The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 28, 1945, Image 4

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    v ve Re
Bulletin, Mt, Joy, Pa.,
OWL LAFFS Mortuary
soi Record In
BE This Section
Thursday, June 28,










—_— Miss Margaret Elizabeth Buch-
fp anan, 46, died at Columbia.
Jacob H. Springer died at East =
4 3 ) = Petersburg aged 67 years.
= 7 can © Mrs. Leah B. Landis, 83, died at
the Oreville Mennonite Home Sun- a A. == -
day. — ZC 1
—t, Rk
Charles E. Hook, 47, Columbia's = p - -—
: <Tene
second oldest mail carrier, died sud- 1! "5
2 | 7 = adh NES i
denly on Monday = > Re
Mrs. Lizzie Ir, gp RS ERE TR ETE 3) = = rT 5 mmm VRE A
54, wife of Alvin DeLong, Manheim id IR Robert Fornoff, Lee Singer, Ken-| SEASONS OPEN AND CLOSE Det
-BY-— 12, died at her home Tuesday after Wait until you've seer Frank {neth Fidler, Alvin Seigrist, and| The trout fishing season in Penn- Erol
E O L three years illness. {above talented young ae mise Charles Kauffman were successful | sylvania closes on Saturday. Sunday cont
nei VY y yx Ele : ' . 5,
A \W IS WwW meet tor with the Gretna Playhouse cast| W. Luther Ulrich, Sp. (T) 3/c re- iP qualifying at the Camporee, : July "Ist, marks the opening of the SHOT GUNS RIFLES on 1
oo John J. Lawler in the Theatre Guild's famous [turned to Camp Peary, Va. after Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berntheizel, | bass and salmon season and Mon- ity
J. you folks are. a tot uf John J. Lawler, fifty-five, 127 New| Penna, Dutch comedy drama, “Papa | spending a 10-day furlough with his | Were visiting Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy | day it is legal to shoot ground hogs. BINOCULARS SUPPLIES id
Jou 8 a AF or i : ’ By ANCE an et ree :
trouble keeping a stiff upper lip in Haven St, died at 11:20 a. m. at St.l1; All family. On the last evening of his Young at Lane ster on Sunday. AMMUNITION 3 TELESCOPES of
these trying times, put a little Joseph's Hospital following a long This stage production, which has | furlough, he and Mrs. Ulrich enter- Misses Sara Jane Mummaw and] Everybody reads newspapers but PENNA. yy
starch tour coffee. That illness. A millwright by trade, he pbecime as great a favorite as “Til- | tained the.following friends at their | Ruth Staley, spent the week end at| NOT everybody reads circular ad- DISVILLE. PA gun
Br trick ? Be. Was born in Pheoenixville, Pa., a son Jie the Mennonite Maid,” opens to- | home: Mr. and Mrs. Nepin Free- | Mt. Gretna, visiting the Tronville | yertising left on their door step. nae fies
lieve it orthot 5 thought of that all f the late William and Mary Begler night, Thursday, June 28th, for one |land, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Greider, | who A there. rr Open 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. — Closed Mondays iii
L al © eh an 2 oo - iy,
by my sell |Lawler. He was a member of St. week on the stage of the Gretna | Mr. and Mrs. Ben Haverstick, and ay Seong - and Mes Eli Subscribe for the Bulletin. BUY SELL TRADE Oni
Mary's Catholic Church at Mt. Joy playhouse in what promises to be | son, Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Metz- | “2 oh 9rho Intermyer are ony 5 i
k AE hv eum: ox land the Fraternal Order of Eagles me of the highlights of the season | ger; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albright, Mr. | CUPIPE & cottage at Mt. Gretna this fe
You know, the way Sor Pe Lodge No. 832 and Loyal Order of it is about a Lancaster County | and Mrs. Harold Albright, Mrs. Geo. week. 4 : i)
press themselves iS most con neg. Moose, No. 218, at Norristown, Sur- Mennonite family. |Fornoff and daughters, Elizabeth, On Monday, July 2, 8 Daily Va- Swim At a I ——— x 3
A lady from Marietta R. D. took her viving are a daughter, Rita, wife of -— a Janet, Charlotte and Hazel, Marion cation Bible school, will be held in EVENINGS J O Y MATINEE ahr
su to 8 local doctor for treatment 5; muel Engle, Mount Joy; two y Ulrich and Glenn Kauffman. the Ironville school house, for two SHows SATURDAYS help
and when they entered she explain-, children; a brother William $ ; weeks. for the children of Ironville 7 AND 9:00 P. M. AND com;
ed: “It's his head, doctor. He's hadl{ : Ra i 0C oop ow ed S On Thursday evering, Mrs, John! 4 vicinity, the school will be in ount retna SATURDA T H EAT R E HOLIDAYS the
ed: Boat, coctor: on Lawler, West Chester; and three | Montgomery will be hostess to the! yo) ; il 2:00 P. M :
it.-on and off ever since he was... Mrs. Marie Drabich and Mrs. (From page 1) members of the Merry Maids class | of Bow, ahd Mrs Moun Ji P, — Dey
Js >> | young people will assist as teachers. Mount Joy, Pa. = Pfc.
of tl
Mr. Tomkins,
was intro-
Sam Dock,
Phoenixville, Railroad Company.
Consho- who is from
to the club by
See what I mean? |Nojjie Maiale, both of
Mrs. Martin
born.” — — — —
= Freeze, Lancaster,
of the United Brethren Sunday |


