The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 29, 1948, Image 4

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    Pw RA

YOu WiiL
85,000,000. §
4==The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, January 29, 1948 r .REG'LAR FELLERS
DWI (AS pre |

Our Legion team in the Cpunty |
EE League lost to Millersville Thurs-||
day night 60 to 53. New Holland
took a close one from Landisville
48 to 47, Ephrata downed Roths-
ville 34 to 29 while Tri-town won
from Columbia 56 to 45.

Millersville |
oF 51 11 ®
eames F 1 0 2
Cameron F 13 5 - _—- — —
Davis. I 60 12, = . rete | i
5 viens sons Evan 6 5 17 LOW DOWN | DOG OWNERS ATTENTION; | S———
NOIZE Cr y ¢
Nel ®t... non 1 2 4 from ' The pe pose of the Fem oi SHOWS EVERY NIGHT
Neff G .................. 11.3 S b k Law is for the protection of the Sat. at 2; Sunday at 2:20
Wenglasz LR 39 sHICKORY GROVE crap 00 | and their property through
Melan G 10 3 Well folk that thi til + + + | the proper control of dogs and for | THURS. Jan. 29
Tar ell folks, now tha ls com= s | . ABI ” " ‘
Totals 24 12 initles of his sande a Week's Best Recipe [the protection of the properly Dene Clark - “DEEP VALLEY GREATEST
A WISE O \V L Mount Joy GH THsort A sood start oat the Mincemeat Cream Pie: 1 pack- | licensed and tagged dog. | i SHOW
pe sort ol good Sté Pp : ‘ 7 deo license e ire. on |
Fellenbium F 20 dlones in. Movieland ‘who ‘wort say age prepared vanilla pudding, 2 c| Your 1947 deg license expired n FRIDAY Jan. 30
-_ Walters F i 2 0 if they are, or are not, against the milk, 1 'T yum, 3-4 ¢ mintemeat, 1 | January 15th 1948 regardless ‘of “GREAT EXPECTATIONS”
I saw a chap from Donegal{Conrad F ............... 4:3 1 U SA Stern the 2 Teen Hove baked 8-inch pie shell or graham | when you purchased it. From Dickens” Novel
Springs that was certainly sore. He Hallgren C 10 2 . ' ” ji het ar ual cracker crust. Place: pudding pow-| The 1948 dog license are now on | os
§ 3 7 3 2 ove OW, ~ : Bt
told me how he flew off the handle Zink Su pa ; 3 Hi versities der in saucepan, Add milk grad- | sale at your County Treasurer's | SATURDAY Jan. 31 |
— while cranking the tractor. Ender LL 00 0 Sida oe ually, stirring constantly. Cook and | office or may be ordered through pay KELLY—RORY CALHOUN ——————— J O Y A na
Breneman ............ 4 0 8 The head folks makin’ the gal- | ot; ver medium heat until mix-'a Notary Public, Alderman or | “Ad I l d”’ EVENINGS SATURDAVS
He also told me one about his Bor = lopin Hn-types, they seem pleased ture comes to a boil and is thick- | Justice of Peace. } venture sian sHOWS ATINER
sighbor orning while he Totals em "etnias 24 5 the investigation — they are ened, about five minutes, Cool, All dogs over 6 months of age In Glorious Tropic Color! 7AND9:00P. M AND
neighbor. One morning Score by periods. | oxocseding't d the chest led ; 1) HOLIDAYS
was blowing his coffee it made his| Millersville 1113 "3 10 Wego oui We ¢ So stirring occasionally. Add rum and | must be licensed. eT SATURDAYS CBP
wife sea sick, Mount Joy ..... 9 516 23-53 and left-handed birds who ad | mix well. Spread mincemeat in| Male dog license cost $1.10 and SUN. MON. Feb. 1-2 6-38.10 P.M. Mount Joy, Pa.
Referee — Gilham. {wormed their way into Important p,itom of pie shell. Cover with [female license $2.10, spayed fe- i ———————
William Roadarmel, twenty-nine, EAST DONEGAL HANDED | eis. ie Read i ne pudding and chill. male license $1.10, if you have a FRIDAY — SATURDAY, JANUARY 30-31
East Petersburg, suffered an at- | “OOF ov 4 their heart 1s in the rig place — About The House veterinarians certificate for spayed oo DE RAINS Th
"tack of appendicitis while at mM TTA FIVE SETBACK onge a know iho is the cul- Sparks falling on flammable | female. JOAN .CAULFIELD CLAUDE RAINS in
. seas ; pi _|prit. I give em 3 cheers. ante. ols in . License ‘tags bat affived tc
Middletown and was conveyed to| Sparked by Madara who wooden roofs stand third among icense tags must be affixed to! “THE UNSUSPECTED®
the Lancaster General * Hospital. ed 21 points, Maytown High hand-| And now the universities. The [the principal causes of home fires |a substantial collar and worn by
the dcg at all times.

