The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 21, 1946, Image 1

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Public Meeting To Consider Ordinance Next Wednesday Nig, March 27, at 7:30
The 4-H Club Enrollment!” © 2 - - THES: IN UTE WEEKLY LANCASTER COUNTY
Period Is Now At Hand The Mount Joy Bulletin
Farm boys and girls of Lancaster


Three A County, 10 to 20 years of age, are en
es fe nile n reminded by Miss Anne Forkes and 7 ~ ] > + py ( :
MM Soh County” Faison VOL. XLV, NO. 43 Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, March 21, 1946 $1.50 a Year in Advance
Automobile Collisions Workers, that the time is here to ) Tas
enroll in a 4-H Club project for the BARN SAVED BUT 300 | .
David Shelly, thirty, Mt. Joy R2.|coming year. rie ews CHICKS PERISH IN FIRE | occa A airs
was admitted under observation to] During 1945 a total of 873 boys Prompt work on the part of Eliza-
St. Joseph's Hospital suffering in-|and girls in Lancaster County and The Da From bethtown and Rheems firemen saved | in General
juries received when an automobile jover 15000 in the state of Pennsyl- Y a barn on the John Jones Property
he was driving crashed into a pole | vania took part in the 4-H Club of near E-toww, about 7:20 p. m ion Bri fl T Pe
on Route 230, north of E-town |Program. And now that we are Loca Dai es day, when a defective brooder stove | rie Y Oo
shortly before midnight Sunday. gradually returning to peace-time A cave. of Giphitherin hus located on the second floor of the | At a public sale Saturday eight
Attendants at the hospital said |conditions, a general increase in 4-H od at Ephrata, combination barn and garage burst... old for $4.25 each 1 9 d ay—M arch i WwW e n ty- First
Shelly suffered chest injuries, con-|Club membership is expected. This| pp yo telephone strike has | "2 flames: | Lancaster City authorities are
. . : "OO: iq in Bor rye : There ore 3 3 eee ee a eat ea a
cussions of the right knee and abra- is strictly for rural boys been settled and all have gone i Thets wens I i ay ou mak'ng a drive on untagged dogs. 7 i: I a Smee
i sions of the right hand. His con-|and girls and is an education pro- Pack to work chicks, a considerable quantity o At a public sale at Mascot Satur- Tones s SAUSSER HONORED
Li TE ira Agricultur: furniture store he second floor 0 IS ection’ Ne
| dition is not regarded as serious. ig free by the Agricultural] y,,. 0, will have daylight sav- fait tered ! : 0 ay | day tobacco lath brought $3.60 per |AT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER or uary
. told attendants. th nc | EXtensic ervice. i : F as » barn and yo tons aled
> Shelly told attendants that he was Pea : Vice 3 ; ing time if the eastern cities adopt on bh oar n oe ne "1100. | Mrs. Jay S. Barnhart entertained
driving east on the Harrisburg Pike Ap 0 it. Mayor Cary says. hd ured pis 2 ose wl The theatres at Lancaster colleet- u m e ro u S at a miscellaneous shower Friday Record In
when he suddenly came upon a ane 3 dren a ong ny ap Ruth, wife of Richard Clotz. Lititz a Shiffer, E-town fire chief, at{ ¢11401 in the annual March of : | evening, in honor of Miss Virginia
slow moving automobile and as he 1 = I mom Ine attempted suicide by taking a SAL an pe , i. Dimes. WwW oO d d 1 n g S Sausser, whose marriage to Charles . .
