The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 27, 1945, Image 4

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    Bhs a as hy Figg
/REG’LAR FELLERS—Just His Specialty “7% sm === By GENE BYRNES









4—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa,, Thursday, September 27, 1915 B OW LI N G [
OWL L/ \FFS we
| Inser
{ Z [ A ~
The Low Down TOWN LEAGUE | Z 2 fine
Stuckey’s FG SG TG Tis 7 ORY
From Hickory Grove i. ..... 168 222 113 565. ew Z| ert MAR
You, know these persons in the Fackler ........ 164 161 161 486 IS THE Time Z| orice plain
Govt. who have been sayin’ the Schneider ...... 187 155 178 520 TO GEY INTO 757 ENTRANCE. tone.
railroads are a bad lot and should Garman ........ 160 204 206 570 ESSENTIAL Z Music
be put in jail, are talking though Stuckey ........ 237 233 195 665 | INDUSTRY? ro
their cheapeau. - sos 8 FOR
I can talk when it comes to rail- Totals ........ 916 975 913 2804 ron sell.
roads. Worked for the Santa Fe Bennett's FG SG TG Tis ZN
quite a spell, inspecting electric SCORY 124 171 135 430
wiles and such, so as to make ‘em Germer ........ 136 153 157 446 WAN
safe against causing fires--and Shonk .......... 199 202 180 581 Bicyc
being one month in Texas and next Vogel .......... 222 178 135 585; 3M
in Iowa or New Mexico, etc. But Bennett ........ 194 148 184 526 | FOR
Susie and myself, we were fixin’ to Ew with
get married--she is a Topekaite---| Totals ........ 875 852 791 2518 | : 1 HOW ARE YO A man says just because certain What may sound like oppor-
and since I couldn't take her along RO NVI LLE DON’T WAIT kinds of weather aren't pleasant | tunity knocking is just a neighbor —
~BY-— when I was crawling around oily Kesider's PG SG TG BRING T LM doesn’t mean those kinds aren’t| wanting to borrow an egg or a cup Li
round-houses or tug boats on Sang g s TC = Us ugar ea
W \X/ chneider ... 202 177 210 i | asia | good for us. of sugar. Call
A IS E O L Bay, I ups and quits the Toloky ......... 295 188 143 556 | | sv of 4s City Shoe Reparing Co. Mt. J
roac But if there was ever a nice > 5 5 58 | 2 = A
outfit to work for, it was the Santa 151 348 ins teacher, Mrs. Engle Ferrey, will | 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET | FOR
Councilman Newcomer is so ex- Fe Those boy vvied railroad {Boozer ......... 100 182 19 Be | meet on Monday evening at the LANCASTER, PENNA. E mn . d years
>, ys sa ailroad- ¢ 77 55¢ : = >
tremely anxious to have his NeW! ng. Some of em I reckon were Keider Man 102 177 a9 | home of Mrs. Gordon Mummaw. | yes cxamined Moun
house gal Springs Road, _ = = = 8 i
wuse on Donegal Springs Roac Republicans and some were Tots 930 SZ S92 2094) T-4 Kenneth B. Rettew, who | Randl ’S LOST
completed that a passerby declares ~~ rnd He RIB asses he Duroboan theatre ob) Florix
: : : crats, but their job was railroading tes FG SG TG Tis served in the European theatre of to Sp
TD. ABT 5 5 CW x A :
he saw him out there carrying the fit miaking speeches. Lewis he To pi ol war: has a three-day leave from | | Bicycle hop et) R S ! 1 S -—
he cours AS ‘ D i |
hed on Tuesday. Of urse Ith ownership and a swivel =o 0 .| New Cumberland, Pa. and is visit- | . | PAPE
takes a lot of guts for : nan p 3 H. Brown ...... 161 157 163 486 ELMER S. ER, Prop { Fred,
akes a lot of guts for a “green” ma jonsie for himself, is what is in the ., | ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | 4 : OPTO TRIST 5
to teckle such or cus work and, ack ofthese political Tuwyer's Zekany ........ 135 180 146 461 Oliver Rettew | 12 N. MARKE OUNT JOY. Ave.,
ell | - las tre Tw 2 PF. Good ........ 153 169 163 485] i i : sedi
ne 11 et us I ot ae A De while they lambast the roads ie 151 167 198 516 | The Helping Hand S. S. Class of | (Opposite re House) HOURS —
age es but talk sweet to the voters, telling ~~ ~~ | the U. rc st recently at | Nerd
than our informant would do. 1 € : 0 8 voters, tellin Ceo ee the U0. B, Church met recently at | Bicycle epairing Moose Bldg. Daily: 9 to 1 and 2 to 5 at $1.
