The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 09, 1944, Image 5

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The Bulletin, Moun
Basket Ball! BOWL NG

ed corn bread, smart
Two of our local Freshmen whose

ambitions run to play writing, have
out their first plays. One |
wrote “The Broken Arm” with al
big cast. The other wrote “The Silk |
Stocking.” It should have a big
I have just been enlightened as
why ducks and geese fly north
It’s quite |
It amazes me why I never |
thought of it. The reason they fly |
is because it’s too far to walk.
in the
Spring. really
We know a man in Florin that is
so henpecked that when
discovers she’s in the wrong, she
makes him apologize.
his wife |

They say a woman can’t take a
joke, but when I look at some hus- |
bands I know that isn't true.
| volunteers—high

Elizabethtown Juniors 31 Colum- cperated in assisting to cancel thi
bia Dribblers 24. debt in so short a time.
Manheim Boro Hi 32, E'town Hi. The primary class was taught by
24. Alice Marie Nissley, with awards as
East Hempfield High 48, Marietta following Martha Binkley, Mildred
High 29. Mummaw and Chmer Gingrich
Spelling open to all by Luther
Ulrich, James Reapsome, Lorraine
Rettew and Anna Kathryn Gintc
D. L.

Despite the help of a group of Information class taught by
school boys and Skearer, Luther Ulrich,
farmers—there are a
loaded freight cars tied up in the U. ter.
S. Army Holding and Reconsign- On March 2nd Mr. and Mrs.
ment Depot at Marieita, it was Lloyd A. Kauffman, celebrated |
learned Sunday night. 29th wedding anniversary, at the
Several hundred more cars are on home of Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Brooks
the way to the depot but they are ot Denver, Pa., by whom they were
being held up at points along the married when Rev. Brooks was pas-
route, waiting until there is room tor of the Ironville U. B. church.
for them in the depot yards.
S— of Wilmington, Del., were week end
Wm. A. DeHaven, 45 Rohrers- guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
town, fractured his ankle when he Harry M. Albright
slipped on the ice. |” Oliver Rettew, is suffering with a
total of 358 Reapsome and Anna Kathryn Gin- |
Capt. and Mrs. Richard Snyder, |
t Joy, Lancaster County,




ey at once.
a :
fine in the
much, but
rs are plenty
wer bug-


rot ime g
ler, help to repair rifles, and also
when they are short
| handed.
I remain yours truly,
Albert F'. Nentwig
lote—We received the
from your mother

Bulletin reaches you
A/C James Piersol, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Piersol on Fairview
Street. will celebrate his birthday
March 19th.
Staff Sgt. William J.
Silver Springs, waist gunner
Flying Fortress, has been decorated
with a tt!
on Sunday,


sprained back, while at work at the
Janson Steel & Iron Co., causing
him to be off duty for several
of |
on a
Dak Leaf Cluster to the |
Air Medal {or “meritorious achieve-
ment” on 15 bomber combat mis-
siens over enemy occupied Europe,
in the course of which he shot down
a German fighter plane.
The citation accompanying the
award read, in part: “The courage,

