The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, February 27, 1947, Image 1

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There’s No Better Way to Reach the People In This Community Than Thru Our Colu

Mount Joy Bulletin
Fiward Gable
Is Nominated For
His 29th Term

Mount Joy, Pa.,
Before allowed to
1947 Show upon arrival
orst Snow Storm Here
In Years; Few Roads Are: ie
ition by district veterinarians o
Last Thursday Old Man Winter | Sunday and shoveled a path for
assisted by Ground Hog prophecy |one way traffic between Union
went to work on this and adjoin- | Square and Route 722. North of
being enter |
the Farm
the Bureau of
State Department of
f which Du.
or, More than 1200 head of
and dairy cattle, swine and sheep
passed the test which is designed
to keep out any diseased animals;

ing eastern states and it wil] be | Union Square farmers were travel- none were barred.
some time before complete re-|ing on horseback and in tractors a A
covery. to rengh he se Lia road. he A CHIMNEY FIRE ON THE
In this immediate vicinity we |SPOrting i ae 145 99% HAROLD BALMER FARM FRI
had from 14 to 16 inches of snow | Pen to the nan lig ways. Friendship Fire Company re-
on the level, the most in six years.| With hclidays Saturday and sponded to a call on the Harold
To make conditions much worse, | Sunday, rural carriers tied hard to Balmer farm, nea: the Borough. It
there was a strong wind and it just | get thru Monday with three days'f chimney fire and Chief of

piled that light, dry, fluffy snow | deliveries but met with little suc- |. pie Ccmpany John J. Schroll
up “like no body’s business.” Many | cess. reports slight damage.
of the roads thruout this locality | The section between Flizabeth- —
are still closed, although the main | town and Maytown was complete- . /
arteries are open. This has been i ly cut off over the week-end. This This Section S
the worst “battle” for our rural was also the case around Oyster
friends they have had in many | Point. N
years. Monday afternoon we = had| Probakly the most serious situ- umerous
folks living on Route 1, two miles | ation cenfrents large poultry farms
from town, call at this office and| where feed supplies are exhausted.
we complimented them in having | With most mills located on rural | Mehaffey
their rcads open. They replied: | roads which have not been opened, | [ ouis Baltozes
“But they're not open, we walked | poultrymen were unable to Miss Verna Mehaffey, daughter

to town.” | ish their supplies. of Mr. and Mrs, Albert G. Me-
Mr. Roy B. Sheetz, local der) The Conestoga Traction Com- haffey, 124 S. Ann St., Lancaster,
taker, held a body several days pany’s busses were forced to come bodama the kride of Louis Baltozer,
over the funeral day because he up the Harrisburg pike from Lan- |con of Mr, and Mrs. Michael Sho-
couldn’ “get thru.” caster instead of their regula: | walter, Mount Joy R1, at 3 p.m.
The road from here to Marietta | route via Rohrerstown, Oyster Sunday in St. Mark's Lutheran

was closed again several times. Point and thence to Landisville, Church, Lancaster. The Rev. A. W.
Sicy men banded together (‘Turn to Page 5) Trumpeter officiated.
mam TT ap = M:s. Harold R. Alden, sister-in-
Lance. Co. Farm Bureau law of the bride, served as matron
A Concert Violinist
George Baltozer attended his
brother as best man.
Elected Four Directors Coming To High School
After a Southern trip, the couple

Four directors were elected at Flood, Concert Violinist, | will reside in Mount Joy.
the 12th annuzl meeting of the
Lancaster County Farm Bureau Ester M. Custer
John M. Wolgemuth
Cooperative Association held in the
Miss Ester M. Custer,
Mt, Joy High school auditorium. of Mr. and Mrs Richard W. Cliss
About 525 members attended, br ter, Elizabethtown, and John M.
Samuel Heisey, Sheridan R1, and }° Wolgemuth, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Howard Wagner, Quarryville, were Phares E. Wolgemuth, 101 Poplar
elected to succeed H. K. Martin, St., were married in the Brethren
Goodville, and Arthur E. Brown, In Christ Church, Palmyra. The
Little Britain, who were not elig- Rev. Luke Keefer, cousin of the
ible for reelection. Abner Risser, bride, officiated,
Bainbridge, and Mark Hess, Lan- The bride, who was given in
caster R6, were reelected. The marriage by her father, wore a
Board will meet March 18 to elect floor length white dress and car-
ried an arm bouquet of white car-
B. Rentschler, agricul- nations. Miss Dorothy Brown, the

