The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 28, 1946, Image 4

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he TH 9 . ; nagar — eng Ses Sipe te SE
d—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursda y, March 28, 1946 ( NEWTOWN | REG-LAR FELLERS—A Hero's Diet =
| | rrr Mz
The C. E. Society is sponsoring an | a or EY! COME. in
OWL L LAFFS B Oo L N G | old-fashioned hymn sing on Sunday | I'M IN TH THIS 15 THIS Be. A I PA rue BACK. HERE / Quits
(evening, March 31st, at seven | MARKET FOR bo frameY ea Or LIONS YOLIR. WORD FOR DONT JUMP OUT? Aff
Lewis .......... 196 151 164 511 | : = FIGHTIN’, SHOULD SEE WHAT, \ LOOK. TO AST YOU TO : ie
| H. Brown ...... 199 201 146 5371 Mes Horrison Nols iof the Siiver FEARLESS aE id Nf A. PROVE IT! pe
Sli a 168 189 178 535 | Spring U. B. Church, vocal selec- 7 cisms
F.Good ........ 146 198 169 513 | tons, Wi Se Saved if Stes iy nel
ey a oh r=, | Spring U. B. Young People. here ily
| Bas pean 20> In gil i will also be instrumental music. | trict
| Total ©. 902 909 836 2647 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and Com
| Stucky FG SG TG TI | children of Kinderhook, visited Mr J lowe
Barnhart... 201 168 214 583 | | John and Andrew K. Geltmacher on| mE
| Fackler ........ 179 158 169 506 | Sunday. :
Doerr .......... 126 1 199 #05| Weaver who was a
Bud Girman 1 1s 12 1 52 | Pend St. Joos hui : os :
BY nen wih [| Nr ol ke Deru! Sl i HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE Al y | May 16: Lititz at Marietta; Baer Subscribe for the Bulletin.
| ” Toa. 88 ot 5 ar | yd Ms Mars Gurr hun Pye [guy Down ser ch "ME, Joy High School's [250% Hi iri
My : om Mr. Harry Geltmacher, of Colum- | State Game Protector John Hav- | PHONE IN YOUR
A WISE OWL Bennett's FG 56 TG ns bia was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. | From Hickory Crovel. 2 announced today that writ-| ‘Basehall Schedule You can: get 211 the’ of this
Shonk .......... 176 224 166 566 Irwin Witmer on Monday. =: pon examinations will be given be- | te for 1 thin ‘tires conlS a N E WwW S
Scopy .......... 175 179 151.811 |" Mr and Mrs, Victor Snyder visit-| So much is going on, that I tween April 1st and April 15th 3] Mount Joy Hick School will be locality for less than La
Please bear in mind that i youlGemer ,....... 151 158 v2 41 ed Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sheaffer at hardly have time any more to keep |Lancaster County in order to in- copreve nted in Section B of the week through The Bulletin. 1
think Some of these items a bit too | Vogle .......... 395 I Sti Newville on Sunday. you posted on “exempt rorens e Whe srosont staff of Deputy) | county baseball league this spring
loud, they were passed by our non- {Bennett ........ 176 201 189 566 Mr. and Mrs. Joeob Geltmacher | how many there are of same, and | Game Protectors to the quota per The schedule of the games is ap- 9 ELL EM
Sensor. : Total 253 ols 7 2545 and family of Mt. Joy Rl, visited [oe is the omen and how much Juising = iy any hte i * | pended: TELL =»
simi BY eran BSS ; |free gas and tires they use—or any- | Game ommissio icants | o Vers) uh 7
One of those warm afternoons | Tronio’s Fo SG TG Tis a i hy about the rire hi | should be over the age of 21 Feats) ro fe Bore Ms THROUGH THESE AD COLUMNS
