The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 01, 1945, Image 3

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Says Radio Reception
Varies With Moon’s Phases
Radio reception has now been
found to vary with the phases of the
moon, it was disclosed by Dr. Har-
lan True Stetson of Cambridge,
Mass., director of the laboratory for
cosmic terrestrial research, Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology
Citing the results obtained from
data after more than 20,000 hours of
observation over two periods of four
years each, Dr. Stetson said:
“From the study of our data,
made on those nights when the
moon was overhead, we found radio
reception definitely improved from
the time of the moon's first quarter
to shortly before full moon. After
full moon, radio reception deteri-
orated, but began to improve again
from about the last quarter until a
few days before new moon. This, of
course, is true for a certain particu-
lar frequency over a certain path
we were measuring.”
However, in observations made
when ‘‘the moon was below the hori-
zon’' — observations made in the
dark of the moon, “we found no such
effect, where no radiation from the
jmoon’s surface could reach the ra-
dio waves over the path we were
| studying.” Dr. Stetson pointed out.
|The same thing happened in both
| series of data, except that the lunar
effect was more pronounced during
|the second four years of our data
{than during the first four years, he
i declared.
Lice and Mites Cause
Poultry Production Drop
Two noted thieves are robbing
| farmers of their opportunity for
| poultry profits, one of these thieves
! being a louse ‘and the other is a mite.
| They cause a decline in egg produc-
{tion and lower the vigor and vital-
{ity of pullets. Body lice and tropical
mites remain on the bird's body
! while the red mites stay in the poul-
try house and are usually on or
(around the perch poles.
i Poultry specialists recommend
ithat birds be dusted with sodium
{fluoride to eradicate body lice or
| that birds be dipped in slightly warm
jwater to which has been added one
[ounce of sodium fluoride to each
{gallon of water used. Perch poles
should be treated with nicotine sul-
phate and the treatment repeated in
i7 to 10 days.
| Since red mites suck blood from
ithe birds, it is necessary to use a
{material that will kill by contact.
{The recommended practice is to
treat perch poles and supports with
‘used motor oil to which has been
added one-third or more kerosene.
The house should be thoroughly
cleaned and all litter and nes
material should be burned prior to
the treatment.


In ~ West Hempfield Twp. at
Klinesville, one mile north of Col-
Full line of farming implements,
and a full line of household goods.

Sale at 12:00 p. m. sharp. Terms
Fdgar F. Funk, Auct.
Martin & Mumma, Ciks.
222 3t
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1945
The undersigned will sell at pub-
lic sale on the premises,
west of Manheim, on the road from
Fairview church to Erisman’
church, in Rapho Township, the fol-

four miles
Some fresh by day of sale. Als
One Bull.
ERS, fresh and close springers
This is an outstanding herd out of
Erie County, acclimated, ready to
do a good job for a gocd farmer.
Tractor with Cultivator, 2-bottom
14 in. plow, 28 disc harrow, tractor
m:nure spreader, 7 ft. grass mow-

er to mount on tractor.
cult'packer, ensilage cutter
with 40 ft. pipe. These implements
were only used four seasons, all in
good condition. Saw frame to fit
on Case tractor, 2 rubber tire wag-
ons with 16 ft. heds, hay loader,
rake, dump rake, tobacco pl nter
grain drill, 10 hoe; weeder, W jard
plow, new plow for Model A farm-
all. 3-section harrow, corn planter,
single cultivator, 20 ft. tobacco lad-
: 3.000 tobacco la

der, box wagon, ath,
600 lbs. platform sciles, Minnch
tobacco vress, sizing boxes, hay
hock, 110 ft. hay rope, pulleys, 50
ft. 6 in. belt, log chain, grain, a=
nure and ensilage forks, scoop sho-
vels, ground shovel, digging iron, 2
crosscut saws, hand saw, vise, to-
chears, wheelbarrow, oil
drums, bog
seeder, bags, 1-horse motor,
1-2 bu. measure, bus. basket es
sledge hammer, wedges, pump with
jack, binder twine, binder canvas
for 7 ft. b'~der, wagen wheel 1
two row duster, cingle and doub!
trees, pine wrenches, SR hat-
chets, old grass mower barbed wire,
choice sweat carrots by the basket
and other S
wagon, clover


articles. Sale at
ade known by
m., terms me MAN OHRER

Dunes & Hess, aucts; Hershey &
Ruhl, clks. Refreshments. served.


