The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 21, 1945, Image 6

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i 0
REG’LAR FELLERS—Ideal Proving Ground

{The Bulletin, Mt, Joy, Pa. Thursday, June 21, 1945 on Dillinger Reports
HONOR LOCAL MAN | : pd ots one Leer)
{nounced that the Rotary Club ¢§ ot PRETTY GOOD




Mr. Richard M. Fletcher was ap- | ag Rea + Inv
pointed by Mr. J. Harold Haag, 22! Feam would Ike lo pia the | FISHIN' LINE. ANYTHING YOU WANT | DONT Hol
president of the Lancaster Chapter [407s Club in the Boro Park next FOR. TH' DOLGH- IN A GENERAL STORE. / NEED'T’ Wo
of the National Association of Cost Tuesday at 7 p. m. The challange | HOW'S AROUT PUT A LAKE. OR STEP OUTA indust
Accountants to ers ASSO tate W accepted, and we hop both | AY TRYOUT? A STREAM TH STORE. T'TRY ips
& S se > at ASsoclate er ¢ J
Sv . L: i { will have plenty of substi- ies THIS, MISTER at Ma
Director of Membership on the Li hand’ Shice . Middletown) — = oy LEMME SHOW YA garde
Board Directors for the 1945-46 : an a Se tl £ SOMEPIN'! ing
chapter vear Lior Club will not have a Soft | A
I year, 3411 1 the I 1 hedule pre- | 7
Mr. Fletcher is the son of Mr, and Ball team the League schedu © pre Reb
Mrs. Fred Fletcher, 130 Delta St., VI usly announced will remain the | i i"
13 a i Ee ce : [1 ac
Mount Joy, and is employed in the SAMe with the exception that all ea
Accounting Department of the Col- mes in which Widdietown was to |
umbia Malleable Castings Corpor- ye participated, will he omitted | = Ww
ation, Columbia. Pa I'he next regular meeting will be | at 5% 4 {
i at Hostetter’s on Tuesday July | LL aR CC Ti wan an Fights reserved.

His appointment is justifiable de- Id :
3rd at 6:15 p. m. and the attend ce |
servent as a member who has taken * 1 | = a a In
real interest in the affairs of the urn jos 0 © Pro ; John Hertzler, Morgantown, WE HAVE |
make the attendance 100%
‘hapter and demonstrate hat in- = |< , illersvi [
BY is ob py ) arr io t ES *|Sec., and Ira Herr, Millersville, MARY G. NISSLEY
{ ersiste activity o = : wait ; un sy or Barto Ps | | ail
MENNONITE CHILDREN'S HOME Tre: is. Witmer Barge, A. K. Mann, | QUALITY { 2 ; urd

A W ISE OW 1 jest of the chapter. Mr. 1 hs Hertzler were reelected as
has won the admiration and high ELECTED ITS OFFICERS Lo fo ohn 2 A 4 4d Mount Joy, Pa.
en it rosboct of Bis follaw ol Th. on eating of To tees for three years, and Ivan | .
respect of his fellow members, in The 36th annual meeting of the [Weaver Borerdlle. waa: wl M EATS BINOCULARS GUN SHOP SUPPLIES oy
SALUNGA., -:- PENNA. distril
» Children’s Home Associ-
not si

fill the unexpected term of Jacob
I have just been told by our print- the short time he has been a mem-/Mennonite
Mellinger, Leidersburg, who re-
in the Millersville
ers’ devil, Bobby, that in his final ber, by writing an article for pub- ation was held
English exam at the close of the lication in the Association’ Bulletin Mennonite Church, with Bishop | °
: ; ‘ i : ly .o | Signed. A
term, one question called for a col- issued semi-monthly, The title of Christian Lehman, of Lancaster R2 di Swim t y
lective noun, and without even hesi- the paper was “Imagination and the presiding. KRALL eat dr et
Everybody reads newspapers but
tating he wrote down, as his ex- Clerk”, and was accepted with great Simon Heistand, Salunga, was el- : r Ss E TRADE
k and interest by the sident of the association; | NOT everybody reads circular ad- ount reina West Main St., Mt. Joy | BUY SELL El

