The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 27, 1944, Image 2

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two : : The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, July 27, 1944
The Mount Joy rq iu vie suck bs wo so. te’ Find New Weapon Grocery Store
ESTABLISHED JUNE 1901 HAPPE N INGS Miss Anna R. Engle, al ter if To Fight Measles
Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. f Rev. Eli M. Engle, will engage in
tent Evangelistic work in Virginia. | FOR SALE
Jno. E. Schroll, Editor and Publisher I ( )N( Y A( 0 Abner H. Risser, of Conoy town- May Be Used as Preventive
x Ad

Largs RE

oe Sots Price $1.50 Per Annum JL } >, PY his barn which In Other Diseases. [ want to retire from business and
ix ONthS.. ues of Cents Single Copies 3 Cents A AAA A any Was blown ap: rt during a storm. | want to dispose of my
: BS 2S : ——— : RA LARGE JUICY or
Three Months..........40 Cents Sample Copies............. FREE | 3 Y A len-year-old son of Harvey Kay-| WASHINGTON.—A new medical k Xv: y 7:
The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Stat | 0 earls go lor, in West Donegal, fractured his| weapon for preventing measle epi- Entire Store Stec ESTABLISHED IER eS a2
and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with | - — arm in a fall from a cherry tree. | demics has been developed from a OF 1539 By
the Bulletin, which makes this paper's circulation practically double that | John Dietz, local electrician, wir-| The fifth annual Perry county re-! Substance extracted from blood HE Sotin 2 Qc Fieri :
. " Tae issuec

| : ° .
of the average weekly. ed the United Brethren parsonage union hell at Cassel’s park, was the | plasma given by volunteer donors Groceries, Notions and
Entered at the Postoffice at Mount Joy, Pa., as second-class mail matter {oy its history. in the Red Cross program, the War


t /
under the Act of March 3, 1879. : - : : : | department disclosed. |
2 3, 1875 oy ea Charles Evans has accepted a po- Regula weekly . meetings of the The possibility was suggested that Fixtures | ELBERTA FREESTONE
sition at Wm. Sholing’s Bakery. Clinic are held in the school | the same substance might provide is is all good, fresh and 3 2 Lbs
. The fixtures comprise a edc es
ling. means of fighting other contagious