Butterfat Can Be
Increased by Water
Proper Methods Will
Give Better Returns
Dairymen whose cows can have a

drink of water whenever they want
it—night or day—will get more milk
and butterfat from the same amount
of feed and care than the
who water
of times a
by extensive tests conducted
state college.
s only a couple
This has been proven
at Towa

their co

ng watered by
drank ap-
The cows while bei
means of ater bowls
proximately 18 cent
water and yielded 3.5 per cent more
milk and 10.7 per cent more, butter-
fat than while
a day .at tt


ered twice


e ou
from the
rly so
s the temperature of the
Conclusions reached
tests also showed that the
ture of the water was not nec
important :


air. In other words, if the cow had
to stand outside in near zero
weather, she was likely to drink
Ideal Dairy Layout
regardless of the
As might
relatively less
temperature of the water.
be expected, the cows drank
as the weather became warmer.
The experiments were made with
water bowls, which are almost im-
possible to obtain during the war.
However, dairymen can in-
clude watering inside their barns
where the would have access
at’ regular intervals. If some
method can be devised so that the
cow will not have to sip her needed
water out of an icy tank she will

drink more water, produce more
milk and of a higher butterfat con-
If the cow is getting silage or
green feed with a lot of moisture in
it, the cow will drink proportion-
ately less than she will if she is fed
entirely on dry feed. There is a ten-
dency to balance up the total
amount of water in the feed and
that drunk. If the feed has
moisture in it, then ti


much less.

In the News

Milkweed Floss
milkweed has
and longer can
a farm pest.
to war
be cons
of the milkweed fur-
edible oil, chemical-
ly similar to soy-
bean oil. From
100 pounds of the
seed at least 20
pounds of oil may
be extracted.
In Canada, the
leaves have prov-
en an excellent
source of natural
Perhaps the
greatest war use
is the floss of
milkweed as a
substitute for kapok, from which life
preservers and linings for aviators’
flying suits may be made. Early
Septem ber is the proper time to
the pods, after the seeds have
ted to tu Call has been
sent out fo Joy Scouts and
the floss to
navy and war
The seeds

rn brown.

war workers to gather
fill urgen ed of the

A utili
the de
egg package,
3 containing
equivalent of two

dozen eggs in half the space required
for a dozen ones, is an ex-
pected pc
time development
A soldier requires 40 times as
much wool as a civilian and it takes
26 sheep to provide that wool for one

Fifteen ounces of snap beans, gar-
den weight, are needed to make 19
ounces canned weight.
takes a year's food from 155
to feed a bomber-building
»w for the time it takes to baild

a gle bomber.
The man who shaves every
doesn’t get t compliments
look nce, like the fellow who

skips a dad r and grows a beard.