us how they stay awake nights and Tolals ........ 780 821 835 2436 the Band Park and enjoyed a corn : No Hours Thursday phone
worry about our welfare. | | and doggie roast. The following Acce i i a
Back at the fire house the other Vous with the low dow ; ; | cers were Amma ccessories & Parts Elizabethtown EVENINGS FOR
Ib ours with the low down, np 0 pours FG SG TG Tis | officers were elected for the ensuing ° lets, |
evening the fellows were setin —— Shorty: | venr:- Preside Ars : Baby Cab Tiring i Tues., Sat., 6:30 to 8 vi
: ; : : M. Good ....... 170 161 210 541 | year: President, Mrs. Anna Al- H. B.
around discussing subjects a gen- F 168 175 153 496 | bright; secretary, Mae Singer; Tre- STORE HOURS: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. 908R5
eral when one of em said: Things ast onega Engle .......... 167 157 163 487 surer, Mrs. Mary - Young; teacher, PHONE 334-] -_-
will never be right ’till we get rid Schroll 162 134 124 420| Mrs. Iona Metzger; and assistant WE HAVE
of fascism, socialism, and com- S h | N eats es 178 191 176 545 Mrs, Jonas Biv cme?
munism.” c 00 e WwW S Dougherty ..... 7 g 76 545 ; i. }
Just then another guy chimed in . re oir aon once] Tho followin Demis Sayin QU L i TY eventos rar
and : said: J “Better "throw in b= Th Week Totals ......-. 845 818 826 2489 | week-end in the mountains close to EVENINGS J Oo MATINEE Co
: ” : ” or e Spangler’s FG SG TG Tls| New Germantown, Pa. in Juniata: SHOWS SATURDAYS SPEC
rheumatism too.” And it wasn’t me, Spangler: >” > he ze 5 7 AND 9:00 P. M. AND leathe
either. (From Page 1) Maoteer 180 158 166 504 | County: Mr. and Mrs. John Young, SATURDAYS T + I T R I HOLIDAYS lease
a Singer; Exchange Editor, ......... 151 151 143 445 | Mrs. George Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. 6.5.10 P.M. 2:00 P. M. and I
A fell v back at the mill Hess; Sports Editors, Ben Hess, Isa-|Cassel .......... 178 144 161 483 | Eugene Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mount Joy, Pa. JACK
A fello ras back » l ii
buyir hi in fi od f Paul Ste. |Pelle Young; Photographer, William Grove .......... 158 196 204 558 | Mowrer, Ruth Staley, Sara Jane
uying ¢ CKern Jeec rom aul dSte- ~ : r
ying Zndslow: Chief Typist, 2 a Miller. Spangler ; 7 51 203 534 | Mummaw, Catherine Weaver, Mag-
hman when he remarked: “How Encslow: Chis! Typo Arm oo Yo : ji gie Parson Mary LL'S Meat Market BDAY. MBER 2000
many chickens have you?” Ethel W et Wall Totals 837 810 877 2524 Cornelius Spangler and Mr. and 10:00 pai, RD -in-
The customer replied: “None.” | Xthe olgemuth, atsy Waller, SD eae 5 Sa Sati CBS—COASTgTO-CQP 1
“What do vou do with cll this|Janet Eater, Kermeth Barnhart) a— | Mis. Cleveland Retiow, So West Main St. Mt. Joy “sg LASSIE” on
feed?” Paul Charles Eater, Jean Fitzkee, Robert Tronio’s FG SG TG Tis| Jonas Eby and Glenn Kauffman, Sloan S Weed
fy ” “Feed 1 . : » |Rowe, Dorothy Dick, Shirley Heisey ‘Mumma ........ 168 181 176 525 | local scout masters, attended a dis- vield ’
Bpiy: “teed I 10 my, roosiers. P 1 161 172 195 528 | trict scout meeting at Safe Harbor < cma?) . i
a Typists eanell 51 172 195 52 g at Sc : Pharmacy mmm) Dr c Killheffer Marke
ar pn a1 | row » week e . . . - 23
A loczl Senior’ was scolding a Edna May, Ruth Brubaker, Anna Reinhold ....... 137 178 Is 291 over the week end. MOUNT JOU. PENNA ) MONDAY—TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1-2 23.