Open 9 2, m. to 9 p. m. — Closed Mondays






ample “Flypaper” — — — Would enthusiasm pres
yeu argue about it? [Chapter and Headquarters at New Martin Rutt, Elizabethtown, Vice- vertising left on their door step.
York City. The credit received : . ss ATT
Since all these nice boys are com-|from headquarters for this paper a La e eacC > 5 i 2 L 0
ing back from service, A comly Was instrumental in the Lancaster f : :
blonde frem uptown, said: “Oh, 1 Chapter meeting its Stevenson Tro- > “Pennsylvanias Beauty Spot” ig El C
wish I were an oyster.” “Of all Phy Competition Budget for Publi- A erty S
things, why an oyster,” I wanted to cations for chapter year just ended Al L NEW : HIS YEAR ¥ Many improvements — picnic ceives
know. So she explained: “Cause The points received enabled the > tables — ocean sand beach — i
nobody expects an oyster to be good chapter to finish among the first fif beach umbrellas and chairs, porter
at this season.” — — Look out, teen chapters out of seventy-nine BOND BROS. tc by roasti
soldier ! other chapters completing for the Gls Sie the 1
va Stevenson Trophy. output
; — ie PLAY 10US 1
Today (and I mean these hot —_— PLAY THE FAMOUS MOUNT ly fe
days) American redskins are found TE GRETN A Pl AYERS GRETNA GOLF COURSE 8 trades
on reservations, and on our bathing| 0) ’ 1 A a ry he PIANAAAANAAAANAANAAAN Penns
beaches. y is ie EY ; ; and V
Te i T (IMAL ANNEX SY | os
Now for a bedtime story—— W ith WIL D Ww ES and AN AL | Az: 1 . i /
There was once a considerate hus- | filler a Pe jemi Senin yas can g an ANI Lois ! i
band who had his suits made with “ Qe { , 3 oh enjoydole RE Na el : M
: x : 2:30-8:15p.m.—~ONE DAY ONLY PricesQ:| or « tow wooks vacation ar a cel d
only one pocket. It saved his wife { ! |
so much time at night, | : 52 Teun home —to find 2
BE B 5 a y it ransacked, and many
One of our Beau Brommels took ? > familiar, valuable objects
his girl boating at Hershey on Sun- 5 gone. For a few cents a The
day and after they were in mid- |} En e day, you can protect your- life te
stream the girl exclaimed: “Quick, 8 self against linancial loss | | progre
turn back, the boat is leaking.” And burglary insurance. fort ir
her boy friend bravely answered: { ly em
‘Don’t get so excited. It's only . Marief
leaking at one end. We'll sit at the Comp
other.” - - - Isn’t he brave? WwW Y g | merite
- " ry . .
————— SEE: Troupe of 7 sensational acrobats. m. oun erating
Orne of the fellows who took a job i ma MARIETTA, PA. | vices
at Pearl Harbor says that kissing SE. Ei cw THE WHIRL OF DEATH Phone 2921 i firm it
his girl goodbye was like eating able discharge fi hic ar- ; Qua
soup with a fork. It took a long H DS yu Te, from eM Clowns - Trained Animals - Educated Horses | :
SO c > my, William C., Tubbs, (above), ha SEE: Holl { Stars 1 H red thiills and | | a emplo;
long time to get enough. returned to the profession he knows * . Holl »lars and a hundrec |
“a so well—-the theatre and the audi- EHC R dl :
Overheard a slight domestic = . mn ONLY RGE shaw here this var! an er 8S UNE 22, the
% ences at the Gretna Playhouse, Mt I'he ONLY LARGE CIRCUS to shaw here this y»ar! | ° J up {1 3 a
squabble tcday and finally the wife Gretna, were given an opportunity — — : : Bicycle Shop line coupon goes
decided to try for sympathy to win furing the opening week to sce how Circus shows Monday, June 25—¥phrata, Tuesday June | ohn i increase i Doir
; xclaimed: * Tng “ho Obaming Week wae 26 — Lititz, Wednesday, June ELMER S. RANDLER, Prop. at 507
her point, so she exclaimed: “I do good he really is when dominated 2 N wh a oH v > Y . en t mean the © JANE PARKER JELLY i plan «
not know why you argue with me many. of the scenos in “Three's: A | 2 N. M/ RKET ST. MOUNT JOY. it does or 4 3 :
today. Every bone in my body Familv®. the opening attraction | (Opposite the Fire House) Admost © " cond} | Unitec
amily , ung «till a 5 . 2 Ie
hurts. But instead of swmpathizing, . : 2 | . ! There's st that wi turing
which to exceptionally large crowds 8 mm {y lines
threat TE teres . | . a supply T od tree
her hubby retorted: “If every bon for so early in the season Bicycle Repairing air and sea 1 me most out i Street,
In your body hurts, be glad you're Mr. Tubbs, who has one of the fi- § Accessories & Parts | of fuel. important to get i” your ol¢ 3 Drogre
not a herring. nest records of any young character | se | So it’s extra tion by keepit 2 age |
ss actor, has another fine part in the § Baby Cab Tiring of the extra fos 22 i de a The
3 - ctor, 1 { of t/ on.
Two 7-year-old boys were sitting second week's production, “Out of | STORE HOURS: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. | car in good condi cafe. Drop 110 a a and sa
cn the post office steps this morning, | Frying Pan”. ‘which opens A Sass lay safe — and be near you for re oa sold
making faces at each other. One of| po C'S WEEN IN NEED OF Pp ” Atlantic dealer 8 tives, batery 2) re
r Ice froin for} kb NE TAIL "3° \ r rg i ndly cups 4
our local men who was going in for io performer ha Pp x i ONIGH i * § Crushed & Building frie i careful chee . ducts
his mail at the time, walched the peared in 87 motion pictures and ha . hie auc oling ! ste ey ting new n spectio
= awhile het la : Se : Gui £59 co putt £
said: “I'll bet I can make a worse ductions from coast to coast. In Another Side-solitting Comedy An Ne her on A yo - Ga: ’ 0S
face than either of you.” The one np. wesrs epic production “Cath-§ CEMENT, SAND, the old Leads brication with At i manag
Au a anag
Atlantic KS 1 —

