fio ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum Six Moths. 75 Cents Single Copies...........+ 3 Cents Three Months.......... 40 Cents Sample Copies............. FREE The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Stax end News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with the Bulletin, which makes this paper’s circulation practically double that | of the average weekly. Entered at the Postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. Months ® 6&0 | countries will soon return to feed- still quite active in his business as | end, there will be a rush to produce well as local civic organizations in- autos, radios, refrigerators, houses. . a 3 1 3 x Pr 1 cluding the Chamber of Commerce, So will industry buzz with activity | Mount Joy's Town Planning Com- | and so will the farmer in his turn, our way of thinking, most import- | in hand, starting at home! Curb- ant of all, his effort in “Helping Our | Schoo’s” thru the annual distribu- mere, is one way. To buy war OVER-CONFIDENCE ‘The Boys In Here and elsewhere, many people | . : 8 . are happy in believing thot Ger- | h many is collapsing within. There 5 ervice have been reports by certain com- | (From Page 1) Sixteenth December, nineteen | probable unconditional surrender. | Ta tone : : | forty-four, Dear Sir: Have been re- Such type of wishful thinking is not | ceiving the Bulletin regularly, so good fer national morale for it is more 1S double and triple fer There is only one way in which {on f duty, so I would cay vou this experiment can be carried thru aie 1 people happy throug! successfuily, and that is by stimu- | this gesture lating to the greatest possible ex- | All of me be tent the productivity and the initi- | cor ed on ine tude ua ative of the people. For, notwith- | have lor 1 boys the s ( nd standing the clear propaganda of a member of S.A (Services to patronage dispensers that govern- the Armed Forces) I w ased t ment grants are gift, every dollar e nciude this Chr is list distributed by government must! Thank Yu again With best first be taken from the people in | wishe for the New Year I am very taxes on their earnings and their | truly ur Helen C. Schule, businesses. | Progra Consultant Military and A government spending program | Naval Welfare Service, Southeast reguiring maximum taxes and | ern Ae: maximum production, cannot be nmin mixed in the same pot with secial- Dec. 7. 1944: Dear Mr. Schroit ism. | First 1 t to wish you and year oe 0 | empolyes a very Happy Christmas | FARMER'S FORESIGHT | Also lots of luck in 1945. I still re- The farmer of thisvicinity is lesi- j ceive your paper ‘and believe me it When our ing ahead, planning along post-war | is always welcome. When our lines, thinking of tomorrow's mar- man comes around and hands me mail- The Mount Joy Bulletin | I appreciate AR ——— re ee 1 HE EDITOR'S VOICE Yor the benefit of my angling ry exportatien trading and of do- Friends. my candid impression of | niestic demands for the future. fishing is a delusion entirely sur- | Feeding the weorid went be for so rounded by liars in old clothes. long, for after the fighting, many ° We want to commend our veteran | ing themselves. The farmer knows townsman, Mr. Clarence Schock, his biggest market is here at home | upon having reached his seventy- | and he wants employment in lines ninth milestone of life, Friday, De- | not agricultwiai to be kept going, cember 22. Mr. Schock is enjoy- since through them he prospers or ing most excellent health and is | fails. He knows that at the war's mission, Rotary Club, etc.say neth- | flourish. But