The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 25, 1945, Image 1

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Newspaper Advertising Is Cred Will Insurance Which Uses Today

$5,600 to be Distributed
For Churches - Charities
A total of $5,600 from the $64.-
208. 75 distribution listed for the es-
tate of Annie S. Lytle,
boro will go to church
charitable organizations
to the adjudication
Orphans’ Caurt.
The Mt. Joy Cemetery Associa-
tion will receive $200 ‘n trust. the
income to be used for the upkeep of

Realty Sales
This Section
A 20-acre farm
late of this
groups and
filed with the |
in Leacock town-
shi as sol . ir snlo .
Se a 8 Dili sale fo a burial plot. Another $1000 will
Lloyd Hummer, Elizabethtown R2 | £° fo the First Presbyterian
R2, purchased for $2,700 the four Church here, also in trust, income |
acre farm of the late Katie E. Shenk | © be used for the upkeep of the
church. Other bequests included |
near Milton Grove, at public sale.
John Wolgemuth, Manheim R2,
purchased the farm of Elmer Shen-
Fe nberger containing 132
#9174 per acre.
Hollinger Property Sold
$1,000 to St. Mark's United Church, |
and $500 to the Presbyterian Home |
of Central Pennsylvania, and $300 to
the Board of the American Sunday
School Union of Philadelphia.
The court also ordered the dis-
acres for
Realtor Leo I. Hain, Lancaster,
ey | tribution of $1,000 in trust to the
sold at private sale through his :
3 > trustees of the First Presbyterian |
salesman, J. Statler Kuhn, the Al- : WE |
Church of this boro, the income to |
len S. Hollinger property, 120 New used for hehevolenices: $1.000 M |
or evolences; $1, Mt.
Haven St. Mt. Joy, to Cleo M. 0 Mi
The terms of the sale were
administered by
$500 the
Society of Lancaster,
Crippled Children’s
and $100 to the
Sold Privately
The Katie Newcomer
West Main Street, offered at public
property on
Salo hoch & Tock ss and. wets Ladies Mite Society of the First
> anc ‘ Presbyterian Church of Mount Jov.
drawn was scld privately for ell ee... i
$7,750.00. Possession will be given
January 1, 1946. The portion now M h I hi D I
occupied hy councilman Clayton em e S in rive
Newcomer, will be occupied by Roy »
Kaylor, who now resides in the By The Amer Legion
Bomberger apartments. The rear .
The W. S. Ebersole Post 185 Am.
Legion has started a membership
drive for veterans of World Wars I|
and II
The American Legion has
into the
of the property is at
pied by John Tryon.
School Appropriations
G. Harold Wagner of Pa., has ap-
payment of $22597.60 to 11
The payments are
present occu-
largest veterans organiza-
tion in this country and
any history. It
numbers more than 1.600,000 fight-
country’s now
Lancaster school districts.
ing men and women of World Wars
authorized by a
I and II, 500,000 of them
more than
Legislative appropriation for vo-
cational education. veterans of this war.
The Lancaster County School Yet large as the Legion is, it is a
districts, and the amount each will | most exclusive organization. Nei- |
money influence can buy a
The doors of its 13,-
receive, are: or
East Cocalico Township, $1,770.68:
Fast Donegal Township, $1,765.56; | 000 posts are open only upon the
Elizabethtown Borough, $341.78; (Turn to page 6)
Lancaster, $9,010.98; Lititz Borough, TY
$641.25; Manheim Borough, $1,551.50 | WIFE AND CHILDREN GET
and Manheim Township, $608.25;:| BENJ. GINDER’S ESTATE
In the estate of Benjamin S. Gin-
who died May 24, 1944, $1,500
Manor Township-Millersville Boro-
ugh, $2,651.02; Mount Joy Borough,
Quarryville Borough, $1,510:
West Lampeter Township, $2,293.75.
—— A ee
Farmers who grew soy
receive $2.04 per bushel for
and $1.84 for
On The Home Stretch
Stella S
whom the decendent also Named as
left to his wife,
the estate was left
heans will | The balance of
to his six
resided in Rapho Twp.
all other varieties.

