Barbers are threatening to strike CLOVER SEED SCARCE ea ms A transfer of $600.00 was made unless they get fulltime assistants | Because red clover from the water account to the in- | similar organizations in county POISON THE RATS i A to handle the conversation, scarce, J. B. R. Dickey, extension | Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Witmer, | (From Page 1) terest account to pay the interest | communities, He urged his listen- Red squill, in clther oF m, ates 1 | agronomist of the oo 0 and Mrs. JG. Umberder and | reported 7,976,000 gallons of water | on bonds dus Jan, 1, 1948. Jou to become supporters of the liquid Hii is ideved by ey Mr; Mor i ! State College, asks that all possi- som. Paul Jiy, ‘were Sunday guests | pumped in November. The matter of purchasing signs orchestra, ond to attend the re- i extension entomologist of ii He 8 (ble crops of such seed in Pennsyl- | of Nps Lillian Witmer, |" Fire Chief John J. Schroll re-|&nd painting” notices of school | MalnIng three concerts of the sea- the Pennsylvania State. College, ‘a8 music in | vania be harvested. These may In-| pr. ang Mrs, Daniel Geltmacher | posted one fir» during the month |a - Abram Gambér on Sunday. | nT YT ITF epee 3 by adver- as $5 to $ | O. : OIL Fe il o | Mr, and Mts, Clayton Sparr of | te ® - New Jirsey visited Mr. and Mrs. | i i ; : | i GT Use anywhere! 4 2 7 Shampoo "and Set $1. 25 Daniel Moore on Friday, | D O a : S O iN ce rea m ucla” Er — PHONE MT. JOY 1531-5 | Mr. and Mrs. Guy Winters of | i A i 4 ! | Manheim were Sunday gliests of | rid A 4 AUTOMATIC Maude Buller, Propr. Mr. and Mrs, Abram Gamber. ! (DELICIOUSLY DIFFERENT) : : Mrs. Bertha Peifer and Mr. Mar- || ws No werk for AERA RARER | wen oy 15 : i h n ii nen were Lhan sgiving o 3 yous ¢ 4 day ‘guests of Mr, and Mrs. George | . 5 0, = # | Witmer at , Millersville. | > i ALL THE HOT S$ a Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harvey Barton of | EX § | Columbia; ' M* “and. Mrs. Elam | : \ 3 3 olur a; Lr. a IVIT'S. 3 | A WATER YOU WANT x Arndt of Mount Mrs. Edith | oF It heats fost! Xa Erb, of Columbia RD; and ‘Miss | 4 | i # | Lillian Witmer of Marietta, visited | ¥ 1 G LC t AN "| with Mr. and Mrs. William Frye In 2 a. on aners ik | ONLY HALF a! cn Thursday, i : i \ A BE $ Mrs, Abram ‘Gamber visited Mr. | de 1s :R BATE | 8 Mes iddle- § be Witt Gana fi | and Mss. Rut Hauser at Middle- | Cheicg of Villa, Strawberry Or Hazel Nut t DW Pn town on Sunday, - 5 Mrs. Martha Fogie and son, 5 A Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs, Earl 14 3 8% 0 | Zink, of Ironville, Mr. and Mrs. | US PF IARMACY ph} 38 : 3, rs. | i 3 2 George Memminger and Mrs, Mary | i 4 | Barton, of Florin on Sunday. Sat- THEATR Santa says: “You, too, can have cash 2 urday they visited Mr. and Mrs. | E BUILDING MOUNT JOY ¥ for next Chlistmasi J oin the Christm: 0 Alfred Atland and Mr. and Mrs: | “ mms —— : : Su cl aay d d . ye n Edward Barton at Columbia, 4 x J OSiv ery WEEK LA M r. Had xX 4 i h) up oaay 8x eposi every + Mr. Wm, Fegie took a trip to | rr EAS ENE TT 2 aX og i GALLON ZES! |3 Br i Toe loa 0 gt A A A BEB BEE FA SAAR RAH / DES, | | The Good News Club will meet ges x » | CHOOSE CNE OF #1 at the home of Rev. R. H. Arndt oh ; x SHEETING IS A PLEASURE WITH THIS. « ’ Ce. 4 58 HOT Bag / TER | i= 2 on Friday evening at 7:30 ipm. { 3 > S v : A Besa x Misg Betty Shelly will bring me : 4 Dn xe «message tnrough the aid f 2 the! ly 3 } AltA Turn Of A Tap ¥ 29 ra tH ein 2 Flannelgraph at NE aw. [§ No fire-tending, no heating water $ 5 | Twenty persons were present at Xe ar on the stove! Sturdy construc- i the meeting last week, Young andy tions finer Coleman features, for i old are invited to these serviges, {# ~~. - long life! 4 pr wi Rev ‘and Mrs. RH. Arndt ener | No oy » | tained . the following guests n|§ ¢ The Union National Mount Joy Bank & el : ! he WO LEEMUT U TH In C. 4 nion d Iona oui 0 all NI Thanksgiving: Mr. and Mrs, Hapel | We have a variety of Tab 5 - Khelghatian and childrzn, of Ches-'| 3 2 4 4 . ni a ) 1€5 i ; ! 12 N. Mafket St. MT. JOY, ay lot, PENA : oo Mr: SM MS Com Can ev] ELECTRICAL GIFTS A TRICYCLES : SOLE DEALER 2 X ond dre gil Including 5 ERECTOR SETS . 