after what? Well, ing about the most marked im- | the smart producers know they | provement ever made in the Mount | can’t continue indefinitely to make | Joy cemetery, (which will be de- {money from the unusual wartime | scribed in detail in these columns | Needs, and they are consequently in the very near future). Bat, to | determining today to keep inflation | ing the buying of goods that costs tion of the profits of his Sico Oil | bonds today is a stake in tomorrow | Company. | when they know that increased Mr. Schock is one of Lancaster | taxation must ccme to pay war county's philanthropists. In addi= | costs that must be met. They look | tion to his numerous achievements | about at present machinery wear- he further demonstrates his love for | ing out, buildings in need of repair, mankind by making provisions foi {-general equipment needed to ‘be re- the future of all his faithful em- | placed. They plan wisely to. put ployces | away today this higher income from May he continue to enjoy the | war to take care of; future's purch- | best of health and be spared for | asing. Every farmer hereabouts | many more yesrs, thereby enabling remembers the rural indebtedness his to accomplish numerous other | that fol'owed the last .war. Never heart's desires. | again—and mean it. eee Tt Mem Exactly one year ago we wrote Ne and published the following editor- WS rom ial in these columns. Read it again: | | | i | { i / | mentators that have led one to take |, . ; : nth ict I Ir | holiday here with his family hope in the prediction that the peo- > “ a > I Pvt. Robert Duffey, of Greens- | Me inside Germany are becoming vy } . iT . 'S | boro, N. C., spent the Christmas se terrified over the bombings, suf- 1, | holidays with his wife fered so long under Hitler, that | they are ready to seek peace 2nd a A The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afterioon, December 28, 1944 that paper it makes me feel ; kindness the it home | your and [| a i reads | bet everyone in service I am the only one the Mount Joy Bulletin. lots not who There are the same. in. around me who do Sometimes there is bad news Belicve me I feel for everyone who gets that We, drive kind of news. like thought, Bond there also, had a and I one more a $100 | people think the same that we can come home again and enjoy you, well, Nazi know Jap or and bond. 1 goes bought you Let's ours, way. hope victory soon is SO our living. I just finished a big laundry with cold water, of course. Here's where @ woman would come in handy. A weck or so ago I re- | ceived a Christmas gift from the | Mount Remembrance committ- which I say To this committee Joy is the best outfit in I will say it is so thoughtful of you peo- | tee, our town. ple to do such wonderful things for the men who are in the service. I myself and I know everyone of us, kindness. A thou- Let's hope have to Let us appreciate your | sand thanks for the gift. | by next year you won't end more gifts overseas. ( this be | service men and women away A friend and devoted read- George Leibshultz. any the last Christmas for from home. er, U. S. S. Richmond, December 16, 1944: Very twenty ! months since I left Mount Joy. Ev- in Boots, California, in the Pacific, I Bulletin. I appreciate the paper very much be- soon it will be er since, in snd ceiving am re- certainly now your | cause it helps to keep touch with schooolmates and friendsbesides Not Bulletin, bunk Scranton, oid the news back home. only I enjoy reading The but i scme other fellows who on | the ship near me from | Penna. Thanks a million for yow kindness, sir. November 19th of this year I was | rated Seaman 1-¢ after sixteen | months aboard the Richmond and | out of these months a good fourteen On capital detailed of them were spent October Navy of Virginia printed a the U. SS. activities since Dec. 7, ! enclose the article. I am different board ship ever “C" Div. very that Rm. You news, overseas. Day, the om «ly city Richmond's 1941. 