last week, a certain woman here | Mumma 138 175 199 512 Geltmacher on Sunday evening. But anybody with a pencil and land their background should be Fast Donegal at Marietta.
had her kitchen windows open Pennell Savi 118 170 190 478 Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt visited knowing there are around 2 million | that of a sportsman the Protect 1 | April 4: Lititz at East Donegal:
when the neighbor heard her say: Reinhold ....... 169 14) 151 51 | in Williamsport over the week end|still in Govt. jobs, can figure on his !stated. Haversick also said tha tS at Weer Momphield, E-town : :
*1 don't care a darn what you did on Rul Eee 17 2! at the U. B. Church where Rev. own hook what it is costing to keep ex-servicemen with cars would bet = V st Ma EVENINGS J oO Y MATINEE |
Olsinawa, come Spd help me pesi Tron + 172 193 158 555 Arndt served four years as pastor | 1’em in the style they been used to. | given preference, and he added that ie Ha at Moreton “East Hemp- 3HOWS SATURDAYS i
these potatoes. co emo |The 60th anniversary was observed, But my idea of painting all Govt. although Deputy Game Protectors | gay at Lititz. 7 AND 9:00 P. M Pa EAT R I AND |
ES Total ........ . 168 928 874 2570 and Rev. Arndt assisted on the pro-| cars a fancy color so we could see usually serve without pay there are | April 11: East Donegal at East SATURDAYS T HOLIDAYS i
Two High School kids were dis. gram. On their return home they | the driver and if he looks extra times in the fall and winter when | Hempfield; Lititz at Manheim Boro; 6-8-10 P.M, Nouhi Jor. Fa 2:00 P. M. |
cussing their studies on : Hie post- Kroder's na 56 a TE | visited Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast at/smart. etc—I still stick to that idea. | they are ie when given special 5s} a oe a ig at Marietta: Mt NN % |
office corner the other night When ara 155 184 175 557 Sunbury. |And for city cars it is the same. signments by the salaried Protector | {5.2 or Lot a IE FRIDAY_SATURDAY, MARCH 29-30 |
one said she likes philosophy as long Buck Cerin. 152 178 147 477 Mrs, Clayton Risser visited in| But today I am boosting for a |in the District. | Donegal. i
as it isn’t over her head. Ness 100 178 205 543 Grantham over the week end with time limit for our President. Uncle The Game Official further adc ded | April 18: East Hempfield at Man- YVONNE DE CARLO — ROD CAMERON -in- i
The other said: “That's exactly Boozer 163 179 179..521 relatives and friends. Harry, when he first took over the | tha t interested persons should write | | heim La Jost a We “FRONTIER GAL" ]
“tke way I feel about pigeons. Kreider ........ 163 160 192 515 | The Boys Sunday school class job, he was for putting on a limit. | to him at once for a formal Appli- | orl i] its at’ “Lilitz; E-
Leena I= = meton Tuesday at ‘the home of But nothing has happened. And re- |e ition Blank at his headquarters lo- | town at East Donegal; Mt. Joy at
There is this difference between a| Total 836 879 898 2613 | their teacher, Mr. Daniel Geltmach- cent-like, Uncle Harry himself has | cated at 741 College Ave, Lancaster East Hempfield. dab MONDAY, APRIL 1
