The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 21, 1944, Image 3

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— vy

The Bulletin, Mout iy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afterfioon, September 21, 1944


Wednesday, Sept. 27
At 1 ¢'clock sharp
150 Head of" Hogs

pre war all metal construction, good
At the Beverly Twin Market and
Livestock Exchange, near Eliza-
bethtown, Pa.
Stover, Auct. G. K. WAGNER

The undersigned will offer at pub-
lic sale in Rapho township, on the
O41 Harrisburg Pike, on the road
leading from the Harrisburg Pike
to the Manheim road, the following
described personal property to wit:
containing 49 Acres and 64 Perches
more or less with improvements
thereon consisting of

with Framef Kitchen at-
tached, electifc lights, Slate
Roof, Pressure Watdr System fur-
nishgs water se, Barn and
‘The Affairs
day with Rey. and Mrs. I. W.
Mrs. William Beck spent Saturday
at Lancaster.
Mrs. Maggie Smith and Miss
Margaret Schlegelmilch were Wed-
nesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.

sted mav
property prior day of sale.
Sale to commence at two o'clock
on Wednesday, September 27. 1944 |
when terms and conditions will be |
male known by |
C. S. Fremk. Auct.
Claude Zeller, Clerk

the undersigned will offer at public |
sale on the vremises in Landisville, |
Taneraster Countv, Pennsylvania.
All that certain lot or piece of |
with a
age and other
with all conveniences. gar-
on erected.
ts there-
Containing in front on the Harris-
bure-Lancaster Pike 5
or less. and in deoth
width 180 feet more
nublic allev. Rounde
hy vroner i
South hv

feet more
f that same
less to a
on the North
Long. on the

on the Wes ic allev, and
on the East Harrisburo-
Lancaster’ Hivhwayf Together with
or~-half acre rear.
Sale to hegin\nt f1:30 P. M. when
terms and condMons will be made
known by
Fxecntor of the estate of
David R. Nissley, dec'd.
Flmer Spahr, auct.
A. H. Young, atty.
Will be. sold by the undersigned
on the nremises in Mt.}Toy townshin
one-half mile weet ¢ the road
leading from Mastdrsonville to
Colebrook, about two jmiles north-
west of Mastersonvillg the follow-
ing Real Fstate and rsonal Prop-
ertv tn write
A FARM Containingf11 Acres and
73 Perches. adjoiningfthe rroverties

of Lone. Risser. C.
0. Frov! rand H W
P~ Th thereon are a
UL ate Roof
Containing s with Wash
Fame Bank Rarn |
rade and Stor-
ave Shed attac Tobacco Cellar,
Chicken Fousa 18x30. A never-
failing well’ of water is on the pre-
mises. House and barn equipped
with electricity.
Alco at the same time and place
will he sald the followine:
ri Outfit, including 25-50
Averv Tractor. 30-46 Peerless
Threshing Machine. 17«22 Peerless
Baler with Ruth self feeder. 60 H. P.
Peerless steam engine, 36x8 Steam-
ing rans. hose and wipes; fodder
shredder helts, 115 H. P. Gas en-
1920 Reo Truck. square back
House attache
with metal ro

cleich, rubber tired farm wacon,
Ford Model T Power unit, Oliver
No. 84 two bottom plow. 14 in.
baled straw. scrap iron. 4 jacks. 3 &
5 ton: lot 5-gal. cans, heavy % in.
log chain.
2 and crib. davenport. ton
-k. Roval Bride kitchen range. 2 |
by iter churns, marble ton table,
rockine chairs, 2 iron kettles, car-
pets. Gould w»ressure system water |
pump and other articles not men-
Sale to Legin at 1:00 P. M,
terms and conditions will be
kr.own by
F. B . Aldinger. auct.: J. HRuhl, clk.
Your War Bond
Investment Is
Your Investment
In America «+ *

