re lers = + « ON DLD to 27) bottled etables; 5; dried Ps and 1g Pro. 'd Mon. e to get No. 2, sed - wa 23¢ )7¢ [Sc 1 8c [0c 9c [Ge 1c Meal for a 29° r E pod Set of vely shes QC 9 Card he Sets isplay erved, Pa 5% 7 ’ $7,000.00 Is Mount Joy - Florin District’s Red Cross Quota—Drive Feb’ry. 22 to March 15 Paul Hollinger Best Corn & Tuber Judge Election of officers and launch- ing of plans to establish an arti- ficial dairy breeding association in the Garden Spot feature the an- nual combination meeting of all breed associations of the county held Saturday at the West Lam- peter High school. Each association named an “ar- tificial breeding” committee to pro- mote the new plan, as follows: Hol- stein, Earl I. Groff, Ira Eby and Clarence Garber; Guernsey, Ben Bushong and James Wood; Ayr- shire, Neal Clark and E. K. Buck- walter, Elizabethtown 4-H Club—1, Hel- en Martin; 2, Marlin Longenecker; 3, Rachael Ann Hess; 4, John Ris- ser; 5, William Risser; 6, Glenn Hines; 7, Dorothy Longenecker; 8, Robert Sload; 9, Alma Longenecker; 10, Rhelda Eshleman. Mastersonville 4-H Club — 1, Ralph K. Snyder; 2, Richard J. Gib- ble; 3, Harold S. Geib; 4, Marlin (Turn to page 3) Vv Maytown Elementary School Closed To Conserve Fuel Oil The E. Donegal Township School Board has installed William Young, of Marietta, as a director to com- plete the unexpired term of the late Arthur Ziegler. The board met on Friday, February 12, in the High School library. F. H. Strickland, recently re-elected ' president, pre- sided. The Board decided to begin school sessions in the Township one-half hour earlie beginning March 15. School will then open at 8:45. In- surance was increased on the High School building $35,000, and on the Washington Elementary S ch ool building $8,000. The additional in- surance was awarded ‘ to H. Roy Nissley and S. Nissley Gingrich, both of Florin. Bids on supplies and equipment for the 1943-44 term will be award- ed at the March meeting. The Maytown Elementary School which was closed the week of Feb- ruary 15 in order to conserve fuel oil, will hold sessions February 23 to 26 in the High School building. Homer Schoener, former instruc- tor at Fort N. C. visited the school recently. Recent visitors also were Lieut. William Duncan, of Roberts Field, Cal, former teacher in the Maytown Elementary School, and Pvt, C. Arthur S. Hollinger, former science instructor. Pvt. Hol- linger is stationed at Chanute Field, Illinois, where he is an in- structor in the Link Trainer classes. Vv The Affairs At Florin For Past Week Mr. Lloyd Felker, of Rome, N. Y. spent the week end here with his wife. y Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and son, Richard, spent Friday at Lan- caster. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike visited Leo Smith and family of Ironville on Sunday. Mrs. John Kissinger and son, of Lancaster, visited H. W. Buller and family on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Frye of Pxa- tang, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mumper Sr, Sgt. Ralph Mumper and wife spent Sunday at Cleona, visiting Mr. and Mrs, Richard Funk. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Miller, of near Bossler’s Church, spent Wed- nesday with N.S. Ebersole and fam- ily. Miss Ella Shirk, of Mt. Joy, Mrs. Elwood Snyder and son Galen of Newville, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. (Turn to Page 5) Vv LOCAL MAN CALLED Robert Bentzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bentzel, was among one hundred Reserves called from West Chester State Teachers Col- lege by the U. S. Army and will re- port at Ft. Meade, Md., on Monday. Vv CHANGE CLOSING HOURS Patrons of H. H. Krall Meat Mar- ket will kindly read their ad on another page of this issue stating a change of the closing hours begin- ing April first. MOST UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ‘The Mount J 7 WwW E Mount Joy, Pa., Thursday EKLY I N LANCASTE oy Bulletin Afternoon, February 25, 1943 R COUNTY $1.50 a Year in Advance VOL. XLII, NO. 39 Missing Officer Lt. Frank Of Town, Jap Prisoner; Captured At Corregidor [ LIEUT. C. B. FRANK Equity Action Has Been Settled An equity action instituted in the local court has