The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 17, 1946, Image 4

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\ 4—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, October 17, 1946 : fo
; R
THE LOW DOWN| These Local Azciatimtess TT e
be a a 2, Sn 1 gi. a Joint! ¥ AN > wi Ne
nga ements EL mn 201 READY) [AN THERES UTTL Jus Eres
i A d SHE'S AWAY =i 3 RAVING ROOM 3 Coa i oO
CF CA Stara
| Swings WEEK OF | OF ocr. 3 TG I I been reading where, on a river nhounce Ea A BUCK! / LEFT Fe TT
Ee x oy pe 3 bank near San Francisco, they dug NEWS
ECR hve $ 29 20 491 = n ss -_— N
“up 5 skeletons, They are guessin n . . :
= Good... 172 205 203 580 ee ol 4 on 2) oe op od The engagement of Wandla Ell- ik CHU)
158 HE ASD 06 oan wan Sho 1AM] efson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs it sd THE
Eon a U3 192 220 300 skeletons are as much as 70 Phone Alfred Fllefson, Mayville, N. D., { COM
Alvine . 186 188 143 517 ond years oide-anywiay maybe 39 Rebert I. Hawthorne, son of Har-|
| Lo ua ag theusand. Bu 2 guy farther Solnth vey F. Hawthorne, this boro, was! “py
Total... 863 858 869 2590 --in Los $ays Sey are | announced at a buffet luncheon A
| Schneider's FG. SG TG TI vy more wp 3 couple Rind given by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley a - me _ oT Pasto
ey 2 : A a HX shi Ri € says since the bone ma ing up Liye NCE aT Ss - - - : as
Schneider ...... 167 196 187 55010 ckulls is so thick, they gotta be Ne Lon Bl: ren Habet Khelghatian. Everybody reads newspapers but | Subscribe for the Bulletin. HOW ARE Your oe ozs 1 Lebar
Mateor vio... 10 02 177 S80 iit nc nF Notion dae Ly Mase Is an employe o 1 ; ; DON’T WAIT 700 LONG. be at tl
She nt ald kelet ns of Native Sonye-and the | ia’ Givi Acronantics Authority at Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Khelghztian NOT everybody reads circular ad BRING THEM IN.
iy Frew 56 162 ont 20 fim = own Native Son happeued the Bradford Airport, Bradford, TIL. of Chester we birth of a vertising left on their door step. SIMON P. NISSLEY ch Ww
REP EERE only about 200 years ago--or less. Mr. Haw SRE e | Caughter, October Tth, MARY G. NISSLEY . 3 5)
is ono 919 SARE Mr. Hawthorne, a graduate of Mt. ! ’ i
Bouya Mpa bu this just a reflection of the Joy High School, was recently dis-| adn FUNERAL DIRECTORS City Shoe Repairing 0. come
BY oe on 7 739 feudin’ that has gene on for years-- charged from the U. S. Nav al HEMPFIELD GIRLS Let Us Mount Joy, Pa 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET
yyw me 1GR a arg
Total ......... 898 913 928 2739 since the most of Towa moved 10 [| Forces and is now employed by the {DEFEAT YT. JOY 4 TO 0 9.0 : LANCASYER, PENNA. A Bil
WW a. Los Angeles--and I am not gonna) pan. y i | Eos e cleate a
A W IS E O L Boarnhart's FG SG TG Tl Hind Wo brs SAE Ferra. Power & Light Comp any. East Hempfield defeated Mt. Joy Make It Hot the Cal
Foo foe 203 218 157 518 Up in same, No date has been set for the|4 to 0 Tuesday evening in the only I A Tue : Gospel’