view |
| makes fabrics break down chemical-
| ly and become weaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Hh A. Weaver,
Lancaster, Mrs. Ida Entrekin of
| York, spent Saturday with Mr. and
| Mrs. Melvin M. Newcomer.
Pvt. Albert Rodgers, of Camp
Barclay, Texas, :s spending a
At Florin For
Past Week
(Turn to page 4)
tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry De-
trick of New Cumberland over the
week erid.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Gaul and
daughter, Jeannette of Centerville
spent Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Leedom.
Pfc. Henry Mowrer and wife of
Okla., are spending some time with
the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Buller.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert George of
New Jersey and Mr. Wendell Yea-
ger of Lancaster were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dick Gerlitzi.
Miss Naomi Heisey, Wood street,
returned home after spending a few
days at Harrisburg.
Miss Pauline Crowl
York Fair on Saturday.
Sallie Rhoder, Mr. ard Mrs.
than Martin, Mrs. Hetrick,
Rhoderville were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leedom.
Miss Miriam Guhl and Miss Cath-
erine Forry attended a wedding at
Chey Level on Sunday.
Arthur Braun was one of the
many Blood Donors on Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Rikon Funk and
daughter of Cleona spent Wednes-
and niece
attended the
Elmer Schlegelmilch.
Miss Barbara Landvater who has
been home visiting friends over the
week end, has been appointed
teacher Librarian in the Fallsington
Twp., School in Bucks County. Four
Trenton, N. J. and
from Philadel-
miles from
Twenty-five miles
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hess an-
nounce the birth of a son, Kenneth
Lee on Sunday.
Mr. ‘Roy Baker visited friends in
Newville on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
spent Saturday evening at E-town.
Harry F. Brooks, dry cleaner will
not cover his regular route on Mon.
Sept. 25, due to work now on hand.

A tank truck with a cargo of 4,000
gallons of gasoline lost a coupling
while ascending a hill on Route 230,
at Landisville at 2 a. m. Wed. The
tank sprang a leak and the Landis-
ville Fire Company was called to
stand by because of the fire hazard.
Another truck was brought and
the remainder of the gasoline trans-
ferred to it. State Policeman F. A.
Minchoe and Rufus Williams were
also called and rerouted traffic un-
til the truck was removed and sand
sprinkled over the gasoline, Lester
12 W. Donegal St., this
of the truck was un-
boro, driver
a ete
Miniature Greenhouses
Many vegetables, particularly
vine crops, tomatoes and peppers,
thrive only in warm weather. Good
growth is usually not made by these
vegetables until the last week in
May or early in June. Use of hot-
caps on warm-season Crops may
bring harvest of the crops a week
or two earlier.
Hot-caps are miniature green-
houses placed over separate plants
or hills of vegetables. Plant pro-
tectors of this sort cost two cents or
more, depending on size, and are
made of translucent, water-resistant
paper that lets the sunlight through
to warm the plants. On sunny days
the temperature inside a hot-cap
may be 10 degrees or 20 degrees
above the temperature outside.
Fabric Storage
Textile specialists from the U. S.
department of agriculture recently
finished a four-year study of the ef-
fects ot different kinds of storage on
different fabrics. Cotton and wool
kept at an attic temperature of about
102 degrees were weaker at the end
of the test and both white cotton and
white linen had turned yellow, indi-
cating a chemical change. Linen
did not suffer as much damage from
attic heat as cotton and wool did, but
it was slightly weaker. Fabrics
stored in the dark suffered less than
those stored in the light, which

furlough with his family.
Pvt. Robert Bishop has returned
to Camp Lee, Va. after spending
a furlough with his family.
—— —————
Sale Register
If you want a notrce ¢1 your sale
Inserted in this register weekly from
now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE-
LY FREE, send or phone us your
sale date and when you are ready,
let us print your bills, That's the
cheapest advertising you can get.

Friday Evening Sept. 22—On the
premises at 36 East Main street Mt.

Joy, household goods by Mrs. J.
A. Lonerzan. C.'S. Frank, Auct.
Sale at 6 p. m.
Saturday, Sept. 23—On the prem-
ises along old Harrisburg Pike, east
end of Rheems, corner of Colebrook
road, late residence of Susan
Dougherty, also frame dwelling andj}
garage on the North and a 22 acre
farm on road from Rheems to Don-
egal by Henry L. Gise, Executor of
Susan Dougherty Estate and Christ
Reformed Church of E-town Trus-
tee to sell real estate in Ephraim R.
Dougherty Estate. F. B. Aldinger,
Saturday, Sept. 23—On the prem-
ises in Mt. Joy township, the form-
er Christian Shoemaker farm, at
the West end of Florin, containing
80 acres with improvements by Ber-
tha Y. Landvater, Harvey Y. Weav-
er and the First National Bank and
Trust Co. of Mount Joy, executors
of Elmer S. Weaver, deceased. C.
S. Frank, auct.
Tuesday, Sept. 26—On Route 2,
one-half mile north of Campbell-
town, 60 head of pure bred certified
Canadian Holstein cows, heifers and
bulls by Edward O’Neal. Hess &
Dupes, aucts. See advertisement.

