Bulletin, Mz. Thursday, Fe b. , 1945 Ji A Pa., VALENTINES EVERYONE LARGE VARIETY Husband CHILDREN'S OR VALENTINES Son, D ht on augnter 2foric - Ic - 2for 5c Sister, Sweetheart 3for5c-5¢-10c-15¢ Friends - 35¢ - 50c - $1 Beautiful cards to carry that special message. Valentine Gifts For Men WALLETS PIPES + LIGHTERS CANDI ES Boxed SALTED NUTS /HARD CANDIES Boxed PEANUT BRITTLE BULK CANDIES rv LARGE LOT, STATIONERY AIR MAIL V-MAIL REGULAR PARKER 51 INK and QUINK INK Thread Line Eversharp Pencils $1 Leads for self feeding pencils § KULP'S CONFECTIONERY & NEWS STAND 39 E. MAIN ST. MOUNT JOY, re CHILDREN Need Edis Thought, These Trying DAYS} Here are some toys to help keep them occupied. CA ee SAFETY DARTS These are lots of fun RED WAGON and teach accuracy. Hitched to a horse, a logdor an elephant. : WHEELBARROWS | sand A nice size | a@oungster, 3 SAND MILLS 3 vi S029 | ust ithe thing for the fF vad next sumer VICTORY FI EET 1 ey 9B LEATHER DOGS 4 . . . $1.75 onsRzAKABLE . . sas) They hay a lensant faces Lava: PANDA x A | | ly cl Now Open For Business HESS’ STORE - CORNER E. MAIN & S. BARBARA STREETS Mount J oy, Pa. 8 ppp FUL I Ge OF § FRESH (VEGETABLES S GROCERIES SMOKED COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED : v's We will be pleased lighted to meet new c HARRY W. HESS, Manager RIGHT THIS WAY LADIES 2 To The BEST BARGAINS In Our ADVERTISING COLUMNS inTOWN — Wednesday | the Parsonage. | Wednesday: Religious News In This Community CHURCHES IN MT. THE COMMUNITY. UNION VESPER SERVICES 9:30 Church School 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship 6:30 C. E. Society 30 Union Vespers in the [ gelical church. Monday: 7:30 Council meeting. Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting. 8:30 Choir Rehearsal Evan- St. Luke's Episcopal Church Rev. G. M. Rutter, Pastor | Sexagesima Sunday: 9:15 Church school. Morning prayer 10:30. 7:30 Young people. Wednesday: Instruction class 3:30. Chor practice 6:30, St. Mrs. Harry Brown. Mary's Guild, Silver Spring Circuit Rev. R. V. Mays, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 4: 9:30 a. m. Sunday School, Willis Reapsome, superintendent. Christian Endeavor 10:30 a. m., | Helen Reapsome, president. Centreville 9:30 a. m. Sunday school George Sw. nehart, superintendent. Christian Endeavor 10:30 a. m. Charles Muchling, president. worship 7:30 p. m. Ironville 9:30 Church school. Glenn Kauffman, superintendent. 10:30 Morning Music by the Endeavor Ruth Albright's Evening worship. choir. m. in Christian 700 p. charge ol school class. Immediately following the C. E. service the Woman's Missionary Society will hold a thank offering service, Boy Scout meeting basement Thursday evening, Glenn Kauffman, scout master, charge. in the church in First Methodist Church, Mt. Joy Wm. W. Spiegelhalder, Minister Dr. E. W. Garber, Supt. 9:30 Church School. 10:30 a. m. Divine Worship 11:30 a. m. Trustee Meeting 3:00 p. Celebration of The! Blessed Sacrament in the Salunga Methodist Church for the charge. Monday 7 p.m at the home of Mrs. Thursday: 6:30 p. m. Jr. Choir Rehearsal 7:15 p. m. Youth Fellowship 8:00 p. m. Sr. Choir rehearsal m. , Children’s League. Wm. Crider. Salunga Methodist Wm. W. Spiegelhalder, Minister 9:30 a. m. Church School 3:30 p. m. Celebration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be the winter communion. 6:30 p. m. Children's League Monday 7:15 p.-m. Methodist Youth Fel- lowship, Topic, “Anything We Can | Do In The Church”, Leader, Mr. Gene Myers. 7:30 p. m. Sunshine Bible Class Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church H. A. Minnich, Pastor Sunday Feb. 4. 9:30 Sunday School. Abram Gish, Superintendent. 10:30 a. m. Junior Congregation and Morning Worship 6.