The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 15, 1948, Image 5

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OWL LAFES Mount Joy Defeated
= Columbia Thurs. Night
In the County Basketball League
Mount Joy ry geod game
Columbia Thursday by
a 57-50 They
won a ve
from night
had the losers
trailing all the at cent=


er, led the scoring with 23 points.
In two other league games Lititz
defeated Landisville 51 to 40 while
Tri-Town poured it on Elizabeth- | .
town 67-54, Se [ : ; a8
‘ambi ! The price of gasoline jumped | CONTROL CATTLE LICE
Columbia | | W
G rl nT] FE HE LOW 0 N { Mount Joy High one cent gallon hereabouts on Spray or dust cattle with DDT
Betrone 20 4 from Monday. for the control of lice, urges S.G
Fo Cnn ; 2 Wi + Gesell, Penn State extension en- |
RAILS CS santas : fs its ift rag LTT i aie
| K : tomologist, Ask your county agri-
— - Kise € 1 2 4 HICKORY GROVE i 3 unty
BY Bell G 52 1 v Junior High School's MARIETTA THEATRE cultural ‘agent for detailed infor- |
‘ NA reat aE |
A W ISE oO W | Jef yy ata 2 : We Leen told lop yore | | basketl team stretched their | SHOWS EVERY NIGHT | mation. |
Ceres neue . ) ave > Ji { 1 k ar . io . . . .
Rupp SINE 2 ; have the land flow with milk \ | unbeaten string to tive straight | Matinees Sat. at 2; Sunday at 2:20
hit. Witmer ©... 30 6 honey. Uncle Samuel should be { their Section fy Electric
| ey games an extended J oectl
here fellow out west| Totals 99 6 50 the Big Cheese, run everything wh : } ' Junior High THURS J 15 € in
1 560 Where SE = Totals ot he let 1 off 1 lead in the County Junior g % an. and Gas
i i n 37 the ghts on and ol Sil re ; : hen x .
nappa In i oo ee og Mount Joy GF TI bo 1 acres of potatos to) Thu wii Se i PUBIC yg Also Specialize On y
obile. hat retly g x Hie diss | the ammenre fast Donegal into NG
Flo 2 : know of few wimmin {Shirk FP 3 2 8 plant what size lunch at the they 1 an : a % re BUSTER CRABBE -i FARM MACHINE WELD
) he of ¢ Shitlk F ........ : submission by a 29-17 sco i / -in-
i iy estin ain't worth | Conrad 1 0 2 hool house what day to eat] i "A pe " in AND EQUIPMENT
that in wy esumation ain't Worth | gop haum F 6 0 | y | George McCue, Mount Joy for PANHANDLE TRAI
Es way out spire tire e 4 n oy Carre 0 0 ¢ chicken cr not to eat chicken. And ward. was the big nolse: in. the —- = Automobile and Truck Welding
x > valters 2 veers eee : . | ard, Vas ng ¢
at same rule ies | Zink C 23 y, down on Main Street you iia LAWN MOWER WER SHABPENING
Of course that same rule applies | Zink C ................ 10 3 23 now, ¢ winnin offense, coring eight S -
to or men also, |G. Crider G 1 2 4 will need a fine tooth comb to find d woals. ane one Tonk. for, 37 FRI. SAT. x Jan, 16 17
= J. Crider G 0 9 2 a happy soul. It has not wor ked | fed : HUMPHREY BOGART y Weldi Sh
A fellow hi lorin came down | Breneman. G ee |this idea of Uncle Sambo being sb Fast Donegal “DARK PAS AGE over S e ing op
i i irs is . 57 the last word from the maternity : > G Fl
town the other day with a lip so | Totals So. 24 9 57 the last word Yl Delta and Marietta Streets
large it nearly hung down over Score by periods: 1 ) ward to the mortician, And pard-| Eberscle F ...... Cri 9 2 ‘SUN. MON. Jan. 18-19 MT. JOY, PA. Phone 289
large rly hung . . o =
Ti i Co'un:bia 13 14 4 9-H a a Wi: Hess | :
his chin. I asked him what the Mt Jor oe, 17 12 16 1257 "er it he 3 fan i hth | Murphy F i = Co ATR IRR
deuce happened and he said that Referee Lowell Folks who have been kinda halt-| yer C |. Se S93 6 | NACY! AUSHERMAN BROS.,
when he got up that morning he a way misled by the glib talk, they Aindt G crs ari $ 1 1 [HING fr from HOVE to LU 2 Redltots
0 s false teet} is 1 . should scratch their dome and jBrandt G } 9 !
nn pos East Donegal Easily I Fn re es tan! ESTHER WILLIANS James P. Héus, Agent