Katie I. Shearer, adm. of the es- by Benj. 8. Warner. Fdgar Funk, ~~ «NN The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, Mar. 1, 1945 ]
e INES ister | tate of Amelia H. Shearer, dec’d. | Auect Tq
z on = 4
| Walter Dupes, auct. | LT Firing AN tak 3 /
If you want a notice o1 your sale EE ———— { Tuesday, 1 Mar. 20—On the prem- i
inserted in this register weekly from | Friday Mar. 9—-On the premises | ises on his farm, Palmyra R1, half the “Farm With Ul AS Paint
now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE- | in Manor twp. 1 1-2 miles east of | a mile north of Campbelltown, two | MS
LY FREE, send or phone us your | Mountville, 2 mules, 17,000 tobacco | miles south of Palmyra, 75 head of | f BURTON WILLIAM it is ed brighten up your home, by painting
| lath, 900 bu. corn, oats, hay, straw, | Canadian cows, heifers, bulls, and 2 Sy Cao
sale date and when you ere ready i ve ? 0 ; ; oultry House Feeder id places. of :
| int bills. That's the | ahd farm implements by Jerome H.| some farming implements by Ed- P iry th oad pieces ol furniture now.
et us print yout Dbivs. | Ginder. Bier Fotk. ade ard O'Neal : 0 CUT down on extra steps
cheapest advertising you can get. | Ginder. Edgar Funk, auct. ward O'Neal. Hess & Dupes, aucts and unnecessary work, why not TV COLD
— — build feeders for the poultry house MANY PRETTY COLORS,
Friday, March 2—On the pren ._| Friday, Mar. 9—On premises mid- | Tuesday, Mar, 20—On the prem- | that can be filled from the outside?
naa, jam) Whe prem 2 ; Hes in Manor: tw the road | This will eliminate carrying feed Buy your paint at
ses, along the road leading from |way between Salunga and Silver | 1Ses in Manor lwp, on the road: ini, the house and struggling with
Mavtown to the Mount Joy and Spring, on the Hoffman Hershey |leading from Creswell to Central | doors. Also, the feeders can be
Mote i ile 63g May- | farm, farm implements, Portable Manor, 2 miles south of the former | built extra large, so that th y do
Marietta DIES, 3 mile eas) of May. ; ; horses. 14 cows. 12 heifers. bulls, | Pot. have to be filled so frequently.
town, one bay horse and farming | Bale Elevator, manufactured by the | 2 horses, IWS, 10 hoilers, muy, The construction of the storage
implements by Abram Shaffner Sr. Ruth Mfg. Co, of Gap. live stock |3 sows with pigs, full line of farm | hin for this type of feeder is an
. Wonk = t household goods by J. Howard War- | implements by Howard Hess. Edgar | easy job with the materials now
C. 8. Frank, auct. LC 8 Frank: f Wank. duet available. A simple framework can
remem B18 2 Say be built of scrap lumber heavy
47 fobs ren sight of
Friday, March 2-—-On the premises enough to support the weig
: oT IOP Saturday March 10-- SARL: Wednesday, Mar. 21—-On the pre- | the grain. Nail to this sheets of
in Rapho Twp., on the former Hen- | Saturday March 10—-In Conestoga | 1 one of the panel type building
rv S Musser farm, on the road |Twp., at Long Lane and Slackwater | Mises in Manor twp. on the roac boards, preferably asbestos cement
from Newtown to Marietta, one road, 2 miles south of Millersville, | from Millersville to Central Manor, | hoard, since it is ratproof and
mile south west of Newtown, Two | household goods by Mrs. Lillie | on Blue Rock road, pair mules, full weatherproof.
miles from Marietta, implements, a | Leibhart. Wilbert Campbell, Auct. | line of farming implements, 10.000 ey
36 Model Oliver 70 Tractor, over- a | tobacco lath, some household goods ry. oO n O Tr r ec C
hauled like new, also live stock Saturday, March 10 — On the | by the 4 G. Mellinger Estate. Ed- Vv J ewe l er .
Peter Sawadsky. Landvater, auct.! premises at the southern boro lim- | 58° Funk, auct.
RRC ET its, entire lot of live stock, farming 5 oo | Wa tc h an d Cc I OC k R epairi ng
Saturday, Mar. 3—On the prem- implements and some household | Thursday, Mar, 22 On tie Dreme.
ises in Manor twp., one-half mile | goods by Roy Hoffman. Walter H. isds in West Hempfield twp., one
north of Highville, 2 horses, straw, | Dupes, Auct. mile north of Mountville, on the |
rn, implements and household Toad leading ta Silver Spr, ow) A C MAYER
