The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 04, 1947, Image 4

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    y a di din deh AR wo 4 Gon ill 1 he ee EA oe Br _— y PP prep re Eu ppm possi a re 0 TARAS |
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. ! I : ’ hy ao
| bor 4 oir! REGULAR FRLCERS pe
¢—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pua., Thursday, December : ) : il - WEEK "END i Ew
OWL lL FES hii A Sie rE ire J (( anv abn? ) 2 TH BATHTUB EVERY TIME- LOBSTER TAIL ES i 5
: { from: / ANTE WRI Y 'SANDWIC \ X
| fl A LETTER’ Hot and Cold TURKE x
What this country could use OYSTER SANDWICHES | i :
{ more of is some number one table 3% ° s . |
pounders to off-set the brassy and | fl American Legion Post i 4
| obnoxious gents who have wormed | i NO. 185 MOUNT JOY, PA. 10-3-1f : i
their way to the top flecor in the ie RH KK ES = 54 xX 4 3 a
Labor Temple. We don’t seem dt SE 2 5 Be
| have quite enough folks in the | DE et = — | 5 %
Govt. who savvy that these labor = CONTROL SHEEP TICKS It doesn’t pay to be in a huny 8 i
| 3 {

gents who talk loud and threaten- | | SA LU NGA FRE E Z IN 7 R E AS 0 N. Sheep can g through the winter Ta
ing, seldom, if ever, represent aj without ticks if they are treated |
2 with DDT before cold weather NEW ADDRES Ss 0
najority of the workers, or control]
majority of the wo rs, or con BEE Y Crow TP ALTTE Tn a
their votes. The Mothers Club held its ME COME TO \\ FIRST! A LIVE Cr i a
We been electing folks who talk| christmas Party in the school A DEAD \ ONE WOULD BE State extension entomo ogist. Get ypewrl ers 4

pretty good, sensible, but on Monday evening with-30 detailed information from your
county agricultural agent, Sel . : : ' §
— election of Dr. 8. Millis
. “i 7

