> TO-THE-M I'N U.TE WEEKLY I N "The Mount Joy Bulle Do Your Part And Donate Generously To The Community ‘Chest Campaign LANCASTER tin es oA reat One of The Numerous Features of Our Farm Show One of the most colorful fea-)lene Breneman, daughter of Mr. tures of this year’s Mt. Joy Com- | and Ms. Roy Breneman. VOL. XLVII, NO. 19 Mount Toy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 9, 1947 $2.00 a Year in Advance | munity Exhibit will be the ¢rown-| After the queen has been crown- ing of the corn queen. This will i ed she will take part in the activi- To File An Appeal Against State For Refusal To Grant Boro Authority Certificate Keen Competition In Lancaster Co. Corn Husking Contest Here Lancaster County again will have a County Corn Husking Con- test. This event will again be staged in connection with the Mt. Joy Community Fair on Friday, October 17th. The contest will -be held on the John E. Melhorn farm which is located on the Mt. Joy- Marietta Pike about one half mile from the Mt. Joy Borough Limits. The preliminaries wil] be held promptly at 10:00 a.m. The main husking event will start at 1:30 p. m. In order to be eligible to husk in the afternoon, all contestants except last year’s champion must prove their right to husk by par- ticipating in the preliminaries. Substantial prizes will be award- ed to the winners in the main con- test. Any husker living in Lancas- ter County is invited to be a con- testant. An Essay Contest On Electricity Walter H. Ferguson, Chairman of the Rural Committee of the Pennsylvania Electric Association, has announced a contest for boys and girls living in Pennsylvania. Cash prizes amounting to $1,000 will be given for the best essays on “The most important uses of electricity on the farm.” Duplicate Prizes Will Be Awarded + To Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs A novel feature of the contest is the provision for prizes to clubs named by the winners as well as the winning boys and girls. Con- testants may designate any club or society they choose to receive (Turn to page 3) — ee Wallace Zerphey Buys Grissinger Property’ On Friday evening at the Bul- letin Office, Sue R. Grissinger sold a lot 50 x 180 feet on the South side of East Main street, this boro. It is located in the southwest cor- ner of the Boro Square. The im- provements are a 2 and 1-2 story dwelling and store room with a two car garage. The property was purchased by Mr. Wallace Zerphey, son of Offi- cer Elmer L. Zerphey, of this boro, for $8910.00. We understand the new owner contemplates embark=- ing in business there. Mr. Edgar D. Snavely has been conducting an accessory store and gas station there for some time. The sale was called by auct- ioneer C. S. Frank and Claud Zel- ler was the clerk. —— er. TUESDAY'S ROTARY MEETING The regular weekly meeting of our local Rotary Club was held Tuesday and was in charge of the Vocationa] Service committee. Visiting Rotarians were: F. S. Buch, of Lancaster, C. R. Welch and W. dePerrot of Lititz. Guests were C. W. Wolfe and R. R. Brak- man, i Wi TWO DRIVERS FINED $10 Two métorists, prosecuted before Justice of the Peace Allen Kauff- man, Ironville, paid $10 fines and costs over the week-end. They are: Sanford H. Hess, Lititz R2, charg- ed with speeding, and Mrs. Anna Mae Gable, Columbia Rl, for pass- ing an auto on a curve. 3 GREEN LIGHT HT MOTION LOST 3 "TO 2; MOTION FOR LAW SUIT PASSED 3 TO 2 The October meeting of Boro Council had Messrs. Loraw, Keller, Eicherly, Newcomer and Krall present. Also Burgess Brown, So- licitor Arnold, : both secretaries, Officer Zerphey, Supervisor Smelt- zer and pumping engineer Schatz. Justices Hockenberry and Hen- drix each reported the collection of $15 for auto violations. The Chamber of Commerce in- quired if council will assist in the erection of Christmas trees on Main street again this year. The reply was in the affirmative, The boro cuts, hauls and erects trees, the Chamber trims and lights them. Solicitor Arnold informed Secre- tary* Bailey that under the new law regulating the number of Councilmen to a ward, Mt. Joy can continue as