swerved to avoid a collision, his w » wan foido 5 it id can to make dose of bleaching fluid. : nut 30 Bremen pumped wate) A George Hoff grandfathers M. Foriey will take place this IS ection
automobile skidded into a pole. rural life interesting and worth- | Rufus P. Bucher, Quarryville 600 feet from a stream, using the |.) ok brought $751.00 at a public| Ruth Bernice Seachrist Spring. Mi i ay
Two Persons Hurt Wise for ives, are urged Church of the Brethren moderator portale probes: sale at Millersville. Ralph E. Brenneman Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. h ig Ann Fielz, 6, died at Matis
Two persons were slightly injur- fo frm ul Worle wit their will fly to Europe to investigate re- Kermit Ogle. 12, Manheim, stum-| The marriage of Miss Ruth Ber- E. A. Shreiner. Mrs. Roy Frantz a Brinzer. 93. died at Eli :
ed at 1130 &. 1m, Sunday when fwo veh a ae Dart lief needs there. S & Di iti n bled over a .22 rifle Sunday and it {nice Seachrist, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Schroll, Mrs. Joseph I HA Yo, Cec 8 a
autos collided on a township road, in i Suga. : Tigges Police have killed over 400 dogs gwage ISpOSI 0 shot him in the leg. Mrs. Phares E. Seachrist, Millers- Sheaffer, Mrs. Seiler Phillips, Mrs ns Jods. 50. Aled at Bain
Zc north of Ironville, State Police at a a oh ii Asa *|'n Lazerns .ounty when a joint . i . Four Columbia men were hurt ville and Ralph E. Breneman, son John Myers, Mrs. Nelson Weaver ba al Ldy, 2h led 2 ne
}2¢ the Columbia sub-station reported an Ee te Mes i 2 4 | quarantine become ee. tive on un- Aired at Public Meeting when a tire blew out and the car hit| of Mrs, Flora Shertzer, Mount Joy, Mrs. Calvin Kramer Mrs, John For- fing A anda M. Hart 73
| 3c Private George Baxter, who is in- adult oR er Jin oy leashed! canines. a tree near Bainbridge Monday. took place at 2 p. m. Sunday in the rey Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sausser died a a : ay
[1c ; vestigating, said the injured were om nity op a n hl Two prisoners overpowering a one hundred citizens of Hayden Zug, 69, East Petersburg [parsonage of Grace Evangelical Mr. Charles Forrey, Mr. and Mrs ed a ylumbia.
Dora M. Grumbling, forty-seven “Let SS Duta ub. member: guard, escaped from the Lancaster |the boro attended a public meeting | is hospitalized since Sunday, having | Church, . Millersville. The Rev. Jay Barnhart and sons Jay and jie -
2s mara) hehe Be y os terested in Agri jail Thursday. They were captur-|in the high school auditorium last | been injured in an auto accident. Glenn E. Matter officiated. Barry. J. Donald Roach /
| 7c seme address. Both suffered slight oy ie Hi In ALT= | oq within half an hour. evening to hear the advantages and A farm of 20 acres on the Slac-1 After a wedding trip to the New Also Misses: Catherine Shoop <Q Donald Boaeh, 5, Silver
lacerations of the forehead and were Wns N20 Doge ) A. E. Payne, Republican candi- | disadvantages of a proposed sewage! water Pike at Millersville was sold | England states they will reside at Helen Schroll, Jane Hopkins, Ruth died Tuesday, at his home.
9c treated at the scene. They were date for governor of Ohio, while System here before voting for or|at pu-uc sale for $630 an acre Millersville. Frantz, Hazel Garner, Esther Long- { He Wes connected With the U. Sf
1c passengers in an auto operatéd by Sh h d 'M ti t making an address, threw 150 pairs | against same at the Spring election.| An auto owned by Christian E. aa enecker and Gladys Redcay. Asbestos Co. of Manheim as sales >
9c Edward Grumbling, 50, Mt. Joy R2. ep er S ee Ing a of nylon hose to ladies listening. The speakers’ platform held Boro} Forrey, parked on the street at Eliz- | Betty Jane Robinson Games were played and prizes | "Seer 50a YT
The Grumbling auto, the officer There is every indication that the | solicitor Wm. Arnold Esq, Mr [abethtown. was stolen Saturday. Elwood Ray Barbour were won by: Mrs, Joseph Sheaffer, He is survived by his wife, Mabel Sire
said, was traveling north on the J Roy Greiders Today OPA will sanction an increase of 25| Robt. Lowry, representative of the| Charles Bessick, 52, Lancaster,| Miss Betty Jane Robinson, daugh-| Mrs. Nelson Weaver, Miss Redcay Robinson Roach, and three children,
road and attempted to pass an auto = . to 50 cents per thousand on cigar- | Capital Engineering Co. of Dills-| had his chest crushed in an accident | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Robinson, | Miss Longenecker and Miss Sausser. J Donald Jr, Mary Elizabeth and
operated by Charles M. Schaeffer A special meeting for all shep-|ettes. burg; Burgess Thomas J. B. Brown. [at the Marietta Depot Wednesday. [of Florin and Elwcod Ray Barbour | Emmy Lou, all at home.
