The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 25, 1945, Image 3

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WANED: Used cars bought and
a8 - Any make or year model will
e purchased if in good condition.
Paul H. Stern, 329 ~W., High St. orruary
(From Page 1
Manheim, Pa, Phone 93. 817tf : ge)
of Maytown, died at 1:20 a. m. Wed-
Six room brick om West Donegal nesday at her home after a short ill-
Street for, = $5,300.00 | "C55:
Seven room frame home, 2 story | She was a member of the May-
store, all conveniences, in Florin, | town Lutheran Church. Besides
owner occupied
upled. hep 3 Re is Sirois y ;
1IEOT HAIN, Realtor er I Peo Is by two |
S aughters, Miss ace ek a
33 N. Duke st, Lancaster. Pa. : Hig rac eck and
1014/1¢ Miss Georgie Peck, both of Lancas-

ter; one son, Ray Peck, Maytown; al- |
so one grandson and one half-sister
Mrs. Laura Henderson, Coatsville.
The funeral will be held from her
WAN' ! ED late home Saturday afternoon at two |
o'clock with interment in the May-
town Union Cemetery.
Farmers Preferred
PART OR FULL TIME Daniel E. Miller
Pay 60 to 90c per hour. Daniel E. Miller, 79, died yester-
Apply day morning at 3:45 o'clock after a
three years’ illness at the home of
P 0 BOX 175 hig son, Norman S. Miller, Florin,
. . Mt. Joy Township. He was born
in Penn Township, a son of the late
1025tf | Henry L and Elizabeth Erb Miller,

Sm TE and was a retired farmer. He was
a member of the Mennonite Church |
in which he was ordained a deacon
Aug. 3, 1922. These children sur-
/ |
by u nter S vive: Mrs. Lizzie S. Herr, Lancaster |
R 2; Norman S., with whom he re- |
. sided; John S., Manheim R1; Henry
Insurance Policy | Good Farmer
for my farm in East Donegal Town-

We have this famous
policy available again
this year. The price is
still $1.00 per year.
It pays $1,000 for loss
of life while hunting —present farmer has been on this
and $10.00 per week up
to 3 months if you are
disabled. Also other
ship located V4 mile east of Marietta |
on the Marietta and Lancaster Pike
farm for nineteen years and is go-
ing into retirement. More than 125
acres tillable soil.
Three story Colonial brick house,
large barn, three tobacco sheds, two
Anyone can buy it car garage with tool room attach-
from age 16 - 65 years
of age. iy: EHR
. gal Creek passes through this farm. |
ment—stone spring house—smoke |
house—chicken house and yard—
excellent permanent pasture—Done-
Prefer farmer with own stock and
\ A / equipment but would consider
m. Young stocking for right man. |
MARIETTA, PA To take possession April 1st.
y .
Phone 2921 F. G. HIESTAND
10.25/3t |{ | Tel. 2411 Marietta, Penna.
10 25 4t |

1946 Ford!
Friday, October 26
S., Manheim R2; and Paul S., Mt.
Joy; also 16 grandchildren and 12
great grandchildren; a sister and
two brothers, Mrs. Annie Ebersole,
E-town; Henry E. E-town, Ben-
jamin F., Wichita, Kansas.
The funeral will be held from his
late home Saturday at 1:30 with
further services in the Mennonite
Church here and interment in
| Kraybill’'s cemetery in East Done-

