The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 03, 1947, Image 4

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in, Mt. Joy, Pa. rsday, April 3, 1947 REG’LAR FELLERS A Ee RIT ; Gene Byrnes |S HE
d—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa, Thursday, April 3, 1947 | i MARIE THEATRE 3
| 3 | : : MARSETTA, PA. we TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY, 7 & 9
/ i Al a 90
{Heck .......... 168 159 183 510 Kathryn GRAYSON VAN HEFLIN VAN JOHNSON | Bo
‘Good .......... 155 14) 13 a2 LUCILLE BREMER TONY MARTIN VIRGINIA O'BRIEN |
Boon 11111 st 186 215 522 “Till Th (l ds Roll B ”” 3
Alwine 223 184 166 573 fe ou y oe
11 859 841 2611 == a iM icals, Baséll On Life of Jerom «oe
Caine 841 2611 = M-G-M’s Musical To Top All Musica e
Total . 911 859 1 z 3 ii IN TECHNICOLOR 3 . 3
mn : SE SE gs ER ijl MATINEE SATURDAY 2 P. V—Till The Clouds Roll By” plus 4
428 The darkest part of a sunspot : “Shadows on the Range!’ Full-Length Western. o&
so TH has a temperature of about 4000 SIMAN Pp. NissLEY : gf 3
3 Ss 1 oid C. whereas the luminous portion MARY | MONDAY & TUESDAY, APRIL 7-8 Nf
pangler ....... | from ., Whereas the | \ { b
Bp . Orchestra Here Fri. & | the Suns sucface suns abou| FUNERAL pmecroms | xep skeet SWIHE SHOW OFF" »
OWL L AFFS TMs 0 = "HICKORY GROVE IC es : d gre I. 2000 degrees higher. Meunt Joy, Pa, | Marityh Xxwe oP
| | 4 THURSDAY. APRIL 9-10 *
Kuhns TG 1 ! op. ; { WEDNESDAY & 2 J
R. Heck ........ 19 stil Dey ur iy hobs Sat April n and 12 4 : > CLAUDETTE COLBERT—WALTER PIDGEON—JUNE ALLYSON 3
Brown ... = 189 527| with a new cure for what is ai uy i E N N E T T Eleetric Ww . Idi ; | Lionel Barrymore “TheSecret Heart" |
A IS E O W/ L Rulp ve 162 449) ing us — it is talk, talk, talk. We) The Southern District Orchestra . marl Gas e ing Robert Sterling | &
W iy 1% it 26 to work and help win a war to sponsored by the Pennsylvania Also Speciallze Of
ET = TD a 97 the world safe for democza- | gop) Muiic Assodiation, will be i oh pecial i ee . ; >
How many of you folks fell for| myc 817 766 924 2507/cy — but the talk keeps right on. heard in two evening concerts on e S auran AND QUIPMENT
that old Agri! Fool gag Tuesday? | Tronios FG SG TG TL Our ailments are even getting April 11 and Saturday, . ! J oO Y g Po
Well its always a lot of fun no [Zink ........... 1% 18 ii #0 more aggravated as more and April 12 in the Mount Joy High MOUNT JOY Automobile afid Truck Welding | EVENINGS MATINEE 2
matter whom it hits. Bao a 149 177 175 quacks feel our pulse — and |g 1001 auditorium. The orchestra LAWN MOWER SHARPENING SHOWS SATURDAYS LX,
—_— Frey 167 176 177 520/preseribe. {will bring together 140 high school Open Sunday ’ ; 7 AND 9:00 P.M. T 1-4 I AT R i
They tell me a man at Lancaster | Tronio ......... 189 176 167 532| And to add insult to injury — | advanced musicians from the nine : Cover S Welding Shop SATURDAYS 20P. M. 4
was arrested for impersonating an Totals 858 889 855 3602! and to accent what kind of sucker | counties in the Common- Fd, 3 . FOR iid ll Mount Joy, Pa. Te
officer. He took a handful of pea- = We are — the boys are eal, doi I 4 ___ Delta and Marietta Streets
nuts off a stand. Goods FG SG TG po! ing regular and plenty, and : oo Conducting the orchestra will be inner ervice MT. JOY, PA. ral Phone 289 FRIDAY—SATURDAY, APRIL 4-5
en M. Good ....... 187 170 207 534|eral good time is being had by all | pp. powell Middleton of the In- JUNE HAVER — DICK HAYMES «in.