of course. to start:
Today is §
little fellow looked up at him anc erine Was Great” he enacted six dif- SILLS, LINTELS
MASONRY and A A A EB yi : Lo
For Prompt and Courisons Service |. ! a LL | | Compa
ood time
“Out Of The Frying Pan” |
|b Sp
“xr he able
answered: “You ought to be able ferent roles at various times during

to, Look at the face youve got tO the New York rur
start with. The During his service in the Army,
man took a hasty leave and vowed} +o produced and played in

to mind his own business from then the first all-army show to play be-
on, fore a civilian audience since 1917
it three and three actors seek-
Laugh loaded play ab



~~ - His original 32 scene musical come-
Heard a fellow say that Europe’s| 4, “Keep Mum Chum” brought him ing parts in stage hit Producer, living in apartment below |
greatest need the past year was ie special citation from the war de them, eniers their lives when their bathtub overflows . . . But {
boundary lines with Zippers. . . Y that's inst the start of their trouble. | ter has
boundary lines with Zipper P t for his york as author and 1 GASOLINE o MOTOR CIL LUBRICATION SERVICE arly
ps irector of army shows. ea . ; Sn ! .
A four month married hubby ex- —_— te — — Curtain, 8:15 P. M. — Admission, 83c Plus Tax MT. JOY, PA. taste o
claimed to his pal of bachelor days BOND BROTHERS STAR | Res, o03: R. 14 oOffica 903 R-18 J o ° who a
“A wedding ring may not cost much ¥ hind le 8 PLS SVAN VON SON Sah aN Ade Ue he db bebe eh SIRO se ana a se sey a“, in bres
but holy blazes what an 1p~- STUDDED CIRCUS s, its Tur eR oR eT eT ene Tm ee FoR eR eR eR oR eRe ou eum enh Sl pT SANA ar. af 4 ducts
1 ig 7 Sy PIR 3 ' Bond Brother Circu w i EE Sam CET a. Ph ke | 1b; RS ers
keep!” — — — Boy, he ain't kiddin! a PRU all of
ELS NE playing in several nearl town EVENINGS MATINEE E a a field
TH : vo features many world-famous Acts SHows SATURDAYS le 0s re
Our Dumb Dora is 50 dumb that atl Ses I Hert sion thee 7 AND $:00 P. AND BX ®» 2: Willi
when her date called her “a regular is the Ds of Sevan. seria SATURDAYS HOLIDAYS {50s RIS of exp
Venus,” because she wasn't all sits a : = 6-83.10 P.M. 2:00 P. M. | 85 a a | ated si
Be Sr = Spin do Ne i MEN — BOYS — WOMEN — GIRLS © |
featured in every big city news- Brn ass Rica Et 2k
per in the United State FRIDAY—SATURDAY, JUNE 22-23 2b ae i brewm:
Phyllis came forth with this—— Paper in the Ui == arias yn Se 2 ; skills a
w. : h at The act is so unique and attract- LANA TURNER — LARAINE DAY -in- R183 3 ; skills
A Woman was sitting in a booth a : I p ” oe a of serv
