The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1943, Image 3

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Qa A A
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Many, many thanks Sgt. James
“Kipp” who is somewhere
in England, for = your Christmas
Cpl. Roy A. Albright, of Iron-
ville, has arrived in New Orleans
after service in North Africa and
Italy, according to a telegram - re-
ceived Wednesday by ‘his brother,
Earl C. Albright, Register of Wills-
elect. Cpl. Albright
Signal Corps March 13, 1942. Two
other brothers are in the service:
Marshall, a pioneer in the Signal
Corps, who is somewhere in the
Southwest Pacific; and Richard an
aerial crew chief and bombardier,
stationed in New Mexico,
S/Sgt. John Roth Jr., reported at
Atlantic City, N. J., on Monday, af-
ter spending three weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. W. Roth
Sgt. Ches. W. Roth returned to
Albuquerque, N. M., after a tenday
furlough here,
Pvt. Ruseell McKain, Camp Ed-
wards, Mass., visited his family
over the Christmas holiday.
Pvt. Owen Smith, stationed
comewhere in India, was promoted
to Private First Class.
Army Nurse Corps
Kessler Field, Miss.
Dear Committee
I received the very fine gift of the
Remembrance Committee.’'I want to
thank you all. Also for the year’s
subscription to the Bulletin. It is
really a grand feeling to know that
we have the full support of our
home folks.
My; work is very interesting. It
is needless to say that the boys
make ideal patients.
I think we are having the nicest
weather of th” jvear at the present
time, Jt ef seems possible that
you all have had snow, but believe
it or not, snow would look ‘good to
some of us.
So may this: Christmas and the
coming yedr bring you special’ hap-

Camp Claiborne, La.
1 wish to thank the Remembrance
Committee for the gifts I received
from them.
I know I will certainly appreciate
getting the “Bulletin.” At home I
did not need to read the paper. for
news because I usually heard all the
news, but now news from home
makes you feel pretty good.
James Shaeffer
Dear Sirs:
Received your gifts in today’s
mail. I wish to thank you for the
oifts personally, but corresponding
by mail is the only method at the
Your gifts are a splendid expres-
sion to us fellows abroad. We know
you are rooting for us and backing
us to the limit.
Joseph Funbar
Season’s greeting from Great
Britain. Thanks for the gift. I re-
ceived it ok.
Sgt. Homer D. Garlin

Pfc. Walter R. Gallagher, U.S.M.
of Goleta Califernia, spent the
Christmas holidays at his home on
North Barbara St.
entered the
lews Ahout Those
'nThe U. S. Service

Seaman First Class Alexander
Hashem, son of Mr. and Mrs. A-
meen Hashem, 132 South Popular
street, Elizabethtown, just back
from his eighth crossing of the At-
lantic, will have many interesting
stories to.tell after the war is over.
On his last trip he went to England
and Sicily, and had a busy time of
it in the Mediterranean, helping to
down five German planes which
attacked the convoy. Alex was a
lookout that time; so he had a good
vantage point to see the attackers
plummet into the sea.
He participated in the invasion of
North Africa and Sicily.
Following his eighth crossing, he
spent a week’s leave with his par-
ents. and friends here.
Camp Stoneman, Calif.
I felt that returning this card a-
lone was hardly enough to express
my thanks and appreciation for the
gift that I just received and also for
all that the Remembrance Commit-
tee has done for us in the service.
T'm sure that goes for all of us here
in the States as well as the fellows
We really do appreciate the
“Bulletin”. I have received it reg-
ularly since I left home.
Pvt. Cyrus Wittle