3 3 : IE Moers a 174 147 158 150 But I started essaying on Calif- | wedding. contest in the County Girl's Field For You . a 1 ey
I'm all for ex-GI's and their gett- HWS tases 7 oo an Ornia today because of a fine gen- seri Hockey League. The other scheduled : Re i ne >
ing first choice of jobs but holy [Barnhart ....... 157 221 182 560 1 know Neves Gi viel : ® a 5 morning
: SL ” De : : Anderson 189 199 207 595 eman now out there--a gen- game of the evening between Man- Fi A Sneal
cow they oughta reconvert to thei pe WIE reves eo tleman and a scholar I called him-- (heim Boro and East Donegal wes NE i | :
civilian jobs!! I rode from the 20th |Funk .......... 155 150 185 470 Mr. Isadore Dockweiler., He is al | postponed ° LEE Allento
flcor of a Philadelphia building wm ww oe in athe sride, Lot gl r i Mt. Jo FE of Engl
. | be state < ve. Flarehean er. of ep S. Mt. Joy 5. Hempfield 4
down t> the street floor and I'm| Total ........ . 878 915 869 2662 states have skook : looki : > Mrs Florence Witn Witmer of Mor 4 ler Se Coal signs Wood 4 in Aller
> \ oe TF: a : Bennett's FG SG TG Tis States nave skookum looking state etta and Mrs. Jacob Erb, of Colum-|R. W. S. Strickler olbein FOR = dme Bi
Selling you; even Whough my stom- Kreider 193 221 182 596 flags--but fly ‘em seldom. Mr. bia Rl, were Thursday dinner guests|R. I. Walker Eshelmen 268 MARIETTA AVE. Ey 1 k
. Se didn’t wo Boer yeas 9 2 5¢ NE ; : . ghia Ursa) ner guests i oll k
id 3 iyed up there I with i 169 133 135 437 Cockweiler is helpng put the of Mrs. Mae Weaver. C. F. Kayler Fauber PHONE 158-M %
back for it—mnever woul Ngee - © ome oo California Bear Flag cn all the rd Danie a LG sick I. Hoffman Greider i k d é >
with that guy again. We flew! Pennell sraeeirss 150 183 228 561 flagpoles alongside Old Glory “hl Se Daniel Moore 1 on the sick L. W. Schofield Long ur e y S an eecse 3 will be
¥ou know why? I found out that | 13 55 ML oa] RE Loy There im, |W. Se wong friends.
Bet fat been ditched wd ho oo... 160 183 196 be feudin between Los Angeles Mrs. Mae Weaver, Harold Witmer|R. F. Miller Hertzler | FOR SALE Ever
fico ro ho a Hl oda Spon ae i San Francisco but pardner, and Mrs. Jacob Erb visited Mr. and|C. H. Mumper 8. Minh S t Cider Vine ar |
Xa tro er Total ........ 805 908 882 250570 AY ome word against Calif- Mrs P. Brock ani Mrs. H. Long Weaver | § SWee 9 : St
Fon krow. Lael < ik am hia in either place, and you are Witmer and family at Marietta on|R. H. Somers Klein Apples Potatoes os diye B |
SU of Bi Hore snd br re of | Hal's FG SG TG TI. fone Whit ‘sn argument. Tosi urd, |L. F. Zink he S nd October 20th 1946 5 } Hgts
U 0D pe an i101’ scme o SED + Sry 3 ~ ro 3H : uigntec
you folks who dort read “his HECK 216 192 216 624 oe ar Flag seems 20 make ‘em | Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Kieth of G- Bennett Miller | § Custom Cider Making u ay, 9 i 9:15 (
“works”, I got quite a kick out of | Mumma ........ WS 150 167 Sp) oes, under We shin, Brunnerville were Sunday guests of EAST HEMPFIELD .... 3 1-4 EVERY WEDNESDAY 10:30
rks”, I got out of States will o : Lh 3 a) 10:30.