Wednesday, Sept. 27—On the pre-
mises on the old Harrisburg Pike,
on the road leading from the Har-
risburg pike to the Manheim road,
a farm of 49 acres, 64 perches with a
215 story brick house, bank barn,
milk house, hog sty, two tobacco
sheds, chicken house, etc. by Mrs.
Mabel Brosey. C. S. Frank, auct.
Thursday, Sept, 28—On the prem-
ises midway between Maytown and
Donegal Springs, 5 acres of land
with improvements. Also a 10-acre
tract of land by Annie B. Warner
and - B. Frank Emswiler, executors
of the W. S. Warner Estate. Frank
Aldinger, auct.

Friday, Sept. 29-—One mile north
on 7th Street, Lebanon, Pa. on
Highway Route 343, large collection
of household goods, fine collection
of antiques, 125 head pigs, cows,
“horses, ponies, ete by Iren S. Light,
Owner and Operator, See adver-
Saturday, Sept. 30—On the prem-|
ises No. 4 W. Cottage Ave., in Mil-
lersville Boro. 2% _ story - brick
house, 2-story brick & frame gar-
age, and household goods by Lloyd
F. Baker, Ruth E. Eshleman, Execu-
tors of the will of Geo. F. Baker,
dec’d Edgar F. Funk, auct.
Saturday, September 30—On the
premises on West High street, in
the Village of Maytown, a 22 story
frame house, lot 621% ft. x 250 feet,
also personal property by John H.
Hoffman, Executor of the last will
and Testament of Lewis Hall, decd.
Walter Dupes, auct.

Saturday, Sept. 30—On the prem-
ises, corner of East Main and Bar-
bara Streets, Mount Joy, two and
a half story brick building known
as Sternberger’s Restaurant _ by
Sumner V. Hosterman, executor of
David W. Sternberger, deceased. C.
S. Frank, auct. See advertisement.
Saturday, Sept. 30—On the prem-
ises in Conoy Twp., Alice L. Collins
farm of 110 acres, near the former
Collins Station between Bainbridge
and Falmouth, stone dwelling, frame
barn by Paul C. Haldeman, The
Conestoga National Bank of Lan-
caster, Executors of Estate of Alice |
L. Collins, deceased, C. S. Frank.
Saturday, Sept. 30—By Mrs. Eliz-
abeth K. Rohrer, on the premises

Tuesday, Oct. 3rd—At their oe
of business near Mount Joy, 35 head
of Potter and Tioga County Cows
and Heifers by C. S. Frank & Bro.
Sale at 7:15 p. m.

Tuesday, Oct. 3—On the premises
on Main street, in the village of
Landisville a 2% story brick house,
slate roof, all conveniences, also
household goods by Reuben N.
Hostetter. C. S. Frank, auct,
Tuesday evening, October 3rd —
On the premises in Mt. Joy, public
sale of 30 head of Tioga and Potter |:
County Cows. A few bulls and
heifers. Sale at 7:16 p. m. C. S.
Frank and Bro.
Tuesday, Oct. 3—In the Village of | will be sold a
Landisville, a lot of ground 54 ft. x
189 ft. with a 21% story brick house,
| garage, chicken house, also personal |
property by Reuben N. Hostetter.
C. S. Frank, Auct.
Wednesday, Oct. 4th—On
premises on Ridge Road, leading
rom Elizabethtown to Milton Grove
at Fairview school house, 4 acre
tract of land with improvements by
Ephraim H. Longenecker. Walter
Dupes, Auct.

Thursday, Oct. 5—On the premis-
es ‘along the Macadam road leading
from Elizabethtown to Maytown, 2
miles south of Elizabethtown, a
farm of 155 acres and 44 perches
with improvements, by Harvey B.
Hostetter. Walter Dupes, Auct.