Speaking of doctors, a grade hocken. duced : :
in} Miss Bett ris visiti .
school girl was sent to her physician ticket agent at Mt. Joy and also ba- | tions fe iy Loder 2 visting her MARY G
7 1 VS us, Georgia.
to be treated for a cold. When she yp on by member of the club. Mr. Tomp- x a
ohn B. Hossler Kits spoke 10 the clih about tall | On Thursday eight Scouts accom- AL “PRACTICALLY YOURS
se renly-three, Ins spoke to 1e club about raill- Mount
returned home her mother inquired:
“Mary, did the doctor treat you?”
And Mary replied: “No, mpther, he!
charged me two dollars.”

There is a preacher in our midst
who should have his salary raised

Jol B. Hossler, ; ar
ohn B ossler ie said panied by their Scout Master from
Manheim, died at 1:30 a. m Tronvills: Re FT RA ———
day at his home after a long illness. that when people think of war they | or 5 Froop No. 55 went |
He 1 retired farmer and had/think of the battle of tanks, ships, c a, io attend the
been a director of the Keystone planes, bullets, and steel, but for- hg i which was held | '
National Bank at Manheim for the get to realize that there is also a Fin wi Bys. he Soonty os After a pleasant evening,
ept very busy for the three days | an enjoyable week-end,
a verre . big battle going on at home, the bat-
past thirty-five years. Hg | D18 going ’ shiv Sia bis : 2
Mr. Tomp- | P2SSIng tests and doing scout pro- or a few weeks vacation,
Thurs- roading and transportation.

was «
was «
beach umbrellas and chairs,



for making the following announce- member of the United Zion Church tle of Transportation. Tirta :
| : ects. The Pi Tree Patr
ment from his pulpit: “Fellow mem- of Manheim. Besides his wife, Fan- Kins went on to tell of the tremend- Hg of Ca wo] you return home-~to find AN
bers, the janitor and 1 will hold ournie Shelly Hossler, he is survived us problem that confronts the rail- |, = = rl Sear pL ‘bilo it ransacked, ang many
cight children; Jennie S., at roads, and the maginificent job they | “0 © SPT THEY: assistant (| familiar, objects .
patrol leader and William Geesey, gone. F canis of Dr H C Killh fer WEDNESDAY—THEUR Y, JULY 4.5
regular prayer meeting next Wed: by
home; Clayton S., Manheim; Harry are doing. He said that the P.R.
of I. alone has about 55,600 men in the

nesday evening as usual.”