s ~ ses. J cows. entire [ farmi
goods by John H. Wissler. Edgar Saturday, March 10—On the pre. hors Bu : WE a Log 4 fy ®
. re A : implements and some househol¢ .
Funk, auct. mises in East Donegal township, 2 I | % CB on iol Eddar Cut the necessary openings for | BREEDER OF
: goods by Levi B. Kneisly. Edgar Fe : |
I miles north of Maytown, near Bos- | . 2 feed chutes and fasten the bin se-
Saturday, March 3—On the pre- | sler’s chure ive. olanle te | Funk, auct. curely to the building. If the bin SINGLE COMB WwW HITE LEGHORNS
oi ay, Ma o I | sler’s church, live stock, entire lot is very large, it may be necessary
mises in Rapho Township, midway | of farming implements and some | Pies. Nor Oh Or. 8 to use diagonal braces from the | All Breeders Blood Tested and Pullorum Free
between Mount Joy and Manheim, | household goods by Harry Hauen- |, cay, Mar. es—on the premises | iter edge of the bottom of the | BABY CHICKS
| along the Manheim pike, farming | stein. C. S. Frank. auct | in Lancaster twp.. on the road lead- | hox to the building wall. Provide
implements by Wm. S. Longeneck- | = ’ : | ing from Millersville to New Dan- | the fede wa g bop hat Sexed or Straight Rum. Guaranteed Satisfaction!
3 SE | -_ : ‘ . : can be hookec rack agains 1e
Y sille, 2 horses, 2 cows, bull, twelve A ys : x i
er. C.S. Frank, auct. Mar. 10-20 the provde | i>: 3 horses, 2 cows, bull, ¢ wall to hold it open while filling. POULTRY SUPPLIES AND EQUIP MENT
—— Lhe We : I steers, 900 bu. corn, entire lot of
Marck 3 AL. ises in Nest Hempfield tw Py ONE | farming implements and household i Telephone 132-R Mount Joy, Pa.
wie oe i 1 ¥ | ile of Columbls, at Kline: | goods by John B. Fisher. Edgar F Chi k Chi k
Twin Market, on ihe 2a Mn | ville, 2 horses, 4 cows, full line of | Funk Stl id 1C S 1C Si REE ae
road leading from Elizabethtown to}, . _ . mea TH nk, ¢ . :
130 head of hogs snd [og implenenss and ih WE HAVE THEM EVERY WEEK
= Bh goods by Christian F. Rodkey. Ed- : ; :
shoats by G. K. Wagner. Wagner ; i t in | odkey. ‘Ed | Saturday, March 24—On the pre- 6 Different Heavy Breeds i
ns gi > | gar Punk, auet. Seen EE ey
Auct. | mises at 2 p. m., a 3-story brick hall and White Leghorns, Black, Buff, :
fen ms ii building, two houses located, in the | or Brown Leghorns, and Mottle 3
Saturday, Mar. 3—On the prem- Monday, Mar. 12—On the prem- | center of Mount Joy Boro. Also | Anconas. Sexed Chicks on order, PUBLIC SALE of Valuable Farm Stock
ises near Salunga on the road lead- ises in Manor twp, on the road| some personal property by John E. | BL ay he Cockrel Located 1 mile East of Elizabethtown on College Avenue or 1 mile
Ses near Se ga, 0 ts ws : Tiler ttle hi) : 2 ; ery ree a VA per cate e Bast o vet ow 5 ( >A
ing to Silver Spring, entire farming leading om Miller 0 ph! Schroll, R. Fellenbaum and C. Db. 100 chicks. all Pullets 95% ast on macadam road from Longenecker’'s Poultry Farm.
equipment and household goods by bar mu'es, 2 cow, JU. full | Carson, committee to sell for the | accuracy guaranteed Tuesday. March 13, 1945, 1l1a.m. Sharp
C. A. Spahr. Dupes & Hess, aucts line of farm implements and house- | Mount Joy Hall Association. C. S.| chicks are hatched from
-s £20 Wn Ail. JOS DS, «© . “~~ - 1 . Ju
hold by Cyrus L. Neff. Bd-| Wink mict. Ses blocdtested flocks, we ship 8.yr. dapple grey general 4
- i a9 y yrus [ Ed- | Frank, auct. See advertisement. by Tail oF oF Son can call ONE HORSE a Yi era
Niondav. Mar - Breil. gar Funk, suet. | em re abirks avery.
Monday, Mar. 5—On the premi 4 : | for chicks every Tuesday, Wednes 25 HEAD OF CATTLE
ses in Manor twp., 2 miles south of — Monday, March 26—On the pre- day, and Friday at my place, Two tris} ; ;
| ses Me Pp, Mn 3.8 | ‘Tuestay, Mar. 13-On the prem : i G LV F t niles North of Flizabethtown. 8 20 Milking-Cows, mostly Ayshine; Balance Bulls and Heifers.
Letort, 30 shoats, corn, full line of Ty id - | mises, the Grang iew Farms, at] miles BL Jian i
Luploments in AY: eonditon ises in Manor township, two miles | Middletown, 200 head of the best miles of fete on od | ike 20 Shoats > 3 Sheep ~200 Red Rock Hens
