The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 07, 1946, Image 2

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5—The Bulletin, Mi. Joy, Pa

.. Thursday, March 7, 1946

The Mount Joy Bulletin
Published Kvery Thursday at Mout Jay, Pa.
Jno. E. Schroli,
Subscription Price
Bix Months... ..75 Cents
Three 4U Cents
The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Stat |
and News, the Landisville Vigil and
the Bulletin, which makes this paper's circulation practically double that |
of the average weekly.
Entered at the Postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa. as second-class mail matter |
the Act of March 3, 1879,
RT =

After serving this congressional
district for the past seventeen years
J. Roland Kinzer decided to retire
from political activity and immed-
iately there were a score or more
Murray, Wood
Harry Trout be-
came ambitious but county chair-
man G. Graybill Diehm killed ali
their hopes. Mr. Diehm announc-
ed, after a conference, that candid-
acy will go to Chester County,
which is part of this district.
® 0
There has been so much contio-
versy for and against a sewage Sys-
tem and disposal plant here that
Boro Council decided to settle the
pros and cons for the present at
least. For weeks we have publish-
ed information concerning sewage
systems. On March 20 there will
be a public meeting with two engin-
questions one
of candidates.
Soyer and even
cers to explain any
my wish to have answered,
at the Spring primary the
will have the opportunity of saying
ves or no. The decision of our
taxpayers will guide council
What could be fairer?
® ee
Salutations to the grand Girl
Scouts of America whose birthday
is celebrated this month. Building
up a bedy «f the finest type of
youngsters, training in character
self-reliance and community ideals
these Girl Scouts have made their
organization a symbol of service
Through the war these young wo-
men, teenagers and less, have loy-
playing their vial
part with adult understanding.
Girl power becomes woman power
and the women set the standard of
Resting the country’s
ally cooperated,
cur society.
morality, responsibility,
on the shoulders of
American girls bodies well for to-
morrow’s womarhood in leadership
ee © 9
There is no method of weighing
on a scales or computing in numbers
the force of spiritual good derived
in our churches. We can count the
men:bership but increased member-
ship dees not necessarily show how
the church itself discharges its
duties. One might say that if the
denominations are having a grati-
fying growth, as they are today
then it follows that the church is
growing in its teachings and good
works. Since 1926 the church
membership has grown faster than
the population of the and
the number of various denomina-
tions has also grown.. This forma-
tion of new sects may not be as
pleasing to many a church-goer as
though the larger number of bodies
had the increased membership, but
that the general trend is to the
support of some religion is an en-
couraging note.
® 00
Flsewhere there is criticism of the
failre of government and industry
to get going on a suecessful recon-
versicn program and show ability
in mastering shortages, strikes, in-
flation. This is a sore subject in
Britian as well as America, where
privation has been felt to a far
greater extent and for seven years
During war the British housewife
didn’t voice her annoyance of cuts
and rationing but today she is pro-
testing new food restrictions and
added bewildering government con-
trols with all sorts of red tape to
make life a maze. Workers there
are not adapting themselves to a
lower wage scale, absenteeism being
their form of protest. Farmwark-
ers have too tasted of better living
and are not wishing to return to
the land where it is also difficult to
find housing.
Recently, the failure in the at-
tempt to rwasise basic wages of
farmworkers from $14 to $18 a week
makes the British agricultural pro-
gram disorganized.
As we grumble about limited
goods here at heme, with the usual
register of discontent, we should be
‘very thankiui that our living is stil}
‘gracious, our cupboards are amply
: and should work ta adapt
and cur country fo 2
a La =
scale of living, diligently jline of Lucas paints, a variety of
order from a pretty kettle |pottery and other attractive gift i- |
: tems and knick-knacks, etc.
Editor and
$1.50 Per Annum |
Single Copies......... ...3 Cents |
Sample Copies. FREE |