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m. Union Vesper — Rev. G. M. Rutter, Speaker. Tuesday: 7:30 p. m. Young People’s Society meets at the home of Miss Mildred Way. NEWS PERTAINING 70 ALL THA JOY AND ENTIRE SURROUNNING Sunday at 7:30 | TRINITY LUTHERAN WOMEN WILL, HOLD MISSION STUDY The Missionary Society of Trinit Church will conduct Laatheran 1 The 145 p held the Friday, February 9, at 7:45; and th third class will be held in the Par ish House on February 1 The Infolding Drama i 9, at will be parsonage o Tuesday, hook, “1 Weddings vice, Mrs Beulah Hoffer is J er. Parsonage. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor | Sunday Feb. 4. 9:30 a. m., Sunday School 10:45 a. m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p. m. Union Vesper Service in Trinity Evangelical Church. Monday 7:45 p. at the IF, iday. 745 p. at the Mission Study Class | parsonage m. m. Mission Study Class parsonage. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. John D. Tate. Pastor Feb. 4. m. Church School Morning Worship p Westminster Sunday 9:30 a. 10:3 6:30 ship. m. Fellow- Mark’s United Brethren Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 4. 9:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:15 a. m.,, Morning 6:30 p. m, J Christiar 7:30 p. onion Vesper Trinity Evangelical Congrega- tional Church. St. worship; and Interme- findeavor jor diate meetings. m service in Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Annual W. M. A. Thankoffering service, in the Church basement. Wednesday: 7:30 p. m., Mid-week prayer ser- vice. 8:30 p. m. i meeting. Thursday 7:30 p. meet- | ing at the home of Arthur Sprecher. | m. Ushers’ League First Presbyterian Church Rev. John D. Tate, Pastor Sunday Feb. 4. 9:30 a. m. Church school. 9:30 a. m. Adult Bible class. No Mornong Worship. 6:30 p. Westminster ship. 7:30 p. m. Union Evening Vespers. in Evangelical Church. m. Fellow- Florin U. B. Church Rev. J. H. Dunham, Pastor 9:30 a. m., Sunday school. 11:00 a. m., Preaching. 5:30 p. m., Jr. Christian Endeavor. 6:30 p. m., Sr. Christian Endezvor. | 7:00 p. m. Mid-week Prayer ser- 7:15 p. m., Preaching. series of three mission study class- es on the theme, “Southeast Asia.” The first class will be held at the parsonage an vionday, Iebiuary, second class the lead- Monthly Official Board | to | | hospital for further Y | n © NEWS n | orders to attend a pre-flight school, aerial battle blast learning by simulated conditions how to enemy; 8:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal | fighter pl Hes jror the sky. od Thursday { As an aerial gunner he will join 7:30 Hy m. WMBS. od the {thousands of his “teammates of the : shy,” ing : k to the Ladies’ Aid Society meet at the sky, oe urying the attack tc 1e : enemy in all parts of the world | guardians of America’s medium bombers. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs | Howard Bergman who reside at R. D. 2, Manheim. January 19, 1945, England, Dear | Mr. Schrell: A few days ago the word that Cpl. a hospital | Red Cross sent Harold W. Billow was in far and would like to see me. So today I got the day off went him. I found looking well and up walking a week or two he me not from here, and to see a- round, in will be as good as ever. We were both glad to see each other. Harold is the first boy I "have met, that I knew befare I left home and I have been oversea: [almost eighteen months. I am writing this to you, so that| Miss Roseanna Hollingsworth of {you can use it in the Bulletin, so | Oy ster Point spent the week end | {that Harold's friends that read or|With Mr. and Mrs. William Wit- | {heard of his experience, will know | Mer. that he is alright. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fogie of | I would like to say a word for the Braddock, who spent several weeks Red Cross for they do a lot of [With Mrs. John Fogie returned to {things for the boys to make them their home on Thursday. happy: like finding me, so that I Mr. Daniel Geltmacher Sr, Mrs. [could visit Harold, for he conld | Irvin Witmer Sr. and Miss Mabel net write to me as he had lost my | Myers visited Mr. and Mrs. Marvin all what he | address in Germany, along with the other things, except had in his pocket I am going to Bulletin as he has not received his any other mail for 30 days. Remember me to all my friends, A Mount Joy Seabee, George D. Ormsby SALUNGA Pvt. Rokert Bishop, of Camp Lee, Va, is send him my or spending a fourteen day fur- | lough with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sweitzer the birth of a son last Wednesday. Pvt. FE. Donald Longenecker, who was wounded in Germany on Nov. 29th, has been flown from England a hospital in New York and is now awaiting a transfer to another treatment. Mem- family visited New York over the week end Gunners Mate Robert Blessing | spending a twelve day furlough at | | his home. hers of his v him in SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 7:30 p. m. Southeast Asia”, by Pasil Matthews about those To be held in Trinity Evangelical | will he used as a basis for the study, | Congregational Church. sermon by [and will be supplemented by stories, | IN THE SERVICE Rev. G. M. Rutter of St. Luke's |poems, and plays taken from other | Episcopal church. books on the same theme, The fol- lowing will receive the book: Miss (From Page 1) 3. ine Miss Mild Zink, | wr: Gospel Tabernacle I auline Ni ly, Mis Vide in) Miss. Rev. Roy S. Forney, Pastor. Miss Ethel Smith, M rs. (eh) rice co : y | Brown, Miss Elsie Lefever, Miss y ra . Sunday services Feb. 4 cs is Win. K. Zerphey, aviation radio Gq. | Elizabeth Heilig, and Mrs. W. Li. | ; 9:30 «=. m. Bible school. . man third class, a radio man gun- ‘ : Koder. The programs are in charge 10:30 a. Im. sermon, subject 3 GE . ner on o Nuvy Liberator homber, . of the Mission Study Secretary, : : Drinking Water From the Rock - vty | recently returned home for a thir- Mrs. W. L. Koder. Everyone is in- | : in the Wilderness. Vo ty day leave. While stationed in "oe : . . (vited to attend and learn of the | ” ! 7:30 p. m. sermon, subject “God's . : | Fngland he completed forty-six i etait > changes produced in the lives of | Be SE ol Blescedness for the Christian. : . 3 ‘ | missions, and also participated in | Wed fay: the natives of Isdoesia, Sumatra, | he : F : bic) ae oy: : New Guinea, the Philippines, and | t ie Myason of trance, After dl . 50 Be My DIAYAL Sorviee all the islands of the South Pacific, leave he will report to Norfolk, Va. Friday: by the Christian Gospel | for another crew and more duty . y . J > ~ « 1 4:15 p. m., Children’s Bible Club.| A on = re | overseas. 7:45 p. m., Bible Doctrine class for . . ’ all ages This Section S | Medison, Wis, Jan. 24: Pvt. Am- | mon R. Hoffer Jr, 18, son of Mr. Church Of God N oO [3 ) ; / m and Mrs. Ammon R. Hoffer, 119 Da- y I Ap [3 +, Rev. H. M. Mumper, Pastor u e r u | vid. strect. Mount Joy. Pa., has heen Sunday, Feb. 4: | assigned to Truax Field awaiting | | day and Monday | it today by Brig. | Lotraves Sama. | Gen. Vincent J. Meloy, post com- ie | mander. Nn Hon Mumma, i} Classified Us an ruin. ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mumma, |ee, he is now engaged ih adminis Mot Tov RZ. and Melvin € He eo [ue ative work at the AAF Training floy. son oF Mr. sud Mrs. Miles Hof. { Command field to learn crganiza- fley, Manheim R2, were married at | ton and. on i of on Hoan Sunday in the Florin Chureh My AR Foes Peat, Ja of the Brethren hy the Rev, Harry | [tre it a er Eshleman... Mrs. Cassel Mummau, . cister-in-law of the bride, was the ening is announced. maid of honor. Mark Bollinger, of | ST 2 L'titz RD. served as best man. | Panama City, Fla. Pvt. Robert C.