Saturday, Oct. 7—On the premis-
es at 127 New Haven street, in Mt.
Joy Borough, one side of frame
double house by Elmer E. Brown. C.
S. Frank, Auct. Sale at 1 P. M.
Saturday, Oct. 7—On the premis-
es along the Marietta Pike, east of
Miller & Bushongs Mill, a farm of
47 acres, with 21% Story brick dwell-
ing frame barn, tobacco shedding,
pig pen, Chicken house, spring
house; also a lot of ground 47x190
feet on Mayer Avenue in Rohrers-
town, and many household articles
by Roy C. Starr, Mabel C. Starr,
Executors of the Will of Henry F.
Starr, dec’d. Edgar Funk, Auct.

in the village of Landisville,
provements by Reba K. Zook, and
ecutors of the estate of David R.
Nisley, dec'd.
Wednesday, October
premises one mile east of Mount-
by C. K. Herr.
Sale 12:30 P.M.
Auct. Edgar Funk.
road leading from
Columbia, just south of Newtown,
a farm of 101 acres and some perch-
Ragner Hallgren. Walter Dupes, |
Auct. Sale at 2 p. m.

Wednesday, Oct.
ville to Safe Harbor, 1'2 miles
Moses S. Zimmerman. Edgar
Funk, Auct.

A man says maybe it would be |
easier to pay our taxes if we only
had a theme song for it.
Stimulate your business by adver= |
tising in the Bulletin.
— of —

lic sale on the premises along Maca-
dam road leading from Elizabeth-
town to Maytown, about two miles

(formerly known as the Erisman
farm). located at Erisman’s Church
and School house, midway between
Mount Joy and Sporting Hill, in
Rapho Twp., a valuable farm of 108
acres and 37 perches, with double
brick dwelling containing 17 rooms,
large bank barn, other improve-
ments, water system at house and
barn. A. K. Waser, Auct.

Saturday, Sept. 30—On the
ises in Mt. Joy Twp., one-half mile
west of the road leading from Mas-
tersonville to Colebrook, 2 miles
Northwest of Mastersonville, a farm
of 11 acres, 73 perches and firm im-

Patronize Bulletin advertisers.
plements by John S. Shenk, F. B.
Aldinger, Auct.
| Walter K. Dupes, Auct.
scuth of Elizabethtown.
A Farm containing 155 acres and
44 perches, is two tracts; ose tract |
74 acres and 38 perches; and the
| other tract 81 acres and 6 perches,
public dividing same, on which
is erected a
2% STORY, 11 room
slate roof, brick pump
house, storage and shop.
Barn on these premises was des-
troyed by fire recently.
Well of good water, cistern, fruit |
trees, and grape vines.
The undersigned will sell at pub- |
{tween Donegal Springs and May-
or me i. 7
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 19M |g ryRpDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1944 & U N S i M AR K |
The undersigned will sell at pub-
On the premises, located 4 mile
lic sale on the premises midway be- A
south of the village of Milton Grove
on the macadam road leading {rom
One Mile North on 7th Street, Lebanon, Pa., Highway Route 343
town, East Donegal Twp, the foi- | said village to Mount Joy
lowing described real estate. A Farm of 19 Acres, 16.41 perches FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1944
A TRACT OF LAND On which is erected a i ’
Extra good land containing 5 acres,| 21, STORY FRAME DWELLING
— ————————————————
more or less and situate as above
described. The improvements there-
on are a
with 10 rooms

F. B. Aldinger, {whisk sugpl
the |
Saturday, Oct. 7—On the premis- [old carpets and
es VY mile south of the village of [articles too numerous to mention.
Milton Grave, on the road leading |
from the village to Mount Joy Eastern War
story frame dwelling, frame bank | terms and conditions will be made
barn, 2 car garage, 2 poultry houses [known by the undersigned.
by Samuel Z. Geibe. Walter Dupes, |
Saturday, Oct. 7—On the premises | C. A. Straley. Clerk
lot of |
ground 54x180 ft., with a 212 story |
brick house, garage and other im- |
Adolph C. Heim, A. H. Young, Ex- | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,
11—On the | abethtown
ville, at Donerville, household £00ds | Containing 1% Actos. Mots of Less
az J FRAME BARN Pen and Chigken Houses: or [i
Thursday, October 19—On the ong 20x30 OLY HOUSE | ie oe tere!
premises in Rapho Twp, on the | Barn equipped forf poultry. Build- |known as the “Mummaw Prope i” 4
Mount Joy to |ings
es, with a 22 story brick house, be viewed at aly
new barn, tobacco shed and Silo by | TRACT of 18'2
[tutes beautiful building sites, will be
25 — In Manor | which
Twp., on road leading from Miflerse |
south of Letort, a 90 acre farm with | knows by
improvements, also entire herd of !
Ayershire and Cows by Walter

