2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday. July 3 1, The Mount Joy Bulletin Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher ESTABLISHED JUNE, 1901 ( Publ'shed Every Thursday at No. 9-11 East Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Subscription, per year $2.00 Six Months .........:.... $1.00 Three Months ............ 60 Single Copies ............. 05 Sample Copies ......... FREE Entered at the Postoffice Joy, Pa. as second-class mail mat- ter under the Act of March 3, 1879 Es = EDITORIAL Meney may not be everything, but it will buy a lot of somethings to keep you from being too lonely until you get everything. oo & © Many of we old-t'mers can well remember back to the time when > if he one was considered a “sissy’ smoked cigarets. But tcday----? ® ® 2 When the Ephrata Cloister Post Legion offered a seven American acre tract to be ial athletic field used as a Memor- it was immed ate- ly accepted by the Ephrata War Memorial Association. They + ill begin grading at the end of the present base ball and other at Mt. | by leaders field. preventing ne Imost has intense attention been given to ways and means of further price increases. and to reducing prices whenever Fqual attention has been possible, given to the possibility of improv- the ¢ wiatity of goods — which, f achieved, is in itself a form of price control. In the day day course of business, retailers have been { working closely with manufactur- rs on these related problems of to | direction -—- objective price and quality. The reduce cosas in every possible and to pass the saving { on to the buyer. achievement It“is difficult for the indiv dual consumer to measure the results of these undertakings. All he snows is that the cost of many articles has cont'nued to go up, and the cost of relatively few arti- cies has come down. But it is un- guestionably true that, had it no for the work of the reta’lers, would been substant- have been higher than they actually thi a very positive the 1s the And in interest of - +31 ne ade MV) . improvements will be made SP | pocketbook. by step. The land was given without any ifs, ands or buts — simply, there it is — take it or leave it. Tt 99 years at 2a ) leased for rental of $1. ® © THAT HOUSING The Progressive lished at Lititz, s2) School Beard failed to for Lawrence tne “As find living | Wilk Umstead, quarters director of physical education and last year's football coach, /he has resigned.” Getting rather difficult if Scheol Boards, mm addition to the recent beast in salaries, must fing, living quarters for their employes. Usually, after a man position, he looks after gets a h's sonal interests. ® ® a Governor Duff is peeved, ant rightly toe, for the manner in which the county courts, particu- larly Allegheny, ave handling liquor cases. The Governor ac- cuses them of: Reprehensible practice of issu- | ing liquor licenses to clubs in ex- cess of local quotas. Allowing themselves to be used to break down the regulations of the Liquor Control Board. pub- | ® CC @ . IN AMERICA FAITH Within the next few years the electric industry plans to spend a { tetal of four- billion dollars on a @in ge consiructon program. Every | dar of th astronomical sum i other local enterprise. { | | | | | | | Permitting too many ene man clubs in constant violati'm of the | law. From what we've seen and know, Jemes H. really knows what he is talking about. ... .«: ... ® ¢O WHATEVER IT IS ‘hese “fly'ng saucers” have the in many nation wondering, seen states by folks who honestly be- lieve they have sighted them and | | ! reported by others who imag ned | they saw them. A joker insists he detected a little man steering cone | of the saucers, another fellow re- | . | (American | ported a disc, flying an flag. The search is mystifying and | explanations come from all quart- ers, Some reasonable, some possible. We've even heard that it could be Bing Crosby toss- ing Frank Sinatra's recordings skyward. Whatever the shiny sil- ver plates are, or if they are not, say nossible be spent in local communities the plants and lines ‘t builds d with every form of | he load tzxation the authorities can think up and Federal regulatory will be alert to see that electric consumers are given the best possible service at the lowest There will be no rates. running of the local cilizenry BB. C., for funds {a half-finished projec per- | The power will be coming from business enterprises that will pa with the grocery the bank and | taxes right along store, the newspager, Those areas where socialized power is ‘n full flower cannot look | forward to enjoying their normal | ¢ 1947 | renee nero 1 : 1 Ararat Au Ay Rave 2 wandering in the middle of the table | Ry Levi Dillinger. | —tov the milk pitcher. There | A was presented at | w erash and milk flooded the | Court, asking for the dissolution h. Janet came running in. f the East Donegal Water Com-| “Daddy spilled the milk! Daddy | spilled the milk!” Carol chanted ‘Rb Mountville Mfg. Co., 1 rol!” her mother gently coms | ol ized and will continue the | I d, *‘sit down and finish your yusiness under new management. cereal.” . : a ei 3 ‘1 can’t, there's milk on my| Col. Chas. A. Lindbergh will at- Ra | ne 1 ican Legion Con- Janet wiped the chair dry. “Now, ntion at up or you'll be late for kin- | Mr. was elected HAPPENINGS os Of LONG AGO all, WNU Features. 