The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, October 19, 1944, Image 1

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    WO ST
Stan Stauffer, Quarryv’e
| Corn Pusking Champion
‘1 Local Draft
By No. 1 Bord)

ing championship, postponed due to VOL. XLIV, NO.
rain from Friday, was held on the
Musser Brothers farm west of town,
in East Donegal township Moniday.
It attracted quite a crowd and an
I The Lancaster County corn husk-

L. F. Livingston's
even dozen contestants battled for
CLASS 1-A eighty minutes, after which Stanley | Lecture
Marlin Lehn Shelley, R2. Manheim | Stauffer, of Quarryville R. 3, was
John Albert Jr., Mt. Joy declared the winner. He won by |
the narrow margin of .02 of a bush-
Lewis Bixler, Mount Joy Rl
Charles Clarenz Poley, R1, E-town
(Quite Interesting
Numerous new products and new
most of which work
el over
processes, UR

William Franklin Hoover, Marietta Stauffer husked the most corn but :
25¢ { So zat December 29, 194 was penalized for excessive husks | heralded and unseen by the general
i 5 owed Mia ICU an remaining on the ears, his winning | vublic, today contribute impor-
ass <= yarc ol, Jt) . ‘ y > cede > rar
20¢c { Clair Andrew Frey. Lancaster, Pa. | Score being 25.76 bushels net weight tantly to the unprecede nied Doar
{ i Class 2-C to April 1, 1945 for husked corn. Bixler was penal- effort on ell allied fronts, L. F.
10c¢c; £ | Paul Henry Ickes, R1, Millerstown | jzed for missing too many ears of Livingston, manager of the Du Pont
25¢ i CLASS 4-A his rows of standing corn, and tur- Agricultural Extension Division, {
7 gn Phares Drace Haldeman, R2 E-town | ned in a net score of 25.74 bushels told his audience in the High!
4 John Keller Weaver, R1, E-town School last Tuesday
{| Levi William Wilcon, Mount Joy. | © eri a :
: 1 Harry Peter Bender, R1, Lebanon Sylvester Walters, of Elizabeth- | evening. |
7 Paul Keener Earhart R2. Mt. Joy town R1, was third with a score of Added to the : array of products
George Martin Hoffer. R3. E-town | 2488 bushels. developed by industrial research |
S Emer Joune 20 Mophel bi Reuben Mowrer, of Columbia R1, | for peacetime uses and now con- |
Joseph Oscar Dreyman, Columbia tributing directly to the winning of |
the 1943 Lancaster county champion
Merle Geesey, R1, Columb™a :
Fredrick Lawrence Hummel, Mari- | came in fourth with a score of 23.71 the war are scores of new products |
etta i bushels. A brother, Milton Mow- | and processes developed since Pearl |
Bavaord John Michael, R3, Man-| .. Columbia Rl, was fifth with Harbor, Mr. Livingston said. 0 |
Ernest Keller Nye, Rl, Bainbridge 21.26 bushels. The importance of sejentific re- |
John Willi-m Fry. R2 F-town. > John Wagner, Mount Joy Rl, was | cearch in the development of new
Phares B. Younes. R3. Manheim sixth with 20.65 bushels; Curtis | things is dramatically shown by the |
Harry Kling Miller. Manheim May, Mount Joy R1, was seventh | fact that almost half of the Du Pont |
Nore Beg Ltn om with 20.21 bushels: and Joe Dwight | Company's total gross sales for 1942
Clavence Hottenstein Mover. R2| Hess, Mount Joy Rl, was eighth | —46 percent. to be exact—consisted
Manheim : with 19.67 bushels. (Turn to page 4)
Jon Pie Dine % Pa. Other placings: 9, Harry Smith, etme} €or
treo 112 MUL JOY | Mount Joy RI, 19.63 bushels; 10,| THREE AUTO TRAFFIC VIOLA-
John Ger vge Wealand. Mt. Joy Hiram Mowrer, Columbia R1, 18.79 | TORS ARE NABBED HERE
John R. Reheard, Florin bushels; 11, Norman Herr, Mariet- Officer Zerphey reported the fol-
Aaron Becker Good, R23 E- sown ta R1, 18.27 bushels; and 12, Walter | Jowing prosecutions for the past
Arthur Charles Most oY. Joy Heisey, Mount Joy R1, 17.96 bushels. | week end:
Harold Clayton Killheffer, "Mon- te he : : 3
heim F fty dollars in prize money was| Abe Bishusky, Philadelphia. pros-
‘Abner Musser Wolgemuth, R1. Mt | awarded the corn huskers by the | ecuted for reckless driving before
Joy ey ae Mount Joy Community Exhibit. Justice of the Peace Hockenberry.
go Wath X lorie Sain NS John Knight, Columbia R. 1, for
Oh or M. iy Roar Mr FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS an improper turn and Wayne Stauf- |
(Turn to page 3) ASSIST WITH TOBACCO CROP | fer, Mount Joy R. 1, for a stop sign |