Barn equipped 3
ped to House 3 Acre:
puse p of tobacco >)
ooms, 2 OULTRY HOUSES ( M N.
FRAM# 12528 ft, 2-CAR GABRGE 12 . oon
D with cel-| All buildings Electricafly equi 3 I
for 3 ta tobacco, There | Cistern. : EARLY ANTIQUES
{is a varlety of fuifit, Also a well of A Variety ok Fi it Frees among Lot beautiful Cut Glass, Pressed Glass, Old Bottles, China Adams Staf-
never-fa ling ater with a deep which are 30% Graffed Trees. All fordshire Constone, Gawdy Welsh Cups and Saucers, Gawdy Dutch Plates,
well by a motor | Kinds of Berrids. afd Grapes. A Cups and Saucers in Oyster Pattern, Caster sets in Pewter, one in Daisy
water to the house, Lot of Locust Trggf on premises and Button Glass, lot beautiful tole ware, Student Lamp, lot beautiful
There is". Delco Lighting Systera| Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P, Lustre Pitchers and Salts (rare), very beautiful Blue Water Set, set of 6
| which supplies light. M., when conditions will be made Tumblers, Pitcher and overlay, cut perfect; lot Oil Lamps, Miniture Bulls
| SO © or i eo . : :
Also at the same time and place | known by Eye, Gawdy Dutch C up and Saucer, singlerise; Iot Iron Ladles and Forks,

SAMUEL Z. GEIBE Copper Kettles, Old Powder Flasks, Bed Warmer, beautifully decorated;
TEN ACRE TRACT OF LAND Walter Dupes, Auct lot home-made Carpet, 2 beautiful Quilts, 6 Balloon-back Chairs and
more or less situate along the May- | D. L. Landis, is, Clerk 9/14/3¢t Arm Chair, with original Decorations, 6 Arrow-back Chairs with beauti-
town and Donegal road, north of PUBLIC © ees, — ful decoration; 6 half Spindle, with beautiful decorations, 6 Maple
| Maytown. IC SALE OF VALU AB LE Chairs, matched Hitchcock type; Rose carved VICTORIAN FRONT SIDE
Sale to commence at 2:00 p. m. on REAL ESTATE! CHAIR, 2 Empire Sideboards. carved solid Walnut, beautiful French 8-


| Thursday, Sept. 28, 1944 when terms ON SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 1944 day Clock, Walnut Mantel Clock, beautiful Curly Maple Grandfathers
wi be made known by At 7:30 P. M. under authority con- Clock, Bamboo Wirilsor Side Chair, 2 Hanging Lampg, 25 Sadirons, Spin-
ANNIE B. WARNER ta‘ned in the Last Will and Testa- nint Wheel, 2 Very rare Arm Chairs, fine cherryg#inlaid Bureau, Low
B. FRANK EMSWILER ment of David W. Sternberger, late Chest, with four graded drawers, solid ends; 2 schgbl meter Desks, one
Frank Aldinger, Auct, of the Borouglt of Mount Joy, de- in cherry, 1 pine; 2 Tables, one in walnut and one il cherry; Child’s High
Clay Ryan, Atty. Soased, will sell i public sale on Chair in walnut, rare; a 2-drawer Sheraton Sewihg Table in Walnut, 2
1e premises in the Borough of Mt. Boston Rockers with witiful decorations; Painted Ne with Tulips and
TCADA 2%. 100 dor, Se following described real seieed by for J sor y wi i acket feet and olf lock; beautiful Walnut
Pursuant to the power contained A LOT OF GROUND situated at Set of 4 Chairs and Rocker, set of 4 Arroyback Chairs, old Settee,
in the decedent's last Will and Tes- | the corner of Fast Main and Bar- Pine Chest, Walnut and Curly Maple Table; 258gal. Fish Aquarium with
tament, the undersigned will offer | bara Streets in the Join of Mt. filter and pump; 4-10 Shot Gun with 1] English Riding Saddle,
at public sale: Joy. on which is erficted a Two and Oliver doublg 12-in. Plow, set Coal Chutes, long; Turn Chute; 16-ft.
1. ALL TBAT One-half Story Brick Dwelling, Hay Lad lo SRubber-tire Farm Wagon, s, Harness, Single, double
a 215, STORY FRAME known as Sgernbe ger's Restaurant Trees, Chains, Riy Netting, Hardware
i DELL House Containing} in ffont on the South
with asbestos roof, side of East Maid Street, 26 feet, 1 \ 2 P. -
situate on the North side of West
High Street in the Village of May-
town, Lancaster County, Pa. and
lot fronting 6215 feet, more or less,
on West High Street and extending
inch and extending in depth along
the west side §f Barbara Street, 165
feet to Sassafras Alley where it h
a width of 29 feet, 9 inches.
This property
is very well located