Mrs. David M. Weaver
Mrs. Anna M. Weaver, 73, wife of
David M. Weaver, Manheim RI,
near Sporting Hill, died Monday at
her home after a lingering illness.
The family had resided near Lititz |
until the past spring. She was a
member of the Church of the Breth-
ern, East Fairview, and was a dau-
ghter of the late Hershey and A-
manda R. Landis Groff. Besides
her husband, she is survived by
these children: Edna, wife of Jack |
Lindsay, Long Beach, Calif.; Aman-
da, at home: Enos G., Landisville; |
Anna, wife of Paul E. Harnly, Roth-
ville; Ira, of this city; Sarah, wife
of Jay T. Earhart, Manheim RI.
Also 14 grandchildren, a brother and
these sisters: Lizzie, wife of John
Landis, Lancaster R1; Alice, wife of
| Fli Myer, Lancaster; Emma, wife of
Lane Forney, Manheim; and Aman-
| da Groff and Samuel Groff, both of
| Bareville.
Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Sargent of |
Boston, Mauss, are spending two
weeks with the latters parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Cooper.
Mr. W. W. Sayers, of Moorestown, |
N. J.., Mrs. Ritner Menaugh and
| daughter, Mrs. James Bohler, of
Wayne, Pa., visited Mrs. Mary Min- |
Mrs. George MacFarland and son
Dennis are visiting Rev. and Mrs.
W. W. Sayers, at Moorestown.
Dr. Levitt, the converted Jew
will talk and show pictures of
his charity work in the Slums of
Philadelphia in the Methodist
Church on Sunday, Oct. 28th. at
7:30. Everyone is urged to come.
Mr. and Mrs. James Runkle and
daughter Rosa Lee of Craleyville,
York Co., spent last Sunday with
| Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Newcomer.
Mr Calvin Hayes, Red Lion, spent
Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. M. M.
| Newcomer.
Miss Mabel Miller of Lancaster
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M.
M. Newcomer.
Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Lancaster |
spent Wednesday with her sister
Mrs. M. M. Newcomer.
Cpl. Earl Newcomer was re-
cently honorably discharged from
the Army Air Forces at Hamilton
Field, California.
Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Arndt attend- |
| ed the county C. E. Convention held
| at Lancaster on Friday and Satur-
day evening.
Mrs. Clayton Risser and Rev. and
Mrs. Arndt visited friends and rela- |
| tives in Elizabethtown on Sunday
Herr’s Service Station
Midway. between Mount Joy and Florin on the Harrisburg Highway

Esso Servicenter
Invites You
To Have Your Car |
Lubricated and Checked §
259 West Main St.
Phone 256 MOUNT JOY, PA.

* * * * HK *
We are Continuing
To Make |
Also we will make up your order of ice cream for
your party.

afternoon and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Geltmacher,
Mrs. Earl Geltmacher and children
of Kinderhook visited Mr. A. C.
Geltmacher Tuesday evening.
Mrs Annie Yohn, Messers Jacob
and Harry Shenk, Mr. and Ms.
George Witmer visited Mrs. Samuel
M:ss June Keath of Brunnerville
| spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Geltmacher Jr.
Mr. Ralph Supplee spent Sunday
| with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Reed of
Maple Grove.
Mr. Oscar Jordan and daughters
of Hyndman, Pa. visited Mr. and
| Mrs. William Haines on Monday.
Mrs. Paul Myers of Marietta, Mr.
Howard Witmer of Harrisburg were
week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Witmer, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood of
Marietta were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Weaver.
Miss Jean Witmer spent the week
end with Miss Rose Ann Hollings-
worh of Oyster Point.
Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
William Fogie Sr. were Mrs. Ber-
nard Parola, Mrs. Antonio Orio and
daughter Antoinette of Philadelphia |
and Mr and Mrs. Adam Herman |
Mr and Mrs. Farr of Lancaster, Mr.
| and Mrs. Lester Fogie of Landis-
Mrs. Irvin Witmer Sr. is on the
sick list.
etl A
Out west a kid swallowed a mar-
ble but an examintion at the hospi- |
tal proved it to a moth ball.
When in need of Printing. (avwy-

p————————— |
Meunt Joy, Pa.
| new until day of sale. ABSOLUTE-
| LY FREE, send or phone us your The Se rvice
| sale date and when you are ready,
let us print your bills. That's the |
cheapest advertising you can get. | with the natives, as they supply
| a | of the labor used on the island.
Friday, Oct. 26— At the Bulletin | are a ga
| Office, East Main St.,, Mt. Joy at | also handle all
a farm of 54 acres with improve- | gee
man G. Myers, C. S. Frank, auct.
See advertisement,
Wednesday, Oct. 31—At 7 pm. at| y,,
the Bulletin office, Mt. Joy, a lot of |’
| ground on Marietta St.,, Mt. Joy, |
| known as the Fred Bucher property |
: : | th
with a stucco dwelling, garage, etc. | id
by the First National Bank and |
Trust Co., Mt. Joy, executors and
trustees of the Asher F. Snyder
estate; H. E. Hauer and R. Fellen- |
baum as their interests may appear
C. S. Frank, auct. See advertise-
Wednesday, October 31—On the
premises on the road leading from
Mt. Joy to Milton Grove, 4'2 miles
north of Mt. Joy, adjoining Milton
Grove, farming implements by Jno.
L. Berrier. C. S. Frank, Auct.
Wednesday, Oct. 31—On the pre- ¢uaintaneship.
school tog ther ab ut
I will say s
mises in West Hempfield Twp. on
| the road, leading from Ironville to
Mountville, one-half mile east of
Ironville, a 7 acre farm with a 2 1.2
story brick house and frame kitchen | YOU
attached, frame bank barn and
and othering buildings by Mary A.