heretofore — three from each ward. Burgess Brown reported the collection of $21 license fees and as Zoning Officer $6.50 for permits. Mr. Newcomer of the Street committee, reported streets oiled and patched, Mr. Keller, of the Water com- mittee, reported two leaky valves (Turn to page 6) — errr E. DONEGAL LAD BACK HOME; SERVED 19 MOS. OVERSEAS Frank Haines Fletcher, aged twenty, was discharged from the U. S. Naval Personnel Separation Center, Naval Training Center, at San Diego, Cal, last Wednesday, Oct. 1. He is the son of Frank K. Fletcher, Mount Joy R 2 Prior to his enlistment Nov. 30, 1945, at Lancaster, he was employ- ed as a truck driver. Prior to that | he attended Mount Joy High school. He was stationed at Mt, McKin- ley, went from there to San Fran- | cisco, from there to Pearl Harbor, | to Bikini and the Marshall Islands, serving nineteen months overseas AL LR MANHEMM DETOUR ON; WORK STARTED TUESDAY The Lancaster Construction | Company announced that it would begin work Tuesday on the con- struction of 7 of a mile of road, a bridge and a storm sewer on! Legislative Route 26002 between Mt. Joy and Manheim. Traffic to Manheim is now de- toured via Salunga. Week's Birth Record Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sigman; Mt. Joy Rl, a son at St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. John Crider, of town, a son Monday at the Lan- caster General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Derr, Mt. Joy R2, a son Friday at the Lan- caster General Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Brubaker, Mount Joy R1, a daughter Tues- day at the Lancaster General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ormsby, announce the birth of a son “Keith David” on Oct. 3, 1947, at the Chester Hospital, Chester, Pa. M-Sgt. and Mrs. Walter W. Woodward, announce the birth of a daughter, October 1st, at the Base Hospital, McDill Field, Tam- pa, Fla. hii TO INSTALL TILE FLOOR C. D. Bender, Harrisburg, sub- mitted the low bid and will in- stall a new asphalt tile floor in Ward No. 20 at the ‘State Hospital for Crippled Children at Eliza- bethtown. — msm nn Mh eve hn AN AR A ATS AG St 8 AL Aciivities Reported By Our Police Dale Dolby, of town, who was arrested last Wednesday by Chief of Police Elmer Zerphey on a charge of statutory rape and bastardy, was given a hearing be- fore Justice of the Peace Arthur Hendrix and in default of $1,000 bail was recommitted to the Lan- caster County prison for trial at court, Thursday night Officer Zerphey arrested Earl Wanner, Mt, Joy, for passing a fraudulent check ai Newcomer's Service Station here. Wanner made restitution before Squire Hockenberry and was re- leased. Among the motor violations were Kenneth Simons, of Lancas- ter, who was prosecuted by Zer- phey on a charge of failing to yield the right of way at the in- (Turn to page 7) RT Farmer Hearing For ‘Dirt Farmer’ Opinion On Wednesday, October 15th, fifteen members of the Committee on Agriculture of the U. S House of Representatives at Washington will conduct a farmer hearing in | the Court House at Lancaster on agricultural questions on which “dirt farmer” opinion is sought. Both court rooms will be used simultaneously in order to give | more witnesses an opportunity to be _heard or to be interrogated. | The hearings wil] start at 10:00 a m. and continue until about 4:30 | : iy : - and tinue 1 : 7 | their driver's licenses suspended ».m. Congressman, Hope of Kan- | : ' pm. C essma Hope | by the State, were these from this (Turn to Page 8) At a meeting of the Mount Joy | school: board held Monday evening. | October 6th, it was reported that | the Hammond electric’ organ, or- derer a year ago, has arrived and) arrangements are being made to : ror toe > ae > » - . | permanently place it in the high was selected as the candidate for 3 | the vacancy in the Second Legis- school auditorium. with the pastors of the community and excuse the pupils in grades 4 to 8 at 11 am. to attend classes in the various Souris. The treasurer reported a ance on October 1st of Si. Tax collector James Hock berry turned