Of County’s United Drive
With less than a week remaining
in tt Lan-
e official schedule of the
County United Drive,
teers in all divisions are intensify-
Facklers Were Given
Hearing On Involuntary
Mr. and Mrs.
this boro,
30, a victory
$462,274 cam-
make the final
Tuesday evening,
Daniel Fackler of
were given a hearing on for
the charge of involuntary manslau- | Paign to support the 34 agencies of
ghter in the death of their child. | the Welfare Federation and Nation-
The case was heard before Alder-|2! War Fund during the coming
man J. Edward Wetzel at Lancaster.
Mrs. Fackler
own recognizance
on $1,000 bail for appearance at the
In an urgent appeal to all volun-
teers in
was released on her
city and county to do a
and her husband
opportunity to
resident an
Clair R.
county Div-
December term of court. | every
the mother of eight other
“1 to
by attorney. contribute,
Howard Witmer,
tcld Assistant Attorney John W.|°
Beyer that a man taught her how to | iSion chairman, stress the words of
pow-wow 12 years ago and “when Col. Daniel B. Strickler, commander
they told me the baby had the of the 110th Infantry, 28th Division,
‘wastes’, I thought I'd ‘try for it’ who declared in an address to the |
> 2 SNE af . . ag
just like any other mother would | volunteers, that “the need for war |
do.” service agencies is greater now than
The couple appeared to answer | Ver:
the volunteers to make
(Turn to Page: 2)
A Mount Joy township farm of 98
acres, adjoining Elizabethtown boro,
was purchased at $241.25 an acre by
Wilfred D. Groff, Elizabethtown,
when offered at public sale by
Issac M. Kopp on Friday afternoon.
The farm includes a two-family
brick and frame house, frame barn,
tobacco shed, pig sty, poultry
houses, other buildings,
County De- Urging
“failure to
attention” to
charges preferred by
tective Jacob Weller
supply medical aid or
the child, Louise
The malnutrition verdict was
by Dr. A. V. Walter
ner who said the child weighed only
county coro-
nine pounds at death.
The baby died in mid-September.
Others who testified included
Fackler, Dr. William Workman,
( Turn to Page 2)
———- ————
Joy Borough in trust, the income to |
ke used for worthy of the borough, |
council; |
perhaps |
of the $5,570.98 for distribution was |
guardian of his two minor children. |
The cecedent |
ing their canvassing in the effort to |
on |
thorough job of canvassing and give |
acres |
Tickets are now on sale for
the Sadie Hawkins’ Day dance, to be
held in the high school auditorium
on Friday evening, November Sth.
The Junior Class is the sponsor
and the committee in charge reports
they have booked Andy Kerner’s
Orchestra for the occasion.

Dancing 8:30 to 11:30 p. m.
of meadow and two acres of wood-
land. Walter Dupes was the auc-
tioneer and Henry H. Koser the |
A Greyhound bus driver was hurt |
and 20 passengers were shaken up |
but escaped injury at Lancaster
when a truck and the bus collided.
| Nov.
VOL, XLV, NO, 22
This Section’s