| {arming smplements : South ‘of Letort, two miles. cows whi thoy cues | at Beverly Twin Man ket, Elizabeth- Baled hay and straw, 756 bu. seed oats, 1000 bu. ear corn, some shelled.
by Moses S. Zimmerman. Edgar |™"" ’ o Hey vs, | Canadian cows they ever shipped. | {own P. O. Box 226 Penna. Phone THREE TRACTORS
Funk. auct heifers, bulls, 100 laying hens, corn, | Alco 40 Grade Wiscensins, 25 Penna. | 291R2. Write for price list now. Cond a ie V. €. with lighté and
18, « Le . v . | ase 10d new rubber; Case mode . , wi
-— full line of farming implements and grade cows, all bloed-tested. Sale G K WwW ’ Chi starter, used 5, with two-row cultivator and little wonder 2-bot-
Tuesday, Mar. 6--On the prem household goods by Ira K. Shenk.| ut 10 a. m. by C. S. Erb and H. K. | Be agner S ickery fo trac ton 2 Fi del RB, w h lights, Starter, power Hit, helt
ay, Mal. . i diggs | alley so A. C. seri ractor plow & ™
: : a ys ren | Edgar Funk, auct. / » sales managers | tobacco ah McCormick-Deering 2-hottom 14” teactor
ises in West Hempfield twp. at Cor- | Alwine, sales managers. plow, David Bradley 20-28 tmctor disc with trailor hitdh, Case 11 ft.
delia, and one mile east of Colum- ch HOG SAI E cultimulcher, Int. 35-tooth tractar harrow, Imboden flexible 3-section
; : : Monday, Mar. 12—On the premi- av. Mar. 26 he tractor roller harrow, John Deere 999 corn planter with dise furrow
bia, mules, cows, full line of farm id ~ I Monday, Mar. 26—On the premi pener & fertilizer hment, with a larg ar 32
’ 0 . opener er ¢ ent, v a large variety of rings; 2-Me-
implements by Mrs. Elizabeth Gar- | 5% ID Conoy township, on Route | ges jn East Hempfield twp., on the | d M 3 1945 Cormick- Deeri r wn. one riding and walking:
2 42% and Mari- | road from Lincoln | atur ay, alr. J, John Dee . railer type gr ss mower, Case horse-drawn
er, Lagar unk, auct. i ? y 3 alg faites 5 451 . . mower ac i tractor side delivery rake, tractor-drawn
etta, live stock, implements and | West, to the Marietta pike, large lot | At 1:30 o'clock dump rake, David Tadic v tight bottom heavy duty hay loader on
remem : I A ’ | a ; rubber, with transport hitch: rubber tired wagon with Stotsfus con-
Tuesday, Mar. 6—On the premi- | Some household goods by Clayton | household goods, gas engine, ete, | At Beverly Twin Market and Live- vertable float, John Deere 12-dise grain. & fertilizer drill, with horse
Bovar’s. Marl Mari_ | G. Swope. F. B. Aldinger, auct. ’ wa Sg doar TF | stock Exchange, on old Hershey and tractor hiteh, McCormick all-steel farm wagon with brake; drop
es at Boyer : Market Hlonse: More i 'l ang | by Howard 1 rah. dg only Pike, 2 miles north of Elizabeth- ey aud 4s ft oo 2 ney wih Mew ni Silo ine pce
tta street, Mount Joy, useh TT auct, le hire bher, No. 240 I. re mi i oughage and i
( J at 0 Jo 10USE ok Wednesday, Mar. TAO the. pret] yg town: 8 miles from Hershey. Ohio baler in tip ondition, 1 w down Reber v vagon with 16 ft.
goods and furnishings of the late | | i i ladder The forgoing impleme have been used but a few vears.
Annie S. Lytle. decd. by Laura B.|ises in Manor twp., 2 miles south of | Mar On the prem- | i150 HEAD OF Te WoL wi ey ai ladder, dump wagon, bob sleigh,
Ane. Wylie, cot, by Salle > Millersville. 5 mules. cows. 6 bulls 3 paseo | T Hosier’ mill sleigh, manure sled, walking plows, walking cultivators, scorer,
Stubbs, sxeculrix, C. S Frank, | rsvitie, , COWS, b 1S, | ises in Rapho Twp., near Hosslers clipper, cleaner, concrete mixes e rubber tired wheel-
an _ 500 bu. corn, full line of farming on the road leading from HOGS and SHOATS bireow, foto : ploy W ire 1 0 Stites Mea Two
auct, ‘ po > fy i 5 electric cence con 38, 100 steel posts and por ns arb smooth
a implements and an antique corner | Mi. Joy to Hossler's Church, by | wire, vard and paling fence: 2 steel yard gates, Can’ i
; i : : Tolle ’ . : hs Sig 0 mu slin, planter, press, sizing & bundling boxes 8
Mar. 6—-On the premi- cupboard by Elmer Walk. Fc (the way of Becker's Gas station, ry roosts, i s. feeder, chest, crates, ba
is, one mile south of Lawn, 2 miles Funk, auct. | implements, 1 horse, chickens and | tool 1 : a ts ob i re] i