tural supervisor of the West Lam- maid of honor, wore a pink dress
peter High school, led a pane] dis- E and carried pink carnations, and
cussion. Those participating were ' will be presented in a student re- | the ‘kridesmaids, Miss Mary Leh-
Hartwell Roper, Kirkwood RI; cital at the Mount Joy High School | man, was attired in a blue dress
Mark Hess, Lancaster R6; Robert on Friday afterncon, March 7th. land carried yellow pom poms.
Neff, Washington Borough, and: Miss Flood is one of the latest of Paul Wolgemuth, served as best
Rev. C. D. Spotts, Smoketown. young American artists to | man for his brother and the ushers
Charles C, Burkins, manager, the attention of critics and music|were Paul Hess, brother-in-law of
reported that the association ; lovers, the bridegroom, and Earl Keefer.
handled $2,021,401 worth of farm Born in Spokane, Washington, the bride's cousin.
supplies in 1946 and saved $54995 Miss Flood made her concert de- ee me
for members, Harry Metzler, sec- but in Oslo, Norway, and played
retary-treasurer, and D. M. Landis, throughout Europe and Australia Elementary Teachers
district manager, gave reports. | before coming back to the states
Willis S. Nolt led group singing at the outbreak of war. Since then 0 f At Ma town
and the Rural Youth orchestra | she has been playing in recital f 1] er. y
played several numbers. The Horst | from c vast to coast. : The elementary teachers of
Family sang several novelty songs, | Miss Flood's Yeclis] will be oper Conoy, East Donegal and Marietta
| to the students of Mount Joy and | 7" 4 :
districts met Thursday evening ia
the neighboring High Schools at a ihe Maviown school building to
nominal charge. =.
St. Patrick Card Party study the new elementary curricu-
At Maytown March ht FAILS TO APPEAR The following reports and dis-
| FOR SCHEDULED HEARING cussions were. given by the Conoy
The Auxiliary of Donegal Post John W. Murray; thivty-six, 1142 Township teachers: “The Social
809, © American Legion, Mrs. | Marshall Ave, Lancaster, who wasly;.... problem”, Grace A. Hol
Raphael Neis, president, will spon- | clocked at 60 miles an hour on the |, 4. wpe Physical Well-Being of
Harrisburg pike in Mount Joy
sor a St. Patricks card party on | he Child,” Paul Peiffer; “Develon-
Wednesday, March 5th, at 8 pm. | Twp. Oct. 17, failed to appear be- ing A Skills Program” Mrs. Ethel
at the homes arcund the Square. | fore inspector Charles H. Stoim- Rutt: “Developing Personal Tastes
Players will meet at the home of |feltz in Speeders’ Court. He auto-|,.q Apilities” Mrs. Davida Lib-
natically faces the loss cf his cards

Mrs. Chas, C. Hicks. Bridge, Pi- La hart; “Report frcm State Conven-
nochle and 500 will be played. t for 9 days. tion Division on Social Living Pro-
The following will serve on ths | Murray, a welder, was driving gran: Josephine Beshler,
committee: 2 car bearing New Mexico license Discussions were based on “The
Mrs. Adam Greer, Mrs. Paul when he was apprehended by Program of Studies.”
Pieffer, Mrs. Charles Houseal, Mrs_| state policeman Joseph J. Nork, Following the formal program,
Henry L. Haines, Mrs. Mervin | of the Harrisburg sub-station. Conoy Township teachers were
Brandt, Mrs. Carl Shenk, M:s.| , = Bi hostesses to the group during the
Charles C. Hicks: Mrs. Ray New- | COLUMBIA MAN GETS CHECK | social hour.

comer, Mrs. Bard Buller, Mrs. Al-! FOR $78,000 FOR INJURIES eee tll = Weems
dus Seifert, Mrs. Vernon Mayers, | Sept. 11, 1945, Henry J. Wicken- | QyER 400 CO. DRIVERS
Mrs. Allen Flowers, Mrs. Henry B. | heiser, 41, of Columbia, was badly | |, 0ST LICENSES IN 1546
Haines, Miss Kitty Neis, Mrs. |injured near Lemoyne. Friday he| ye, 400 Lancaste: county driv-
Catherine Houseal, Mrs. James received a check for $78000 from |ers Jost their licenses either tem-
Mumper, and Mrs. Anna Seifert. |the Penna. R. R. after a Brooklyn porarily or permanently in 1946.
TS Federal court jury made the |The figures show that 340 loca!
A MAMMOTH HEN'S EGG ward. By the accident the injured licenses were suspended
We are indebted to Mr. George man’s stomach was forced thru his|and 63 were revoked. Lancaster
diaphragm into the chest cavity.
was the fourth highest county in
licenses suspended.
Thruout the state there were 12,-
036 suspensions and 2,104 revocat-
Mumper, of Florin, for a mammoth
hen’s egg 6 1-2 inches ,in circum-
ference at the middle and 7 7-8
inches at the ends. There's certain-

