1945] The Mount Joy Bulletin ESTABLISHED JUNE 1801 Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. Jno. E. Schroill, Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum Six Months... .75 Cents Single Copies............ 3 Cents Three Months..........40 Cents Sample Copies............. FREE The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Star wd News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with the Bulletin, which makes this paper's circulation practically double that df the average weekly. Entered at the Postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. 2—The Bulletin, Mt. Joy, Pa., Thursday, Feb. THE EDITOR'S VOI CE reminders. ® eo 0 SUPPLY THE EASY WAY Gevernment in with its very [are evident the even | | It is self evident that Ou the men who find themselves on horns of a dilemma didn't know that dilemma had horns. ® 00 The Nazis and the Nips had the impression that the Statue of Lib- | erty was standing with her back to | les. the United States but the facts show that the United States stands | back of the Statue of Liberty. guild it, ® 0 or goes under, business in com- citizens is of greater national impertance from two ang- i petition private daily beceming an issue First because government in bus- iness, no matter v you try to is state sociclism, fascism, Whichever name it it mezns that the liber- communism. certainly have | Satur- | ties and opportunities of individuals Those Roosevelts a drag thruout the nation. day at Chicage, the Chicago North | &r¢ restricted. | ; ap Western's extra fare train was held | ond, because government in busines destroys local control and fields it one hour and seven minutes so Col. | invades; it public stole regu- James Roosevelt and wife could xation in the make a connection train, The ditching cf plane so the Roosevelt ride, who is responsible. ® ® 0 WHO SAID TIRES This time last year we were pret- that at this year we would be with four Well, acre we fortunate the garcge. We are | with another | mands fax exemptions 1 | { | subsidies, freedom from i; pr A ST incident is similar to the! fatory laws, ete. at Te illustrate, the from government | could ’ know | lee { chow three soldiers owned Benneville and Grand Cou- Northwest, dog power plants in the that ! their sales of 250,000,000 mark on 1944.” The claimed an ac- (his | Cum wlzted net surplus in éxcess of £12,600.600, after operation and mainte- depreciation and in- tnd no one seems to the “passed the December 1, power system ty confident time vps payment of all riding sund | . power costs, new tires on our autos 3 . nance expense, are with re{reads an : investment. there is terest on the Federal It is no mention of any taxes paid. On a $50,000,600 gross income, d te back out of told have to go ar situs | | | to be able | that oot] interesting te note of us are going to | year will pri- othe befere the rubber | i | vate electricel companies would those tires to us. | { will | * taxes to tion release wve paid some 18 to 25 per cent. in Federa! could set make it? be the enly way Cin we Recapping and they : io lecal, state continue and ou for many car time, we governments before some long Meany civ- owners for oy : any “surplus. are informed. . hese tax-exempt Federal ilians have been receiving tives this past while an mount has continually ished for has made this so. paid taxes companies, earned little or no 200,600. year enormous a-| | private been furn- il; iors surplus on $ military riovity needs. P It means that the rest of us must drive a littie slower, alittle less frequently and be sure and have the do own, checked regularly. ® 0 @ BE CALM It seems to have been the as to why i such tax-exempt privileges? : ® 00 tires we BEHIND THE GLAMOUR Government cgencies by the oeneral | OF Be United when peace is that the planning on their . ecturn The policy to hazard a guess returns. The fighting on any the reversals on the {ront, peop.e to place the blame name that entered into the discussion and satisfactory { industries are threatened with future laid cut for who have that they with a degree of com- figure mili- | ing their tary