Mt. Joy, “ CLASIFIE pol} KYL oD) Rates for this column are 25¢ per | lusertion. If over five Itunes, 5¢ per line each insertien, all payable 1» advance. Pa., Warch PHOTO FINISHING--Any six or | ight exposure ¥, developed and | printed plain or fleckle edge, 25¢ ! (coin). Reprints each. Minimum order 25c¢. Capital City Photo Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa 2115!tf 6 The Bi Thursda y, 28, 1946 Ser- vice ) ALE: Maytag w i mi- chine. Inquire Christian Heistand Maytown, Pa 3128/21 — : FOUND: Small white brown & black spotted ear: Ow may have 247-M. WANTED: Market W and condition write Le B In Hand, Pa. FOR S - family apart- heat, 150 ster, Pa. Penna FOR ner ment hou oil walter L. Joy Fast Walnt ut Street. Lanca 3128/1 H. Roy Nis€ly, Florin SALE Th ree hot 10 same by Roy { y AA is quop Price i Beiler 1114: HELP WANTED: Ex. G. I. ofyvoung man for general lafdecay and nursery work This i leasant work SALE: Colindid Range with geod pay. Phone Mt. Joy 305R front 1 t nd . 1 colon Nn ane wv J28tf g¢sod condit'on Mt. Joy 21-3t with for interview. ry, in BUILDING LLOT FOR S ft. on Col Avi Pi Fhone ALE" 20x180 155] tmbi ne WANT Dwe for our HORN TO RENT: Apafiments ; in Mourk Joy eme loyees. MUS F ARMS , Mount Joy. WANTED: Hing: house a few da 365 Doneg: ¢ Joy, Pa, 8 1 Siz oy Columbia PAPERHANGING & pe asonable Frederick Leiberher, Road, or | Ave., Mt. Joy. Phone 1 3128 1t FOR SALE: Small coal cook stove, Apply 445 Donega call Mt. price Springs 166-R. 27 Mariett: Ww. Joy phone 9'27t I TAKE JPPORTUNITY te thank ny nan wipghborf and friends for the | uti] 1” flower fruit and cards rece during may illness at the hospital Yand sinee I am at home. Filla M. Grosh. 3281t : WANTED: Woman for and — light housework in moth FOR QUICK aq ES list home. Person desiring good home, properties with BY{F. Peffer, will receive anvreciatigp” and re- gal St., Mot int. Joy, Pa. spect in preferer ) ¥ h wage — = THIS HELP W farm Joy. ive va S01 Leghoyn Farms, Mt. cooking —— a ess FOR SALE melon color, SE — 1 Blac RECONDITIONED PIANOS* priced | Size 9 low. Als Joy Mis Ses cize 12: only white silk jersey Call 11 E. Main Street, dress Apply P. O. Box Pa 32811 135, Florin, k ond a fine lot Bf sheet musie 118J2 3-21-af or and vicinity ER LEG- 96'tf PAINTING NTED ty work on poultry de cl Jif vour 53 W.} 412itf suit, || $4.50; $3. || Mt. 12'6/tf |; FORMER CHAPLAIN WILL SHOW PICTURES i Chaplian (Capt.) Thomas G. Hep- New Banana Plantation A Major Development of Shamokin, Pa., formerly ofl Starting a banana plantation is a » ’ very different sort of a jcb than the United States Army Air Corps, planting an apple orchard, for ex- will speak and show pictures in the! ample. Because of the ravages of Congregational |; disease, wearing out of soil, and oth. on Friday | er reasons, it is freguently necessary 7:30 o'clock. || 1° abandon a banana plantation and bol move on to virgin land. . . . Drain PUb=ll age ditches are dug and the under- i brush is cleared away. The land is then lined and staked and made ! ready for planting. At each stake, 15 to 18 feet apart each way, a hole about one foot deep is dug and a 3 to 4 pound piece of healthy rhi- zome is planted. After planting and before the sprouts appear above the ground, all the big timber is cut down, leaving tangle of branches, logs ner [rinity Evangelical Church of Mount Joy March 29, at is open to the evening, The l'e, and especially do we invite for- servicemen and their families The Young Peoples’ So- the Church is program mer to attend ciety of the charged ceived sponsoring |! and admission is an offering will be pietures no but re- — — ee FNTERTAINED GUESTS ON SUNDAY IN HONOR OF SON [a Mrs. Minnie Bates entertained aa| StUmBps. roads and railroad lines must be her home on Sunday of : built. The tangled mass of timber her Alfred, who has just been| goon rots away, making a good from service: The fol-| mulch and adding humus to the soil Mr, and Mrs.