Dear Folks:
Was very glad to receive the
grand gift you people have sent me
and appreciate it very much.
Tell everyone I said “hello and
hope you have a very Merry Christ-
mas and a happy New Year”.
Walter Suydam
Just a personal word of thanks
for the Christmas gift I received.
It certainly gives one a good feeling’
your hometown.
The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afternoon, December 30, 1943
Naval Air Station, Texas|
Remembrance Com.:
Southwest Pacific
I just thought I had to take time
and write you a letter to let you
to all my friends working with the know I received your very fine gift.
Remembrance Committee. Many|I certainly do appreciate your kind-
thanks too for the kind wishes and[ness and the fine work you people
for the gift. I shall enjoy it as a box|are doing for our boys in the service.
of candy now and the Bulletin dur-|I want to thank you and all the oth-
ing the entire year. ers of the Community Remem-
I should have answered last week [Prance Committee for your fine
when I received the gift but the work and I know each and everyone
family arrived Thursday night so I of us can be proud of you. It cer-
have been kept quite busy since tainly would be nice if all the boys
then: They have not had a good could spend Christmas at home with
introduction to Texas for we have their parents and friends. I know
had rainy weather all week. Thus would make all of us very happy.
far I have really enjoyed the cli- Well, 1 hope till another Christmas
mate here but suspect that it will CO™eS around the War will be over
be very hot if I am still here next|and we can enjoy it with all our
summer. It does seem strange to be friends again. Well, I guess this is
able to’ walk about in one's. shirt about all T can think of to say at the |
| present.
find all of you in the best of spirit.
I want to wish each and every one
of you a Merry Christmas and .a
|Happy New Year.
Pfc. Ray R. Gamber
A Merry Christmas to you and

sleeves in the middle of December.
However, when it does get down to
freezing it seems so very cold for it!
is very damp and the wind is usual-
ly blowing.
Just now all of the oranges are
ripening gs the trees, Ie red Bi Camp Gordon, Georgla
cus are blooming and, in general, pn...
the scenery is very pretty. However, This will acknowledge with many,
Neen One Js Hy to Be hil many, thanks, the surprise I have
0 ennsylvania, the flatness of t © received in today’s mail.
land grows quite monotonous, The
earth is either a sticky mud or| Somehow or other I thought the
blowing sand. Our farmers would fund you worked so hard on was
probably not even try to farm men in the service only.
although I'm told that the land is! Surprises like that are grand and
very rich over in the “Valley” where I want you to know it makes you
they have the large citrus orchards. feel grand to get things from
All of that, of course, is in ad-| “back home” watching the men here
dition to the regular work of train-|at mail time I can well say I know
ing Cadets. They come in and gol they'll like it, too. There's a feeling
out in a steady stream of flowing that goes with a gesture of that sort
youth. They are so very much in that can not be put in words.
earnest that if it were not for the| I wish all of you could have the
jdeadly seriousness of the training opportunity to visit this hospital.
I hope these few lines will |
weekly paper, I think that is a swell
idea. That way we shall not forget
anything back home!
We are very busy here on the
island but we are working for only
one thing and that is to get back
home and start where we left off.
I guess until I get back and all the
rest we wont know the town.
Thanks for the kind favors you
have done for ws.
Clair Eshleman
United States Navy
Dear Folks:
I received the Season’s Greetings
and best wishes from the committee
and I want to thank each and every
one for the gift. I think all the boys
appreciate it and it sure helps when
you know the home folks are pull-
ing with you. I sure will be glad
for the “Bulletin” because it will
keep me up on the news from home.
Thanks again for the gifts.
S. Harry Oberholtzer, S1/c.
Camp Swift, Texas
Dear Committee:
May I extend my sincere thanks
to the Mount Joy Remembrance
Committee for the gift I received.
I assure you I anticipate the Bul-
letin from one week to the next. I
received it while on maneuvers and
also when I came here for which
I am grateful.
Pfc. Ralph Wittle
From a Mother of 5 Sons serving
Dear Chairman: :
We certainly appreciate your
kindness which you have shown in
behalf of our son, Charles. I am
sure if Charles were able to receive
your gift of money and the Mount
Joy Bulletin he would be very

would be a pleasure to teach Everyone is doing a marvelous job,
i them. but it’s getting near to Christmas
Remember me to anyone you see. and every patient I know is won- |

Arlington, Va.
to be remembred by the people of,
| dering if he can get his papers in
04 Jor the i i of Tiel {time to be home by then. This |
| Yoo Noore makes our work twice as hard this
month - - so best of luck to you and ;
your committee in all you do.

Dear Committee:
I received the Christmas present! We will enjoy getting the Bulletin.
| from the Remembrance Committee You people are certainly generous.
and was very pleased with it. |The other girls on my corridor have
It has been the first two dollar gotten nothing to compete with
{ bill I've seen in over a year and the YOUr gift.