The boro building, at Columbia,
damaged by fire last week, will be

Thursday Afternoon,
Brief News Of
The Day From
Agriculture, |
C. P. Bishop is direct- |
February 27,
. Local Dailies
| There are 124
i in Penna.
There was a $6,000 fire at
Annville Church of the Brethren.
Down in Alabama an infant boy
nursing schools
was found dead,
i ly chewed by rats,
A $1,750,000 bond issue to
prove the schools at York, was ap-
proved by the state.
There were 323 lost acci-
dents on the State's Highways by
department employes during 1946.
The Federal authorities have un-
covered a multi-million dollar su-
gar black market involving
100 persons thruout the nation.

A compléte Church
comprised of four fig-
cut and painted to em-
was part of the grogram given at
Tuesday's Rotary Club meeting.
Rev. Howard D. Bare, of St. Paul's
Methodist Church in Lancaster,
was the speaker and “whittling”
his subject. A display and explan-

tion, inch
ures each
phasize an individual
ation of his tools and their
usual wooden products helped
make Rev. Bare's talk instructive
as well as extremely humorous.
Ted Weidler and B, Titus Rutt
were guests with W. A. Poctker of
Lititz; Henry Bucher of Elizabeth-
town and Jess Snavely Jr, of
Lancaster visiting Rotarians.

An Interesting Letter
From a Native of Town
In renewing his subscription to
the Bulletin, Mr. Frank Grissinger,
a native of our boro, writes as fol-
“I enjoy your paper and find
many names that I knew in my
own hoyhood, having been born
below the Bulletin office in 1894.
and I know the Bulle-
Best of luck,
keeping Mount Joy
After T am
the current issue I mail it to Wars
Ohio, to my, brother, who
also was born in Mt. Joy. So the
Bulletin still travels further West
and is enjoyed by his immediate
fin is on
map. through
family. Success to you and may the
Bulletin prosper many many more
a rere
The Board cf East Don-
egal township last Thursday sold
its abandoned school build-
public The Union
mile south of
one of
ings at sale,
schoo] house, one
town, was sold to Mr. Stewart, of
Marietta for $900. The ground is
owned by the Henry Hostetter
Estate and the building must be
removed By April Ist, The contents
of the building including desks,
chairs, bell, ete. were also sold. The
bell brought $6.
the auctioneer.
Father-Son Ban-
quet sponsored by the Tri-Tewn
Lions Club, was held at Bareville
Monday night.
The speaker
W. Brandt, of assistant
superintendent schools.
Frof. Brandt spoke on three fathers
nd sens, “Caivin Coolidge and
Father, Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Father, and Every Father
Walter Dupes was

A community
was Prof. Mervin
of county
and and
Albert B. Brown, second
USN. son of Mi. and Mrs.
Ben Brown of 214 Muont Joy St.
Mount Joy, Penna. has graduated
from Storekeeper’s School, Naval
Center, Great Lakes, IIL

Mr. and Mrs. Menno B. Shelly,
Manheim R2, a son at their home
Robert and Jane Walker, of this
boro, were prosecuted for parking

ly nothing stingy about that hen, | completely razed. ions during the year,
having been bad- |
More than 2,000 volunteer work-
ers in Lancaster city and county
wil] begin their solicitations for |
the 1947 Red Cross Fund Campaign
Monday, March 10, according to
Kendiz C. Bare.
The drive will continue
cut March
at the Hotel Brunswick, Bare said.
Sunday, March 2nd, will be ob-
served as Red Cros§ Sunday in the
Lancaster City and County
ltl Meena
Two well known young attorneys
from Lancaster, towi
Mcnday looking for suitable office
quarters here. We understand they
expect to “hang out their shingle”
here if they succeed in leasing a
Local Affairs
In General
Briefly Told
were in