C Florin, also traveling north. As he | herds of Lancaster county was held| Near Hinkletown an autoist | President of Council Walter G. Lo- With the temperature at 43, three |son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- . The funeral will be held at Phila,
passed, Baxter reported, he cut in]at the farm of J. Roy Greider and | struck a horse, then turned off his|raw, and the following councilmen: | Columbia girls weit swimming in a |bour, Bainbridge, were married on e alrs Friday afterncen with. interment
sharply in front of Schaeffer's auto Son, Mt. Joy Rl, on Thursday lights and drove off. But the | Messrs. Clayton Newcomer, Harold | quarry hole near that boro Sunday.| March 17 at p. m. Ly the Rev. . there,
and a collision occurred. Schaef-| March 21. The livestock specialist | State Police caught him and he gave | Krall, Jay G. Eicherly and Dr. W Jimmy Mateer, son of Mr. and |John L. Weaver, at his home, Juli- At Florin For
3 fer’s auto upset, he added. from State College, W. B. Connell { bail for court. L. Shoop. Also secretary of council | Mrs. Norman Mateer was taken to|ette Ave. The couple were attend- Benjamin L. Longenecker
TS ee el rere was in general charge. ————-—— Maurice Bailey. the St. Joseph's hospital on Monday [ed by Mr. and Mrs. Flwood Young, WwW Benjamin L. Longenecker, 60,
. Connell gave a talk illustrating in| ¢T. PATRICK'S PARTY Mr. Lowry explained in detail the | evening for an appendectomy. of Florin. The bride wore a pink ast oo Bainbridge R1, died Tuesday in a
J: Mohile Chest X-Ray part with motion pictures on the BY YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLASS sewage disposal system known as In Manor township two men were |dress and a corsage of pink roses| My. John Dunham spent the Harrisburg hospital after a prolong-
b | sheep industry, especially feeding The young people’s C. E. of the the Lewis process and his com- arrested for dumping tin cans along |and her attendant wore a blue dress| week end at Lebanon. ed illness. His parents were the
U . M h 28 and management problems, the con- Church of God held a St. Patricks pany’s method of financing same. fa roadside in an effort to eliminate |and a corsage of pink roses. The! Wprs Harold Buller spent Toes- late David and Barbara Longeneck.
ye | Mm ere on arc frat ot parasites and approved party on Friday, March 15th at the Should the voters designate their | such nuisances. bride is employed at the Marietta day visiting Mrs. John Kissinger af oh He was 5 member of Good's
. ¥ ree ‘actices se ogire i Foy Wf a sewage rate Tha CY sa Transbortati a Pa > ideoy ic 3} > nN > i
yC wl to. conie to. the bree ing a use in oe home of Miss Betty Jane Charles. desire in favor of a sewage Ste I'he Conestoga Transportation Co Depot and the bridegroom is in I eH ( ea, Besides his
i High School for a ‘chest’ X-ray Of Pemnsywania....Gonne Reading of the scripture by Betty Bore Council would wake a thoro J at Lancaster, has the promise of the JU. 5. Navy stationed at Seattle.| Lag Smith of Ironville visited Mr. | Mrs. Annie Longenecker, he
8 x “Y lalso demonstrated proper methods Stoner: prayer by Betty Charles fol- | nVestigation of all available types delivery of 26 new and modern bus- [Wash and Mrs. Al Fike Monday is survived by a daughter, Mrs.
Thursday, March 28 from 9 a. m. to of cactrating docking shee The | - ; prayer by Betty Charles |" : Lil tecid it ane rs. ike on Monday. Yacob Kreider. Marietta Rl 1 1
: astra J sheep. tril ants > cide > | es re years ago. reer : Jacob Areider, Maret 8
12 noon from 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. At | ne : ?| lowed by group singing and games of plants and then decide oo : es ordered two years ago Mrs. Nelson Felty, of Lancaster ela ang Iwo
2 a . . y . seners: . S - . SO ics inancing A 2 25 wards is ing ore ation apf NW i. grandach ren.