over $36,651.83 on the new duplicate. Bills amounting to $7,395.92 wert read and payment approved. et Oe LEASED WELFLEY'S GARAGE Messrs, Charles’ Bailey and Cletus Kaylor, have leased the Walter S. Welfley service station | west of Florin. Having taken possession last week, they are ready to service your car and in- vite a share of your patronage. — ——— MANHEIM SENTINEL SOLD Walter C. Miller, of Lancaster, | LETTERS GRANTED has purchased and will operate the Manheim Sentinel. The present | production personnel will be main- tained. Ei. tS bo OLD DESK BRINGS S124 A piece of checked brown home- spun linen a yard and a half | square was sold for $20, and and | an old desk brought $124 Satur-| day afternoon at the A. K. Miller | J Bowles, Marietta. sale in Manheim. (its Radio Job To Boro Solicitor Authorized Hit The Trail In A ‘Cathedral On Wheels’ The Bulletin herewith reproduces an article from the Chicago Daily ' News concerning Ray Brubaker, a native of our boro and a son of Rev. Harry L. Brubaker, on id ga] Springs Road. Ray writes us: “The Mount Joy | Community Exhibit will see the| Caravan on exhibition as we be~ | gin our itinerary South.” The article follows: EVANGELIST, 24 STUMPING U. S. A 24-year-old evangelist quit his job as a radio news editor to- day to take “the old-time religion to the highways and byways” in a church on wheels. He is Ray Brubaker of the (Turn to page 3) i ————— CORN HUSKING CONTEST AT NEW HOLLAND SHOW The featured event of the New | 5¢ Holland farm show Saturday eve- ning was the corn husking contest, conducted by C. B. Mellinger on the high school grounds. Thomas Michener, Marietta, was declared the champion, his time being one minute, thirty-five seconds. Second prize was won by Homer Martin, New Holland R1, time, one minute, fifty seconds; third prize, Richard Hyatt, Ronks, in one minute, fifty- eight seconds, Each shock contain- }% ed thirty ears and the contestant was required to husk it, place. it in a basket and tie the fodder. There were 10 entries. Six judges were selected at random from the crowd, tel fetter FLORIN MAN'S CAR STRUCK AT LANCASTER SUNDAY George Forry, twenty-two, Flor- in, Pa., was the victim of a hit and run driver at the intersection of N. Duke and E, Walnut Sts., Lan- caster, at 12:40 a.m. Sunday city police said, Forry told pclice that he was making a left turn onto Walnut [Street when a car struck his left front fender causing damage es- timated at $20. The hit-and-run car then continued South on Duke Street, he said. m— —— Gi LICENSES ARE SUSPENDED Among the motorists who had | locality: Intoxication, Ralph W. Kauff- The Hi h School Gets | ran, Manheim R2. Speeding, Pen- g {jamin E. Zettlemoyer, Marietta. | Reckless driving, Danie] H. Miller, Hammond Elec. Organ | Manheim RI. tll ee MANHEIM MAN NAMED At a meeting of the Republican | County Commitiee at Lancaster Thursday evening, Walter L. Bom- berger, Manheim insurance man, i {lative District caused by the death The schoo] beard will cooperate | ye caus . of Harry Trout, rere rp ‘Some Tall Dein’s at The | Soap Box Derby Oct. 18 In just a little over a week the Community Exhibit will be in full swing, and before wé know it, the time will be here for the { soap box derky. A few so far have entered, and they all seem very anxious for the event. It is not too late to build that racer and enter the derby. Its fun and its thrilling, and best of all there are some good cash prizes for those who place. This will be our second one, and if it goes over like it did last year, we (Turn to Page 7) er eG Ella W. Hershey, West Donegal township, executrix of the estate of | David E. Hershey, Jr., late of West | Donegal twp | WIFE WITHDRAWS CHARGES Charges of assault and battery and surety of the peace against Richard Bowles, Bainbridge, were withdrawn by his wife, Susan | activities | | park ganizations, of the Cor Wealth period, October “Pennsylvania Week.” Pa nga NSYLVANIA V/ sylvania Week” Complete Youth Ceriter By Social Welle Asso. Penna. Week Oct, 3 To 19 PROCLAMATION Flans are | corporate scciation ganization tion and which sponsor