about those
the Florin News were merged with |

=] |
VOICE Discharged at Indiantown
Henry K. Haines S 2-e¢, Maytown
fet. Robett M. Ford, Silver Spring
Cpl. Paul M. Ament, Mt. Joy
Pvt. Delbert R. Flowers, Mt. Joy
Discharged at Ft. Meade, Md.
Pfc. L. Noll, Bainbridge RI.
The days are chill and uncertain
seem lonely though their daylight |
lengthens. The Tales of March was |
associzted with death, the assassi- |
ration of Julius Caesar, but we need |
not fear this nionth if we can see
how touching is th ture sti Two Veteran; Keun
how te r is the way nature stirs | .
8.15 | Elwood M. Nentwig, WT 3/c, hus-
to bring to earth the new genera-
tion. Weads that seem asleep in| 40g of ond os Nees oa gr
wirter woolens is develdping its en- | of Florin recshitly was Honorabl
ergy in the shafts of brief sunlight. | . fr ‘4 Ne 3 H Oy
The charmed circle of life develops Sue ii a a > Yio RS
its parts and takes form, perhaps and trained at the Naval Training
hidden from the average eye, but Station, Sampson, N. Y., and was
most likely not if we but study assigned oh Hospital Ship ihe uss
carefully the remarkable features Str aril on Witth he wrved with
that the warmer soil is cradling and the Pacific Fleet since March, 1944.
the sun is bidding. The bitter chill po "0 Te Guam
of nights ard early morning is tem- | yop Tolands, Iwo Jima, Okina-
pered for nature’s purpose of stren- wa and Japan for a total of 21
ghthening, during the pleasant], 4 holds the Asiatic-Paci-
periods of March sunrays. Each fic Theatre ribbon, with ur battle
dey has something in store for us as stars, the American Theatre ribkon
car calendars come closer to the and the Victory Medal
official heralding of spring. Swal- Cpl. Elwood husband of
lows returning to Capistrano, hu-| yp... violet Nentwig apd son of
mans returning north from winter- | yp, and Mrs. Max Nentwig all of
irg in southern climes, spring mii- | Florin, :
linery romising muc winter | :
ey. b, | charged from the service at In-
yielding to solar force,
: k 55:
crocuses shying before hay | fenton gor Jo emer ue
service m June 1943 and served in
wind, spring peepers and croaking ho Agiatic-Pacific Theatre of Oper-
frogs reciting rituals in defiance of | ations for 20 months. He was
the draughts which threaten 10g tioncq in Hawaii, Marshall Is-
overstay their engagement, all point | lands, Admiralty Leyte and
t¢ funitfulness tha should cheer the | He holds thie “Asiatic.
spirit as we button up our over- | p,cific Theatre ribbon With two
coats and coddle those colds in the |paiile stars: Hire American Theatre
head. . |ribbon, the Good Conduct Medal
| and the Victory Medal.

recéntly was honorably dis-
H. S. Alumni to Render
(From page 1)
H:norably Discharged
Plc. Warren H. Stehman, USMC.
whose Mrs. Dorothy Steh-
man, resides in Florin, recently re-
ceived his honorable discharge from
the Marine Corps at Great Lakes
Ill. He entered the service in May
of 1944 and served 14 months in
the Southwest Pacific Theatre
stationed in China and Okinawa
with the First Marine Division. He
holds the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre
but she has beccme suspicious of
his intentions and decided that the
other relatives should share in her
At the opening of the play, one
relative after another arrives and
the begins. Elvira |
overhears the conversation of Monte
King and Edward Taylor in which
they discuss what they will do if
ribbon with one battle star and the

they had $25,000 to spend in onej
day. This gives Elvira an idea. | Victory Medal.
Che tells them that she has decided |
to give each relative $25,000 with | Harry S. Wolgemuth, EM2-¢, Sea
the understanding that it be spent |Bees, whose wife, Kathryn Wol-
in one day, and that they return |gemuth, resides in Florin, was re-
and relate how they spent it. This|cently honorably discharged from
announcement starts off a series of | the service at the Naval Training
situations that makes this play one|Station at Bainbridge, Maryland.
of the most exciting comedy drama | He entered the service in July 1943
ever published and served 21 months with a Naval
Tickets will soon be distributed | Construction Battalion in New Gui-
and on sale. The price will be 50 |nea and the Philippines. He holds
cents and the reserved seat chart|the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre
will be opén at Sloans 8:00 a. m. on | the Philippine Liberation ribbon
April 1. You can’t afford to miss | the American Theatre
this Next week the names | the Victory Medal.
of those appearing in the cast will |
be puklished. Without a doubt| Pfc. Drew Mummaw, son cf Mr.
th's will be tops in entertainment. jand Mrs. Guy Mummaw, Ironville.