they once put their foot on hej members present. Mrs. Charlotte


+ :
soil of the Big-town-by-the-river,| piestand read the Scripture, fol- : : :
A \W/ ISE O L they develop chills as the Big) lowed by the Lord's prayer. The Subscribe for the Bulletin. : NEW and- USED O i i ‘
Noi i ai Sid ptometrist gg
Ncises in labor stride in and bang| fo]lowing officers were elected for 7 F HUMMER : A
- : . | the table. These new congressmen, (ho coming year: President, Mrs. 2 2 J M 'NGLE i SY
Things are rather quiet this they don’t bang the table right] june Wiley; Vice President, Mrs. Slate: Te and Ashesiny . . | 5 vi
seek. i > rs EY : the ‘ . y ; i opper, Sheet Iron, Tin Spoufin ; tis ih 2. 1
week, all iid hows are up In ine}, ck. They should. | Cc. Greider; Secretary, Mrs, Earl | Hot Alr Heating, Ventilatifig, 5 411 EAST HIGH STREET 59 N. MARKET ST. Leb 1 el Sn i
woods, deer -hunting. I am not against congressmen —| Walters; Assistant Secretary, Mus. Suction Fans, etc. ELIZABETHTOWN 14:J | ELIZABETHTOWN Evenings: Tues tN i
TT we gotta have same, That is he oy Virginia Bishop; Treasurer, Mrs. Office: 34 Detwiler Aye. Mt. Joy We Deliver PHONE: 334<J No Hours Thursday ¥
I wonder if Ray Myers remem- our Govt. is set up. It is okay. A -| Margar et Hiestand; Assistant Trea- Phone 209-R | $
bers the time his boy asked him,| 1 am trying to help. So iti Més, Dorothy Myers. 7-17-1f - g
“if 5 papa deer is a buck, is a ma- | congressman perusing this essay, | Christine carols were sung and ou can now have your | i
ma dzer a half-a-buck and a baby | if he chooses to run again some-|Sunta Claus distributed the gifs. ° PLUMBING & HEATING | .EYES EXAMINED BY APPOINTMENT Eo
deer two-bits?” Well, it} time, I give him this hint — to-| The entertainment committee I nN work done immediatély on a § i :
was a long time ago, ten yearS| wit read what happened over | was. Mrs, Schroll, and Mrs. Rosen- | il | Deferred Payment Plan We
age. "there recent-like in the Old- Beye feld. The hostesses were, ge TONAL SAFETY ©! i For information” sie . ic a
stone state where a young follow Wolter Eshleman, Mrs. C. Greider : I le i
; * Take your time in winter time, because i yu
A downtewn man wont have al got ele ected to the U. S.| {and Mrs, Fulton, is Is 2. pldin slippery. And don I. C ef R. i. BREAKIRON
thing to do with his mother-in-| congress, on his rscord of backirst| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter and | gerous when you are driving too fast. So : J O Y EN CM. A ¥ 1
law. and when an acquaintance | up a state labor law that is fair [daughter Rebecca, of Philadelphia, Jour speed A ® 122 E. Main St. i EVENINGS Matz J oe
+ : . sq a pe Took . 3 no e roa xpec ect |
reprimanded him for his attitude, for both sides. Even-stephen for spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. ih oy ot Pee pr a MOUNT JOY. PENNA. | SHOW avs
he reminded him that if it wasn’t| the boss and for the worker —|and Mrs, H. K. Honberger' and| you'll be ready for that emergency around Don W. Gorrecht PHONE MT. JOY 337-R | apo y T HH EAT R E HOLIDAYS £1
for his mother-in-law he wouldn’t | that is what the voters said they | family. eT 3 jhe 265) corner. You can’t ‘stop on an Shs | SATURDAYS g
have his wife, the fellow answered: | wanted. Simple, isn’t it — and it| Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroll and icy dime. 4 JEWELER | 8-8-1 Muant Jez, Pa. | EL
“That's the reason I don’t like my | clicked — the young fellow is now |children, Sandra and Buddy, Mount Joy Penna, { ER 55 i
mother-in-law.” a Congressman. [spent Thanksgiving with the lat- SIMON P. wid | FRIDAY — SATURDAY, DECEMB |
Yours with the low parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bugeng YT | ] . M o Ww E BB | BARBARA STANWYCK — ERROL FLYNN -in- i
He probably has good grounds. JIMMY |My rs, at Lancaster. FUNERAL DIRECTORS BEER! Call 118J5 : a
TY Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiestand Mount Joy, Pa. For H Deliver & S NS | “Cry Wolf |
Was walking along Phila- F 0 {were the guests of Mr’ and Mrs. Shar Sawn ° ry |
i Br aaa : ster Rl, harp Saws 122 South Barbara Street | bE
sds "Crm Reports From op ane [pmo Smtr Fomor MOUNT JOY, PA |
IF lod ne a in 2 (From page 1) a " Mr. and Mrs. Walter, Peifer were eine, fer.” Quien seg” AN) | ROOFING — SPOUTING | MONDAY — TUESDAY, LECEMBER 89 |
fend. Thee 2 No J i oo a turned Wren with 2 1 ering by Mr, and Mrs, Ran- CHARLES ABEL | fale eck SHEET METAL WORK | GLENN DAVIS — FELIX BLANCHARD -in- |
. stor y g 21 reported and no. deer sighted. Pott at: Lancaster ‘on ‘Thanks- Milton Groves Pa. > | A
garbage can. An’ old Chinaman, 1 hose in camp included, Geral a Ns : Ph. Mt. Joy 129Ri2 [| Vietor J. Schmoll ROOF PAINTING 66 o_o -] 9% i
fanding in a doorway grunted: gg | : PHONES: | Spirit o est Poin ¥
standing in a doorway. grunted: |. 4 Richard ~Sheetz, of town;| 5 3 i” dl :
YA er ol wasteful. The : : Elmer Schroll went deer hunt 1385 0 stributor Mt. Joy 117-3 {(Vianheim 21134 : RY
a oh Yo i at Harold Bender, Mt. Joy 2 Harry | ing Monday morning in Lebanon Fis OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. i
JOM 300 or years yet. Siegrist, Toby Siegrist, enjamin | Co. and shot 5 , Driva In For Curb Service | . §
ii point buck by z ot
| Siegrist, Quinton Siegrist, and 8: 30 am, H» was accompanied by WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10-11
ri hale. oh OG Lo STH XZ onnoth NV rorv .
When Ernie's girl asked: Vhat | Kenneth Mcwery, of Columbia Hendrickson at Centerville. BEST OUALITY A HAPPY rn OPE = BING CROSBY iin f : 4
shall we do tonite?” Ernie replied: | also Sam Shirk, of Leola; Bill Dr. J. 5. Kendig entertained on
“Let's think it over.” ‘And his girl | Mumper, Ray Suydam, Lloyd | Thanksgiving day, his family: Mr.
Monc-Pac. [Write for Free booklet Cive Her
Try the amazing New Beltone DEEP MINE LOW ASH £ GIFT IDEA] | e - 99
24 | “Yariety Girl