C the nominal sum. of $100 a fall size genera ou oo or e sheep ih Refreshments were served to Rey | MOSt economic al fin imecing methoc $250 in rewards is being offered | Nettie Alberta Sweigart visited Mr. and Mrs B. F. Kafiman 1 2 n children :
: : : pe 0 dustry in this state and more effi- and Mrs. Harry Mumper, Mary Most sewage disposal systems are | for the arrest on conviction of the |Richard G. Wenger on Tuesday Funeral Saturday afternoon at
X-ray picture of your chest will be | .:. J AYA Gave te ye 3 . ’ sd Artanis res. Thi y yap . nite) " i : Foie : idee ) ro y so i } .
taken Ai the ie X-ray ma- Sent i management also wat spearer, Betty Buller, Martha{°f the bacteria type. That is, the | person who severed a horse's ton-| The marriage of Miss Nettie Al-1 Mrs. John Bender Jr, and daugh- Sood : Seung house with itera
a I Re fete oo The Bend der Took is Sprout, Franceanna Funk, Nancy (Turn fo page 4 fhe on a farm near Lancaster. : berta Sweigart, daughter of My. and | ya. spent the week end with Mr. ment in the cemetery adjoining.
Ib Tuberculosis Society of Li ‘reide; gos is an out- | Smith, Jean Loewen. Barbara Bates| i 3 acm Clothing and personal belongings Mrs. Russell S. Sweigart, E-town Mps. John Bender Sr. at Milton id hi
ka Count d a : Loge [i growth of a 4-H Lamb club-feeding |, Anita Myers, June McGarvey [925 CHEST X-RAYS IN EAS] of D. Paul Sonders, Columbia, were land Richard G. Wenger, son of oo Dr. G. A. Harter
ounty under the auspices o e i a hin i TRE a : Ly FG AN ARIETT > river re z re : ‘oer 1: \i ’ . 2
pd 33 County Medical Society, the local Project Which hy four Seasons of Lucy Myers, Helen Sprout, Marion | PONFGAL AND MARIETTA found on the river bank there but and Mrs. Rufus Wenger, Manheim Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch is on Dr. G. A. Harter, veteran
3-02 Mini t ial Ac ’ | Shoo) constructive breeding has furnished Smith, Violet Sprout, Jerry Mackin A total of 695 chest X-rays were | nothing has been seen or heard of |R2, took place Saturday at 3 p. m. the sick list at this writing cian, who served Maytown and vi-
- Ministerial Asso. and the Schoo 7 dh calling : 3, 5 dOrTy | aes bu CT Clair; has : : RE Ga f ang, rg :
kg Die the champion top selling animals at! son, Betty Stoner, Betty Charles and | & iven by the Lancaster County T'u- | him for a week. in the United Zion Church, with Mr. and Mrs. Niles Kech and chil- | cinity for nearly 55 years, died sud-
loz : ‘ the annual Carlisle ram sale for the | yo Charles { berculois Society in E. Donegal Fr Wi the Rev. Westley P. Martin, of A-|,.. * Blain Perrv C all denly of a heart attack at his home
llc Improvements and developments]. Es { s. Charles. | Re : ae . ww REYNE tir pe as da dren of ain Perry Co., called on } s
can past two years, according to M. M | arms township and Marietta borough on | MR.-MRS. HORTON PURCHASED |kron, officiating. . Mie Turn to page 5)
sco J Qe of X-ray methods in the fifty th, assistunt county agent | Monday. The unit was stationed | FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS HERE The bride, given in marriage by Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr, mr ce ———
7-0Z 13 since discovery have recently made | ALUMNI MEMBERS ARE NOT | it the Maviown H'wh School in the The local: Frozen Food ‘Lockers: her fathe ? ras atte ted bv on Sunday.