| demand. With the crisis of the war on the Columbia bridge to forty

a spent Tuesday with his father| fluenza and other epidemic diseases
was clected teacher of the Ffth Morris Nagle attended the meet- | diseases, including diphtheria, scar- Hobart Electric Slicer, 24-1b. Com- | ORE
ng tid ; 5 og ; Top i maa 5 2 T EATING EASTERN SH a
It took 163 deaths and 392 injured [hospital ships, and replacements Grade here ing of the ex-canal boatmen of Pa.| let fever and typhoid fever, puting Scales, 15 cubic foot General | LARGE SWEE Cc
to prove to circus owners that they |and reinforcements are being rush- Frank Shultz was hit on the hand at. Rolling Green Park, near Sun- The material is 8 protein Sepa. Electric. Refrige Fator, nea Cantalou es % PUI
should amuse the public in open air | ed t : sVerv facili il i bi oa tral rated from blood plasma and known | Soft Drink Cooler, all in good con- |
a r Pe jc 10 our ports, every facility of the Ly a base ball, breaking two fingers. bury. as ‘gamma globulin.” dition and open for inspection any | tai
; ins f “big tops.” They | nati and will be immediate-| Charles Cassel iss Eleanor Gable is in traini gory Da an : a 7 TE LARGE RED RIPE (Half Melon . . . 38c) im
tents instead of g ps. Y | nation must anc wi e imme iate- Charles Cassel sang at a conven- Miss Eleanor Gable is in training Globulin obtained from the blood {time. If you want a nice business | ¢ qu
also contemplate using all steel ly available. The transportation tion at Reservoir Park, Harrisburg. at the General Hospital. of persons who already have had [here's your opportunity. Watermelons Each Basho
. . : : : : a., b
seats. Costly lessons, these. system must be free to respond to L. P. Heilig installed a large g Wr measles contains anti-bodies which Apply to | 4 lowe
i york i iseas J i | These large, red, ripe watermelons wigh 25 pounds or more.
9 {any demands that the occasion may gline tank at his place of business. | Er. T Ww work against the disease. When in- B ® M ers e 9 Fog FE rrr
Tobacco growers the make upon it. Any unessential who Rev. Daniel Eshleman a NEWTOWN | iectet ino the muses ct 2 person | Benj. My | mn
South are in the same predicament | gets caught in the invasion traffic 54 bushels of wheat from 14 acres. ! epi rose 9 Sot prevent BAINBRIDGE, PA. soi ° K » K 1 1 dletow
x Hania ae sii Tw MM tas al will, ost cases, 7.20/3t kg middl
as our farmers last winter. The OPA | will have only himself to blame if Mrs. J. N. Stauffer was scalded Weekend visitors of Mr. anid Mrs. | him from developing the sickness, 4 | Rice rispies 1 8g C mid
set a ceiling price on their tobacco | he is indefinitely stranded. or finds in the arm when a cup of coffee up- Irvin Witmer were Mr. and Mrs. | the War department said. nd
and the opening of tobacco auctions | his Pullman reservations set { Walter Brandt and daughter, Mrs. The method was 17 a AU TO OBI LE | 9 tc n