side wn and ne IL himselr, | deciae 1 hey have maybe een 5 7 -
upsiae-( own 1C € MIL 15C g oh | Tota aL : ; 3 1 7 JIMMY DURANTE Phone 051
——— ok-in, ;
i {tl hat liar Thic o ii ‘ofina. burn Mount Joy . By J Cor. Jacob & Mount Joy Sts.
i ov Defeated SOY HEN Pris omg 55 sp gone on any {AURITZ MELCHIOR |
contest down in Texas is over. A down like Rome burned down,| McCue F : i: 8 FH |
fellow said that one would have East Donegal High easily de- right away, anyway due to riotous | wil mer! By n F hie 0 hr You can now have your
1 1 + | 1 on i OY . . J
tied the “fly on the eight ball” | feated Mount Joy Friday night, living, mismanagement or what | )
ey 0 : pf Shupp F 60.1 || PLUMBING & HEATING
that fell off and broke its back. leading by a good margin all the ever it is, but we need to dust off B ver C cha 10 0 © { :
ro : : ow iz 1p fel oO 0 0 work done immediately on a
—— | way. Hawthorne took the scoring| oul vest maybe repent ang: nls a QO 4. 0 f Pl
I don’ know where the weeks | honors with 17 points. be saved, maybe. It is time to let] Ford a cerss rel 0 3 Deferred Payment Plan
: ISmith {& ..... : A 3
go to! Seems like I just struggled East Hempfield came from be- business g¢ ahead with the | Bowinan CG 04 0 For information see
through this column yesterday, hind in the third quarter to hand brakes cff. Young and old have | Miller G 00 0 R L BREAKIRON
and here it is time for this weeks. | 5 favored Marietta quintet a 44 to|got to get over the notion that | , 5 9 . .
4 roe . { :
—— 35 licking, and thereby threw the Sambo can smooh their path i Py rods . t
Course I could fill it with Farm | eection 1 ranks into a three-way and they need never perspire | i ; Dons 221 9-17 So Said) hex Main 2.
Show stuff and who I saw there | {ja for first place. gain, The Govt. has no income it. Joy. 5 JOHNNIE XAVIER CUGAT . .
. _ ov
and what" they were doing, but East Hempfield trailed, 20 to 17, except taxes and we furnish | pT JOHNSTON and his orchestra PHONE MT. JOY 337-R
since some of the fellows make | at half time. but went ahead to them. Uacle Sam is okay and al- | |] Color by TECHNICOLOR
that a good excuse to get out of | take a 23 to 22 edge going into the right in his place he just wasn't he LH etin’ S S——— - |
work and aw from the Missus | Jast quarter. Jack Longenecker cut out for busines | BEER! C Il 11815
for a day, 1 I won't give | and Jay Risser guided the Landis Yours with the low down, | Sera hook ! : 3 4 |
them away. After all, it only hap- | ville quintet with 19 and 13 points, JIMMY | b p ° For Home Delivery
pens once a year respectively, Elizabethtcwn kept Bi di TI | + + + F id Ni h WACKER
aa — in the running by downing Man- { Week's Best Recipe Every r ay 1g t i vA oF else |
The tell me a Manheim man | heim Boro, 37 to 33, in a rough oh ; in an S ir Tea Cake: 2 T molt- JOIN THH CROWD AT PIEL'S |
goested to his wife that they go | and tumble fracas that a ad 58 ku 2 ¢ brown sugar, 1 THE BIG ROLLING ROCK i
to Florida for the winter, when personal fouls called. Four play- In Lanco Loo Scoring I an 9 o corn flakes, 1 and 1-2 ¢ ALE & PORTER |
she said: “I'm af-aid the weather |ers were gjected because of five p O | sift flour. 3 t baking powder, 2 N D NCE | Vietor 4, Sehmeon |
down there would disagree with | personal fouls, Big Ed Falk, Millersville’s sharp | T sugar, 1-2 t salt, 4 T shortening, A i Distributor |
: { { { mn P—
me. And her vubby exclaimed: Mount Joy iw shooting center, continues to pace | 1 ¢ 1 ¢ milk, 1-4 ¢ : range mar- in the \Fife Company's OPEN-UNTIL 0... |
“My dear, it wouldn’t dare. Tondall # Fl the Lancaster Cones League | malade. Blend t gether by r, New Dining Room i Drive In For Curb Service {
areas a = arksmen i he individual scor-| brown an 1-2 ¢ corn flakes |
Garter F .. { 3 5m ksmen in the individua 1 TUBE (CARN : ae
