The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 03, 1943, Image 1

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    The 19th Annual Summer Assembly and East Pa. Conference of the U. B. Church at Mt. Gretna Has Been Cancelled
East Donegal
The seventh annual promotion
exercises of the East Donegal town-
ship High School will be held this
evening, June 3, at 8:00 p. m., in
East Donegal Township H. S. audi-
Theme: “The Constitution of the
United States.”
The complete program follows:
Invocation, Rev. I. W. Funk;
President; President's Address of
Welcome, Glenn Hoffman.
Clarinet Solo, Harold Kolp.
Essay, “The Original Constitu-
tion,” Betty Arndt.
Essay, “The Bill of Rights,” Ethel
(Turn to Page 2)
Farmers Can
Get Needed
The nation’s farmers, looked to
for more food than ever before, now
may obtain the more ordinary e-
quipment simply by saying they
need it.
The War Production Board coup-
led this new approach to the farm
machinery problem last night with
an order stepping up deliveries
from producer to dealer.
Complaints have been heard in
Congress and in administrative de
partments that farmers had to fijl
out too many forms and wait too
long to get what they needed in
their work.
Effective next Monday, a farmer
may buy up to $25 worth of 178
specifically-named items by certify-
ing to his dealer that he is a farm-
er and requires the material now.
If he wants to buy more than that,
it can be arranged by having his
county Farm Rationing committee
sign the certificate—which is not a
form and ean be written on an or-
dinary piece of paper.
tl CQ meee
The final shipment of approxi-
mately 14 million tomato plants
from Georgia was distributed to
county growers Monday.
The growers, who sell to the
Campbell Soup Company have con-
tracted for a total of 2,300 acres of
tomatoes, an increase of 400 acres
over last year. Additional plants
will be sent from New Jersey for
The Mount Joy Bulletin

Child Drowns In|
Neighbor's Fish
E town
Pond at

Patricia Jane Good, twenty-six-
month-old daughter of John S., and
Mary Chapman Good, 573 Collegs
Avenue, Elizabethtown, drowned
about 6:30 p. m. Wednesday when
she fell into a fish pond near her
The child had been playing in the
yard at her home and wandered
away, unnoticed by her mother, to
the yard at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Farl S. Brinser, 532 College
Avenue. The child had been gone
less than ten minutes when “her
mother started a search.
Mrs. Good found her daughter
face down in several feet, of ‘water
with her feet sticking up in the air.
Dr. J. A. Blosser, of. Elizabethtown,
was summoned and made an unsuc-
cessful attempt: to - resuscitate the
Frank Miller, deputy coroner, is-
sued a verdict of accidental drown-
Besides her parents, the child is
survived by her maternal grand-
parents. Mr." and Mrs. Warren
Chapman, Elizabethtown RD, and
her paternal grandmother, * Mrs.
Harry Good, Elizabethtown.
A Msn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Steffy, of
Lititz 2, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Mae Steffy,
to Harold Snyder, son of Mr: and
Mrs. Earl Snyder.
Mr. Snyder is employed by the
RCA Corporation, and’ Miss Steffy
is employed in the Lititz Shoe ‘Fac-
tory. The wedding will take place
in the near future.
Five “Lancaster county -postoffices
were advanced in rank effective
July 1. Bainbridge was among them,

- about those
‘Annie C. Troutwine, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Troutwine,
Manheim street, left Tuesday for
St. Petersburg, Fla, after having
enlisted in the Air Corps and re-
ceived a 2nd Lieut. rating.
Miss Troutwine is a graduate of
St. Joseph’s hospital, and up until
the time of her enlistment,
supervisor of the Operating Room
at St. Agnes Hospital.