has been deferred. The farmers | oO finds passenger schedules tem- Messrs. Charles Bennett and Ben Earl &tettor and son James of Ernst of jeading scien Ists oer M | Kello S om a es 11-07 pkg C 11] 2
want 41 cents for untied leaf and |porarily disrupted and intercity Hoffer hiked to Washington, D. C. . Miss Mabel Muers ofl on) for be oflice of the B 26 de
J . > e tr Wa = io sale 1 : pL) She Ty Eon army surgeon general. LIA ILITY | stone
4515 for tied. The price set is 39 | Souls tely swamped yi Some rascal tore the rails l00S€ 1 ancaster, Mrs. Hathaway Brenne- The fot weapon is not designed { | Charle
and 43% cents. It ere wi Le no sympathy for the from the posts on the new picket man, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. Percy | for use until danger of an epidemic INSURANCE P t T ti 11-02 pkg 8c 6.65 pe
en Pleasure fence at the park. Campbell, Mrs. Clarence Bleyer and| arises, because the material fur- 0S 04s 1€S < degre
Our Secretary of Internal Affairs | Those are grim words in deadly There was a bad cave-in on the children of Mount Joy, Mr. and nishes -only a temporary supply of PROTECTS YOUR i +3 fe
‘elt | €arnesiness. Heretofore the travel- Amos Newcomer farm, when an old Voir AR Conor 5 nk the protective substances. But army lence
Livengood gave President Roosevelt Amos Newcor ; Mrs. Marvin Garner and family of : Wh ~ ONEY and CAR . creek
i ing public has been asked to co-! cistern fell in under one end of the medical authorities declare the pro- HOME, M an i 8-07 ke |
a gowl sip In the. face when hej yperate the load 1 tl sgh : |Elizabethiown, tection is good for several weeks from Claims for ca 1€S O03 pkg C aig, I
. . rate to ease the loac on 1€¢ hog stv | J : 5 2 y Ge 3
said: “Roosevelt tries to give the transportatios system The rail bog : will od Pfc. Charles Haines returned to Injections of ‘‘gamma globulin’ = . | hing
impression that he is merely yield- |" a : . : Harry 9. . vil tame organized a Camp Sill, Oklahoma, after spend-| Will be given to soldiers exposed to Automobile Accidents North
ing to popular demand, when it has | Fads. on whem the heaviest bur- Boy Scouts of America Troop in Mt. es :
den falls, have managed to sustain y. Calvin Kramer is Eagle Patrol | 5 @ '*B Ls : i di |
been evident for months he has | te the. Tacx hr Joy. ( ivi a ih oO ent: Mr. and Mrs. William Haines a he City A | and
* lace o : - The Lancaster Auto asked | 115 Sr. ip Weald 1e m sas reveale y 3 | agp
been using every political trick at | The ne un “Ce and his wife of Washingtonboro. ; S Mews was Teyea me $12.25 SUGAR de free
hi t wd ever other surmountable handicaps and record Penna. R. R. Co. to cut the auto} I dGigle ¢ Frances G. Blake, president of the and N
his command to cro y | Mr. Harry Geltmacher of Colum-| hoard for the investigation of in- to “A” Book holders of Beg
4 Cc jo 5 C
aspiring Democrat out of the race.
upon us, railroad managements sin-' ots {oa : :
: Mr. Daniel Geltmacher Sr. in the army. A year of research