| of Elizabethtown,
{ week. Mrs. Schneitman was
| Kathryn E. Coble, of that boro.
married last
Lillie R. Derr
Albert L. Meiskey
Miss Lillie R. Derr, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Derr, May-
town, and Pfc. Albert I. Meiskey,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Meis-
key, 942 Barber St., Columbia, were
married last Wednesday by Alder-
man Edward Wetzel.
| turned from
| Purple Heart,
the European Theater
two battle stars. He is
tioned at Indiantown Gap awaiting
bridegroom, who recently
the ETO,
the Bronze
now sta-
Ruth Frankfort
Earl D. Heisey
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
627 N. Prince St.
nounced the marriage of their dau-
| ghter, Ruth, to Earl D. Heisey,
of Mr. and Mrs: John Heisey, Mount
Joy, which took place at Elkton Md.
Saturday, Oct. 13, with the Rev. W.
Hopkins officiating at the doukle
Frankfort, of
Lancaster, an-
ring ceremony.
The were attended by Mrs. Rob-
| ert Brodecker, Mrs. Ruth Zanoni
and David Frankort.
| The bride is an employe of RCA
| and the bridegroom, recently hon-
orably discharged from the United
(Turn to Page 2)
On Saturday, November 3rd, a
young people's conference will be
held «t the Donegal Presbyterian
of 7-15.
for children from the ages
sent from Presbyterian Churches in
Lancaster and York County,
ates will be pre-
as well
as from other denominations in our
held in Leadership Training for the
Seminars will also be
| leaders of this age
Rev. Paul Johnston of Harrisburg
will conduct a course on “The
Church as the Body of Christ’; Mr.
Ernest Toth of Middletown will
{ conduct a course on “Christ the
| Word of God". At the evening
| service religious movies will be
| shown, and special music will be
furnished by the Elizabethtown
College Male Quartette. The
opening session of the conference
will be at 9:30 a. m. and all young
people and leaders are cordially in-
{ vited. Information can be gained
| from Rev. John D. Tate of Mt. Joy.
© eee
A. Clair Hess, son of Mr. and
| Mrs. Abram M. Hess, is a member
| of the radio ensemble heard reg-
ularly over WMBI and WDLM, the
Bible Insti-
he is
of In-
students holding street meet-
ings fall
phase of study is part of the
of Moody
of a
| radio voices
tute, Chicago
associate group
this This laboratory
tute’s day and evening schools.
It is rumored that Mr Wolgemuth,
now owns the former Seitz
the Little Chickes
highway east of town
| cular activities of
students ncw ent in the

| farm beyond
is contemplating the e
on the
rection of ten
of the
houses in the vicinity
dwelling recently erected
John Haines.
This is an
excellent location for

ly A
At the worship
this Sunday,

morning service
Homecoming Day
be observed at the First Presbyter-
| ian Church. All of the
| church wherever
ing will make
| back for the service,
they @re now liv-
effort to
and a
an come
service will be planned.
————— A A
Pennsylvania will our
Thanksgiving Day this year on Nov.
22, Gov. Martin fixed the date real
early in the year,
than 1,600 |
Harry R. Schneitman, |
Entries for the third
Southeastern Pennsylvania

annual |
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 25, 1945
Local Affairs
In General