| yp, Flizabeth Randler, Square Mr. and Mis. Robert Hess of | Bergman has been graduated from street. left Monday for Newport, BB, | { Mastersonville, furnished the wed- [the Army Air Forces Flexible 1, = 4. will visit her hushand ; ding music. A reception for twen. | School af Field, ON€ | Winfield Randler, who tationed ty-five muesls was held at Aunt of the largest schools of its kind Mf ere i Sally's Kitchen, Elizabethtown. the Army Air Forces Training On Saturday evening Mrs. H. pl The couple left on a short wed- Command. . Wittel entertained at Bridge at he | ding trip. The bridegroom will re- | Upon his graduation, the soldier Rome. were: Mp. and Mrs. i turn to Grottoes, Va., and the bride received a par of gilver Wings ag Benjamin Farhart, Mr. and Mrs. Is- will reside ot the horace of her par- nifying that mow he is ready of L Hershey. Mrs. Rows Wadse : ania take his place as a membey of the orth. Mie Holter Kiln and Mise | reenter combat crew of an AAF bomber. Hazel Schmid, all of Elizabethtown: | § Everybody reads newspapers but | At the gunnery school, be was | mr. and Mis. Charles Bennett, of | NOT everybody reads circular ad- rained in the ol 3d ot Mount Joy; Mrs. Florence L. Cra- 50 calibre machine guns, first on AER i vertising ng Jolt on their door step. - ground ranges and later in the air, | Ine of Williamspory; Mrs. Alma i i Grey Bloom Stat College: and Miss Angeline R. Russell, of Ash- 8) land, Pa. Prizes were won by Mrs. Helen Kuhn, Miss Schmid, Mrs. Ross Wadsworth, and Mrs. Alma = NEWTOWN and Mrs. spent Robert Frank. derhook I him | Miss Mabel Myers of Lancaster spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Witmer Sr. Mr. John Fogie of Mountville spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. | John Fogie. Mr. Robert Frank is on the sick list. Mrs. Irvin Witmer Sr., Miss Ma- bel Myers, Mrs. Irvin Witmer Jr. as | and son Jackie visited Mr. {John Kauffman Garner man Sunday LANDISVILLE hon Thurs son Archer. i Adah Fichler { Friday. Grey The Affairs At Florin For Past Week (T'rom pag Mrs. Elizabethtown rel- and Arndt Jr. ol Mr. Iphraim Maury Le! spent Sunday nan, in town visiting and Iriends David visited ative ol town Camp last Mrs Muinper, Hill, week relatives in Mus. ol visited Rodney Naylor, Mr, Mu Sunday. and t Che Elmer on Mr, and Mrs. B. F ained to dinner on Mi WwW Wi Ley, Jd uflman en- Sunday Mrs. and daughter Marga- | Edwin Musser and Mrs. Emma Peiffer, Wagenbuach of Silver Springs, Mr. and K: tert Mrs. and ret and son Jimmy | Mrs George | daughter Mary, visited the former Mrs. William Dyer. Mrs. Donald at Phil: and Mrs. James Eichler. Melvin Rider of 1 ited Sot. Richard Krull on Sunday “n the evening end Mrs, is the +h othe and 's parents, Sun- nn Eichler spent day delphia visiting her « Mr. Sgt. at Okla. n and they Myr. Thi seen ead Benjamin first r for three telephoned Kauffman they have time years and they were former school mates, Mrs. Gladys Dukes and daughter, , of Perryville, Md., with Mr Jackson. Mrs. funeral of the Lesser, Lena spent Sun- and Ms, Randolph Mr. tended the Will former's and Norman at- niece Mrs. at Lancaster on Pp were Mi and Myrs. of C Mr. and son, Neal, day dolph Jackson. Mr. Larry left Wednes- day for Pearl Harbor where he will be employe od, Guy rme: yatesville, Mr. Mon- guests of and Ran- Braun Blcom. a Mr Joy Mrs. Frank, Mt. 1 ana Harry Koser My Mrs Arthur Saturday Mr. and of with Kin- Gelt- Geltmacher of A.C alternoon. Mrs. Amos visited Mr. nacher Saturday and Mrs. of Ironville Mrs. Hathaway Brene- afternoon. ————— eee and The at the | nard Johnson last Knitting “lub met Mrs. Le evening. Mrs of day Mr. and