ed Marietta ga lacing on Friday university presidents should call | —— Ribbons sewed to the corners
I met an old friend yesterday | evening 52 to 44. {in their faculty members — one | of quilts can be tied to bed posts| If your dog does not wear a
and was amazed to see he is ex-| Mount Joy was easy for one — and say, buddy look me |{o anchor the quilt —— To pre- | current license it is considered a MONDAY — TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2-3
tremely bald. When I asked: “How | heim Boro losing 30 to 55. Fin the eye, are you teachin’ any-|vent table linen from becoming | stray and may be disposed of by ARTURO DE CORDOVA < PATRICK -in-
any officer.


did you lose your hair?” He Mount Joy , (thing over there in your room that in storing, after ironing
enswered: “Worry.” And when i Tl gives your boys and girls an idea [fold once over and then roll on| Purchase your 1948 dog license SNEW ORLANSY
queried: “What did you worry oh Wl F : 3 Glos 5:0 that they are in for the worst of | tube of newspaper —-—— Leather [at once and put it on your dog as
about?”, He. explained: “Losing] Rice C ............. a 25 git, as long as we have our present | or leatherette seats of furniture | it is a protection for it. a
my hair.” —— How about that? 0 0 0 kind of democracy? And don’t let | will stay clean longer if occasion- Violators of the dog law ave WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4-5
Tyndal GC. 1.0 2 ’em evade the question — pin ‘em | ally waxed. liable to a fine of not less than \ : bras 3
When . our foreman ‘got a raise, For a } 3 tdown — and if you catch one of Carmel Corn $500 and costs of not more than LUCILLE BALL — GEORGE SANDERS -in-
Het passed “ont cigars, as {them, later on, talking up some| 1 c white sugar, 1-2 ¢ white corn | $100.00 and costs or to undergo an ro. JUNE ALLYSON CLURED®
When our stenographer got a Totals 12 6 30 spasm or ism kind of left-handed | syrup, 2 T sorghum, 1-2 ¢ water, | imprisonment not exceeding 30 : A PETER LAWFORD
raise, she passéd out candy. Manheim G Fl nonsense over at a lunch or book | 1-2 t vinegar, 2 qts. popped corn, | days or both, Color by TECHNICOLOR
But when the’ office boy ‘got ajEvans F ................ 8 3 19 review club, call him in again and [ Combine all ingredients except Ia * Ee FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6-7-9
raise, he passed out period. ySmith °F ................ 0 1 1/ask him how-come. corn. Cook until syrup becomes! LOST A CLOSE ONE TUE WED Feb 3 4 A a a
Tehudy Lai 3 1 And concluding my essay, college brittle when tested in cold water. In a City-County league game ROBERT MITCHUM LANA TURNER — VAN HETLIN -in-
OfmEz IF 7... 0.0 : 2 Sar os 4 > i 1 ~
When a newspaper erringly re- Sr z Cilio 11 5 Presidents who do not call in their | Pour over popped corn, stirring | last Thursday night the Boy's » bb i hi hid
ferred to a poet as “the pot of the {L. Frey F ............. 2 1 then fie Trustees | Orn While pouring. Turn onto | Club won a close contest from “CROSSFIRE | Green Do Pp £5 tree
evening’, the poet, upon seeing the | Shomers Fol... 0 0 Ojshould call in the Presidents. buttered platter. Maytown 46-42. At the half the | This Shaw Only Two Shows Each Nite — 6:20 -- 9:05 P, M.