250 feet. more or les, in depth to] jn the business section and offers SPECIAL—Those two bay twin hors { that we sold at our June sale
an alley. The premises contains a| 4), excellent opportunity for anyone You saw the | ride tHem withouff bridles, halters or saddles. These
good Well of water The property who desires to enter the rostaurant hors s will b 1d this dak Black #1 in. 7 yr. old Pony, tame and very
may be viewed any #ime during the are other. basi Tore. Ti) gent]
month of Septembdr. or Ayo er inl Liquor Gentle £
2. At the same time the following he ransferred to purch- ” P M
personal’ property will be offered | °° Ps vr Sr : » .
for sale: : § Exe Sd V. HOSTEAMAN: am selling my lots at Allen Hurst Heidhts, near Rockwood, on Leban=
Cabinet} size Apex Radio, library | o avid W. Sternberger, RE.D. No. 3. These lot 208 feet in length, 100 feet in depth with
table, braakfast/ table, extension deceased. Of to. <1. S30. 2 a on x I ek
table and ather mialler tables Two Arnold & Bricker, Attorneys. treet oh ides: w ter ne on the edge of lots, electric line on back
id & Sg, a, street, telephone line on Front street
large overstuffefl chairs, side board, C. 8. Frank, Auctioneer. hs Thi io hv bs tenes ble location for building purposes. These lots
sink, good rogkjhg chairs, half dozen PUBLIC SALE OF will be sold with a free deed
old fashioned “Chairs, several cane VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY You can time and they will be sold at Sunset Mar-

seated and odd chairs, old fashioned | SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER. 23. 1944 ket, Sept 7:00 p. m
Rives, soliqus Soest of at two o'clock 2. M. The oods brought in by the owners and are not
oral OTH ad other By virtue of powers granted in| mentioned in If-yo + not here you may miss something that
cupboards linen closet Woh Slande the Will of Elmer S. Weaver, late of you have been King for, for a long tnne. .
large mirror cols AL SPLIT vi the Township of East Donegal, Bring Live stock I iplements, 1 sehold Goods. Teols or all saleable
Westinghapise slectric Fen, oo County of Lancaster and State of go Is : Li .
|swing chest, clothes ‘rack, 3 laris Pennsylvania, the undersigned will Any goods you want to tum info cash or buy—this is the dayRain
I wooden tithe and aval oral) one sell on the premises in the Town- or Shine — the Sunset the place—at a small commission. 1
Limi utensils. dick Sy | ship of Mount Joy, the following de- will start selling at 12:09 M. Com early All stall a are urged to
g utensils, dishes ard jars. scribed real estate, to wit: take charge of their stalls all day. The SUNSET MARKET will run this
other household ; the same aa ucual. THE SUNSET MARKET
All That Certain tract of farm
land situated in Mount Joy Town-
ship and East Donegal Township,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania,
formerly known as the “Christian
H. Shoemaker Farm,” located along
State Highway Route No. 230, run-
ning from Lancaster to Harrisburg,
and night with plenty of lunch and
sion and Pay Out the same
il day
I will sell for Casl

on commi
Iren S. Light
Sale will be held on premises on refreshmen
| Saturday. September 30, 1944 at 1:00 i
Time, when

