CLASSIFIED Rates for this column are 25¢ pes Wsertion. If over five Itnes, 6c per! NEWTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Claude Reigle of Mt. | fine each insertien, all payable i Joy, Mr. John Fogie of Mountville, | Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Walters of Lan- | | advance. FOR SALE—Girl’s bicycle, In good condition. Apply 211 N. Barbara St. Mount Joy. 9-19-3t FOR SALE: Apples, sweet cider. vinegar and potatoes. Also customy cider making every Wednesday up to 4 p. m. J. K. Wolgemuth, phone Mt. Joy 919RI1Z, 9-19-tf HELP WANTED: Man wanted to work on poultry farm. Apply at Donegal Mill or see John M. Wol- gemuth, 101 Poplar St.,, Mount Joy. 9-19-tf FOR SALE: Cider, Vinegar and Apples. Varities in season now Grimes Golden, Smokehouse, Deli- cious, McIntosh and Summer Ram- bos. Mrs. Katharine G. Snyder, Fairview Orchards, Florin, Pa. 9-19-2t NOTICE: Custom cider making day —Tuesday of each week at Fairview Orchards, Florin, Pa. 9-19-2t FOR SALE: Elberta peaches, good for canning. Katharine G. Snyder, Fairview Orchards, Florin, Pa. 9-419-1t FOR SALE: New Poultry Equip- ment, four 500 size Warner electric brooders, 38.50 ea; Feeders, foun- tains and electric water heaters, Melvin M. Grayhill, phone Mt. Joy 126R11. 9-19-2t WILL YOU PLEASE rent me a house somewhere in Mount Joy. Franklin Gantz, Sr. 32 Railroad St. Mount Joy, Pa. 9-19-4tp HELP WANTED: Clerk to work on Drug and Cosmetic counter, Satur- day afternoon and evenings. Apply Slozn’s Pharmacy. Mount Joy. 9-19-tf WANTED: Companion for middle- aged lady to help with housework. Apply by letter to Box 85, ¢/o H. G. E., Mount Joy. 9-19-3t FOR SALE: Boy's finger-tip length, winter overcoat, also boy's plaid sport coat. Both about size 16. Like new. Phone Mt. Joy 18J, or call at 205 W. Main St. Mt. Joy. 9-19-2t SS CI APPRECIATION: I wish to express my sincere thanks for the cards and fiowers from my friends, the many kindnesses of my neighbors during my recent illness. Mrs. Lloyd Garman, Donegal Springs Road. Mt. Joy. 9-419-1t also CORNET LESSONS: Anyone de- siring cornet instructions, call C. A. Price phone Mt. Joy 24-R or apply 12 S. Market St., Mt. Joy. 9-12-tf FOR SALE: Used Othello Coal Range, price reasonable to quick buyer. Apply 214 N. Barbara St. Mount Joy, Pa. 9-12-t4 TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. Harry Leedom, Coal Yard, Mt. Joy, Pa. 9-12-tf a ee Accurate Metal Weatherstrips Pecora Caulking HOWARD STRAUSBAUGH Maytown, Pa. Phone Marietta 3309 After 5 p. mn 9-12-8tp WANTED: £ evening work. Apply Aunt Sally’s Mt. Joy. Phone 4-M. 9-12-tf| FOR SALE: Misses navy blue top- per and dusty rose topper, both light! weight, about size 9 or 10, $7.00 each. Brown gabardine dress, velvet ¢ = lar, princess style, fly front. $4.00. 9 Fost Main St, Mt. Joy. 9-12-11 LOST: Lady’s wrist watch, diamond set, vicinity of Marictta Avenue, Mt. Joy. Reward. Finder please call Col- umbia 311M or this office. 9-12-2tp WANTED: Young man to work on dairy end poultry farm until March 1, 1947. Apply P. O. Box 173, Mt. Joy. 9-5-tf. FOR SALE: Deep Mine Collery Coal. All sizes. C. B. Myers, Florin, Pa. Phone Mt. Joy 79-J4. 9-5-tf WANTED — Everybody in this section to use these columns when- ever they have anything they want wv buy or sell. tf WANTED More People to use eur classified columns and turn useless ° articles around their homes into ash by advertising them in this col- umn. Try it. 2-4-tf FOR SALE: Columbia Range, black with nickle trim, good condition Apply 4 p m. Mrs. Harry Brown, 131 Mt. Joy St, Mt. Joy. Pa. 8- FOR SALE: Text Books for com- nlete course in Radio and Television from National Radio Institute, Washington. Phone Mount Joy 81-R 8-22 tf HELP WANTED: Soda Fountain Clerks, part time beginning Sept. 1, experience not necessafy. Apply Sloan's Pharmacy, Theatre Bldg. Mount Joy. 8-8-tf FOR SALE: Extra tatoes. large, clear onlv $1.09 per bu. and Manheim road, Erisman’s Church. H. phone Manheim 26R23. nice cobbler po- skin, field run, at farm. Mt. Joy one mile east of R. Zook. 8-8-tf WANTED: To Rent. a five or six room house around Sept. 1st. Write P. O. Box 85, c/o L. E. Mt. Joy 6-6-tf WANTED — High cash prices paid for the following: old dishes, glass ware, tin, copper and brass ware: old lamps, sink