Oo i“ , 2 miles | stools, speci: steel milk « “3 0 2)
south of Masterscnville, and 6 miles —— [household goods by Abraham sion drive stuffer adjus hle gambrels, 5 block and 1
To ver) ar i > a ton falls with e G00 1h. platform scales, two 400 1bs. one 25 Ibs, i
east of Elizabethtown, live stock, Wedne sday, Mar. 14—On the pre. | Br adley. Dupes, Auct. me 200 1h ales, one 20 lbs. Chatillion scale, one small spring ¥
and hotsehold woods by | ites in East Donegal township, | ————— scales, kettle, & other butchering accessories, air eom- 3
Che rles and Harvey Kulp : Dupes near Marietta, entire lot of live Wednesday, Mar. 28—In Provi- | 3 elles Presson, : Yon] E Finders, clipping machine, lawn roller, fence
& Hes wets : stock and implements, corn binder, | dence Twp., on the road leading |By my regular hog dealers. You | Rr 50008! Grey : pana, Prizes: Regal Range with heavy
¢ jess, & S. i - . : Ls : os i E ng : u vate am of heating boiler and 3 . radiation:Duo
ae | Allis-Chalmers tractor by Norman| from Willow Street to Byerland, a know the kind they bring the he st Therm Oil Burner id walnut dining room suite with leatheir-
Wednesday, Mar. 7—On the pre M. Stauffer. C. S. Frank, auct. | half mile south of the 3yerland In grow. Do not Wi i le fir too numerous to mention.
‘anesday, al. > B= | ~ Anyone 1aving anything to se ‘
: ite chure a} o Ss | ; Is. a ! Auct
mises in Manor twp., one mile north = : | Mennonite church, house hold goods | bring it on day of sale. We sell for Kavior. Clerk u ROY B. KAYLOR
of Millersville Mennonite church,| Thursday, Mar. 15—On the prem-| hy Jacob G. Hoak. Edgar F. Funk, | Cash and pay cash. ! Coe chan
! 5 ! "): Ha : : |
: : : onn | 15€s Manor twp., 2 miles south-| 5,1 i
live stock, farm implements, 200 |S IN | awe | i TRACTOR FOR SALE
Inying hens. corn, farm implements] West of Millersville, near Stehman’s atria 0 G. XK WAGNER / H. P. Cad Har. 4 asoline engine with power take off,
1ymg ns, © y ke Pele . | wner and perator of Beverly | t condition
‘ se. 99 Ss. com- a. OR Be) ] : |
| and household goods by J. Milton church, horse, cz COWS, bull: com Vednesday, Mar. 28—On the pre- | Twin Market and Livestock | 18” disc 9 spacing, 20 discs,
Charles. Edgar Funk, auct. plete line of farming implements | mises in Providence twp., one mile Pubange Re Roy Kaylor, Elizabethtown, Pa. RS. on
ye | and household goods by Charles H. | south of Byetland Mennonite Ch. | WAGNER. Auct. Mrs. Elmer A Snyder
Wednesday, Mar. 7—On the pre- Hunt. Edgar Funk, auct. a large lot of household goods in- | | KA YLOR, Clerk. Fairview Orchards, Florin, Penna. 31112
mises in West Hempfield twp., 3 ER | cluding a number of antiques by |
miles southeast of Mount Joy, on Thursday, Mar. 15—On the pre-| jacob G. Hoak. Edgar Funk, auct. |
the road leading from mises in Mount Joy twp., adjoining
| quarry to Salunga the David Hos- | the borough of Elizabethtown, along | Good Friday, March 30—Near Mt. |
arry DE ga, < :
tetter farm, live stock, farming im- | the Harrisburg highway, farm im-| Joy boro, annual community sale of | olf =e wd Of ee ;
j ret arm, 5 ' 3 sments, live stock and some house | 9 ad of live 'k, implements,
| plements and household hoods by plore Dive a Ll § of ve 0 ples 5 Livestock and Farming Implements LIVESTOCK, IMPLEMENTS And
| Horace H. Wagener. C. S. Frank, noid goods DY al e1sey. | chicks, ruil, mercnanais Cc. oy | Toe oa
uct Frank & Aldinger, aucts. C. S. Frank & Bro. Aldinger ji HOUSEHOLD GOODS 4
Sr Wagner, aucts. 1945 4
Wednesday. March 7—On the| Friday, Mar. 16—On the premi- — ~ ia,
CL i | ses Erisman’s church, nea Friday arch 30—On the prem- MCNDAY, MARCH 12 1 4
premises in West Donegal township | 568 north of Erisn hs gm ! ‘ Yridry, Marc! i On fhe P a The ers will sell at public ) on the 3
on the road between Maytown and the Back Run, midway | jses along the Donegal Springs roac | premises midway between Mount Pr and Manheim, The anders toned will 4
| Bainbridge,
lication of a war- |
at Reich’s Church, lot| Mount Joy and Manheim, live stock | Letween Mount Joy and the Cross