| It thus provides excellent growing Ronnie, Mr | conditions for the young banana ‘| trees. In about three months the Mr. and : cL al | plantation is ready for the first Mrs. Harold Kulp and daughter) cleaning which involves trimming off Darla Fae, Mrs. and Mrs. War-| the branches of the felled trees and | Bates children Barbara, cutting. weeds and other tropica Warren Martha, Roger and Marjorie. growth, This is repeated about ev- Simple Methods Check | ery three months. In the meantime roads are com- Ravages of Tiny Moth Of all household pests, the most pleted, railways are laid, housing for the employees is prepared and ev- erything is made ready for the har- devastating is the delicate little! moth. Each year it is responsible , for millions of dollars worth of] vest. This is usually a race against time. In 12 to 15 months after plant- | damage to fabrics and furs. Last| | summer was a record season for ing, the fruit is ready for harvest. Cutting must be geared to shipping, | such losses. Yet homemakers can | bring this damage down to almost however, because the banana has to be in the consumer’s hands in a | zero by simple methods: cleanli- | ness, the use of preventive chemi- limited number of days after it is taken green from the tree. On the ship special equipment. maintains cals, and the proper packing and! the fruit at the proper temperature storage of woolen garments while { not in use. | The need for preventive treat and humidity. ment is greater now than ever be: | fore. Ruin of a single garment may not seem a disaster to the person in honor son, dischargel lowing were Alfred Bates son and Mrs. Harvey Stover, present: and and ren and 1 fi) Sparkling Windows Add To Charm of Home To make sure that windows will be & rolls. On dienlay paturdav 10 to | - 10. Alton N. Reifsnyder, 21 E Hioh | St. Elizahothtown 3'28'1t FOR SALE: Allis motor 20 h nn. AnplyR. F. Vander- slice, West Main St., Mt. Joy: 328'1t range. full size Avply D. B Stpeet, Mt Tov, | A Colimhian ranee closet. Res house WANTED WQRKMEN Steadv Employment Roy Nigsly & Co., Inc. Florin, Pa. lectrie | rie H FOR SALE: Ele ctric excellent condition Brubaker, Poplad FOR SALF: with worming price. Call at from Salunga Church of the ren. Jno. D. Ebercole, sonable WANTED TRI tion otterdant. Va¥s Servicecentei Mt. Joy, Pa 3-21-3t WANTED — T¥vervbody in this | tection to vse these columns when- sver they have anything they want in buy or sell direct neross Rrath- 31282tp | HELP WANTED - Labeler: Ste FEMALE ee Paclgers WANTED: Markd} #agon g adv Work | wagon ~Price md, ASE Pleasant nditions Levj MY Beilef, We Apnlv in jperson WYETH INCORPOF Maric Pa. ER write Hund, Pa 114 tf and LOT WOR SALE: Fronting [63.25 on ! Detwiler Ave. and 93 ft{on | v A cor a lot Xe ndige 177 Vegt’ a d\173 3.45 on East Pcs- anyti gi {Figne Garage with slate roof Abply to C. F. Auk- Mount Joy. Phone 128- M. IL L ED roultry & humans. 