him telling how easy it was for [Forel 150 166 146 462] Yaies Righswiliendin the ash- pyr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher. Limi J0% en a pot Mm At 1.00 p. m. | Monday
we r plats reconvert into dl he Brown ......... 207 174 192 573% I states don't break Mrs. George Davies, Mr. and Mrs.| Substitutes: Mt. Joy — Hoffman, & 3:30 1
fie. factories, For instance, Lock. [BWR 200 166 145 512/00, Mir show pride Andrew Hence, Mrs. Emma Givens, Rosenfeld, Welters, Young, Krall if J K Wolgemuth St. Hilc
Hh rd ; _— ame and confidence--and soon. of Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Snyder, C. Strickler and Feeser. E.| > 1 - . x ne
heed is going to manufacture long Youts with the low . | PHONE MT. JOY 919R2 Widnes
underwear——they just lower th Toml ........ 939 878 866 2683 ours with the low down, Schriver end son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-|Hempficld—Bender. 9-26-tf ’ a 3 6:30 C
i ltl CY: JUS wer tae | oo WES Ee a Jimmy intd over Vr and] Goals—Long 2, Greiler, Eshel- | [1B SPE i
wing spread a little and leave the | FG SG TG TI aa py ward Reichart, of Hanover, Mr. and| Goals—Long Ferro! SHEE | At The Mount Joy Sportmen S Trap i ield 8 Thursds
Eomb-bay door right where it was | Eshleman ...... 146 161 164 471| Is Mrs. Lloyd Steele, Amy and Mar- man. v ka a
rs dV ad Bil Yabo I, was, ” RE ON A SMALL GAME lente Weanver af T.ancastor NA Referee—Miss Ione LeVan. Q Ii : :
147 199 545 x Y lene Weaver of Lancaster, Mrs. Lau- u 1 y ea S » °
And speaking of clothes. They're 170 157 529 TRIP TO S. DAKOTA Weaver ani daughter, Kathryn,| 7. a4 North of Floris
making them out of Jee st iv Sheetz. ......... 174 198 203 575 Among this section's real hunters of Ironville, Miss Jean Fitzkee and| According to a reader, law and
thing . w. A fellow near th pos Spanigler ....... 175 182 241 598 re the following who couldn't wait Mrs. Maurice Frysinger, of Mount order is admirable, kat much of A FULL NE OF
cffice bought a post war suit mad = = for the opening of the season here Joy visited With Mr. and Mrs. Dan- it depends upon whose law and ATE, i St
flice ght a post war ¢ nade : i. | . St.
of wend Now every time he tries Total ...... .. 396 858 964 2718 %° they left Fridzy by auto for jel Moore on Sunday. | whose order. fash 2d 12 Gauge Guns. Shells Furnished
SE md a i a Highmore, South Dakota, where Mrs. George Schelcope is on the iy
to strike a match on the seat of his they expect tv spend 1 vel | . & V bl Sund
rants, a termite sticks his head out | Good's FG. SG TG spac SPST. on days sick He | Dr. H. C. Killheffer Fruits egeta es 9:00
ht Le rel Garm: 158 162 3 503/Ing pheasants, rabbits and ducks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koser and | i i ie
tnd yells: No smoking in ........ 58 162 183 50: ge " ¥ ns | 0 10:15
Ya » ry ‘ 3 } 5 nh the party were Messrs. Harry dd; ter, Jean visited Mr. znd Mrs
lower baleony please Herr 127 160 168 455 Y daughter, a ptometrist y Messag
a E. Brown ....... 150 164 174 485 Caslow, Ray Myers, Amos Wertz, Robert Frank. I anemia KRALL'S Meat Market MARIETTA THE A TR RE son, rej
BHA that's not all! Wooden clothes |M: Good 170 172 190 532/of town; William Fackler of Mount Rev. R. H. Arndt motored to Avi 452 5. Chariottz St. : M J MARIETTA, PA. CE Two Shows Nightly, 7 and 9 an M
can ke most embarrassing. A cer- |Pougherty ...... 195 201 165 561J0Y R. D. and Leon Alleman. of ted, Pa, on Sunday where >| Telephone 137-R West Main St., t. Joy -
tary Senior boy took a Yoiv SOPs at saree preached at morning and ER Men. & Welles: 8.8.08 THURSDAY & FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17-18 ;
lar girl to a formal dance. Another| Total ......... 800 859 880 2539 : Services “ang officiated ot the holy|{ : 00% i | The Latest Adventure of the Scraen’s Gicatest Animpl St ociety