enswered: “Oh, no! Let's do some- | Haines and Dewey Unger, of and Mrs. Bznj. Kendig, Mr, and | about deafness to 65 Hartman Bldg. Direct From The Mines
thing you can do tco.” $Harrisburg, “Win Hendrix of zr. Donald McClanagan, Mr, and | York, Penna. C Ii C ; EB SPENCER
en town was the camp chef. Tre dle le - Y esigned jus ! \
; : a a Ee RE oT i oii Mrs. John Kendig, Vivian and HOW ARE YOUR SHOES | o ier Oa for her! | FRIDAY — SATURDAY. DECEMEER 12-13
There's a fzllow drove ‘out the ert Shatz shot a SIX | John, Mrs, Naomi Kendig and son, N’ rT y i ie : | \
; : deer /hil= hunting in Bradford : DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. At Lowest Prices Lovel i ; 9 i
Mzrietta pike so fast that when he | deer whiz hunung ¥ | Newton, Miss Nancy Gingrich, Mr, BRING THEM IN . . ly | JOEL McCREA — VERONICA LAKE -in-
»an into a flock of geese, ha found County. land Mrs. Willis Kendig and son, 8 : Guaranteed Weight : Prompt Materials! | 66 99
himself covered with goose flesh. Edwin Max, Lumber St, killed| yim aad the. Misses Susie™ and City Shoe Repairing Co Delivery - Courteous Service Moderate . Ramrod
a 6 peint, 150 1b. buck while hunt-| {Amie Breneman: More Heat For Your Money Price!

ing in Potter County. — 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET {
Wayne Young, Fast Main Street, . * LANCASTER, PENNA. | PAUL E. HESS | PP I A OD TE TS ES
; | PILORIY, - 159 Sd I > WANT TO RENT
An amateur sleuth was invest-
igating a petty robbery, In looking
over the scene of the crime, ha a four point buck at 9 am. TB Researcher

“Goodness gracious, Monday, that weighed 103 lbs, He PHONE MT. JOY 249R3 Mt. Joy, Pa. Tel. 217-R | SEVERAL DWELLINGS
this is more serious than I thought | Was hunting in Potter County. Successor te Clarence B. Myers, INDIVIDUALLY |
: Incomplete reports from a hunt- Florin, Pa. SPENCER DESIGNED SUPPORTS,

— the window is broken on both
10-30-tf 4 Within «a radius of five miles of Mount Joy or Florin
9 : | WRITE P. O. BOX 85, c/o M. L. \ FT
[JUNE BENNETT'S Shootin wo ov ris
oe g nd wid {| Q
Ou ality M ats | Re st aurant ig ate e Fo ETE TEAS aw

ing party in Clinton Ccunty that]

included local men, credited Ben|
Horst, Mount Joy Street, with a 5
. - > nl
point buck, and Glenn Kaylor, 46
West Donegal Street, with a four

A man walked into a local
] shop 2nd reported that
their clock won't work and he
wants # fixed. Saying this he

ponter, |
Steve Nestrovick, West Main St.


at Mayers chicken farm Dr. Florence Seibert, professor o Sunday Affernoon- 1p. m.
handed the clock pendulum to the] 3 ALSO 5
chrke “But why did you only|sShot a 6 point buck near Pine A FULL LINE OF 45 EAST MAIN ST.
ro |
bring the pendulum?” the clerk = ' . ‘ MOUNT JOY .
inquired and the fellow explained: : ayer. Both Dun a Bs A ACTER Open 8 A. M. to 10:30 P. M. SponSored By
“The pendulum is the only part] We or gp Monday thru Saturday Pioneer Fire Conus
that don’t go.” a party of local hunters at Blac o Vv - ) a
RE EE A Log. He shot a 6 -point buck. eg Fruits & egetables Dinner served 11-2 and 5 to 8. MAR A, PA.
Others in the group were: Lester Ges fa @ 13 J