Our High school team certainly :
threw a scare into Patton Trade Teams Ww. L. PC. o Sabon end skill displeyed by this
here Friday night. The visitors led Martins .............. 26 14 650 | oer an pi ihe : ght
: AL . SR | reflect great credi pon hims
at half time 23-15 but that last half Tecni en 2 16 400 | and the Armed Forces of the United
was a humdinger. Mt. Joy's Reng one. itm a 33 pi | Etates.
: . ¥S eae pA J 020 = y i |
dig leading the attack, outscored the Derrs ................. 19 21 47 | yt Covert, twenty, is the son of
trade lads 27-21. The final score was Goods ................ 19 21 475 Ye Mrs. Clifford J. Covert,
44-42. (Kreiders .............. 17 23 425 DE piles
The Mount Joy J-V's also defeat- Bennetts apa 15 25 2% | Sgt. Daniel Zink, son of Mr. and
ed Patton J-V’s 27 to 24. Denis FG SG TG Tis | about those | Mrs. Edward Zink, 543 Market
Meurt Joy H. S G F 5 i | Street, Marietta was slightly
sy H. S. s Seis my 178 : ne a, as slightly
Nast ip Gb ToMuor 2 116 198 50 | [N THE SERVICE | in scion in Ty en's.
Shupp, F...... 0 1 Herr ........... 184 171 159 514 | 22. 4
i ) ........ 186 189 172 547 |
Booth ile ray 1 0 o|[amparter ...... 193 160 192 545 Mrs. Eva Glottacher. MM;
Breneman, G........... 3 2 7|Perr Jr mma 190 199 213 602 i Pvt. Russell McKain, of Camp | received word ars eS
—BY— Plersel, G.............. ¢ 0 0 3 cn ge oo poor | Edwards, Mass, enjoyed the week- | the War Department that her son
Er al Totals ,....... 655 895 934 2184 | ith Ric. fundlo pee 7 ’
7 Brown, G.............. 1 1 3 Thi | end with his family. i Plc. Frank B. Glattacher, is recov-
A WISE O \W/ L Hoffmaster, G.......... 0 0 FG SG TG Tis | pre ering satisfactorily from serious
dder ougherty L361 181 187 529% . ; sounds suffered in Italy i
SE Origen Porn 3 0 See 177 150 216 3] rok Dox Piel; suffered iy Holy 3 Deceme
: : “1a v . Barnh: 38 155 9 505 | Tampa, Fla, is spending a furlough | **- ;
With everybody talking politics, ToL 3 ; — 08 133 I pe with his family. | Pic. Natl Kend
Tins > 5 nt : | Fa School RR Tug is Dy, oa. | fc. Nathan endig, Jr. son of
election and enumerating all the Fo.......... 3 0 ........ 200 201 193 594| ; ; | Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kendig, Bain-
things that we can’t do that we used | Gayner, F.............. 0 0 0 = cle sen oe AD pent. Atria C. 1 Foutwiite | bridge, RI, who was seriously
to do, let me remind you, there are | Crawford, F............ 2 0 4 Totals ........ 889 860 943 2692 Pony urse ope, saline 8 St. | wounded in November in Italy, has
: Pp + Ss or a. arriv v3
{hree privileges left that no one will | Dean, C............... 11 3 25 Bennetts FG SG TG Fa, arrived Nome |peen transferred front Ashiord Gen-
x 0 1 VA Myers 173 180 129 482 | Monday for a fifteen day furlough, |...) Hospital Whi Sulphur
ever take from you. They are to be vis, . Myers....... 1s 20 432! the Brat since hor enlis Jae io ospital, ite ulphur
et and die. Smith, G............... 2 2 ....... 146 214 171 5311 oe irst since her enlistment June Springs, W. Va, to Valley Forge
born, pay taxes an die = ~~ Now! Bresson, 0 0 OF Myers........ 142 216 148 506) | hospital. In a telephone call to his
quit your kickin’. You're lucky at i’ wee: L000 125 140 167 432] = | mother he said that he expects to be
that. Totals ...... eens 18 6 42 Bennett ........ 183 211 179 573| Camp Edwards, Mass. Feb. 25— home shortly on a furlough.
= Score by periods: — — — — | Fromotions of 37 enlisted men of the i
Patton School....... 7 815 769 931 794 2524 | 570th AAA Battalion have been an-| Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly, Ma-
oy Sarg i an) Totals ........ ( | 5 1 N 2 : y,
Our office boy just wrete a new | Mount Joy H. S.. +13 1014 7 FG SG TG Tis | nounced by the Anti-aircraft Artil- | rietta received the first direct word
song entitled: “Vinegar Should be as Referee, John Borger. Mumma 147 140 204 491 lery Training Center here today. | from their son, Robert, twenty, Avi-
Good to Its Mother as a Soda Bottle Sony... 182 147 212 541 | Among them is Pfc. Arthur R. Zer-| ation Machinist Mate Third Class,
is to Its Pop.” — — Not bad. Mt. Joy J-V’s G F Tis J. Hostetter... 159 170 167 493 phey, of this boro, who ‘was promot- | since notification several weeks ago
Crider, F.............. 3 2 | Garman 195 205 174 504 | 4 to Corporal technician, by the Navy Department that he