cl i I at nd re: rk d Wh “Wetzel, Louise Morton, Charles Wa- Kuhn .......... 175 160 201 536| Lt and Mrs. Donald Staley, and — : Optometris PAT O'BRIEN — CAROLE LANDIS -in- FOR
ass mate a remarked: ‘hy, * Tronic .......... 170 211 164 545 | daughters. Joan and Jeat i Pine { Pipele:
Ts Vela |ser. Frances Raber. daughters, Joan and Jean, of ine | WAN COEF " lpele;
ds iy i Ape t can't help] Business Staff ” oS op > 75 Grove Bonin, 00 Hin al ET, = us Charlot ANG A ONL OM Fa
teply: 3 S 2 als 5 2 2625 ve Mrs (Ho Qt 374 oli
tI was borh thut w Ww” Business Manager, James Mayer; Totals ........ $n oe Die oes home of Mr and Mrs. Cleon Staley. 12 I
» as a ay. Circulation Manager, Dorothy Dick. Alwine’s FG SG ™ 1s The official board of the U. B. yen. Ss Neu HOUS
Faculty advisors are Miss Thelma Witman ........ 164 171 186 521 | Church held their last meeting for FUNERAL ’ : WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3-4 ric i
One of those Mastersonville Peiffer ......0.s 167 134 148 447 the conference vear. all churcl garden
Taylor, Miss Lydia Wagner and Miss 54 le conlerence year, all. church ZABETHTOWN < :
belles was in town at our movies onj| 'Ar ys ay 5 > Hostetter 184 174 172 530 | cpligations, were met and paid, and B® Bsn St 4 rR JOIN WAYNE — ANY ia ig
Saturday night and I heard her say: Class officers for the 1945-46 term Heck 189 198 196 S83 then there was a net membership Tues Fri. Sat “FLAME OF BARBARY COAST” ) east of
“The re were a lot of soldiers at elected last week. The olec- Alwine ......... 188 164 196 548 | gain of 10 during the year, the an- NEON 9:30-1:00.2-5 P. M. i
front that got a disease I NEVE tions were under the supervision of . = — | nual conference will meet at Pal- : i
heard of before.” Si Yee] Totals ........ 892 S841 896 2629( vir, this week, the bastor Rev. B Statewide Saleg & Service f°!
0h mn the Student Council. Senior Class She oc ya 113 Weel, nev, A. a :
When her friend inquired what it| oe oc _ Robert Q. Sload, H. 8. Stucky, 237; H. T. Stucky} | v Mays will attend, the Silver cii- | Prompt, reas guaranteed WEEN IN NEED OF FRIDAY—SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5-6 | Prop)
is she said. “Purple Heart.” | bids fai 5 Stucky. 975: TT oy Sir. ap work. Reversed rge calls accept- . wn mes
Was she said, “Purple Heart. president; Glenn Hoffman, vice- Ror 5. a Stucky, 975; H.T Oe i bE Pep by tho ed. Phone Col ria Got. Saw Crushed & Building FRED MACMURRAY — JUNE HAVER -in- ing wi
: : : president; Betty Arndt, secretary” y, 2504. egate Mrs. lona elzger, and ine; UNITED SOU} & SIGNAL CO. countr;
Tome of Sur town girls will soon and Ethel Wolgemuth, treasurer. alternate Mrs. Frank Nixon. The Columbia, Pa CWHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE” Doneg:
have to believe what I told them al Class officers are - James | * fH : following church officers were | =~ re WANT
long time ago that marriage is a president; J. Omar Bru- I 1OTIN A AIFS |clected, treasurer Paul Metzger, | ” A ee a Tight
or a miss proposition. |baker, vice-president; Nancy Swope, (From page 1) financial secretary, Jacob Reuffman Health in goo
If they don’t make a hit and get secretary and John Drescher, treas. Pe ; | and recording secretary, Glenn | 2 & Son,
married they'll always be a Miss! Sophomore Class officers elected Dem we a ox Comp Kauffman, organist, dJeen Sn Makes Wealth MEN 1
; we - Lester Hawthorne, president wh Tee In oncallers a. ey CITY | stewarts, Earl C. Albright, Norman | ATL there's tio Soils wav io Part or
A West Donsgal B% lady 'e- James Madera, vice-president; Jan- County, . Siegrist, Lorraine Rtttew, Glenn |} it than by copfistent Horse | Sour,
marked to her son: “Why can’t youlet Eater. secretary, and Charles Miss Sare B. Hershey returned 10] three members ave in | back riding. Justftry it and ASPHALT PAVING. Joy, Pi
be a good boy?” . Johnson, treasurer. Philadelphia on Moncey after | yo armed forces, Luther Ulrich, | kn Ww you'll ! ic of many MASONRY and WANT