oy - | N
+ furlough with his par- measles. The material is available NOW ONLY | . FINE GRANULATED | to a si
Sunnyftield dl
® 00
cerely hope that everyone will re 798 autois aid 50c to get into! : . . : : ! 25.1b bag “S81
Over near Gettysburg a farmer | E 5 ; 798 autoists paid ofc to get IMO} yp catherine and Mr. Benjamin| was described in a report by Dr. CETTE ! 8-02 pkg 8c Use Sugar Stamps Ne. 30, 31, 32
9 5 member that the railroads are doing {eo Lariisville Camp grounds oni, : : Joseph Stokes Jr. of the University | and 40
was found guilty of shooting a boy | nr ? Weaver of Ironville were Sunday Sep JF: OL 10 : are Vit 1
Yitiat he Shook [the best they can, and that battle Sunday. | visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea. | Pennsylvania medical school, di- ° : lard
by mistake. Any hunter who shoo Sur affic comes first. | * Frank Peffer was injured when al =" EH A "| rector of the board's division on MARIETTA. PA WHEAT PUFFS SUNNYFIELD 8-01 Se poli
at an object amy time any place, oO tix of tell on his Tool Jer Meaties and M. + PA, Tre be 4
. 3 2. asiinss It 30a . Tr anc My > pr or ec =r 3 : : TI 909 = Leola
before he is fully aware of just] JOKE ON GERMANY | Afar a veces heave rain Cyruel 2 ond Mes Robert Frank and| Data indicating the effectiveness PHONE 2921 IONA SPINACH. x: 32¢0 aE)
‘ha 2 i ay be, has absol- | iN, AA alier a receht Neavy Iam children apent Sunday at Mt. Gret- ateri ave ine i 'R FIRST 5 20-07 go
Whe that oy be, Bas so} | Américans returning from Ger- Schroll, at Donegal Springs, found on Spen Ya ed o The Malone Lave Toon @ There are more passen- | IONA PEAS nk oz i2¢ Lanes:
utely no ng license, i : of 1h By ° : ’ ane gers per car and therefore { 24-07 descri
4 re - 8 inch tr on the bank of the 3: 7 : Sve gers per ar ar | 10NA 2 24-07 | ba
much less carry a gun. After a gun [Many on the exchange ship Grip- an 18 ir ou hn oh : nd | Miss Vera Haines and Miss Nellie SS greater danger of more people TOMATO JUICE 10 POINTS A CAN 2 i | PEG
strea re. veighed 5 pounds.'_, : : arr Bist al ii yd Mon ed
is discharged its too late to find out | Soin tell fates o Jo we 2 en : ony in > or. | Bard of Leola spent the week end Furious Chewing of Gum being hurt in an accident. IONA CORN or G20 vie 2 "oe th feo
erman people are led to believe, Markets: Eggs 20c, er . iat op . i said pt
s ing at. with Lt. and Mrs. John Berrier of | 308
what one Be Siu g this courtry is slowly starving to Lard 12'ic | OBbio ? By Crew Saves Big Plane ——_— REDI-MEAT BROADCAST Ione 32¢ mE.
Tl + "yes sicking Lo : NDON, ENGLAND.—Fifty-five | ——__ ? | pubic
death. The Germans know from Charles Hines was picking black- hy = 4 0 , . y- 16-02 ! ¢
From the reports en the attempt- |, . x ibd . 5 J snake dr | Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.| sticks of chewing gum and some COMMANDO SHAD can 14¢ ard M
us : . I bitter experience that a nation, like berries when a copper snake dropp- | William Fogie Sr., were Mrs. Mel-| furious chewing by a Canadian fly- I ff | 2 oz 21 Yh
ed assassination of Adolph Hitler by, fights on its stomach. Pic- ed off a tree aril fell on his neck. | Yay Sng hr Beatie mre. caval fhe 3 Dr. H.C. Killhe er |i PICKLES xf ars c
i. associates. abpears he 1 J 3 : vin Martin of Lancaster, Mr. and] ing boat's crew saved the aircraft |
his own associa es, 5 appes LY | turing the United States as a hung- | Lightning struck a tobacco field at Mrs. Roy Gephart and daughter| from foundering recently when it O tometrist | SHREDDED WHEAT » NABISCO PER ilc
has quite a job on his hands. Tas | er-weakened opponent is logical for East Petersburg, destroying 100 fine | > returned from a successful battle P |
ring against almost the entire wor ie, a people who have lived with star- stalks. ion Burnell. of Mount Jov. Mrs '
he must now overcome opposition | vatien and have used it as a weap Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gephart cele-, op © 0 0 daughter An ee , ved Telephone 137-R war
his own people. Looks very muc on to destroy other nations. brated their 44th wedding anniver-| . _ ° f Philadelphis ie ig Sunder and aad sunk a Mon. & Wedhes. 0.5130 24 BR 0 D d e % oO 1 zard)
like the beginning of the end. For | Fo { fthe U.S & i toinette o 1iladelphia. submarine in the Atlantic with depth i CAPM road
the betternment of all concerned— |. ew cliizens 0 ae, Th 1, sary Sas : ; ited] Mrs. Ella Kline and daughter| charges but not before German : > ae n € hb c W. Shi
[the importance of food, because they, Henry R. Kraybill was 00 000 ohn of Klinesville| shellfire had torn a hole in the ELIZABETHTOWN 22 63 99.48 1
O, Let It Be gu have never known scarcity. How collaborator by the U. S. Dept. of | sited Mrs. Daniel Derr plane’s bottom and knocked out sev- 15 E. High St. ih cont con degree:
ih ; S Mrs. Dx 24. ;
eo {many customers, when they walk Agriculture, bureau of tobacco in| Fits Katherine Hess of Mt. Joy eral rivets, or to 3
ited Miss Wilma Witmer over the The large hole was siopper 9:30-1100, hg mM
0 bh plugged, but smaller punctures re- ae ks
quired repair to prevent leaks when i
the ship landed. So 11 packages -
MASON JARS den 39C Gorn B69C fon
MORTON'S SALT odd" wr 7C
JAR CAPS eriz 19€
Ray Tucker, Chicago, well known !into the marvel of a modern food spection.
newspaper writer, says: “The iron- [store, stop to think of the scientific Over at Columbia a cat had bit= | rook end.
ic fact about the 1944 Democratic | productive effort that went into the tens in the hollow of a dead branch
Convention was that scarcely an gtocking of the shelves and counters of a tree.