| State Highway leading from Mount
Joy to Union Square, at Hossler’s Pvt, Jay N.
| Church, a farm of 10 acres, 9-room | and
house, barn, tobacco shed, other | Florin and Lancaster, who has been
buildings, also implements by Stella | in the Army
(F. Sweigart. Also at the same time | ——
land place, personal property by |
| Paris Sweigart, Executor of the Eg-
tate of Irvin G. Sweigart, deceased. | WEDNESDAY,
The undersigned will sell at pub-
the Bulietin Office,
Chas S. Frank, auct.
| Thursday, Nov. 8-On the prem- Man
ises, 2 miles southwest of Millers-
ville and one mile west of Rock |Fronting
of Marietta St.,
| Hill, household goods by Lydia
| Stauffer. Edgar Funk, Auct. {oot
-— feet
mises 33 Frank St, Mt. Joy, house- The
hold goods by P. Franck Schock. yp Dosis
| Walter Dupes, Auct. | With
| - — | iences.
Wednesday, Nov. 14—On the This is
in the
premises in West Lampeter Twp.
| on the Gen’l. Hand farm, in the rear |,
and fagning implements by Charles
G. Shank, Edgar F. Funk, Auct.
Thursday, Nov. 15—On the prem-
| ises in Manor Twp., two miles CS
| south of Mountville and one mile
| east of Manor Camp grounds, on the

| stock bull, seed hog and farm im- The
plements by Landis M. Shertzer. |;
Edgar Funk, Auct.
—— GI | from
Milton Archer.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Forney of near BARN

| Lebanon were Sunday guests of Wator
{ Va
{ Chester Snavelys. ram
| Mary Louise Grube of Lebanon The
| Valley College spent the week end a
| . cellent
| + parents.
with her parent 1a variety
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 25 and | Adjoining
26, no school, Teachers Insitute lor, Milton Rider
Last evening was the annual Hal-
al ) od
| lowe’en party and dance at East the
1 ~
| Hempfield High School. Highoven
——— Or —— k
Florin Affairs
| scouts, Miss Ruth Nentwig was on
| the sick list and was unable to at-
| tend this meeting.
Sixty-three members of the Uni- consist
|ted Brethren Congregation attended | press
| the reception for their pastor Rev.
{ Tomorrow evening, Oct. 26th, a r)
also i
| meeting of the Camp Hill Cemetery
|office of H. B. Wittel at 7:30.
» |C. S. Frank, A
Stimulate your business by adver- 1&5. Fs & Boo
Hsing nthe Bulletin,
Sale Register News From
| IH you want a notrce a1 your sale Th BH |
| Inserted in this register weekly from e OVS n
7 p. m. a lot of ground with a 2 1-2 | leum products. We receive it in 5!
story brick dwelling, 1 story frame | gal. drums and stack them i
barber shop and cement block | ly piles.
garage by Anna B. Hershey, admx. | the handling
of the estate of Joseph B. Hershey, | mechanical cranes and we
C. S. Frank, auct. See advertise- | do the handling and
ment | the supplies wherever needed.
S———————— | It is quite a bit
Saturday. Oct. 27—On the prem- | natives
ises in Mt. Joy township, four miles | people and not too husky but
east of Elizabethtown, on the road | ds a good job.
leading from Risser’s Church to | had a chance to work with them as
Elizabethtown - Lebanon highway | it gives a person :
ments, also personal property by | world are really like.
Anna G. Myers, executrix of Nor- | Well.
time and I am
the day when I can
again, believe will be
sometime in the Spring.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention
{ from Mt. Joy.
have met another boy
Clellan but I neglected to learn his
first name, I'm sorry to sé
used to work as an usher
at the Joy Theatre at one t
"| had a long talk about good old
We are separated again and probab-
ly won't see each other again until
we return home.
I also me
the name

