The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 24, 1945, Image 3

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Rates for this column are 25¢ pes
insertion. If over five lines, 5c oni
fine each insertien, all payable

LOST: Lady’s Black Buxton Wallet
containing auto license, gas hook
and insurance papers, Reward.
Esther Grider, Columbia R. D. 1.
WANTED: A Reed Stroller
hood. Mrs. Chatterton,
Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
rr with
ORGAN cheap to quick buyer. Hess
Music Shoppe, 21 E. High, E-town.
Open Sat. only 10 to 10.
Open Sat. only 10 to 10, 524'1t
FOR SALE: White or yellow sweet
potato sprouts. Apply Jno. K. Ear-
hart, R2, Mt. Joy, Stauffertown.
FOR SALE: Baled straw. Geo. Gar-
ber Estate, Mount Joy, R2, Phone
127R4. 5117'2t
FOR SALE: Used Westinghouse
Refrigerator. Apply rear 210 East
Main St., Mt. Joy. 524 1tp
HELP WANTED: Girl 18 years or
over for full time work as telenhone
operatar in Mount Joy Exchange.
Call Miss Carrie Ney, Mt. Joy Ex-
change. 517'tf
FOR SALE: Plant Stark Montmore-
ncy Sweet sour cherry trees. Bear
two years of age. Amishman near
Intercourse says they bore for him
in 15 mos. His name on request.
Free catalog. Ammon S. Grayhill,
Route 2, Lititz, Penna. Stark Nurs-
ery Salesman. 5/172tp
WANTED: Woman to clean Tele-
phone Exchange, several hours per
week. Apply Miss Ney, chief
operator, Mt. Joy. 510:tf
WANTED: Man to farm 2 to 4 acres
of tobacco, Choice tobacco ground,

two miles Northeast of Erismans
Church. Phone Manheim 26R23.
510 tf
NOTICE!—-Why suffer from Oak or
Ivy Poisining when you can get in-
stant relief by using prescription
No. 700084 Combined and sold by E.
W. Garber, 21 Mt. Joy St. 5-10-41
WANTTD: Girl for domestic work
in family of three, may, make home
with family. Apply P. O. Box 85. S.
R., Mount Joy, Pa. 4/19'tf
FOR QUICK SALES: list vour
properties with B. F. Peffer, 16 S.
Third St., Columbia, Pa. Phone
mw. 412'tf
FOR RENT: Six room house, elect-
ric lights, attic and cellar, water
spigot in kitchen. one-half mile
east of Risser’s Mill, along macadam
road from Manheim to E-town. 4
mile to E-town and 7 mile to Mt.
Joy. Call in person or phone Willis
G. Christ, E-town phone 928R?25.

general housework, several days a
week. Inquire at the Bulletin, or
Phone Mount Joy 41-J.

eight exposure roll developed and
printed plain or deckle edge, 25¢
(coin). Reprints 3¢ each. Minimum
order 25c¢. Capital City Photo Ser-
vice, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa.

SALE-Only used once. Used for
pumping water out of cellars, ditch-
es ete. Price $6.00. Call The Bulle-
tin, Mount Joy. 11130/tf
WANTED--More People to use our
classified columns and turn useless
articles around their homes into
cash by advertising them in this col-
umn. Try it. 2-4-tf
WANTED: Used cars bought and
sold. Any make or year model will
be nurchased if in good condition.
Paul H. Stern, 329 W. High St.
Manheim, Pa. Phone 93. 8'17/tf
Sealed bils will be received by
the Mount Joy Town-
ship School board for the installa-

tion of ligh's in the following
Sunnyburn, Bellaire, Fairview,
Milton Grove, Cherry Hill, Florin,
Mt. Pleasant, Joint and Grandview.
Specifications can be obtained
and bids must be sent to C. Musser
Heisey. Secretary. not later than
June 9h. The Board reserves the
rieht to reject any or all bids. 524 3t

INSULATION: Comfortize your
home the Johns Manville way —
Laboratory Tested Performance —
Greater Fuel Savings — Maximum
Summer Comforts—Call Lanc. 21141
Home Insulation Co. of Central
Penna. 53/tf

Hours For Eve Examinations
8:30 to 12:00 a. m., 1:00 to 5:00 p. m.
220 N. Duke St. Lancaster, Pa.
Phone 7529 Lanc. for Appointment

