The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1943, Image 3

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Sheriff’s Sale
— of —
To be held
at 2:00 o'clock P. M. War Time
By virtue of several writs of
Fieri Facias and Levari Facias
issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas, Lancaster County,
Pa, and to me directed, I will
expose to sale by public vendue or
outcry in Court Room No. 2, at the
Cours Hou e. in the City of Lan-
caster, Pa. the following descri
real estate, to wit: gE
No. 1
All that certain lot or piec
ground situated on the South ®
of West Lemon Street in the City of
Lancaster, County of Lancaster and
State of Pennsylvania, on which is
erected a two story and mansard
roof brick dwelling house known as
No. 30212 West Lemon Street, and
being the second house West of
Mulberry Street,
Containing in front on said West
Lemon Street (17) feet and extend-
ing in depth of that width South-
ward, (64) feet, (41%) inches. more
or less, to property now or late of
William Henninger. The East and
West lines of said lot passing
through the middle of the brick
partition walls between the herein
described premises and the dwell-
ing and store proverty adjoining on
the West and East respectively.
Bounded on the North by said
West Lemon Street; on the East by
the store vroverty now or late of
John W. Reith; on the South by
property now or late of William
Henninger, and ion the West by
property now or late of the said
John Reith.
Seized and taken in execution as
property of Frank P. Simpson.
NO. 5.
All that certain lot of land situat-
ed on the South east side of Poplar
Street between Dorwart and Laurel
Streets, in the City of Lancaster,
Containing in front on said Poplar
Street fortv (40) feet and extend-
ing in depth of that width to prop-
erty now or late of Ambrose Worth
and Jacob Henry ninety-three (93)
feet, more or less, adjoining proper-
ty now or late of Jacob Henry on
the Northeast and vroperty now or
late of Henry Hebrank on the
Southwest, having thereon erected
a twn storv brick dwelling house,
No. 666 Poplar Street, and a double
one-story brick garage immediately
adjoining said dwelling house on
Povnlar Street.
Seized and taken in execution as
proverty of Albert Scheuchenzuber
and Theresa Scheuchenzuber, Mort-
gagors with notice to Theresa
Scheuchenzuber, Devisee under the
last will and testament of Albert
Scheuchenzuber, deceased and real
owner and Chas. R. Waters, Guard-
fan ad litem for Theresa Scheuchen-
No. 3.
All that certain lot or piece of
ground, situate on the East side of
Bouth West End Avenue between
¥ourth Street and Prangley Avenue,
fn Lancaster Township, Lancaster
County, Pennsylvania, it being Lot
No. 11, on a plan of lots laid out and
known as the Realty Company Wiest
End addition, which said Plan is re-
corded in Plot Book No. 1, Page 45,
in the Recorder of Dieeds Office at
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, upon
which said lots is erected a two-
story and mansard roof brick dwell-
ing house; it being the third house
North of Prangley Ave. and known
as No. 413 South West End Avenue,
bounded and described as follows,
Containing in front on said East
side of South West End Avenue (20)
feet, and extending in depth of that
width Eastwardly on the North line
(143) feet and on the South line
(140) feet and (6) inches to proper-
ty now or formerly of the Realty
Bounded on the North and South
by property now or formerly of E.
Oram Reese, on the East by proper-
ty now or formerly of the Realty
Company, and on the West by South
West End Avenue.
The Northern boundary line pas-
ses through the middle of a nine
inch brick partition or party wall
which is to be held, used and en-
joyed as such forever hereafter.
Seized and taken in execution as
property of John DeHaven, Jr.

At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the under-
signed will offer at public sale: All
that certain farm situated in Rapho
Township, Lancaster County, Pa,
on the road leading from Mt. Joy to
Hessler’s Church.
more or less and adjoining lands of
Benj. Forry, Oliver Geib, Allen
Shearer and others. Improvements
consist of a
= Frame Barn 36x72 ft.
Chicken Houses, good spring, well
of water, electric lights, fruit trees
and meadow with stream of water.
This is an excellent place for |
raising poultry.
Sale to be held on the premises
when terms and conditions will be
made known by the undersigned.
Executors of John K. Becker,
C. S. Frank, Auct.
A. H. Young, Atty.