| One Day Earlier!
| the Bulletin will

The Affairs
At Florin For


The Mount Joy Bulletin
$1.50 a Year in Advance
Record In

Next week
i Baby Beef and Lamb Club round- be printed one day earlier, Wed-
up and sale scheduled to be held at | nesday afternoon instead of . .
the Union Stock Yards are at pres- | Briefly Told | Thursday. Past Week This Section
pik he of steers and 36 pens of Hallowe'en celebrators set a corn I om ivi Next Tuesday evening a meeting : Miss Anna S. Krall, 41 died on
: | field atire near Wheatland. to this office a day earlier. of the Florin Hall Association will] Friday.
: This was given at a meet- | Ground was hroken for a new be held in the Florin Hall at 7:30 Amos S. Ditzler, 89, died at
ing of the show managoment held Gospel Tabernacle at Elizabethtown. | =— —_— o'clock. Florin citizens who are Mountville
last evemng of the Stock Yards Inn. | Fugene Dommel, aged 8, | FIRE CO. AUXILIARY interested in a memorial for the ser- Mrs. Elizabeth Heagy Smith, 80,
The plans for the show call for the of Lancaster, was struck by an auto | MET LAST THURSDAY vice men and women. are invited toy. died at Manheim,
animals to arrive on Tuesday Dec. |, q killed, Twenty-nine members attended | this meeting. During the business Mrs. Lydia Ann Hippey, 75, wife
1; Judging on Wednesdays Dee. 12, Merlin H. Hauer was prosecuted | the September meeting of the meeting the election of officers for | of John Hippey, died at Columbia.
Bnd the auction on Dec. 13, begine Lancaster for blowng his horn | Ladies Auxiliary of Friendship Fire | the association will be held Alice, widow of Glenn A. Walker,
ning at 1 p. m unnecessarily. Co., on Thursday evening. Miss Sara Hershey returned to | died at Marietta. She was aged 80
Exhibitors from the 4-H clubs of Jacob M. Nagel is a patient in the One new member, Mrs. Alpheus | Sleighton farms School on Sunday | Years.
the following counties will show: St. Joseph Hospital suffering from | Arndt was admitted to the Auxil- {afternoon after investigating in the Mrs. Grace Sangrey, 36, wife of
Adams, Berks, Chester, Dauphin, a heart condition. iary. vestern part of the State and visit- | Benj. Sangrey, of Manheim R1, died
Cumberland, Leb non, Lehigh, Lan- Rodney Watterson was recently On December 13th the Christmas |ing her parents. et
caster, Mifflin, Northampton and | jected boro engineer by Elizaketh- | party will be held and the Lititz| Everyone is invited to attend the LCavid F. Seiders, 82, a member of
York. - town Boro Council. Auxiliary will be invited to attend. { Woman's Day Missionary services in | the Church of the Brethern at E-
Lancaster County sportsmen and Treasurers report: Ent. $425.98 [the Florin U. B. Church on Sun- | town, died at Lancaster.
p : Wi At “dog owners pa’d $37,710.05 into the | General Fund, $152.76. day evening, November 4th, at sev- Harry Roberts, a lineman for the
Femum INners State Treasury in 1944. After the meeting a Stanley dem- |en fifteen o'clock. A special pro- Columbia Telephone Co. for 45 years
y Ten youths arcund Kissel Hill | onstration was given by Mrs. Wit- [gram has been arranged, the | until he retired in 1938, died aged
Mt. Joy S Farm Show are being held for vandalism, they | man of f Las speaker for the evening being Rev. | 70 years.
were Hallowe'ening. John Leatherman, a returned mis- me
(Continued from last week.) 1,550 catfish and 1,000 sunfish | sionary from Africa. Mrs.. Frederick E. Peck
Baked Goods { were stocked in the Conestoga | Brief News Of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wittel and| Mrs. Annie L. Peck, 70, wife of
Butter Cake: 1 Mrs. Everett Mar- | Creek at Wenger's dam. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike spent | Frederick Peck, a life long resident,
tin, 2 Mrs. Frank Houseal, 3 Mrs.| Ap automobile struck and killed Th D Sunday visiting Mr: Lester K. Bren- (Turn to page 3)
Jerome Brubaker, | a 225-pound 8-point buck on Route e ay rom eman and family at Newville, Pa., TI
Chocolate Cake: 1 Mrs. Lester | 222 south of Wakefield. ee and an auto trip to Dublin Gap. | ANNUAL HALLOWEEN