of stock and implements by W. C. implements and household goods by | Roads church, household goods by |
Ricedorf. Dupes & Hess, aucts. Alpheus S. Ginder. Spahr, auct. | Mrs. Amos B. Martin. Rhoda H.
Martin, Fxecutri Dupes, auct.
Thursday, Mar. 8—On the prem- | Friday, Mar. 16—On the premises | EA
ises in Menor twp., one mile south in Providence twp., one mile south | When in need of Printing. (any-
of Mountville, 2 horses, 11 cows, 2 of Byerland Mennonite church, 2 thing) kindly remember the Bulletin
i Ff ; i ses, 3 cows, bull, 9 shoats full
lle, entire lot of farming imple- horses, 3 cows, s 8
WA Sr SC i ; -n | line of farming implements, corn, | PUBLIC SALE
ments including Case combine, corn ne é ng I 4 Ee TE] TUESDAY. MARCH 6th. 1945
etc., by George Keck. Edgar Funk, ele by : ducol Hogk. Ripa = At Boyer’s Market House,
auct. Funk, auct. Marietta St., Mount. Joy, Pa.
ee | Household goods and furnishings
Thursday, March 8—On the pre- Saturday, 17—In the village of fhe late Se 8. Lyte, dec g.
hursday, Ma ! : ctoris a, ladies’ chair gent-
mises, two miles southwest of Lan- | of Maytown, along the road leading fete rie, nd le chairs; drop
| caster on Second Lock Road, be- | from Maytown to Bainbridge, lot of | leaf table, walnut corner cupboard,
Ea : or -r ick house and a| copper luster pitcher, table cloths,
ween Conestoga Memorial Park & | ground, 8-room brick h cop} S pit )
Sy a Men oe heifers. | lot of personal property by Russel afgan, White sewing machine, plank
C: B: Tool Shop; £5:C0WS, hehe go a | seat chairs, blanket chests, electric
Most all home raised, complete line | Shope. C. S. Frank, Ruel. | heater, wall clock, marble top table
of equipments, good as new; Case | and stand, dining room furniture,
C. C. Tractor, by Raymond B. Zook Saturday, Mar. 17—On the prem- | bedroom suites, wardrobe, rugs,
SE : toes § ile h f | lamps, mattresses, bedding, carpet,
Dupes & Hess, Auctioneers. ises in Manor twp., 1 mile south o I ing, Dey
hs iis 4 | i rockers, kitche sils, S
— Central Manor, household goods by | | and crockery, 10 quilts, etc. ect.
Friday, March 9—On the Hoff-| John M. Herr. Edgar Funk, auct. | “Sale begins at 6 P. M. Tuesday,
y shev. 2 idwayv » . — | March 6, 1945.
man Hershey farm midway be- | :
wl n and Silver Spring, a| Saturday, Mar. 17—On the prem- | = erie of Launa 2 STuBes:
EE a 1a Se ; ~~. | Executrix of Annie S. Lytle, dec
clean-sweep sale of livestock, im- |ises in the village of Maytown, im- | «a Anetioneer
plements, household goods, ete, by | plements, tools and household goods | Arnold & Bricker, Attorneys
J. Howard Warfel. C. S. Frank, by Russel Shope. C. S. Frank, auc. SR A
auct. mdi ——
—— Monday, March 19—On the prem- WePrintEverything
Friday, Mar. 9—At 413 South ises in Manor Twp, on the Blue | But Dollar Bills
Market street, Elizabethtown, real Rock rcad, west of Central Manor, | u 0
| estate and personal property by |live stock and farming implements |