WANTED—More People to use our
classified columns and turn useless
particles around their homes into
cash by advertising them in this col-
umn. Try it. 2-4-tf
The undersigned will offer at
public sale on the premises is Rapho
Township, one-half mile north of
the Boro of Mt. Joy on the road
leading from Mt. Joy Boro to Mas-
tersonville, the following described
real estate, namely:
A tract of land containing one
hundred and thirty-two acres, more
or less, adjoining lands of John
Shearer and the former Philip Frank
farm, on which are erected a
with attachments, and large TO-
HOUSE, GARAGE and other neces-
sary out buildings. There is a spring
of never failing water flowing by
gravity to the house and barn, a deep
well with pump therein with elec-
tric pressure system, large cistern
in barn bridge. There are 22 acres of
fine pasture land through which the
Little Chiques Creek flows.
The barn is equipped with cow
stables to conform with the State
Milk regulations. Electric lights
throughout all buildings.
This farm is nicely located, close
to the Boro of Mt. Joy. The land is
in very high state of cultivation, the
buildings are in A No. 1 condition,
all under good roof. There is shed
room to house 19 acres of tobacco.
This farm is well worth the atten-
tion of anyone seeking desirable
farm property along hard road and
close to the Boro market.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P.
M. on Friday, November 12, 1943
when terms and conditions will be
made known by
Administrator of the Estate of
J. E. Longenecker, deceased
C. S. Frank, Auct.
Henry H. Koser, Clerk


To Benjamin B. Brandt and his
heirs and legal representatives, and
to the holder or holders of the mort-
gage hereinafter mentioned:
Notice is hereby given that Eliza-
beth S. Todd on October 8, 1943,
presented a petition to the Court of
Common Pleas of Lancaster County,
Pa., praying that a mortgage in the
sum of $3,290.00, dated April 1, 1878
and recorded in the Recorder’s
Office at Lancaster, Pa, in Mort-
gage Book 30, page 487, given by
William B. Miller to Benjamin B.
Brandt, be satisfied of record inso-
far as it affects certain premises
now owned by your petitioner,
bounded and described as follows:
All those two certain tracts or
pieces of land, situate in the Town-
ship of Penn, and County of Lan-
caster, Pa., bounded and described
as follows, to wit:
(1) Béginning at a stone; thence
by lands of Jacob Hernly, North
eighty-five and one-half degrees
East nine perches and three tenth
to a stone; thence by land late of
Andrew G. Miller, South one-fourth
degree West, forty-three perches to
a stone; thence by land of Benjamin
B. Brandt. South sixty-seven de-
grees West, thirteen perches to a
stone: thence by lands late of Sam-
uel Longenecker, North three and
three-fourth degrees East, forty-
seven perches and five-tenth to the
place of beginning. Containing two
acres and one hundred and seven
perches of land.
(2) Beginning at a sandstone in the
public road leading from White Oak
Mills to Manheim; thence by lands
of David Eichholtz and Benjamin B.
Brandt, respectively, North eleven
degrees and a half East, thirty-four
perches and eight-tenths to a stone;
thence by land of Abraham Minnich
Brandt, North sixty-nine degrees
and a half East, twenty-nine perch-
es and six-tenths to a limestone;
thence by land of Abram Minnich
North three degrees and one-quar-
ter East, fifty perches and six-tenths
to a stone in a public road; thence
in and along said road, and in a line
of land of Jacob Hernly, North
eighty-nine degrees and a half West,
twenty perches and five-tenths to a
sandstone in the Manheim road
aforesaid; thence in and along the
same, and in a line of land of Jos-
eph H. Hernly South eight degrees
and a quarter West, twenty-three
perches to a flint stone in said road;
thence in and along the said road
and in a line of other land of John
Dutt, whereof this is part, and by
the same the four following courses
and distances, viz: South Twenty-
three degrees and one-quarter West,
fourteen perches to a limestone;
South thirteen degrees and a half
West thirty-four perches and five-
tenths to a sandstone; South three
degrees West Seventeen perches to
a sandstone, and South two degrees
East six perches and eight-tenths
to the place of beginning. Contain-
ing nine acres and forty perches,
neat measure;
For the reason that no payment
of principal or interest on account
of said mortgage has been made for
more than 21 years past, and that
said Court ordered that a notice be
given to you to appear in said Court
on the Tenth day of December 1943,
at 9:30 o'clock a. m. to answer said
petition and to show cause why a
decree should not be entered forever
| releasing and discharging the above
| mentioned premises from the lien of
| the mortgage above set forth, and
' that the record of said mortgage be