out a more 1, offic: strategy frem our home front |) public officiels armchairs. Since wars are unpre- | to create ihe impression since | are endowed battle have charge, 1 dictable in movements, we are from the scene of here | Betence not pe ssessed by the ordi- in Mount Joy, competent us rest so fer nary cilizen, Behind this official glamour there beiief that government are super-be- ings. For they possible fer this country to since we very | generals in inspire the officials instance, our and wait to] is nothing to sec what develops later. Let us leave the matter to General Eisen- | hewer, feeling pretty will} handle the reverses with his super- | Produce five ior knowledge of military and we will stick to cur presses and know the matter could- n't be in better hands. ® © BEING PINCHED We are digging into the reserve of There is danger much before the next crop is ready | ° for preserving. The cuiting short ticiany who encouraged the mechan- of ration points awakens us to the | that the U- fact. The tokinz off of these | nited States fre coal fom- teen processed foods from the ra- |" and yet J politi- tion lists helped us to believe ih» nothing abut cel food was abundant. We heard thru official sources that stocks were am- ple for our needs. They hoped to] release more of the foed set aside | Production, sup- opinions did not sure he maie 1l times as much coal per | wr ria as de «miner: ni matters, | er dey as do the miners of | Britain. The sible for the y did rot make it pos- coal to turn out a record 625.000,000 tons of coal | during 1941 with 200,000 fewer 1918. Machinery machinery in- industry printi industry wor- | kers than in made . is record possible canning | this record possible, : 2 ed hy he co: 3 ing vear’s growing. | SU led by the ceal mining of consuming last : a perica ef many it weuld be hard to find a poli- over years. too mining has saved seven- m a tragic these same | cians who know mining, snc a few years ago were | far too busy with cther matters to suggest ways of stimulating coal today presume to Know than the cecal Wash- compile figures based on mare abe its future for military needs in order to ply civilians. Practicaily the vegetables and fruits given Lhe soldiers in this country, fresh, | but the overseas shipment is of can ned vegetables and fruits. Since | er £88. y the armed forces are now getting | metheds, for more processed foods than ever, with five million troops abroad and more going over weekly, the home supply is lessened. The meat pro- | duction is a very serious situation | in many places. Fresh j authority cz “must” on the diet list fighting man. And since the tion's meat production bout two million pounds under last | year’s, this means 2 cut for us. They | figure that every civilian will re- | | most. of } ine © ers. They sit in ingten and industrial performance field searching for skort cuts, for that make hash history of the coal industry is typical of current are while ou in the industry is new greater efficiency; things of statistics. The American | initiative ! central government The only way n biuep:int the future meat is of every | | standards znd This ing people can he is to freeze industry te present prehibit fature in- na- rovid- that planning is more im- But God if we ever get into another work p | vention. could 1 will he a-| convinced gevernment portant help us war, than preduction. ceive about 127 pounds of meal each, this year. Look at butter—il youl can find a pound to view thru a show case! Sugar allotments are |B reduced, giving us 78 pounds in- | stead of 88 pounds, or the 101! Lutheran deiuh hold pounds of 1941. food sale at Hostetter's, on West This brings us face to face tl Main street, Saturday, Feb. 3. ——— FOOD SALE SATURDAY, FEB. 3 Aid Societ: Ladies’ in- facts. This station is still at at -_—r— and we must not forget it. market basket and the ration — while others marry a wealthy girl. Sometimes folks are born bt HAPPENINGS se Of it LONG AGO Editor and Publishes’ gross revenues from * Therefere, if piants ased a on the same basis as P18 they would have Lancaster, are 50,- Who couldn't