been settled, records in the Prothonotary’s office revealed Tuesday. A suit was filed by C. R. Smith, Fred Fiala, Ferne Hetrick and Zola Smith, trading as Smith Material Company, Camp Hill, against Chas. F. and Margaret E, Simon, Mount Joy Township, asking that the Si- mons be ordered to execute a lease for a portion of their farm proper=- ty on the grounds that they entered into an agreement and then failed to lease the ground. The plaintiffs contended that they entered into an agreement with the defendants to lease some of their ground which contained sand, ac- cording to the bill filed. This sand, they claimed, was to be processed, and equipment for that purpose was taken to the farm and partly erect- ed. However, when the time came for the execution of the lease, the plaintiffs claim the defendants fail- ed to carry out their agreement. Vv GENERAL EISENHOUER NATIVE OF MILLERSBURG It will be interesting to know that the parents of Dwight David Fisenhau:zr, four-star general in command of all Allied forces in Tunisia, is a native of Millersburg, Pa, his parents having resided there prior to moving to Abilene, Kansas. Mrs. Samuel Brehm, of Eliza- bethtown, is a first cousin to the General, V en GETTING CLOSER HOME Of the number of county men in- ducted by a Federal Grand Jury at Phila. for participating in an auto- mobile black market, most were from the vicinity of New Holland. Now they are “getting closer to home”. Monday Earl D. Peters and Joseph Zug, both of Manheim, and Frank Kiehl, Marietta, posted $300 bail for a hearing. - V IN GARAGE BUSINESS Mr. Eli Aument, who was fore- man in the garage at H. S. New- comer & Son’s here for many years has opened a garage at his home on Poplar street where he is prepared to do all kinds of repair work. He specializes on Chevrolet and Olds- mobile cars, V POSTMISTRESS CONFIRMED The Senate Friday confirmed the appointment of Miss Maud E. Culp. as postmistress at Maytown. Miss Culp has held this position for some time. te A iti BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. William Putt, 121 Fast Main stceet, a son at their First Lieutenant Charles B. Frank listed as missing in action since May 7, 1942, has been reported a prisoner of the Japanese in the Philippines. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Frank, of near town, received =n telegram from the War Depart- ment Sunday, ending almost a year of uncertainty over their son’s fate He was reported missing after the fall of Corregidor. Lt. Frank, a veterinarian, had last been heard from in a letter written February 15, 1942, which arrived at Mount Joy on April 1, 1942. eminem BISHOP, PREACHER NAMED AT MANHEIM Homel Bombergar was named a bishop of the Mennonite Church in the Manheim district at a meeting Tuesday morning. He will assist Bishop Henry Lutz. Clyde Metzler also was chosen by lot as a preacher at Henrley’s Church Tuesday morning. Vv SENT TO PENITENTIARY Richard Tressler, eighteen, East Donegal, pleaded guilty to larceny charges and was fined $25 and costs and sentenced to 2 to 4 years in the Eastern Penitentiary. The Court was informed that Tressler was in trouble on numerous occasions as a juvenile. c— CLAM BAKE, MARCH 4th. The Ladies Aid Society of Trinity Lutheran Church, will hold a Clam bake at the Parish House on Thurs- day, March 4th, from 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Give your order to any member of the society. V — This Section’s Numerous Weddings Anna Mae Risser Roy Collins Anna Mae Risser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Risser, East of Mount Joy,and Roy Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Collins, West Donegal street, Mt, Joy, were united in mar- riage on Saturday, February 20th, at four o'clock at the home of Bish- op Henry Lutz, who officiated. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Killian. A wedding supper was served at the Village, Lancaster, for the wed- ding party. The couple will reside at the home of the groom for the present. Thelma Ridinger Raymond M. Schaeffer Miss Thelma M, Ridinger, daugh- tes of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ridinger, of 523 W. Orange Street, Lancaster, will become the bride of Pvt. Ray- mond M. Schaeffer, U, S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaeffer, Mt. Joy Rl, this Thursday at 7:30 P. M, in Emmanuel Lutheran Church at Lancaster. The attendants will be Mr, and Mis. George Breniser, brother-in- law and sister of the bride-elect. Miss Ridinger will wear a street- length dress of egg-shell crepe, with black accessories and a cor- sage of yellow rosebuds. A reception will be held March 6, at the home of the bride-clect’s aunt, Miss Mabel Sprout, 421 North Mary Street. Pvt. Schaeffer is stationed in Canada and his bride will reside for the present at her home. Vv TWO MORE VIOLATORS OF THE DOG LAW J. L. Swarr Route 1, Mount Joy and Theodore Jackson, (colored) Mount Joy, were prosecuted by Chief of Police, Elmer Zerphey for violation of the dog law. Both appeared before Squire Hendrix and each paid fines of $1.00 home on Sunday. / and costs, 30-YR. GRAIN DRILL IS SOLD FOR $100 Boom prices were paid for used ferm machinery at a sale held at the farm of H, R. Metzler, south of Paradise. A grain drill, purchased 30 years ago for $72 brought $100 and a tracter cultivator bought last year for $135 sold for $235. A manure spreader on rubber was bought two years ago for $235 sold at $265. A six-foot grain binder used 30 years sold at $40, a five-foot grass mower sold at $45, and a disc harrow brought $100. A farm tract- or sold at $800, slightly under the selling price for used farm tractors. ms YW Gas Station Attendants Must Check When the gas attendant asks to see a motorist’s Ration Book, check the windshield sticker and the li- cense plate before he lays a hand on the pump, he is neither forsak- ing his usual courtesy, nor unduly delaying a sale. He is merely do- ing his job in carrying out the pro- visions of the rationing regulations for safeguarding your mileage ra- tion from misuse, the Office of Price Administration said today, His duties will be made clear to the motoring public by a new sta- tion poster now being distributed by the OPA Gasoline Rationing Branch through Oil Company chan- nels. The Nation’s 420,000 gasoline retailers will be asked to display prominently the red, white and blue posters. The poster reads: When you purchase gasoline the service station attendant must: 1. Ask for Mileage Ration Book before delivering gasoline. 2. Be sure correct Ration Sticker (Turn to Page 6) Vv ATTENTION CAR OWNERS All Pennsylvania Car owners’ at- tention is called to the new order recently issued by Gov. Martin making all 1943 passenger car li- cense fees $10.00, No matter what make car you drive, no matter what license fee you paid before, your passenger car tags will be $10.00 Some of the application blanks for 1943 tags show last year’s rates, so when you receive yours, if the license fee shown is more than $10.- oo, send $10.00 only. This applies to passenger cars only. Vv BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kaylor, W. Donegal street announce the birth of a daughter, Caroll Ann. Mr. and Mrs. George Schrieber, of Salunga, a daughter Wednesday at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bagnoli, Landisville, a daughter Friday morning at the Lancaster General Hospital. Evangelical Bible Class Meeting The Ladies’ Bible Class of the Evangelical Congregational church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Clayton Hunsicker, Donegal Springs Road, ‘with Mrs. Hunsicker, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Gingrich as hostesses. Refresh- ments in keeping with Washington's birthday were served and all pres- ent spent a very enjoyable eve- ning. Prize winners were Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Way. Those atten- ding were: Mrs. Ammon Hoffer, Mrs. Amy Kramer, Mrs.Geo. Myers, Mrs. Harry Weidman, Mrs, Chas. Morton, Mrs. Pauline Pennell and daughter Pauline, Mrs. John Way, Mrs. John Zerphey, Mrs. Katie Wertman, Miss Ella Eshleman, Mrs. Benj. Horst, Mrs. Sara Haug, Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Mrs. Earl Kaylor, Mrs. Geo. Heiserman, Mrs, Boyd Bishop, Mrs. Warren Bates, Mrs. Anna Hartman, Mrs. C.S. Gingrich, Beverly Ann Myers, Joanne Kra- mer, Barbara Anne Becker, H. G. Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hunsicker, Mrs. Edgar Hagenber- ger. W. M. Society Held Mission Study Class The Women’s Missionary Society of the Trinity Lutheran church held their first Mission Study class at the home of Mrs. Oscar Starr, on North Barbara street, Friday night, Feb. 19th. The subject being studied is on that very interesting topic of today, South America. The book chosen is “On This Foundation” by W. Stanley Roycroft. The discussions on this book are given by Mrs. W. L. Koder. She is the Mission Study secretary and much time and effort have been 'given by her to make these study classes interesting. Special invitations were extended to the young folks of the church to attend these classes. Those who have attended the first class feel certain that they are missing much by not complying and receiving the valuable information on South A- meriea, our neighbor. The program for the first evening was opened by having Spanish rec- ords played on a victrola. Later on during the program Spanish les- sons were given by record on the victrola, During a brief intermis- sion about in the middle of the dis- cussion they were allowed to walk (Turn to Page 2) Vv Town Folks Crash Into Rear Of Truck James Hockenberry, twenty-two, and his wife, Maybelle, twenty, E. Main street, were admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital under observa- tion for head injuries received when a car driven by the husband struck the rear of a truck on the Harrisburg Pike, two miles east of Landisville Saturday afternoon. Their conditions are regardel as good by attendants. A year-old son of the couple was injured about the nose and another occupant of the car, a six-months-old daughter of Mrs. Rhoda Wagner, of town, was cut about the face. Police learned that Hockenberry struck the rear of a truck operated by James Sears, Lewistown, Pa. who stopped suddenly when a truck he was following made a sudden stop. V TWO FIRE CALLS HERE VERY LITTLE DAMAGE Friendship Fire Company an- swered two fire calls last week-end and extinguished both fires before much damage was done. Friday morning at eleven o'clock the alarm sounded for a chimney fire at the Washington House on W. Main St., This started when a pan of lard caught fire in the kitchen and the flames were drawn into the chimney. The damage was slight. Sunday afternoon a davenport at the home of Burle Schofield on E. Main street caught fire and firemen carried it outdoors and quickly ex- tinguished the flames. The fire started from a lighted cigarette. — YY — VICTORY BOOK CAMPAIGN EXTENDED TO MARCH 6 This community’s Victory Book Campaign has been extended to March 6th, it was announced Wed- nesday, by Mrs. O. G. Longenecker, local ¢hairman. The town will be thoroughly can- vassed, the Girl Séouts covering the East end and the Boy Scouts the West end. A plea is extended to everyone to search. their homes for good books of interest to men. Good reading material is urgently needed for the boys in service, Won’t you please help? V 4 AUTOS DAMAGED IN MARIETTA CRASH Four autos were badly damaged when John Angelos, Lancaster, traveling east on the Marietta pike near Marietta sideswiped an auto driven by J. Richard Baumler. Angelos lost control and his car struck two parked cars belonging to Chester Rhoades, Columbia, and SURPRISE SHOWER IN HONOR OF MRS. RALPH MOOSE A surprise shower was held at the home of Mrs. Abe Mumma, South High street, Mt. Joy on Wednesday nite, Feb. 10th in honor of Mrs. Ralph Moose. Many beautiful gifts were received and refreshments were served to the following guests: Ruth Zeager, Mary Rights of Eliza- bethtown; Mrs. Jacob Zeager and daughters Kathryn and Myrtle; Helen Derr, Mildred McGill, Mary Eline Zerphey, Fay Kretzing, Elsie Myers, Grace Holwager, Mrs. Har- vey Balmer, Mrs. Gerald Balmer, Mrs. Emlin Buller, Mrs. Alvin Yingst, Mrs, Hubert Rice, Mrs. Harry Beamenderfer, Ella Sherk, Mrs. Maggie Zerphey, Mrs. Samuel Miller and children Beatrice, Doro- thy, and Robert; Mrs. Christ Sherk, Jr., Mrs. Christ Sherk, Sr., Kathryn Barrick, Velma Sherk, Lewis Sherk, Mrs. Ralph Moose and Mrs. Abe Mummau and daughter, Betty Jean and Mable Jane all of town; and Rachel Keener of Florin. Vv Local Affairs In