There's a fellow in the east end | piver F ine duel. with 187 points tallied i | cot aside for topping. Sift together |] ON THE CARNIVAL GROUNDS |=
Bivet 0 0 0 ing duel, with 187 point | set } ! MODERN
who was always complaining to| Ressler C .............. 2 1 J nine contests, for an average of | flour, bakin powder, suga and |
the lady who laundered his wash Ccnner C Tl 20.8 points per game, according to | | cut in shortening, Beat egg; SQUARE & PAUL JONES eg |
that his shorts were missing. She Bre o Bi es 3 1 lease statistics | add milk. Add to dry ingredients, | DANCING
couldn't understand where they | Max G ...... 31 si Joy's Bob Zink iv right it ntil combined, Add Free Parking Admission 75¢ lo
were getting to, but last week| Bates G ................ 0 0 On the thick of the fight with 142 nait 1 n {lal Turn | No Intoxicating Drinks
1 < > 1 Pies 4 3
she found the an He lost two Sum aa 4 ° o Points in ight contests and Dick | into { 8-inch jual pan. | Permitted ;
C YY I Ves eee. .. . eee]
pair on the way to her house when i i a Derr, with Landisville, has 158 in| Dot 1 pPoOY on | Me
he was taking the wash up. Totals .. ein ats T5859 231 nine games ) ball nkle it! pp-
rr East Donegal The top ten scorers are as fol-|ing. Bake hot ove 2
“Fo soodne sake,” scolded G Fl T! lows: cut ir quare
the angry wife, after having ask- Hawthorne Bo. iin 2 17 Flayer Team P. G When Reducing WAN I ED
ed fer husband for the fifth Sun. | Jacksm) Fo 1 1 9 Ed Falk, Millersville 187 9] Us on: baked potals, not
day to accompany her to church {Dick F ...... ee. 0 Derr, Landisville 108 9 | butter, 1 plain vinegar dressing
The neighbc will soon be talk-| Madara C : ... 3 9 Zink, Mount J 142 8 \ Use whol rain cereals TRUCK DRIV R
ing abou they did about! Strickiond C ............ 0 0 dw Constantine, "Eph 135 9 [ and Vitamin B E
vicshbors. The | Johnson G iiss] bo Bashy : : oo y
ol POC a neigh Walters CG ...... ole 2 G. Harsh, New Holland 128 8 rom the bottle of |
only tin ut together | pg . "77" 0 0 0 B. Hoover, Ephrata 128 9 i the milk. } C
was whe I e € ded.” | Arnold G ... sevens 0 0 OD. Miller, Tri-Town . 129 11 ) l th al A I ON
Totals : 14 15 43 Erb, Rothsville yg i i {
A Ba ) thou t Sar pe! fods: 264 9-23 Fellenbaum, Mit, J 120 ) | ( hea ¢
had is financial | F” ponegal 13 7 8 15—43 H. Abel. Cclumbi 10 9! nea : a
ae work out Ficforees He: | nines wit nal |
He gave Hi 9 rsonal al eer est re v x [ait tea, Use] N i
» i
en before | BEST PAID PLAYER ll ‘J i bo of milk. with cans H NEWCOM i & SO ng.
i id | water in il} o Ae 9
| yack, so it all Last season Bobby Feller, of the / Voi whi]
off. | Cleveland Indians, was the highest Ted 1 daw’ i MOUNT JOY
re en paid ball player of all times. He 0 um ia ive a acing : Zi |
You | quainted with the |, ceived $87,000 of which Uncle The Mount Joy gion tear loc 1 are re-
custom « plac certain phrases Sam's slice was $52,000 leaving a plostered Columbia witt 0 57-37 | 2 ; wh RATING 3 Se oe
yn ribbon ched to funeral | messy $35,000 for Bobby __ | defeat a inal a Uses For Salt
Die such \t Rest” and “Tox 7 EE a County B ‘ 1" nT
t ioe 3 o's afraid . ii ! ( A vi ( I t whole from
Scot ow someol n gest. care Ir y is, Who's afraid of a cow at Columbia Sunday fter 1 en you vak them in salt
© ( one Ne t soon anyway: Fellenbaum was the wl he rackin 7 D0 YOU THINK MY BANK RECOMMENDS LIFE
rr Here's a receipe that came out Yih 28 points, followed clo inkled in the pan HAL Waa INSURANCE, A SAVINGS ACCOUNT
eres a reccipe ¢ { . a ; = 2
A tsnlay hiv of a very fuddied kitchen, See {Zink With 18 pointy n food will prevent | IS A GOOD INVESTMENT: AND U. S. SAVINGS BONDS.
A fh. grafier a SYED 8 SD Mt. J neat —But-
new pen knife to his Dad with the | you don’t think it's different PY G Fi i ob
Te ' a > - r | t A Ol
lanation: “I found it in the How Ta Make Fut Nudge Zink FP. teenie il 4 tour ioe