— Frev. C. F............. 0 0 Stacy 212 9 no | ree had received “multiple wounds” in
Ys ) : . Stuckey ......... 213 208 181 602 Yo I :
Not being a drinking man (no|Shuop, F............... 3 0 6 y "TZ "_ "| Charles C. Goss, Columbia R1, of | action in the South Pacific
nasty remarks, plesse) 1 asked a Frey, M,, F............ rr 0 2 Totals 896 870 938 2634 | the U. S. Navy, has completed a| He wrote that “you can't keep a
: : OT Wagner, C............. ¢ 0 0 es an evecial course in LST training at | gcod Irishman down, but can al-
fellow to explain the difference in Zerphey, C... oy 5 Haas FG SG TG prodford, Norfolk, Va “and | ways patch him up like an old pair
the various brands of whiskey GQ... 2 0 4 Shonk Sanna 129 214 174 3 Los heen made a member of the] of pops pants.” . He also told them
see advertised. This was his ex- | Kupferer, G........... 1 0 2 Piersol ......... 163 17 136 mn amphibious for of the Navy. He that he expected to be home for his
planation: “Now there's Wall Street | Coen Bs 9 3 Sires uw i 1a 549 has been assigned to the crew of a| birthday a few nia fore Ra
] fer GJ: 9 0 2 182 165 . enecially constructed ship|ly was a seaman first class on the
skey—one drink a Jolt are on | ; ” Y! LST—a specially constructed ship|ly was a seaman irst class on
Whiskey —one 5 nd yo ar 9 — on 161 158 171 49% for the transportation of troops and | carrier Wasp when it was sunk.
the curb; and then there's high| pata) 12 3 ~ |} ? I Followi I leash. | tudiod. £
thy Bai 3 abt: 5 otals: ....... 0s 2 ‘ ee heavy equipment. ‘ollowing a furlough, he studied 1or
school whiskey, one drink and you- | Pattcm Trade J-V's G F Tis Totals ........ 800 860 800 2460 yo naval aviation and received his rat-
he in a class by yourself; as for |Fowden, F............. 1 0 2Martins FG SG 4 Tis | Fie. William F. Mundorff, son of | ing at San Diego.
elephant whiskey, one drink of that Mittchel, F usta 0 0 OMartin ......... 186 3 143 oT { Mr. and Mrs. William Mundorf¥, Sr. : =~ i
nd Cont ithvow vour trunk ,| Hubks, 2 0 4 Kramer ........ 169 140 18 od | of Bainbridge, left on Sunday for Two destroyer escorts were
and you throw your trunk out the {wien C.............. 3 0 ......... 207 158 153 518 | mp Florida, where he has | launched at the Federal Shipbuild.-
window. In the better whiskey (Means, G.............. 3 0 8 Brown ......... 172 167 160 499} boc cord 1o D de Mabry Fiold ing and Dry Dock Company Yard,
there’s the block and tackle kind | Dressen, 3 0 OBamhart ....... 147 186179 512| pr. Mundorft formerly was station-| et Newark, N. J, Tuesday, after
one drink and you walk a block and | Wolf, 3 0 = = “led at Gulfport Field, Miss, where | being named for a Marine private
will tackle anything and then the | ; T oo 2 Totals ........ 877 827 813 2017) he attended school for four months, | and a Navy Ensign who died in fw
a CO ki includes chick-~ | Totals ....... St trae 12 0 ~ Goods FG SG TG Tis|studying airplane mechanics. On| Pacific war theatre. One ot them
more common kind Ih udes chick-| Mount Joy J-V’s.... 0 117 6 3—27 Schneider 915 155 188 558| January 3, he was transferred to the | was William Seiverling. :
- en whiskey—one drink and you Patton Trade ....... 10 5440-24 Lease hein : : : : 196 137 202 535 | Republic Aviation Corporation, During traditional ceremonies,
lay.” Now I think I understand why Referee, Hostetter. ——— Hostetter ....... 177 130 141 448 | where he received a 28-day course | new De’s were christened by Mis.
some men act so queer while under | _ Grove ......:.... 164 189 191 544 cn airplanes. Pfc. Mundorf for- | William F. Seiverling, of 3% B
it’s influence | EAST DONEGAL EASILY Good 180 191 176 547 | merly was employed at Middletown, | chard Road, Drexel Hill, Pa hn
> A . ~ a a a ta re SX Private William
DEFEATED ROTHSVILLE — — —|Pa. honor of her son, Piivate Mita
; Te i Those Fast Donegal lads romped Totals ........ 932 802 898 2632 | - rrr Frank Seiverling, Jr, killed at
Was talking to a West Main Street | th 2 i FG SG TG Tis] Maneuver Aveal GU 5
| away with ¢ sasy victory over Vl: Ares ts born Sept. 22;
mama about the baby who swallow- | ii w 2 a 9 sy vie ory Dye Boozer 167 172 171 510] March 2, 1944 Private _Seiverling, born Se Pi .
ed a safety pin ar . _ 1... | Rothsville Friday nite 43-30 while CY 5 bm ol mhe Blount Joy Bullet 1520. at Elizabethtown, enlisted in
d a safety pin and she told me she | ' 3 » (Dommell ....... 142 142 137 421) The Mount Joy Bulletin, he Marine Corps at Philadelphia,