This morning a fellow asked me Herr ........... 162 159 167 438) of them, as we watch the income | i. Music Department at ONLY Qu lit M 4 ts.
if 1 had another cigar like the one 12) men snip off a sizsble comer ihe Siate Teachers College at West | ality Meals| Eyes Are Smiling” 3
I gave him Sunday. He said he po "77 200 201 150 551] °f our check on payday — every | (Chester, Pa. Mr. Middleton, a 11:30 A. M. T@ 3 P. M. ALSO. s y S$
wanted to break his boy of smok- ee py. : hein skillful musician himself, ranks STARTING EASTER SUNDAY A FULL LINE OF
ing. Totals ....... 838 904 803 2545 how 1 am . gonna high in the field of Music Educa- oo UESDAY, APRIL 7-8
G S x 29 25 hand — and do some diagnosing | in the State. No Fountain Service Sunday MONDAY—T ’
I told a recent bridegroom at A con el 191 174 167 5 jie Be Sys On Friday afternoon, April 11, - I BETTY HUTTON — SONNY TUFTS +in.
Florin that I heard his wife had | Peifer .......... 154 174 185 513 Henry. There are three things, 1ifrom 1:00 to 1:30, Mr. Middleton| BREYERS ICE CREAM Fyn: & i wee 0
kissed every man in her home [Funk .......... 149 214 229 592|says, gnawing at our vitals. The | wil} ditect the orchestia in several Sold In Bulk Fruits Vegetables, “Cross My Heart &
own. Barnhart ....... 20 155 19 jie is the law that hikes it legal! from the program over 105 FACE aA ‘ —— |
He said: “Well what of it. That| mye 851 972 904 @ strong-arm organizing local NBC affiliate. ] KRALL S M t Ms k t :
ain't such a big place.” to take over labor — lock, stock| fhe Lancaster County High EARLY'S HOMEMADE CANDY eal marxe WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY, APRIL 9-10 |
—— Bennetts FG SG TG Darel a the boss { Schools to be represented in “the| = 5 1b. and 1 1b. Boxes West Main St. Mt Joy 3 KE MINE MUSIC”
Grant Gerberich tells me that {Kreider ........ 177 203 181 561jand his regular sv © -time MEN | Southern District Orchestra are i a : ey $ 2 |
most corporations ove no ois SOUL (110 1 7 Meir he dew Our second a lu, Warwick oven, | HO) ARE YOUR SHOES 1) += Wai YA ?
»Evidently that doesn’t apply tolpaeker |... 150 1B 173 520 ot Js the socialistic germ MeCaskey of Lancas- BRING THEM IN. Let Us TECHNICOLOR x
the Shoe Trust. Bennett ........ 192 174 157 RY word to and | yar Lititz, Ephrata, Manheim Twp., Citv Sh 0 Te C oo 0 3
tn . * = == == ialWOCH, 3 ji breaks ‘Out al over, Manheim Boro, Mount Joy, it oe Kepair Po — a $ *
Recently a fellow wrote us ask- ao pean ne TC But us hat on bask, bethtown, E. Donegal, Columbia, yy SOUTH fa Li hag Make It Hot i 4
ink our advertising rates. He said: | gop nciger 170 148 180 498 4 t= ja nes de] 4 Marke-Millowsille, LANCASTER, PENNA For You! | APRIL 18-1921 “TILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY” o
“I vas in the try coods peeziness— | Mafeer ......... 175 180 169 5 In 2 opie 4 at wi g 3 Additional schools to be repre- : : | &
kent hant clo’s. | | Hostetter ...... 161 145 151 dime and wade in an O|sented are Annville, Boiling ® ’ TQ
sel Tos | Ly Corl visite > 2s 166 S54 about making our own | Carlisle, Hanover. rim : APRIL 22-23-24 "BLUE SKIES &
A certain chap here in town uns > 155 578 i, S. A safe for democracy Versus { of Harrisburg, Catholic High of C M WE BB ED » KEENE 7 Ri
made the crack back at the fire | 0... 947 941 831 2118) 1 in Europe, Africa and Asia. Harrisburg, John Harris of Harris- ge 3 he
house the other night that a man tei Wepre Yours with the low Sow burg, William Penn of Harrisburg, } & SONS COAL « WOOD io
never knows his real value until | OUR LEGION TEAM LOST TO | i, Immy | Hershey, Highspire, Lebanon {+ f oo
he is sued for breach of promise. | MILLERSVILLE IN PLAYOFF | ENE DE | Mechanicsburg, Palmyra). Ship*{s" 122 South Barbara Street FURNACE OIL | JOIN THE
— . Mount Joy's Legion Ho which So BA, A a | pensburg, Steelton, Fdgar Fahs of MQUNT JOY, PA. 268 MARIETTA AVE.