50c¢ - 15 oz. can. Hostetter's . Mt. Joy. Teed cars Bought ATED (ia, on —————— S¢ WANTED: First Cl: Paul A. Martin, contr: s/ carpenters, or, Mt. Jov er, 75tf — 112 RATS KI “STAR”. Cun imals mixed Hardware Rost sens ee with can of WANTED TO RENT: 6 roc m use Harmless an- in Mt. Jov. J. N. Billow, Main St. Mt. Joy PUBLIC DUMP at end of Street extension any Mt, tery road is hereby L son seen dumping yofuse property will be prd§ecuted. M. Breneman, Owner. WANTED: house work. street, Phone FOR SALF: su'te. iron ber and brass vash stand dining room snite ply H. BT Wittel, Florin, Phone Joy 908R5 » Fairview me - oy WANTED Any per- on this Jos. T. -14-1f Stern, 389 W. St. Phone 93. Paul H. High Manheim. Pa. Moe People to use our WANTED- artipleg rd for" general | ye: East Main | ov! 37tf around their homes into i | rash bv advertising them in this col- wmn. Trv it 2-4-tf ; EXECUTOR’S NOTICE! Estate of Christian C. Demmy:. late of Conoy Township, deceased. Letters testamentary on said!) estate having heen granted to the! mndersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested tn make im- mediate payment, and those having claims demands against the sonve, vresent them without enttlement Woman Avply 285 Mt living room md mattress and mattress An- Mi bed hg FOR SALE: Straw, baled. Call 127R4 Mount Joy. 37 FOR SALE: 25 tons, baled” Clov and Timothy Hav % tehs alfalfa. John A. Hiople, Rheeins. Residence: Mt. Joy phone 86. 37 it WANTED: Proo- te: desks, glass ot upboards, and chinaware, anv antiqres, Write Hinden's, Soudersbhure. Pa. Will eall. 110'4mp | oe Wanted Room TORS or will for residing MAURICE C. dealav “ igned, at Lititz, Pa. f og, old bureaus, Executor Att'y. Owen Hershey, Subscribe for the Bulletin. In Our ar CARD O A CARD ST Apply George Brown's Sons, Inc. Mount Joy, Pa. PERS i a public 1'10/tf Readv | 131'10tp || and | sold. Anv ke or year model will | he nurchased if + good condition. | columns and turn useless | to the under-| DEMMY | | 2state having been grant s a pe gm who has money to replace it, but | multiplied by many garments it be. comes a serious matter when every | additional yard of fabric requires | vital raw materials and more man- | power, Whenever possible, garments sub: | ject to moth damage should be washed before storing to rid them | of the soil, spots, and grease which | are so attractive to the moth. Over- coats and other articles that cannot | go into the washtub should be dry cleaned or should at least be brushed thoroughly to remove dirt from pockets, seams, folds and | hems, and should be hung in the sun for several hours. They should then be treated with a moth preventive and placed in a clean, absolutely airtight container or wrapped tightly in clean news: papers. bright and clean, do not use soap and water on the panes. Soap streaks the glass and is hard to rub dry. Clear warm water can be used it the glass is not too dirty. If grease and dirt cling to the panes, add a little ammonia or the water to get the windows clean. Use four tablespoons of dilute am- monia for each gallon of water. Windows can be cleaned and or solution is sprayed on. gives a thin, even film of the liquid all over the glass. If you do not have a spray, the next best way to wash windows is with a chamois, no lint, as cloth often does. A piece of chamois may also be used | to dry the windows. For windows | that are left open often, protect the a coat of liquid wax, after washing and drying the sill. Apply a thin layer of wax and polish until the wax is hard enough to provide a protective finish. Balsam of Peru Used Widely in Medicine Besides serving as a base for per. fumes, balsam of Peru has many and varied uses in the niedical field. Both its internal and external usage are important. In the treat. ment of wounds, this Salvadorean product has had the most notable | effects. It is said that the first preparation of balsam was invented by Don Jose Eustaquio de Leon of | Guatemala but, only a few years | ago, several Europeans, among | | | } Good Seed Does seed of oats, barley, and