benches, desks, olc cuvboards of all kinds, tables, guns. money, anvthing in antianes. Call Hart's 161 N. Charlotte St. Manheim. Phone 19W. 6-20-tf PHOTO FINISHING—Any six or pight exposure roll developed and printed nlain or deckle edge, 25¢ (coin). Reprints 3¢ each. Minimum order 25c. Capital City Photo Ser- vice, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa. 2/15/tf a —_ caster visited Mrs. Serena Fogie and Mr. :nd Mrs. Harry Fogie Sunday. Mrs. Harry Weaver and daughter | Kathryn of Ironville and Mrs. Susan Haines visited Mrs. Fogie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogie dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Serena Daniel Gelimacher spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keith of Lexington, ind Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keith of Brunnerville on Saturday. Mrs. Wilbert Witmer visited her mother Mrs. Paul Myers of Lancas- ter R. D. on Thursday. Mrs. Pline Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Paris Zink of Marietta visited Mrs. Witmer and family on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shand of Washington Boro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McGongial and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Isler at- tended the Marietta Depot picnic held at Ephrata on Saturday. Mrs. Daniel Moore spent” Sunday with Mrs. Austin Ren of Lancaster. Mr. znd Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher visited Mr. Geltmacher’s neice Miss Anna Mary Geltmacher who is in the Columbia Hospital, on Monday Irvin Geltmacher evening. Mr. and Mrs. Art Koser Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frank on Sun- vihited day. Mrs. Minnie Hehn of visited Mr. and Mrs. Abrem Gamber and family on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver Jr. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver Sr. and family of Ironville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogie were Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Haines of Mount Joy. was held Lancaster A brush demonstration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William K. Fogie on Wednesday evening. These officials were elected in the Newtown U. B. Church for the Con- ferences year 1946-47: Church Offi- cicls—Class Leader, Rev. R. H Arndt; Church Treasurer, Jacob G. Erb; Assistant Mrs. Iona G. Arndt; secretary, Mrs. Fogie; financial secretary, Mrs. Jona G. Arndt; Pia- nist, Mrs. Iona G. Arndt; assistant pianist, Mrs Esther Geltmacher. Adult Christian Endeavor ~—presi- dent. Mrs. Iona G. Arndt; vice pres- ident. Lester Geltmacher; secretary, Mrs. Mae Weaver; Mrs. Esther Geltmacher; troas- secretary, financial Martha assistant assistant secre- tary, urer, Mrs. Grace Geltmacher; pia- nist. Mrs. Iona G. Arndt; assistant pianist, Esther Geltmacher. These officers were elected in the Newtown Sunday school: Superin- tendent, Rev. R. H. Arndt; assistant supt., Daniel Geltmacher; secretary, Francis Mowrer; essistant secretary, Cleo Haines; treasurer, Esther Gelt- macher: superintendent Cradle Roll, Mrs. Grace Geoltmacher; Doris Geltm:cher and Carmen Fo- Librarians, gle. Rev. Mrs. R. H. Arndt ac- and companied by Mrs. Annie C. Risser | spent the wes k end at Chester, Pa., visiting their daughter and son-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Hobet M. Khel- ghatian. Mis. Susan Fralich, of spent Tuesday end Wednesday vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Arndt Lancaster PAPERHANGING & PAINTING Frederick Leiberher, 237 Marietta Ave., Mt. Joy. Phone 108W. 927/tf WANTED: First Class carpenters, pal A Martin, contractor, Mt. Jov. WHO WANTS TO FARM of an Acre of land located in Mount Jov car—See—Ben Staley or call 163R2. Mount Joy. HELP WANTED—FEMALE: Intel- ligent young woman belonging to yne of the Plain Sects, for selling nosition in Plain Clothing Dept. Steady employment, no night work. Salary, commission, and discount. Also. competent seamstress for same Dept. Steady work, salary and discount. Apply Mrs. Ebersole, second floor, between 2 and 4 p. m. HAGER BRO. INC. 5-29-tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Ella M. Grosh. late of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having .Jaims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for