Mumma, Gerald Grove, Bob Nent-

there's a very conscientious hen : : iochemistry at the Henry Phipps ? - SUNDAY—
who lays seven =ggs in five days, |" © Biwood Nentwig, Shorty Buch, tite, University of Pennsylva KRALL S Meat Market DINNRR SERVICE ONLY Dec. 7 & 2 1;
Amos Wertz, Bill Brosey, Clair ia, plants tubercle bacilli from seec 11:30 a, m. fo 2:30 p m






so she .can have the week end to : 2
Be e Miller, Mervin Barnhart, and Sure 40 S07 Shits moun West Main St., Mt. Joy ® TURKEYS & CHICKENS. TL 5 fi: MEMBERSHIP 2 :
= y 3 Ser Teun. bagged a st perimental research on the cher | THANKSGIVING DAY Only 12 Ga. Guns Shells Furnished . a
PIF never undesstzng why some goin J 3 Be bagged a Sis try and immunology of ‘BABIES ARE A 12 Noon to 6 p m Old Furnace Grounds Ror FoR A MOTORISTS 8 M
fellows insist on paying 10 bucks | POM Puck mn Buffalo Twp., Perry sis under the sponsorship of th. Dinner Served 12 Noon to 6 p m East Marietta, Route 441 3 |
p 9”
for: a Shirt a rs all Bat County. | ‘ommittee on Medical Research o ® : § i
r a shirt and then cover all but - te’ National Tub tosis: Assoch F ORITE fo i
a coupla cents werth of it with a ccs To fo yy 1 Breyers Ice Cream MARIETTA rrr rere Co Cc Jae istimas
ccat and vest in Jowa ie are : THEATRE [A i
st. . Iowa now has 150.607 support the tuberculosis resear SUBJECT WITH US! $1.90 Gal. Container mn
fn per cent of the total in the state— Pr. Seibert and other scient : Ww y : : 4
We've had a lot of members In| served by electric lines. The total = Male #0 Dow and have SHOW 'S EVERY oad In Attractive Holiday Box : M
our Absent-Minded Club, but last| in #940 was about half this number SEAL COMMITTEE You'll pe ro ned did ! Aristams i 3S Sal a 8 Suniay 3 . 3
week made “Speed” Reheard| °F 86,000 farms having electricity. Governor James H. Duff is honor- THU. D 3-1 Easy to Give om Sure to Please.
president, grandmaster, kingpin, ee ary chairman and Colonel Henry THE GAINER STUDIO UNICO ec. AST DAY | 2
aid exalted forgettr : Why? " Many Names W. Shoemaker chairman of the Claude Rains — Joan Caulfield &
Si 2 coe oe SNaxerool or cl ifuga racemosa Christmas. Seal Sale in Pennsyl-* 2nd Floor - Lancaster’, Auto lub Membership Protects the
Cause he drove to Lititz, took care | .also is known as b gbae, bugwort, | vania, which is conducted by the | 11 S. Market St. Ciro) ~ “The Unsuspeected” . P ie
Bs business there and then gg ota 1ck go oi, nk w Keely dis-' Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society COTTON INSULATION a. 2 Member While|Drivind & Car, Riding in One as a -Pas- 8
celled his home and told ‘er atten 1 stablished is a apq jts “affiliated county organiza- 1!
a a ASE Iota OE weed hard fo get rid of, #s’gffiliated county organiza ¢' 8 1 FRI.-SAT. Dec. 5- 6% senger, Crossing Street, Walking Along Highway, Tra- #
oo oO g nm, v : ae % or . | - 3 3 i 3 35 z 9 i
do you suppose ha thought he LT avs The State-wide sponsoring com- | oA 3 Bb | . MAUREEN O'HARA # veling in Bus or Truck Riding in Railroad Train, Trolley 2
h 32 Try Chill Treatment mittee announced by Colonel Shoe- 1 : 1s . io i
gob there, if he nad no way to set For a faker ple erust give] fies Rs Be AN “The Foxes ¥ Car Elevated or Subway Train, in Commercial Airplane :