Mr. and Mrs. Phares S. Wenger
entertained at a wedding reception
last Thursday evening at Hostetter's
Dining Hall in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Phares C. Wenger Jr, who
were recently married. Mrs. Wen-
uth L. Smith,
News In This
edi ger was the former
Hrs IN MT. JOY AND daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
COMMUNITY. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Phares C. Wenger, Helen Miller,
Sanford Boll, Alice I.ehman, Edna
| Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. Norman
| Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brene-
Kraybill's Mennonite Church
East Donegal Twp.
Sunday, May 27
(From page 1)
with her daughter, Mrs. Aaron
Shank. She also leaves two sons: |
John, of Florin and Rev. Samuel, of |
| Wednesday,
| Samuel M. Frey
| Samuel M. Frey, eighty-five, died
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
William Haines, Newtown, at 2:15
la. m. Thursday of a complication of
diseases after an illness of eight
weeks. He formerly resided with
his son, Samuel C. Frey, of Lititz,
Chief Marshall

| man,
| Miriam and Mervin Franck, Mr. and
Sunday School 9 a. m.
Mennonite Church
Mount Joy Samuel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Franck, |
Mrs. Moses Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. |
| He was a son of the late Michael
|and Sarah Meck Frey and was a | Reformed Sunday School
| member of Erb’s Mennonite Church,
{His wife, Amanda Christ Frey, died |
Memorial Services
Maytown, Penna.
May 30, 1945
AT 5:30 P. M. EW.T.
Mervin S. Arnold
Aids—Color Guards—Massed Flags—Shawnee Band
; World War Service Flags I, II
Wm. Brenner Post American Legion, Marietta, Pa.
Veterans — Girl Scouts —
East Donegal High School Band
Church of God Sunday School
Reich's Evangelical Sunday School, Lutheran Sunday
- Boy Scouts
Sunday, May 27
Et ar Gard |
man J. Smith, Lehman Smith, Ruth |20 years ago. He is survived by 3
| Brill, Ammon Smith, John Wenger, | children, Nathan C. Frey, Ephrata;

"William C. Rehm, Att'y
Sunday School 9 a. m.
7:15 p.m. Y. P. M. and Sermon. |
{ Also Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cassel,
[| Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cassel, Mr.
Mrs. John Cassel, Mrs. Paul
Donegal Presbyterian Church
Rev. John D. Tate, Pastor
Senge: May 27, 1945 : sel, Mrs. Jacob Mumma, Mr.
950 Church School Mrs. Adam Espenshade, Mr. and
6:30 p. m. Westminster Fellowship Mrs. Rufus Wenger, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Wenger, Mr. and Mrs. Noah
| Wenger, Victor and Melvin Wenger,
| : :
| Nettie Sweigart, Richard Wenger,
| Grace Landis, John Mumma,
| Allen Gall, John Henry Lutz, Mr.

Salunga Methodist
Rev. John S. Hinkel, Minister
Sunday, May 27
9:30 a. m. Sunday School.
Miss Alice Strickler, Supt.
7:30 p. m. Divine Worship
Church Of God
Rev. H. M. Mumper, Pastor
Sunday, May 27
9:30 Church School
10:30 a. m. Morning Worship.
| Mrs. Otto Somers, Mr. and Mrs.
| Martin Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
| Risser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lutz,
| Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bomberger,
|Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oberholtzer,
| Betty Shue, Ellen Gantz, Frances
: | Oberholtzer, Jean Mumma, Fannie
E Soslety | Myers, Mrs. Clinton Eby, Mrs. Wm.
| Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Hostet-
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship.
Wednesday: {
{ter and Mr. and Mrs. Phares S
7:30 Mid-week Prayer service. I .
8:30 Choir Rehearsal eee J
Trinity Evingeliesl Cong. Clmeh | ANNUAL POPPY SALE NOW
1 4 Minnich, Pastor The Annual Poppie Sale is now in
Sunday, May 7 | full swing and every citizen should
9:30 a. m., Sunday school. | : :
* - a : : | be wearing one of these memorial
Mr. Earl Kaylor, Superintendent. |
| flowers:
10:30 a. m. Morning Worship, | Velorans of
7:20 Evening Worship World War II are expected to be
Tuesday |