s E. Burkholder, Attorney.
i fo

Nop 0b
vor Tat 10%

The Bulletin, Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday Afteriioon, November 4, 1943
This Sections
Nellie Jane Beachy
Joseph Meckley Nissley
A beautiful wedding took place at
the Casselman Mennonite Church
near Grantsville, Maryland, on Sun-
day morning at 11:00 A. M. on Oc-
tober 31st. Preacher Joseph Meck-
ley Nissley, pastor of the First
Mennonite Church, Fourth Avenue
and Twenty-fifth Street, Altoona,
Penna., united in marriage to
Miss Nellie Jane Beachy, a promin-
ent School teacher in Garrett Coun-
ty, Maryland, residing at Grantville,
R2, Maryland.
The attendance were Elsie Eash
Sutter, Springs, Pa. and Mr. Mark
Moyer, a nephew of the bride, Doy-
The marriage sermon was de-
livered by preacher Roy Kinsinger,
the ceremony performed by Bishop
Milton B. Miller, Grantsville.
After the services the bridle cou-
ple left for an extensive trip to
Niagara Falls, New York, Philadel-
phia and Lancaster.
After November 15th the couple
will reside at the Mennonite Par-
sonage 2504 Fourth Ave., Altoona.
The OPA is cracking down on
meat dealers who have charged
more than ceiling prices. A Lancaster
slaughterer has been sued as has
also Daniel S. Baum, manufacturer
of bologna and dried beef, Elizabeth-
town R3, for $9,870.72. Baum is al-
leged to have charged excessive
prices for 74,200 pounds of bologna
and 3,798 pounds of dried beef be-
tween December, 1942, and April
1943. >
Rates for this column are 25c pes
msertion. If over five lines, 5c pes
line each insertion, all payable mn

FOR SALE: Electric Washer, in good
condition. A Man’s Bicycle. Call Bell
Phone Mt. Joy 227J3. 11/4/1t
FOR SALE: Victrola A-1 Condi-
tion. Also Fine line of piano rolls
and sheet music. Open Sat. 10 A. M.
to 10 P. M. Hess Music Shoppe, 21
E. High St., E-town, Pa.
NOTICE: Public Typing & Mimeo-
graph work, done at home. Write
P. O. Box 85 c/o M. Mt. Joy, Pa.

NOTICE: I wish to extend my
thanks to everyone who gave me
their support or for any assistance
at Tuesday's election.

FOR SALE: Katahbin Potatoes.
Omar Gingrich, Lancaster R. D. 1,
Phone Mountville 2495. Orders of 5
bu. or over, delivered.
FOR SALE: About 60 barred rock
cross Bred Pullets, Laying; the big
kind, $2.00 each. Apply H. A.
D. next door to Bulletin office.
10/21 [tf
kinds of Stoves. Reasonable. A. K.
Fogie, Route 1, Elizabethtown.
Phone E'town 116J5. 10{14/4tp
WANT TO RENT—Dwellings in
Mount Joy and vicinity for our em=-
ployes. Musser Bros, Mount Joy.
WANTED—I purchase late models,
clean Used Cars. Paul H. Stern,
Manheim. Phone 93. 7/29|tf
WANTED — in this
section to use these columns when-
ever they have anything they want
lo buy or sell. tf