Brubaker, 2 Mrs. John Musser, 3| C.F. Sensenig, East Petersburg, Local Dailies Wilbur = Ebersole celebrated his | PARTY BY EGERTANS CLASS
Mrs. Everett Martin. | reported his son, Donald K., 16, is ; birthday on October 23rd. The Fgert Sunday fool
Spice Cake: 1 Mrs. Everett Mar- | missing since Monday. A car stolen at Dayton, Ohio, was Mrs. John Kissinger and son, of | Class of ok li } on 2 0g
tin 2 Miss Rachael Hess 3 Mrs. Allen | Friday, Oct. 19 was the hottest abandoned at Lancaster. Lancaster spent Wednesday in town. | ne 1 ol reo Oe i g a
Shearer { day here on record. So sayeth the 15.000 oss workers wen ona Mr. Norman Ebersole and family: BE A =~ - :
Angel Food Cake: 1 Mrs. Am s | 67-year old weather bureau. strike and 216000 miners went back and Jacob Brubaker and family og Road ¢ > a i oe ers
L. Risser, 2 Mrs. Fdward. Wissler,| A basket containing six | 1° work. spent Sunday at Round Top. G: i : 4 The :
3 Mrs, J. N. Newcomer hams and shoulders weg-tonnd oh 2 The Control Board Xte n le | Wis. Ray Miller and children on Wai e p ved ang prizes
Sponge Cake: 1 Mrs. John Henne, | 1 man’s back yard. liquor rationing for two additional | visiting the Buller family his week. | RX: et Ne Ne The ma
2 Mrs. Lloyd Musser, 3 Mrs. Amos While trying to stop a runaway periods of two weeks. : Mr. and Mire Harry pe Merman, re Ne Schroll an
L. Risser. horse, Isaac Myers, 55, Gordonville, The mighty battleship, Missouri, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs | ay one
Sugar Cookies: 1 Mrs. Kathryn | voc run over and al on which the Japanese signed their | chester Snavely’s at Landisville. i. Se Teles ents were ser-
Felker, 2 Mrs. Andrew Felker, 3| leg. terms of surrender, arrived at Nor- Mr. Paul Arndt spent Tuesday at |, re lo rs v late Mis,
5 net. 5 : : . i Mrs. Mary Graybill, Mrs. Marguer-
Miss Elsie Shearer. Mr. Harry Eshleman, Delta Street, folk, Va. : Philadelphia on a business trip. ; Jock, M ML
Hermit Cookies: 1 Mrs. John Tate, | pont Joy, received the coal that| TWO race horses were flown from Sgt. Jack Liggins spent Sunday at fe ! oe 8 il D. Ott, Mrs, A. P,
2 W. A. Berrier, 3 Kathryn Felker. |... given away by the Ladies Aux- Los Angeles to Bay Meadows in 2 Skippach, Pa., visiting friends. Be i a. Tins Mem ya
Oatmeal Cookies: 1 Miss Jeanette iliary of the Friendship Fire Co. at hours and 50 minutes for an opening Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr. M. x 2 gh i i Ea '
Potter, 2 Mrs. Lloyd Musser, 3 Mrs. | he Community Exhibit. race there. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mumper in i bh iro oe TS. wi ayn
John Tate. Three employees of Miller and The Federal Commission says alspent Friday at Aspers, Adams Co. | igi \ oi : Rude eee ,
Molasses Cookies: 1 Mrs. Kath- | Hartman, wholesale grocers at Lan- | 800d number of television broad- visiting Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin | Lol hi 7 <1 y Ie on wi
ryn Felker, 2 Mrs. John Musser, 3 | caster, were arrested. They had ¢ | casting stations will go on the air [Frye ang family. Is Sina Wexler Va Mae Wis
#t waar im | ker, Mrs. Grace Mumma, Mrs. Lov=
Mrs. Amos Shelley. large truck load of goods which | next year. Ir. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman en- | : rr
Chocolate Cookies: 1 Mrs. Allen Jaro Ro. of . onl Richard C. Hoffman, Manheim, Mrs. Emma Peifer and | Barnhart, Mrs. Thelma Eshle-
they were disposing of thru black : le or ; nd | an, Mrs. Margaret Mackinson
Shearer, 2 Mrs. Andrew Felker, 3| driver of a C. T. C. bus, was prose- [Mps, Helen Musser and Miss Mar- m . :
Mrs. Amos L. Risser I cuted for failing to stop at a rail- | Eichler to dinner on Tuesday. Vie Mien Mame, Vis Harry
Pumpkin Pie: 1 Miss Anna Mae | o AYA SEVER . | road crossing. the event being Miss Eichlers birth~ | Hiss elen Searoll An
dion 2 Mrs Andrew Felker, 3 a Ney Ip aid Plans are being formulated for a day. | Jetty Jane Charles.
Mrs. Musser, | Wilbur Heistand, 32, Salunga was | "Water supply for Lebanon, | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schlegel. | COMMUNITY CHORUS