i S Ne & | charge from the service at Indian-
Ws weomer N { towh Gap. He served for two and
cne half years stati i
(From Page 1) { years and was stationed in
idelivery man; Mr. Roy 3lough, im-},. for th
plement man; Mr. Samuel Baschore by mons.
hatchery Mrs. Clarence |
= | Luther James Hess, S 1-c, son of
Newcomer, advertising manager, and | zr, Myrtle Hess, Florin, is spend
Richard Dillinger, now serving with|. = > Borin, Is
: : 4 |ing a 0-day leave wi A i
the United States Army in the Pa- Rig rc: oy oti}
cific Theatre, parts man. . tne irom the
. Asiatic-Pacifi atre. ;
During the past few weeks a corps ific Theatre He served
of workmen have completely reno-
ushu, Japan and will report to Port-
vated the main display and sales- :
room of the store. is | 12h, Mane for reassignment.
The ceiling has been painted | Bish :
white and the walls are tri-toned scharged In California
Dear Editor, Staff and Remem-
branice Committee,
I am writisg in thanks and ap-
white, ivory white and buff, giving
the room “an even more spacious
and lighter appearance.
All the shelving and display coun-
ters have been replaced by the most
motlern equipment. Merchandisé
is attractively displayed on tiered
countérs srrangéd mn aisles, moking
them easily accessible from fout!
The large show windows have
been revamped with hardwood and] lime shorter.
redecorated. t So, at this time I regret to in-
The Firm's Line { fokm you to discontinue the send-
H. S. Newcomer & Son Inc. carry the Bulletin.
hardware, farm equipment, Chevro- | ave received my discharge
let and Obs automobiles, Puring) om the U. S. Air Forces at Ft.
feeds, poultry equipment, Cliek-R- McArthur, California.
Chix products, Frigidaire electric| 17 closing. 1 wish to thank you
home equipment, glass ware, chinas | Oce more for a splendid job well
ware, enamelware, all ' kinds’ of { due and I am looking forward i»
household needs, garden seeds and | sebing all of you soon.
supplies, toys, sporting goods, large Clayton Hoffman
have réndered to us n the service
duritig the past yésts.
In the past, I hate received the
Bulletin weekly and in doing so
kept me posted of the activities in
and around home. This made
| being away much easier

Charles J. Bennett, dr. AMM 3C,
“has been honorably discharged

ribkon |
ribben and |
| recently received his honorable dis- |
| Japan with the Army of Occupa-|
in Hawaii,Okinawa, Leyte and Ky-!
pretiation for the great service you
and the |
from Naval service at the separa-
tion Center, Bainbridge, Md.
Bennett wes last stationed al|
| Simons Island, Ga. 3nd served Township
months of military service.
‘East Donegal

“Bok” Zink, a fermer student School Notes
| Mount Joy high school, now in the! The music department of the Eas!
U. S. Navy, is based in Manila and ponegal Twp. High School, unde
| often has the opportunity to con=|{he' direetion of Eugene C. Saylor
tact former . “Couch” (Kenneth) | il] present its annual concert cn
Snyder, also stationed there. {Wednesday evening, March 13
Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Phe program follows:
Roy Zink, of’ Elizabethtown, form-| Senior Glee Club

erly of town. Salutation: Samuel Richards
Cossack. Lullaby; Russian Folk
¥ song (Arr. Mack Evans).
| Winter and Spring: Felix Boro-
"25a wisk.
Nightfzll in Sky: Hugh S. Rob-
Girls’ Glee Club
In the Luxembourg Gardens; K
L. Manning.
When Day Is Done: Katcher &
i. Lover Come Back To Me: Rom-
|berg and Scotson.
- Band
| War March of the Priests:

i Men-
i Oveiture “Crown of Jewels” by
| "Londerry Air: Irish Folk Song
You and the Night and the Music
by Schwartz
Bohemian Girl Selection by Balfe
{and Yoder.