"7.x | among the first to buy a poppy.
7:30 p. m. Young People’s Society | ,.., g ¥ a pepby to
a Those on the home front wish
Meeting in Church. |
[to show that they remember and
Men’s Bible Class at Chure : :
en’s Bible Class at Church. revere those who died in both wars,
{and to do this, they wear the poppy.
| This little red flower expresses for
us feelings that are too deep to put
into werds. It is one way of telling
the heroic dead that we will all do
best to “keep up the good fight”
| The Girl Scouts are now offering
| poppies for sale to everyone.
First Methodist Church, Mt. Joy
Rev. John S. Hinkel, Minister
Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt.
Sunday, May 27
9:30 a. m. Sunday School
10:30 a. m. Divine Worship
7:30 p. m. Methodist Youth Fel-
8:00 p. m. Senior Choir,
| Mount Joy. There is no fixed price
| for a poppy-—whatever is given is
| welcome. The little boy’s pennies
land the business man’s dollar are
It is hoped that
Gospel Tabernacle
Rev. Roy S. Forney, Pastor.
S ay, May 27
unday, Mey %7 equally acceptable.
Jana Mrs. Emory Miller, Mr. and |
World War I and
| On Poppy Day the women of the |
Auxiliary will offer to everyone in |
| Mrs. William Haines,
| Mrs. Ellen Adams, Manheim; and
|Samuel Frey, Lititz; also thirty
the armed forces; 32 great
| .
| children, and one brother,
rey, Ephrata.
The funeral was held
| afternoon at Hess
| Church, near Lititz, with interment
in the cemetery adjoining.
| John A. Reisinger
John A. Reisinger, seventy-five,
| died at 1 p. m. Wednesday at the
{home of his son, James S. Reisinger,
| Bainbridge R1. He was in
| Perry County, and had been a resi-
| dent of Conoy Township for 31 years
| He was a member of St. Luke’s Lu-
| theran Church, Bainbridge.
| survived by the following children:
| Joseph, Marietta; Mrs. Lloyd Tome,
| Lititz R1; James S. Bainbridge R1;
| and Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Smith. | Mrs. Sallie Musser, Silver Springs; |
Newtown; |
3 AEs ances (aS s .
Sheffer, Mr. and Mrs. Frances Cas | grandchildren, nine of whom are in |
Mennonite |
He is |
| Roland M., Bainbridge; Karl, Bain- |
[bridge R1; Pfc. Charles A., with the
(U. S. Army in Luxembourg; Mrs.
| Harry Poole, Chase, Md.; 22 grand-
| children and four great-grandchil-
| dren. He was the last of his family.
The funeral will be held at Bain-
| bridge Saturday afternoon with in-
| terment there.

Miss Elizabeth H. Brubaker
Miss Elizabeth Hershey Brubaker,
| cousin, Miss Clara Hershey, at 168
| Lincoln St., Steelten, at 6 p. m.
Sunday. Miss Brubaker was born
eighty-six, died at the home of her |
| Mrs. Mervin Arnold
|in Landis Valley, a daughter of the |
late Benjamin D. and Mary Hershey
| Brubaker. She
| Florin for many years until three
and was taken to the home of her
was a resident of
months ago when she became
| cousin at Steelton. She was a mem=-
ber of the United Brethren Church
| at Florin and of the Missionary So-
by three foster John and
| Charles Anderson, Florin; and Aus-
| cousins. She was the
9:30 a. m. Bible School, arti in : :
: A ihe hool, Martin | every citizen will be wearing the |
Wolgemuth, superintendent, feel eS 1 Tig 1
: : | crimson badge by mightfall of May
10:30 a. m. Worship, sermon. i op
7.90 Worshi | 26th.
(oD. m. Veorship, selon Every cent that is given for
Mixed Chorus.
Special music | +t:
; | poppy goes toward the rehabilita-
| tion of disabled fighting men and to
the aid of the children of the dead
| and disabled. These victims of war’s
| disaster will be glad to see the pop-
| pies blooming on wheels again this
7:30 p. m. prayer service,
7:45 Scripture Memorizing Class.
45 p.
m. Chorus Rehearsal.
WANTED: Tool maker or machinist |
Apply New Standard Corp. 4/12]tf| These memorial poppies are made
ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE! |of red crepe paper, by hand, by
Estate of Frank E. Felty, late
East Donegal Township, deceased.
Letters of administration on said
estate having been granted to the
{ poppy workrooms in forty states.
The workers receive pay for each
undersigned, all persons indebted poppy the . material being
thereto are requested to make im- furnished by the Department
mediate payment, and those having |in the state in which the hospital is
claims or demands against the same,
will present them without delay for |
sttlerna he rsigne vas lw : 5 Yi
settlement the undersigned, re FOOD SALE, JUNE 15TH
siding at Maytown, Pa,
CHARLES F FELTY | The Ladies Aid Society of Trinity
Administrator | Church will hold a Food
John W. Beyer, Att'y
Estate of William E. Hendrix
late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancas-
ter Coundy, Penna., deceased. {
Letters of administration c.t.a. |
on said estate having been granted |
to the undersigned, all persons in-

. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. G. M. Rutter, Pastor
Trinity Sunday
9:15 Church school.
10:30 Holy Eucharist

debted thereto are requested to
make immediate payment, and | Young People 7.00.
those having claims or demands | Wednesday, St, Mary's Guild at |
against the same, will present them | Mrs, Brown's.
without delay for settlement to the
undersigned, residing at 204 South . +
Barbara St., Mount Joy, Pa. | First Presbyterian Church
ARTHUR HENDRIX | Rev. John D. Tate, Pastor
Administrator | Sunday, May 27, 1945
9:30 a. m. Church school.
EXECUTORS NOTICE | 9:30 a. m. Adult Bible class.
10:45 a. m. Morning Worship,
Estate of James P. Ziegler, late of
pecial Memorial Day Service.
Vest Donegal Township, deceased.
Letters testamentary on said es- 6:30 p. m. Westminster Fellowship
7:30 Evening Worship.

ate having been granted to the
indersigned, all persons indebted |
hereto are requested to make im- |
ediate payment, and those having |
laims or demands against the
ame, will present them without
Helay for settlement to the under-
ioned, residing at Mount Joy, Pa. |
Fimmerman, Myers & Kready,
Attorneys 426 6t
Estate of Amos B. Landis late of

Silver Spring Circuit
Rev. R. V. Mays, Pastor
{ Sunday, May 27
Silver Spring
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., Wil-
lis Reapsome superintendent.
Christian Endeavor at 10:30 a.
Helen Reapsome president.
9:30 a. m. Sunday school

Bast Hempheld Twp, Lane. Co, George Swinehart, superintendent.
Letters testamentary on said| 10:30 a. m. C. E., Charles Muehl-
estate having been granted to the
undersigned all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
nediate payment and those having |
slaims or demands against the same, |
will present them without delay for |
settlement to the undersigned, re- |
siding at Florin, Lanc. Co.. Pa. |
Executor |
|ing president
Worship service at 7:30 p. m. Mx
9:30 Church school.
Glenn Kauffman, superintendent.
7:00 p. m. Christian Endeavor
rances Mower president.
Special music by Reba Rettew.

| : . .
of | disabled veterans in hospitals and |
le at the Market House on Friday |
. family.
Funeral services were held Wed-
{ France and on
ciety of the church. She is survived |]ough, was on hand to see off his
| brother
nesday at the Florin U. B. Church |
| with interment in the Florin ceme-
| tery
Sule Regis le
[lot of garage and truck equipment,
{law killed in
| tools, ete, by Amos E. Bricker, C.|
| S. Frank, auct.
Decoration Day, Wednesday, May
30—At Beverly Twin Market, cat-
tle, horses, mules, hogs,
furniture, ete, by G. K.

Saturday, June 2—On
es in Mt. Joy Twp., 2 miles north of
| Milton Grove, near Risser’s Church
| on the road leading from the Church
the premis-

ete by Anna E. Myers, Executor of
| Norman E. Myers. C. S. Frank,
| Auet. Sale at 1 p. m.
| Tuesday, June 12—On the prem-
| Joy, real estate by Laura B. Stubbs,
|executrix of Estate of Annie S.
| Lytle, dec’d. C. S. Fank, auct. See
| tn,
| Saturday, June 9—On the prem-
| real estate and personal property by
| Daniel E. Bear and Elizabeth H.
| Bear. Elmer V. Spahr, Auct.