Donald, s guests ol 1e Earl Sunday 1 Mrs Ginder at and York Milton spent Mr and 220 N. Duke St. Phone 7529 Lanc. PROFESSIONAL CARD DR. GEORGE R. HUBER OPTOMETRIST Hours For Eye Ex-minations 8:20 to 12:00 a. m., 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. Lancaster, Pa. for Appointment | T WILL PO YOu NO “4 GOOD UNLESS t oh i JU BEAUTY “ON. RITES KIRKMAN KIRKMAN Borax Soap Susi hale (Not Rationed ) Here are the Values! U. S. 1 Black Valentine Green BEANS 19 Large Pascal Celery 2 Sweet Potatoes coden Fresh Roasted Peanuts White or Yellow Turnips 3:19 U.S. | Winesap or Black Twig Extra Large Iceberg APPLES LETTUCE | ess J BC For better baking, use this Better Flour - « Gold Seal All-Purpose A ENRICHED FLOUR 10:45° gest Pure Lard 2p. Ib 17¢ Gold Seal Cake Flour rks 21c SEEDLESS RAISINS 15-0z pkg 1 3c SOUP MIX Betty Crocker's 3 rkes 25¢ HEINZ BEANS Vegetarian 2 173-0z jars 2Fc TOMATO SOUP Heinz 11-0zcan Qc RITTER’S CATSUP 20» 14-0z bot 7c SPLIT PEAS Puritan Yellow ib pkg 1 4c BLUE ROSE RICE 2 'bpka 21¢ Here's the Bread Value that Sets the Pace --_ Supreme Enriched BREAD ge loaf Each day Is on the wrapper Enriched Victor Bread 211° Fresh Do’Nuts dozctn 18¢ Delicious, Home-Style Iced Layer Cakes ¢2 35¢-50c¢ CHEEZ-IT CRACKERS Sunshine irpkg 12¢ GRATED CAL. TUNA 3r 6-ozcan 25¢ BR’ER RABBIT MOLASSES GreenlLabel 160z § 8¢ APRICOTS whole unpeeled 40 p. 30-0z can 25¢ ORANGE JUICE (NoPoints) 46-0z can 48¢ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 0» 2 180zcans * PREM, TREET OR MOR :* 3c LUNCHEON MEAT Dubuque 12-0z can 3c i 20- Julienne Beets iy Hof . - ground to order Turnip Greens ©Z {06 | That'gfanother one of Orange-Pekoe Tea 's ' [9g | 6 regions 3 out of 4 - 5 mers re Wheaties Oat Yespny Ho ferf“heat-flo” Stoo id old Seal Oats 0% {1e'] of i 4 A Ritz Crackers brke 21g | , Sco Peanut Butter Nola 160z2jg /COFFEE Asco Parfgake 20-0z 1 m 2 €2 bs Asco Buckwheat 20x ¥ ¢ 47c g 12-0z Save the Coupons F 20 p. 20-0z can 12c¢ ard Quality 20p. 20-0zcan § 0c Farmdale Cream 20 p. 20-0zcan ic 20-0zcan 4c 3p. Glenwood Rolle CK PEA HURLQ GREEN § Standard Cut 10p. 190zcan Qc WAX BEANS !deal Brand 10 p. 19-0z can 18¢ ASPARAGUS Ideal All Green 10 p. 19-0z can 30c TOMATO JUICE Rob-Ford 40 p. 46-0z can 2c New Valid Red Points Y-5, Z-5 — A-2, B-2, C-2 and D-2 Also Red Q-5 to X-5 inc. stamps still valid: PICNIC STYLE FRESH Pork Shoulders 29- 4 pn. Ib. 4 p. Ib, Meaty Pork Chops TENDER STANDING RIB ROAST 35 Short Ribs of Beef 19c Small T-Bone Steaks: 45¢ SPARE RIBS 24c¢ READY-¥OR-THE-PAN - - Fancy Cleaned Croakers Faney Cleaned Trout 35¢ 7 P ib. ip Ib. 3-p. Ib. lb 25¢ Ih 23¢ New Valid Blue Stamps H-2, J-2, K-2. L-2 and M-2 (10 points each) Also Blue X-5, Y-3 and Z-5, and A-2 to G-2 Inc. stamps still valid PURE WHITE Flakes 23¢ Ceiling Prices Granulated 23¢ or Less Cicanser 3°" 14c| ree 2-3, "45. ices Effective Feb, Your Dollar Quantity Rights Reserved uys More at the Acme lL Shoulder Veal Roast‘ 27 3:23 8 ren eek alt Hoy ¢ — uary Pvt, v2, Ved Pvt. Cha Army Air Tuesday i Field, Fla., accerding egram rec Dorothy Ze street, this He was Eva Zeller, He return 21 af with his fa entered the He was United Bre the this Friend: place ployed at t pot. Besides h Dorcthy Ja by five ette, chil Charl Donald, ers, John E place. | THOSE WH F course Aris) ter who have ARM CEN The ninet Ci and Ug county 1 x 1 nounced Wec Rapho twy Manheim RD rer, Lloyd R3; 1: Manhein H W East and wrence F. Donegal twp. Marietta RI. will 0 The Lancas make y build a a ca Pictur munity 1 our you the desti All are | Among « let’s not Every inspiring every yo ured kee be acqui You a: free of c We h nationall pictures graphs, have you that is ne to the pl below. [ euts of a and prin The St and subn be publis 1f pho to arran submitte through Remen guardian JHERE TURE T