activities, of | This incorporation has proclaimed the gotiating Stehman the Boy ! bar, etc., volunteer venture. greatest possible number ial 5 and productive capacity of Commonwealth (Turn to kage 2) Ce BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR FOUR YEAR OLD Peggy Ellen Brill wag given at the North Barbara last Wednesday celebrated her A fish pond and other games, individual birthday cakes, were en- Those present were.: Phyllis Anne and Kathleen Brown, g, Mrs. Robert Brown, daughter Peggy. BE de Carl S. Krall 8 rosa Nissly As Cashier elected cashier assistant cashier. ED eee TWO CELEBRATED THEIR BIRTHDAYS SAME and daughters etl REFUND FIRST OF FLORIN WATER CO. been refunded k | Paul quired in September ttl I —— REV. JOHN H. GABLE NAMED ni ving ahe ad to in- This or- groups and suc ch other mill on N. Market St., youth activities in the One floor Gir] Scouts and the first floor activities such as da More detailed appear in next will week's Bulletin, be held on Delta street, just off ties during the farm exhibit. Main street on Thursday evening, This part of the farm exhibit has October 16th at eight o'clock. Re-| been made possible by the con- presentatives from Elizabethtown, | tributions from the seed corn East Donegal, Manheim, West | representatives and flour and feed Hempfield and Mt. Joy schools as |mills of this section. wel] as Elizabethtown and Master-! The committee working for: this conville 4-H Clubs will be taking | corn queen have been, Mrs. John art in the program. The name of | Herr, Mrs. Walter Eshleman, Mr. the queen will not be announced | Herbert Young and Mr. and Mrs. until the time of crowning. i Dick Lightner. 3 A short concert will be rendered | The dresses for the queen and by the Mt. Joy High school band | he court have been designed and before crowning of the queen, by | made by Mrs. Dick Lightner and last year’s Corn Queen, Miss Ar-! Mrs. Walter Local Affairs Moriualy all In General Record In > arters for . . J | Briefly Told [This S basement and rie )'4 Oo IS ection youth The cost of ice cream and beer Amos Wm. Froelich, 52, at Co- » snack |g slightly advanced last week. lumbia Saturday. youth Carl Huber, seventeen. Manheim, | Susan, widow of John Weller, at hroke his arm playing foot hall. Columkia, aged seventy-seven. Ex-Councilman Harry H. Krall Robert E. Sourbier, sixty-five, a native of Marietta, died in Detroit, Mich, ic confined to his home on account f sickness. Benjamin E. Yoke, 60, a native Jacob Garber, 19, near Lititz, Bria News Of was badly injured when he fell of Manor twp. at Columbia on There fever in There airplane ville, pin ball in jail, his crops himself. Yankees. 1 to J. Thursday, ved, card ed dwelling the Evangelical ed Brethren Church. —— Ee DRIVING TOO FAST prosecuted before Poe, Lancaster RS, for township, { lic sale 1, | Musser ter Dupes was the auctic was Albert Klein-| pany here | deciden upon. her home - . after being a patient at St Hospital. everyone fast for conditions. York now polio case. scarlet an Coates- the City and County. pneumonia. A Great was struck by at Lancaster. Lancaster putting a The American, its annual Scranton next year. Mrs. Richard Miller, Lancaster | fownship high school, the pupils | 0 R7, sued her hubby for pulling her formed a volunteer fire company | 25 Years S. S. It Py { S out of bed by the When his hearing went 14, farmer In winning baseball > made just | cn three big hills between Eliza- classic, 17 and three and ended between won | Harrisburg pike. Low bidder onj The Affairs At Florin For Past Week Mr, and Mrs. turned from Tampa, Florida, trip by plane, Mr. and spent Sunday R. W. Roberts Mr, and | Mrs. Katie (Turn to Page 4) re CARD PARTY AT I BY DONEGAL POST The Auxiliary No. 809 will hold the Maytown Hershey Mrs. Mechanicsburg. William Reno and Post Final arrangements at the home Pieffer, Shenk, Mrs. Adam Greer Hicks present. 