A We ren.
of gum were drawn from the flying

| Catherine, Mrs. Wayne Young and
with a U-boat, it was disclosed re- MANHEIM DEHYDRATED DOG FOOD | VEGETABLE SHORTENING conve
163 S. Charlotte St, 1 (




3 1 } 1 3: y 4 n Ty
important Party leader attending (before them with canned, packaged, During a Seve re n (ransplants Furnish ration, and while the crew chewed, DON’T WAIT TOO LONG. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE FLORIDA 2 25¢ Counte
the meeting of the mew National and fresh foods from every corner thousards of birds in the Early Garden Yields the flight engineer stuffed fresh BRING THEM IN. = cans 1%, st
) itte x resident | » United State is a pity section : /ads into weak spots. : Quart :
Committee expects Preside of the United States. It is a pity ection. 5 oe Lettiice: and beet seed vi} Ww id Bao w os pols . } R “a C i ZERO BLEACH hoe 1950 a
Roosevelt to serve his full fourth | they cannot see a livicg panorama Merchant H. C. Boyd, of Manheim | sown directly in the g BUH y he time he Sunderland ity 10 epairing 0. | CLEANS A a I
term if he is reelected next Novem- jof the preparation and distribution 77, observed his birthday by treat- | plants can be obtained gardener: ! serene bare the gam had hard- 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET OAKITE THINGS 2 pkgs 19¢c O ; {
. : i 1 11 +4 a 1€¢ landing was a snap. oll OD RQ LL Or 1
ber. Very few of the influential fig- {of the food on those shelves. From ing his customers to cake and lem-| can have beet greens and lettuce € 1al 1 fii | WHITE SHOE POLISH an large 9¢ or
2 z ORE » paradox of inni on tt 3c 2 wo or three weeks earlier by set- po = LANCASTER, PENNA. | : SPICR Dottie 1
ures—and that was the paradox of |heginning to erd, it is a struggle onade. | 1 3. Ye Ghost Li ht Leads oO | Shreine
the convention — think that Mr. against the elements and the grim’ The postsffice at Mar wag | Ung plants started indoors. g ——— - Ti ET kd y Charl
. | The first s in transvlanting is : . > - ~ . % i
Roosevelt will fulfill his mandate. of supply and demand. War- robbed for the fourth hree | Ie first step Si ana Lin 8 Rescue of Injured Pilot WE | HAVE. | Coffee } ou ’]] Really Enjoy! 1 Dre
. i dD DIOCK out ti plants. With an ol > > ~A PDI TT “cr ~ sc | 3 ¢
eee {time are just one more years | Rw bul Ie planta 1 Bh | ApoARD CARRIER FLAGSHIP, | [ . a
d Ss ni ut the soil in the flat length- IF STERN NITY Ne ge Eli
CONSUMING DESIRE ESSENTIAL [hurdle that food producers and dis-' John Lenhard had a narrow es-| ise and crossw between the per iy PACIFIC. — Almost ue MILD AND hig i ane
Kal . c . sive from death wha train Sack Dives to The ; 3 believable stories float around a | i 1b Cc J 1
The United States came into being | fributors take in stride. cape from death when a train struck OWS SO that ez 1t can be lifted powerful aircraft force Hike this one, [ oc ae ] =
jority of bli No one has a better conception of his wagon ith a block of soil attached. Block- 1 am f the 1 Lie | 4 9 x ee o
because a majority of our public : I twice | itis ‘out piants leave "BSE of tt and one of the best is about Lieut. | } RICH AND FULL-BODIED 3 alley.
leaders and. the people Were con- | the work that goes into keeping the + 4. B. Hombright, formerly | iif out pianis leaves most of Mel wim 'w Davenport of Detroit { b 4 PUR]
> on iy a A et to be American dirner table the most of in, was elected principal of Saal! fools Undisiqrbed and ii who once in the early morn Ours | | Red Circle 2 5 4 fa)
sumed w p > hb 4 : : 33 rT I ants start growth more rapidly ; =] [ 7 :
f d the masters of govern lavish in the world, than the retail the Bergenfield school in N. J. pant Apt = a9 BI 85 ap of darkness saw a light blinking on | © bags 4 situat
p aste oulled with little sc n ti :
po id I progressed | distributor. He is familiar with the ‘ned ! pitied With e sa on the water below him—where, he [VIGOROUS AND WINEY 3 i
ment. he wor has rogressed | . . ras convince ighter pilot si { > GW
: |problems of both producers and nlistment in Coas rol ha cote or : was convinced, a fighter pilot shot ! | 3.Lb Bag I-lb e oI
because groups of people had an ft In marking the places for digging | gown by zeros was adrift ea I i 4 Oo ax a 3 BY GI
. Seo . + . consumers. He knows the limita t Strong, Mass. | holes for the nal es thov bec : : 75¢ bags 1 iddle
undying faith in certain philosophies Fike § ris Kell onl | holes for the plants, make sure they Lieutenant Davenport circled | | Sur rel ara AAA AR IAA A on i te Pn JTC
x. 1 > isewife ke a | have enough space ~~bbage and . - and «
of religion or human conduct in | tiONS of the hot sewife’s pocket ook, ve enough space. Cabbage and nearly seven hours over that spot. | West Main St Mt Joy | land ol
: : just as he is conversant with pro- broccoli need about 18 inches be-| He finally was able t ymunicate | si | his wif
which they believed. J 20 y A | ; =a e finally was able to communicate ! East 1
How any people in the United duction details. His is the job of ears go i een plants; lettuce, 8 to 12 inches, | with a PT boat which sped in—and { Hudson Toilet Tissue 4 rolls 23 then :
OW many peop | balancing the demands of the Two-- and beets, 1 to 3 inches. Dig holes | found an injured pilot, who had | WEEN IN NEED OF | i C 5