lome? —— These guys be-| pasiry dough in I reatment. Mrs. Paul M. Auman, Harvey A. Andruss 3
ginning to confuse me, Not only ould shortening be cold’ &: pr Foes, I t. Mie: | @ Kame Proofed 99 g er SL. 000 to $1.500 for Accidental Death, $20 Weekly if
and water ice cold, but also chill : Ry TAT- Al TU i . a’ Of Harrow # disabled. Cu
I ugh before baking 3
During that recent early morn- 3 Soigh oa 2 (FORMWLA | 83) | @ Light Weight : h
ing fog an East =nd man going to Blame Resfs Here : | KILLS ATS FAST | ® Heat Saving SUN. \Mon. o. Dec. 7-8 ¥ Also $5000 National Surety Bail Bond, Towing. 8
work got lost cause the fog was First music school in the United | 4 oe R .
so thick he couldn't see his hand| States was Music Vale seminary, : ! ® Efficient PENG X» ¥ GRANY | ond Emergency and Tire Change Service, Notary Ser- hE
before his face and jt wasn’t quite| SM: Conn. opened by Oramel : 2 | : MYRNA LAY/- SHIRLEY TEMPLE § vice, Daily License Service, Aid of 700 AAA Club RED
davis . 1 Whittlesey in 18335. | & Economical ob | ! 3 5 » -
slight. Suddenly ‘he became ine | The Bachelor and ¥ when Traveling, Many Other Benefits
seriously alarm>d when he found Not From Old Sod m= ® Available Now The Bobby - Soxer” 2 Y = gus is. 8
himself in a wet alley. Jhen he| St. Patrick, the patron saint of : | sans vats cio uss becavee nimi § HERE'S PROTECTION EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE #
heard footsteps approaching along | Ireland, was actually a Frenchman! gr . Johnson, LL.D. [| ‘tne NTU (Formals i eE ily | lled : : >
= g Fp a Robert L. Johnsen, LL.D., Ge y WALK on TAT,ANTU (Formula | | asily Installe ¢ ; #
e alley. “Whore am I going?” he 1 at. Jones, Alfted Deer Xo | 83). Hore's how it works: sprinkle TUE. ONLY Dec. Q Membership, $7 first year; S5 yearly thereafter. ”
ésked anxiously. A voice replied | EE hn W. in rot burrows St ronweyi i Thrilling Mystery = - - = »
: y a + Their feet are irri.
wierdly from the darkness and| A BIRTHDAY PARTY Closker. Mrs. © Jou © || sare. They tick ‘em. they 4s in 10 | || BE COMFORTABLE “BRASHER DOUBLOON" © a
fog: “Into the creek, "Ive just | BY COUNTY BIRD CLUB Martin, Williem G. Mather, Ph.D., Charle: || 134 hours. / 3 . i
ome out” — Don’t ask me if| The Lancaster Club I. Mublenberg, Mrs. AJ Nicely, Asher J | TAT-ANTU THIS WINTER Plus, Hopalong Cassidy -in- ; 2
ifs trus. Ask Kulpy down | will hold its tenth birthday party] A.D. Mrs. George E. F ; - (Formule 83)" os 9 ” | =
y at the : 2 win oll, 2 i VY I Ho s Holida
service station. | Wedne ssday, Dec. 10, in the First] = Pr C Mrs. Agnes | i630 ane Bik kilis rats. Guar. SAVE FUEL! PPY ye ancaster utomo 1 € u x Ee
= A WISE OWL | Presbyterian Church at Lancaster, ip. We Swigart, Thoms E. | 13 TH or Yow | 10 & 12 S. Pri i ih i:
p> ; - Norris W. Vaux. M.D. Charles G. | gr th WED. -THU. Dec. 10-1 Prince Street, Lancaster ial 6118 =m
—_——— 'at 6:15 pm. Peter Koch, of Mara-| ITE ND aries S. J. B. Hostetter & Sons ; anc. Co. Farm g : =
ILL SCORES | thea, Texas, will speak. Si Wien! RN. Wien Winder | HSE C KATHERINE HEPBURN County's Largtet C Civic Body — Nearly 24/000 Members &
a Boe Chas ff Cmte ayo ./| MOUNT Joy, PENNA. ~~ Bureau Co-op. ||_‘SONG eof LOVE” © \
tinh odin a cd ESS a Rrra TE i I Th a y 3 3 Ye = |