it snorted: ¢ : : : Rhoads Cau 4 2 10 is : Looking Ahead Joy's Club led 27-15 b ay- | :
em ted: they must have Holiobh C= L000 ad .3 Yours with the low-down, ; 4 ut May 3 Pp
thought ‘it ‘was a vecital of cham) DP. Free 6 oi i313 JIMMY A number of women resolve to | town finished strong, outscouring Electric °
ber music.” Miller ©... i 00 0 iis start making Christmas gifts at | the victors 27-19 in the last half. and Gas e In e ° g 7 ie
Haber: CG ./.............. 00 0 the beginning of the New Year.| Arnold and ‘Hershey led i 3 CED LE
-— : THEY JUST CAN'T STOP : 5 € ew ear. | Arnold anc ershey ed in the itn 8 i BEY}
5 2 i . i ®t: . : : I § J |
But ‘Just to shew you How miss Winters G .............. 02° 2 THAT JUNIOR HIGH TEAM There is plenty of time to go in | scoring with 15 and 14 points re- Also Specialize On i arious CL gmeqics
takes will happen a weekly Totals ................ 2113 55 vis io : for delicate, dainty handwork. | spectively. FARM MACHINE WELDING 0 WwW AEM DO"
gaper (and it wasn’t ours) was Score by periods: Ape n Sen 1 of | Consider appliqued flowers on ED eee AND EQUIPMENT IF MEN PLAYED CARDS AS y OMEN ©
threatened with a lawsuit when it| Momt Joy ....... 44418-3001 My Junior High League | organdy and then making the | MONDAY NIGHT'S GAMES Automobile and Truck Welding | gv ve ory
referred to two learned gentlemen Meznheim Boro 19 6 8 22—55 has been aktle to stop that Mount organdy an insert in linen guest These games Gor 3 SY 9 "THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT
Referee, Gilham. Joy aggregation. Those lads, witl in ese games played in the| LAWN MOWER SHARPENING
as ‘“bibulous o ies’ i | side S, WIth] towels. Much can be done t City-County bask PLUS
s old flies’ instead of leading the ‘way scoring 17 5 3 e to] City-County basket ball league on pa Rr
“bibliophiles”. Next week the con- LEAGUE STANDING 8 beautify bridge table covers as Monday night: MALE QUARTET AND Ol HER FEATURES
points, went on i ir Si is :
to win their | using applique borders around the PRESENTED BY
Cover's Welding Shop

trite editor prepared an apology | Teams ¢ W. L. Pct. : Fphrata 61, Maytown 37
: : {seventh in a row Friday nite. This : : 5 Bla by daylown 57,
sich he inti th the | Flizabethtown ......... 5 1 833 : top of grapes and vines of ivy. Use | Lone. eo 38 Millersville 36 : . . py
in which he iinfimated thay the | : 5 2 it was Manheim Boro that|. light green fuille for tho he. Legicn 38, Millersville 36. Delta and Marietta Streets | Landisville Lions Club
‘learned gentlemen are too fasti- arietta ............... J za took ‘it: chin 38 a lig green faille for _the card | Boys’ Club 50, Paradise 47. MT. JOY, PA. Phone 289 |
dious.” But the compositor render- East Hempfield ........ § 2 J He i an 34 to 21. table cover and applique the ivy | NSS Te ) i AT
a er lea ames Mari- | in a dar a 2
od i “The leamed gentlemen are|East Dgnegal .......... 4 3 5M ar oe fhe Segue Sass Mari in a dark green, for a beautiful | CITY-COUNTY BASKETBALI High Senool Auditorium
too fast idiots."—If our linotype op- | Manheim Boro ........ 16 243 Sinton, iy pn 3 to 2, | effect. Use a satin, padded card | LEAGUE SCORES is AUSHERMAN BROS., LANDISVILLE, FENNA,
erators ever play a trick like that Mount Joy ............ 16 Hempfield 38 to ested East cover and then quilt it in attrac- Monday. nights scores for the Realtors FRIDAY « SATURDAY, JAN. 30-31
> ee A A 22. ro or gnts S ( he « “
on us, we're sunk. Manheim Boro ge Re rojas City-County league are as follows: James P. Haus, Agent AT 8:15 P. 'M,
MT. JOY HIGH LOST TO GH 3 nspirational New Holland 66, Elizabethtown 36 Phone 251 ADMISSION
fins i s| THE PATTON TRADE TEAM | a * FI TI If you know how to spend less | 1; : ’ tI
A psychiatrist finished his notes Homey F 0 9 1 Fans : 0 spend ‘ess | Lititz 59, Millersville 51. Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts. Adults: 75 cents plus tax Children: 50 cents plus tax
and tutme}l to the lady from our| Fatton Trade and Mount Joy Bans Ferris 00 0 2 you get, you have the phil- Ephrata 70, Columbia 43. | .