Pvt. Frederick Germer, son of ‘Mr.
and Mr¢. George Germer of The Girls’ Glee Club
Dell, enlisted July 28, 1945 and was Bless the Lord, O My Soul: Ippo-
called for duty August 13, 1945 'in [tof and Ivanof.
the S. Marine Corps. He took Prayer Perfect, by: E. J. Stenson
training at Parris Island. for nine!
weeks, and returned home 6n a ten Solitude ky W. Berwald
{day furlough and:was then trans-| O Sacred Head by Melius Christ-
| ferred to Ocean Side, Calif, for 7ansen
weeks and sent overseas and is now, AH in the April Evening by Hugh
stationed at Peiping, China as an 3. Roberton :
MP. He is with the 5th Regiment, By and By, Spiritual, Noel Cain
the crack outfit of the Marine Corps Cof:bined Girls’ and Senior Glee
and 1st Marine Division, | Clubs
Germer was 17 years and two Heautful Savier, Arr. M
months old at the time of his en-|
listnyent. -
Senior Glee Club

was the former Margie Har-
imonh. In honor of the occasion, a
NEWTOWN turkey dinner was served to the

Rev. O. R. Brooks from
Hoge tMahheim, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas
ev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt, Mr. Harsh cf Mountville, Mr. and Mrs
an he Hae eo, Ray 50, Bérnthieizel, Mr. and Mrs. John
’ Hels Maurer, Cleo Haines, 54 ffman and son, Ray, Mr. and
i Wits, Be An Tes i William McFalls and Miss Al-
iy ud dt tier ie Harmon, of Ironville. ; y
attended the Young Peoples! Mr, and Mrs, Harry Albright ang
Rally Jat the York Gospel Centre on! and Mrs. Earl Albright return-
Sahni evening 2d home afte} a three weeks trip to
Rev. and Mré. R. H. Arndt enter-} Jor
tained the following at their home!
on Sunday: Cpl. and Mrs. Calvin | lis¢harged from St. Joseph's hospi-
|Campkell and daughter, Patricia, ral where she had rheen a
{ Mis. Susan Fretch and Howard patient,
| Johnstine, all of Lancaster. Mr. and Mus: George Fornoff wer
{ Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt at guedts sof Mr. and Mrs.
tended the Missionary Conference ~eWis Fornoff of Manheim.
[at the Y. M. C. A. at Lancaster onl Albert Kleiner
Mrs. Henry Weaver was recently

entertained his
| Sunday evening. |3unday School class at a Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Landis, of 10ck€y game. The following boys
[Lititz and family visited Mr. and weté in the party: Alvin Mum-
{| Mts.. Oliver Witmer and family on maw, Kenneth Miller, Robert Forn-
| Sunday. |off, Lee Singer, Robert Moore, Cle-
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Geltmacher tus Keémmich, Junior Mummaw
| visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richard Kleiner, Richard Eby and
| Geltmacher Sunday, evening. !Hakold and Carl Siegrist.
Mrs. Edith Erb, of Columbia, R1,|. Chaplain Ehret of the U. S. Navy,
| Harry Weaver. very intefesting talk at
Mrs. Harry Weaver was seriously Christian Endeavor meeting in
‘injured when she fell down a flight! B. €hurch on Sunday
of stairs on Sunday morning. She The président, Jonas Eby, announc-
| was admitted to the St. Joseph's 2d the program for Sunday evening
hospital on Monday. [Marth 10, when Raymond Singer, a
Mrs. Irvin Witmer Sr., Mr. and discharged veteran, who served in
! Mts. Irvin Witmer Jr., were Sunday the South Pacific, will kz the speak- |
| dinner guests of Mrs. Paul Myers'er.
was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. whose home is in Landisville, gave
the i
Christiansen !
Benediction & Sevenfold Amen |
Lutkin |
The school will again be répre- |
sented in the Lancaster County |
Bagehall League, Szction B. Schools
participating in this swetion are |
Manheim, East Hempfield, Lititz, |
Marietta, Elizabethtown, Mt. Joy
and East Donegal. The team will |
be coached by John Hart, member |
of the high school faculty. The |
schedule follows: i
April 2—At Marietta, April 4—|
Lititz, Home, April 9—Bye, April 11 |
--At East Hempfield, April 16— |
Manheim, Here; April 18—At Mt. |
Joy, April 23—E-town, Here; April |
25—Marietta, Here; April 30—At
Lititz; May 2—Bye, May 7—East |
Hempfield, Here; May 9—At Man- |
heim, May 14—Mt. Joy, Here; May
16—At E-town.
Student essemblies will be feat- |
ured during March. The Dramatic |
Club will present its program Mar. |
7. This club is sponsored by Miss |
Thelma Taylor. The Senior Class |
will present its program March 14; |
finnnn nnnnnnnrmn ss ssess ssssssk |
the Junior Class, March 21 and the |
Sophomore Class, March 28. |
The Lancaster County Tubercul- |
osis Society will have its portable |
X-Ray machine set up at the town- |
ship high sehool Monday, March 18.
Residents of the township, as well |
as students of the township schools |
may be X-rayed at that time. The |
charge is one dollar. Further infor-
mation can be secured by calling
Mrs. Addie Parker, school nurse or
the high school office.
The township school board will
bold its regular monthly meeting |
Friday evening, March 8 in the high
school library
(From Page 1)
Florin, was recently
from the Army and is now making
his home in Qakland, California. |
S. Sgt. and Mrs. Richard Kauf- |
fman left Menday for Florida where
Sgt. Kauffman will be re-assigned
after re-enlisting in the Air Corps