it possible to take comparatively M-| (rr Bawa Ene ROL | RESPONDING GENEROUSLY aid atthe Meritt . ig hota gy a a ih ii Oe ” Messrs George Mumper Sr. and | MRS ROYER HONORED AT
INS "v= . » Marietty gh | Manhe £ ere chase mn | Mrs. lv St: ras matre - : CF 3S
a expensive, though reliable, chest Xel rrr AW ARES A TO CONTRIBUTION REQUEST |. : To hi Aanheim Were. hunches rs. Melvin Staufler as matron of} Ga, Mumper Jr, and Jack Lig- | MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER
y ; THE SLEEPING PILL COMA School +n the afternoon. Those re- | February 1, 1946, by Mr. and Mrs. (honor. Melvin Stauffer served as|_. _ np Mrs. Rhelda Eshleman Rover
rays of large groups of people. The : : To date only sixteen percent of Ise , . aye . wi hs gins spent several days at Buck Mrs. R a oyer was
: Anna Mary Brubaker, thirty- ceiving Xrays included school pupils | Simeon A. Horton, 313 West Don- [ best man @nd the ushers were |. - red at : iscellaneous sh
armed services used these methods eM i Mi the letters sent to Alumni: mem- and personnel-and 77. members of | i" Consumer's: Toe 1 broth { the brid Ridge Camp Perry Co. onored at a miscellaneous shower
- ap pi Mrs : : {an ISO anc 7 er TS ( gal st. > rs lee ard Sweigart, or > ‘ide . g ; i
Jc of X-raying all their members at in- on 170 Jaughter of If and ss: bers, asking for contributions with . ea rom I ga : ! I oe xe Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shetter and [at the meeting of the Society of
=raymng thet Samuel Brubaker, Mt. Joy. uncon- . : the community. and Coal Company, of Lancaster. Clifford Denlinger and John Todd. |. . NL at sod . Farm W sn No. 8 Saturday aft
duction examinations Through ‘ : : { which to buy a service plaque, have ———— ee : : : family of Neffsville visited Mr. Geo, | Farm Women No. 8 Saturday after-
: : scious since last Thursday, regained . | The purchase and terms of trans- Music was furnished by the Apo-|. : at the ho I
Sc this screening process a uch : oh y 2 been returned, according to a state- | FIRE RUINS STOKER MOTOR . lo Fi ¢ East Peters] A Shetter and family on Sunday. noon at the home of Mrs. John Tate,
: ‘onsclousness « , . DE ‘day a : : AIRE RUENS © : ! acti re ‘vate. our « Las tersburg. A re- : , 1
9c smaller percentage of tuberculosis Son Tlolane a aturcay at| ent issued by Chairman Joseph | a “om QE LHR Were Duy ai Os iS I Donald Eichler Jr., spent Tuesday |here. The Rev. John D. Tate, pastor
I 5 : St. Joseph's Hospital, attendants re- Shaeffer : NO DAMAGE TC HOUSE The lockers will henceforth be [ception for approximately 45 guests { Lalicasier of the Presbyterian Church, was the
as deve 3 » service an aeffer | c .ancaster. é 2, was
5c 1as developed in the services thar ported. ia | Damage estimated at several | kpown as the Mount Joy Frozen [was held at the Hostetter Banquet 2 cas . speaker Devot IN duct
was revealed during World War I J ae Although the mailing of these | | ir i i hen iw 1 ay Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper at- | speaker. evotions were conduct-
8c i £ Admitted to the hospital after _ 7 dollers was caused when | pods. Hall, here, after which the couple! . i Miss Isabell 1 Mir
X-ray at that time was not so well atin anki antl letters is not as yet complete, it is the motor boxes of a stoker i | left on chart weddine Lt tended the funeral of Mrs. Burk- [ed by Miss Isabelle Enslow, Mrs,
g ar ow / | JOXES Ol ¢ Le aug Ars nr as hE anaging m a s Je g trip. v : x ~ et .