locale. “I'll be perfectly frank,” he | High School battled evenly En y ar 2 } 5 ors stone. . : 0 Geren | /
said, “I find nothing the matter— | throughout the first two periods, Adair G ~~" ey 2 Benjamin Franklin | SHOTS AT THE BASKET
1 g alr nL 2218 es SHOTS BASKET
‘nothing abnormal — and 1 shall} but Patton forged into the lead iniGates G ................ 6 0 '0 » In an exhibition game at Mari- BEER! Call 118J5
inform ycur relatives.” “Thank | the third quarter and held an edge Shank 'G ................ 2 0 4 RH EEMS etta that boro's- high five defeated For H Deli a:
vou, doctor,’ the lady replied, “I| as they marked a 38 to 49 victory Wotals Ss 5 of Bainbridge 88 to 11. Casey Krause or Home Delivery . |
was sure you'd say that. I the Mount Joy dribblers on Mt. Joy Ho 4 CR scored 53 points. SACRE
came here to please my family. | Tuesday evening at Mount Joy. " GF Tl Rev. William Kinzie, a returned Lancaster Catholic defeated Eliz-! VALLEY FORGE
After all, there's nothing very In the preliminary game, the Wilson F 4 3 from India, will give | abethtown 47-27. ak | 4 ¥ ny i
strange about a fondness for pan- | Patton jay vees defeated the Mt. Brown Pho 0 0 0 an illustrated lecture on mission Rock. | 2 1 J :
cakes, is there? “Pancakes?” re-|Joy junior varsity, 30 to 25. Ree iid A { : 17 work in India, in the local church PROTECT EVERGREENS i : |
peated the psychiatrist. “Certain- Mount Joy Boyer C SAAR iD Hus Sundey evening, Feb. Ist. Rev.| Tying evergreens and shrubs | Vietor J. Schmoll =
ly not. ’'m fend of them myself. Garl G Fl TI Smith G Gln i 0 2 nde expects to return to the | corn-shock fashion, not too tight- | —Distributor—
“Are you?" she queried brightly. FL ve 6 3 15/20wman G ............, 0 0 |missicn field in the near future. ly. protect he pe . OPEN UNTIL 2 M, | C ye
) 3 AT Milley a : ly, protects them from being bro- : SS | € 38 Tn
“Then you must come over to my Tyndall AAR Re 3 i Ts 3 : 2 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Kaylor | ken by snow*and ice. Drive in For Curb: Service | nn The F wre OX pany
house. I have trunks full of them’ Bates F ................. 00 0 their 25th anniversary| = --~— — eee N
Bice Co, 03.3 Dok lias 14 6 34|last Wednesday evening. They A man says one thing Germany ew Dance Floor >
Wien a Junior chemistry stu- Nax -€ ........... tai 52112 core by periods: 5 were agreeably surprised when a doesn’t ‘ave be 2 !
: an Gg : Manheim Boro .... 335 mbar Ff friend ave Yo worry about this :
dent wis whe to “sive the smo umpman GG 2.6 Motint oy. +2: 1158 7-31 hie: : of Hoy and employees winter is snow falling in Russia, Dr.H.C. Killheffer EN JOY A NIGE T OF F UN
important‘ fact” abcut nitrates’, hel fctals ................ 1911 49 _— Shinored av theirshome gn the str
said. “They're cheaper than the Patton Trade JUNIOR HI STANDINGS Sept Refreshments were ser- Optometrist - . foe
day rates.” Well, he's right. GFl TI Section 1 ved and the Kaylors were present- IT PAYS TO MANHEIM . .
BN PB cians g 1 Team W. L. Pct ed with lovely gifts. Pe ® jes s st, Dancing fo the Music of
; mR Ln 2 : oA ae We iH : ' elephone 157. |
And going to the grade school LT 35 Joy ............ 7 0 1.000 Mr, and Mrs. Orville Miller onc #W Mon. & Wedngs, 9-5:30 | i
we come upon the pupil who was| Hague F 0 0 OElizabethtcwn ......... 4 3 ssn of Donegal and Mr. and Mrs o i "” | Ta aM, JIM E < | §
atked: “Which mont: has twenty- Eatpenter WC. i 28 Marietta ...... oo. 3 4 499 Joseph i i and children | Tues Fri. Sat. |
‘days "In it?" And Evy mgr. a’ rr rrr Manheim B 3 4 499 | 9 near Elizabethtown visited Mr. 9:30-1:00.2-5 P. M, 3
At Xa) Ww Mav... 01 1M Oro 3 4-421 i “an $a w. AND
hesitating, he answered: “They|p McK'y G ............ 0 0 © East Hempfield ....... 2 5 286 hy Mis. Miller of this ; pps HIS ORCHESTRA
all have. Total — I East Donegal ........... 2 5 28°F wg yo Svenung: Felephone SR | Modern S d P !