Helen O. Schule
{ thank you for the gifts you have
grateful. It has been three Christ-
mases since he has been home to
enjoy it with his family. Therefore,
iI am sure he should appreciate your
gift heartily. We also wish to
sent to the other boys. They wrote
heme and sent a very hearty thank
Mrs. Elizabeth Hambright

Somewhere in Italy
I received your gift and I want
to thank the Committee for it.
Service Men - Women
Birthday Greetings
January 2, 1944
Clarence O. Paules, home address,
R1, Mt. Joy.
January 4, 1944
Clyde Zink, home address, R. D.
Mt. Joy.
This Section’s
Miss Catharine Arlene Witmer,
Elizabethtown, and Warren Robert
Donley, Elizabethtown R3 were
married on Christmas.

January 6, 1944
William. Fach Barto, home
dress, E. Donegal St., Mt. Joy.
Bernard G. Gaul, home address,
28 Popular St., Mt. Joy.
Harvey Carson Engle.
Donegal St., Mt. Joy.
January 8, 1944
Wayne W. Goodling, home ad-
dress, 16 Manheim St, Mt. Joy. (
Mack Shupp, home address, Mari-
etta Ave., Mt. Joy.
Jean Snyder
Stanley G. Gibble
Miss Jean Snyder, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Snyder, of Mt.
Joy R1 and Stanley G. Gibble, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibble, of
Manheim R2, were married at 8:30
a. m. Christmas morning by the
Rev. Abram Eshelman at his home
near Mount Joy. The couple was
unattended. The bride wore a blue
velvet street length dress and car-
112 West

. January 10. 1944
Clayton S. Hickernell. E.
St., Mt. Joy.
January 11, 1944
Russell Sumpman, home address,
Mt. Joy St., Mount Joy.
Joseph C. Krasley, home address,
Frank St., Mt. Joy. ‘
January 12, 1944 .
Benjamin Clemente, home address
West Main street, Mount Joy.
January 14, 1944
Everett Leroy Williams, home ad-
dress, 205 N. Barbara St.
Omar Donald Kling, home ad-
dress, East Main St., Mount Joy.
January 16, 1944
Owen William Smith, 9 N. Mar=
ket St.. Mt. Joy. (home address)
Harold S. Kulp, home address,
Main St., Mt. Joy.
EE ee]

Stimulate your business by adver-
J tising in the Bulletin.

ried pink carnations tied with blue

streamers. The couple will reside at
Sporting Hill.
Beatrice Bates
Harvey Stoner, Jr.
On Christmas Day Beatrice Bates,
daughter of Mrs, Minnie Bates and
Harvey Stoner, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Stoner, Mount Joy RI,
were married at St, Marks United
Brethren Church at three o'clock,
with Rev. Ranck officiating at a
single ring ceremony.
They were attended by Robert
Hoffman and Ardella Fitzkee.
Immediately after the ceremony a
reception was held at the brides
home with the immediate families.
A Mn ns
Next Wednesday, January 5th the
Fire Company Auxiliary will. serve
a Meat Loaf Dinner at the Fire
House. You are invited to have
your dinner with them, price fifty
New Year's Day
Community Sale
Saturday, Jan. 1, 1944

ployed on the same job.
War Essential Industry
Skilled and Unskilled Workers Needed for the
War Production Program

Persons having only part of a day or evening available
will be considered for employment on a parttime basis.
For Example: If two or more persons can arrange their
hours of work to complete a normal shift they may be em-

We'll train you on the job

I also appreciate very much re- | first many of the fellows had seen
ceiving‘ the. “Bulletin” each week, in two and two and a half years.
and I'd like to take this oppor tunity | Also I am very happy to hear that
to wish all my friends in Mount Joy ' my present also included a sub-
a very | happy holiday season.
I did quite a bit of traveling since
Glynco, Georgia I left Mount Joy. Been through
Just a few lines to thank you for | Africa, Sicily and now in Italy. I
the Christmas present from you,!am doing all I can to help bring
At Beverly Twin Market and Live-
stock Exchange, on old Hershey
Pike. near Elizabethtown.
200 Hogs
Essential Workers will not be considered without a state-
ment of gfaliability,
"Martha H. College |

Mt. Joy Remembrance:
I received your gift and wish to
thank you. The people of Mount
Joy are doing a great job. All we'
ask of them is to bear with us a lit-
tle longer and I know we will come
out on top.
Leo P. Frank
Oshkosh. Wisconsin
the community and want to thank
everyone, whole heartedly. I'm cer-
we are still remembered.
They are keeping us busy here.
The meals are fine — the best I've
had since I've been in the Army.
Again I thank the committee for
the gift and extend the Seasons
to all.
George W. Keener
Edgewater, Maryland
This is just a short note to inform
vou that I received the present from
Mount Joy's Community Remem-
brance Committee. I also appreci-
ete giving me one year’s subscrip-
tion to the Mount Joy Bulletin. I
received it last year and it has kept
me jn close contact with doings
around town and also the fellows in
the service.
James B. Workman, Coxswain

—= land parents.