By a revised schedule
will get a 7 a.m. bus to
each work day.
At a public sale near
ville Thursday a pair of
were sold for $800.
Park H. Kreider, twenty-four,
near Lancaster, was crushed to
death between two trucks.
Jacob B. Lefever, (fifty-five,
florist near Lancaster, had his left
forearm almost completely severed
when caught in a rip saw.
New Holland's Boro Authority
voted for a loan of $100,000 to pay
‘outstanding water debts, buy land,
lay an auxiliary 12-inch water
main and 400 feet of 6-inch main.
Lou Hoffer, employed at Lancas-
ter, started for Brownstown Friday
night, skidded into the snow, kept
his motor running and sat in
car for nine hours — until
cne dug him out,
Reported By
Our Police
Another Motorist Fined
Friday evening Elmer Ze:rphey
prosecuted Lester H. Conover,
Glouster, N. J., for a parking vio-
laticn. At an immediate hearing
before Justice of the Peace James
Hockenberry, he was ordered to
pay a fine and costs to the amount
of $5.50.
Fine And Costs
R. Evans Jr, of Kenneth
prosecuted by

Square, who was
Chief Zerphey, following an acci-
dent on Fast Main Street, Feb. Tth,
was convicted at a hearing before
Justice of the Peace Arthur Hen-
drix on Friday evening and order-
ed to pay a fine and costs amount-
ing to $13.77.
ee A A Aree
On Wednesday evening at 7:30
n.m., Mr. Paul Shires, Mt. Joy Rl,
parked his car with the motor
running, at Landvaters Store, W.
Main Street, and called on his sis-
te: Mrs. Harry Hinkle. A hitch-
hiker was standing directly across
the street from the parked car, and
when Mr. Shires came out of the
Hinkle residence both and
hitch-hike; were gone,
Later the car was found at the
Brethren Church at Florin where
it skedded and was abandoned by
the driver. Officer Zerphey in-
ee ea
St. Hilda's Guild will hold a
Rummage Sale at the Market
House on Saturday, March 1st,
starting at 9:00 a.m.
Articles to be sold include sum-
mer and spring dresses, several
large size dresses, spring coats,
hats, gloves, and shoes,
Miscellaneous articles of value
are one dozen crystal sherberts,
jewelry, and a large amount of
general chairman. |
through- |
24. Announcement of |
the goal for the Lancaster Chapter |
will be made during a special
luncheon scheduled for March 5,
$2.00 a Year in Advance |
‘Record In |
This Section
John Price,
| Columbia.
sixty-five, died at
M. Flora, died
| at Columbia,
Estella sixty-nine,

| Mrs. Sarah E. Vandergrift, sev-
enty-nine, died at Columbia.
Bertha Marie, wife of Frederick
Judd, died at Columbia, She was
Harry N. Bard, thirty-eight, died S. EDWARD GABLE
S. Edward Gable was nominated
his 29th
[resident of the Lancaster
of Lancaster, | bile Club at t!
his f ruary meeting,
He was born at Man-
of town,
at Lancaster.
Clarence Bard,
who won
accuracy in spelling at many spell-

consecutive year as
heim. is a {for
W. Rauser, e organization's Feb-
over 500 prizes for
heads a complete slate of
ing bees, died Friday. fficers and directors nominated at
mesma the session. The annual election
Mrs. Eleanor Ehrhart and installation will be held March
21 at the Stevens House.
Road Werk Assured
Mrs. Eleanos Fhrhart,
George Fhrhart, died at
Memorial Nursing Home,
widow of
Mount. H. C.
a memker of the
ville, after an illness of eight mon- | special three-man committee which
bths. She was aged eighty-one yrs. [conferred Wednesday with Ray F.
Lottie M., wife of Nat Clark, of (Turn to Page 5)


this boro, is a daughter,

Mrs. Harry Doutrich CRASHED INTO A TRUCK
Mrs, Anna Doutrich, eighty-six,| Irving C. Swarr, thirty-one, near
wife of Harry D. Doutrich, Man- |tcwn, suffered lacerations of the
heim R2, died at her home, She | face, and had three teeth knocked
was born in Rapho Township, the | out when an automobile he was
daughter of the late John and] driving rammed into the rear of a
Mary Cover, and was a member of | truck which was
Risser’'s Mennonite church. She is |stopped a mile west of Salunga on
survived by her husband, and was | Route 230 at 12:45 am. Thursday,
the last of her family. according to State Policeman Geo.

