Sciatica. Only 30¢. All drugffists, Try it! “Homeopathic Medicines Since 1854 og PUNOED v fo Of pup Patronize Bulletin advertisers. I MERE oon 12 mt 7 7 7 PrsT PURE LARD SUCAR Best Granulated PINK SALMON sn can 49° RED SALMON Del Monte or Eskimo 1a 5Q¢ CHEESE Glendale Club TOMATO SOUP Ideal Cond. 3 cans 28¢ Van Camp's Beans 0 BS aL 33¢ EBRDINES © sce in tomato sauce BEARS Asco with pork and tomato sauce cine 25° CORN MEAL Asco Yellow In tasty tomato sauce Extra Values fo en} ws? a a We want to show our appreciation of the continued patronage of so many fn friends over the past 57 years and have arranged some very attractive reasons to have you pay our Markets a visit this week. Get the habit of shopping and saving at your friendly, conveniznt Acme: Markets - . it's the pleasant satisfactory way to huy your food. 10 bag 85¢ Delhi Calif. Peaches Slices or Halves 2 ::45° cans 2 box 95¢ Adam's or Red Apple APPLE SAUCE 19.0: cn B3 2 No2 ) 5: 2S Libby's or ideal | or Ideal Fancy oe 19€ EPRICOTS Asco Whole Unpeeled 30-0z can 25¢ Fr u it Co C kia il TANGERINE JUICE 33:23 |. aq. TOMATO JUICE Sunrise an 21° can SUNN Ny Nay i", : a ATT oct Flavors Ideal um Gelatine 4-25 Ideal Puddings DEE 5 5¢ FLOUR GOLD SEAL FLOUR ir 10485" 9-02 bog 2 PC Candy Coated Chocolate Cream White Venectable Shorlening ii Bae DROMEDARY Fudge and Frosting Mix pkg 29¢ Gingerbread Mx pkg 25¢ Devilfood Mix pkg 25¢ FAMILY CIRCLE On Sale 7 All Our Ses Anniversary Sale of Meats, Poultry and Seafood Swift’s Premium Small Smoked whole or shank half Wilson's Certified Tender Smoked Picnics Get the ¢ Feuruaty issue only 5) New Pack Ideal Fancy Ni 0 GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 2:::27 FRESH from our gvens EVERY DAY Devilfood Squares ea 33 Family Size Asst'd. Plain Loaf 23 PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKES Jelly Rolls ea GDC Box Cakes a {9¢ Whole or Crushed Wheat, Iced Ange! Food | Plain or Seed Seed Vienna loaf 14¢< Assorted Buns 4 kinds pKg 19¢ Plain or Seeded... c Coffee Rings «a [9 | RYE BREAD 19 an - Anniversary Stle of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables JUICY FLORIDA EF grvE wm | 115 Grapelrut), 419 =. ‘Large Juicy Lemons doz 29¢ Large, Juicy < ] 176's doz r New Texas Cabbage 5° New Potatoes vs: 323° Pascal Celery coos suk CALIF. ICEBERG FANCY REPACKED Lettuce Tomatoes 2.19 | -25° | APPLES 325° Down Go Prices On Smoked Meats 29° 43° : Pork Liver 39° Skiniess Frankfuris Ib 45¢ Locally Dressed and Ready-for-the-Oven CHICKENS “ux. »53¢ Fancy Pan Trout :25¢ Country Style 49° Haddock Fillets > 45¢|Cod Fillets > 350 Fresh Seusage Perch Fillets ' 39¢ [Fancy Large Shrimp 19¢ Vegetable SWIFT'S MEATS BEARDSLEY'’S SPRY shortening | “Gyrained for | Diced sor | Shredded Codfish “ozPka (Tg To 43¢ 3 ean 3h babies Juniors Codfish Cakes 104-0zcan 2(Q¢ can 18¢ can 27¢c SWHEN SOAP 223° 539° LUX TOILET SOAP 2 cks 2c bathsize 1§5¢ Lifebuoy Soap 2 cks 21c¢ LUX FLAKES pkg oe 33 . RINSO ole | oe 38° i Gold Dust 23¢ .YOUR'DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACME trices Effective Feb, 12-13-14, 1048. tree MINIT < Ciapp’s Strained Foods 7 Pie Crust "7 17 3 cans 25¢ doz 97¢ re Chopped Foods 3 ¢ Foods 3 cans 35¢ Yolanda Salad Oil Venice Maid 103.0 15¢ nn Qc §Fc Spaghetti Suuce Sauce can Sl “3 Dog Heinz Strained Foods Hunt Club Food 3 cans 25¢ doz 97¢ Getine B 563° Junior Foods 3 cans 35¢ White Cak 20 Mule Team | Bor X-pert "vo: 25¢ Borax Hand Cléuner Three Little Kittens & nk Bd cen 13 a Fish 3 cans 25¢ Quantity Rights Reserved, ne Ca los RY Sees Er aa hi : Mot day was who subj Rhe ture bers Mov cure Ac ing Jam ser, beth Gi Lion Sch and lem: the ship A at tl A Co A with urds ler, of | char into was Grac Pete Grac Sch follo ing, of § Littl Quiz info Motl Geo com Gare men style rece prize Serv Will Hers had