20 Years Ago erp yowre so fur ADDY, Zorpl 1S] f| LJ o's shrill 1 in the Easi Ward, re- | room. ‘‘There's the ed right there.” She pointed a chubby ‘ 1 fincer i . im’'s to his Hunting Camp and | finger in front of Jim's plate, but his t it and was hand had groped surprise CRUSHE DAILY CAPACITY Ilorin, Meunt Joy, Milton i Grove, Mastersonville, 500 TONS Deodate, Maytown, Marietta and Falmouth. $1.60 to $1.70 SPECIAL PRICE ON HALF 1 Per Net STONE Elizabethtown, QUARTER INCH. @ PENN LIME STONE & CEMENT CO. RHEEMS, PA. TEL. ELIZ. 66R2 some more milk first,” r County Re- anet took the] rkets: Lard. 14c: Butter, 38c: ed it. When she 3 . Jim was gone. | Egs | : n | standing by the | i € : : mite La 1't mean any-| raticn how youngsters | Wm Ricedorf, Rheems, purchas- ed Per Co. 3 y and will truthful.” Jim turaed on : re 2 ii that v vou seat Carol r April 1928 re LY rt . a ( mother's last week? Were A wville man kept hail stones of she ; +3 her in ice cream cabinet for one S honey- | year. he d, 's what A walnut cupboard scld at $205 called it. ‘Keep the kid away while, she'll tell him the | Corps, Was C, were xtended to smkce their desks. | State Highway Dept. withdrew the ition to relocate the Man- heim in E. Hempfield Twp. The school term for 1927-1928 pen August 29. re at Hershey bitten in the arm by monk Annual banquet of the G. and P. Club of Gerberich-Pawe Shoe Co, was held at Hill Top Inn, [nera Shepherdstown. al - sale. | | of public Women the Marine | employes Dosh. # & A Phone 2911 SALUNGA, PA. We Also Paint Cars ama ea sms 3) meta The Bulletin’s Scrapbook ! Week's Best Recipe: sed come from “Mummy, mummy, here,” Carol's voice came tlie basement. Huh, I've been wondering kind of a spectacle I've been Chicken: 3 cups finely | chicken meat. cooked Your progress and ours... Every time you improve your farm buildings or your farm werare keenly interested in aiding ypur progress, fori a bank and itsfcustomers go together. ee us whenever we kan help withfcredit or advice. The Union National Mount Joy Bank MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT MOUNT JOY, PENNA INSURANCE CORPORATION | share of this expansion program. | 0 k one envelope unflavored gel- ig s not true. Yours talking | | Taxpaying industry cannot com-| 1 in 1-4 cup of cold water (if Ie | pete with tax-exempt, unregulated, | is very warm, increase | “Crazy,” he said, throwing the | | palitically-managed projects. Pro- envelopes of gelatin). » rd : pack. “All right, I'll talk | { . ye aight, Jan, I'm not going to be bably a good part of the four bil- softened y idiot, | ion dollars which the electric|ali 3 cups boiling chic 1 spectacle to my own child, then | utilities plan to spend will be | Cool. Add chopped chicken | don't try to hide it.” spent to forestall a future power |2 season highly to your taste They ate lunch together in si shortage in the sections of the]|C! until it begins to thicken, | I¢ ce. When Jim finished he abrupt- | ccuntry which still have confi-| then pour into pan. You can ly jolt ihe is ble. 44 . : . . “Darling He stopped and | dence in the privately cwned |picces of canned pimento cutouts | “What?” | cleetric company. They are plan-| bottom of pan to make attract- “I've got to the shopping | ning years ahead — something | color on top of unmclded loaf. fter I do ti i Carol’s com- | pclitical projects will never do. As| Cove when filled and chill | 1 he 1 wo. Will you the people who depend upon |overnight. ke eye. on x » ; gevernment power dams have Rose Care: both. o I nh ' he mut found to the’r sorrow, appropri- | r months are most criti A wih ing list ations fream Congress are a pre-| Cal In care of roses. It is then you felt the wall between them carious foundation on which to ovide strength to carry them | growing higher and thicker. build any plans because politics is | through winter months. Light When Carol came in Jim was sit- always the motivating influence, | i ding as each plant with ting 2t the radio, She stopped