Florenz W. Rehm
Mrs. Tne
Mrs, Mabel A. Rehm, sixty-two, | GIRL SCOUTS SPELLING
wife cf Florenz W. Rehm, died at | BEE. FRIDAY, MARCH 7
her home, 616 Lafayette St., Lan- The Girl Scouts will have a
caster, on Friday after a lingering | spelling bee in the high schcol
illness, She was born in Rapho |2uditorium on Friday evening,
Twp., a daughter of the late Ne-| March 7th at 7:30 p.m.
hemiah and Anna Shenk Haines, There will be prize money a-
and was a member of St. Joseph's | wards.

Catholic Church, the Altar Rosary Proceeds will be used for the
Society, and St. Anne's Auxiliary. | Camp Fund.
Besides her husband. she is sur- Candy, peanuts and cookies will
vived by a son, Nehemiah L. at] be sold.
home; a sister, Daisey, wife of rT
Frank Fletcher, Mount Joy R1; and
these brothers: John Haines, Mount Firms From A States
Joy RI1; William and Abraham
Haines, Columbia RI1, To Onen Plants In Pa.
Mrs. Maud O. Balmer The Toledo, O., Auto Lite Com-
Mrs. Maud O. Balmer, seventy- | pany will employ 2000 persons in
seven, widow of Charles E. Bal-|{he manufacture of autcmobile
mer, died at 12:40 pm. Wednes- equipment in a $3,700,000 plant at
day at the home of her son-in-law | Hazleton.
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.| The National Hardwood Floor-
Charles Keck, Bainbridge. She had {ing Co. of Port Deposit, Md.
been ill for two months. Born inj the government owned
Chagrin Falls, Ohio, she was a] chell plant at Williamsport fo
member of the Evangelical United | $206,500 and will produce 30.000
Brethren Church, Florin. Surviv- | board feet of flooring daily
ing are these children: Edna, wife The Kenmar Mfg. Co. will build
of Charles Keck, Bainbridge, with $200,000 furniture factory at
whom she resided; Harvey, Mount | Northampton and employ 200 per-
Joy; and Harold, Iowa. Twenty- {sons in making furniture.
six grandchildren and 16 great Columbia Mills, Inc. will spend
grandchildren survive, as do these |$95000 converting a large ware-
brothers: Park Sto:e, Battle Creek, | house at Wilkesbarre into a tex-
Mich., and Clarence Burgess, Cha- | (ile manufacturing plant.
grin Falls, Ohio, Chamterlin Company, a Detroit
Funeral from the Sheetz funeral | corporation, has established a plant

Rev. Jno. Dunl
Florin Pastor, L
Very Suddenly
Rev. John H., Dunham,
five, pastor of the Florin Eva
ical and United Brethren Ch

ly at 3:28 p.m. Monday. He
taken ill about a year ago but was
| regarded much improved. He con=
ducted services in his church Suna
day evening.
He was pastor at .the Fl
church for the past three wi
and previcusly served charges at
Mount Carmel, Catawissa, and_Ar= -
istes. He was a graduate of Leba=
non Valley College, and a memben
of Mount Carmel Lodge AF and
Besides his widow, Mrs. :
Witman Dunham, he is survived by
three children: Ada, wife of Homer
Ott, Lebanon; George, Philadel
phia, and John, at home. Also sura
viving are these brothers and sis
ters: James M., Richard G., Charles
M. Leon L, Francis and Milo
Dunham, all of New York state;
Claude R., Galeton, Pa, and Adah
G., California. Three grandchildren
also survive. :
The funeral will be held in the

Florin Evangelical and United
Brethren church at 1:30 Friday
with interment in Zion
in North Lebanon.