WANTED — Your next roll ef
films. send 25 cents and get 8 Velvet
Waxed and free enlargement
coupons. Our 21st year in business.
Capital City Photo Service, Box 53,
Harrisburg, Pa. mavy-19-tf
FOR SALE: One acre of ground
with a 2-Story Frame House, 10
rooms and bath, cement cellar and
arch cellar, water, electric, and
facilities for hot water heat. Also
Frame Barn; on hard road from
Mount Joy to Garfield school. ¥%
mile South of Mount Joy. Mrs.
Carrie Detwiler. 9!30/tf.
PERMANENT WAVE, 59¢: Do your
own Permanent with Charm-Kurl
Kit. Complete equipment, including
40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do,
absolutely harmless. Praised by
thousands including June Lang,
glamorous movie star. Money re-
funded if not satisfied. Martin's 5c
& 10c Store. 10 28 15tp
Estate of Mary Ann Wittle, late
of Mount Joy Borough, deceased.
Letters testamentary on said
estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons indebted
thereto are requested to make im-
mediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the
sane, will present them without
delay for settlement to the under-

Sale Register
If you want a notice of your sale
inserted in this register weekly from
now until day of sale. ABSOLUTE-
LY FREE, send or phone us your
sale date and when you are ready,
let us print your bills. That’s the
cheapest advertising you can get.

Saturday, Nov. 6th—On the prem-
ises on Market Street, in the village
of Florin, real estate consisting of a
21, story frame house, 11-2 story
barn and chicken house, by Miss
Mary Barnhart. Sale at 3:30 P. M.
C. S. Frank, Auct.

Saturday, Nov. 6—On the prem-
ises adjoining the village of Hope-
land, in Clay Township, a farm of
162 acres with improvements. About
80 acres woodland and meadow, by
Eli H. Shenk. F. B. Aldinger, auct.
Saturday, Nov. 6—On the premis-
es, on the road leading from Mount
Joy to Hossler’s Church, in Rapho
twp., real estate by John H. Becker
and Norman H. Becker, executors
of John K. Becker, deceased. See
advertisement. C. S. Frank, auct.
Saturday, Nov. 6th—On the prem-
ises 46 W. Cottage Avenue, Millers-
ville, Pa., real estate and household
gcods by Mrs. Mattie E. Breneman.
Sale at 12 M. Edgar Funk, Auct.

Friday, Nov. 12—On the premises
one-half mile north of Mt. Joy, in
Rapho township, a limestone farm
of 132 acres with improvements by
John G. Longenecker, administrator
of the Estate of J. E. Longenecker,
deceased. C. S. Frank, auct.
Saturday, Nov. 13—On the prem-
ises V4 mile south of Mount Joy
boro, on the road leading to New-
town, real estate and the entire lot
of household goods by Mrs. Carrie
R. Detwiler. C. S. Frank, Auct.
Tuesday, Nov. 16—On his farm
Palmyra R1, 60 head of Canadian
Holstein Cows, Heifers and Bulls
by Edward O'Neill. Hess & Dupes,
aucts. See advertisement.
Saturday, November 20—On the
premises in East Hempfield town-
ship, known as the Town House
Tourist Home, 3 miles west of Lan-
caster, along the Lincoln Highway,
oublic sale of Household goods by
N. A. J. Loose. Ed. Funk, Auct.
Saturday, Nov. 20—On the prem-
ises near Green Tree Church, %
mile north of Milton Grove, in Mt.
Joy township, 2 horses, 1 mule, 3
cows, 1 steer - lot of farm im-
plemer .. some household goods
by Harry G. Witmer.
Also at the same time and place a
large lot of household goods by
Marvin S. Boyer. Dupes. Auct.
Saturday. Nov. 22—On the prem-
ises in the Boro of Mountville, on
Main Street, 2% story Brick Dwell-
ing House 3-car garage. chicken
house, by Isaac F. Rohrer. Edgar
Funk, Auct.
Saturday, Dec. 11—On the prem-
ises on Market street, in the village
of Florin, household goods by Miss
Mary Barnhart. Sale at 1:00 P. M.
C. S. Frank, Auct.
Florin Affairs
(From Page 1)
the card party totalled $634.56.
On Saturday at 3:30 Miss Mary
Barnhart will sell at public sale the
21 story frame house on Market
street. C. S. Frank is the auctioneer.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Fike spent Sun-
day at Ironville with Leo Smith.
‘Mrs. William Brian and son, Jef-
frey were Sunday dinner guests of
the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Liggins.
Mrs. Andrew Haas and son, Jan-
vere, of Progress and Mrs. James
Mumper and son, Freddie were
Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Mumper Sr.
EE te]
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Webb
entertained their children on Mon-
day evening in honor of their son,
Marshall Webb A.M.M. 3/c of Bil-
oxi, Miss., who is home on a fur-
The following were present: Mr.