| Jchnstown,
| vice

| Mount
| to Lititz, ¢
The Public Utility
given the Alko Express Lines,
wh'ch 0
operates out
Lancaster, 15 days in which to show
cause why operation on about 30 of
its lines should not be cancelled.
The commission said it cited the
company because it abandoned ser-
on the routes without permis-
Columbia and Harrisburg via Mari-
etta, Elizabethtown, Hershey and
Hummelstown; Alternate Route 5
Marietta and Mount Joy,
Route 12
those between
in the routes named
proceedings are
bethtown Lancaster
Alternate Route 12
and Manheim;
East Petersburg; be-
and Lititz to the
22 and thence
122 ¢
between Eliza-
Joy between
Salunga and
tween Manheim
intersection of Route
ind between Lancaster and
A Mrmr
Our Card
Basket For
The Week
Mrs. Ralph Lutz and son Richard
of Parkesburg, spent the weekend
with Paul Risser and family.
Or. and Mrs. A. P. Stover attend-
ed the funeral of Rev. Har-
per at Penbrook, last week.
Dr. and Mrs. A. P.
the brother,
Stover visited
who is seri-
at Sheaffers-
ill, at his home

YY Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Neidigh | violation. Both these cases before Mrs. Robert R. Laurer and grand-
’ S Route 3, Elizabethtown, wish to | Justice of the Peace J. B. Hershey. | daughter, Susie Dickson, of Harris-
This Section S thank their many neighbors and —_—te burg, spent the week end at the
friends for their kindness in help- . CQ editor's home.
N u m © ro u S ing to cut their tobacco. Dr. Schlosser Explains Miss E'lene Brook, of Newark, N.
Those who participated were: H. [J., spent the week end with her
A : M. Sweitzer, Shirley and Henry Wh 4 Did t L i | grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. A. P.
We d i n a S Sweitzer, Henry G. Sweitzer, Anna y e | | 0Ca e | Stover, Delta street, and attended
Miss Esther Marie Ginder, Lititz | Sweitzer, Ed Neidigh. David Neid- | the Ament and Beamenderfer wed-
R2, and Emerson B. Balmer, son of igh, Kenneth Joves, Raymond Here As A Physician jana 1 .
M : and Mrs. Harry W. Balmer, | Greenawalt, Becker Ginder, Elam Mrs. Elmer Zerphey and grand-
hein R2 OTE marred by [ Stauffer, Albert Greenawalt, Roy Urider date of Oct. 10 we are in | son, Eddie, on Delta St., Spent Sat-
candle light Saturday at the home of Kaylor, Jacob Young, Arthur Koser, | receipt of the following commun’ca- urday and Sunday at Maiti
the bride. J. Norman Weaver, | Samuel Ober, Harry Witmer, Ed | tion from Dr. David E. Schlosser, at | where they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Manheim, minister of the Church | Lehman, Jacch Haldeman, Robert | the Christian H. Buhl Hospital, | Earl Shonk. . .-
of the Brethren, officiated. Groff, Elsie Wissler, Suie Wissler, | Sharon, Pa., which is self explan- Misses Myrtle Bates, Ida Sprout,
Orpha Shank, Amos Wissler, How- | atory: Helen and Franklin Sprout of town,
ard Neidigh, Abraham Eshleman, “Tt is with regret that I shall be | Mr and Mrs. Charles Hogentogler,
Porethy J: Benen Clarence Douple, Jacob Williams, | unable to practice medicine in Mt. | ol Columbia, spent Sunday vis'ting
Aldus A Hannan | Russell Gingrich, William Ginder, | Joy. Upon the advice of the Lan- with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gingrich
Mis Dorothy J. Bennet, domes Almos Earhart, Paul Gish, John, | caster County Procurement and As- | and family at Ccnestoga.
of Chaslos J. Bonet, 21 W- Ginder, Blaine Gantz, David Miller, | signment Service for Physicians, I Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Hinkle, West
; ond Aldus 4. Honvan, sor of Howard Bernhart, Bruce Bernhart, | resigned a residency at the Chr's- | Main St. spent Sunday at Middle-
Mrs. Ana Seliert, Maytawn, yore Junior Shell, John Shank, Martin | tian H. Buhl Hospital, Sharon, Pa. | town with their daughters and fam-
varied Sunday in ihe fave Gi. Greiner, Paul Emenheiser, Aaron | in order to go into practice in Mt. | ilys, Mr. and Mrs. S. Ierly and son,
( hurch, Priladoniia Goal, Harry Emenheiser and Mam- Joy. My resignation was accepted | Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Over-
The Soup Ne enix YT Neidigh. | by Buhl Hospital and everything | deer and daughter, Barbara Ann.
and Mrs. Elmer Blev.ans ete ii SY tad to bo saith. ve BS Tone, W Min St.
HELD BIRTHDAY PARTY | However, since I hold a commis- | spent Sunday at New Holland with
Mary W. Dyer TOR BECKY McKAIN | sion of 1st Lieutenant in the Army ! her sister-in-law, Mrs .-Ella Hupper.