show a surplus with re are planning hew the people a States are to live inference are capable of cwn hook. Whole hav- them striven lucky 000.60 nase se ae dod wh bod dad vd, 30 Years Ago The. Independent Qil Co. purchased a large Autocar oil truck A grand {held in the U, B. here has mass meeting will be church by thef ‘Ministerial Association D. H. store in Martin opened his clothing the Engle building this week. H. N. the best ear of Exchange Philadelphia. Over 100 Marietta have petitioned Council there. for a Nissly won a silver cup for sent to the Bank, at corn Corn National res.dents of curfew, Markets: Butter 32c¢, eggs 40c lard 12' 1-2¢, potatoes 65c. (Kid) Lee Ellis, of Jack Wolpert, of Lancaster, the Lancaster for the County championship. Benj. Milton Grove, has embarked in butchering business. Roscoe Thome, of found two beautiful and will town, meet in ring at Reinhold, of the Milton Crove, flint stone In- dian arrcw heads on the outskirts of town. During the 10ad beds were completely recent heavy rains ' was ed away. Waiter Greiner de made a corner is quite an artist. nd ink sketch oi + West Donegal and pen his home, New Haven sti ets band furnis~- 1 tne fair, The Lancaste: music at the + itizens’ bund now going on. Local } 3-4 and 2 cents. Charles A. G! director of the Insurance Company. Dr. T. Alex Cairns Joy Hell on Humbugs hacks, tobacco now selling was clected a Jutual Fire il der WManor lectured in Mt. and Moss- under the auspices of the lo- ¢ cal Lyceum course. The Klein Chocolate Co., at Eliz- abethtown is 3-story building to their present factory. Fdward Fitzkee, Rowenna, purch- kercsene mill from H. H. Groff & Wolf Co, advertising a crectng a engine and chop- Engle. clothiers at clean- boys’ overcoats at a $1.25. twenty molders Marietta up sale of straight price of Abcut work at the went to lloware Enameling Co. The John Reinhold Co. ganized at Marietta to to prevent was or- manufacture from ‘two hook’ aucts being wrecked while under tow. ransacked the home of Brubaker they Thieves Mrs. Harry taking all the Bamford if there is no suc at Bainbridge food could find. will lose its pestmaster to the pre- sent postmaster, who resigned. rr 20 Years Ago thermometer at Ris- This merning the registered 22 degrees below ser's Mill, n Abram Milton escaped injury going His horse frightened and sleigh. rth of town. Holwage of Grove, while to town. upset the county received Lancaster sec ond konors at the corn show at Harr’ Rev. Arthur S. Peck was elected rector of St. Luke's Episcopal church. Zook, Donegal Springs wes awarded the prize of Irish C blers at the Hanisburg farm Harry C. taker, the past thirty ears. Markets: Fggs lard 18c. Work on the Raymond ‘ob- show. under- Brunner, local held six double funerals in 50-58¢, hutter 35c, new Lancaster pas- start this sp? »f Elizabeth- Norman Nis- Ave. was senger station is to Josep! Eshl purchased the eman, town, slecy property on Chocolate A Lancaster $14.55 for man. An old land mark, a estate Mount resident fined masquerading as a wo- barn on the Sultzbach along the Mar etta & was destroyed by fire properly Jey turnpike, had two mputated when caught in the Bachman Che 3enj. Greenawalt, 64, fingers eolate Co. plant. Columbia county farmers are re- a bushel for wheat. ) fusing A Kinderhook knocked woman sustained = Injury vhen down by coasters Mr. and Mrs Florin, in Mori future William ison, will make their th Dakcta. Metropclitan Power plant at Middlete completed. Thé auditorium in Hall tas Lancaster city Wn. IS NOW been. repapered will February. garage ot Lancaster, tomobile show in The City destroyed by fire at a loss of $75,- was Howard Gamber, of Newtown, Mount Joy V “THE ANSWER MAN" . When was the first American nickel ‘minted? The first nickel USA five-cent piece was ‘coined in 1866. | Before then, they were silver. . What language is spoken by the most people? . Chinese is spoken by than twice as many pec as English, which is the ner-up. | more sons | run- . Can a person sleep while floating in water? A. Certainly, especially if fioat- | ing in salt water. | . How much steel is there in the Empire State Building? . 