The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 30, 1944, Image 4

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four The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, November 30, 1944

rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He is | o
twenty-three years old. Farm Elections
The youthful Colonel, a regular |
pilot of a paratroop and freight
hauling C-47 “Skytrain,” is a vet-! No. 4: Delegate, A. A. Witmeyer,
eran of two years of foreign service. Manheim R3; alternate delegate
At present he leads his squadron in Frnest Weaver, Manheim R3;
frequent freight flights carrying chairman, A. A. Witmeyer; vice-
gasoline, ordnance materials, and chairman, Ernest Weaver; regular
ther supplies to various organiza- member, Menno Ober, Manheim
tions of many widespread fields R3; first alternate, Andrew H. Hack-
throughout France, Belgium, and !man, Manheim R3; second alternate,
occasionaily in Holland. On many Herbert Wolgemuth, Manheim R3.
of these flights the return loads con- | No. 5: (Missing).
about those sist of American and Allied casual- | No. 6: Delegate, C. C. Greider
ties of war, both walking anid litter Mount Joy Rl; alternate delegate,
IN THE SERVICE cases, who are rapidly transported Ohmer F. Gingrich, Lancaster RI;
to the many modern and well chairman, C. C. Greider; vice-chair-
equipped hospitals in England. man, Ohmer F. Gingrich; regular
Lt. Col. Benjamin F. Kendig, son ‘member, Benjamin L. Greider, Mt.
safely, somewhere in England. of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kendig, Sal- [Joy Rl; first alternate, H. N. Keh-
Seaman 1/c James Schneider, of unga, participated in the African, ‘ler, Columbia R2; second alternate,
Norfolk, Va, spent several days Tunisian, Sicilian and Italian cam- Daniel S. Forry Columbia R2.
with his family. and also participated in the No. 7: Delegate, Clarence Rein-
Cpl. Marshall Gemberling, sta- invasion of France on D-Day June hold, East Petersburg; alternate
tioned in Iceland, is manager and 6th. delegate, Clyde S. Mumma, Landis-
coach of a basketball team and high/ memes ville; chairman, Paul R. Weaver,
individual scorer of an eight team 6, Nov. 1944 | Landisville; vice-chairman, Steve
league. ! Somewhere in the Philippines | Grissinger, Lancaster Rl; regular
oh Dear Mr. Schroll: i member, Henry G. Stehman, Man-
Cpl. Clayton D. Aument, Landis- I'd like to let you know how much heim RI; first alternate J. Howard
| Pitfer, Salunga; second alternate,
B u Y WAR B OND S ville, has returned to Ft. McClel- I miss the Bulletin. I haven't re-
- lan, Ala., after spending 14 days ceived it for quite some time, but {Elmer Balmer, East Petersburg.
with his wife and son. He was re-then I haven't received anything
cently promoted to his present for quite awhile. .
Although I do not live in Mt. Joy Dr. H.C. Killheffer
First National Bank and Trust Company | os ma gy 3 | Drama
15th AAF in Italy—Corporal Ger- Bulletin.

(From page 1)
I, Q |



WE have War Bonds for
sale. Our bank sells them
without charge to you or
the government because we
want to serve our country
and we want to serve you.
YOU do these three
things: (1) Help win the
war, (2) Help check infla-
tion, (3) Provide for your
futnre, when you


Pfc. Jno. H. Landvater, arrived

Here it i
and deer se
I am trying
no help fr
A local h
tains for b
the mount:
mud. Soor
motorist k
spade in tl
when the h
mud?” “Of
icily “my
digging a |