As our guns groped hii
Sergeant Donald ‘
lines. Snipers lhe 0
snaked forward in
fire by one small
tered the enemy.
silver x Str, You


hr vital enemy targets in Tunisia,
uth Minneapolis crept beyond our
hked the ground, but he pushed on,
targets. Sheltered from withering

7. S. Treasury Department
: ! where I am or drop what I am do-
Received our Christmas gift from |
tain we all appreciate knowing that |
scription received for the paper.
Edith Shelly, Wave Everytime I get the Bulletin the but I didn’t start geting the Mount | this world to a New world.
|Joy Bulletin yet. It sure is good to
know that we bcys in the service
{from Mount Joy have such good
friends. I hope I soon get the:
j very first thing I do is stop right
ing and read it from the first page
to the last. It keeps me well in-
formed with the happenings of Bulletin.
{home and about the rest of the fel-
Luther J. Hess, s 2/¢
lows in the service.
Bi ield, T
Things over here are still going] Déar Friends: iggs Field, Texas
fine for me. That is as well as
anything can go being so far from
[home and civilization and I have|
very few complaints such as why
don’t we always eat like we did on
Thanksgiving for then we really had
a fine meal. The best I have ever
had over here and I have had a few
good dinners.
| Again this Christmas season I
want to express my appreciation for
your displayed appreciation for us
in the Service—Appreciation which
was displayed by the gift you sent
and the payment of one years sub-
scription to the Mount Joy Bulletin,
{which you say I will receive weekly.
I thank you for the gift sent, and
Must close now, thanking youlalso for the year’s subscription of |
for your gifts and hope to be able [the Bulletin. I know Ill be very
to thank you personally soon. lglad to get the hometown news
Lloyd E. Zerphey|which the Bulletin will contain.
Thanking you again for your
San Antonio, Texas kind consideration I remain,
I thank the Mount Joy Remem-, Cpl. J. Arthur Mummau
ig Committee for your gift to
us in the service. I sure appreciate! Many thanks and may your
{what you all have done and I'm Christmas be a Merry one to you
sure all our buddies feel the sameland the entire staff and our New
as I wherever they may be.

|Year be prosperous.
I want to thank you all again for Cpl. Russel Schatz
the gift and the Mount Joy Bulletin.|
Arthur F. Coen Dear Sirs:
res | I dropped your card in the post
T/5 Wallace Zerphey, Camp Lee, office and they returned it. I guess
Va., spent Christmas with his wife they don’t like to send out cards.
Therefore, I shall try to get it
rn [through enclosed in this envelope.
Camp White, Oregon!I know that is ok.
I want to take time and thank alll Thanks much for the gift. I can |
the people of Mount Joy for send- get many nice articles with it. I
ing us boys the two dollars and the shall also look forward to receiving
subscription to the Mt. Joy Bulletin. the “Bulletin.” I often wonder a-
T/S Claude Schneider|bout many things concerning Mount
Joy. The Bulletin will answer all
Desert Training Center|of them.
I received your gift and appre-, ‘We are having grand weather
ciate it very much. I am having anow, a range of 65 degrees at night
fine time and it sure will be nice toto 85 degrees by day. That helps
get the Mt. Joy Bulletin as I can to make up for this humid tropical
read about the things which happen summers.
at home. : Thanks again
I don’t have much news as gift.
can’t talk much and that is when|
it is hard to write. I wish to thank
you again for the gift and also for Dear Sirs:
the “Bulletin”. | Since I am in the Pacific I think
S/Sgt. Raymond F. Wagner My friends in town have been treat-
a ling me very mice. Just before
Somewhere in the South Pacific [leaving the States I received that
I received your gift and thank box of precious things, most of all,
you very much. the prayer book. I must certainly,
I sure was glad to receive a sub-|say there hasn't been a day went
scription to the Bulletin and I know past that I didn’t read a few pages.
I will enjoy it very much for news| The other day I received your
from home is very scarce. (Christmas package and was very