General Briefly Told A ceiling of $1.66 was put on soy beans, A 42-1b beaver was trapped Mon- day in Bart township. Now the Government whole sale price on eggs. At a public sale near Lititz home- spun linen sold for $1.80 a yard. Lack of fuel oil closed St. Anne's Catholic Parochial school at Lan- caster. Records show we sent 17,250,000 pounds of butter to the allies dur- ing 1942. Due to manpower at Marietta, the Fire Company there will train Boy Scouts to assist them in their work. has set a Kenneth Lefever, 6, ran against a car operated by Joseph T. Asso, Manheim R1, at Lancaster and frac- tured his skull. After being frozen over solid for some time, the ice on the Susque- hanna river broke and started mov- ing off quietly Tuesday. The body of Mrs. Bessie Mae Reilly, 52, who leaped from Wit- mer’s Bridge into the Conestoga creek, was recovered by boys who were boating. Miss Ettie Neel, aged 90, Christ- iana, presented the Lancaster County Historical Society with a sword used by her family in the Revolutionary war and the war of 1812. — YY c— Truck Wheel Crashes Thru Big Window A large plate glass window, val- ued at $75.00, in the show room of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company on West Main St. ‘was broken Wednesday morning when a set of dual wheels from a truck broke loose and crashed into it. The truck,owned by D. W. Sauss- man, of Thompsontown, Juniata County, was travelling east and was just west of the Washington House, when the dual wheel flew off. The wheel rolled 558 ft. down Main St., jumped the curb and just missed Roy Aument, of town, stand- ing inside of the P.P.& L. building, who saw it coming and jumped to avoid being. hit, before it crashed through the window into the show |Auto Club Admits 235 NewMembers S. Edward Gable, president of the Automobile Club since | and is stationed at Lancaster S. EDWARD GABLE Of Lancaster, member of the Penn- sylvania State Publicity Commis- sion and President of the Pennsyl- vania Motor Federation 1918, has been nominated for re- election for the twenty-fifth con- secutive year. Other incumbent of- ficers and directors also were nom- inated at the February meeting of the Club, The election will be held in connection with the annual meet- ing on Friday evening, March 19. The other officers are: First Vice-President, Dr. W. Giles Hess, Holtwood; second vice- (Turn to page 6) Vv These Local Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs, Phares Garman, of Mount Joy R2, announce the en- gagement of their daughtes, Miss Edith, to Ammon Mumma, son of Daniel Mumma, Lititz R2. Miss Garman is employed by the Lan- caster Shoe Company, Elizabeth- town, and Mr. Mumma is engaged in farming. The engagement of Miss Elaine H. Newcomer, to Pfc. John R. Gamber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Gamber of Newtown, was announced Satur- day by Miss Newcomer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newcomer, 120 South Ninth street, Columbia. Pfc. Gamber is in the Army Air Corps Gunter Field, Alabama, The wedding date will be announced later. VV SAW THEIR DAUGHTER IN MOVIES AT JOY THEATRE Former councilman and Mrs. Raymond C. Gilbert, on Donegal St. were quite thrilled Monday evening while attending the movies at Joy Theatre when, during the Para- mount News reel, they recognized their daughter, Lieut. Jane Gilbert, as one of the Army nurses in the film, modelling the new uniforms to be worn by the nurses in different climates. Lieut, Gilbert appeared as the second nurse from the right end, in the group of about eight nurses each wearing a different type uni- form. —— A —— TWENTY-FIVE MEMBERS AT AUXILIARY MEETING Twenty-five members attended the meeting of Ladies’ Auxiliary of room. — VV — { | LEGION CARD PARTY | Monday, March 1st, the American | Legion card party will be held in | the Legion Home. Bridge, 500 and Pinochle will be | played beginning promptly at 8:15 | p- m. You are invited, i mie Wf FOR DISTRIBUTION | Adjudications were filed in these | local estates, leaving for distribu- | tion among the heirs these amounts: | Aggie Derr Walters, Mount Joy, | $8.74; Nathaniel Moyer, Rapho | township, $1,173.56; Paul I Shank, | I. S. Seagrist, Mount Joy