1X Eth Sway pat a Ape Aare FE prose rain oN The United War Drive For Mount Joy And Florin Openéd Here Monday — Two Soldiers 0831 Are Reported| As Missing Two local soldiers have been re- ported as missing in action by the War Department, Pfc John J. Schroll Word was received here Friday by his parents that Pfc. John J. Schroll, of this boro, has been reported Missing in the Italian campaign. He is one of a of Lancaster county casualties in Italy reported last week. According to the Government re- port he has been missing since Sept. 19. His parents last heard from him Sept. 1 at which time he was in Sicily. Schroll entered the service May 13, 1942 and has been overseas since last April. Prior to entering the service he was employed in the Shoe number VOL. XL, NO. 23 UP-TO-THE-MINUTE The Mount J oy Bulletin No Action by Boro Council On The November meeting of Mount Joy Boro Council was held Monday evening with Messrs. Loraw, Keller, Eicherly, Newcomer and Brown Factory here. Jacob Packmore, Jr. Thursday at 11:30 a. m., Mrs. Ja- cob Packmore, Jr. of near Maytown, received a message from the War Department that her husband, who was a member of the same infantry company as was Pfc. John H. Es- penshade, of Elizabehtown, who was killed in action in Italy recently, is also reported missing in action in the same theatre of operations. No further details were released. Mrs. Packmore before her mar- riage, was Miss Fthel Koszr, of near Elizabethtown, and is employed at the Classic Hosiery Mill there. a CONCERNING MOTORISTS IN THIS LOCALITY Ten motorists from this vicinity had their licenses withdrawn by the Bureau of Highway Safety, Harris- burg, last week. Driving privileges were restored to eightzen other drivers from this area. Walter Gip~, Flizabethtown R2, lost his cards for reckless driving while Robert E. Sipling, of May- own, had his privileges restored. Our Quota War Drive Is $4,500 Three fronts—one cause. That's what your gift, your one contribu- tion, to the United War Drive, real- ly is—three gifts in one. The drive started Monday and this present appeal is the first time the War Chest and the Welfare Fed- eration agencies are joined. The contribution you give now ‘will serve both purposes. It will give you the opportunity to support our fighting men through the U. S. O,, War Prisoners Aid, and United Seamen's Service. The same gift will speed desperately needed food, medical supplies and clothing to our friends of the United Nations, and give life itself to thousands of refu- gees drives from their war-stricken countries to foreign lands. Third, your subscription assures continued operation of our health and welfare institutions at home, the forces which make a community strong in the American manner. Mount Joy and Florin’s quota is $4500.00. Give to the United Drive, for our boys. our allies, our homes. ll Gp Ure, THREE CARS DAMAGED ON WET HIGHWAY On Tuesday afternoon as Charles F. Mayer, of Upper Darby, was driving west on Main St. at New- comer’s Hardware Store, he applied his brakes to avoid striking a car driven by Maggie Floyd, Mt. Joy R. D. 1, which was making a left turn into N. Barbara St. when he did so, the car turned completely around striking the Floyd car and a Buick owned by Earl Myers, Mount Joy R. D. 1, which was parked in front of Martin’s 5 & 10. The im- pact knocked the front wheels of the Buick up on the sidewalk. No one was injured but the three cars were damaged. ——— Gee SENIOR CLASS TO PRESENT PLAY, THURS. NOV. 18TH The senior class of M. J. H. S. will present a mystery play entitled “They Did Away With Uncle,” on Thursday evening, November 18th, in the high school auditorium, under the direction of Miss Catherine Zel- ler, English teacher. — 1933 REO SEDAN STOLEN A black 1933 Reo sedan, registra- tion number 88HNY. owned by David Risser, Mt. Joy R. D. was stolen from the parking lot at the I D. Stehman Mill on Market St. about nine o'clock Wednesday night. Officer Zerphey is investigating, present. Also Burgess Hendrix and both secretaries, Messrs. Bailey and Brian. Won't Repair Diesel The firm of L. B. Smith at Harris- burg would not quote a price on re- Realty Sales Throughout This Section The farm of Andrew Greider and wife was sold to Howard S. Nissley and wife, of Manheim at private sale and on private terms. The farm of 41 acres