| Thursday,
| premises, 70 East High Street, Eli-
zabethtown, a complete line of shoe
repair outfit. Harry S. Berberian.
| Walter Dupes, Auct.
| ee
Large Draft Group Left
Here For The Service
Largest to be sent by any local
| draft board so far this month, a

| group of selectees forwarded for in- |
| duction into the armed forces by |
Morning worship at 10:30 a. m. | County Draft Board No. 1, Mt. Joy |
| included many men with relatives
in the service, one of whom had a
| Middletown
i ployes were in
| Elizabethtown,
School, Moose Drum Corps of Elizabethtown, Pa.
From Point of Formation at fork of West High Street and
Bainbridge Road to Donegc
to Reformed Cemetery.
11 Road and East High Street
Ceremonies at Reformed Cemetery
Invocation .......................
Mixed Double Quartette .....
Rev. Jonas Martin
ae E. D..H. S. Students
Music by Band while Graves are being Decorated
Prayer... i...
Selection by Band
ike «....... Rev, V. W. Dippell
Column will form in regular order and proceed to
. Union Cemetery
Ceremonies at
Mixed Double Quartette ...
Praver iia
Comet Solo ....................
Gettysburg Address
Union Cemetery
Soy E. D. H. S. Students
ea Rev. K. M. Yiengst
AEA ee H. P. Frank, Jr.
Music by Band while Graves are being Decorated.
Memorial Address ..............
ee. Rev. Frank Adler
Pastor—St. Johns Lutheran Church, Columbia, Pa.
Benediction ..........................
Rev. C. Donald Waser
Column will form in regular order and proceed to
Center Square
National Anthem — Loweri
ng of the Flag.
There will be music in the square at 8 o'clock
Irvin H. Neiman, Chairman
George Waller
Ray Fryberger
Paul Beshler
Lee Haverstick
Mrs. Robert Houseal
Aldus Hannan
Mrs. C. E. Hollenbaugh
Mary E. Shank
John Singer
Florence Trone
Helen Brandt
The Moose Drum Corps of Elizabethtown is sponsored
and another whose brother died at
camp in the South.
Frank FE. Weaver,
wounded in
Wilbur E. Weaver, twen-
ty-'nine, principal of the Elizabeth-
tin Anderson, Manheim; and by 3 |town high school and father of two
last of her |children. Weaver has another bro-
ther stationed in Hawaii and six
brothers-in-law in the service.
Brother-in-law Killed
Charles E. Baringer, Jr., twenty-
eight, Mount Joy, had a brother-in-
France. Robert Pen-
former Armstrong
nell. Baringer,
r Cork Co. employe and father of
two children, has three brothers in
the service, one in the Aleutians
John Zeller, twenty-nine, Mt. Joy,
had a brother who died in training
camp in February. He
Charles Zeller. Employed at the
Air Depot. Zeller is
the father of two children.
Army airfield em-
the group. Benja-
Lehman, twenty-seven, Eliza-
bethtown, was a parachute rigger at
Mitchell Field. Omar Barnhart, 27,
Two former
was an in-
| | strument operator at Boilling Field.
[to the State Highway, 2 horses, 3 |
| cows, 200 chicks, ducks, implements, |
| Richard A. Martin,
| Florin, employed
|ises at No. 5 Donegal street, Mount |
|and three
Father Of 5 In Group
Other members of the Mount Joy
contingent: Earl Erb, thirty, Narvon
R2, father of five children, former
truck driver, one brother in service;
cne child; Harry Wagner, twenty-
nine, Mt. Joy, one brother in China
brothers-in-law in the
service, Middletown employee and
father of two children.
Robert P. Ulrich, twenty-nine,
| Elizabethtown, Middletown worker,
ises in the Village of Rohrerstown, |
three brothers overseas, three chil-
dren: Emerson Landvater, eighteen,
Elizabethtown R2; Benjamin Green-
twenty-one, Manheim R2,
| former employe at Lancaster Gen-
June 14th — On the |
eral Hospital, brother in Italy.
Wayne A. Baum, eighteen, Her-
shey farmhand; Wilbur Frey, twen-
ty-eight, Mt. Joy, Armstrong work-
er with two brothers overseas, one
child; Samuel Sides, thirty, Man-
heim, service station operator, one
brother in Italy, one child; Wilton
Drain, twenty-six, Marietta, ma-
chinist with three children.
| Paul Demmy, twenty-eight, Co-
lumbia, brother in service, two
children, employed by Simplex Pa-
per Box Co.; Edward Zern, twenty-
eight, Manheim, two brothers over-
seas, one sister a WAC and one a
| cadet nurse, U. S. Asbestos employ-
led, with two children; Ethan M.
brother-in-law killed in Germany | Kaylor, twenty-nine, Elm, mechan-
by Benjamin Boltz.
Put. |
Middletown, '
ic, two children.
Jay Lefever, eighteen, Manheim
R3, mechanic; Louis C. Diller,
twenty-nine, Mt. Joy, Armstrong
worker with 1 child; Albert Ging-
rich, thirty-one, R2,
truck driver, four children; Arthur
Becker, twenty-five, Mt. Joy R2,
truck driver, one child; Ralph Geib,
twenty-eight, Mt. Joy R1 farmer,
child; Cecil Weaver,
Henry F. Farmer,
Elizabethtown R1, shoemaker, three
children; William H. Baugher,
twenty-eight, Middletown, de-
pot employee, two children, brother