7 t at uch magazines as Ale 1 . gd »
Sloan's eating a pineapple sundae Ive, that such magazines as Life, “KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY Ee oe an
when a man entered and ordered a3? Yank have all acciaimed it. I | wih > ‘ A Si
: : great skill and charm the icrobat ne QQ 1 1 <5 rE 4 er pins
chocolate soda. How did she know Seat skill and charm these ace MONDAY, JUNE 25 | ge IN AN ESSENTIAL TEXT ILE INDUST RY 200 i
he was a sailor?” So Dotty asked: "3V€ NO beers ond, rolaers & : | ats, 31% i
. 9 hieh VEry proud to present them for ) IE 2s
[How «lid she know?" To which VI DICH BOND PREMIERE ~ 38:00 p.m. | i EX The
Phyllis exclaimed: “Because he had a J on Fr : Bites: i ; . " a M A N uU F AC T U R I N G an
a sailor suit on” — —— — Is that “ama “rank anc fd airing # Sonja Henie in “IT'S A PLEASURE | : ox J ————
. the W i of Deatr ther t= ME ® I
EEL Fae er Tr © Woolen Materials Needed Badly In Europe and America
2 a traction that w so Sit aus ooien aterials eeae ay in urope an merica i |
v here } ; Julv 4th, bered, while Miss Lu with TUESDAY, JUNE 28 i —— a —————— x. Eve
Yessir, here it is, almost July 4th : . “ 3 le ye
3 her chair in the air w thrill both ARD ARNOLI “ne "MAIN S {EET AFTER = Pe
won't be no time atall until school 3s - Ee 0 ’ EDWARD ARNOLD -n MAIN STREET AFTER DARK aE WE HAVE SPACIFIC JOBS FOR ELDERLY MEN NE i
starts and the kids have Christmas? i uA 8 oo ¢ —ALSO- a 0
Bond Brothers W ir wear? 3s 2 ta
vacation. 2 N. ising ihe Bor Park NOAH BEERY -in- "UNDER WESTERN SKIES R31 ° reas Tus p
A WISE Mount Joy, sing te orcugh, Pork iw You Can Apply For Full Time or Part Time i | | di
giving a RI
Tig show, on Thursday, June 28, and WEDNESDAY-—THURSD JUNE 27-28 nr 3s
Patronize Bulletin advertisers. flow, on ! a Tis RIS : Id
1, Wr Preval.. bong BING CROSBY — BETTY HUTTON -in- Ne : po
Bros m t Vi t J \ EC nN : Pa
”» 3 Ea
iter Mahalo or “HERE COME THE WAVES Rs 5 3 wii ps
day 5, Ephrata T . an il G pr ]
2 : itz, Weds z. 8 FRIDAY—SATURDAY. JUNE 29-30 a 9 at
i ——— . hs E24
Bvervbadv reads tewspeners but FRED MACMURRAY — CLAUDETTE COLBERT -in- ate MOUNT JOY, PENNA. a 3
IT evervbodv seats: zd “PR ICALLY YOURS” 2 a:
NOT ev bod re ads : ar ad- PRACTI gs ALL = Pannen; SAN sen NE ANT IN SA ATI een RR RS SR WSEAS ae aes, Jos J
vertising leit on their coor step. A EE | 400 ToD To To PL Ao TP AAD PO Pe Po XE ED oO SR DO OX SOR STR SOR SH TS oo ET ST a ST Tn, mm
TT rt ht lo a Tr 8 rem alone Aron wo ne a at ra Fone Ran many . fon on ng. ne sine Rett as A Se ak us
AERA 0A hn ges