for the grand
C. Casper Kreider

I hope this letter of thanks reach- glad to think that they all remem-
es you. ber us, Even if we are far from’
Pfc. Richard R. Rhenhome, you said something about the
I know you all are doing your
part back on the home front so if
we keep our hopes and minds high
we will see each other soon again
by the help of God.
I would be glad if friends would
write. I am anxious for the Mount
Joy Bulletin.
T/C Marvin E. Stauffer
Camp Gordon, Johnston, Florida
To Mount Joy Committee:
Just a few lines to let you know
that I received the very fine gift of
the Remembrance Committee. I
wish to thank all of the people who
make this contribution possible and
I am sure it was appreciated by all
of the service men who were for-
tunate enough to receive such a to-
ken of remembrance. Also I want
to thank Mr. Schroll and his staff
for the year’s subscription to the
Bulletin, That in itself is a real gift
and I look forward in receiving it
each week.
At the present time I am stationed
in Florida. The weather is certain-
ly swell. :
Again I want to express my sin-
cere appreciation and wishing you
all a Merry Xmas and a prosperous
New Year.
S/Sgt. Charles
Maxwell Field, Ala.
I want to express my hearty
appreciation and thanks for the gift
I have just received. The one year’s
subscription to the Mt. Joy Bulletin
is especially appreciated. I know I
srall enjoy reading all the news of
the happenings back home. Here's
wishing you a very Happy Xmas.
a/s Adin Mumma
R. Engle

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert M. Rice re-
ceived word that their son Hubert
has arrived safely some where in
Cadet James R. Zeller, U. S. Mili-
tary Academy, West Point, New
York, spent a six-day leave with this
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Zeller, East Main St.
Aboard a training ship
Dear folks,
& Shoats
The best that money ean buy, from
Sucking Pigs up to Big Hogs, by my
Dishes, | Beds, Rockers, Tables,
Chairs, rdwafe, New Scout Axes,
Hammers, Hatghets, Hammer, Pick
and Sledge Handles, 100 Gals. New
Paint, alli colors; 200 Gals. Roof
Pitch, Magto¥ Oil, New Manure
Forks, Shoyels, Vanilla by the gross,
Disinfectant, Potatoes, Chick Foun-
tains, and many other articles.
Anyope having anything to sell,
bring it on day of sale or before—
livestock or anything else. I sell for
cash and pay cash. Sale at 12:30
G. K. Wagner,
Owner and Operator of
Beverly Twin Market &
Livestock Exchange.
Stover & Wagner, Aucts.
P. B. Kaylor & Walter Herr, Clks.
10,000 Baby Chicks

Apply MONDAY Thrd FRIDAY 7 A. M. to 5 P. M.
regular hog dealef. Bring your SATURDAY
trucks, crates and bags along for
hogs. SUNDAY—By Appointment

APPLY MON. WED. & THURS. 7.9 P. M. 4
or call
Personnel Mgr. A. K. Hahn, 155-] Manheim, after
interviewing hours.
United States Asbestos Division
7 A.M. to 12 P. M.

Every Tuesday and Wednesday


Gb a


CLASS 10 F Members payifig 10 cents a week
for fifty weeks will receive 4...................
CLASS 25 Members paying 25 cents a week
for fifty weeks will receive
CLASS 50 Members paying 50 cents a week
for fifty weeks will receive co...
CLASS 100 Members paying $1.00 a week
for fifty weeks will receive
CLASS 200 Members paying $2.00 a week
for fifty weeks will receive
CLASS 500 Members paying $5.00 a week

I want to thank everyone at home
who was so kind to me over the
holidays. I greatly appreciate all
the cards and gifts I received and
also wish to say thanks for sending !
me the Bulletin since I left town. |
Again I want to say thanks to
everyone for remembering me, I
am very grateful.
Chas; E. Hendrix, s 1/¢c
for fifty weeks will receive
The Union National Mt. Joy Bank
Mount Joy, Penna.

$ 5.00
$ 12.50
$ 25.00
$ 50.00