Back at Henner's the other been “going good” all season, nestay evening at York, and William Penn of York. _ PHONE 158-M DANCING CLASS L 85
evening I saw a drunk trying to] lost to the Millersviile Merchants, o'clock the local Soft Ball League | sree HET oe - esSsSons C ,
; illovevi : {will meet at the * fire house to cdots
get up the steps to go into the ho- | at Millersville last Thursday even=|W! : : tham, an organization of 300 men i : ® Pb
tel. Trying to discourage him I|ing 56-45. The winning aggregation Make preparations for the coming and women, which will be heard in a 3 Krauss Auditorium Kd
said: “Better not go in there. Don’t | won the division ehampionship in Season. : recital May. 6 at Harrisburg, The ; bik Ww ANTED oo
you know the devil is with you.” | the City-County League, Managers and representatives of | was organized last June and in Manheim 22R31 Corner Union and Emaus Sts. 4
The guy remarked: “If he is| The score: jim Jens paps Aa has been rehéarsing weekly, Men: and. Girls ENTRANCE ON UNION STREET 4
’l] have to buy his own drink.” |Millersville Merchants G FI Ti/Pe present. Any other intereste Due to the large a fr ‘hich WwW
bell Ye Tus? BR PF ............ 7 3 17| persons are invited to attend. | the is Se ham Yur MIDDLETO N, PA.
man ————— aie .
No Wonder They're Wealthy Rp 3 : 3 rehearsals have been held, the Lan- Light and Clean Fac- Under the Direction of PROF. W. McGRAIN. who has taught
You can raz our Jewish friends!Charles F ............. 0 0 o KULP WINS CHAMPIONSHIP caster County Section being under J : tor Work on Pillow over 6,000 scholars in Allentown.
all you please, they are always|Cameron C ........... 5 3 13 Ending in a three way tie be- | the direction of Walter Martin, of | ~ ¥ 4 | y OPEN NIGHT THIS TUES APRIL 8th
alert to making a dollar. As an il- Kendie L&R : : Clarence Kulp, Lancaster; president of the so’ ’ 5 Cases ’ Ss
lustration: 7 Falk G Ea 0 0 iy Binkley, Nefisville and Earle | ciety, with rehearsal held at Mount : » One term, 12 lessons—3 hours’ instructiond, 8:15 to 11:15 each
When County "= = "ttt goons _.| Shirk, of Bareville, each killing 18 doy. Hamilton Ex erienced Or evening. 83c No spectators during instructions 5
Art Mylin visited a Lancaster city | Totals .............. 21 14 of 20, the former won the p These Lessons Will Continue Every Tuesday Evening
schoo] recently he tried to en-|Mount Joy Legion G. Fl TN shootoff and the live bird champ-| When in need of Printing. (any- Elgin Learders This class is for young and old, married or single, I will guaran.