Glenn G. Burgard pl A birthday party was held Mon- Medical Carps, find approval was| =~ SY
27 Miss Yay W Dy: Ho J - Te tay evening in honor of Becky Mc- | not passed upon by Army Authori- | DEFDS TO BE RECORDED
and Glenn < i pe > For Kain, daughter of Mrs. Janet Me- | ties. They state that I cannot be de- Paris F. Snyder and wife, to Wal-
) 29¢ bat Pong gd Sav vil pe th Kain, at her home on North Mar- | ( Turn to Page 5) ter A. Haines and premises at
Clune bn ore hi ti . ‘| ket street Becky celebrated her | 211 Jackson St., Manheim Tarp. :
icv. £ a N. Eshleman officiating es : re : :
Pov Sap es Palmyra sixth birthday. : : Brief News Of ro ary Neo ee
[J a fre bride's only aitendant. Le- were in keepng with | un co x EC ‘i a jo
toy Shelly, of town, was best man he Hallowe'en season. Games | Bray 4 : SS £ ses
ad the ailiers were Jacob Zellers, | played and prizes won by: The Day From i Vi and Wik te
York, and Rufus Miller of Rheems. ack Gilbert, Joyce Eberly, Winona iv N Mu: Solon cr wits. farm In
Ta | Markley, Ronald Schofield, Sylvia | L | D ih | 5 y N.I Sef naz Wie
Mr. ore Mis. Robert Hess, Muster- Lois, Bobby Zeller and Claudette | oCa allies East Posegal yp, ontuining 5
sonvpte, sang. 7 | acres and ob perches, 1or 4, ,
A reception was held following Zeller. : in od The Census Bureau says there are a eee
the ceremony at the home of Mr. | Refreshments Were serve | only 1,700,000 men in the U. S. for COM. EXHIBIT BANQUET
and Mis. John M. Shank, Manheim fuella Engle. Joyce Eberly, Clawd~ | yur million women. THURSDAY, OCT. 19
for approximately 6) guests, afte: ie Zeller, Maze Zink Winona A man at Peach Bottom was The annual banquet of the Mount
which the couple left to spend Markley. Nancy Diller, Sylvia ®- prosecuted because his dog bit five | yo Community Exhibit, will be
some time in the Pocono Moun- 1s Lane: Stet: Becky Meal Brie of his neighbor’s hogs. held at Hostetter's Banquet Hall on
tains, scilla McKain, Jack Gilbert, Tom- Willis Henry, 25, Pequea EI, fell ey maori eter ath at
a ny Engle, Ronald Schofield, Bolsby 35 feet from a tree while gathering | 6.30 o'clock.
Alta Mae Newcomer Zeller, Donald Zeller, Owen walnuts. He is still unconscious. Speakers from the Lancaster
William R. Roland Miss Mildred Zink, Mis. Lawrence Mrs. Naomi R. Riehl, 20, near | county Agricultural Extension As-
Miss Alta Mae Newcomer, daugh- Lancaster; Mrs. Lewis Diller, Gordonville, carrying a lantern and sociation will be present
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. New- Miss Dorothy Youre. Mrs. Russell a can of gasoline, was so badly a
A comer, Salunga, and William H. Ro- Vek: bad Mis. Dau | Shih burned she died. GRANTED A DIVORCE
pt 200 land. Manheim R1, took place Sat- | At Columbia a woman broke into Catherine Bank, forty-one, Bain-
urday af the home of the bride. The | BOB PEIFER, TOWN SENT a house at 1:30 a. m., then crawled | |, idee. received a d'vorce from
'S Rev. N. L. Bowers TO INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL into bed with a man and his wife, | james E. Bank, forty-five, address
Pha [90 Miss Anna Mary Roland, sister of Robert Peifer, twenty-two, this |saying she was carrying out the or- | unknown, on the grounds of de-
ka 230 the pridegroom was the maid-of- | boro, pleaded gailty to a charge of | ders of the Lord. Now she is in| certion They were married ‘Dee.
girl was Miriam | burglary and was sentenced to the | jail. 26, 1919 and separated Jan, 1926.
honor. The flower :
G susin of the bride. | Pennsylvania Industrial School at | EE ——
K ov Jean Newcomer, cc S :
9 Warren Bollinger served as best | Huntingdon. MARIETTA DECIDES ON
ke | fg han and the ushers were Samuel| Chief of Police Elmer Zerphy, the | SPORTS AS A MEMORIAL
¢ Zurin and Roy Hollinger. The gift | crosecutor, said Pefer broke into At a meeting of the War Memor-
receivers were Mss Esther Roland the home of Mrs. Naomi R. Reising- | ja] Asscciation at Marietta, it was
t :
< . iiss
ot 10 or, 109 E. Main St., between 2 and | decided to buy, equip and mcintain
and Miss
sister of the bridegroom, we 3 |
Marion Eshelman. 3 A. M. on August 9, with intentions | an athletic field and play grounds |
'E A short piano recital and the tra- | to attack Patricia Horlacker, who | as a memoriol ta those who served
ditional wedding marches were lived there. He was routed from |, Wold War IL
. irl’ ——
played by Miss Marian Ruth New- the girl's room. | ——-——
: el SW me |