60.000 tons. . How wide is a hair's breadth? As a measure of length, 1/48th of an inch. . Can military prisoners of war be made to work? | Yes, according to Internation- a] Law, work may be required 3 of privates. not of oflicers. eel re | COLLECTICINS IN THE CT. JOSEPH BUILDING FUND | Total subscripticn in the St. eph Hospital building fund cam- | paign to date are $564,353. The communities responded follows: Washington Boro, Marietta, Rev. Harold Keller, 250; Mountville, Dan Witmer, Twp., Mrs. Florence $188; E. Donegal Neiman, $725; W. Hempfield Earl Albright, $700; E. Peters- Samuel M. Bender, $992; Lan- | Ralph W. Snavely, $3,840; | Rohrerstown, Robert R. Good, ¥1,-| 075; Mt. Joy Boro, Dr. W. M. Work- ! $5,000; Elizabethtown, Mrs. Ulrich, $6.440; West Donegal | $60; Mt. Joy Twp., $125; N. Rapho Twp., Robert O. Hess, $140 A een Cattle Need Minerals To Assure Good Growth Most of the mineral elements be- lieved to be essential for animal health are present in adequate amounts in common livestock feeds, but there are imporiant exceptions. Jos- | fol- | | lowing Wil- | Twp., Mrs. Conoy helm, Irvin Twp., burg, disville, man, Paul Twp., “Calcium and phosphorus are re- quired by all classes of livestock, but growing, pregnant and lactating animals have special needs for these elements,” college veterinarians say. “An important function of cal- cium and phosphorus is to provide a strong skeleton for the animal body. Rickets in the young and osteo- malacia in the adult are caused by a deficiency of either calcium or phosphorus. Rickets is the failure of | bones to harden. They remain soft and bend out of shape during growth. Osteomalacia is in some respects the opposite of rickets; that is, cal- clum and phosphorus are removed from the bone. When these ele- ments are deficient in the feed the animal eats, brittleness and often fractures of the pelv bones of the legs m and long Pig an a often occurs in young pigs kept in pens with cement floors with no access to so Under such circumstances, if .the diet is limited to sow’s milk, the hemoglobin of the blood decre: indicating iron, copper and pos cobalt deficiencies wooden or Fire Prevention and “must” vent fires at home is the of chimneys, flues, fire; pipes to guard against a disaster when the first warming fires are lighted in the fall. In addition, all electric and gas equipment should be inspected thoroughly and the nec- essary repairs made, or use of the article discontinued. Every year there has been loss of life and prop- erty because of faulty wiring, gas connections worn electric cords. When kerosene lamps are used, their location should be checked carefully. If a lamp must be placed near the wall an asbestos or metal plate should be used to protect the wall. Lamps should be kept away from curtsins and draperies, and only those with broad bases should be used. A first step to pre- | cle: ning | laces, and poor and Fluorescent Lighting Although cent lighting was disc red in 1852 by the English scientist Sir George Stokes, lights utilizing the principle | were not developed until recent years, points out the Better Vision institute. Stokes discovered that with short longe fels; transfor rays in There is no better way your business than by local news- | paper advertising. | to boost 4 home be niver The Susquehanna Powe ny has awarded the contract for Conowingo d m. R. F. Eshleman’s 13 1: 1 nished the music at the spelling Guar chestr: under the auspices cf aintors is of the Lyceum course. Good, ond a at 7:38 ot the Lancaster General after an illness of twelve He was horn in Mount Joy son of Bishop and Cor- Mortuary Record In | . I i 95 H 5 Martin. Deceased is This Section teurv'ved ky his wife who was Fran- one daughter, Rhoda Martin; sndchildren, one sister and t ©: a, David and Mrs. She is hey, of Elizabethtown a asd ‘ : Lancaster RD. children: Ervin @ Nissley, e funeral services will be held Nissley, of { fiom the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Manheim: | Martin, on Sunday at 1:30’ c’clock Ellis. | further services at the Cross = church at 2 o'cleck, with in- tetment