1 will | story on division March 1944. The work I'm I can make in a a- since Radio. is and future or interesting hoping in the a u=C, near the latest “Brooklyn” { joined the Allies and it is rumored probably heard haven't you? | “Texas' is going to be the next ‘country” to offer its assistance. Yes, the “States Argument” is still Philippines on the first combat pa trol in which he participated “There was heavy shelling around us.” Archer said. “At times large lls landed within 1,000 yards: of our boat. One large piece of shrap- nel hit the deck just a fcot from “At dawn we sighted an enem; destroyer and fired three torpedoes at her. Shortly after there was an explosien and we believe it was our | torpedo. The explosion tore the bow of the enemy ship off.” | Archer's battle station as quarter- master is in the wheel of the. PT. He has been in the ‘Southwest ‘Pacific for: three mutiths” He enlisted the reserve on Oct. 1, 1943-and received recruit :and quartermaster training al Sampson, N. Y., following that he went to Motor Torpedo Boat Squad- i Training center in Melville, R chart recom and at the in naval ron I. IRONVILLE Roberts of Camp his | IFvi. George Blanding, Florida, is wife and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kleiner tertained the relatives the Christmas holidays: His . Seldon Ulmet, US Army Philadelphia; His brother 2nd Lt. Richard L. Kleiner, US Marine Air Corps, Cherry Point, N. C.; His sis- ter Miss Dorothy Kleiner, St. Louis, ! Mo Pvt. Earl Fla., iting h's wile and three children. Wyatt visiting en- following over cousin Sgt of Camp Bland- | Frey, ing, is home on a furlough vis- o S 1-¢ May, N. J, Cape | Von Stetten Sullivan. | i | | Sullivan, of is visiting his wife Mary Hazel Fornoff DeTambel is visit- husband, Lit. De- at Chicago, Ill Harold W. Albright Locust streets, Columbia, entertained Christmas Mr, and | Mrs. Joseph Albright, of Klines- | ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kauffman | son Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph | Lerntheizel, of Ironville. > The Ironville U. B. Sunday school | observed their Christmas on Christmas morning at 9:30 a. when a program was presented by | children of the Primary depart- | and | the | ing her Marvin Tambel, Mr. 11th «nd Mrs. and on program | m. | the exchanged nas hy school: A gift of cash was | to the pastor Rev. R. V. Mays by the Sunday school super- intendent, Glenn W. Kauffnian. ee eel ~ ee Sico Co. Distributes ment. Gifts were each scholar rewarded Sunday presented (From page 1) Adamstown Boro 0. $ 216.00; Akron Boro 7... MN, 310.00 | Bart Twp. 434.00 | Brecknock p. 572.00 |* Caernarvon Twp. .......... 434.00 ; Christiana Baro ........ 320.00 | Clay Twp. ........-........: 534.00 | Colerain Twp. ........... .. 480.00 | Columbia Boro. .......... 3,024.00 | Conestoga Twp. 476.00 | Conoy Twp. ........... 578.00 | Penver Boro ......... 592.00 Drumere Twp. .......... : 384.00 | Earl TWP. ... ... cc 960.00 | East Cocalico Twp. ......... 866.00 | East Donegal Twp. 1,314.00 , East Drumore Twp. ......... 356.00 | Fast Earl Twp. 1,086.00 | East Hempfield Tw cries 1,574.00 East Lampeter Twp. 1,378.00 | Eden Twp. rs 178.00 | Elizabethtown Boro ....... 