Mrs. Mary Fisher, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gemberling, West
Main street, enlisted in the WAAC's
having taken her examination at
Harrisburg last Tuesday, and ex-
pects to be called in the near future.
Mrs. Fisher’s husband is a Marine
and spent the week end here.
Aux. Ruth Derr, Ft. Ogelthorpe,
Ga. received her T. Corporal rating
recently and expects to spend a
furlough home this. month.
Somewhere in North Africa
April 23, 1943
Dear Sir:
Just a small letter in which I'd
Mount Jo, 1 Pa. Thursday
Dean J. Thomas Heistand, of the
Harrisburg St. Stephens Cathedral,
was elected bishop-coadjutor of the
Episcopal diocese of Harrisburg at
the 39th annual convention held
May 25th and 26th at Harrisburg.
He will succeed the Rt. Rev. Hunter
Wyatt-Brown as Bishop when the
latter’s retirement becomes effect-
Dean Heistand is a graduate
of Lancaster High School, Frank
lin and Marshall College, and Gen-
eral Theological Seminary, N. Y.
Other elections made at the an-
nual convention included that of
Mr. Thomas J. B. Brown, St. Luke's
Episcopal Church, here, as Lay
Deputy to the General Convention
to be held in the Fall
Tillie N. Eshleman, Florin, “who
died May 16, divided her estate e-
qually between her ' sister, Bertha
N. Kraybill, and her husband, Mar-
tin Z. Eshleman by a will made
Dec. 10, 1921.
———— ——
Class of 51
Here Tuesday
Dr. Fred P. Corson, president of
Dickinson College, Carlisle, ad-
dressed the fifty-ninth annual Com-
mencement assembly at the exer-
cises on Tuesday evening.
A recital by the high school band
opened the: program. Mrs. George
Broske, pianist, played “Pomp and
Curcumstance, for the processional
of the Class of 43.
Following the invocation by the
Rev. E. R. Thomas. of the Metho-
dist Church, the Grade School Choir
sang the following selections: “By
the Mississippi,” Davis: “In the
Heart of the Hills,” Lee; and “Ne-
apolitan Nights,” Zamecnik.
The student addresses were es-
(Turn to Page 2)
rl A ns
Arion Shelly; who was injured in
an automobile accident near Hel-
lam, York County, four weeks ago,
returned to his home on Donegal
Springs Road from* the Columbia

where the postmasters salary will

be $1,200 per annum hereafter.
like to thank you for the pleasure
(Turn to Page 5)
Banner Class Graduated From Mount Joy H.S.

Forty-eighth annual
ment exercises of the East Donegal
Township High School, at Maytown
will be held on Friday, June 4, in
the High School Auditorium.
The Graduates
Academic Course—June
Rhelda Eshlemen,
beth Adams, David Herbert Bowers,
Left to right, First row—Benjamin Greenawalt, Joanne Brown,
Landvater, Evelyn Young, James Piersol.
Mumma, Ardella Fitzkee, Rachel Garber, Marian Bortzfield, Janet Berrier, Dorothy Fogie, Doris Kaylor.
Russel Leib, Robert Archer, Betty Bard, Leona Brooks, Elizabeth Werner,
Betty Withers, Doris Siller, Dorothy Lease.
Hubert Rice, Paul Ament, Robert Reheard, Earl Shelly, Donald Reist, Clarence Lehman, Robert Leiberher,
Jack McClellan, Arthur Zerphey, Robert Nissley, Ralph Greenawalt, Martin Bowman, James Roberts, Arthur Hendrix,
Jerry Kendig, Harold Bender, Clyde Metzler.
Marguerite Fryberger, John Edward
Haines, Robert Homsher Huntzing-
er, William Frederick Leese, Robert
B. McMullen, Horace Michael Seitz,
Ruth L. Smith.
General Course—Ralph Bradley,
Leroy J. Dietz, Jay Geibe, Elmer
Gutshall, Margaret Henry, Pauline
Hershey, Martha Jane Hess, Mary
Fourth row—Willie
Eleanor Brown, Charles Ruh
Second row—Frances Keener, Betty Boyd, Janice Z. Clemente,
Dorothy Mellinger,
Gundlach, Robert
Cut by Courtes
Hess, Rachael Ann Hess, Daniel
Kauffman, Martha Kipp, Kathleen
Marley, Betty Nentwig, Jay Reich,
Ruth Rojahn, Jean Ropka, Lillian
Commercial Course—Marian Jane
Brandt, Pauline Reba Buller, Gene-
vieve Marie Douglas, Betty Jane
Heimel, Betty Jane Houseal, Mild-
1, Gerald Sheetz, John
Third row—
Emma Reigle, Helen
Pennell, David Risser,
Fifth row—
yv of Mount Joy Hi-Crjer
June 3, 1943
Commencement =
Speaker at Maytown
Supervising Principal of the Man-
or Township and Millersville Boro
schools, a former teacher here, who
will address the class of 1943 of
East Donegal township at the com-
mencement exercises June 4th.
The Alumni Association of the
Mount Joy High school will enter-
tain the members of this year’s
graduating class on Friday evening,
June 4 at 8 o'clock in the high
school auditorium. A short busi-
ness meeting will be held after
which a program will be featured.
The committee in charge of ar-
rangements consists of: Joseph
Schaeffer, chairman, Mrs. Lester
Roberts, Mrs. George Broske, Mrs.
Frank Young and Robert Hostetter.
en i etl A eons.
W. S. Espenshade, West Donegal
Township, executor of David K. Es-
penshade, late of West Donegal
Ava Royer, West Donegal town-
ship, administratrix of Clarence
Royer, late of West Donegal town-
Chester D. Bailey, Mount Joy,
executor of William M. Bailey, late
of Mount Joy.
ee eet
John Fox, was ‘elected president
of the school directors of West
"| Hempfield Township at a meeting
held recently at Norwood School.
Other officers named are Nathanial
Snyder, vice-president; Eli Nolt,
secretary and Ira Frantz, treasurer.
al —
Mr. and Mrs. John Dattisman,
Salunga, a son at 1:08 p. m. Thurs-
day in St. Joseph's Hospital,