: in hi ioc | Shirk F 4 1 9 ionship of Lancaster County ; 3 : tee to teach 150 scholars as easy as 15. If I can’t I will refund
courage a Jewish lad in his studies c hor sm 5 0 6 Ah Y thing) kindly remember the Bulletin your money. Come and try the first sson, and sce if you like
by saying that he was a smart oa > > 3 ‘wo urday. Kulp scored 9 out of 10, | Gruen High Raté of Pay it. I look for 100 scholard the opening night. Make your group
little boy and some day may {Hallgren F ............ O 06 0 Binkley 8 and Shirk 7. | of 2 or 4 and join opening night or come alone. I will guarantee
: i eos... 1 3 5 : to teach, and prepare yoy to dances, all the steps that are danced
a president of the Unied Nawis © G >. 6 0 12 Dr. H.C. Killheffer Bulova A-1 Working in all the dance halls and clubs. I Will also teach you to lzad and
fates. 4 hod 2 G. Crider G wr 3 5| SALU NGA Optomefrist nditions ina crowd. I preps you to have confidence in yourself
ie lad replied: “Pl sell yon] NTC F >| Co and not depctid on others. Start coming early as all my classes
my chances for thirty cents.” J Order G enone J 3: =) Sy | MANHEIM \ SEELAND Call For Int & | number 150, y
To otal Lili... 18 9 45 The Sunshine Bible Class held 163 8, Charlotte 8k a or Interview at: in my you are interested. and would like to join this class
Hise teats le by périods: {its monthly meeting at the home !| Telephone 137-R X j » i emember there are hundreds just lik: you who would like to
Another illustratien of their ME JOY LEON 3M 919-450 Mrs Loverne Hisstand on 'Wed- | Phone | SELF, WINDING Mount Joy Mills Inc. learn, but «con't know where to go. Interest as many as you can,
thrift. In the middle of the night MILLERSVILLE .. 916 11 20-56 da 4 | Both Manheih and Elizabeth-.4 by cutting this ad frony thé paper, thn show it to those that
a woman told her husband there Referees: Hess and Talon. {55% ay svenmg. Mrs. Willis Ken- | tewn offices will be closed Good. J, : WATCHES 125 Mount Joy St. { can’t dance. Encourage those that can’t dance to jein class this
was some one under their bed. ie ad Rg eatin snd} Friday, April 4th, Mount Joy, Pa. : a i» and think how many hours instructions you are
Hubby replied: “Don’t make any{ A public card party for the MIS. Levi ey ha e brayer.| ELIZABETHTOWN : 9-5-tf Ql ¢ ‘ .
noise. When he awakes I'll charge | benefit of the local Catholic church! os. sv - Mes. Mary 5 : fan ou R D G ht :
him for a night's ledging.” will be held in the Fire House oniXoung had charge of the games. ef on WwW orrec . IY 9
Thursday, April 10. Prizés were won by Mrs. Mary | Wednesday Nights Malta Temple

Mount Joy Penna, OPTOMETRIST This Wednesday, April 9 is the last night 1 take scholars into
i Lancaster class.
28 | Rejuvinate Your Home| voose Bids. — §
8! This Spring With §HoNY: $id EE CE.
Pinochle, bridge and five hun-!Minich, Mrs. Willis Kendig, Mrs. |
Donegal street the other day and | dred will be played and a door; Dorothy Myers, Mrs. Walter Esh- |
during the course of cur conver- | prize awarded. 3272 wa, Mrs. Harple, and Mrs. |
= Stauffer. |
gation I remarked that every man
should rightfully take a wife. man was slumbering and shook| Those present were: Mrs. Walter |
He said: “I wish some guy would | him. “Wash that,” he mumbled. | Eshleman, Mrs. Charles Stauffer, |
take that old hag of mine.”

I was talking to a chap on West

“This is the devil” came the Mrs. Geo. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Clsstles |
answer in sepulchral tones. “Shake Myers, Mrs. Albert Rodgers, Mrs. |
hands, old horsh,” the souse ex-|{H. Heistand, Mrs, Harple, Mrs, |
Eyes Examined By Appointment
Even though some of you guys » i | Esther M Mrs. M v oN dn .
may feel the same way, I'll dare | claimed, “I marzied your shister. SF Nis. Marty Young! NJ Regular pdinting keeps de-{¥ Eve'ings:\Tué. & Sat. 6:30 to 8 !