is located in West Hemp- field Township, near Salunga, and is improved with two houses, a large barn, a number of poultry houses and other buildings. The consideration was private. A tract of five and one-half acres of land, with a two-story frame house erected thereon, located mid- way between Elizabethtown, and Middletown, offered at public sale administrator, was sold to M. S. Brinser, of near Geyer’s Church, for $8,600. Walter Dupes was the auctioneer. reel rere SAFE AT BOX FACTORY ROBBED OVER WEEK-END Safe crackers, for the second time in eight years, opened the safe in Mount Joy Paper Box factory office, here sometime over the week-end, but obtained only $20 for their ef- forts. Eight years ago, another safe in the office was cracked open by thieves who stole only a few dol- lars. Entrance was gained through a window facing the railroad track. State Police and Chief of Police El- mer Zerphey, are re investigating. The church women of Mount Joy, sponsor a World community Nov. 11 Armistice in t%e United will Day of Prayer, Day at 7:30 P. M. Brethren church. The program has been outlined by the United Council of Church Wo- men and will include all denomina- tions. The purpose of the program is for all church Women to unite in a pro- gram of study of their responsibility Anthracite Coal Deliveries Restricted To Only Half a Ton Deliveries of coal to householders is limited to a half-ton under the new restrictions placed on anthra- cite by the Solid Fuels Administra- tion, local retailers were notified Tuesday. Local coal dealers under these rules, tion said: The order applies only to Anthra- cite. It applies to all sizes, from egg to rice, inclusive. Deliveries are prohibited to any consumer who has a ten-day sup- ply on hand, or more. If any domestic consumer has less than ten days’ supply, not more than a half ton can be delivered. Ten days’ supply is interpreted to mean all the Anthracite in the con- sumers’ possession. re Qe must operate the administra- Mary Ann Wittle, of Mount Joy, who died Oct. 5, left her estate to her son and daughter by a will drawn in 1921. on Saturday by Albert S. Ebersole,’ ry World Community Day In U. B. Church Tuesday, Nov. 11th Ministerial Association’s Cur- few Request; Will Not Repair Diesel; Other Council Notes pairing the boro’s Diesel engine until they took it to Harrisburg and dismantled same. Then it would be a time and parts job. The engine will not be repaired at present. Will Reimburse Fire Co. Friendship Fire Company rencw- ed the liability insurance with O. K. Snyder on the three fire engines, the amount of which was $177.00 and Council will reimburse the fire- men to that amount. Collector Exonerated Tax Collector James Metzler pre- sented his list of taxes not collect- ible for various reasons. The list was read and upon motion he was ex- onerated from collecting same. Mr. Metzler reported a balance of $2,- 295.30 outstanding on this year’s duplicate. Want a Curfew A communication was read from our local Ministerial Association re- (Turn to Page 4) By LIEUT. COL. SMITH IN CHARGE AT MARIETTA DEPOT Lieut. Col. F. G. Smith, a native of Williamsport and a veteran of World War 1, has been named com- manding officer of the U. S. Army Depot, Marietta. He succeeds Col L. B. Douglas who was retired recent- ly and was transferred to Washing- ton. tl MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF DONEGAL CHURCH On Sunday morning, Nov. 7th, 1943, the Rev. John D. Tate (Pastor Elect), will preach the sermon in The Donegal Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock. We invite you and your friends to worship with us, and greet our new Pastor with a filled church. A BANKS CLOSED ARMISTICE DAY Next Thursday, Nov. 11th, Arm- istice Day, a legal holiday both the Union National Mt. Joy Bank and The First National Bank and Trust Company will be closed for the day. for a just and lasting peace in a new world order. The theme will be “The Prica of an Enduring Peace,” discussions will be led by the pastors. The women from the various churches will participate in the Worship Service, they will be as- sisted by a mixed octet. This will be a meeting for every one who is interested in the Christ- ian Welfare of our community. PLEAD GUILTY AND GOT SUSPENDED SENTENCE Earl Bryan, thirty, formerly of Bainbridge, pleaded guilty