MOUNT JOY. PENNA. ald L. Cosgrove, of Florin, Pa, bali] I like the “News about the Boys MANHEIM
MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Jigunner on a B-24 Liberator, re-in the Service” It keeps me up on || 163 S. Charlotte St,
: : Lo: : 1: Telephone 137-R Lo
cently arrived in Italy. their location. The Wise OLD owl iW bhai Johnny s
Cpl. Cosgrove entered the army also provides good reading and the yon Fri. ao M. & 4 3 it, it's bad
in Sept. 1943, and received his train- news of the town is very good for | - How does
ing at Kingman, Ariz, and Boise, keeping the picture of the town in / RIZABETHIOWN “Not now. Not while the going is toughest. Not while that
Idaho. Prior to entering the army my mind. Reading familiar names Telephone 24-R extra winning punch is needed most. Not on my life...” One of or
he was a student at West Chester!is very good for a fellows morale. Tues Fri. Sat, enter the n
$ State Teachers College. His mother, We are pretty busy down here as 9:30-1:00.2.5 P. M. * * £3 | if a fan d
Pg Mrs. John P. Cosgrove, lives at the you can see by your news reports. The 6th War Loan is now on! Let's not let any of our fighting sailor, woul
above address. ’ I have had only one restful night in WHEN IN NEED OF : > hid
» na a long time. Crushed & Building pals down. The Japs are far from being pushovers—there are At the n
ZU Sgt. Carl W. Deitrich, son of Mr.| I'm locking forward to receiving 73 million of them, stubborn, cruel, fanatically determined very heavy
HY 4 and Mrs. Clayton Deitrich, Wash- the Bulletin and getting the latest So) ‘Tr Oo N BE to stop us. To save American lives, to save time, we must cal Lg
ing a veterar f > IS the Boys i service. . . . eyed the la
jngion Bore R1, a eteran of he news on J Se | oye in service overwhelm them with supremacy of materiel. Our fighting oh ie
African and Sardinian Campaigns, Respectfully yours, CEMENT, SAND, oh will need more. and bistor plans Hive. lag nally his da
is serving as a member of an ord- Robert Archer, S 1/¢ CONCRETE BLOCKS, m 5 gder planes, more ships, landing son, why d
craft and supplies, more of everything than in the invasion of s0?” The y

nance campany of the 12th Air er eee SILLS, LINTELS.,
what happe

Po a fron 8 ii ee, Force in lay. Nov. 14, 194 STEEL SASH. Europe. So let’s buy that extra $100 Bond right now to help
e earth, in halls, 2d ~ PS ATG - . 7
rooms or bathrooms. 4 EN ———— : . Semewhere in Germany OVERHEAD GARAGE shorten the war. Let's save other lives by saving our money! 8 AN i when she |
$1 IL i) Pvt. Allen S. Brandt, nineteen, I am writing to let you know that DOORS ; 3. ; jer hesitated a
From .............. AAI son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram S.I am still receiving the Bulletin ASPHALT PAVING explained:
Brandt, of Manheim R3, was seri- even though it dees get here a little MA : BUY A IT LEA SI A N EX TRA 5 100 WAR ECND i i
and mm a OE ! sumed name

ugs as charming pos €
Had you

think the reason | CONCRETE WORE
For Prompt and Courteous Service
ously wounded in action in France late at times.
Thav'll 1 : a : 3s
They'll be on Nov. 9, according to an an- ior this is because you are still |

sibilities for Christmas
y : . - | .
nouncement from the War Depart- using my old address, you will find | Girls user
nrasanis CALL °
: ment received by his parents. my present address at the end of h U IN ! ME J k man follows
oI ‘samuel N. starrer. The Union Nationai Mt. Joy Ban i
Mrs. Kathryn Landvater, Rheems, I have already received a Christ- | MT. JOY. PA. Mount Joy, Penna. night two
{ downtown a
H. S. Newcomer & Son, ng. has received word that her husband mas present, consisting of a two | Res. 903-R-14 Office 903.R.18 | MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION do
a I LE Er Pin gre 4
I'5 Elias Landvater, has arrived dollar bill frem the remembrance | yes atm me REL ELIOT ILI TL IEG TRILL mE ZL IETS my
us.” The ot

suggest ” A

u plied: “Let's
¥ — — It’s ju
: anymore.
To whom
The beare
husband no
is only leav:
feel the neg
willing and
man about
and carries