you io say so. ne Mrs. Levi Peifer, Mrs. Willis Ken- | terioration costs low—home No Hours Thursday OPERATIN G DAILY 1
A little man came home un-|{dig, Mrs. Mary K. Minich, Roger | The value high. Y 5
Don't forget to hide my Easter | expectedly to find his wife in the|Heistand, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne FOR QUALITY WORK, CALL AN WHERE *


brought me. Seems as how I'd be | high above his head with both{ T. H. EBERSOLE NAMED
Phone 150J2 Mt. Joy FLORIN
hands ...... then brought it down|CHAIRMAN OF ETOWN-MOUNT 3 y
Taxi Stand — Lincoln Bowling Alley 1

basket on Sunday. I never get to |arms of another man. Seizing the] Heistand and Mrs. Blessing. °
old to hunt what the Easter bunny | mans umbrella our hero raised it i ns Cas

gare shues 1 gt my wite us am Joy ARE | — oN’ |
Easter surprise, but I guess not. |sharply cver his own knee. It AREA Bev A: SPECIAL RATES TO LEGION HOME AND DIFF S
kroke in two. “There,” cried the T. H. Ebersole, principal of the | : The B Fi T A
Talked to a Marietta St. lady to- | little man, “now I hope it rains.— Elizabethtown Schools, has been WEED CONTROLOR etter Fire T-ANTU 5 3
day and she told me her husband | —— That'll show him.” named chairman of the Elizabeth- Extinguisher (FORMULA 23) A mom. i es. i, in sey
is learning to be a private de- TTY town-Mt. Joy area in the Franklin CASH IN op larger trops and lowered labor costs KILLS RATS FAST
tective. I remarked: “Yes, so I| Of course you've all read about, and Marshall College Building by cultivating yourFow crops with a Russell WEED F F t a i
heard. Has he found any strange the wise little man who went into Fund campaign, according to Yin oi. bok yr- y er io J Stehman Be th
men hiding in closets yet?” She | the bar very optimistically, and President Theodore A. Distler. In present cultivar. i” Pag 0 ers
cclored slightly and replied: “No, late; came out very misty ia Pe = a Form designed, tested and proven, the Russell Products ®
I've be: t luck; far.” { ly pr. Soles area includes | WEED CONTROLOR Kills WEEDS within and EHN Fi x = <
ve a Ee 4 Florin, Landisville, and Salunga. throughout the plant row . . . its operation insures MOD Fire PROTECTION R= "8 Killing revs by
A local business man was trying The college seeks a total of $600,- pi Al ag red Wa Gio visi MODER fot Jee aX pn Arr ova
), n thinki to choose a piece of luggage but 000 for additions to provide Space | acre than sver before thought possible. Mp N FIRE HAZARDS 23). 's B® works nkle p*
You know, I've bee inking, 5 : HioF seven 2 . A sprinkle
: : ; i ith it pattments. : : burrows or renways.
the flight of time is probably was displeased with the quality off UF ever ve alt SAVE $1000 Sales & Service Rats ®. hair fost are iri.
hasten th f the - | the leather when he said: “When ount has already been | 3
astened by the spur o mo ; : ON ALL MAKES OF raves. ‘ein. They dis in 10 Sales and S
some Subscribed by a small u You, like thousands of farmers mow owning ervice
ment I buy a bag I want to see { group of Ye 24 hogs 7
. fr oS on, : al § and friends . : Russell WEED CONTROLORS, can save at least EXTINGUISHERS ; Sad :
—— cowhide jin it Misunderstariding, =n tends .in . Lancaster, $1,000 per 100 acres by using Russell WEED - x
A Columbia woman was deter-| the manager of the store exclaim- where thé college is located. CONTROLORS on your cultivation. Write at ance oO TAT-ANTU 83 Ph e
mined to cure her husband of his | ed: “Tricks he wants yet.” TE Ta Cit for complete descriptive literature . . . our supply LEO V. C BLE ® 50 powerful one Wick kilh iors. |! on 2911 SALUNGA, PA. *
! ON : is limited. fo kill or your money buck.
evil ways, and with the aid of = rere NED JRO CR d Eshl 167 S. Market St. :
ject and a flashlight she trans-| “Matriage,” announced our [IN THE MESSIAH CHOR ELIZABETHTOWN, P : . :
Sheet : 1 If into a fair re-| Florin cynic, “is like a cafeteria. About 100 Lancaster Countians . aymon eman : piling 3 J.B. Hostetter & Sons We Also Paint Cars
semblance of a ghcst. She went. You grab what you want and péy afe menibers of the Oratorio Socie- Phone Mt. Joy 12612 | ah Phone 404- 815-4 MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
into the room where her “pickled” for it later. ty of Messiah Bible Chilége, Gran- MANHEM R2 PA. SAI, - . we >
Se a A A A BN I mr i ht oe tes Ha SD tg IAN SA a A a a Rains 5 rea EA A grt cad 2 Rt mA J Ny) 9 {