Executor of the last Will and Turnpike;
Fiat Bent of Lewis Hall dec’d Containing 80 Acres and/110 Per- \ fo)
unas Ict, ches, strict measure, of jwhich 67
. o | Acres and 50 Perches arg located on ne
Paul A. Mueller, Attorney 9[143t | (10 North side of said #ignway in Za .
PUBLIC SALE Mont Joy Your hip, ghd 13 Ac pes
~ and ) erches are grate A on the
OF yy De South side of said Sfate Highway
Reate in East Doneg tof oe Hs 1p
1944 The improvementsfon the Tues ay, Ne em
On the premises, on Ridge Road [are a
leading from Elizabethtown to Mil- | 22 x 21, STONE
{ton Grove, at “Fairview School | [i \ DWELLING HOUSE, ~12:00 Noon—
| House,” about one mile East of Eliz- | \ containing f11 Rooms, with i y
and one mile north of |Frame Y attached, 1 1
ime § kitchgh ittached, a On mv farm. I Y Route 2. located one half mile north of Camp-

| Rheems, Pa., Concretd and Frame Bank Barn,
A TRACT OF LAND 90 feet Yong and 50 feet wide, to’ pelltrwn., 2 mil yul ) ra, 2 mil from Hershey
which a Tobacco Shed
on which is erected : 98 feet log and #5 feet wide, also a
2% STORY FRAME. Corn Barn, 16 fdet by 30 feet. and a
8-ROOM DWELLING Tobacco Sig 82 fect, Frame Hoe | GRD, AY

there is a Concrete and Frame Barn
42 feet by 40 feet, with a metal roof
quipped; also
ystem, Well of

Never-failing \Watef. Baildings in| There is a never failing Spring i A te
good conditiory, ard premises may | water on the premises, and a :
me prior to sale. | and cistern at the house.
ES, more or less Sale to be held on Saturday, Sep- GO H d | oe © B d { t if ed
| Situated on Sou tember 23, 1944. on the premises 6 ea ul € re er 1 1
side of before- |
which consti- terms an
known pd
two o'clock P. M., when
conditions will be made
the undersigned
win” Cangdian Holstein Cows
nt Joy Heifers and Bulls
dec’d : tra} Ee of e. the bala
{mentioned highway,
along with tract of land on
buildings are erected, or
Sale to commence at 2:00 o'clock |
M., when conditions will be made

EPHRAIM H. LONGENECKER tament of ce close spring-

Dupes, Auctioneer. Charles S. Frank, Me
D. L. Landis, Clerk. Bernard J. Myers, R veral 4%, some bred
— ——— etna 4 1 el or i 1
‘Desirable Rapho Twp. Farm EVEN HEAD! BRED TO BONHEUR POSCH MONTVIC, whose
79 1 19,137 pounds of milk av-
152 i ne 410 pounds of fat at two
Saturday, September 30, 1944 NEES: ol LT
will be made
The undersighed will ocer at Public le the desirable Farm (formerly :
known as the Ekism: in Farm) located midway between Mount Joy und wy
{ Sporting Hill, ndar Erismaz an’s Mepg#flonite Church and a Public |
House, described bs follows to wi 9
A Farm containing 108 acres ghd 37 perches of land, adjoining land war ea
and others, in Rap}
| J. Daniel Eshleman, Musser W,
This land is |
in high state of cultivation, about |
20 acres of which is in pasture.

P. M,, when oI will be made |
known by
D. L. Landis, Clerk.

| known by
| A. K Waser, Auct.
| Paul Keller, Clerk
idman, Paul Metzler
Township, Lancaster County/Pennsylvania.
The improvemehis theregh consist of a
Double (17 Room) 1 tes pies
Dwelling House HAVE IT PICKED
x 48 ft. with attachments. A frame Wi th A New Idea Picker
and other Buildings, all Buildings are covered with slate roofs. WE


A Pressure Water System covering said Premises. :
Said Farm is classed among the best in Rapho Twp.
MANHEIM, R. 2 Call Mt. Joy 126J-5
Sale to commence at 2:00 P. M. when terms and conditions will be made
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Rohrer

Everybody In This Locality Reads The Bulletin
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