MOUNT JOY, PA. safely in England. committee. They also informed me | i 75
— that T will still receive the Bulletin. | §
Tm Camp Blanding, Fla. I want to thank the committee
Dear Mr. Schroll, nd everybody that made the pres- 9
; On Sunday I received the second ent possible. I also want to thank 3) 0
GOIN XY copy cf the Bulletin since I arrived them for sending me the Bulletin i 4”
én here in Camp Blanding, I sure ap- every week. 3
rreciate it. It seems to bring home I always read about these in the i
closer. It is quite interesting to service first. This way I keep posted | ¥
know what the folks back home on where most of the fellows from
i'd ‘hil 75. Oy ov WY ro ; thaw |
rt dcing while we are serving and town arc ied and what they | 5 Bg
Ww rrotecting the uag of good old U. are doing. Next I usually look sp Iu 3
A, the bowling league and see who is | }
BY ¥
I am in the Infantry Training Re- who there. When I was home this |








m ‘HE new broad form U. S. F. &. G. Residence and Out- ic Center at Camp Bland- was one of my favorite sports as Wl
side Theft Insurance policy will Lover Tie ioe you ing. The trai r seems tough to most of the fellows all know. | Ne us 8 never kicks
leave in your home while you are away, wi 5 80 cover us as recruils, but we cught to be. 1 received a promotion a- to T is ME N TOR A PRACTICAL GIFT a usc to one
the personal articles you take with you wherever you go. well ed when we have finished bout » months avo. to Tachi: or wm Am un go x 3 cordiallv re
This broad coverage insurance is available at very ab fie an Grade. x | ee S 4 jad RQ DUST 8 { 3 ane looking
little cost. For full information consult . . Ve have s personnel here and If vou will look at the heading of 0 ticle
V nav e personn here ar [I you il 10GK at the go ~ 5
it co make as feel as we're this letter you find that I am | WALLETS — Always Useful £1.39 each % te
just on a job working like anyone now in Germany. So far I have been | ¥ 3 sores a 1
Ww m. ¥ oO U N G else in four different countries, France, $1.49 - $1 59 - $1 28 HED oe 2 ried gents. A
MARIETTA, PENNA. We are quite busy and news is Belgium, Holland, and Germany. | USEFUL GIFTS i A ar
Phone 2921 carce. I want to thank you again We certainly have come a long way ARTIC a A N D KE RCH i 0 » eon axen (
for the Bulletin. So long from the since we landed on the beach on I ALL ELASTIC 3 3 7 % er ie rer
{ Sunny Southland. D-Day. [2 $1 SAP A 0 iis wife. “W
marr rae A RETR TA TL PL TE BE TER TRA AE TE RE TE PE ISIE AEE HEA, Respectfully Yours, We have been in Germany g:ite SUSPENDERS .00 Boxed #7 ot this?” she
i Pvt. David B. Hess some time now and so far the !}# for Chrisi S 3 sweep of her
i a: i dr weather has been very bad. We ‘a MILITARY BRUSHES 50, or risimas a conductor, v
i LY 21 Nov.. 1944 have had plenty of rain whi lps ; 3 5 freight cars
¥ & € 21 Nov., 1944 have had plenty of rain which helps § GALORE By
2 ® ® J Dear Sir; ‘to make a lot of mud. ft has also I 25¢ - 2%¢ : —_————
J a few lines to you know snowed twice already, but it didn’t |§ FOR ALL A F
3 . 4
3 NY 1 9 #1 ar »tting the Bulletin regularly. lay on the ground very long because I C h r I S 1 m a S C a Ir . 39¢ ! > G S 0 An uptowr
¥ = 4 sure like to receive yeir paper so it was followed by rain each time. I - —— : were having
I ad the wwe From Boek! FEverv thine is vein. oraltv 3 a. - -ause she in
i read the news from back Every thing is going pretty good | 8 z PIG SELECTION OF cause s i
[4] # home. As soon as the paper arrives just now and I hope it continues FOR EVERYONE n 59¢ 7c 2 to mend his
§ XI sit down and read it. I like to that way. Es 3 ai DOLLS that if she