and Mrs. Addison Habecker, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Zimmerman, of
Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F.
Kline and daughter, Geraldine, Mr.
and Mrs. Morris Kauffman, of Lan-
disville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
Shank, of Rheems; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles G. Webb, and daughter,

Theresa Ann, of Bainbridge; Mr.
and Mrs. John G. Roth, of Florin |
121 New Haven St. | and Miss Betty Ann Doebler.
Mount Joy, Pa.
Arnold & Bricker, Attys, 10/28[6t

Patronize Bulletin Advertisers
News In This

Donegal Presbyterian Church
John D. Tate, Pastor Elect
Rev. C. B. Segelken, D.D.,
Pastor Emeritus
9:00 A. M. Church School.
10:00 A. M. Worship and Sermon.
Guest Minister, Mr. Tate. Subject:
“Ye travel not alone.” Ex. 33:14.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
The Rev. W. E. Stephens, Rector
Jacob and Mt. Joy Sts.
9:15 A. M. Church School
10:30 Morning Prayer
7:00 P. M. Meeting of Y. P. F.
7:00 P. M. Choir Rehearsal.
First Presbyterian Church
John D. Tate, Pastor Elect
Rev. C. Benjamin Segelken, D.D.,
Pastor Emeritus
9:30 A. M. Church School
6:30 P. M. Young Peoples’ Meet-
ing. Mr. Tate will be present.
7:30 P. M. Worship and Sermon.
Guest minister, Mr. Tate. Subject:
“Ye travel not alone.” Ex. 33:14.
Church Of God
Rev. H. M. Mumper, Pastor
Week of Nov. 7
9:30 Church School
10:30 Morning Worship
6:30 C. E. Society
7:30 Evening Worship.
7:30 Prayer meeting
8:30 Choir Rehearsal.
Ironville U. B. Church
Rev. D. L. Shearer, Minister
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.
C.Eab645P. M. Rev. D. L.
Shearer will be the leader.
Worship Service at 7:30 when the
World's Missionary Advance day
will be observed during the service.
On Wednesday the church will be
cleaned by volunteers of the village.
Prayer Service at 7:30, in charge
ofithe pastor, Rev. D. L. Shearer.
United Brethren Church
Florin, Pa.
Rev. I. W. Funk, Pastor
“Rally day” combined Sunday
School and worship service. Special
speaker. Good fellowship welcome
Rally for the C. E. Societies. Junior
C. E. 5:45. Senior C. E. 6:30.
Evening Worship rally 7:15
Prayer Meeting “Rally” Thursday
Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. W. L. Koder, Pastor
6:30 P. M. Catechetical Class at
the Parsonage
9:30 A. M. Sunday School
10:45 A. M. Morning Worship
6:00 P. M. Intermediate Luther
7:00 P. M. Vespers
Monday, Nov. 8
7:30 P. M. Ladies
meets at Parish House.
Bible Class
St. Mark’s United Brethren
Ezra H. Ranck, Pastor
Sunday Services
9:00 a. m. Sunday School
10:15 a. m. Morning Worship
6:30 p. m. Junior and Intermediate
Christian Endeavor meetings.
7:30 p. m. Evening Worship
7:30 p. m. Midweek Prayer service
7:30 p. m. World Community Day
Service; Ushers’ League meeting at
the home of Arthur Zerphey.
7:15 p. m. Choir Rehearsal.