Oc developed or utilized for revealing bl : ai ua ity > hoped that more members who have fire worniug ati the hom Mrs. Hq ig as oe n 2 hu % 1 > holder at Newville Cumberland Co., | Clarence Greider played piano sel=
S sleeping tablets : er home > : : » 'sday morning ¢ e home » ple ate, : Mr. Horto S—— : 3 i i
TE early tuberculosis, the outcome of ro a A 4! . el a: 7 1€| received letters will respond with a! op. nd Mvs. Walter Sicar. West the plant to dat I on Saturday. ections. Mrs. Scott Heisey presided.
ce which is very favorable. The Tuk.- lay taney De EHO un= | contribution. { Donegal St. this boro... The woto is th Mahage: of ou ” DRESS RKHEARSAL Rich FOR| The Florin Grammer school will Assisting hostesses were Mrs.
day. A ‘ndants sa she ras a- . > + ot., Ss 0. LOY Cay n'a ‘Oo re Je pli also o / Y 'S A . . . . . ~ . .
erculosis Society has employed this % 1 most of he ” Sd a: It is not too late to send in you: { was ruined beyond repair but there Farmer's Coopersiive plant a A DAY” TUES, APRIL 2nd. have a spring music festival Thurs- | David C. Witmer, Mrs. Harold En-
. rake ost o > day ay i . : as eg 2 C "Pi n re . aj ar » re CLT . .
e method to X-ray the chests of over I Dee ble ® 4) li o . NA contribution, and every membe: Was 16 damane to. the ot Th | Manhe im St. ~~" Less rs Tarnes | haeffer, directress of day March 21, at seven o'clock. The | slow, Mrs. Geo. Enslow and Miss
oF . 1as been able to take liquid nour- . > ee as amage to the hot e - - the Alumni play, “Rich for a Day”, m : 5 be ; i
10,000 people in Lancaster City and should feel obligated to give some-| i 10: . : Turn to page 5) Isabelle Enslow. The next meeting
oe vy = sh t Eas Friendship Fire ( resnonded SHROYFR TELLS AUT: LUB Tid Via HG !
County this year, Although the Shen | thing toward this worthy cause. di pol a ends Thuy or nL Wie will be held April 3 and 4th, will be held April 20 at the home of
om— oars | es : STATE WILL FINE AIR as: el he Tuesday . sos a Mae
al ‘op te us No definite vo: a5 Desir So os wn : ; : was announced that on BY vienna TYR the Misses Anna Mae and Ruth Eby,
34c¢ lo in fa st of the X ray i Bw YOUTH BADLY INJURED AS iS = dg goal Jat ee So by DWELLING AND 22 ACRES At the monthly meeting of the | esyening April 2nd, there ‘will be a FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY'S te ro hna pid y
ally contr > ; si . s hope at s je y : mT FATE Q > Ti . os “1 ANNU? IE 3. SERVICES |! Joy.
19¢ Pan Havel 1 the Bi Hy TRUCK AND AUTO COLLIDE omic % a y x ren Wes hi SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE Lancaster Automobile Club, Presi-|dress rehearsal in the high school | MEMORIAL SERVICES |Mount Joy.
se 0 cz affor S, as we . » 2 SC at a plaque worthy ' on "ha 2 al Me rial Services
oa ax all hd ord in When an auto and truck collided the mien wie . wo dh A two and one-half story brick | dent Gable reported that John This will be open io The annual Memorial Service: of ;
fare { b iy work, are taken two miles west of E-town, Edward od thei an WHO home, bank with 22 acres of ground Shroyer, secretary of highways, as-| children 14 years of age and under Friendship Firs Co. No: 1 Will be En age ents |
‘are o vy ‘istmas ; - serve sir cor YC: > Pu] : : a - : ve X > av evening March m |
wn Seal ron Gallagher, 16, E-town R2 was badly TT in 7 > De in Rapho and Mt. Joy Townships|sured him that nineteen miles of | The price for all children on that held Sunday evening, March 24h, g |
injured. He has a possible skull oo oe erected in the . high was sold privately to Harry M. and | county roads will be finished this night will be 25 cents and the price 7:30 in the Methodist church, corner | np. and Mrs. Walter L. Brinard, J
. school auditorium. x re . : z Tarkett streets :
Sc Deeds Recorded fracture, fractured jaw, and contu-| ON -— Mary E. Gantz for David K. Heist- year. On the list is widening the| of admission will be collected at the Main and Market streets. Landisville, announce the engage- 3
wm s'ons of the head, chin and both, and. The sale was made by Lewis | Harrisburg pike between Mt. Joy | auditori he nig , rehear.| The Ladies Auxiliary will accom- {ant of their daughter, Miss Doro=
I OUR DRAFT BOARD NAMES 8 auditorium the night of the rehear i 4
knees. Charles L. Eisenhour, Her-| , lhe L. Morris. and Lancaster. sal. ‘The play will begin at 7:30. |P2"Y the firemen to church and all thy Louise Brinard, and Norman R.