ist !
The Affairs
At Florin For
Past Week
The Kings Daughters Class of 5
the U. B. Church met at the home ="
f Mrs. Augustus Shetter. Sadr
Mrs. John K. Wittle, Wood St, 1
celebrated her birthday on Feb.
26th. ih ox
Misses Betty and Martha Eber=
sole visited with Mrs. Ernest Hess,
it Rheems on Friday,
Mrs. J. Y. Kline *is spending
some time with Mr. and Mrs,
Henry at Elizabethtown...
Mrs. Richard Bingiman and son,
of Elizabethtown visited Mr. and
Mrs. George Mumper on Tuesday.
Miss Barbara Ann Longenecker
entertained the following to a Val=
entine Party at her home. Misses
Jean Keenan, Edna Eby, Geneviere
Baldwin, Helen Erisman, Anng
Mary Smith and Mrs, Roy Wiggins,
il] of Lancaster. The decorations
were in red and white with a cen-
ter piece of mixed flowers. ;
Miss Maude Buller will oo
her beauty sheppe at her home on
Tuesday March 11th. Your patron-
age will be appreciated. Read the
id on another page of this issue.
Mr, Mrs. Harry Wyre and
daughters, Gloria and Frances, of
Fdgewood, Md., and Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Parme:; and son, Neal, of
Newville, spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Jackson.
Mr. John Heisey moved from |
the Back Run, into the Michael
Randler property on Wood Street,
vacated by Elmer Randler.
Mrs. H. B. Wittel, was the week
end of Mr. and Mrs. Benj,
Deeds Recorded
John Alwine, Mount Joy Twp.,
to Hiram Stern, W. Donegal Twp.,
two adjoining lots, Mount Joy
Twp., $375.
Ralph E. Hipple, Conoy Twp. to
Kleeman W. and Ida H. Brosey,
Cenoy Twp., four purparts of land,
Conoy Twp.
Henry Hawk, Bainbridge, {to
John Smith, Bainbridge, two tracts
f land in Bainbridge, $790.55. 3
Catherine Landis, Conoy Twp.
o Eli R. Hoover, East Donegal
Earhart at


Twp., two acres and 4 perches of
(Turn to Page 5)
The Pennsylvania State Police
crime laboratory staff at Harris=

home here Saturday afternoon and|at Ridley Park to manufacture
interment in the Eberle cemetery. | aluminum storm windows and
Martin W. Horst ii
Martin W. Horst, died at the | FARM WOMEN SOCIETY TO
home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank { MEET HERE ON SATURDAY
Felker, 10 Manheim street, on | Society cf Farm Women No. 4
Wednesday evening, of a compli-| will hold a dinner meeting Satur-
cation, in his 87th year. | day at ncon at Hostetter's Ban-
Deceased was a son of the late | quet Hall, Mount Joy. F. F. Bailay,
Henry and Kathryn Wittel Horst, | ssistant county superintendent of
and was a member of the Menno- | schools. will speak on “Washing- |
nite Church of the Erisman Dis- | ton The Man.” Curtis Reisch, |
trict. I'tencr, will - be soloist, Mrs. Iona
Surviving are Benjamin, Mount | Metzger will preside,
Joy; Louise, wife of Levi Sites, | —————E—
Manheim; one step=son, Melvin | FOOD SALE FEB. 28
Geib, Mt. Hope, and Ellen, wife of | Friday, Feb. 28th the Busy
Frank Felker, Mt. Joy. Also fifteen Workers Cl of the Trinity Evan- |
grandchildren and 17 great grand- | elical Congregational Church, will |
Funeral services will be held on
Sunday at two o'clock at Hernley's
hold a food sale at “Toots
Shoe Repair shop beginning at 5:30
p.m. Bring containers
Mennonite Church, near Manheim. T——— :
with interment in the adjoining Monday after seven and Tuesday
cemetery. afternoon and evening. clothing
Friends may call at the Sheetz
funeral home on Saturday evening
from 7 to 9 p.m.
for the European Relief may be
taken to the Lutheran Posish
house, where it will be sorted an
sent to the Lutheran warehouse at
Joseph R. Good Easten, Pa.
Joseph R. Good, seventy-six, Te
Chocolate Ave., Florin, died at the | MARRIAGE LICENSES
General Hospital last Thursday af.| Samuel Walter Shertzer, Salun-
ter an illness of two weeks. ga, and Marcelline Joan Zerphey,

in a loading zone at Lancaster.
frag rug material.

(Twn to page 3) Mount Joy,
burg conducted 225 laboratory ex-
’ Mateers | t
aminations in connection with po-
lice investigations during the mon-
January, 1947. :
rn tll Ae.
Mrs. William Dillinger is hos=
oitalized at Tampa, Florida, follows
ing a heart attack. a
Mrs. Dillinger and daughter we-a
h of



visiting friends th on
i ere, when she a
became ill, ;


If you hear the band playing in
this neighborhood any time today
there's a reason. Our neighbor, H
A. Darrenkamp, is celebrating :
birthday. Many more, Harry.