SCRAP COLLECTION SATURDAY | Dairyman C. S. Greider, of this
The Boy Scouts will collect scrap | boro, was named one of seven di-
this Satwiday beginning at 9 a. m. | rectors of the Lancaster County
Please have your papers, scrap, etc. | Dairymen’ s Association. The elect-
on the curb. | ion will be held Dec. 14.
comer, cousin of the bride.
Followng the ceremony a recep-
tion was held at Hostetter’s, in this
bero, for about 50 guests.
The bride is employed at the
(Turn to Page 5)

At the celebration of the 200th an-
niversary of the Christ Evangelical
and Reformed church at El'zabeth-
the annual ground rental was
as stipulated in a deed—one
f wheat.
Mr. Earl B. Miller, Mt. Joy, was
the winner of the ton of coal, given
away the Ladies Auxiliary of
Friendship Fire Company, the last
night the Community exhibit
grain ¢

) show here.
Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, October 19, 1944
Our Farm Show
A Decided Success
Uriah Stohler, |»
Former Resident Will
Be 101 Yrs. Old Sat.
of our older citizens well
our former townsman
Uriah Stohler. In the earlier days he
lived with the late Dr. Ziegler, care-
horses. he sold
the Com-
paratively few folks know that Mr. |
ing for his
brooms for
Stohler is still living and on Satur- |
day, Oct. 21 will celebrate his 101st |
birthday. {
He resides with Omar Muck, a- |
long the Schaefferstown and Kline-
feltersville highway, in Lebanon |
Co. His address is Sheridan RI, |
Mr. Stohler is healthy, walks daily,
attends church, has a good mind and
shaves himself.
On Sanday Mr. Ammon Bucher
will take him to Reading to the W

| a
| orderly
| from breaking electric
| the bounds of the
s the desire of the Burgess,
Council, and the
that the young people,
officer and
adults, too, celebrate in
sane manner, with destroying
or defacing any property, or dis-
and also refrain
light bulbs.
person apprehended
Any remov-
ing shatters, steps, or other property
soap, paraffine, crayon or otherwise,
w.1l be prosecuted.
Let all have a good time, but let
it be a sane and respectable manner.
or defacing property by the use
The parents are kindly asked to
see that their children keep within
law in their “mer-
ry-making” antics.
——— ——
Local Affairs
In General