ds en ae hep ide lie Alumni defeuted the J-V's. hneider 135 133 159 427 John E. Schroll, the Manne OID of A]
has. the same worry as her little | & : Schneider ...... 5 159 Soa) EH Publish Feb. 2, 1942. He was holder of the
- or ores: /ine 53 182 189 524 | Eagitor and Publisher, LG Se
boy swallowed a fifty cent piece. Il Sp Ly ps GF supe 15 1 ao sal ‘This is to It you know, I have| Navy Cross.
. | E. ey, ov seins 2 ¢ 2 505) 5 1S ¢ yo INOW, . hls aly 3 Yoru
asked her how he was getting along oti ora 0 0 0 fonlo 2 7 "| veceived your poper, the other dav, Fvt. Seiverling’s homes, wie
wd p jDrager, | N A ’ AY Ee Cimacn nies jus mn i
and she replied: “There's 4 1 9 sol 81 858 2477 | at my new address, “and you wili| former tte Alvin. a
change.” Hershey, Bo. ......... 2 2 € el mr | never know how much I enjoyed it. Elizabethtown ane hy when the
i 1 0 2 It is the first paper I received in| tl about 15 FE tor
| Wittel. C 5 2 2 cix weeks. I wrote you just the family moved to Fhiladell 2. a
But I remember when 1 was a] EY a ne tl ; rou kno The Marine's grandmcther, Mrs.
: ¢ y WM a Ci 3 0 6 other day, to let you know that I I liv . Elizabeth-
kid I swallowed a minature camera | Ayngst, G 5 0 6 re not been receiving your paper. | Jacoo Alvin rank Al
Iw Av Garin ¢ JE Lt} your | on. a Cs nele, Fre =
but nothing developed. { Walters, G........... id 0 2! The regular Christian Endeavol Three days received it. [rown, gi an a Mrs. Anthony
| Wolgemuth, G 0 0 . . tenn : Johr barber and I] Wine, ond an auf, De. fines
— | Wolger , * 3 o Service was held on Sunday even- : much. but | Snyder
ha — Cr} YH y hy Dike pa dM. : + ot
A doctor sent an R. D. resident a | Gutchal, 7 ing in the Ironville church, with | a must all go some And that In addition to his parenis, Put.
kill rec ly for five dollars fi r| 19 5 43 Mis. Florence Mowrer, presiding. |is about all I cen thir f for now Seiverling is survived by 8 Toes:
medicine and thirty-five dollars for | Rethsville 11. S. G F TIs The leader was George Rost, and] so I will clcse. [row in foe Army, and A
visits. At first he couldnt decide ; Mellinger, F............ 3 4 8 he gave an inspiring talk, on ou I ra won | Technical Sgt. Joe Gingrich whi
bow re Fools : Groff, Fuso) vss ais 2 : Ne ’ 3 Albert IY. Nentwig echnical Sg Joe bi >
SOW to pay. I and finally came to, Groff, Foo 0 0 0 neighbor, the Negro. The leader fo a - | som: 14 months in India with the
this solution. He sent him the five | Adame. C 2 4 10 Sunday, March the 12th, will be Great Lakes. Illinois] Army Air Forces as a rad e
dollars for the medicine and is | Grube, 1 2 4 Mrs. Harold Albright, and the topic Feb. 29 1944 | tor and gunner attached to a
ing to return the visits — — Fair{ Mumma, G............. 4 0 2is “Do miracles occur today,” it Among those graduating from an| bomber squadron, 15 spending k
— mn : ec of Machinist's mate] day furlough at his home in Eliza-
enough. ae 12 6 30 will be conducted with a debate, baat : = Lo tS his first since h nlisted
BIS cd. esr “ . 3 : : i t Se school | HS Tm me
: ss Soo be with eight members of the society | = © a hand ae
There's only one restriction at all | E Donegal os... 8 10 13 12—44 taking part. | {zaar Nentwig, 22, husband of Meda | ge mem obi —
army camps, I've been told. And | Rothsville H. S..... .10 6 6 10—30 The spelling bee held in the Si!- | Nentwig, Florin, Pa. iN
that is “Don’t get caught.” Referee, Diffenderfer. ver Spring school house on Satur- This Bluejacket w selected fol Oo axes, Oo
— iq his specialized training on the bas-
— . day was largely attended, for the |S SPEC zed dal > :
Toe: . IF neg: i F Tis ay is of his recruit training aptitude From page 1)
This conversation took place Sun- | De negal Alumni 9 0 o purpose of raising money to pa;|, i ro pi du in fo tn | } on oe J help at
le . ope, < : : test s gS, xl 1 try and keep Jp at
day. “Pop, did you go to Sunday amd P 1 0 o'the debt on the memorial which | {wenty specialized courses taught upon him to a . when the can
i red reer 2 : ent) i € 4 ents an hour en ey Ce
School when you were a boy?” Pop Shuman, Foo 3 0 6 was erected in November 1943, and | here at the Service School are sent} conis anu wo atter
antici. . or rt 9 0 a. : ROX 5 a. to shore stations, or to ad-|earn more elsewhere. The matter