erooning tenor on the radio and » | Spangler’s YG, 36 TG Tis | er. Those present were: Robert started to backslide a little I recin. in order to qualify for the written | RB dy Me 3 ot Ba iid, .
mosquito—you Ser when Te ten- Motes ders I 2% = 508 Fogie, Robert Frank, Rob-/1 wrote him about a month ago but | ex: ar tions next Toni He | i {mn iy JOSEPH SCHILDKRAUT — BILLIE BURKE -in-
or starts singing, but after the mos- [Sheetz ......... 6 21 58 57 ; wea 8 > ru i concluded by saying that he is es- | pril 30: East Donegal at Lititz:
quito stops. Cassel........... 168 159 202 529 as I poor 2 uli 9 hut | pecially interested in hearing from | ga ries at Marietta; Man- “THE CHEATER
. -— Grove .......... 200 186 167 5% Witmer. The boys discussed the | need to keep other folks from writ persons in the western, yore He Wn Tou: Rt.
‘There’s a true soying that coffee Spangler ....... 179 180 232 591 Triumphant Entry of Christ. into ing And if you hear, let me know | eastern parts of the county. (eft: at Manheim Boro: Lititz af TUESDAY,
grounds help keep fish worms alive = = =, == Jerusalem. |—and I will do likewise. | ur | East Hempfield. Sangli
and active but can you picture a| Total ......... 922 978 950 2850 Yours with the low down, [mas ANHEIM TWP. FIVE May LE op oS oe WILLIAM GARGAN -in- LOW THAT WOMAN |
woman discovering that her fisher- — i — ie CFE HE onega nhemm a i
man husband Bet pot several hand | Dougherty FG SG TG TI IRONVI NVI LLE When in need of Printing. (any- Fe Ta wr as Marietta at E-town; Lititz A
for gt worms in their coffee pok to x Good ....... 193 192 144 529 - |thing) kindly remember the Bulletin team defeated Weatherly High at at 3%. Joy, East Donegal at Man- NOAH BEERY JR{# -in- “CRIMSON CANARY”
old them over from one Sunday to {Greiner ........ 154 156 207 517 ancaste n Sat 1 oht 26-21 | heim Boro : vo ATTIRE 0A; i
another. y Sehroll ... 196 134 166 496| Boy Scout ne 55 of the United| j= Boye: all i 2-21 May 14: Manheim or Bord 1ST FEATURE 6:45 P. M. |
Mateer ..... ... 125 137 180 442 | Brethren Church held a doggie Qu ality Me ats Patronize Bulletin 21 Joy at East Donega ae a a |
I hear they're gonna pass a new [Kulp ........... 221 202 171 594 |roast and treasure hunt in the] | B WEDNESDAY—-THURSDAY, APHIL 3.4
law that you needn't take a bath — — ~— — |woods close to Indian Head at their| | . :
unless ii have a doctor's prescrip-{ Total ......... 889 821 868 2578 {regular meeting last week. Bobby A FULL E OF | TO ENTERTAINMENT JOHN WAYNE — VERA HRUBA -in-
tion. That would appeal to a lot of | Alwines FG SG TG TI |Fornoff found the treasure. The % i COMMITTEES “DAKOTA”
folks I know. Witman, ........ 156 201 210 567 | boys were accompanied by Glenn {
— Peifer ......... 152 169 123 444 | Kauffman, scoutmaster and Kenneth, | For Fairs, Festivals and Carnivals » ee '
A woman's age is like the speed- | Pennell ........ 174 170 136 480 Rettew, assistant. The troop will Fruits & egetables Jr
meter cn a used car — you never|Heck .......... 185 178 184 547 meet in the U. B. Church on Thyrs | WE BOOK EXCLUSIVELY
know hew far it is set back, Alwine ........ 199 206 216 621 | evening at 7:00 p. m. 2
— — | Cpl. Ray Mummaw of unico Meat Market The 3 Outstanding Radio Acts Eyes Examined