8 , : oh ry Cofdorali Ye | and - Mrs. Susan ralich and | §# x . DAY ANP NIGHT SERVICE E Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Bl Howard of | 2 » 016.101 | i Suda, | Ms, BH. | a ELECTRIC IRONS § 10-16-10 | Jon sm sm ms a i SE RS SE ST SES ESS BE SE SANTA SE Rms | On Sunday Rev, and Mis. RH. . IRQ AIRPLANES 1 P : xa Amdt and Peter ‘Hitchcoek atténd- Ne craves i ed the organ reeital at ‘St. Luke's BY Alf. STYLES QF X Church in Mount Joy. | xg El Fp by 4 9 XYLOPHONES Mr. Warren Hoffman, of Schnec- | x IeCiric i oasrers { xy fads, N. Y.. and Misses Mary, [8 bl Hass 2 si Clara, and Ruth Hoffman of | 0] pA hie Grantha visite Mrs nie RN i N i pa 1t ay nied Mrs, C. 0 BABY COACHES 3 cia sser and Rev, and Mrs, Arndt. of o i a . PS A 5 Cleaning Utensils Wf A GIFT OF BEAUTY PN DOLLS | Bl Th So oY 7 § ge UCLA # The thod used Mn cleaning I 1S i - ng ° # scorche food 1 thensils is x WwW a BASEMENT (3-sizes) | es ted ood trom wensis is de 3 PIN-UP LAMPS SEWING SETS UTILITY Ifo tal it % BOUDOIR LAMPS | LOOM WEAVING SETS i surface, then | wf i 3 os ! If this fail: a x 2 COMMERCIAL SASH ay tho following: Tor iron, use 4 TABL E LAMP S 2 EARLY AMERICAN ART & PROGRESSIVE i $ I wool scraper; for tin or enarnel, | GW ma | el ¥ add three tablespoons of soda to-a | wg 4 fs . fH 3 ® | quart of water and-boil; for alumi- ow & OOD B A fal nT YALL CHINA TEA POTS | | Ww URNING SETS ALSO LARGE SELECTION OF mundo. Jf Bl nom boil strong vinesir water i i meetin x 8 5; wal) fine stos wool.when In every style and color } J food is lgposened and don't. use sod: lg y x RESIDENTIAL CASEMENTS COIEMERCIAL PROJECTED food 1 0c es “una | : BE SURE TO SEE OUR STEEL SASH Ba ) 2 d for sware, use a wooden scraper ; TIME SAVING \ ° ® Ww 1 i a x Priced For Quick Turnover Sash Sold Open or Glazed will at ICE SKATES fa a Fi FRUIT JUICERS Several Kinds Ig : Ao J. N.» some AN Special Prices To Contractors and Dealers Within the seeretariat of ‘the JUICE KING and JUICE-O- MAT United Nations ate employees rep- ® 5 resenting 52 nationalities and 25 RE ROLLER SKATES £ stateless people. The-United States | &' . - 2 vy i NY ¥ 125 highest percentage of om- | 3/; Set S Of Dishes A Reists C One rete gC ks Pie oH a I a pe 3 REGAL CHINA ; BLOCKS SKY RANGERS nd with 10.9 per cent. Salary- | §¢ ; Pn Ns MT. JOY R. D. 2~Near Rheems Phone Mt. Joy 137-J-12 the secretariat, is divided into 3 is - gories, with pay ranging | In two popular patterps FS Large Selection Of $1,380 to $29, 060. ol F'n : ry x : T™ NTE ND I El x Tong Rotary Expands a er XY 5 INDOOR and tota a o CUT Np 1 5 Ad of the war. Bolary ALSO OPEN STOCK IN VARI 3 OUTDOOR C Ye-established in 16 si GUS PATTERNS ot c “lubs of the international 8% |. service group have ‘been. reorgun- | ug Tr £4 , TREE LIGHTS ized in’ Belgium, Barma, Chi x8 FULL LINE OF Czechoslovakia; |. Franeée,. Greece, iE. be Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Italy, | CO RY c EA i | Malays: Norway, Sia, the Mari. | & SILEX COFFEE MAKERS § a. anas, the Netherlands, fhe’ Neil 1 Ser ar RR land Indi es andthe Phiigpines. os : oi < Yes indeed! We have "Allied sports All Kinds Metal Waste Paper Baskets # £ S Ss 2 ’ wn SURFACE hes TE ors Stainless Steel Knives - Forks - Spoons # LIONEL ELECTRIC a 3 CX ar pat army RF. i 3 WAY 70 personnel- in the European occupa S$ lov i FA ROADS. i tion: zone as part of the broad New Enamel Roast Pans ' T R A | N S Jetie program ‘sponsored by 3 @ = AND $0 SMOOTH! pecan the oy 8 Heavy Cast Aluminumware 2 has included’ intermatianal competi- | CHICKEN FRYERS. ROASTERS, SAUCE PANS © - | tion in 14 differenf sports, ' CARL'BDROHAN “Mount ov. PENNA. Venia Steel Sesh GlenGory Brick + Howell Overhead oi Ready Mixed Conerete | + Hauling Cruched Stone 8t Clair Anthracite ¥ Devil Ray TowswBoat When a giant blacksstriped devil ray became entangled in the anchor ropes of a 16-foot motor boat inside the Great Barrier reef, near Innis. fail, Queensland, if towed the boat Also—Ideal for Driv eways, Park- ing Areas, Farm Lanes, ele... ot low cost maintenancel mated about J weighing nearly at seven feet a ton amt long, i Na ~. NEWTOWN | Tee Boro Officers a mile out to sea. The fay was esti. gt the pumping station, | The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, Docember 4 : X 3 TER & SONS JOY, PA., SS SE NE