Saturday, May 26—On the prem- [and two in California redistribution in Puerto Rico; David Montgomery,
ises in the village of Florin, entire | canters,
twenty-nine, 141 Howard Avenue,
Lancaster, Armstrong worker, three
' children.
Wilmington aircraft mechanie, sis-
ter an Army nurse; Lorin Pardoe,
twenty-six, Mt. Joy, employed at
, the Lancaster Iron Works, two chil-
dren; Gurn Bradfield, thirty-four,
Wildwood, N. J. engineer on a com-
mercial fishing vessel, child;
Edgar Seip, eighteen, Masonic Home,
Elizabethtown, junior in Elizabeth-
town high Bruce
i Tower City, with
machinist two

Mount Joy Dwellings

| Tue, June 12, 1945
Donegal St., Mt. Joy, Pa., the for«
mer home of Annie S. Lytle, decd.
|7 rooms and bath in
, third story. Oil heat. Lot approx.
51x90 ft.
| 215 West Main Street, Mount Joy,
Pa. Each has 7 rooms. Lot 120 ft.
deep to an alley.
For inspection of No. 1 see H. L.
Beamenderfer, 140 New Haven St.
Mount Joy.
Sale on premises No. 1, on Tues-
day, June 12, 1945, at 2 o'clock P. M.
Annie S. Lytle, dec'd
C. S. Frank, Auct.
Arnold & Bricker, Atty's.

twenty- |
seven, Elizabethtown contractor, one |
Sylvester Troutwine, twenty-nine, |
Yoder, |
5 |
addition to
Executrix of Estate of | F. B. ALDINGER, J. W
( The Bulletin, Mt, Joy, Pa., Thursday, May 24, 1945-8
FLORIN AFFAIRS | Ms. H S. Foreman, Elizabeth
| town, purchased the 2% story frame
| double dwelling, from Mary E.
|ley, Mrs. Martin Longenecker and | Sheaffer, at public sale Saturday.
| daughter, Josephine, Mrs BERBERS ff. SRT
| Wolgemuth and daughter,
| Mrs. Vietor daughter,
i Patsy, Mrs. Wisegarver
| and daughter, Jane, Misses Mable
Baltozer, Nancy Garber, Pauline and
Nancy Brooks, and Florence Rob-
| inson.

(From page 1)
If you want to get rid of some too
long caller, you might ask him to
contribute to some good local cause,
tll Or
3rooks, and |
Cornelius {
| Everybody reads newspapers but
NOT everybody reads circular ad-
vertising left on their door step.
| List, at once your saleable articles of furniture, farming implements, ete.
| with me, tor my sale to be held in the near future.
Phone 247M Mount Joy after 5 P. M. or write me.
| J. Statler Kuhn, Auctioneer
| 456 Donegal Springs Road Mount Joy, Penna,