Judging of the general premium
list and act vities centering around
the livestock entries of 4-H south
featured the opening of the 3-
Community Exhibit here last bid
day afternoon.
This section, always noted as
great corn growing center, had |
more than 3,000 ears in the exhibit,
man of the display,
according to Martin,
had to be pressed into service for
Hauenstein, vegetable
chairman, reported a total of 510 en-
tries, “more than we have had here
for last five years.” There were
Victory Garden displays,
seven of which had been entered by


Our Boy Scouts Will ewer Soap Here And At Florin Satu. Oct. 21, at 9 a.m.
Mount J Oy Bulletin
$1.50 a Year in Advance

chaa- |
and extra tables |

+ Record In
This Section
L. Kuhn, widow of
Elizabethtown, died at
Hospital, where she
a week ago.
St. Joseph's

Mrs. Maria B. Earhart
Mrs. Marie B. Earhart, eighty-
four, widow of Daniel B. Earhart,
Manheim R2, Rapho Township, died
Saturday at her home after on ill-
ness of three months. She was born
in Rapho Township the daughter of

E.E.W. radio station where he ex- | . 1-H garden club members. bel
pects to say a few words on a 15 | Briefly Told Wins Gold Medal | the late Benjamin and Mary Bruba-
minute program broadcast in Penna. | Wo Tad our val frost of the Kathryn Martin, Mt. Joy R1, won or Hershey and es a memiser of
Dutch every Sunday at 1245. If | ! the gold medal awarded by the Mt. the Mennonite Church. She is sur-
you want to hear him set your dial | Season here Sunday might. . | Joy Chamber of Commerce as st ret vived by a daughter, Mss Lillie H.
at 850. ” The ceiling price for shells is 6 prize ‘n the livestock judging con- | Earhart; two grandchildren; and
A llr tees | cents each or $1.38 per box. test held Thursday afternoon. Her two great-grandchildren.
The Salvation Army at Lancaster Sa a —
NOW HAVE A MARKET sevved B94 rials in ore week. score in judging baby beeves, swine Mrs. Paul Kalew
FOR SMALL POTATOES i : rn and lambs was 254.8 points. The gil- x sit
: Two children, ages 5 and 6, are ver inedal Tor second place went to Mrs. Bertha Kaley, forty-two,
Those small potatoes for which the county's latest polio victims. Mees Y 39c0N be . wife of Paul Kaley, Mt. Joy Rl, died
growers found no market, will be ? : hi | Rhelda Eshelman, Marietta R1, who | ey LE
8 ’ The barn of Ralph Byers, near had a score of 250 points. Robert] Wednesday, Oct. 11 in the Lancaster
put to good use. Some farmers fed | gk was destroyed by fire. It was be Osteopathic Hospital. She was a
them to the hogs and only when | _ : : Harnish, Conestoga R2, with 240.1 rp aE i
A 0 oes | a $3,600 loss. : Joints, took the bronze medal. Hon- | member of Christ Lutheran Church,
tubers were high in price, could | Hugh Brackbill, near Strasburg, ; Elizabethtown.
dealers find a market. Wi iter io 1 orable mention was given Roy Bix- : :
reports the theft of a heifer from his ler, Florin, for 2342 points; and Besides her husband she is sur-
Not so nny more as government pasture field. ’ (Tur = - ge 4) vived by a daughter, Mrs. William
regesrel finds they can be used to Hugh C. Brackbill, 53, Parad'se Lum lo page — 3rown, at home; one son Pfc. Rob-
manufacture varnish. township farmer, committed suicide ert Kaley, Pueblo, Colo. and her
by shooting himself. : The Affairs mother, Mrs. Abram W:.nters, and
1] Thos. Rose, Lititz, driver of a these brothers and sisters, Mrs. Jac-
The Pattern For The school bus, paid a fine of $15 and . ob Ebersole, Mrs. Harvey Lehman,
. IT costs for reckless idriving. At Florin For Paul Winters and Lee Winters, all
Coming Peace By Dr J. David Brubaker, 23, Lancaster of Elizabethtown.
* | R3, sustained arm injuries when Past Week The funeral was held from her
the flywheel on a hay baler broke. > late home Monday afternoon with
Earl F. Fowler, Lanc. | Frank Lenhard refused $670 per A general meeting of the Florin futher services in the Elizabethtown