| along Ma
10 Fr
| >» co
| 16-20 Mc
ing hay
wagon, 2
| hay sling
| : }
| 5-piece bedrcom suite,
| 5-piece parlor
| drawers,
double and single trees,
| hook, etc.
inheim Pike, in Rapho twp., the following:
Good Working Horses
anklin Co. Milk COWS “#8
Some fresh and some springers
farm raised
Farming Implements
Cormick-Deering Tractor,
plow, dise harrow,
ck-Deering 5 ft. mower, 2 McCormi
loaders, 3 McDeering riding cultivators,
spring harrows, 4 Perry spring harrows, 2
side delivery r:

walking cultivators, 2-horse plows, potato plow, scorer:
box wagon,
ons, low down
planter, 2-horse wagon,
two 25 ton Columbia wa
tobacco ladders, corn sheller, Minnich to-
ess, platform scales, 1-horse open sleigi
A pair tobacco hoers, 3 sets of
s, hay track, sling carriage, four horse trees;
neck yokes, harness, halters,
ropes and pulleys; hay

garden hose,
Household Goods
iron bed, 2 good bed springs,
suite, Old-fashioned chest with four
side board, 6 dining room chairs, chest, porch

rockers, wash stand.

Sale to commence at 1:00 P. M. Saturday, March 3,
1945, terms and conditions will be made owe 0
Wn. S.
C. S. Frank, Auct.
J Zeller &
Young, Clerks. 311

sell at public sale on the
premises in Conoy Township, on Route 441, midway
between Bainbridge and Marietta, the following:
le line leader 14 yrs. old; black mule aged 16 yrs.
McCormick-Deering tractor on steel, Gehl ensilage
cutter 13 in.,, Emerson hay loader, International ma-


nure spreader, Deering binder 6 ft. cut, International
tractor, 24 disc harrow; McCormick-Deering side rake,
McC: ck-Deering mower 5 ft., International 3- \
section spring harrow, Tiger tobacco planter with steel
barrel, 2 sets tobacco ladders 20 ft. long, 2-bottom 3
low with spring hitch, wagon with
215 ton cap. wagon with box 21%
60-tooth peg harrow, 2 riding cul- =
'mick-Deering & John Deere; 8 ft. 3
300 gallon capacity; Birch
on tank,

set cultivator discs, Minnich tobacco press, 11%
gas e electric pump with motor, circular 4
with Hinman milker, 2 units used very -
: Milker wash tub, International 3-can milk cool-
er, a sets ness, collars and bridle, chicken feeders;
fountains and egg baskets, Shenandoah elec. brooder
with fan. 500 cap.: rubber tired wheelbarrow, and
1 good concrete mixer, 3 h. p. engine, mounted on
rubber; and other small articles.
Household Goods
Tan enamel prizer Regal range, kitchen cupboard 2
tables, one roll too desk.
No hucksters. Lunch by the Bainbridge Church of
Sale to commence at 1:00 P. M. on Mecnday, March
12, 1945, terms and conditions will be made known byg
F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Clayton G. Swope a
Claud Zeller, Clerk