states ar ising in ; ‘3 ith a trowe » spade : 5 m
States today are 5 producer and consumer—to achieve A bolt of lightning killed eleven wi 8 trons! ot sbade and set the | been adrift for 40 hours. The boat Crushed && Buildin : .
| plants a little deeper than they had | orew, though, didn’t see any light. | 8 Waldorf Toilet Tissue roll Sc
their desire to retain personal lib-

erty and democracy within the M35 distribution : - on 2 Toa i I. _,. | been growing in the flat. Pack the The rescued pilot recovered. He | respec
framework of our Republic? Of late Every modern retailer of every ay CT Rw He ave on i oll firmly around the roots and | gajq he had parachuted into the sea, & i O N E . . 9.39 1
years, there have, been too many article we : eat, your and Sopot a ne home, which was! draw loose soil over the surface. and somehow his rubber boat came ' Red Cross Toilet Tissue roll Zc land ol
politicians insinuating that as a use, believes in mass distribution as g aly en) ye. 5 Carly in May the soil is usually | loose from the plane and drifted { CEMENT, SAND. rees 4
thé key to a rising standard of liv- will erect a municipal st enough so the transplants need | over toward him. He climbed in and | CONCRETE BLOCKS, . loan

nation we have outgrown the con-

ing, which is one of the best reasons
” |

stitutional ideals on which this why the American people live in VI. Browr cupful of water into each | flashlight; no way to sig *. STEEL SASH
country was founded. Miser. compared to the rest of the Wp t fore the plants are set. ee YY | OVERHEAD GARAGE Ww P ns
A majority of our people must = thr. gt i ‘Crow’s Nest Control’ : ax raper 200 ft. roll DIRE
have a consuming desire to retain rar rissa ding the ith RO Yel : ; Hel Lick T d DOORS, p 25c¢ pr
independence at all costs, just as ful thinking of German propagand- M na eck was elec od War Spurs Construction elps to Lic orpedaoes ASPHALT PAVING. Ww P PURI
ists. ci the Bainbridge schools. | NEW YORK, N. Y—N. B. Mc-| MASONRY and ax raper Envelope 40 sheets S¢ lowing
our forefathers had the desire to Coa .
gain it at all costs, or the United
eee res ake OAL. Charles Brandt
but an era in the history
ed in airplanes and | Of Low-Cost Housing Lean, Bendix Aviation corporation | CONCRETE WORK
More than 8,300 federally financed | marine division general manager, |
hcuses now occupied by war work-| said that a hitherto unpublicized !
NECTAR TEAS: 19¢ 1 34¢ 1°65 Lanes
EVAP. MILK 3 CANS, 2 POINTS 3 Jai 26¢c ag n
are a new develop-
I For Prompt and Pourteous Service


gs 27-29¢, Butter 45c,

ers in 44 public housing projects in| *“‘crow’s nest control,” known as a | 1
nr > - rapl |
New York, New Jersey and Penn-| duplex course telegraph, was a fac- | SAMUEL N STAUFFER
iv ill be wweried low- | tor enabling American ships to elude


bureaucracy will have supplanted (From page 1) { ANN
. . sere. a ylvania will onverted to M ANN 11h 2 Ib
democracy. ing that period he visited Casablan- A cerotos by th Sy 3 Wi es on seied fo low ning ae GRAPE JA 2 POINTS A LB. jar 2ic jar 39¢c
As a nation, we cannot survive as iors. Tries vag ; po >i 3: fiousing and su Sarance bai | MT. JOY, PA. S i
ca, 1 Algiers, Tripoli, Benga- Pe Co., at Rheems| purposes after the war, according to “This telegraph,” McLean said | Res. 903-R-14 Office 903-R-15 | SALAD DRESSING §iana Hy mine 19¢
3 oq 1 21 or »
free men if we submit to being the za, Cario, Egypt and many other f{
“tended herd” of a socialized gov
ormation to the national associ-| in describing the device which his |