discharged |
for three years.
Callers at the Harry
home on Sunday were: Mr. Christ |
Herr, Mount Joy; Mr. and Mrs. |
Miles Leedom. E-town; Mr. and |
Mrs. Harvey Leedom, and Mr. and |
Mrs. Stahl, of Camp Hill; Mr. and |
Mrs. Chester Snavely, of Landis- |
ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ed- |
wards, also of Landisville. |
Mr. ‘and Mrs. Warren
and two daughters, of
York Co., visited relatives in town |
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr.. !
entertained the following to dinner
on Mecenday: Mr. Mrs. Martin
and two |
Eshleman |
Emigsville |
Nye and two daughters,
sons. the event being Mrs. Ney's
Mrs. J. N. Olweiler and Mrs. E.|
Rider of Elizabethtown visited Mrs
Senseman on Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Skeen is improving at
her home. Her daughter-in-law of
Detroit; #s here taking care of her
The Girl Scout Troop No. 56 held |
their election of officers on Tues- |
day evening: president, Nancy
Brcoks; vice president, Fredine |
Gebman; secretary, Pauline Brooks: |
assistant secretary, Jane Wisegar-
ver; treasurer, Patsy Brooks; assis-
tant treasurer, Marion Nauman; pi-|
anist, Shirley Reheard; assistant pi-
Leretta Kline; Naney
Get uth
|Nentwig and Florence Robinson.
{ The Scouts are presenting a play
“The Small Deeds Count”
| Town Hall on March 26, at 7 p. m.
anist, scribe,

Garber; Well Committee,
in the

land family, of Lancaster on Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin of
| Lancaster, Mrs. Wayne Young of
Mt. Joy and Mrs. Alice Otto of Lan-
caster R. D. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Ressler Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Har-'
ry Ressler, Jr. called on Mr. Wil-
liam Fogie on Sunday. :
| Mrs. Mathilda Derr attended the!
| wedding of Jean Snyder and Ed-
| ward Isler at Elizabethtown on Sat-
| Sgt. and Mrs. Calvin Campbell
and daughter, Patricia, Mrs. Susan!
Fralick and Mr. Howard Johnston,
| of Lancaster were Sunday visitors
|of Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt.
Rev. and Mrs. Arndt and Mis.|
| Annie Risser visited Marie and El
len Hoffmdn Monday.