day, you







twosome, ‘sliced their drives into the immediately, s : ;
rough, and went in search of thetruck and goes off. Much later in Eyes Examined
balls. They searched for a longthe day his spouse asks: “Couldn’t
time without success, while a dear you get any today?” Elwood
old lady watched them with kind looks quite sheepish for a minute
sympathic eyes, while sitting in and then grins and explains: “Yeah,
along the road. I had two dozen but somewhere be-
— — S., Manhesn R3; Fannie, wife 7] IY) 1 i
minister to » he does! David 1 sr. Manhe 1D: services. He also stated that ih 8) | self aga
Another minister tc Id me he does David ‘Mill r, Manheim RD; ; Her on big so a ult oUL Nr i 5 “NATIONAL ARN DANCE”
not mind members of his congrega-/man S., Lebanon County . Samuel the railroads have profited by the : i WILY, Bur insurance. IM
tion pulling out their watches on R. East Petersburg: Aida, wife of mistakes that were made in the first GARDEN pd EA i . early
him when he’s preaching, but it gets Daniel Lehman, Marietta; Dora, wife world war, with the result that ev- with Mon. & Wednes™8.5:30
his goat to have them put the darn, of Herman Ginder, Mt. Joy. I'wen- ery thing has clicked and all bottle HA OND'S 3 Fr en) ey TM. FRIDAY— SATURDAY, JULY 6-7
thing up to their ears to hear if ty-eight grandchildren, three of N€CKs eliminated. Mr. Tompkins SLU iSHO m ocung
they're going — — — — I think I'd whom are the armed forces; a bro- spoke highly of the fine cooperation 1 ara ALAN LADD — GAIL RUSSELL -in-
resent that too, considering he only|ther, Harvey, and a sister, Mrs. Siven the railroads by the military or 70 years home gag ! MARIETTA, PA. Telephone 24-R “SALTY O'ROURKE”
gets a chance once a week, to pin Stella Honafius, both of Elizabeth- police. Phone 2921 Tues Fri. Sat,
‘em down. town; also. survive, Mr. Tompkins said that Columbia 5 general purpose 9:30-1:00.2-5 P. M.
da The funeral was held at Hernley's | olds the record for the greatest oD
This isn’t local but it may give meeting house Sunday afternoon number of railroad cars passing at .
you a topic for discussion with interment in the cemetery ad-a given point in a given Rand r's
A surgeon, an architect and a pol- joining. period of time. This record was I only, it can -
jtician were arguing as to whose _— HEE PP SS previously held near Chicago, when liquid spray. Bicycl Shop UNCEMENT
profession was the oldest. Said the MT. JOY LIONS WIN FIRST 1 hoo) curs passed a given point 1 ELMER S. Prop. NN
surgeon: “Eve was made from Ad- LEAGUE GAME 7-4 wenty-four hours. The record that | <8 5-ib.
am’s rib, and that surely was a The Mt. Joy Lions Softball team goes to Coliimbia is 18,700 cars pas- LIQUID SLUG SHOT 12 N. MAR I. MOUNT Joy.
surgical operation.” “Maybe”, said traveled n Hormeist wr Werines ing the tower at Columbia in 24 1-oz. battle. ak een $0.38 { (Opry the Fire House) . ill
. eve 13 an 00K a (-4 decCislo "Ol Ours “his gives some ides we even. rE
the architect, “but prior to that, {hip This is their sec- hout Chi giv 3 idea of the Available at hardware, drug Bi i R - i No Co ections Wi Be Ma e
order was created out of chaos, and ond straight victory, the first was lous problem for the battle or seed stores, or direct. iecycie epairing ;
me an architectual iob.” a n-league game th the local of Transportation. FREE: Spraying and .
that was an architectual job.” “Buta non-leagu me with if | I p g
a tian, somebody Club. winning by the slight Mr. Tompkins finished his talk Dusting Chart: & Dara or e Next rge ondays
interrupted the politician, somebody rie of pking ishec : J
had to create the chaos first, and yy. Sov Lions. RH E with some information on the new TT PNT Chi AICAL.CO Baby Cab Tiring
that's where I come in” '— — — —IBerrier, ¢ .,...... Gn 1 1 types of locomotives being used on LEAL LIAS | STORE HOURS: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. D 16
Now what do you think? Kunkle, 1b ............ ... 0 1 othe P. R. R. One in particular was 10 Ferry St., BEACON, N. Y,
3b ... creas : ] he new steam turbine locomotive, ? 3 WEEN IN NEED OF
£5 Mumma, p ....... 2 sor haiti tim 3 2s en
Have you heard the sad case of Barr cg .. . D rp nuns Bow being used from Barrishug to Crushed & Building Due To Ov crow ed Conditions
the actor who fell off a ship passing Sprecher ....... 1 4 ¢/Chicago, built by the Saldwin Loco- 4
a lighthouse. He drowned, poor Bhiglan 2h ... 0 2 0molive works. In conclusion Mr. S T oO BE
1s : : 3 Si Phi 0 2 0 Tompkins d that the P. R. R. i i
thing, swimming circles round the I I > R.R. is :
oo Ir the soalight, — 327 Barnhart, 0 1 ahead, and one of the fea- CEMENT, SAND/ or Absolutely Essential
thing to keep in the spotlight. Clayt. Newcome 0 0 0 ;
— — If you hadn't heard it be- tures of their post war planning is CONCRETE BLGICKS, Work for Civilians will receive consideration Saturdays
fore, I'll wager you're plumb sorry Totals hissed. 3 to have employment for all of its] SILLS, LINTEL ! .
you did now, cause it sure is corny. Hum Lions “0 0 0 STEEL SASH
Sr Maricna. 1b 2 1 0 ; OVERHEAD AGE
Went to Barnum and Bailey's cir-Fasio, ss ................... 0 1 0 There is no better way to boost | DOO H A R R Y B RR O O K S
cus in Philadelphia last week, and Eisenhur, 3b 1 your business than by local news- | y 3 ASPHAL VING.,
1 > BESO, I «ss eisai 0 anor adv ic |
after the show started, a very heavy Hende Be hy I 0 1 1 Paper advertising. KRALL S eat Market MASQO 4 .
man was maneuvering through our peg if © 70 0 0 vw HH ; CONCITE WORK Cleaning and Dyeing
aisle to get to his seat. “Pardon Mathias, ef . : .... 0 1 0 Patronize Bulletin advertisers. : West Main SF. Mt. Joy For Prompt and Courteous Service
me,” he sid to the woman on my Burrige, rf 0 0 0 ki
left, “did I step on your foot?” Matson, 2b ................ gov ET UB TTR ALEC PREC SAMUEL N STAUFFER FLORIN, PENNA.
Quite annoyed because he kept her! mp i 1. : 15 3 THE b> oie Rs iY . |
from seeing part of the show, she’ Home Run—Art Sprecher i MT. JOY, PA. g
ied: “Possibly so. All the ele- Res. 902.R-14 Office 903.R-13 3
Bg e in 30 ing Evervbody In thi lity reads NYY NVA AN LOY NINO ON 0 ON oN ANSON LIN ONIN IY ON 0A a Uh sansa LYON SN A Uh a as ana
phants are still ou . ere Veryoody In ee sey ie hE ; EEX DODO LOX DX DO DOD DO DX DO BO Bo Bal Bo Bot Ba Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo BR TX TIO IO IR OR POR I LO OR BOR DOR oo Tod PI TT a Se ere er
so you must have.” — — — — — The Bulletin—that’s why its adver- TE 3 TT dT 1] Abs Si
Wasn't that nasty? tisers get such excellent results. oF \ . RI a
: 3 KI
2 = 4 | 3 EN
Which reminds me, Shave Engle invented a game which in some re- La @® 20%
told me he’s had a lot of disappoint- spect resembles golf. We know a 3 3 a
ments in his life, but none stands couple guys who have been playing 3 a
mT TB oe i has — WOMEN — GIRLS ©
that came to him when he was a me en f alts 2
as visiting a relative i I hate to do t but just can't 4 . . oe a
boy. He was visiting a relative oy : Tv ok rt ~~ i Yes, will! Papa is sdrict | 2 ' RI A
another town, and one evening heresist i woos Marin ‘was Low even Mama get syne fun ou | ke ae 3
meaked out to look the place over to bring home two dozen eggs the But when Emma goes to a s 7
and seeing a large tent in an open other day, which he did, but upon trouble really makes, ain't! Ex 5
. i } | 26% y 1 : T I T
field he crawled under the “big arriving home he put the eggs on a - — Ba IN AN ESSEN IAL xX I E INDUS RY
0p”! to see a circus and discovered the running board of the truck Better Than “Tillie The Mennonite Maid” 2 3 i {
1 . issi 2s
it vival meeting while he unpacked Just as he Curtain, 8:15 P. M. — Admission, 83¢c Plus Tax ots XT i
Ee d him } MANUFAC URING 4] |
BR started, his Mrs. told him he was to a a
Jim and Art, while playing a deliver some milk to a local store an ° pH
oie bom © ue x Woolen Materials Need] Baglly In Europe and America i
po pis
- a