false ee 22 —— lin ease ne local firemen were called | : | i
N fist one more ‘and Mi lei Score by periods: » to Florin on Monday vate tale UT maintehance costs! in. | ’ quare an aul Jones
OW. aust ignhe mole 2 Patton Trade 12 16 14 16—538 MOUNT JOY'S RIFLEMEN helo 6 eyeing 0 sulux Glab Block does not | D ANC ES
the kids alone. A school psycho- Mount Joy 12 15 9 13—49, SCORE FOUR NINETY-EIGHTS help fight the fire at the Nissly to- rust, rot or c rode. Painting is . | <5
logist was putting a young girl Referee, Borger. Tat - 5 : bacco warehouse, not required and it is easy to Ti d
through ‘aiseries ‘Of tests to deter : at e team representing Mt, Rev. and Mrs. Henry Becker of | clean apd keed clean. | ire ee Calling Figures Called Bs
mine her intellects] fitness. “Now ot 2 continually failing attempt Joy High school was right up there | Mount Joy called on Mr. and Mus. ! a | Y
EA : fy to forsee the unforeseen. Differ- in a match with West Lampeter. | Eimer fap Sores Shes ALL THE TIME 24 :
first,” said the psychologist, “are Pgh 7 mer Hoover on Saturday after- ariie Y stle
: Foy irl?" “A boy.” | ing from Leve, Life is just oneiFour of ‘the winning aggregation | noon, i : i rosrie
you a koy or a girl? oy, Fi y : wWiillelsosred. in = Back ache? Figure bulges? ||
Sid the girl promptly. “Weil” fool thing after another, while score ninety -eight, their total —— 0 iN oT : :
said the psychologist, “taken by Love is Jus; two. fool after Pern ou me team is shoot- | ORCHARD MAY NEED LIME . SIS 2 Sond I ow
surprise, “that's interesting. And each other. ! i {1N8 a 300 clip in the County Lea-| No crchard fertilizer practice is IR] just for you will make You, PRIZES AWARD als
: mrt gue. : He He 3 : x |
what are you going to. be when complete cr adequate, says John il 1] look and feel like a new wo- ||
. : > 3 nal! y Tr . . ? | Noe 1 2
you grow up?’ “A father,” the| Thought my wife was being real : Mount Joy U. Ruef, extension fruit specialist IR i mon, at Admission 75¢ Free Parking
girl answered. “But, darling” in-|Sweet when she began’ to recite Era Creer 98 | of the Pennsylvania State College, Bi {| cost. {Call .
i Gg . iy / + Hh | Ir eraie cost. t A
terrupted her mother, **you know the folléwing verse, but after the Tey EN I Ne 98 unless proper soil conditions ave 5 Ke sce. RE
better than that. Why do you say fs two i ] saw ny BR ss Serre created through the use of requir- MRS. GEORGE ZINK, Sr. WEEK EN > > oa oi
such things to the doctor?” And cmens faults are many, Cael Weer ee trays iy ee 5 ed lime applications. To determine | OWENS = ILLINOIS 159 Manheim Street . D SPECIALS
in all seriousness, the girl ex- Men have only two: = 97 {lime requirements, he suggests Mt. Joy, Pa. Tel. 277-R |X FRIDAY -— SATURDAY SUNDAY
claimed: “Because if he’s going to| Everything they say, soil tests. These can be made at LY) IX SPENCER “Zaz” SUPPORTS | Toma
. : er 3 DESIGNED aw
ask silly questions, Im going’ to And everything they do. Total ow" rene Si mnie seis 489 | the office of the county. agricultur- od . x | ’ : LOBSTER TAIL
i i CET : x aves | est Lampeter al agent. Qn
give silly answers. Can you he holder peter { 8 . GLASS BLOCK ig ‘Hot and Cold TURKEY SAND WICHES X
blame her? When a doctor told a Marietta, vers I TS en | OYSTER PLATE
man he'd have to make a hard, Sultzbach FRCL 9 | It looks like one might ask the | J C Snavely& Sons Inc | - TERS
"Life", according to our local | choice = either , stop drinking Hollinger ...............0.... 96 ex-king of Romania, “is you is or | ei bia P77" | DON'T SQUEEZE THEM! Instead brush on | OYSTER SANDWICHES i$
‘cynic, “is a protracted disease | Whiskey cr lose his eyesight —— Herr ........... Bier de 94 is you ain't’. Lumber & Building Materials a Sow mainly fuse Am © , 0
contacted at birth; an everlasting | the man decided: “I'm an old man, D Salts suena 92 : . LANDISVILLE, PA, vit, Not 2 naive Dat inves erican Legion P ost
Seas Se keep anes in ne i Sikhs Ire seen every- Tos] = ete Ol by adver= Fandisville Yard ML. Joy Yard | ATE KUEEREX. op edness out. 49¢ J NO. 185 MOUNT JOY, PA. 10-3-tf
an air fiom fall : g a BEL eed 1 Be SRS TO ae 7 35 5 ouble your money back if it fails. A EO Cm es =
é .
\ 4
3 A [
\ \ | }