He said he'd be good for a nickel whe Ninth Grade elected these Spots a ea ete. : od Charles Gi and Wilbur Ret- | regulars” at eu CONCRETE WORK Paul A
and his mother said: “Just why fficers - Donald McKain, president; Ney: and ig Day re NA- | tew the other members of the boar | D. Lora Riding For Prompt and Courteous Service
can’t you be like your dad, 200d Ravmon oe in the week with Miss Mibriam| .... John Fox Fphroim Bard ond} CALL Tr
un Ray ond Good, : vice president; Gohl and friends. are 5 i ro phreim A n Academy at Florin | i WANT]
‘or nothing? Janet McKain, secretary and Hazel ine | David Mummaw 5 +5 sold. A
Miller. treasurer Mr. Charles Sshlegelmilch of ————— ———————— Phene 150-32, Mt. Joy . be pur
f IT men that woman's] Wichil Grede aff Ohio visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 920d Paul H
If IT mentioned that woman's Eighth Grade officers are - Merle a ey i " MT. JOY, PA. Manhei
name I know darned well I'd walk|Arnold, president; Jane Waller, vice Schlegelmileh on Tuts i 1 Rotarians instituted Res. 903-R.18 Office 902.R.18
the streets as uneasy as some of president and Mabel Goss, Secretary Mr. B. F. Kauffman celebrated 5 |
thowe fellows who are operating Treasurer. his birthday on Sunday, Sept. 23rd.; (From nage 1) -
Lancaster trclley cars at present. The following assemblies were with these guests; Mrs. Adah Fich- esy of the Sales Promotion Depart- Ty r
announced: ler and daughter, Margaret and| ment of the Armstrong Company of WA ED NE 7 | REPOR
- : Rice arv am tor 01 Gos 5. Yi Lil n
Ore of our young shieks on East Sept. 28—Movie “The Great Vic- in Mey Renton Lt aaah Lan ster, titled Stop Over In EVERYONE IS N? i paper i
Main St. got a warning that he'd get/tor Herbert” Oct. Mrs. Harry Lewis and daughter Jancaster”, showing us ti experie
shot if he didn’t keep away from a/Honor Society Induction. Oct. 12— Catherine and sister and daughter plete process in the m To k On 66 LISTENING 10... preferre
certain man’s daughter. But here Movie “Rebecca of Sunnybrook of the former, of Wilmington, Del. I'noleum, which proved very Poul Farm 4 Sey
is the rub. The letter wasn't{Farm”. Oct. 19—Lorenzo, Magician. called on Miss Sara Hershey and | esting. The program we i Y/ Ye | 37 Bere
gned. The Senior Class will present a Parents on Thursday. . _| through the efforts of Her : ) | Eggs¥count vu
_— ae mystery farce October 18 and 19. Arthur Graveno Jr. celebrated er. The man represe Musser Leghorn Farms J | gos h
's a fellow needn’t worry/The play will be directed by Miss his third birthday Sept. 20th, by | company the pictures was E MOUNT JOY | 3 y yen
zbout his station in life. Roy She-|Mary E. Baker, of the school faculty. entert: ining a number of his little | w Rash: 9.6 tf keep collecting
etz suys there's always someone Miss Baker has selected the follow-| friends. 2 A new feature was instituted at 5 Yo.l! or Tle dollars deposited regularly
who is ready to tell you just whereling seniors for the casts: Mervin Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerlitski and | meeting known as the Birth- | 923 52 acre
idl : : : Gis Miss Maude Buller spent Tue: ' < in a savings account at our bank. You v4 aco
to get off. Hess, Janet Hess, Mary Singer, Ruth 15S auac uw doy Table”, ¢ Li ! and Cas | ’ | . . . $e
Rensel, James Mayers, Anna Wet-'2al Lancaster. : 2 a birthday d will be a | RADIO'S ACE i and your family are cordially invited to J
If you stand around on a dark zel, Miriam Kauffman, Kathryn Miss Martha Ebersole fo honored at this table, the last meet Also Spe ING | ADVENTURE- deposit your savings with us. $3 N. I
street corner (especially Sat. nites) Gutshall, Glenn Hoffman, Robert brated her 15th birthday ng in each month. . DETECTIVE STORY i TO EL
and keep your ears open, you will Rowe, Harold Kolp, and Betty Thursday. : or was impossible to ¢ UIPMENT { i SER, A