mf ee
Garage, Truck & Moving Equipment
~~ SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 1945
At 12:30 p. m. in Florin, South Market St. by side
of school house, the following: >
110 volt #4 horse United States Air compressor, 59 ft.
Air compressor hose and gauge, paint sprayer, 25 ft.
sprayer hose, blow torch, die set cuts 16, 1 each US.S.
and S. A. E. 4 to # in sizes practically new, spark
plug tester, in. Jr. 110 volt drill practically new,
drills, 1 large socket wrench set 1% to 2Y inch sizes,
1 mechanical hand drill with motor attached, 1 large
bolt cutter, 1 two-ton auto jack hydraulic, 3 auto
mechanical jacks, 1 bench vise, large assortment of
new brass tubing fittings, fuel pump parts, door lock
and handle spring parts, battery cables, large assort-
ment of ignition wire fittings, ignition pliers, ignition
wire, starter bolts and washers, counter pins, nut
locks, hundreds of bolts, large monkey wrench, pipe
wrench, wrenches and chisels, 110 volt bench grinder,
large grindstone, truck tool box, fan belts, 3-55 gallon
oil tanks with pump on, 1-100 lb. transmission drum
with pump, almite grease guns-assortment of almites,
transmission grease, almite grease, radiator hose, 8 ft.
| vacuum brake hose, heater hose, 2 new 8-25-20 inner
| tubes, 1-8-25-20 used tube, 1-10-20 used, 2-36-6 used,
3 truck tire patches, 1 large trunk to store innertubes,
4 truck covers, 1-13'2 by 16%, 1-13% by 19 ft., 13%
by 21 ft. practically new, 1418 by 29 ft. practically new,
5 gallon truck cover dressing, all kinds of chains, 1
extra heavy log chain 23 ft tow chains 21 ft and
16Y2 ft. long, one pair 8-25-20 dual chains, Two pair
single 8-25-20 or 900 size, one pair 30x5
dual, slip chains, cross chains, repair links and ends,
large number truck bed stakes, some with chains on;
4-85 1b. milk cans, 3 brick tongs, 4 ice tongs, 2 lawn
mowers, 146 ft terracotta pipe, 4-5 and 6 inch sizes,
| % inch steel pipe and fittings, barrel sprayer, large
| one-man saw, crosscut saw, 2 hand saws, splitting
| wedges, 6 steel barrels, lots of furniture pading, some
extra large pads, bag truck, 900 ft. 5% and 24 inch tie-
| ing rope, oak planks. oak boards, lot of lumber, poultry
[ supplies, 5-5 gallon buckets, 1-6x8 brooder house, iron
kettle, pitcher pump, large pump trough, window sash,
1 piece sheet iron, 66 in. by 24 in., shovels and many
other articles too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence 12:30 p. m. terms will be made
Gr aw Amos E. Bricker
Claude Zeller, Clerk
G. K. WAGNER, Proprietor PHONE 291-R-2
Public ni Community Sale
Wednesday, May 30, 1945
Starting at 12 noon sharp, at Beverly Twin Market and Live Stock Ex-
change, on old Hershey Pike from Elizabethtown to Hershey, two miles



| from the former place and cight miles from the latter place.
40 Head of Cattle

onsisting of Dairy cows, fresh, springers.
Mostly selected from Up-state.
Special Fou White-faced Hereford
| Pure Bred first calf Heifers, with calves
by their side, with papers.
| Also five black Malanki cows, all fresh, with caives by their side.
{| 4 white-faced young Hereford Heifers, from PureBred stock, not bred.
Lot of good young cattle, Holsteins, Guernseys, Herefords stock; some
| stock bulls. A good heard of big Holstein cows, from Up-ptate stock, also a
| number of local cattle. Come and look t{ wer. Lot of Sheep.
500 Five-week-old Pullets
| White Leghorns, 300 Five-week-old Barred Rocks & New Hampshire Reds
You all know the kind
| ers bring—the best that
| your trucks and cra
Cattle, Sheep and Hogs
Farm Machinery and Implements
11941 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK like new, with Rack
od condition
hog deal
w. Bring

One New Ford
TORS on Rubber
ith 2 Bottom Plows; One Farmall

iger Tobacco Planter, Wagons,
Spring Harrows, Grass
) come
wagon with float.
and Lehman with Two
Mower, Corn She
Truckload Shr

Truckloads of Fruit and Veget: 3: n iture, New and Used
Poultry Supplies; 50 New Rope ters, 60 gals. Roof Pitch, 3 New Spray-
ers, Barn Brooms, Dry Goods :
on day of sale or before. We
| Tu
Anyone having anything tc
bring it
sell for Cash and Pay Cash on da ]
esday and Friday Morning. Give us a call or write,

I have for sale 50.090 Baby Chicks every week all season on every >.