Missionary Service
Rev. and Mrs. J. Albert Booth,
missionaries in the mountains of
Kentucky will speak in the Mount
Joy Gospel Tabernacle Friday, Nov.
5th at 7:30 P. M.
Mr. Booth was born and raised in
this community and will be wel-
comed here by many of his school-
mates and friends. Everybody wel-
Trinity Evangelical Cong. Church
H. A. Minnich, Pastor
Sunday, Nov. 7
9:30 A. M. Sunday School.
Earl Kaylor, Supt.
10:30 A. M. Worship Service
6:30 P. M. Junior & Intermediates
7:30 P. M. Evening Worship
Monday, Nov. 8
Sunday School Board at the Par-
sonage at 7:30 p. m.
Tuesday, Nov. 9
Young Peoples’ Society at 8:00 p.

m at the home of Mildred Way.
Wednesday, Nov 10
Children’s Community Church
6:00 P. M.
Prayermeeting 7:00 P. M.
Senior Choir Rehearsal 8:00 P. M.
Thursday, Nov. 11
Armistice Day Community Ser-
vice in the United Brethren Churc
at 7:30 p. m.
Friday, Nov. 12
Women’s Missionary Society and Glad to see Jackie Frank home on
Ladies’ Aid Society meets at the Sunday again. He is in the Navy.
Parsonage 7:30 P, M.
Zion Lutheran Church
Landisville, Pa.
Rev. Wm. L. Ziegenfus, Pastor
Charles Habecker, Supt. of S. S.
Nov. 7, 1943
9:30 Rally Day. A unified service home of Ellsworth
of Sunday School and Church. F. Thursday evening, Nov. 4. i
F.Bailey, of Rothsville, will deliver
the address. All are welcome to at-

Salunga Methodist Church
Wm. W. Spiegelhalder, Minister |
Church School 9:30 a. m. |
Morning Worship
Mount Joy Methodist Church
Rev. Wm. W. Spiegelhalder, Min.
Church School 9:30 a. m.
Dr. E. W. Garber, C. S. Supt. |
Divine Worship 7:30 . m. Sermon|
and Evensong. O cial Board 8:30
P. M.
Monday |
N. Y. F. Meeting at the home of]|
Mrs. Joseph Sheaffer 8 p. m.
Wednesday |
Junior Choir Rehearsal 3:30 P. M.
at the home of Mrs. Walter Sloan. |
Thursday |
Senior Choir Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. :
Hi Gem Class Meeting at home of
Mrs. George Fackler.
The fleet is in—U. S. Navy |
The service in the Mount Joy
Gospel Tabernacle on Sunday night,
November 7th at 7:30 P. M., will be
in charge of a group of sailor boys
now in the U. S. Navy.
These boys are now in training at
Franklin & Marshall College under
the U. S. Naval training.
These boys will conduct the en-

jabethtown, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Felty on Sunday.
h Felty families had their babics bap-
tized on Sunday, at St. John’s Luth-
eran Church.
lat North Carolina.
{John’s Lutheran Church of May- |
town, sponsored a bake on Saturday.
| Everything was sold in a short time. |
‘Shenk is improving at the St.
|eph’s Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuert Derr of Eliz-
The Harold Engle and
Cpl. Wilbur Derr is still stationed

The Ladies Aid Society of the St.
The Ladies Aid will
meet at the
Brandt, on]
We're pleased to read of the boys
lin the service, from Maytown.
We're pleased to hear Mrs. Carl |
of the Grace
gucst speaker at the rally day ser=
vices held at the Reich's Evangel-
ical Congregational church Sunday
at 2:30 P. M. Music was furnished
by the Green Tree Gospel Quartet
and the church chorus.
! by the Sunday School was held at
| 9:30 A. M.
ary Society met Tuesday evening at
7:30 P. M. at the church when the
| from Germany was guest speaker.
The Rev. W. A. Masteller, pastor
church, Lancaster,
The service
The Woman’s Mission~
Otto Samuel, a Jewish refugee

How Folks
Store Stuff
In An Attic,
When They 7

Stimulate your business by adver- With AWANT AD
Miss Alice Strickler, C. S. Supt. ising in the Bulletin.