to burg- lary charges and rece’ved a sus- pended sentence. He was ordered to pay costs and make restitution and was placed on probation for two years by Judge Wissler. Jacob H. Stehman, Florin, the prosecutor, said Bryan entered his home on the night of Oct. 10 and stole a money bank and money bag, containing $65. Sergeant Owen, of the State Police, said he recovered $25.70 of the money from Bryan following his arrest. Bryan told the Court his daughter died recently and he stole because he was “up against it financially.” ——— GE $19,004 DAMAGE AWARD FOR BELLAIRE MAN A Dauphin County court jury awarded damages of $19,004 to Les- ter A. Risser, Bellaire, against C. C. Sommers, Crisfield, Md., the result of an auto crash in Steelton in 1940. Risser received a fractured arm and other injuries when the auto- mobile in which he was a passenger struck Sommers’ parked truck. The truck, it was charged, did not dis- play the required warning lights. WwW E Y l LANCASTE Mount: Toy, Pe. Thursday “Afternoon, November 4, 1943 LANC. CO. SCHOOL ASSOC. 52ND ANN’L CONVENTION BEING HELD TODAY The Lancaster County School As- Thursday in the W. Orange Street, Lancaster the Rev. Ruben N. Boll- mann pastor, with morning, after- noon and evéning sessions. Paul S. Baker, of Landisville, pre- sided at the morning session and the Rev. E. H. Barth, of Pearl Street, Evangelical Church have the wor- ship service. The Rev. Robert C. Batchelder, of St. James Episcopal church, will speak. convention today, Moravian church, Conferences by the various groups will follow with the following in charge: Children’s division, Mrs. R. Barn- hart, presiding; Mrs. D. F. Sands, Philadelphia, leader. County Draft Board No. 1 Classifies CLASS 1-A Ralph Lincoln Stoner, R1, Marietta Harry Jacob Bentzel, Manheim Clyde K. Kinsey, Honolulu, T. H. Charles Fink Witman. R1, Manheim William Frederick Eckman, R2, Mt. Joy Christian Flwood Coble, Columbia Benjamin Edward Zettlemoyer Marietta Mervin Augustus Coble, E’town Bernard Weaver, Elizabethtown Russell Fdward Reed,c-o Williams Bros., Clarion, Penna. Raymond Arthur Hoffman, R1, Co- lumbia John E. Sloat, Columbia Alvin Orville Walker, Mount Joy John Addison Swarr, Manheim Friedrick M. Kraft, E'town Arthur H. Mav, Middletown Henry Smith Engle, Mount Joy Samuel Charles Force, New York John Luttman, Jr.. Columbia Melvin Paul FEichelberger, Lititz Laurie Thomas Jones, Mt. Joy Albert Walter Hiestand, Lebanon Ralnh Frank Arnold, R1, Bainbridge William Franklin Shaeffer, Colum- bia, Penna. Richard James Stark, Marietta (Turn to page 4) tll eee Brief News Of The Day From Local Dailies Last year 5,800,000 pieces or 7,000 tons of game was killed in Penna. Clarence A. Herr, 33, was seriously injured when two au- tos collided. He died Saturday. Another of the many coal miners’ strikes is over for the present and they will go back to work at once. Conestoga, Struck by a hit and run motorist while they were hiking, nine sold- jers were injured near Wilmington, Del. Vernon E. Schlotzhauer, 34, was killed at Chester when his car skid- ded and hit a pole. He is a native of Lancaster. Amos R. Sweigart, of near Soud- ersburg, will get an award of $200 for his tip which led to the arrest cf the motorist who killed Clarence P. Weibley, Jr. 14 Saturday night. The Birth Record Leroy R. Hzeisey, a son Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mount Joy Rl, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroll, Sa- lunga, a son Thursday a. m. at the Lancaster General Hospital. A CR PL SR ARRESTED ON A CHARGE OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT Saturday evening, Chief of Police, Flmer Zerphey, arrested James Mit- chell on a warrant issued by Squire Shank, of Landisville, charged by Mrs. Harvey Moulson with disor- derly conduct, after allegedly tear- ing her coat. In default of bail Mitchell was committed to the county prison for a hearing and was later released on Sunday, when restitution was made and costs paid. rl A Amn SUFFERED FRACTURED ARM Thelma Snavely, aged 4% years, North Barbara street, was admitted to the St. Joseph's Hospital on ‘Sun- day evening, suffering a fracture of the left arm. She returned home | tuesday. sociation is holding its 52nd annual | i | | { ! Tuesday’ s Election Quiet Hipple D Defeats Groff R The Republicans marched to vie- f tory