Joseph B. Hostetter and Susan S shey RD, driver of the car, was only NEXT LIST OF INDUCTEES Sh I This is good news and all motor-1 This will give the children an op- will assemble in the Fire House at|g,ynders, AETM 2-c, son of Mrs.
oa Mer me : nerf ar No ne Hk NE, IRINECC . . ¥ - . APE Awe vez ’ : .
5t Hoftener, Mt. Joy to Jay B. Snyder slightly hurt. Mi Joy Dit Board Ne, | has | SOON OPEN FOR BUSINESS {ists hereabouts hope its true. portunity to see the play at half|{‘P-™ and proceed there in a body, Mary Saunders, 16 Fifth Ave.
and Helen Warfel Snyder, Florin, a named the following men for induc- Mr, Miller Wolgemuth and Mr. H. — ee price. Enteriainment {or BetWees Don’t forget the time, Sunday |whitehall. N. Y.
ye story brick Selling house and | WEDDED BY LOCAL SQUIRE op Hwa] Cs Shelly. Manheim iL. Ellis will open their electrical | ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT acts is being arranged. evening, March 24th. No date has been set for the
ar garage SFR. Ave Thicke . : y 9. rar einer, F- 3: v . TET . Gh TEC nee
: wo ages San and chicken Tuesday evening at eight o'clock | wan = rein r, E town BR; shop and oil burner service head- | OF MISS GLORIA HAINES There are four dates to remember wedding
use in Florin, $8,250. Squire James Hockenberry united James R. Rice, Manheim R1; Paul [quarters at 10 N. Market St. town, Mr. and Mrs. John Haines, Mt. [gon this play. They are April 1 at | $418.00 DOWER CHARGE WAS i ———————
25c¢ Sera E. Brinser and Gracefj, the holy bonds of wedlock at his W, Shue, Manheim ai and Amos | next Saturday, March 30th. [Joy R1, have announced the en-18.00 a. m. the reserved seat chart| PROPPED BY COURT ASSIGNED TO THE GENERAL
. ay 7 Pw x . Fa. srfer M: 2 29 3 | . . . ph ey gm “ 1
25¢ inser, Mt. Joy Twp., to James E.{ fice on East Main St.,, John F | B. Difenderfer. Mathein R2. . Watch for the announcement next | gagement of their daughter, Gloria] opens at Sloans drug store. Tues- The Court Monday approved the Robert Buckwalter Hess, Mt. Joy
brig Dorothy M Weave: Huggins and Miss Alma F. Weid- a . week. to Charles Maurer, a member of the day, April 2nd will be a dress re-|discharge of a dower charge of | Rl, graduate of Temple University
33¢c al a - frame man, both of Elizabethtown. There | LIONS CLUB AUCTION SALE : bs Merchant Marines and son of Mr.| hearsal open to children. Wednes- | $418.36 on a tract of land in Spring- | School of Medicine, was assigned to
I ae Re a. along Church Street | ware 50 attendants. The newly The Lions Club ure gam making | PUBLIC CARD PARTY and Mrs. Charles Maurer, East day and Thursday, April 3 and 41 ville, E. Donegal Twp | the General Hospital at Lancaster
bz 29¢ H od Yo wedded couple expect to reside at plans for another auction sale to be The Ladies Auxiliary of the|Peterhburg No date has been set| will be the play. Tickets may be! Charles M. and Maude E. Schaef- | as an interne. He graduated yester-
n J 5 - Garker, Mt. Joy to Joseph | E_town. | held in the near future. Friendship Fire Co. No. 1, wll hold | for the wedding. purchased from the officers of the present owners, were the pe-|day.