Public Sale

Tuesday, November 16
AT 12:30

Head Pure Bred Certified Canadian
Holstein Cows, Heifers, Bulls
On my farm, Palmyra R.1,
{2 miles south of Palmyra, 2 miles from
located 152 mile north of Campbelltown,
tire service, consisting of singing, This herd consists of fresh cows and very close soringers. These
personal testimonies, and preaching. cows are on my farm since the first of October and this is a grand op-
Everybody welcome. De i yesh : '
[portunity to buy for fine lweeding from an acclimated herd.
Gospel Tabernacle The: cows are nice mg individ } i 1 f
2 COWS are nice you individuals showing plenty size i
Rev. Roy S. Forney, Pastor 4 A : 5 g owing plenty of size, quality
Sunday Services: and milk. Cattle will be sold under cover rain or shine. Catalogue on
| ays .
9:30 A. M. Bible School “Martin day of sale when conditions will be made known by
Wolgemuth superintendent.”
10:30 A. M. Communion followed
by sermon.
7:30 P. M. Service in
sailor boys.
charge of
Edward O’Neal
7:30 P. M. Cottage Prayer Meet- | HESS and DUPES, Auctioneers.
ing to be announced.
Friday, Nov. 12th
7:30 P. M. Youth's Victorious life
From The Lupolds
We arrived safely without any
trouble of any kind, and spent some
time at Horn Settlement, near Stil-|
well, with missionary friends.
After leaving there we came to
Sallisaw and spent several days
with a missionary friend, who went
with us, as we looked over the |
needy fields. |
We are located and have started
our work where there was no wor-
ship of any kind, at Buffington Set-|
tlement. Our address is
Oklahoma, R.D. 4. Mr. and Mrs. |
Ray Lupold and family.

Newtown United Brethren Church
Oscar Buch, Pastor
Sunday School 9:00 A. M.
Rev. R. H. Arndt, Supt.
Rally Day will be observed in the
form of a unified service of the Sun-
Sallisaw, ||;
|HARVEY RETTEW, Pedigrees.
{GINGRICH and HORST, Clerks.

day School and church, with the
following program |
Rally Day program in the United
Brethren Church, in Newtown:
Song by the School, Scripture Les-
son, led by Superintendent; Prayer,
Asst. Superintendent, Daniel Gelt-
macher, Jr.; Songs by Children; Bi-
ble Quiz, Primary Department Boys;
Selections, Simmons Fireside Quart-
et, of Lancaster; Presentation of
promotion certificates and an-|
nouncements by Superintendent;
Selection, Fireside Quartette;
Teaching of Lesson, Men and Boys,
Guest Teacher, Rev. Paul Dumvill,
Asst. Pastor, Calvary Independ-
ent church and director of Young
People’s work, Lancaster, Pa.; Wo-
men and girls—Guest Teacher, Mrs.
Paul Dumvill, Lancaster, Pa.; Se-
lection, Fireside quartette, Secre-
tary’s Report, Church Offering,
Short Address by pastor, Rev. Buch;
Selection Fireside Quartet; Song,
Blest be the Tie; Benediction, Rev.
—_———- —— ———
With 2500 words issued by the
OPA on how to grow cabbages,
some of us could do better than
that in one easy lessons.
eee ll ee

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: Thurs., 9-1
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1943 #
The road to Victory is paved with WAKE
our dead. Let us pay tribute to them, Fr
humbly and with pride, not with
lips alone but with our hearts and BATAAN
with our pocketbooks. Let us BUY
BONDS and keep on buying— War
Bonds for the security of that nation CORREGIDOR
for which they gave the last full
measure of devotion.