in the | not real need or responsbility. one heaj teaspoonful of fer- ho 4 i GE Pavely. © 00 izer, once a month until eariy “Hello.” he said: ching off the OIL FOR THE WORLD | August. Scratch fertilizer into top- | padin. He leaned forward holding There is plenty of oil in oil around plants, watching out is hands to her, “Come bere, tor must ha ry | ground, im- | the anxiety and excitement creat- | : | ed shows that the American pub- | fic is stl alert and aware of the fact that all might net be peace- ful that is propelled through our gkies @ 09 I BELIEVE IN SIGNS? They laugh at the methods great grandfather had to predict weath- | new drilling programs, and gr, time for planting, fertility of erops and so forth, but there are still nny farmers around Mount Joy who swear by certain signs and portents that have faithful proostications through the years. Certa’n farmers, a long gime ago, believed that if a stalk of coin could be bent over one’s fnstep und touch the ground, there sould be a good yield. Today snany use this same test and are findmg move than enough to spare to touch the ground. Some- one reminds us that with soo many commercial fertilizers in use and Jess humans, the predictions of to- day would differ from those years back. But in spite ef this, many gorn growers are still bending the stalk of corn over the instep. ® 09 i AN EFFECTIVE FORCE If anyone bel®ves that retailers a principally concerned with to dredge more doliars out of ” | | ed cut, to meet the world’s enor- savs vou lost vour e : Renda says you lost your eycs, | mous requirements. The problem | prevent foo paving ap to idn't, did you?” : 3 E . | breathe. Remove the fl 1s whe Ei TH is to build and expand the : ve gh il Te when rou like me if 1 didn't . . the petals are akout tc fall. Watel 1ave anv $21 ties needed to produce, refine and | : ut to fall. Watch | have any eyes? hl i- > - “1 . + 4 3 | transport it. for black spot and mildew, Jim started to hug her, but sud- That is why the oil industry's i 1 be eureq Dut oun be a rev toc "oa } 1¢ nomen he Ne current dev elopment program lug nted. Japanese beetle, rose & 8 mor = a 55 Chater See iad unce ly in the dle o the greatest on record. Most of the RACE are Msecl 1 Me yoo! red and ¢ sod § must be halted oom 4 ed and confused, plants constructed during the war | me then the expression of be i NaC { Housedresses Cheaper: | Had i ; : were for special military purposes Ww ¥ : wild t melted into one of reso- 2 Vomen finding ss diffi- — such as the production of aviat-| | a ding it less diffi . : cult buy low-cos usedresse Vh 1 nec he living { ion gasoline and toluene for TNT : io 'w-cost housedresse a returned the living . | today. Such di re lower hot n ply. — and are of little value for peace-| Hit are lower now or iN : i nv «Zim the was Ji called, but there was se. / a rest {tr J y I ar, ”e time use. As a result, the industry ate 3 fr no answer. The house was strange. is devoting all of its energies to .. = hove 10 choose rom | Jy the | IE he war. Now sy OI ver: I” che cried. 1se dr through in faster an- very 1 ale LE @ 00 TELEPHONE Plymouth | and Service CED TEA AND COFFEE TIME ARE HERE AGAIN! Enjoy One of These Timé-Proven Favorites! COFFEE RE RET EASIER EIGHT O°CLOCK bagi $1.85, TEA | : __'NECTAR' J ve 20 he 39° - NECTAR TEA BAGS Ho 39° Cif TIC Our Own Tea Bags Hi BUC i 37 RED CIRCLE 39 BOKAR Ls Ale 3b bag” 81.12. 3b bag $1.18] California Pink Meat (Jumbo 36 Size) CANTALOURES Elberta Yellow}Freesione PEACHES California Thpmpson Seed ess GRAPES Bartlgtt Pears 4 = 29e 2 2 for 29c “N ummertime Fav ite Canned Meats Claridge Hambargers ° Mor 12-02 can 16-0z con 45¢ : Corned Beef Hash Broadcast 16-0z can 25e¢ Armour’s Chopped Ham Packer’s Tomatoes 12-0z can 2 A&P Grapefrunit Sections 2 Green String Beans Jona Sliced Beets Florida Orange Juice Ten-B-Low Concentrated Ice Crem 19-02 cans 20-02 cans Iona or 2 19.07’ Packer's cans 43¢ 2%¢. Je 2le 207 19¢ 46-0r 6p 25¢ Tomato Juice 10-0z jar 28e¢ It's Fe For Hot Wea ight as a Evaporated Milk Mason Jars Pappas Blueberries Apple Juice °°, Zweiback N. 8. C. vegefabla g dexeo A&P Apple Sauce Pine Jelly Soap:..... Griff All Whi Shoe Polish Complete JANE PARKER ANGEL FOOD BAR EACH A Be White 27813 fall Houss TF od 4 cans Q Pints a 75¢ ore New Pack 1.15 can Nutley Oleomargarine 11 Grape Juice cr. Niblets Spears Best Pure Lard 31-02 jor v / fe bottle print » Welch's § pint bottle Green ot parogus 142-02 can 1-15 print 45e 63e 3% : ase! kitch Home sion ment bridg abow Walt Garn Louis Rout No. grain a lift for low-de class ¢ packer. New Id Fergus Als mower, bottom and cra conditic straine consisti new oa and otl Sal Auction Pedigre Fc BE Ne