At the meeting Tuesday of the Jove for his 13-acre farm east of Hall association (will be held on | Lutheran church and interment in
’ Mountville, at a recent public sale. | Tuesday evening, October 24th at | Mt. Ober cemetery.
Rotary Club, there was a good rep- [the badly decomposed Body of {saver thirty o'clock. Ait members
resentation of members of the arm- [ Harry Barton Sandoe, 51, missing | are urged to be present, as business | Abram Lehman
of forces, og well 58 Visiung Rowr=1 from his home near Calico since |of the utmost importance will be Abram Lehman, seventy-seven,
ians. Those from the Armed forces - . . y :
rn ee Apr’l 7, was found. discussed. died at the Oreville Mennonite
were Lt ue) Cc. Shaffer, Jack 1,500 bushels of apples were de- Miss Barbara Landvater, of Phil- | Home where he had been a guest
Bennet $2 gad? 4 John New- | stroyed when fire burned Vogel's | adelphia visited at her home over | for four years. He had been ill one
comes There were four visiting | op ossom Hill fruit packing house | the week end week. He was a former Manheim
Rotarians from Hie Lancaster ab, | near Neffsville, The loss is $15,000. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Kauffman en- | resident and was ‘the husband of
They were F. 5 Bucher, Willis Moy- i tertained Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rider | the late Amanda Snavely and a son
er, C. H. Meminger and Paul Dellin- | FORMER FLCRIN MAN and son, Melvin on Saturday eve- | of the late Abram and Anne Sheetz
ger, i : | SERICUSLY INJURED ning to supper. Lehman. He is survived by the
Bud Carpenter, Publicity Director | W. A. Mumper, 545 North Second | wy and Mrs. Donald Eichler re- | following children: Harry, Manheim
of the Chamber of Commerce, made | cot. Columbia, a son of George | ceived news that their son, Donald | R3; Samuel, Manheim R2; William,
a brief announcement CONCErNNg | of Florin, was badly in-| was promoted to 3rd class Radio- | Mastersonville; Miss Annie Lehman,
the meeting that ‘was held i the | fired in an automobile accident at | man on a destroyer somewhere in | Lancaster: five sisters, Mrs. Clara
High School auditorium, Tdesday Stony Brook, the Pacific Greiner, Elizabethtown; Mrs. Eph-
evening, and which as sponsored | He is confined to a York hospital Rev. and Mrs. I. W. Funk ind | reem Whittle, Harrisburg; Mrs. L'z-
by the Chamber of Commerce. Sam in a serious condition. | daughter Mrs Ralph Mumper spent ie Gants Lancaster; Mrs. Emma
Miller, after being absent for the He died this morning. I at Cleona visiting Mr Wickenheiser, Elizabethtown; and
past several weeks wis back again re etl tt teen = | nd Mivs, Richard Funk Mrs. Allen Gibble, Milton Grove.
to give us the official weather re- HALLOWE'EN DANCE HERE Mo and Mr Georae Mumper Sr Sal
port. In his absence Sim Horio | yyy sy OCTOBER 27th spent Sunday at Campbelltown Abram H. Long
wes doing the honors. © On Friday evening, October 27th, | Mrs. Edward Musser moved from | Abraham H. Long, ninety-two,
The speaker was Dr. Earl F. Fow- a public Hallowe'en dance will be | Stauffertown to the Kauffman Apts. | died at the home of his son-in-law
ler, pastor of the Bethany Preshy- held at the Fue hall with music | |4st week and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
terian church of Lancaster, who | furnished by Schovy’s Orchestra, of Mrs Willis Melh pent I Erb, Lancaster R1, after an illness of
spoke 1 the club on “The Pattern Columbia. week in New York with he Ss four weeks. Mi Long, a retired
for the Coming Peace. “We is Ro- | Prizes will be awarded for Spot | hand farmer, was the son of the late
_ (um is page Dances, Costumes also Cake Walk, Mrs. Harold Baller spent Tuesday | Christan K. and Anna Hiestand
Dancing from 8:30 to 11:30 at Lancaster Long He was a member of the