other farm grains actually out?” A good many farmers be- lieve it does. They think it's neces- sary to get new seed every few years because, they say, their seed “runs out.” In other they believe that seed grown for a number of years on the same farm loses its ability to yield satisfac- torily. Agronomists say that there’s probably some foundation for such a widespread belief because seed wheat which were Dr. Dumont and Dr. Suter discovered its application in connection with the dressing of wounds. Their process ‘‘consists merely in drenching the wound with ! balsam and then covering it with a [ sterilized bandage.” Word has been on many farms does cease making i received from first-aid stations in satisfactory yields. But, the reason battlefronts all over the world, | they say, is the accumulation of dis- | telling of the wonders of this medi. ease and other crop mixtures in the ‘cament thanks to which ‘many| grain. It is their contention lives have beeen saved by the quick| if seed oats and barley are kept application of a protective coat of pure, and disease is proper ly con- this antiseptic to the surface of trolled by seed treatment, seed wounds.” The war has placed bal: sources of oats and barley can be sam of Peru in the front lines of maintained on the same farm and the battle against pain and infee-| produce satisfactorily for an indefi- tion. | nite time. Ease Wash Job | Scientists who have studied the) washday job suggest ‘‘wheeling”| loads of clothes rather than lifting and carrying them in the laundry ticeable symptom of vitamin A de- | and to the line. A bench or box| ficiency is a cloudy condition of | fitted with casters will hold the bas- the eyeball, and excess watering of Deficiency in Cattle ket, hamper or tub in the laundry or| the eyes. There may be loss of ap- ! near the wash place if work is done petite. Calves are commonly dead | outdoors. Other suggestions are that|-or weak at birth. The cow may one stand erect at work, sort clothes| have difficulty in calving and on a table instead of the floor and| frequently retains the afterbirth. place blocks of wood under legs of| She may give little or no milk. Ewes washing machine or wash bench to, may have similar symptoms, and in | bring it to the most comfortable addition may develop lambing height. This will save one-third of| paralysis, with resulting loss of the the’ energy required to put them on| ewe and lambs. Good green hay, a the line. A bag for clothes pins, with| good source of carotene which is the a draw cord so as to hang in the| substance from which vitamin A is most convenient place or to be| produced in the animal's body, is sewed onto a clothes hanger and|the preventive and the cure for slipped along the line saves steps.| this condition. Brown or bleached A clothes line should be about 6) hay does not have enough carotene. feet high for the average woman and should be tight, to save “stretch” in hanging out clothes. _ | Proper Kraut Storage | There are two methods for stor- | ing kraut. First you can pack it in There is no better way to boost | glass jars or tin cans and process it | in a water bath, Or, second, you can | store it in the container in which it was made by sealing over the sur- face with hot paraffin. Recent re- | search, not yet completed, BE your business than by local news- paper advertising. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Gabriel B. Geib late of! East Donegal Twp., ncaster Co.,| Pa_, deceased. ! { more vitamin C than if it is proc- Letters of administration on said | essed. That's providing the seal in andersigned, all perso indebted | the crock or jar isn't broken, of thereto are requested to make im- | mediate payment, and those hav-| ing claims or demands against the | same, will present them without | delay for settlement to the under-| signed, residing = Florin, Pa. B Xi. FAR your business than by local news. 328/6t paper advertising. tion specialists recommend that place. Louis S. May, Att'y. ra TA ISAT J J WB ml i “ pi ki i search work and | Then through this jungle, | alcohol to | dried quickly and easily if the water | The spray! which takes up water, | quickly and thoroughly and leaves; sills from rain spots and dust with’ “run'| words, | that ! In cattle, probably the first no- | now | seems to indicate that the second | method will mean the kraut retains | course. In any event, food preserva- | | kraut be stored in a cool, dark, dry | There is no better way to boost WR A i The Affairs At Florin For Past Week (From page 1) B. Church will hold Saturday at the home of Mrs. Emma Keener. Mrs. Patsy, Miss Darlington, a food sale on Victor Brooks and daughter celebrated their birthdays. Sara B. Hershey returned to Pa. She in the was doing western coun- ties and spent the week end with her parents. Mrs. David Mumperr of Hill spend the week end with | and Mrs. J. B. Eshbach. Camp Mr | “Mr, and Mrs. Ge eorge Mumper Sr., Sunday at Aspers, Adams and Mrs. spent Co., visiting Mr. Five and family. Mr. Steward Lashly of Washing- ton, D. C., at the ' home of Miss Sara Hershey on Sat- | urday. Mus. visited | made a short visit Nelson relatives Felty of in town day. Mrs. Helen Musser her home on account of sickness. Mrs. Sidney Schmuck Lancaster, visited Mr. F. Kauffman on Friday. Mr. recently sold their Mount Joy to live with Mr. Earl Myers. Mr. Jack and son, of and moved to and Mrs. home, son, and Donald and Mrs. William Brian Lig- day by Mr. at Mt, Joy, the event being Mr. gins birthday. Mrs. Clarence Todd is confined to her home on account of illness. Mrs. Franklin Skeen Detroit, Mich., Monday care of Mrs. { return from tre hc The Girl Scout ected their hostesses | are Anita Myers, Nancy Brooks, Fredine Gehman. Due to sickness i the “Small Deeds Count” was postponed until April 30th The Scouts of Troop No. collect paper in Florin on April 6th. — WD returned to after spital. for March, they play 56 will Popular Juice juices is that from tomatoes. It is easy to can by processing the jars | of hot juice in a boiling water bath, Home-canned tomato juice sometimes separates because the pulp is heavier than the light-col- ored juice so settles below it in the jar. The finer the sieve used for straining the juice, the less the pt will settle. If tomato juice is packed hot the chances better. The vitamin C in juice canned whole tomatoes is {mately the same. 'and other nutrients lost, when sceds and pulp are discarded. 1 Tests have shown that the easiest way of preparing the juice is the most saving of vitamin C is to simmer the Juice begins to flow. ‘the tomatoes are hot. to boiling. Then add a of salt per quart of juice, if Pour into hot jars ¢ ess for 15 minutes elit Wiles Patronize Bulletin and may be tomatoes t while jist Seve eheat it once « advertisers. re- | Lancaster, | on Tues- is confined to Mrs. B, | and Mrs Herman Brinser who | and Mrs. Martin Liggins and | Eichler Jr. | were entertained to dinner on Sun- | taking | Frank Skeen since her | Troop No. 56, el- Most widely popular of homemade 1p | I TT aT Te ev peng { Everybody reads newspapers bul NOT everybody reads circular ad- vertising left on their door step. a SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY Meunt Joy, The SEEDY LA JEW LIFE nourishment