1,618.00 | Elizabeth Twp. ......... . 316.00 | Ephrata Boro .......... 2,350.00 | Ephrata Twp. 1,016.00 | Fulton Twp. i......... . 470.00 | Lancaster City ........... 13,954.00 Lancaster Twp. ...... 1,198.00 | Leacock Twp. 736.00 | Linceln Irdepende nt 74.00 | Lititz Boro =. 0 1,602.00 | Little Britain Twp. ........ 448.00 | 1,606.0 | 2.616.00 | Manheim Boro Manheim Twp. America rolling. It will MOUNT JOY 230 The tire scarcity is not over. RECAP A traveling salesman tells us that the snow storm wes so bad out a- round Pittsburgh that on the night | it snowed Be had hs girl out driv=- ing and lost. Finally, she yel- led: a a George! There's a chicken so we must be near a farm.” He.says he looked and re- plied: “That's, not a chicken. That is the weathercock on the township school Yes, sin It must have been mighty deep. SE SIMON P. NISSLEY MARY G. NISSLEY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Mount Joy, Pa. house.” ing HOUR ELSON EDDY with ROBERT ARMBRUSTER'S ORCHESTRA . . . 4:30 wr WABC— 880 KC—NEW YORK WCAU—1210 KC—PHILADELPHIA WHP—1460 KC—HARRISBURG WGBI—910 KC—~SCRANTON AND ALL OTHER When in need of Printing. (any- thing) kindly remember the Bulletin HOW ARE YOUR SHOES | DON'T WAIT TOO LONG. BRING THEM IN. City Shoe Repairing Co. 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. WEEN IN NEED OF Crushed & Building STONE CEMENT, SAND, CONCRETE BLOCKS, SILLS. LINTELS. STEEL SASH, OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS, ASPHALT PAVING, MASONRY and CONCRETE WORK For Prompt and Courteous Service CALL SAMUEL N. STAUFFER MT. JOY, PA. Randler’s Bicycle Shop ELMER S. RANDLER, Prop. 12 N. MARKET ST. MOUNT JOY. Bicycle Repairing Accessories & Parts Baby Cab Tiring STORE HOURS: 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Dr.H.C.Killheffer Optometrist MANHEIM 163 S. Charlotte St, Telephone 137-R Mon. & Wednes. 9-5:30 Tues, Fri, Sat. 7.9 P, M, ELIZABETHTOWN 15 E. High St. Telephone 24.R C.B.S. NETWORK STATIONS piso ues Fri. sat, Don W. Gorrecht Jeweler Watch and ‘Clock Repairing 9iu of An Explanation The | i: { thanks to vou and the Remem- | very strong and the popular subject no . i » not a completely true picture of the | i Ya . : | 1 = t 2 I | Manor Twp. 1,420.00 ( hano A Of | t YI it R « Q nce comn - col- | everywhere 1 e excep- ar 37 conditions. Analvsis insist that the | rance committee I find your co | nost everywhere with t x excep- | Marietta Boro 672.00 4 C At : n Cl C S La ( S 1 led | he Nazi] umn, “News About These In the | tion of the most usual subject—wo- | Martic Twp. . 654.00 i, people are so controlled by the Nazi | : : : SnCu Ben oe ioc i tit : il re | SELVIC very interesting and help- | men! There are about nine or ten Millersville Pore Bene party we military organs, they are : . on Mount Joy Borc .. 1148.0 rr : oh ~ ; . | ful in keeping 1 any of my | bovs fro Pennsylvania and we all | a "pe ( ( 0]. Be helploes bn avercaming | 10] in keeping v nany 2 my | boys from Penns) ania ond we a | Mount Joy Two To [fect January 1. 1915 i = : i frie n th Thank vou | got to be pretty close friends anc Bore 20, them. Bear in mind that net one | ia : as i { Mounty ill Boro 294.00 Cis : . Allied 1d . { 1 S Jim Widman. naturally we all hold together for |New Holland Boro 864.00 | In recent years business methods have experienced 4 ed sc.dier occupies ong won 0 > y low Y 5 } ; : 1 . 