$1.50 a Your in Advance

Here We

Exactly forty-three years ago Monday
the initial issue of The Bulletin put in an
Here's the first issue of our forty-fourth
Go Again

Cour Rules
Woman May
Have Child
Mrs. Helen Weidman, twenty-five
210 Fast Main Street, was refused
custody of her three-year-old son,
Charles Henry Weidman, Friday
during a habeas corpus hearing but
Judge Schaeffer told her she shall
have the custody of the child in the
future if she conducts herself prop-
erly, adding “you must behave if
you desire the custody of your
The order, filed after the hearing.
awarded the child temporarily to
Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Weidman,
of this boro, the paternal grand-
( Turn to Page 2)
Two Pupils
Awarded The
A. L. Medals
Joanne Garber and Edward Sold-
ner members of the eighth grade
class, were awarded the American
Legion medals at a special assembly
in the grade school on Tuesday
morning, June 1st.
Mrs. Clyde Eshleman,
ing the American Legion Auxiliary,
and George B. Zeller, representing
the American Legion, W. S. Eber-
Post No. 185 and members of
board, made the pre-
the school
These students were chosen as the
girl and boy most outstanding in six
qualities, Honor, Scholarship, Ser-
vice, Americanism, Leadership and
H. B. Baughey,
had charge of a short program.
— me
Clemon Neil Smith, a son of Mr.
and Mrs. William Smith,
Manheim road east of Elizabeth-
town, is reported missing in action
by the Army Air Force.
music supervisor
on the
Local Affairs
In General
Briefly Told
6.46 inches of rain fell during
May, 2 inches above the average.
Hail fell in some sections of the
county during Friday’s showers.
Glenda Knight, aged 4, Neffsville,
was struck by an auto and injured.
Martin L. Schaibley has been ap-
pointed a justice of the peace at Co-
The auto of Harvey L. Fry,
Ephrata R3 was stolen while he at-
tended a funeral.
The first home
ries were on the market last week
at 80 cents a box.
Dr. Stanley Suter,
Millersville for the past six years,
will ‘discontinue his practice June
Lloyd Drumiyer, 49, Ephrata, who
has brittle bones, broke his leg
while walking leisurely on the side-
grown strawber-
physician at
Two two-year-old children
Millersville R1 found insecticide on
the attic and each ate some. They
will recover.
afternoon Auctioneer
Charles S. Frank sold the fol-
lowing real estate at public sale
for the John Mauk The
properties are located near Chickies
The 14-acre farm with improve-
ments was sold to Carl Floyd for
The former Brick Tavern build-
ing was sold to Sadie Earhart for
Two acres of woodland was sold
whose land it ad-
to Isaac Kaine,
joins for $20.00.
We are pleased to report that
Mr. Chester “Chet”
proprietor of the Washington House
is improving nicely at the St.