replied:” I never missed a Sunday, { Aungst, Co... 00 2 J resulted with a r:i inccne of $95.00, | to sea, to shore sl , 2 : oi the finance commit
ge : Ye . . 3 2 x vanced schools, + active duty or|was srred 1 o ance nmit-
son.” The boy meditated a minute, Shi, ig i 0 enough to clear the entire debt. ra god ss io give GuLY « ya ye 4 > ot
: 5 ; vw | Es an, BG... van . : urther tra g. ee with power to act.
then said. “Yeah. Ill bet it won't Ech Ci G 0 © © The actual cost of the memorial was | : : te 2 vied the
: 3 Gutshall, G............ oie shia The water committee reported the
do me any goed either. Marley, G....... cv: 1 0 21$213.16 and the money was all se- Maneuver Area mp installed ard in order
1 rs i : > 7 ew y installed ant :
ee Walters, 1 0 2 cured by two spelling bees and Feb. 27, 1944 © It pr A ided to purchase sev-
m1 ie — — _— : : . O11 ak: ‘as decide Ja Cia
Today we received a classified ad ~~ special cash gifts. The pupils of the | Bulletin Office, Wes : he used on the
bic : I Totals vies 10 0 . = rot | Mount Joy Pa eral tons of lime to be used on ine
that read like this: “For sale—A bed | . 7 G F Tis Ironville school sold $23.85 worth | Mount Joy, Ld. {er y k lawns t
: yg “| E. Deregal J-V x i . Dear Sir: | Water Works and park lawns to
—by an old lady that felds up in} yarchey, F 3 0 g.of tickets and the Silver Sprirg I wish to inform you that I doi fall gra
: Jorshey, 00000 { Salad I wish to inform you tha C Gill fall grass.
the daytime and looks like a table. | Eshleman, F........... 1 0 2 school, $21.65 worth of tickets, not receive your paper any more he % Hen burgess, report-
Sipling, F.............. 1 0 2 balance was secured by sales at and I did enjoy il much. a hii i of
1 i Charles, C 1 0 2 Th : ; 5 write before. | ed that Elmer Zerphey, chi 0
Did you know that the best way i SNE 08 refreshment stand. The committe 1 was going lo wre jou het | ling the bor
to civ. wil he'd ; | Roland, 4 0 8 d of Beier Weaver, | But just did not have the time. 1| police, ha: been patrolling the boro
2 water on the knee Iso cine 1 1 3 compose er enw ' sure miss the home town news. At| several mornings each week in or=-
wear pumps? | Mumper, G............ 0 i 3 Glenn Kantian, Mrs. Wilbur he "| mail ¢ ll 1 alway keep looking for {4 .. {4 nab speeders.
a n 2 2 tew and Mrs. Paul Kauffman wish | the Bulletin, but t does Rot Corfe ‘1 Officer Zerphey's report for Feb-
A Barbara Street man says tbat + 11 ZZ to thank the pupils of the Ironviile | If you want me io pay for the pa-| eee ; . follows
il is mS “| £. Donegal Alumni... 2154 3-24 i on, : 1 va 4 f do so. | ruary was presented ollows:
1e only time he and his wile share | E Donegal 4 10 0 6—20 end Silver Spring schools, and ihe : the | drunk and disorderly, speeding 1;
the house work is in cooking break ladies Sunday school class taazght ns V you! sop sign 2; improper passing 1; no
fast. Then she burns the toast and| Basket Ball Scores: by Mrs. Edra Forrey who ccnduct- far And 1 sure | ooo rator’s license 1; parking tickets
he scrapes it. — — That was corny,; Ppenbrook Jr. Hi 37, Elizabeth- ed ‘he refreshment stand, and *.e wculd | ) have it sent to mel, He travelled 465 mile du
wasn’t it? Well, maybe, they toast- | town J-V 36. ‘ people of the township, who co- : ee chine i) i menth and purchased 1672 gallons of
> paper, an vill send | ment and
| gas. His motorcycle has been over-
{ hauled and is now working O. K.
Return adjustment on Ct
| tion Insurance for 1943 from Penna.
| Mfgrs. Assn. amounting to 334.85.
| Fines collected by James E. Hock-
nberry for February 35.00; Joseph
| B. Hershey,
Speeding $10.00, stop
sion $5.00, total $15.00
| Taxes unpaid reported by tax
| collector Metzler were: 1943, $1393.-
duplicate for 1944, $11,252-
| 65; 1941.
Pa., Thursday Afternoon, March 9, 1944
Local Soldier Killed In
(From page 1)
He enlisted in the Army in No-
vember, 1943, and was attached to
an Infantry regiment. He had been
overseas for six months.
Besides his parents, he is sur-
vived by a sister, Dorothy, at home.
Mr. Abram Rinehart, an uncle and
Mrs. John Fitzkee an aunt, both of
Mount Joy.
Lieut. Herman
Lieut. Herman was wounded in
action Feb. 6, according to a tele-
gram from the War Department
received Friday by his wife, Mrs.
Naomi L. Herman, 403'> N. Market
Street, Elizabethtown.
Mrs. Herman had been advised
by her husband on Feb. 21 that he
had been wounded. He told her
nothing that
Lieut. Herman
“not to worry—it is