1 : i ne fou 1 the Keystone state. But we [New Milltown Ind. 50.0G | many changes. This is true of banking as well as other {ierman nd consider that if they thing. Tox 5 Lis | Paradise Twp 874.00 lines of business. Readi : 4 a4 y Li J Qh, cne thing—Texas h: the bigge 5 ire by p iines of business. Readjustments and still more adjust- are crumbling within, they are 4 Pp, : > : . Penn Twp. 784.00 \ : holding cur mighty well vishfuj | son of Mr > upp, of | ‘ack rabbits, and the biggest doz- |p equea Twp. 138.00 ments have had to be made by banks due to the decline ling 1 ght) ‘ Vis . 1 1 T = { intere or i » thin 1 ur part has been awarded the Dis- | gone liars in the wo 1d. Providence Twp 518.00 in interest rates based on the “easy money” policy of the inking perhaps on our part, y 0 ville Bor = | ade . : . . : | : tinguishe medal, symbolic of we got to hear most of | Quarr; Halle Bero 633 9 Federal Government and the decreasing demand for bank must noi relax for one minuie our | nenal, “ Yaph \ wal ; 032. re. rm : 7 ot I ; me mint Be Cat 1. | the important football games this Rapho Twp. ou credit. Thus far there is no assurance that this trend will efime io make it come true Over i itation recenity Tex Thi Sadsbury Twp. ... 230.00 | I OR, : pi confidence has jeopardized many al rece’ved from the Way Boat art r by short wave. This was re- Salisbury Twp. 1.208.00 e reversed in the reasonably near future. nce Ic A « © 2 ‘ re » : in ht A ‘W bv tl U. S. Troop Carrier Force | 8lly a treat. I must have missed [Strasburg Twp . 506.00 position in history's past wars. i. % hoi {in the Bu a wonderful hunting season this [ Str: sbi rd Boro 364.00 In harmony with the prevailing conditions, the under- q ake i . 0 wh I ed In the Luro- | ° w Al a > oe — ow o : 4 oi must nol make this mistake. i 1 0 4 hs vear according io Elwood Mertin's re il Boro 0% . Jui signed bank of Mount Joy announces a change of interest FARIA IN . i DE neatre of peraticns. Ihe JH) ND A Upper Leacock Twp. 068.00 : r : > 2 en After reports of reverses to . : “whopper” 1 orinted in the Reoch Twp 108 : rate of 1% on savings accounts and of 12% on time certifi- srmies on the German front during | Presidential Citation commends Lt Igppe! © you printed Jn tne DY Warwick Twp. 1,280.60 | SE : ii oh a of 1 hy | Shup outfit tanding per letin Please, no more like thet [Wasi shington Boro 106.00 | cates cf deposits, effective on and after January 1. 1945. the past ten days, It appears we og Murr : wv Tw 758 0) past 3 Pi it powered air. I'm closing this epistle and I Wes Coc ico. Twp. 758.00 | gave mighty geod advice exactly Man ns ! do tt ich v back hi st Sn wp. ..... 544.00 | . : y eral A rt which were wan 0 wish you i ac me IW t Earl Tw 910.00 | rm T . AT . y > one year in advance yi sU Lard lwp. ...... J10.G0 © J ( IN # ‘ | J 7 | ‘ k oo part of mess airborne assaults | and the fellows overseas a Very | West Hempfield Twp 566.00 | 1 Jnion National Mount | 0oy Dan vill IN SAME ROI n enemy-held terrain Merry Christmas and a Happy New West Lampeter Twp. ...... 1,136. 0 OF MOUNT JOY. PENNSYLVANIA WON'T MIX IN SAME POT Yany Thanke i Lop Year. Thanks again for the paper | The governme » Unites : I Joo ate aries $64,064.00 The government of the United A ; I : 21. 1644 and also thanks to the Remem- | THe —— Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Federal States is leunched on a great ex- ca < ty arse sities. For eo 2nd} Lie Reserve System : Bulletin. 