boy was also there who lost out | Tronio’s FG SG TG Tis| A Bolivian politician, says a communion. uso oy Fri. Sat 66 93 7:30
cn the deal and was quite cross. Decker ......... 172 163 179 514 necktie is a symbol of submission. Mrs. R. H. Arndt is spending the | ELIZABETHTOWN 3 COURAGE OF LASSIE 3 Wednos,
he gitl had remarked that she had Brown ...... 171 165 234 570 Some men think so, when they week at Chester visiting her daugh- | 15 E. High St. A ; hn 3 7.90
a Brend new evening gown made | Hallgren ....... 143 163 153 459 wear their Christmas gifts. ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. || Telephone 24-R With Elizabeth Tayler, Frank Morgen, x 3 I ol ,, :
of wocd, so during the cvening|frey ........... 167 129 177 473 | Ss Sp - SATURDAY ONLY, OCTOBER 19 Sunda
when she and her escort were |Tronio ......... 166 232 200 508 SEE THE NEW | CEE M-G-)'s (Vagnificent Piciurization of A. J. Novel rence,
dancing, a shoulder strap fell down =~ 1 bt BE & €399 Friday
“Tim - EE
dy FS : ~ 6 CU. ft. size With Charles COIBURN, Beverly TYLER, Hume CRONYD
TT ee . » « Gladys COOPER, Dean STOCKWELL. Rid! { HAYL)N The
They're putting out a snouzie YHE HUNTING SEASON ! NOW ON DISPLAY Men and Girls \! — 2 Biel: - a (forn

That our local sportsmen are


riece of now made of : ’ i . ry ~ »
fiEreglass so you can see what you priming themselves for the opening Price Complete $215.00 Light and Clean Fac- 4 FAULETTE GODDARD -in- Sunday,
forgot to pack, and also a briefcase | f the small game season & few torv WwW 1 Pillow of ob FT 9:20 1
clarm ¢lock attach io | We eks hence, is evidenced by the EST R = RO 3 = RTS O1 y OrK on y DIARY OF A CHAMBEF SM AID
ind you of important large field who participated in a > Cases 8
. Boy, I'm telling you, these | r€cent practice shoot on the grounds

of the Mount Joy Sportsmen's As-

Experienced Or & SONS Leon Errol, Frankie Carle — “Riverboat Rhythm” and
Peace inventions are



YN TR Ree Riel


iation, near Florin. Nl “THE CISCO KID IN OLD NEW MEXICO”
The figures given designate how Les Arners » 122 South Barbara Street ee = |} Crates.
N { ritse
What th's "old world really neads | many targets were broken out of MI MOUNT JOY, PA. J a
aliy n | ; i = 7:30 p.
i: a rice aid-cocled kennel for hot | €7ch twenty-five fice at and by the High Rate of Pay vi ROOFING — SPOUTING — —- Fritsch.
dizs. st res i thai : the game | SHEET METAL WORK EVENINGS J O Y VATINGE
bouts will have mighty tough A-1 Working ROOF PAINTING SHOWS AND
Dut hate to OB 7 AND 9:00 P. M SATURDAYS
=e onditions ~~ § pom | THEATRE| “oon
have a wspaper, | oon 6 0 Conditions N | Mt. Joy 117-3 Manheim 22R31 | SATURDAYS HOLIDAVS Re
cateh on a nail and ge: a rip in| V- Brooks .......... 10 3 11 18 Call For Interview at: | CI ro va | 8.8.10 P.M 2:00 P. M. D
ur comic section? 17 14 12 2 Y Sak i Mount Joy, Pa. ima
a —— eee L. Alleman ........ 20 17 20 17 i i aii
+ 09 « a iC. | { Q MADER 0.71 Jol)
SPCRTSMEN REFORT PROFIT |H Bucher .......... 16 22 20 18 Mount Joy Mills inc If You Want | FRIDAY — SATURDAY. OCTOBER 12-13 Guest,
OF $413 FROM 500TH i praia FEM 125 Mout Joy, 31. \ | Stee ELIZABETH TAYLOR — TOM DRAKE -jn- Missiona
A total of 1600 black bass, rang-|C. Lewis ........ 13 $40 Mount Joy, Pa. | . | 2.00
y Tau A : = - 7 7:30 p
ing in size from three to four inches, | Everett Martin .... 15 18 15 . i an 2 A | Any Magazines : COURAGE OF LASSIE Rev. ¥F :
have been stocked in the Big Chick- | H. Caslow .......... 4 3 uv RR | 0 P d I | Churc
ies Creek, from White Oak dam to|J- Germer ......... 4113 erio ica S i lewing {
the Susquehenna River, it was an |J- Kendig ....... = 11 2 FOR 5 AX BE MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 — TWO HITS