time will not heal.”
is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman, Landisville.
Lieut. Herman is attached to the
24th Infantry Division in Italy. He |
enlisted in July, 1942 and received
his basic training at Fort McClellan,
A. N.

Ala. He was graduated from the
Infantry School at Fort Benning, |
Ga., April 1, 1943, and received his
Lieut. and Mrs. Herman have one
son, Donald, eleven. They formerly
resided on South Market street, this
— OT
at the
The Ladies’ Aid of the
Church, Landisville,
home of Mrs. Benjamin Brubaker.
It was decided to the
“Home Front News” in the near fu- |
ture, for the boys in the service.
March 22, home-made candy will be
packed at the home of Mrs. Simon
Minnich to send to the boys in ser-
vice. These present were: Mrs. |
Lestella Hoffman and daug! ter, |
Miss Ruth, Mrs. J. T. Herr, Mrs. |
Flmer Snavely, Mis. Simon Min- |
nich, Mrs. Esther Mease, Mrs. Clyde |
Rankin, Mrs. Amos Rohrer and!
Mrs. Walter Peifer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barto of
Lancaster, were the guests of Mr. |
and Mrs. Walter Peifer, Sunday. |
Mr. and Mrs. William
are visiting their daughter and son- |
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Han-|
naford, Plainfield, N. J. |
Fackler, |
The Lenten Services in the Lan-
aisville Church of God, Wednesday
noon, was under the leadership of
the Young Felks of the Methodist |
Church. Quite a of
town folks attended the services.
Fvt. Earl Donald Longenecker |
Engineer Student at Ohio State
University is home on a 6 day fur-
number the |