in Mt. Tunnel cemetery. dchild. A Fr! call at the Martin H. Gocd, of {home on Saturday evening from | seven to nine o'clock. (From page 1) Hostetter, R2, Rapho township, a daughter of | H., wile of Paul A. the late Nathan end Elizabeth Herr Menno- { br survived by | 1% four three Em- and member of the nite church. two Manheim; 1 Harry G. Manhe im RD. Oscar and Mrs. Milroy and three step-chil- dren: Ruhl, Rov no ; ; | Roads also two grandchilc Loth of town; ren and one great g Edw a ends may go a brother, Gordonville. The funeral wos held at Man- | with inter- adjoining heim Tuesday afternoon ment in the cemetery church. Martin Martin, sged Amos II. Amos H. Delicious SMOKED FLAVOR For Meat USE/ Sterling Bugar- Curing MEAT SA ET O98c NEWCOMERS’ WAR DWARE STORE EAST MAIN STREET MOUNT JOY, PA. Grade "A" Production Halted. W.P.B. has stopped the production of Grade “A” rubbeg for recapping for several months. None of material can be made for recapping passcager tires during that period. increasing, passenger tire production fuotas have been cut and more reddigtions are expected. % GET GRADE "A" RUBBERXWhile i} Lasts! Ee tc rms es pe We have a limited quantity. df yous tires are smooth—better hurry down and geethick, new treads today. Skilled workmen in oir shop use the tested B. F. Goodrich Factogy Meithod—for longer tire life—greater safety. NO CERTIFICATE NEEDED 70 RECAP GEO. W. LEAMAN 130 E. Main St. ~- Phone 230 - Mt. Joy, Pa, New Tire Quotas cut. A military demands : z 00 6.00-18 A Public Service To apply its net income solely for the benefit of Public Schools is the ex- clusive purpose of The SICO Company as requir- ed by its charter. You are doing a public educational service when you use SICO gasoline and fuel oil. = Es = RATION STAMP INFORMATION; de We are now redeeming Sugar Stamos No. 3 3 Red Stamps 95 RS, SB, T5, US, V5, W5, X5, ¥5, 5 2,82, C2 avd £2, 02, £2, F2, 62 2 Y5, Z5, A2, , D2, EZ, Fi, Ug, 5 Stamps H2, J2, K2, L2 and MZ. Help Protect AMERICA’S FUTURE Daily Scratch Feed 25 lb bag $ 1.01 100 lb bag$P 3.43 Daily Laying Mash 25 lb bag $ 1. 13 100 1b bag$ 3.98 ESTABLISHED 1859 YT Fresh TENDER FULL POD PEAS 2 33 FLORIDA JUICY THIN SKIN 51 SIZE Grapefruit 3 - 25- JERSEY SWEET C Polaioes 4-29 Large Florida (20) size) Scott Towels ORANGES nozen 35€C pkg 1 Oe Fresh Texas BEETS Wax Paper Fresh Texas 125-ft. voll 1 Se SPINACH Napkins & | 5¢ 1 12¢ 3 rors 2Q¢ Stgyman Winesap APPLES Pascal (Green) CELERY carce stax 285¢ ecard] reg. size 80 Oc MARVEL-DATED EVERY DAY Bread SUGARED BROWN BREAD Jane Parker lged SIAM oN BUNS Regular Slice Loaf ii “Sr 16¢ ‘oir 19¢ LOAF re 15¢ 11¢ 11¢ we 11 ¢ Wheaties Wheaties Kix Shredded Wheat Kellogg's Raisin Bran 10 Kellogg's Shred. Wheat r= 1 O¢ Kellogg's Pep rks OF Kellogg's Rice Krispies + 1 1¢ Extra big pkg Reg pkg size pkg pkg EDUCATOR BOSTONIAN yy Cookies 5G Coffee O'CLOCK base 2 RED CIRCLE COITEE BOKAR COFFEE 5%. 2 Try this new breakfast sensation! Cream of Rice Cream Corn Starch Staley’s os a Hydrogenated Vegciable Shortening Crisco POINTS Ib 68° SWAN SOAP 3 medium 17 3 large 28. cakes cakes IVORY DUZ SOAP FLAKES "DOES EVERYTHING" 23¢ & “Pe 23 OXY DOL er RY SOAP SHOW LARGE 23c tans 23: 18° 41° sacs 1-LB 5 ic 18-02 BAGS pkg 21° 1-LB BAGS LARGE PKG PKG FOR | Mill Phone disvil), FOR ¢ Charle hone — GAS ¥ has cq, conditi ing the will hy Joy. WANT classifi articles cash by umn, AD] Estat Mount Lette on said fo the debted make those against without undersi Arnold E Estate of Mt. Co., Pa Letter tate ha undersig thereto mediate claims same, Ww delay fo sicned. NORMA 120 C LEAM 46 E. ARTHI 120 E. Lous S. F Fstate late of N ed Letters estate h undersig thereto : mediate claims o will pres settlemer J 28 N I Arnold & ADMII Estate late of M Letters tate havi undersign thereto a medicte | clams o¢ same, wi delay for signed. r¢ TOH! 1/18/6t. EX Estate Mount Jo Letters {ate havir dersigned, thereto ai mediate p claims or will prese settlement L. R Arnold & a ra ADMIN 0 East Hemy Pa. deceas Letters estate han undersigne thereto ar mediate | ing claims game, Wil delay for signed, re: Joy. Pa. James N. E. diffe now Many open A COR L wMC