tr Just a bit skeptical, ‘fis! 2 buttlespoons of taibler Fellenbaum FF .......... 9 5 pracl hut t
= psig : ig lo Walters C ... Can containin ( ut ie
dad inquived: “Are you sure if|< cups saahul ted grugar Coned 6 ar 19 Pud Sm
was lost?” And the boy hastily | 3 cuppers of crinn Crider: G 9 2 2 i |
: ( ce pan (
ansv “Of couse it was lost! theme or of the tottle Breneman G ....... 535 5 i Ji
I sa » man looking for it!” 2 chalks of squairkolet Hallgren G ......... $49 0 » > i Ha |
i 2 spaibel tunes scorn keerup Total = : Is added alt In oven undel
‘ my . “ 9 bakin li pre nt orch=- |
Dropped in or me friends this | 1 hup of kelled shuts Columbia Fe ET To I ; OK a |
yni and was having a cup of Shook the kugar, the chilk, the : GF Til} 1 the : 2 tin
ee hen our ve: | nawkolet and the sorn keerup un- Fox F aay J WE I Ide of a coltee pot |
coffe when cing. Jour yell gla; maw ey ang we 50 res Frazer FP ....... vv... 1 0 21 mav be removed with salt |
came tearfully into the | til the mawkolet chelts. Kise C 50 2 :
38) nyt : : : a 294 d 050 Xie : reer A&W x Inspirational
kitchen and complained: “Mommie, Stoil without burring to 234 de- Witmer G cen 3 3 } litt i
x | poy ro gree left 3 8 fle that despisett little things, |
you id I'm to dress myself, but heeze of greet Nei 8 ie : Bi a Meri Be ito. idl.
how can I button my dress when Then dairfully cep a little of Bell : G A fn 10 az Sol
nl y i : : A € x seen ‘ee it =olomcn
the button is in the back and I'm | the mott ve vii 2 wawt of Burs FF... [49 2 a )
; 9 / ner- | cold cupper, If little bawft sawls : | | Ko
in the nt” A most per colc a me MONDAY. NIGHT z 4
plex ywoblem form in the cuttum of the bopp, I lan 16. 5. 37 10 NDAY NIC ny S GAMES a} A",
- the dudge is fun, Remove the Score by period: Jhon] 1 t ( -Count Basketball
| . : Mt. Joy ...... 14 17 14 12-57 these games were. plaved
Kids can be awful confusing as hann from the peat, bad the utter Columbia 14 210 11-37 | in ea Sdn
i . h Juari lle feat
Toots Mateer can vouch. A little | let canned until stocl and fladd Referee Gilham, | : A 6 TI I ASK ABOUT THE AUTOMATIC BOND -4A-MONTH PLAN
fellow took fis Dad's big leather the aivoring, Speat with a boon oy : XB Yew oso nie: Lean
boots in to be repaired and asked; | until gick and thooey nopp in the CO. BASKET BALL LEAGUE | caster Legion copped close one |
yoots in to be rep: asked; | 2 : Maclctt I Sour >
“What do_ycu fix boots with mis- | drutz, empty into a battered pun These games were played last ny . : Bel ih 1 B iA \ Th Union National Mount Jo Bank
tor?” To Ee answered: “Hide.” The | and squatk in mairs. night: Landisville, defeated Eliza- | “4 easy lefeated Millersville Eg
or! ie Gi : le N | 46-33, and Paradise g one on
hoy asked: “What?” And Toots re- | You may marsh ad-mallows if bethtown 65-44 while New Holland “ oe oh ise. Wing, one on
plied “I said hide.” The boy ask-| vou have a particularly teet downed Lititz 51-44. ytown 45-3. - MOUNT JOY, PENNA
: si | sa ree seni
ed, somewhat “What | swooth. : '" Rvervbody read 4 5 but Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation I
for?” And Toots, getting mt, | Serves a gruzzen doan-ups or Everybody reads newspapers buf | Everybody, Yeads newspapers od |
NOT everybody reads circular ad
A WISE OWL! vertising left on their door step.
utside.” | lwo bean-gge toys,
“Don’t |
said: “Hide. The cows
And the boy said defiantly:

' vertising left on their door step.



By Cene Byrnes

3 ARE!
Go, lI
ye 2 off
iC v

coe ae PAINTED ON!

The Bulletin, Mt. Joy,

7AND 9:00 P. M
| TH EAT R Ef =
Mount Joy, Pa.
“Where There's Life

NOT everybody reads circular ad-



“Unfinished Dance” “5

Chests. of Silverwa e
SERVICE | 6, 8 OR 12

to $10
ak and Set $1. 25
PHONE MT. JOY 153-]-5
Maude Buller, Propr.
a bE


Daily: 9-1 & 2 «5
Tues. & Sat. 6:30 8:00
No Hours Thursday
PHONE: 334-3


&. Legion Post