4 W M N | ed A meeting of the Camp Hill Cem- | Landisville Reformed Mennonite
enry . LUSSer, ow | DD FELLOWS ELECT etery Association will b d the | Church for 66 years. He is survived
| Mount Joy Lodge No. 277, IOOF, | 1 ffice of H. B. Wittle on Tuesday these children: Ida, wife of C.
Vice Pres E Done al ) elected officers for the year Tues-| evening, October 31st at 8 o'clock B. Erb, with whom he made his
g day even'ng at their meeting ir Class Meeting ome; Anna M., wife of Albert E.
| the Hall as follows: Noble Grand, The King Daughters Bible Cl: Weave Lancaster R2, and Emma
Twp School Board | Arthur Braun, Florin; Vice Grand, | of the Florin United Brethren |M. wife of Roy Peris, Lancaster.
. J. Donald Eiclher, Florin; financial | Church ld thei u | Al survivng is one sister, Mns.
At the regular monthly meeting | (.. otary, Christ Herr, Jr. of this (Turn to page 4 Lizzie He . ‘Woantville: nine grand-
of the East Donegal School Board | treasurer, Norman Wills, of — > a— -— wd nine great-grandchil-
held Friday evening, Henry W. | I'WO WEFKLIFS MERGI
Musser was elected vice-president | The Middletown Press. a { Dec d is very well known
to fill the vacancy caused by the re- | oy 1h AWOL SOLDIER cotablidcd be J RB Hoffer of | family having resided on
moval of Dr. E. K. Tingley from the Horace F. Wagner, twenty-four. | boro in 1881. and s 1; ark ywned the present Snyder fruit
district. John J. Herr was sworn in | Mount Joy Rl, was picked up on; 1 O Nistev. was vburchased ween here and Florin.
as the new member to succeed Dr. | AWOL charges at Sunnyside Wed- | conten The Middletown | - —————
Tingley. Hiram Mayers was reap- ne<jay morning by Deputy Sheriff | journal 1a woe . I | Lizzie K. Geib
pointed truant officer for the year } Abe Lane and city police. He willl oi "the ent i| Lizzie K. Geib, 85, died of cereb-
The resignation of Mrs. Wm. Dun- be turned over to military author- |, ot and N hemorrhage at 8 a. m. Tues-
(Turn to Page 5) ities apers will be a e in Milton Grove.
TY WE —_———————— he Dress For e widow of Henry Geib
BIRTHS INJURED IN A FALL ————— ved by four daughters;
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sherer, Mt. Adam Hess, sixty-nine, Salunga, | TRACTOR WHFEL RUNS | Mi I Sweitzer, Mount Joy
Joy R2, a daughter, at 12:55 a. m. | who fell at Prince and Walnut Sts., | VFR CHILD'S BODY 1: M Koser, Columbia R1;
Wednesday, in the Lancaster Os- | Lancaster, Friday night, was con- While 4-vear-old Sara Ann Mar- | Mrs. Ds Waltz, Manheim, R3:
teopathic Hospital. veyed by city police to the Lancas- Vir. and Mrs. W | and M la C. Geib, Mount Joy
= ter General Hospital where he was R3 w | R2; three sons, Samuel Z., Mount
MARRIAGE LICENSES treated for contusions of the fore- fe rl 2; Harry Z., Flizabethtown;
Asher Beamenderfer and Dorothy | head and left eye and brush burns Ovi v. Now | A [ Mo Joy R2; 29 grand-
Ament, both of this boro. of the face e's hospital childre 22 great grandchildren,
Simon Kraybill, Elizabethtown R1, — — —— | and two sisters: Miss Mary Zeager,
arr] Mary Jean Sherer, Manheim Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Bachman, | pLANTS GIVEN APPROVAL § S ce. and Miss Anna Zea-
R2. Bainbridge, announce the engage- | TO MANUFACTURE GOODS | ge ndisville
| ment of their daughter, Helen Ruth, Fifteen plants in the Lancaster | The funeral will be held from her
EXHIBIT PREMIUM LIST to George Engle, son of Mr. and | Area No. 5 and 108 in the Harris- { late home Friday afternoon at 1:39
The prize winners at our Commu- | Mrs. George Engle, Maytown. The | burg area we -anted permission fs rther services in Green Tree
nity Exhibit will be published in | date of the wedding has not been the manufacture of peacetime | church at 2 p. m. Interment in the
next week’s Bulletin, | set. products wdjoining cemetery.