we no relatives. | in
PRESERVES 24%: “M08 © 1» 25¢
sdon Reforma-| Now operated by local housing nables the lookout in the crow’s PRESERVES SULTANA 8 POINTS 1-1» f :
> { : oy Rl raw. BLACKBERRY A E i rom. 1
at Western Pon-|. 2 rities in 23 localities in these | nest to take over direction of the | PPLE A JAR jar 28¢ ec.
y BStern tes. ihe projects originallv wera |. SHIP UPOD spoliing an enemy fore} | 1 i Sultana 4 POINTS 29. her
| states, the projects originally were P polling an enemy tor APPLE BU ER A JAR jar 2ic
1 f 2 E %

a cost of $61,000. | no watering. If the ground is dry, | prayed, he said—because “I had no | SILLS, LINTELS, Es Paper Napkins reg. Sc lge. 1 4c in and
\ > srmer tin peur a os lay > 1
ation of housing officials. Brg developed and is producing, |


a point to license plates manu-
ernment toward which we have At the latter place he met his ;
been rapidly brott John, who is also in the
service. John is flying cargoes and itentia Bi
low-rent 1 l

BEST PURE LARD = i» 18 Tegrees
WR ny ny RR
oy A A NN Aya x {
Those who are thoughtlessly
planning trips by train this summer
should heed the words of Colonel!
J. Monroe Johnson, Director, Office sh
of Defense Transportation, spoken cf the
shortly before the invasion, empha- 'he br
gers in North Africa This
nan was also stationed at washed av s a clo
1 a} aN
1 the war emergency of about 60

gress authorized develop- |
ros I in ourse occurs
rent of the projects for “pers at a “tim e when “the torpedo might
gaged in national defense activi-| Well strike home,” he said. N
-two passengers Del ’ Federal loans covered all the |
el { 1
v Retu Geo. N. Shuman on the Cassel]. €oSt of such housing. | Work Is Great Moral
ght a similar namber of farm 1 he postwar period these proj- | Factor at This Base
Yoo :
COFFEE CAKE 7»; rover ws 23g
eft there last June.
i € 1 X mote
trip over Capt. Brandt's the DuPont Gardens at Wiln


1 sar Marietta, has a pump
. . Gt sa id : . be refinanced i ro- ]
sizing the necessity of clearing | Chinese diplomats to Washington, he gathered in 1922 his sti € reiinanced under pro- | KWAJALEIN ISLAND. — This COFFEE CAKE Jane Parker 3D .
2 agate ted States housing | AJALLIN SLAND. hi ane >
transportation facilities of any un- D.C. in good condition. ives the Federal | army base in the Marshalls has no Orange Cocoanut Twist 23¢
10riz } 3 Jana P
{ guardhouse. LAYER CAKE Saar each §7¢

necessary travel. “When the land- | Capt Brandt left Cario last Wed- The Ku authority to lend

rk to be
“There's too much w
up to 90 per cent


ing barges rise onto the shores of nesday and in three days was at permission for a |
» id, “and our men | Washington, D. C., a distar ~ of 6,- Brown's athletic development cost of low- | done here for us to spare men, i >
pe. said, B p tl ds or : | MARVEL RAI n
fight through the enemy defenses, 500 miles. 295 hunters licer revoked : - The balance necessary | nS Fr 2s x a SiN BREAD wa” 1c
. i i y ocal authorities | Suardhouse,” a military police lieu-
the casualties must be immediately | He returned to his base Monda,; in Penna. the be raised by local authorities | Rofite JANE PARKER SUGARED
i ough the sale of their own bonds, | tenant explal { a

A small MP 1 ioned here,
o get out cf YOU CAN FIND
A A Sn pny
evacuated and dispatched to Ameri- | flying from Harrisburg to Reno. ! Mrs. George A
which will be secured by future |
datsd pkg

i Qe 3
ca. There will be no room or safety | president of the W. C. T. v. rents p annual contributions by | Put the few soldiers
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