Joseph's Hospital.

red S, Kolp, John McBride Leedom,
Flla Staley Martin, Betty Jane Mec-
Kinney, Kathryn Esther Murphy,
Mary E. Reno, Mary Ethel Shearer,
Robert E. Sipling, “Ruth E. Sipling,
Richard James Stark, Helen Jane
Tressler, Arlene Waser.
Agriculture Course—Jay Richard
(Turn to Page Four)
Waser, Mildred Kolp.
elman, Margaret Henry, Kathry

Reich, Jay Ggibe, Betty McKinney.
Reno, Edward Haines. Second row—Robert Huntsinger, Jean Ropka, John Leedom,
n Murphy.
Armstrong, |
Record In
This Section
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Miller, wid
ow of Franklin P. D. Miller, died at
G. Rufus Boyd, 73 former bank-
er, died at Lacaster. He was a
native of Manheim.
Mrs. Anna Zeager Zug, 62, wife
of John Zug, died at Lititz Sunday.
Mrs. Abram Young, Mount Joy R.
D. is a sister.
Fred W. Kauffman, aged 5, Lan-
caster R1, died Sunday at St.
Joseph’s Hospital of meningitis. Mr.
and Mrs. David R. Wagner, near
tewn are his grandparents and his
parental grandmother is Mrs. Emma
Kauffman, of Landisville.
Mrs. Jacob G. Habecker
Mrs. Fannie K. Habecker, seven=
ty, wife of Jacob G. Habecker, Lan=
disville, died at 4:30 p. m. Friday
at her home after an illness of three
weeks. She was a member. of the
Landisville Mennonite Church. Be-
sides her husband, she is survived
a daughter, Mrs. Martha H.
at home; a sister, Mrs. Har-
Pa.,, and four
ry Landis, Telford,
Henry Zink
Henry Zink, eighty-three, Walnut
Street, Marietta, died Tuesday in
St. Joseph’s Hospital, Baltimore,
Md., following a lengthy illness. He
was a Spanish-American War vet-
eran, and a member of the Mari-
etta Post of the Spanish-American
War Veterans. He is survived by
three sons, John H. Zink and Edi-
son W. Zink, both of Baltimore, and
George B. Zink, of this boro, and ten
(Turn to page 6)
The Affairs
At Florin For
Past Week
Mrs. Cora Stoll of Glenolden, and
Mrs. Pheobe Haldeman are visiting
Clarence Musselman’s.
Mr: Jacob Henderson and son,
David, of Harrisburg, spent Mem-
orial Day with the formers sister,
Mrs. Elmer Sclegelmilch. :
Mrs. Cortland Williams and sons,
of Lancaster, spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mumper. and
son, Freddie, spent the - week ‘end
at Columbia, visiting Mr. and Mss.
Frank Houseal.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Eichler, St,
and son, Donald Jr., spent the week
end at New York City.
The Home Builders’ Class will
(Turn to. Page 6)
Caterer Eli Hostetter served -a
fried chicken dinner to the faculty
of the local high school on Wednes-
There were no classes for the day

but the teachers remained on duty
preparing the student averages:
1943 Graduating Class East Donegal Twp. High School
Left to right, First row sitting: Ruth Sipling, Horace Seitz, Mary Hess, Ruth Smith, Robert Sipling, Joyce Fryberger. Ezra Wolgemuth, Mary
Ralph Bradley, David Bowers, Daniel Kauffman, Jay
Third row—Ruth Rojahn, Martha Kipp, Martha Hess, Rachel Hess, Ella Martin, Marian Brandt, Arlene
Fourth row—Robert McMillan, Helen Tressler Mary Shearer, Pauline Buller, Lillian Ropka, Betty Hiemel, Rhelda Esh-
Fifth row—Betty Nentwig Kathleen Morley, Genevieve Douglas, June Adams, Leroy Dietz, Richard
Stark, William Leese, Elmer Gutshall, Pauline Hershey.