r i sec where some of the boys from I want to thank you again for the 2 for 5¢ and 80c¢ & knew she wi
tovn are. I also like to read the Bulletin because I enjoy reading it : 5 10 AND x die. But he
. Br news. about the: Fire. Company: to very. much | a h . fixed. Final
u xg news about the Fire Company to very much. ¢ an Cc eac St HH ol A i
3 j S , {8 A urre nimais # more -
5 3S t they are doing. Stanley R. Young —— TN’ var | 10re importa
® ¢t to thank everyone of the Ei BOXED CARDS MEN'S AND BOYS —_— a A or his pants?
id J areest Selection i remembrance committee for the Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Ginder, of i . 5 and answerec
¥ a # gift Mcunt Joy RI, recently received a 5 29c¢ 35¢ . 50c¢ 8 O X E D J | E S ironing Beards # a Massy h
ll I took a nice airplane letter frem T/5 Leon Schaeffer, a HY] / . . WN s wife.
§ 5
In # two weeks ago. I was former resident cf this community 20. and 69 Nice Size $1.69 B
two hours and we were up now serving in France. | C No wonder $
¥ L C and it sure was cold. I His friends will be interested to RED. GREEN, WHITE & BLUE T bi Ch I at |
§ cncaster ount B® e it here in the Navy. I get to know that he was married to a LA . : # them though
‘ = Re D a e-i :
¥ > y » lot of planes, the one Iyoung lady from Florida, while ¥ CAN DLES 5¢ - 10¢ IES” GIFT air Sets 2 like and stay
vork on most is z 3 a ps tationed at r rlar 3 i as # . radio. As he
work on most is a P BM, a patrol stationed at an Orlando Air Base. ¥ .
—— on R bomber. That is the kind I had a He writes “This is the first cold ny a sudden twir
8 iSE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-A-WAY PLAN R rice in. I am learning to be a air- weather I have been in for almcst § Gif WwW . 41c 49¢ 59 — 8 and he excl
¥ U : 8 plane ian and it is very in- three years and I don’t know how a <3 | t rappings > c High Chairs $i 50 getting
dg 3 te: ; and I am going to I'm going to stand it for they tell & oY / CF ALL KINDS 62c¢ a 79 $1 10 : # looked up fre
Sh ? i it St try and | 1 all I can about it. me ii gets pretty cold here.”— — — WS . : Lc = . — 3 said: “Well,
# Well I better stcp before I tell you I used to be in : fit with Cif Re hi 1 : won't unders
carer S urni ure ore o much of er - here J de rrr oe : 2 SI Paper. Seals, Cord, Ribbon, LARGE SELECTION OF ALL KINDS OF anyway.” —
| A No, pool Bo T ful?
35-37 South Market Street Yours truly, Joy. He told me who his Daddy § To-And-From Cards PULL i QYS 3 3
: THTOWN PA James Schneider was ‘but it has been so’ long ago hi GAMES and BOOKS 3
¥ ELIZABE ’ 5 re that I have forgotten, but I met him BEAUTIFUL ! vi 89c-$1.29-$1.49 1 Down, in B
# PHONE 12-W $## A U.S. TROOP CARRIER BASE, here about a month ago and he is | lar one of the
: Lk _____ #Eurcpean Theatre of Operations.— a radio operator.” 1 Cemetery Wreaths $2.39 Christmas Tree Lights P { with this stor
STORE HOURS: ~~ F. Kendig, Jr., of Salunga, A —————— . Train Sets $1.29 g | of the summ
ws ’ # Pennsylvania, Commanding Officer When in need of Printing. (any Balls, lcicles Snow full grown or
DAILY: 9:00 A. M. to 6:00 P.M. — FRIDAY to 9P. M ps wih in ols : : 8. (any- | ALL ’
SATURDAY: 9:00 A. M. to 10:00 P. M. 5} Teoop Save! Sa in the thing) Kindly renamber the Bulletly | TOY SOLDIERS Nes 10c Tinsel, Ec Airplanes 25 field saying: *
uropean eatre © rations, i { . c :
i EE SEE Sw =r has been recently promoted to the! Patronize Bulletin advertisers. t cian Sh tt te pg ss n full bloom.”
SL SEPEPESE SESE SHE SE SVE RETR SESE SR 4 Sh Sp Su Sh SAE SS SSE a RE 2 TA TSE TE SE Th Pe TE eRe DE ES St NE A Ng DEES EER oo es prs Sor or ox cr Tena “And |