I know 3 woman here in town Total 7... 866 924 869 2659 | Va, U. S. Marine Corps, visited his .
that it took 44 years till she was 31. | parents Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mum-! West Main St. Mt. Joy
| maw over the week-end.
Jim Hockenkerry {old me it was SALU NGA | A discussion on important men Electric W lding



so dry up in Perry County one time eisai ‘and women of the Bible was con- and Gas
that people went out on the moun- : Jednesdav eveni s | > le an in e :
t peoy on ) Last Wednesday evening the Len | ducted by Glenn Kauffman th Also Speci

ze On

tains and made the rattlesnakes|{en Services of the Landisville Lu- | Christian Endeavor Society in the ARM 3
mad so they spit. theran Church were held in the | U. B. Church on Sunday evening AND IPMENT LL wii hone HOURS
— home of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Martin. | | Those taking part in the program

Moose Bldg. : Daily: 9to l and 2 to 5
Mrs Automobile Truck Welding
There's a certain fellow working | Twenty-six members were present, |were: Mrs. Cleon Staley, No Bours d
at one cf cur industries thats about | ny Frank Shenck was the leader. |Wilbur Rettew, Mrs. Harold Al- Al TISTS SER VICE BUREAU $y ° gi aa i
i Elizabethtown ENINGS
Tues., Sat, 6:30 to 8
meet Monday evening April 1st, in
| 8
. I Chyiati: x ote. |
the Maple Grove school house. { Christian Endeavor business meet Delta and Marietta Streets
as handy as a Cumberland County| The Salunga Mothers Club will | bright and John Fox. The esi W Idi Ch 5
deer with a flute. T rening 4 in (dent, Jonas Eby, announced over’s e ing op 4



Most young girls today 1 ree etl |ing to be held in the social room on pr, JOY, PA. Phone 259 | B YORK, PENNA, PHONE 3347] .
heads like door knobs. Anybody MIOUNT JOY PLACES | Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. The FRANKIE MORE, Ma A
can turn ‘em without too much ef- TWO ON ALL STAR TEAM program for the next three months | d
In the selection of an all star | Will be planned. | i
en S Mrs. Wyatt Sullivan entertained Dr.H.C.Kil effer
BoE a , {team from each of the three sections |
rat edn youre |
k Le 1 contends 1 Mt. Joy
5 in the county, was award- ihe Merry Maids Class of the U. B Optom rist | wy i
wer 0 t arn » talks whe |
never too old to learn and he talk: ed two players in Section 1. They | Sunday Schocl. Mrs. George Rob VMANHEING 4 WwW IN p iD |
from experience. e passes this ‘ ; | erts he devotions ring
from experience He pz were Shupp at center and Piersol | rts led the devotions and during] 163 s.
advice onto others—“Never bend| . - ws were M {the business period, Mrs. Harold| Telephone 157480 | i i) d E
at guard. The others were Mum- | Mon: & Wednes 5.6/5 ra aftsman an sti ator
over in front of = dart board, espec- ma, Rothsville, forward: Moseman | Alb ‘ght, presided. A sccial hou:
Tues. Fri, Sat. 7.9 B, M. | A
foro, forward: ond Ober | was enjoyed when Mrs. Paul Kaui- ELIZABETHTOWN || FOR PLANING MILL WORK
{fman led the group in playing 15 E. High St. must be able to read blueprint§ and have some experience in lum-
Telephone 24-A ber and mill business. | An Battery Service

unigp Tires

when somo: is owing the :
‘ally wi = someone Is Drow Manheim
arts” is sad expericnce. hurt | !
darts This sad experience hu East Hempfield, guard.
him deeply—in the end. See getline ins | genes and the following were ser-
Tues Fri. Sat,

| i
Everybody reads newspapers but | ved refreshments by the hostess: Ta 9:30-1:00.2-5 ©. Mm, | | . T y y
I know spring effects various NOT everybody reads circular ad. | Anna Freeland, Miriam McCune No oie ours Saturday afternoon, || J. SNAV EL \ & SONS, Inc. !
s a 30th. ~ <
people in various ways, but doggone | eft on their door step. | Grace Harry, Hazel Moore, Ida Me- | LANDISVILLE ViOUNT JOY i PLACE YOUR OBDER NOW
if I ever got the urge to “dunk” | Falls, Reba Roberts, Miriam Snyder — | Phone: Landisville 3511
i : | 19448 oo
myself in a birdbath like Abe| pi. io Bulletin advertisers. | Bertha Haverstick, Helen Kauffman | 124 TIRES NO LONGER RATIONED