R1, Conoy, $69.92, Friendship Fire Company last Thursday evening. A letter of thanks was received from the Fire company for the $200 donation. The Ladies planned to purchase a record player for the dances held at the fire house every Wednesday evening. Balances in the Entertainment account $54.42; General fund, $98.36. Vv SALUNGA COTTAGE LOOTED Wiliam Shoner, Philadelphia, re- ported to State Police Wednesday that his cottage located near Sa- lunga, had been broken into recent- ly and a quantity of household articles stolen. Trooper J. J. Hag- County Draft Board No. 1 Code to classification; Class 1— Pending Physical Examination; Class 1-A—Available for Military Service; Class 1-AO—Fit for Non-Combatant Service; Class 1-B—Fit for Limited Service; Class 1-C—Members of the Armed Forces; Class 2.-A—Necessary in Civilian Duties; Class 2-B—Essen- tial to the War Program; Class 2.C—= Deferred Farmer; Class 3.C—Defer- red Farmer with Dependents; Class 3. A — Registrants with Dependents Class 3-B—Dependency and Employed in War Industry; Class 4.A—Regris- trants deferred by age; Class 4-B— Public Officials and Others Deferred by Law; Class 4.-C—Non-Declarant Alien; Class 4-D—Minister or Divin- ity Student; Class 4.E—Conscientious Objector; Class 4-F—Physically, Men- tally or Morally Unfit; Class 4-H— Registrant over 38 years. CLASS 1-A George Woodrow Glattacker, May town Donald Eshleman Peifer, Lemoyne Irwin Leroy Witman, Cornwall Raymend Forrey Siegrist. R3, Man=- heim Alvin Claude Kready, R3, Manheim Thomas Edwin Young, R1, Manheim Roy B. Frey, R2, Manheim George Henry Haldeman, Jr. Rl, Manheim James Edward Shaub, R1, Manheim William S. Long, Manheim Leo W. Bahn, Penryn Stanley Wayne Young, E. Petersb’g Richard Charles Helm, Washington, D.C Cyrus Smith Dohner, Rl, Manheim Paul Flwood Hoerner, Royalton Flam Spahr Adair, R1, Manheim Cleir Martin Fink, R1, Manheim Orville Harold Schwanger, Jr., Eliz- bethtown Willis Hershey Millhouse, Manheim James Roland Daggett, Rl, E'town Jessie James Sliver, Havre-de- Grace, Md. Albert Otto Burkman, Manheim Robert Tschudy Kaylor, Rl, E'town (Turn to Page 2) v Mortuary Record In This Section Joseph H. Kline, 56, Columbia, died Friday. Henry N. Kauffman, 76, died at Elizabethtown Sunday. Mrs. Minnie M. Shadle, 71, i ; native of Sporting Hill, died at Lan= caster. Martenus J. Smith, veteran print- er, of Columbia, was found dead in bed Monday. Jacob C. Showalter, Birdsboro. Michael Showalter, town, is a brother. Mrs. Maude Lucas Shannon, 66, wife of Maj. Ed. Shannon, Colum- bia, was found dead in bed by her husband Sunday morning. 50, died at of William Smith William Smith, forty-seven, Kin- derhook, died Sunday in the Col- umbia Hospital. He had been em~ ployed at the Columbia Malleable Castings Corp. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Kinderhook; four sons, Wil- liam and Benjamin, both at home; Carl, of Columbia, and Melvin, Fort Bragg, N. C.; five sisters, Mrs. Ab- ner Heisey, Mount Joy RD; Mrs. Martin White, Washington Boro; Mrs. Edna Foehlinger, Mrs. Anna Mae Constine and Mrs.Jonas Mum- ma, all of Kinderhook, and a broth- er, Charles, at home. One grand- child also survives. Va Truck Crashed Into Rear of Bus This A. M. Officer Elmer Zerphey investigat- ed an accident which occurred this morning at the corner of Delta and East Main Street, when a J. F. Feezer truck, driven by Harry Robert Fought, 139% South Third street, Harrsiburg, ran into the rear of the 7:35 A. M. Conestoga Bus going East. The truck was badly damaged and had to be towed away. The bus on the right side of the street, proceeding east, stopped af- ter crossing the Delta street inter- section. The truck going in the same direction crashed into the left rear of the bus. Bus passengers were shaken up and the truck driv- er dazed. V BABY'S ARM BROKEN Rita Johnson, six months, Florin, suffered a fractured right Wednesday evening when she fi at her home, it was reported By attendants at St. Joseph's Hospi- tal where she was treated. Vv COMPLETE DETAILS ON PROCESSED FOOD POINTS Kind reader if you will refer to page four of this week’s Bulletin you can see the official table of gerty is investigating, point values for processed foods;