nounced by the Fish Commitiee of |POlIl 17 21 1 a. vps
Bie Meant don. sg (A Work 2 2 Ss Daily Newspapers | JUNE PREISSER -in- "FREDDIE STEPS OUT toe
t"e monthly meeting of the club this | P- R- Lewis ........ 15 15 | Ms
Bem Et 1 2 abit Mea Hats Renovated | ALSO ss
Also reported during the busi-7 Sullenberger ....... 9 6 Ladies’ & Men’s | WILLIAM GARGAN -in- "STRANGE IMPERSONATION" |
recs session were plans to place ref | Ben Sheibley ...... 12 > At All Times Mail Order Service | 1359 1
uge signs around the preserve cared | Tom Mahan ........ 14 4 | T = H. Drey
for by the club. The chairman of |John Sheibley ...... 1 15 Please place orders Fas best Blac Jo £et fiat servies 1} TULSDAY. 2
the Forest and Stream Committee | Rev. Tate .......... 6 5 one week in advance. 1a Laneas'er ‘ty. | LEO GORCEY — EAST SIDE KIDS -in-
wos instructed to secure informa- |J- Zink ............ 5 6 ER “IN FAST COMPANY” Rev
1 + - 3 > » TE | ps
tion from the State Game Commis- | Herchelroth ........ 8 3 ’ B AL55 RADE id STEVENS HOUSE | Sunday
sion pertaining to the feeding and | McNaughton ....... 10 8 TH ERE S ALSO A LI NEU} FOR sa NEWS STAND | 9:30
Fabits of Quail. S$ Roshan ,....... 1 | WEDNESDAY — THURSDAY, CCTORZER 20-24 10:30 ¢
Paul Diflenderter, reporting for |R. ramer ....____. 2 FOR TELEPHONE SERVICE... MARKS & HERSHEY || ruc cancest w we erry | i Rev. 1
the Comm:mity Show Committee |B. Sik rski 1 BUT you CA N'T SEE IT / oh ig ns Sry. Pp DANE CLARK — JANIS PACE J 'n- 7:30 p.
announced a net profit of $448.98 (A. Kreider 2 ° RABBIT FARM All Mail Orders Receive our §! “HER KIND OF MAN» Miss A
Bad bee alized from the club |Elwood Martin .... 7 sai rompi attention. i Japan G
4 n reali the hehe p I
4 | 14 371 North Barbara Street LINCOLN HIGHWAY CURB 3
booth and of this sum $400 was or- » : Is Today you line up for meat, bread, butter, nylons, MOUNT JOY SERVICE speaker
derzd placed in the building fund | Bil Be OL 5 shirts, and many other scarce items. You wait 7-18-tf J
andi the remainder in the trap fund. | Bil BIE . ati ntly for these thinos. betanse Vou én 's 1 EE EC = Reich
atic ( S ngs, >caus 1 see the
A total of $300, proceeds from trap | | Diffinderfer ....... : Ie of oc rls head ro Spo gE REDDY KILOWATT .... Sumy Boy .... Pennsylvania Power & Light Company
shooting was also ordered into the [Boyer .............. hg © aus mes of peak Lratie, Ri “ :
trap on INentwig .........-. 16 telephone service is often slow, partic arly long 2A { i aa! UNE A N— A y
A AG eee {Gerberich .......... 4 distance service . . . but you cannot see the long line jk INE war Pots WIRING JOB ] \
SJCOTING MATCH OCT. 29 {Royer .............. 18 of other calls ahead of yours. We ask your under- 3% Sp
A shooting match for turkeys and (Watts .............. standing of the telephone line-up—a condition that forr F
geese will be held on Sunday, Oc- Berio don... 3 exists because of an unprecedented demand for
a ro 17. Hamilton ........ oe . 3 inity
tobr 20th, at Im p. on fhe Mt, 1d. Fe ts 16 service and a critical lack of all types of equinment Trinjly
Joy Sportsmen's trap field north of C. Martin .......... re a a r ty
Florin. R-Hasslet .......... 19 needed to take care of the demand. day
12 gauge guns will be used. Mrs. Caslow 1x12; Mrs. Alleman ois
rl Mn. =e { 1x13; R. Koser 8x12.
Aviation engineers are predit- : | 1 BRING SUNSHINE WHEN ITS NIGHT |
ing that within the next three | Why cant this natin gov vw The Columbia Telephone Company AND CLOUDY. DNS MAGE DRGHT |
: ; il 8 uarrel in another
as standard equipment in cargo ! country without wanting WORSHIPED THE SUN-GOD IT 1S TRUE SUPPOSIN' THEY HAD HEARD OF ME WOULD WORSHIP REDDY KILOWATT

“end transport planes. into it? a A A A DSA Nm