Tuesday with about the same ease as those Russians are traveling toward Hitlerland, gaining a sweep- | ing victory in Lancaster county and | retaining control of the Court House | office by a majority of 15,500 votes. | Of course there was very little in- terest and comparatively few con- tests—in reality nothing to get ex- cited about. The only real county contest was on the Democratic ticket, between Fred W. Wagner, Columbia, who was reclected as minority county commissioner, defeating Leo Houck by a majority of 311. G. Graybill Diehm, chairman of | the Republican County Committee and president of the Board of Coun- ty Commissioners, was elected to a fifth term as County Commissioner, | with 23,068 votes. County Surveyor Harry H. Koser, of Landisville was re-elected for the “squinteenth” time. He has held that office for many years. The entire Republican ticket was (Turn to page 6) [GC MRS. B. BISHOP ENTERTAINS LADIES BIBLE CLASS The Ladies Bible Class of the Evangelical Church was entertained by Mrs. Boyd Bishop at the home of Miss Annie Blensinger on East Main street Thursday evening. The reg- ular meeting was followed by games and refreshments, which were served from a table decorated in keeping with the Hallowe'en season. The following enjoyed the party: Mrs. Henry A. Minnich, Mrs. George Myers, Mrs. Warren Bates, Mrs. Earl Kaylor, Mrs. Clayton Hunsicker, Mrs. Katie Wertman, Mrs. Ammon Hoffer, Mrs. Jane Way, Miss Mae Shreiner, Mrs. Harry |« Kaylor, Mrs. Charles Morton, Mrs. Amy Kramer, Miss Annie Blensing- Mrs. Regina Liebshultz, Mrs. Vera Newcomer, Lee Newcomer, Melissa Strickler, Beverly Ann er, A Beemer. GIRL SCOUTS WILL GO TO CHURCH The local Girl Scouts will observe ing worship at St. Brethren church on Sunday morn- ing, November 7. The scouts will meet outside the | church at 10:10 A. M. and will en- ter in a body. On Monday evening at 4 o'clock. members of the troop will meet at the Legion House and will then hike to the Cove. Each Scout is requested to bring her own lunch. BA WAVE GOES TO HUNTER COLLEGE Miss Jane Withers, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Withers, 45 E. |] Main St., she will report for WAVE. class of Elizabethtown College June, class of "43. tS... EPHRATA PASTOR HAS AN EXCELLENT IDEA Whenever he has anything spec- | this house, Rev. Kettling, pastor of the Evangelical church at Ephrata places an amplifier on top of the church. That may work to advan- tage at other places. t near Leaman Place. the guilty drivers were traced by | on hit-run |of the Peace Kennard, Middletown. | With the theft of two gr | | and was held for court, admitted his | auto struck 16-year- Fies, Royalton, while he was riding his bicycle at Route 44 and Burd St., feet when he was struck by the car. landing in a side of the road. He suffered a back injury and body bruises and will be confined James Smith, Royalton, riding with Fies, when the accident occurred, escaped unhurt. The bicy- cle was badly damaged. scene fitted the machine driven by Berstler when the car was located by police in a Middletown garage. SOLD RATION FREE shoes will be sold to consumers ra- tion-free under new provisions an- nounced Tuesday by the OPA, ef- Myers and Mrs. Bishop. f sion from the OPA District and attaches the official non-ration- ed stickers to Girl Scout week by attending morn- {he may put them on Mark’s United | without mates “obsolete” shop worn, out-of-style or idle stock will be included. will be one dollar a pair or 50 cents for single shoes. KINGS DAUGHTERS BIBLE CLASS MET TUESDAY EVENING of the Church of God met Tuesday jevening at the home of Mrs. Ellen | Lindemuth on South Barbara of | Devotions and business were fol- left today, Thursday, for | refreshments were Hunter College, New York, where | hostess to: Mrs. Lillie Sauder, training as a|Eli | Mrs. Miss Withers took her oath as a Grove, WAVE on October 7th. She is a| Mary Stover, Miss May Shreiner, | graduate of Mount Joy High School | Mrs. 39 and graduated from |Barnhart, Mrs. C. R. Charles, Miss |Smith, past | Wilma Eaton, Miss Anna Hoffer and | [ Mrs. Lindemuth. {ARMISTICE DAY |IS PROCLAIMED | Florence Currar ial in music and expects a capacity | Thursday, Day let us resolve with new hope, new courage and new determination to endure sufferings with t true American pattiotism.” E'town Motorist