I Time or Part Time
F==D RR,
You Can

NV enn ee


At last, after the search had pro- tween here and the store is a bag of O P
for three quarters of an scrambled eggs cause I forgot they EY a ;
" 2 : 3 ate) { 4 DTH
hour, {she spoke to them, saying: I were on the running board and 8 HOURS EL | | x
A'm_not. intersuptifig, - gentle- they're not there now.” - - Tsh, ish. Moose Bldg. ; ule AND AUGUST te
. esa. © 10.5 snd ap . Ec ts
that), but would "it be ren aes ey. $ to y and 6:30 to 8 | 3 x
if I told you where the Ike says golf liars have one ad- .. 905 | | as
2” _ __ _ _ The rest isvantage over the fishing kind Elizabethtown Fehler. 9 to 5 and 6:30 to 8 | 5 = a
ens ithey don’t have to show anything i turday, 9 to 5 and 6:30 to 8 MOUNT Joy, PENNA. . :
a — ito prove it. ai: :
; fai ve A WISE OWL PHONE 334] | shoes ncn; GE Nb 1 OYA A Eh Eh ta ss ai baat aot sms ees
$s largo man claims to ha ARSE a Summ er ones ena Se eS Eee Fra as Fo ER Ry 2
Fy 3 tartar Ars a sr al
2! |