'M Dear Mt brance committee for the gift and Evervhbody reads newspapers but | y periment. It has undertaken to : i Mr | letter Robert P. Frey | nop 3 8 guarantee minimum living stand- ) L a you con- NO oy a ad- | : : i} sii sheorints f Thea - vertising left on their or S 3 = ards for all. It will endeavor to“ sift subscription of The Berita Ap D 19 it on their door step furnish jobs when needed, the so- | PY » the Remembrance So 1ithwest Pan 4 iy 1 > ( 91 | cial security system is to be expan- | e to thank them for the |! Delay ed) he ert A 8, jes | ded, farm prices are to be main- | "9 dollar bill. I am not sure that Ran fit 25 5, oh lg 5 a s. | ° | } 1 iit Archer, of 2. Las tained by subsidies, and an almost oe d Pe v. k r A * 1 | y : i ple Know : rile +1... delphia street, York, Pa., wa wel unlimited program of public works! ¥ rf ess of tae i : ted” as he put it, in his first ! ov . yrrect or incorrect yuting on this 1ntiated, as he pl I Nils st ' has been proposed. The experi- |° 8 uly n this, . ie . 3 i . pps J 4 tion with the Seventh fleet PT | ment will cost untold billions, and al : tly appreciate re- boats will come on top of a war that tH al ome Young Archer's PT came a ® | promises to run the public debt up| If this ONE 38 inst Japan task force in th . . SdAllls < Je anese orce i ne | ree re il ars or | ol in Geoigia, you can r ' Eid} 3 Ye } to three hundred billion dollars or I Tae, Battle of South Leyte gulf in the | ° continue to do so. We must still conserve every tire in America so transporigtion may coniinue. It has been only by the ingenuity of American scientists and the loyally of American business with the cooperation of the storing public that we avoided a complete breakdown. IN TIME! Keep Driving By Following These Simple Rules Have Tires Inspected Regularly— Drive Within 35 Mile Speed Limit Make Tire Repairs Promptly — Keep Tires Properly Inflated (Opposite the Fire House) | Recapping kept GEO. W. LEAMAN ELIZABETHTOWN 95 FLCRIDA JUICY (150 Size) Oranges Golden Jersey Sweet Potatoes Texas Sweet Red Beels Ap STAYMA CARROTS Yukon Club Ginger Ale or Club Soda i det) SALTINES NABISCO we 19€ BERANS Tit See 2 2 25¢ PARKER bag POTATO CHIPS ii: 5 23¢ OLEOMARGARINE = ii. 18¢ CAMPBELL'S "Ur 2 =v 19¢ PEANUT BUTTER: + i; 21c Paper Towels Paper Napkins Cutrite Wax Paper Kitchen Charm Wax Marvel Enriched 34 Extra Thin Slices BREAD CRUMBS wn: PECAN RINGS Ane parker each 23¢c POUND CAKE ++ ras ct 20c Marvel "Enriched" Sandwich Swifve (346 on 58¢c) Bland Lard Kraft's Spread Velveeta Standard Pabst-ett McCormick's Pure Extract Vanilla FOR FINE LAUNDRY Ivory Flakes DUZ DOES EVERYTHING Duz ples Eating or AA PDS SPINACH 2 1s 15¢ CALIFORNIA SEER ERE EEE EERE ER ERR LEE Mild and Mellow Coffee...........3-lb bag, 5%¢ Eight O'Clock RED CIRCLE Corrie BOKAR COFFEE 3.10 vag 75. (ik l-oz bottle Florida Juicy LIMES 31 RTE dozen 48: 3 . 20 3 29 large orig. bunches 17¢ 25¢ 29-02 Sete: 19¢ 10c Oc 2 pkgs Pkg. 125 Ft. Paper 125 ft. 1 5¢ loaf J BC 15¢ 1b box 17%-oz loaf 1c: ht 18c “ie 19¢ ver 18¢ 1-15 bags 2 2 41c 47¢c Sic 1-16 bags 1-1b bags 67¢ 35: 4.0r bottle, 2-01 19 bottle we Bde wee DJ Vegetable Shortening Crisco wr 24 3» 68 iar Supply Limited Octagon Granulated Soap Oxydol 23 Octagon large pkg ve DC NOLA FLAKES 21.0z pkg 23¢c : Laundry Soap Soap Powder 3 14 ue 1c MAGIC WASHER Sweetheart TOILET SOAP regular 13¢ Bath size lc Deluxe cake HEL some linot; aged is al appl; Call NOT: ceive sold Fleas Offic You, FOR brick roof, plem joins Mou Real Joy, WAI send Wax coup Capi Har Nc annu First Com day, hour elect actio may meet Sree ¢ M. Stocl Th hold at. Janu af 1 direc othe: befo Ni anni Uni Joy, uary tien Pp. 1 and ines the 11/3( Pree Tis Mou Lie {ate ders ther med clair will sett] East tour Le esta und thet mec clai sam del: sign Mot Pen Isae Joh E. - of Cou La esta und the mec clai will sett sidi cas Wil SA I giv Jar Re Jar No. ise: net Str Joy ] pel sig or the I He cat Ea the ier the me