Confesses to Being Hit-and-Run Driver With only an auto headlight rim found at the scene of a hit-run ac- | Policeman | cident as a clue, Stats John M. Micka, Harrisburg, arrest- | ed Donald W. Berstler, twenty-sev- en, Elizabethtown R2, who confess- ed running down and injuring a 16- year-old bicyclist in Sunday night. The boy was hit just almost 24 hours after the hit-run death of 3 year-old Clarence P. Weibley, pieces of auto headlights. Berstler, who waived a Beating! charges before Justice | old Charles intersection of Middletown. just about 24 the The boy was hit pile of wood at the to bed for a few days. who was The headlight rim found at the GAP ———— ‘OBSOLETE” SHOES TO BE A limited number of “obsolete” ective Nov. 8. As soon as a dealer gets permis- Office shoes, Shoes with are obsolete” sale. are included Shoes that his“ shoes. The ceiling price of obsolete shoes —— Ee The Kings Daughters Bible Class street. owed by a social hour, after which served by the | Mrs. | Sue Holwager, | Mrs. Elsie | Derr, Mrs. \ Smeltzer, Mrs. Mary Walker, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. H. M. Mumper, Kate |i —— Geers Martin Nov. 11, proclaimed Armistice | Governor as to work harder and | Sacrifice) o fight harder, and “This Is T Irvin Berlin, “This Is The Army” will be shown in Joy Theatre here November 16. The picture is being shown all over the |; United States for the benefit of the |t Army Emergency Relief Fund. i Tuesday night, tickets may be purchased at the Joy Theatre box office any evening in | he Army” Will Be Shown Here: That interesting new movie by advance of the show. Appending is the local committee n charge: Grant C Gerberich, Chairman, Schock, John Bachman, Ben Freed- | the ander, Harry Walters, Wm. Coven- ry. Elmer Brown, Paul Hipple, |H. G. Carpenter, Paul Stoner, Rev. The admission will be $1.10 and |W. L. Koder, Rev. Wm. E. Stephens, | | Middletown | In both cases | | parents for {dinner | Sauders, | Wednesday: | CHILDREN GET ESTATE R COUNTY] $1.50 a Year in Advance | NEEDLE GUILD OF AMERICA DISTRIBUTES 1490 GARMENTS The Mount Joy Branch of the | Needle Guild of America completed this years work with 1,490 garments. After caring for the | which were few this year, distributing local needy, they dis- | tributed articles to the following: St. Joseph's Hospital, Salvation Army, Rossmere Sanitarium, Osteo- Messiah Orphanage, | patic Hospital, | Catholic U. S. O., Quincy Orphan- | New- | and Methodist Deacon- | | ations that Visiting Nurses Assoc., Home ess Home. | age, ville being received by the Guild. | Mrs. Norman Sprecher, the Guild | president, can be congratulated on | the work of the Guild, this year. completed Local | In General | “Briefly Told Deputy Sheriff Abe Lane destroy- | ed four slot machines last week. Gene Derr, of Lititz, charged | | is , New | action in Pvt. Holland, Italy. The American Legion will hold its | annual Armistice Lancaster Nov. 7. C. Eugen= Herr, was struck in the pellet while hunting. Geo. Blank, from a hay loft Saturday night John H. Brugger, was killed in Day parade at Millersvil le, | a stray 25. eye by fell and is in a critical condition. | County 73, Reinholds, beans will be | grown soy bought at $1.80 per bushel, the Lan- | | 1tZ, caster AAA has announced. { It is reported that there will be | no more coffee rationing since ping facilities have improved. Amanda, wife Alvin Hershey, | of Manheim, fell the sidewalk and fractured her hip. She is 54. While standing at a butcher wag- |° Mrs. Lea Bushong, | a pheasant f: The ship- | of on on to buy meat of Leola, on her Saw lawn. butcher lost a | George sale. ee etl Gee wen Our Card : Basket For | The Week Mr. George moved to Chester County. Mr. der is a pipe line inspector. Mrs. Robert Notestine Phillip, left Tuesday for where they will the Mrs. and Mol- and son, |} Illinois, | I visit former’s several weeks. Nagle, of Marietta after spending a Mr Route 1,| Miss Sandra hag returned hom: week with her and Mrs. Jacob Elizabethtown. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Keim and Mrs. Wm. Ream of McClure, Pa., were Thursday guests of Mr and Mrs. Jno. Zeller on West Don- egal street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Webb, Bobby Webb and Marshall Webb, A.M.M. a few ors visit- | their daughter, Mrs. in Philadelphia. Mrs. Lillie Sauders entertained tc at the of Martha 130 New Haven street, last Mr. Mrs. daughter, 1, Mrs. mother, grandparents, Nagel, and Mr. | 3/c spent ing home 1 Roman Miss Arm- M Ary and Myers and Gertis strong and her Mrs. Rohrer, all of Lancaster. > me LICENSES G la MARRIAGE G. and H raybill, Elizabeth- len M. Brubaker, Wilmer bet town RI, this boro. John Harold Forwood, town RI Anna Manheim: R3. | Arthur R. Ni , Mt. Joy. Ruth E. Myl Will Strec Elizabeth- and W is { Already letters of appreciation are | | try | club. | heim, | John W. ville. | died dl dead | Home: | Department | area other | Elizabethtown R1; [mx mer, The Affairs ‘At Florin For virth lay guests Manheim. { adelphia, | Mrs. daughter, and Mrs. Mae Flory, {of her household goods. R2. | Mumper t1S 3 Quota $4,500 ‘Rotarians Hear Maj. Kupferer Of Marietta The Rotarians had a wonderful opportunity on Tuesday to hear first information on “Personnel { Work,” they had as their | speaked Major Victor H. Kupferer, U. S. A, in charge of the Trans- portation Corps, at the Marietta De~ pot. Prior to Major Kupferer’s en- try into the service of the United States Army, he was in the person- nel department of the Studebaker Corp., having been with that com- pany for approximately 20 years. Major great hand when spoke on the confronting the departments in the big industries, how the industry the personnel problem also and just how the many situa- arise are coped with. Major Kupferer is a resident of Mt. Joy, having moved here recently. Mr. J. D. Rohrer, head of the lo- Rationing board, who was a Kupferer problems personnel as grew, grew, cal | guest of D. C. Witmer, spoke a short | while on the problems of rationing, and just why rationing was put into effect. He also stated that help is needed at the local board to ex- | pedite the mailing of the 11,000 A- gasoline ration books, to the persons who are normally served through this board. Other visitors were C. W. Covena son and guest of W. A. Coven- and one visiting Rotarian, Wil- lard Weaver of the Elizabethtown Pres. Paul Stoner stated that (Turn to Page Four) etl ‘Mortuary Record In This Section John H. Miller, 86, died at Roh- rerstown. Rolandis P. Metzgar, died Thursday. Mrs. Lydia A. Doster, in her 100th year. Mrs. Lillie L. Gish, 73, wife of Gish, died at Manheim. 82, died at High- Elmer, resides at try, 57, of Man- died at Lit- Adam H. Frey, A brother, | Elizabethtown. Mrs. Mary D. Nissley, 65, widow f Isaac D. Nissley, Rohrerstown, at the Oreville Mennonite A. White Pfc. George A. White, twenty- eight, Manheim R3, missing in ction in Italy, according to a War communication received yy his wife, Kathryn, Tuesday. Pfc. White entered the service on (Turn to Page 5) mn CR is TWO LOCAL DRIVERS Molder | LOSE THEIR CARDS Twenty-five motorists from this had their licenses withdrawn the Bureaw of Highway Safety, last week and eleven had their privileges vy Jarrisburg, drivers restored. Those to lose their cards included: Reckless driving: Aaron E. Shank, Henry E Brene- ian, Landisville. Driving priveleges were restored o a number including George Ger- 43 Columbia Ave. this boro. “ Past Week Clarence Nissly will celebrate his day on Monday. and Mrs. Melhorn were Sun- of Mrs. Katie Winters at Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garber of Phil- are visiting his mother, A. D. Garber who is bedfast. and Mrs. Harry Barnhart and spent Sunday with Mr. Paul Shetter. December Mr Mr. On Saturday, 11, Miss { Mary Barnhart will have public sale Messrs A. D. Garber, George L. and George College spent days at Buck Ridge Camp everal jin Perry County. 27,200 DISTRIBUTED HERE Of the 200,000 No. 4, distributed county, 27,200 { | i books | | Lancaster | ¢ war ration in were given out by local ration board No. 1 —— here. By the will of George S. Camp- | bell, Landisville, children by a will made May 26, "43. ! Mrs. daughter, lay in Lancaster. Laura Heisey and daughter, Jr., and Wednes- Mrs. George Mumper Marlene spent Mrs. George Wagenbach and Mrs. | Joh mn Zink, of Silver Springs spent | Wednesday and Mrs. William Dyer. with their parents, Mr. A report from the Remembrance who died Oct. 11, | Committee of the contributions in H. Boyer, John Booth, Clyde Eshle-|he divided his estate among his six | Florin, including the proceeds from man, and Frank Tyndall, (Turn to page 3)