. f r 8 Marth; 3 ne — dot Vv article ready thi y : Bi} Pan SP 2 ———— — > gs . A :
. ing and Martha C. Engle ree | Get your articles ready for thisja public card party in the fire hall, { SDS Alumni as well as the cast and mer- | titioners for the release of the | re
e 93¢ er, 1, Joy, a two and one- BAKERS GET A BREAK | sale, the date will be announced] Thursday, March 28th. at 8 o'clock | HOSTETTER'S NEW CLERK chants of our loro. j charge of that was levied in a deed | HE'S GOING TO EUROPE
kgs 25g Il; SEY ame Selig house at! The OPA has granted bakers | later. Two prizes to a table and a door] Mrs. Martin Liggins, of Florin re from John H. Zeller, executor of| Isaac B. Earhart, Columbia RY
t bot {0g -4c W. Main St, Mt. Joy thruout the country to reduce their | EDS We prize. Admission 35 cents. has accepted a clerkship at J. B the estate of John A. Schlegelmilch. | farmer and father of four children,
u y to . gi z I as ¢ Sa OFFICER ZERPHEY'S COURT Ste John A. Schiegelm. farmer an ather of four c y
pkg Gg loaves of bread kw ten percent, but | REFUSED HIS APPOINTMENT Ss — - Hostetter and Sons Hardware Chief of Police Elmer Ze ns i to Amos L. Lehman. will leave for Europe next month
y ’ . : Fr. : >rphey re- |
VISITED BY THE STORK that the price may remain the] Mr. Ray Myers, one of three ap- | SURGICAL PATIENT store on West Main St. Until re- ported the following ro ution SE Tae | for a possible two-year stay to aid
a : : i sec s: ;
Rad Pz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnhart, 28, same. This was-a recommendation | Plicants for special police duty here Mrs. Harold Brown, 108 Columbia jcently she filled a similar position|py pp poerett Harrisbure , {FRECTING LARGE GARAGE in the rehabilitation program of the
. . y | : . . . - R. tt, arris g, Speed
David St., this boro, a son Tuesday Truman's Famine E:aergency|Who was appointed at the last meei- | Ave., is a surgical patient in the |at H. S. Newcomer and Sons Hard-|, = .., .. De At the property Mr. Chas. Z. Derr | Church of the Brethren.
a . i law violation, clocked at 45 miles
at the Lancaster Osteopathic Hos- | committee. {ng of council, has refused the posi- | Lancaster General Hospital. ware Store here. per hour; Arthur Silverman, Elk- recently purchased on Marietta St., :
99 pital. weet Rem { tion. She underwent an operation on ————— i — ins Park, speed law violation. clock- | he is having erected a sixty-five ft. | BOU GHT BROWN PROPERTY
————— > re § = : : : .
FORMER TOWNSMAN 89 Tuesday. CORN PROJECT NETS S14.000 ed at 45 m.p.h. Paul R. Kupp Jr., R2, | nine inch fire proof garage for five| Mr. Earl Derr purchased the 5
LETTERS GRANTED Isaac K. Hinkle, a former resident | MARTIN “FIRES” SHROYER Wile The service committee of the Bre- | Manheim, no. registration plate: cars and truck. property of the Wm. H. Brown
me Benjamin H. Fair, East Donegal|of our boro, celebrated his 89th Yesterday Governor Martin | IN THE HOSPITAI thren in Christ collected $14,00C Stuart Coleman, Pittsburgh, impro- ———————— | Estate on Fairview street, at public
Township, administrator of the es-|birthday Thursday. He resides| “fired” John W. Shroyer, Secretary] Mrs. George Brown 2nd, 301 East | for the purpose of purchasing seed | per passing, all before Justice of the | MARRIAGE LICENSES | sale on Tuesday afternoon for $2.
tate of Gabriel B. Geib, late of East|With his son Paris, at 3¢ West King |of Highways, for disloyalty te the Main St, is a patient in the Lancas- [corn for the suffering peoples of | Feace James Hockenkerry and have| Richard Reisey, Lancaster R1 and ; 200. Mr. Charles S. Frank was the
Donegal Township. St, Lancaster. administration. ter General Hospital, Europe. been summoned for a hearing. Ethel Herr, Florin. eer.
ar 8. x aan
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