500, Bridge : played. Refreshments ————— — FLORIN DWELLING A two ar brought $8,000 at and The purchaser er of near ——— eee | HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Clayton » returned to |gion Auxiliary will be held on off a tractor. Saturday. Samuel G. Pleger, {forty-two Th D - arv Conklin, sixty-nine, Mari- : : , : e ay rom Mary Conlin, Pn: on Manheim R1, Friday af St. Joseph’s Local Dailies sixty-fourth etta, fell down four steps and Froke her wrist on Sunday. An auto used by a special officer| George Cover, eighty-eight, of on duty at the New Holland faid | Washington Boro, died at the Co- lumbia Hospital. Hospital. was stolen Saturday night. Upper Leacock has gone on re-| Janice Elaine Hertzog, aged cord as opposing the proposed two | three months, of Fast Petersburg, million dollar war memorial for|died at the Genera] Hospital from James Martin, 14, near New Hol- Harvey H. Overdeer, thirty-four, at $1,000, | land, won the grand championship |at Columbia from injuries sustain- an auto and killed [with a 259-1b. Chester White hog at| ed when his auto was struck by a , New Holland's farm show. freight train a month previous. - . Ephrata has installed and ir 4 + boxes and | operation, parking meters with | Miss Mary Meckley these rates: 12 minutes lc, one Miss Mary = Meckley, sixty-six, hold {hour 5c, two hours 10 cents. Flizabethtown, died * at 7:30 am. at When a blaze was discovered in __ (Tum to page 3) the boiler room of the Manheim | and soon extinguished the flames. ed tuna swarm commer von | SUPE. Garber Resigns Abbott, | THIRD L/ , shot The Highways Department an- NE ON HILLS nounced the low bidder on the project effecting this section, It was the adding of a third lane | bethtown and Middletown, on the | this project was J. D. Eckman, of | Atglen, with a figure of $150,210.35. “We have assurance from Eck- | man that this work will start | early next week,” the Department | nounced. The addition of the third lzne is part of the program | announced scme time ago by Gov | James H. Duff to relieve crowding on the road caused by inability of utos to pass slow moving trucks ) on the present narrow highway. | i | WILL INSTALL OFFICERS BR Tenth District Commander Am- DR. E. W. GARBER brose Plummer will install new Dr. E. W. Garber resigned, * on officers for 1947-48 at the regular| Sunday, as superintendent of the meeting of the Mt. Joy American | Methodist Sunday School here, Legion Post No. 185 to be held at| after filling that position the past 8 p.m. Thursday in the Legion | twenty-five years. Home He will be succeeded by Joseph A Sheaffer. STATE POLICEMAN DISMISSED Detective Harry E. Fitzgerald who resides at 11th nd chestnut | Fre Co. Admits streets, Cclumbia, has been dis~ missed from the Peansylvania 7 N M State Police for “improper con ew em ers | | Friendship Fire Company met in regular monthly session last Thurs- b I | M ti {day with the president J.. Roy g Sona en ion | Eshleman in charge and twenty-five Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Morlock and |niemberg present | Patricia, Miss Margaret Ketron,| Fire Chief John J. Schroll report- | eat 4 A see rd-{ Mr. and Mrs. : Paul Duncan and |ed five fire calls for the month of cn, Jimmy f Kingsport, Tenn. |September. isited Mrs. Cleo Fberle of town. | James Schneider, delegate to the A ——— Fire Association meeting held at y CLOSED MONDAY | Neffsville, gave a report of the ac- nbus Day, Oct. 12, will be |tivities there and stated that Fire observed on Monday, Oct. 13th, as Prevention Week would be obsérv- holid by the Union National jed October 5th to 11th. Mt. Joy Bank and the First | The Company decided to hold a National Bank and Trust Com-|smoker, but a definite date was not rt. Ae. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING A meeting of the American Le- The company will buy carbon tet=- rachloride extinguishers for on the fire trucks. | ‘Seven new members were admit- Tuesday, October 14th, at the Le-|ted: Social member, Clarence Greid- | | | | | Joseph's | gion Home at eight o'clock. er; Active members, Elmer H. Members needing transportation | Young, Robert G. Stoner, Norman and | will please meet at the Mount Joy |H. Kolp, Reuben Miller Jr., James flowers during her hospitalization, Department Store. Ww. Dolby and Eli Schemick cain