Lt. Mildred Myers of 539th Ship | = =
Platoon was home on a 12 day fur-
" Ye ifs 5 rit} vor ls
lough after serving o months ovel | 8
seas on an Army transport ship. | i
WE HAVE. .... |
KRALL'S Meat Market
West Main St., Mt. Joy
City Shoe

iring Co. |

Tues. Fri.
15 E. High St.
Telephone 24-R
Tues Fri. Sat,
9:30.1:00.2-5 P. M.

{.72. Unpaid $1168.75; 1943 unpaid |
$380.26: 1942, $60.00; 1941, $37.75;
(1940, $8.00. Total water rents un-}
| paid March 1, 1944 $1663.76.
| Burgess Hendrix reported the
collection of $12.00 licensz fees, $6.00
| auto fines and $3.00 dog fines.
Treasurer reported balances as
| follows; Boro. $2236.70: Water, $9,- i
‘300.92; Bills paid amounting to:
Borough, $736.34; Water 3453.69; S.
'C. F. $22.66.

* kk kk ok Kk
Like to feel
YOU'LL BE important to #
your country, and y voy
fighting men—if 1 wor

a vital job in the Arn
In the Women’s Arr
you'll get] ex t
ing that fay
a postwaf c
a chanck
skill or fle
meet nd
will ren
Get fu I tails al
WAC at ony U. S
Station. ¥ write |

teresting booklet, s: 7}
Adjutant General, {uni-
tions Bldg, Washington
D. C. (Women in essential
war industry must have re-
lease from their employer or
the U. S. Employment Ser-
¥ X % Kk kk kk
{ by her