The enjoyed a weekend!
{ party at Whispering Pine Camp.
| Juniata Coarity: Singer |
| Rog Fotnoff, Luther Uirich, Drew
| Mushmaw, Cornelius ~~ Sphifiglér
| Kenneth Rettew, William Ketffmah
| Richatd Goideri Mum-
i mew, Albert MeQune, Ben Haver-
| tick, Charles Iseon Ford-
| off and Glenn Kauffman.
{ Mr. and Mis.
that are valuable
| celebrated their 3ist wetiding anki
| niversary on Saturday. They wei
| by ‘the Rev. O. R. Brooks. al
| who was the pastor of the U.
Church of Iremville. © Mrs. Kaufe'
- - : - a < $n

.... Pay by check. Your cancelled
checks will be automatic receipts
evidence of pay:
ment inh case proof is needed.
enh iy 3.5
usa nas 1'he Union National Mt. Joy Bank
Membicr Federal Depdsit Insurdiice Cérp.

Sweet, Juicy
126-150 SIZES.
Hearts 1 | B€
Save Sagar . . . Serve Texas Marsh SEEDLESS
Grapefruit 4 - 23°
Fresh Peas 2 - 35°
Potatoes 10: 49
i. Red Bliss New

The Great Adldntic & Pacific Tea Co. o

Now is the fime to
Re-seed your lawn.

Presh Green

2 = 15°
ak .
x Flavor Pak
| Onion Seis 3 '* 29¢
Seed Potatoes
Un 3c “tw 4.95
Ferry Morse
Flower & Vegetable
Cold Stream PINK
Supply Limited
2 ..c 41°

(Sosa Tao
Hot Cross

White House EVAP. .
tall C
Milk 3 26
Got White House "400" Con-
test Entry Blank at Your A&P
Your whole family will ? c
love their spicy, fruity |
flavor! Serve them often /
all thrdugh Lent! ok of 12

Supply Limited
21% 28c © 27e
3 2% 33¢ Gr 38¢

Borden's Chateau
Cheese 75¢
Ann Page Spaghetti or
Macaroni i: 29¢
Save Sadar... Serve Sparkie
Puddings ok 5g
Chocolate or Vanilia
Crax 1 pkg 19¢
Ritz Crackers
Sky Flake Walers lb
Campbell's Vegetable Soup
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Campbell's Pea Soup
Ann Page Baked Beans
{ona Peas
can Oe
can 11¢
can Oe
an 13e¢
10-07 pkg

3 Daniel
! If you wan
inserted in
from now un
your sale dat
ready let us }
the cheapest
Friday, Mar
in East Hemp
leading from
Point, cne mi
live stock, in
hold goods by
Oliver M. He
are the auectic
Friday, Mar
in East Done;
leading off the
Pike to Mayt
entire live st
ments. and s
by Irvin S. (
Saturday, |
mises in Rapl
road leading
to Union Squ:
shoats and er
goods by Al
Frank, auct.
Saturday, NM
mises, on the
Stumpt’s Gas
Mennonite Ch
cow, heifers,
ments and hot
ry H. Eshbact
Saturday, N
mises, along t
the Musser Pc
Union School
southwest of ©
gal Twp., sto
some househol
Flory. Spahr
Monday, M
mises in Mano
mile north of
dren’s Home, a
viile, Farming
line of househo
kel E. Herr. E
Monday, Ma
ises in West
along the road
Point to Salur
south of the la
stock, farm
brooder houses
by B. F. Rea
Tuesday, Ma
mises, 2 miles
and 2 miles nc
or, pair mules,
implements by
Ldgar Funk, au
Tuesday, Ma
the Mich
the road leadir
Marietta, one-h
ments, etec., by
S. Frank, auct.
premises 2 mil
ville snd one
tral Manor, co
live st
implements, etc
Edgar Funk, au
| premises in Ea
one mile west
first farm on t
geods by I. C
Thursday, M:
Hempfield Twp
burg Pike on
east of Salun
farm implemen
C. S. Frank, A
Thursday, Mz:
mses, one-half
lersville, in Ma
2 cows, 2 tract
line cf farm
Estate of Hon
Fdazar Funk, at
Friday, Mar.
in East Donega
south of Done
midway betwe
Colebrook Road
Wilson 4-can m
Hinman Milkin
and household
Barnhart. C. S.
Saturday, Ma
mises, 1 1-2 mi
tort and 4 mile
lersville, mule,
farm implemer
goods by Charl
Funk, auct.
Monday, Mar.
ses one mile so
stock and farn