[was about 10 years since I last saw
{ him and we har recognized each
other but we soon struck up o
until the time 1
can visit you in person and
this opportunity to sa
my swell friends in
Miller. Edgar Funk, Auct. | - Hoping this letter will find every-
a | thing in fine
Saturday, November 3—On the | Town’.
| premises in Rapho Twp, on the |I Remain, Pfc. Clarence S
lic sale
| following described real estate

The Bulletin, Mt. Jov, Pa., Thursday, October 25, 19453

[ig ]
po ~~]
centl 1 d for ( i. trp | I'he nnu ) : will
A 1 }
{ whi held on Tus nd Wednes
n | I 31
rite Ad I Octobe 0-31 he United Breth-
ved over h H ( ¢ Cl 1
of the Field Artillery of the 9th! mp.
2 > Muesd afternoon at 2:00 o'clock,
\rmy, in Fran Luxe { i
i ) ; M=| ihe bu nd election of offic
( H ( nd 1} 1
Wi d
eal fou i for
| Garmer may be brought 1
| church or Muesday morning from ¢
1¢ Lie i V I 3 8 { 1 !
| 1 lisplay mu
ry A I t he 1
n between the hours of 4 to 9 p.
I enlistment w enroll
i V lled 1 he das n
Franklin & Marshall Colle i 1
: . { 1 el Vi 1
has a brot ! ( 01 i

irl St honorably charged | service at the Separation Center :
t Tynd I I. Florid | Bainbridge. M land He
id « ervl >
Jd. J. Nagel S. M. 3IC ha heen | of this time has been spent in South
honorably discharged from Naval' Pacific.
George Brown
| Beahm, Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, Mrs.
| Paul Frank, Miss Marie Gantz, Mrs.
. | Howard Garber,
John J. Herr,
| Edna Charles,
Mary Newpher,
Nelson Newcomer,
Simon Nissly,
Mrs. Lester Roberts,
. Clarence Schock, Mrs. Walter
Paul Stoner, Mrs. Nor=
Sprecher, Mrs. H. M. Stauffer,
Daniel Wolgemuth, Mrs. Christ
3 | Melvin Potter,
When in need of Printing. (any=
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin

- Gl Al POL
%: 4

To All Local
Authorized and Requested
During the Hallowe’en Season

Saturday, Nov. 10—On the pre- |feet to Marietta St.
Modern Conven
boro and
ji ion of
of Williamson Park, horses, dairy! g Je
cows, bull, fat hogs, laying hens |nesday,
October 31, 194¢
ditions will be ie |
| Louis S. May, Att'y

| Charleston Road, 14 Holstein cows, | SATURDAY, OCTOBER
public sale "on

Joy Township

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Weaver spent fin AY na
| Sunday at York with Mr. and Mrs. | i With c

loam, naturally fertile, ax
of fruit on the {

(From page 1) pipe wrel
{stamps at this meeting. One ol the |ers, iron
ned fruit,
| . . 6 kitchen
{and Mrs. Dunham at the Church on cupboa
thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Thursday evening. glass Ct
ry bed,

{ x Lu . 2 1 to mention.
{ Association, will be held at the| {5 be held at 1:00 p. m

{Samuel G. Wenger, Att'y
Thos. J. B. Brown
a ig Pa
{ 4
4 w Aor = RE
§ ¢ fo | Po
4d 4% ened '®

— ALSO —

HEAD TENDERS for Mule Spinning Machines
SIDE TENDERS for Mule Spinning Machines
BOBBIN CARRIERS for Mule Spinning Machines
Steady Work
Good Wages
Vacation With Pay


RS for Carding Machines
OPERATORS for Carding Machines
FEED BOX TENDERS for Carding Machines
Hospitalization Insurance
Sick and Accident Insurance

APPLY NOW = Ask For Personnel Manager

George Brown’s Sons, Inc.