Two Crust Pie: 1 Mrs. Alpheus | admitted to the Lancaster General | drawn from he Dupe ai mileh entertained these guests on | HOI ua H ny cl as
Ginder, 2 Mrs. Mabel Kolp, 3 Mrs. | Hospital suffering a back re. | water at High Bridge, Schuylkill | Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E twin | DS ALLOWE'’EN PARTY
Allen Shearer tied when hi li stuck | County. i Wickenheiser of Harrisburg. Mr. The Community Chorus will hold
Ice Box Cookies: Mrs. John Tate, iE Gra y : the H + shou Nine of Lancaster City’s places to and Mrs. Rodne v Naylor of West a Hallowe'en party following a
2 Mrs. Andrew Felker, 3 Mrs. John RE Srp Bars ne mim i ey | cat were refused a license, 25 re- Chester and M. Frank Palmer Ma- | special practise next Monday night
Musser. | bethtown last Thursday. His con | ceived tempor parts ag = fecr of New Jersey. ot the Donegal Church House. Mr.
Bread (White Home Made): 1 dition is not regarded serious. } Ware approved by the Bureau of : The Girl Scout Troop met at the { Simon T. Fickinger, the chorus
Mrs. W. A. Berrier, 2 Mrs. Jerome | Helstand told attendants he be | Health. 4 Town Hall on Tuesday evening. | president, appointed the following
Brubaker, 3 Mrs. J. L. Buller loved he lost: control of bis auto. President I'ruman has Yocom. Plans were made at this meeting to | committees for the event. Re-
Yeast Rolls: 1 Mrs. Andrew Fel- | tire blow out State | mended that every young man in hold the scouts Hallowe’ n party on | freshments: Mr. Carl Drohan, Mr.
ker, 2 Mrs. W. A. Berrier, 3 Mr: | Police are investigating. 17-20 age bracket, take a year's Friday night. The scouts will have | John Booth, Miss Anna Mae Eby
John Musser. — eu specialized military training { charge of the games for thi party. | and Mi Ruth Fby Entertain-
Potatoe chips: 1 Mrs. Allen | GIRL SCOUT SUNDAY } course. : The scouts pledged $3.50 for the men Mrs. S. T. Fickinger and Mrs.
er 2 Miss Anna Shearer, 3 Mrs This is Girl Scout Sunday. To is) Hallowe'en pranksters were United Drive and Cpl. Richard | John D. Tate. New members are
Brinser Heistand. evory yeas on the Sunday blamed for breaking a number of | Kauffman res ived the air mail {still welcome at this meeting.
Chocolate Fudge: 1 Mrs. Jerome | before the birthd of their founder window panes and causing cther (Turn to page 3) | —— ee ttl titties
Brubaker, 2 Mrs. Everett Martin, | All Girl ‘Scouts in Mt. Joy have damage at a school house near ———— ——— a | NOW UNDER COVER
3 Mrs. J. N. Newcomer | voon invited to attend a special ser- Churchtown. THEY'RE REAL FISHERMAN The new modern brick dwelling
Cream Mints: None. | vice of recognition at the First | Fisherman are “knocking off” the | bei erected by Mr. John Haines
Divinity Candy: 2 Mrs. Claude | Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p. m | ANNUAL GAVEL BELL salmon in Susquehanna river at | east of te w completely en-
Reigle. | The community is justly proud our | PARTY BY AMER. LEGION present Last week, Mr. Johnson | closed interior will now be
Peanut Brittle: None | four Girl Scout troops and the fine] The American Legion annual Martin, of Martin's 5&10 here | rush 1 to completion and it will
Cold Process Soap: 1 Mrs. John | work they are doing. | gavel bell party was held at the | caught one 34 in. long and wei h- | then be occupi the owner.
(Turn to Page 5) | — teen Ephrata American Legion Home on | ed 8 1-2 Ibs On Sunday on of | —— ees
-— | ENROLLED AT E-TOWN | Monday evening, Oct. 22, for the | Frank Good, of town caught eight, | PROSECUTIONS
TWO NEW CASES OF | COLLEGE | purpose of installation of newly e-} all of aver Sts Officer Elmer Zerphey prosecuted
UNDULANT FEVER Among the students from this | lected officers in the thirteen aux- TT Te | Cecil M. Sheaffer, of Lawn, Lebanon
Two cases of undulant fever were | enrolled in Elizabethtown Col- | iliary units in Lancaster County. DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT | C 1d Chester M. Groff, Bird-in-