Cpl. Oliver Schroll stationed in
Maes., is home on furlough.
Pvt. John Dattisman has com-
pleted his basic training at Parris
Island, N. C., and is home on fur-
Staff Sergeant Lester Hamilton
stationed in Texas is spending his
furlough with his parents. This is
his first visit home since his enlist-
ment two and a half years ago.
Seaman 2/ Robert Blessing has
completed his boot training at Sam-
con, N. Y. and is home on furlough.
Seaman 2/c¢ Winfield Randler sta-
tioned at Norfolk, Virginia, visited
his sister, Mrs. H. K. Honberger
and family and his father, Mr. M.
Randler last Thursday.
The Sunshine Bible Class held its
monthly meeting the home of
Mrs. Harry Stehman last Wednes-
day evening. The April meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. Phares
if mmm
Is 4-H
From page 1)

more of the
may enroll in one or
following projects: in Home Eco- |
nomics—canning, clothing, food |
room improvement,
homemaker’s assistance, and care of
In Agriculture—baby
lamb, chicks, ca-
beef, pig, dairy,
pens, bees, home garden, vegetable
potatoes, strawberry,
and tobacco. Members will have a
chance to enroll at a series of meet-
ings to be held in
munities over the county during the
latter part of March and early April.
Additional regarding
the 4-H Club Program may be ob- |
tained by Club
Leader in your community, or thru
various com-
contacting a 4-H
Anne Forbes or M. M. Smith, of
the Agricultural © Extension Office,
202 P. O. Bldg, in Lancaster. !
4-H Club Leaders in Mount Joy
vicinity. 4-H Home Fconomics: Miss
Mary Strickler, Mt. Joy, No. 1, Mrs.
Frank Nolt, Landisville, Mrs. Ray=
mond Myers, Landisville.
John D. Roland, Mt.
Jo. 1, Curvin H. Martin, Mount
1; Frank G. Weidman, Mt.
. 1: H. B. Endslow, Mariet- |

ta. No. 1; Amos N. Shelly, Man- |
heim, No. : Victor Longenecker,

Elizabethtown, No. 3.
ee a Ee is
The engagement of Miss Ada L.
i €helley, of Manheim, R2, and Ben- |
jamin Stekervetz, Jr.,, son of Mr. |
and Mrs. Benjamin Stekervetz, of
R1, has been announced |
nts, and Mrs.
No date has heen set |
part Mr. John |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Herr cel«
ebrated their Silver Wedding An=
niversary, Monday, March 6. To
mark the occasion as a special one,
the members of their families were
invited to a dinner on Sunday.
Miss Alice Jane Herr returned to
State College, Sunday, after spend=
ing several weeks of vacation with
her family.
Miss Ruth Baker of New York
City, spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baker
and family.
Miss Anna Mary Herr of Glass=
boro, N. J., spent the week end
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.
'T. Herr,
The Ladies Aid Society of Zion
Lutheran Church met at the home
of Mrs. Benj. Brubaker, Salunga,
Tuesday evening
Mr. and Mrs. J. Raymond Myers
and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Doi=
othy Chambers and Rev. and Mrs.
W. L. Ziegenfus, attended the Len-
ten Program of the Musical Art So=-
ciety, Tuesday evening, in the San=-

| tee Chapel, Lancaster.
The fourth of the Weekly Noon=--
day Lenten Services sponsored by
the Young People of the Commun-
ity will be held in the Bethel
Church of God, Wednesday, March
15. The speaker will be Rev. Clyde
Weaver, pastor of the East Peters-
burg Church of the Brethren. The
devotions will be in charge of the
Young People of the Landisville
Church of God. The Service will
begin at 12:20 P. M., and the Pub-
lic is invited to attend.
Stimulate your business by adver=
| tising in the Bulletin.

Auto Accident
By being struck, run down or
run over by an automobile
while driving, repairing or as
a passenger.
Men and Women 10-70 yj
of age.

and§ surgi
1 up to
For Loss o E, $1,000.
PHONE 2921

3-9-2t |

for the wedding | |

Phone Mt. Joy 220

To Help Make! a
For Poultry \a d Live Stock
Deliver Feed

3 tf

Eyes Examined
==DR. S.. P./ MILLIS
Pp qm 1
Moose Bldg. “
t Elizabethtown


6-8-10 P.M. ; 2:00 P. M.
Mount Joy, fa. Al es