Time Now ) GIVE Is THAT ; needs to will supply f til ertili i Jr oe RTS MT. JOY, Phone 305-R 3enjamin | Wm. YOUNG MARIETTA, PA. Watch for the green car 328 2t WANTED 500 HOMES/ t with Schram al Estate Man” WN | 3 grow. | SY read PA. | of keeping are much ! approxi- | Some vitamin A | | | Farmers PARLE OR This § mtil the | 65¢c per hop ime & half time op, 0. BOX 175 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. te fF PAINT NOW WITH A heavy bodied pure linseed oil outs beauty and protects vears No finer paint mage than Tint in 1946. essary this year as the the past, Vegetable & Bp COM Cl [3 0} It's Your DUTY to Preserve Your Property! avy bodied pure linse il outside is $ 15 paint Covers well and brushes easily Retgiins its your home from toy That is the name our President of U. S. gave to gardening He said. the “Good-will garden” “victory-garden” Buy RELIABLE — AT == NEE: =] TENTED GLOSS Gallon is just as nec- proved to be in Flower Seeds [#35 :MOUNT JOY. PA. “4 mm £190 ata cme rn smn ema ms ans UP 8 mS ey OPS It’s in the Bag! rather Sale of Juicy Florida Vaiencia : GO T They re Practically Seedless ~ bag Crisp Calif. Iceberg Iceberg Lettuce 9c Marsh Seedless Grapefruit 5c Fresh Calif. Green Peas 2 33¢ Large Stalks Pascal Celery « 19¢ New Southern c Local Spring Cc RADISHES = ONIONS beh 2-Yr. Old Hardy Rose Bushes bundle of 5 2,99 Glenside Park Grass Seed 5 Ibbag 1.25 ASCO COFFEE Now has that PRE-WAR FLAVOR A richer, mor flavorful blend roasted to bring out the full flavor. Try it soon. - 24° ea Fancy Cal. Yellow Evap. Peaches 7 the Coupons Sweet Fla. Orange Juice 46-0z can Duff's Mix Ginger Bread, Muffin or Waffie pkg 20c¢ Scedless Calif. Raisins 11-0zpka 1 0c Rob-Ford Fancy White Rice 2 '®rkes 22¢ Nabisco Graham Crackers Ib pka 20¢c Santa Clara Cal. Prunes 3% Ib 16¢ Hershey's Baking Chocolate 13¢ Spaghetti Dinner Chef Boy Ardee 163-0z Sunshine Krispy Crackers Ibpkg 19e¢ Hunt Club Dog Meal § 43¢ Franco-American Spaghetti 'Stczcan 1c Libby's Deep Brown Beans 123-02 jar 1 4¢ 2: 19° sus X ua read ~ large loaves FRESH Direct from our Modern Bakery to You Victor Bread resh 18 DO'NUTS cr V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices 46-0zcan Ideal Calif. Prune Juice » atbot 27¢c New Fla. Grapefruit Juice 46-0z can 2Q¢ Best Pure Lard Ib 18c Asco O.-Pekoe Tea % 19 1 Ib pkg 35¢ Asco Cond. Tomato Soup Be Acme Golden Kernel Co 20-0zcan J 4c Asco Prepared Pancalgf Flour 20czrks Te Asco Peanut Butter offSnack Ib jar 30c Meats, Poul Seafood at Savings [fy X + I Ih 38¢ ib 19¢ ib 49¢ Ib 25¢ lb 35¢c Ib 17¢ Ib 29¢ is your best bread buy SQUARE CUT SHOW Lamb R BONELESS CHUCK ROAST SHORT RIBS OF BEEF ECNELESS SIRLOIN STEAKS Shoulder Veal Roast Shoulder Lamb Chops For Stewing BREAST OF LAMB Long or Ring BOLOGNA FRESH BUCK SHAD FANCY PAN TROUT Freshly shucked Maryland SALT WATER OYSTERS pt 47¢ Blue-Suds ors GF OAKITE Blues as it washes Cleans a million things 10° Blue White Flakes Ivory Soap | "... 3..15 ure and mild— it's baby’s skin soap Ind. Safety Matches fety Matches Ps 10¢ med. cake large cake | Cotton Deck Mops © 79¢ personal size | BI h qt i5 (On Sale when Available) Dazzle eac ¢ wory | ivory | ID u z|Oxydol FLAKES SNOW Does every. Washes white thing in your without Twice the wear Longer life wash bleaching from fine for all nice SPIC and SPAN washables washables Amazing new cleaner for painted walls, woodwork, linoleum. Needs no rinsing—no wiping. (Limited Supply) lb 21¢ Ih 17e Ideal for small washes (when available) Camay Toilet Soap The Soap of Beautiful Women Prices Effective March 28, 29, 30, 1946. Quantity Right Reserved. Your Dollar IT More at the Acme ro,