Mumma did while working at Lan- | and Ida Kleiner, Dorothy Rudisill
caster last week. Don't you think | you left anything”, as a reminder | Ruth Albright. Ruth Musser, Lor-
that's a trifle small to take you're | when you check out. But he says | aine Rettew, Jean Stair, Thelma
, bath in, Abe? And don’t go trying "it isn’t quite worded correctly. It | Montgomery and Reba Roberts.
to g've a lot of alibis, either. should read “Have you anything | ES
: Siow left?” — And he ain't kiddin’. Torkey Eggs
Was driving in through the gravel — |: Turkey eggs may one day sell as)
hills and saw a sign hanging on a| Monday when all the wash wac| | chicken eggs sell today, and be used
rural mailbox. Being curious 1|fluttering on the lines, two fellows | for cooking in both homes and res-
Blood Tested No Reactors
stopped to read it and on it was|were walking downtown and sud- |! taurants. Some of the small-type PRICE LIST ON REQUEST
| turkeys developed by the depart-
“Post No Bills”. Now what's the |denly one kegan to recite: i ne fof grieult WH |
esha aL ape. Fo | n agri ure are much heav- {if MINNBAPOLIS.
rural carrier supposed to do with Roses are red. | lier than the average large turkey. KEGERREIS POULTRY FARM

| |
: | ®
Randler’s Bicycle Shop

All Hatching Eggs Progiiced On My Farm.
PHONE 272-14 Elmer S. Randler, Propr.




those first of the month letters? Violet's are white. { As more of these small turkey B. TITUS RUTIT |
i ys are [if | . 5 1
But his companion interrupted | | raised, growers may have surplus 166 New Haven St. t PALMYRA, PENNA : PHONE 8-4862
Tulked to a fellow who had him saying: “Violets are not white |; eggs that could be marketed. Be- : MOUNT JOY. PA. 4
served a stretch in a faraway jail | they're blue.” But the first speak- | Cause these smaller turkeys require ‘ ee » TT ¥ my
2nd he told me that one day he was!er continued: “Don’t interrupt i des Lou San dargw they | Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin ork ORTUNITY KNOCKS HERE”
dong some chores for the warden I said ‘Roses’ are red, Violets | | Heavy-laying, rote, — a
when he came in showing a group ate white’, and I know, cause there || could be developed if there should REDDY KILOWATT _..Starts to Re-Wire.... Pennsylvania Power at Company
of school teachers through the in- {they hang on the line. | be a demand for them. There is ,
stitution. One of the teachers little difference in the two kinds of { WE'LL SPOT NEW QUTLETS BUT THEY WILL NEED THESE WIRES MUST BE JT
rn a 3 a Thile wi ndav. a Sal-| ©88s. They taste the same, and the EVERYWHERE — AND N NEW WIRES BEFORE THE RIGHT SIZE, OR
to the b Ne ¥ Yall gap de} ne PY: "By | whites and yolks are the same in i THE JOB IS DONE. ELSE | CANT GET THROUG REDDY NEEDS WIRES
they are a hard locking Sune of Pegs youth ey Y CUED | oolor. Weight for weight, they have | AND NATURALLY NEW CIRC 8/6 ENOUGH SO HE
women. What are they in for? jie slipping. And the intelligent( ) | | ahout equal nutritive value. The | J CAN GET TO HIS JOB
“Well, I guess they're here on my | blonde at his side remarked: “Do | yolk of a turkey egg is slightly firm- | we== FAST J
account,” said the warden. be embarrassed, honey. It! er so holds its shape well in poach- .
see this is my private living room | doesn’t show.” | (ing. At present most turkey eggs
end those women, Fen oe | im im ten. Tooele |
» ne’ <t 1 s | i
wife and daughters.” — He says the | Monday's April Ist, All Fool's | year, and another 206 in contrast : THE MORE CIRCUITS IN ™N
school teacher fainted dead away jE so be a little cautious when| 0 the 40 to 60 eggs a year laid by | i Te Jou Te ase oo

kicking that “empty” paper bag or | the average turkey.

GET From Room T0 ROOM. Ji

And no wonder!!!
{ picking up that “lost” pocketbook. |
A local fellow, just back from Anyhow, if you get _ caught, Don’t | Everybody in this locality reads) READING THE ADS |
da says that on the hotel desk | say I didn’t warn ya’. | The Bulletin—that’s why its adver-|
’s a card that reads, “Have A WISE OWL | tisers get such excellent results. Patronize Bulletin advertisers.