reported to health authorities on | Jege for current year are: Miss Mary | Mrs. Jean McKay, Dept. Eastern The Bios Auxiliary the! Hund o; Ware f reckless dri-
Thursday. Hess, Route 1, pursuing the elemen- Vice President, was the speaker. Fire C i pon | before Justice of the Peace
Harvey Weover, 40, Manheim R3, | tary education course; Miss Ruth | Members of the Mt. Joy unit at- | qance i the high school on Friday | J Hockenber
Penn Township, the one victim, was | Musser, Route 1, a senior in second- | tending were Mrs Ruth Walter, {| n'ght with Andv Kerners Orch raj iD Dip aa
described as suffering from a chron-| ary education and Miss Mary Mrs. Clarence Newcomer, Mrs. | furnishing the dance musi | VISITED BY THE STORK
ic case. Mrs. Elam Heisey, 30, Col- | Heisey, Route 1, a senior in the | Mary Heiserman, Mrs. Paul Hipple, nL Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Arnold, East
umbia R2, West Hempfield Town- | science field. | Mrs. Jos. Germer, Mrs. Pearl Mar- | ADJUDICATED Donegal. a son Monday at the Col
chip, the other victum was stricken | | tin, Mrs. Eva Zeller, Mrs. Vesta £64.208.25 IN LYTLE ESTATE Hospi
ill October 1 Neither is in a ser- REVIVAL AT MASTERSONVILLE | Grissinger, Mrs. Edward Brown, In the esto eS Lvi A d M Williams, 205
ious condition, according to physi- | devival meeting will be held at | Mrs. Anna Zerphey, Mrs. Clayton late of this boro. there is balance St., this boro, a daughter,
clans. { Mastersonville Brethern in Christ | Hendrix and Mrs. Ella Germer f $64.208.25 for ib C 's Hospital
———— | Chiarch beginning Oct. 28th., the| -—_—— Other I Ball, | -. hb
LOCAL PHYSICIAN { Evangelist will ke C. H. Moyer.| AUTOS COLLIDE BUT NO I Donegal township, $2,720.56. | NEW FORD DISPLAY
DISCHARGED | Meetings during the week nights | ONE WAS INJURED — nc The new 1946 Ford passenger car
The Lancaster city and county | will begin at 7:30 and at 7:00 onl Officer Zerphey investigated a|FORTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY mn display at Herr’s Service
Medical Society published an adver- | Sunday evenings j collision on Tuesday at 2:45 p. m Mr. and Mrs. Clinton H. El N.| S veen Florin and Mt. Joy
tisement recently, giving the names A at the intersection of West Main St. | Barbara St., quietly celebrated t F October 26. Read the
and addresses of a number of city | INTERESTING RATION NOTES and Comfort Alley. 49th wedding anniversan y M her page
and county phyicians discharged Shoe rationing will end either Oct.] Mr. Chester Armstrong driving | dav. Oct. 22n i A ee
from the armed forces and who re- | 28 or Nov. 1 | west on Main St , making a left hand —— 0 4 DE E DS REC ORDER D
turn to active practice. Among | Butter will be reduced from 12] turn and Mr. Marvin E. Erb. R1. Mt. NEW HEALTH OFFICER in B mbright and Eliz-
them was John S. Gates, M. D., of | to 8 points per pound. . | Joy, driving east on Main St., col- Mt. Joy Board of Health has p- | Hamt his wife, East
this boro. | Passenger tire rationing will end | lided No one was injured The | pointed John I S Hea al TY William G. Mc-
———- | in December | Armstrong car had to be towed a- } Officer. to take pla Mr. | Garvey, and wife, Mount
A GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION | —— | way. Christ Shirk, du is illness J Twp., two lots in Florin, $600.
As their share in assisting dev- MARRIAGE LICENSES ————— =e —— ———-
astated countries the Church of the| Henry K. Greiner, Elizabethtown | RATIONING MAY END BROUGHT BANNER PRICES HALLOWE'EN POLICEMEN

Brethern have
in cash and carload of wheat.
largest contribution was that
White Oak Church, $3,515.
contributed $18,975
and Mabel Jane Engle, Mt. Joy.
The| J. Stanley Heisey of Manheim R2,
of | and Lois Fern Haldeman, Manheim
Rationing of meat, butter, fats
and oils may end before January 1,
a Department of Agriculture official
At a public sale at Marietta on
Monday one dozen Caldwell plates
brought $282 and another dozen

| said Monday.
German plates sold for $252.
The Fire Police have heen author-
ized as special policemen during the
Hallowe'en season. Read the ad on
another page of this issue.