read’ly be convinced that there are Arndt. Mr. Christ Melhorn. will celebrate | before this, all members| Autom d Truck Welding FIRST NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY Car
a few big cheeses that are point, The senior class will also have a his birthday on Saturday. who had a birthday starting July Also Mower Sharpening | WGAL — Sunday a or
free. 2 food stand at the Mt. Joy Farm The Girl Scout Troop No. 56, met up to September 30, were honored Vv X ANYTHING 6:30 p. m. Mount Joy Anns M
1 1 lav |
ea Show. in the Florin Hall on Tuesday |(oday. Th honored were | HANNA COAL MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Orphan:
One of our local bankers says the A Bem evening and report as wrod Charles Be t, John Booth, Bob Cover S Welding Shop | Sold by ror a , ” om id Seer
ak ar i ans NOW MA 'G: SUCCESS mail stamps were sent to Eli ol- | Vondorslie oventry. San | | era a1 bo gs one;
way some people pay off their loans NOW MAKING SUCCESSOR 1a1l stamy id Vanderslice Coven Sam | | DD. 5774 Michael
one would think they were doing, TO THOSE B 29'S gemuth, EM 2c; one Christmas| Bud Carpenter. Larry S Delta and Marietta Streets | HARRY LEEDOM | i SE pe dod 8 FD best Eas pa 354), pr
you a big faver. Three Air Force generzls who box was packed for one of the ser- | Merle Sellers, Walter Sl MT. JOY. PA. Phone 289 | Phone 114 MOUNT JOY 80 A. ar
flew non-stop from Japan to Chi- vice men and the girls worked on | pay] Stehman and Curvin Martin, | { Donegal
Martin and nts Offi
Friday t but


Camels were used to carry mili- cago said Thursday that the suc- Christmas Greetings. shld
tary communications in some west- cessor to the B-29s—a plane built ing they will hold an aucti n with : | REDDY KILOWATT eon Reddy Runs a Race see Pennsylvania Power & Light Company compon
ern states in 1856, while one of our but not yet officially announced— Patsy Brooks as the auctioneer i from, ox
i I Id t fi I J Ir p r, recently *harg n . —THATS EASY, WILLIE ~ YA SEE IM ed in L
High School students thinks they cculd bomb Europe from the Unit- Mr. Leo Fetter, recently discharg- In| . BL GET | ( A REAL MAGICIAN~| CAN BE EVERY~ { op
were used in his country to adver- ed States and return to base ed from the U.S. Army, of Man- BETS TAKE ALOOK AT THERE FIRST REDDY! | WHERE AT ONCE ~S0 NO MATTER 4 J 2
tise cigarettes. ete heim visited Mr. and Mis. Fike on “Haj WILLIE NOODLE TONIGHT: J BETCHAM [P\WHERE YOU GO, YOULL ALWAYS Hy
IMPROVE LAWNS NOW Wednesday afternoon sident Shoop of | Sa — FIND ME REDDY AND WAITING IN| my 8
One day lest week Earl Derr was Fall is the best tme to seed new Mrs. H. B. Wittel entertained to a ce From “lub | DAD WANT ELECTRIC SERVICE
an hour late for work, because the lawns or improve ex g lawns, Hobo and birthday party in honor he invitatic be } JUST RLUGIN ~ IM REDOY J 4
nite before he had turned his clock remind extension 1 of of Mrs. Charles Bennett at the guests ‘of : t ¢ Ja: | ly
back one hour to sun time. Seems the Pennsylvania State College home of Mr. and Mrs. Nort ill ening October 15, 1945
no cne else agreed and stayed on Garden fertilizer should be applied, on Tuesday evening Guests were — all A lfm and plac
advanced war t'me, so Earl was a 25 pounds per 1000 square feet. the following: Miss Anna Mum- A new permanent Na rid pet
trifle on behind. Grass develops thick sod in fall and ma, Martha M. Dohner, of Harris- | | fallow forset the girl fri as | said val
A WISE OLD OWL early spring, especially when soil burg, Elizabeth Rickert, Frances , temper or a >} JOHNNY'S HOUSE aL
A conditions are improved. Duffy, Becky Hastings, Hazel SO WEE WILLIE decree z
The way to tell when a man is NY Schmid ond Bettie Weigle, all of — zr RUNS ALL THE WAY! ! 0
drunk is when he insists on walk- Stimulate your business by adver- E-town; Gloria Rhoad of Columbia er. of Lancaster, and Mr. H. |
ing his sober friend home. 'tising in the Bulletin. ,Leona Cannon of Bradford, Viola | B, Wittel and Jimmy Wittel. J ii ele al a —— - Paul A.
\ i
. -
a | 0
: Ss