Sa January 12, 1943, between the Mr. znd Mrs. John Gingrich To Get MORE Out Of Your Tra: Know “WHEN TO Sarre CLASSIFIED Rates for this column are 25¢ pes If over five lines, 5c per » line each ‘insertion, all able in advance. od py Eric Patterson Farm Supt,, N. Y. State Institute of ‘Agriculture FOR RENT—Grocery store, with! equipment. Apply immediately. | Phone Mt. Joy $08R5. 12-3-ltp. FOR RENT: Seve ouse in| Mt. Joy. All conve s. Possess- ion Dec. 15th. Ing Paul Weiser, Florin, Pa. | PRE-WAR survey: by a large farm equipment manufacturer | showed a very wide difference in S| the re-sale values among used trac $5.00! pockets, ount Joy.! 12/4/tf| FOR SALE: Girls’ interlined hair coat with plaid li About size 8 or 10. belt. 11 East Main tors of the same year, indicating the dollars and cents results of good and “bad” tractor care. But today, tractor care means more to the farmer than a matter of the dollars invested in his trac- | tor. New tractors will be difficult to buy. And “breakdowns” in the field can mean crop losses, trouble and expense—and “holdups” in the vital program of food production. The best way that the farmer can insure himself against these losses is to study carefully the man- ufacturer’s instruction manual and to make periodic “check-ups.” I Christmas Greeting kinds, Including th men. Large and ne games, books and novelties, Kulp’s Newsstand, 39 East Joy. FOR SALE: Good “lemon-wood”| bow $3.00. Apply 119 N. Market St.,! Mt. Joy, Pa. 12 5/1tpd.| WANTED: High School Boy to help | mornings on milk route. Apply El-| pave seen recently a “check-up” wood Martin, Mount Joy. table which represents the com- i | bined recommendations of more | than a score of Agricultural En- gineers. It was also submitted to a representative group of practical tionery & ain St., Mt. | FOR SALE: Piano farmers and it now incorporates their suggestions. This table is pre- sented below, I am sure that if farmers follow it as a guide they will save themselves time, money and metal. AUTHOR'S NOTE: It is not the. policy of the N. Y. State Inititute of Agriculture to recommend any specific products, and nothing in this article should be so construed. twice yearly with a good a (Picture, by. courtesy of The Texas Company) Be sure. and drain, flush and refill the transmission of your tractor —-—_ transmission lubricant. MAKE THIS CHECK-UP EVERY 10 HOURS OF OPERATION | PART WHAT TO CHECK WHAT TO DO Pave Th oh io 3 Sued. Battery on WHIBE os Fill to proper level with distilled water : Shoppe, 21 E-town; Pa, Air Cleaner ............ Dirt in cup .. .. Clean and refill with fresh moter oil rae 1231t | Crank Case Breather ... Dirt on filter . .. Clean, moisten filter mat with motor oils 4 v= Crank Case ............ Oil Level .. .. Fill to proper level with recommended grade of metor ofl WANTED — Bverybody in this! Transmission ...... +42. BVO vin oss Fill > oper level with recommended grade of gear section to use these columns when- | Final Driv lubrican : : € level Fill to proper level with. recommended grade: of gear No hale anything they want) 1 ora 4 = 2 FOR SALE—A Homestead Portable! Wash Machine, only used several! limes, Reasonable. Apply Lester| See manufacturers instructions or Texaco chart for specific lubrication recommendations for your tractor. Check the tire pressures twice weekly. MAKE THIS CHECK-UP EVERY 120:HOURS OF OPERATION H. Breneman, Florin, Pa. 11-6-tf| ART WHAT T0 CHECK WHAT 70 DO i pre | Water Pump Forleaks ............... Tighten or replace: packing ‘WANTED: Middle a n for| Fan Belt ...... «esos... Tightness and condition Tighten or replace housekeeper in four. $10 Brakes .. oi... Adjustment’ Tighten and equalize or reline per week, roo: board. Apply Fuel Line ............. Sediment Bowl .......... Clean bowl and screen Mrs. Katherine@ilgore, Race street,| Oil Consumption ....... Quarts. tised If high,. check leaks, seasonal grade of ofl, bearings, Bainbridge, Pa. 10-22-t pistons, rings*, cylinders, etc. PIANO BARGAINS: while they last, oc Wear... oo 0 Repair cuts, check wheel alignment also several inngr spri ttresses| MAKE THIS CHECK.UP EVERY 250-300 HOURS OF OPERATION ol) availble. bolls, Sacred ann WHAT TO €HECK =~ WHAT'TO DO Mic “Shop 9 ny High Street. | Cylinders ........ ++ ++... Uniformity of compression. If uneven or low, check valves, gaskets, rings. pistons > and cylinders* Elizabethtown, Pa., store open only gnark Plugs ..........; Condition and gap ....... Clean and set clearance Saturdays 10 to 10. 10| 22 tf.| Radiator .............. Water and air circulation. Flush systems and clean fins Breaker Points ........ Condition and clearance. .Smooth-up and set clearance Ignition. Cable ......... Condition ..... frre inne If rotted, replace Front Wheel Bearings . Condition ............... Clean and repack with wheel-bearing lubricant | Valve Tappets.......... Clearange -........... .. Adjust hi Carburetor Dirt in Fuel Strainer ....Clean Capital City Photo Service, Box 53, Harrisburg, Pa. mav-19-tf *Overhaul indicated Keep a daily record of hours of tractor use. Don’t guess:at check-up intervals, we More J |were. given by the pastor; Rev. * |George Broske, Mrs. Clyde Mums | | Leib; Samuel’ Sprout, Eugene Funk, ' |Laughan, Earl Balmer, Clyde: Fen- Ra., Thussday Aftewidon, December. 3, 1942 Ih Lh rr read by Herman, son of]&’ Elmer Herman, and: the flag was {3% unfurled by Clyde Ri Sumpman. 3 : Church of God: ; “A service flag. was dedicated’ in the Church of God Sunday morn- ing with 20 stars. A: few remarks OUR 43 SAVING Club PLAN for Christmas . . . enjoy it MORE! H: Mi Mumper, and: a song on: peace: was given: hy a. trio; Mrs. per and: Mrs. Richard: Divet: | - Those: serving: are. Rpbert: Lin demuth; Elias: Lindemuth; Kenneth: You CAN have an enjoy- Russel. Sumpman, Raymond: Pen- § able Christmas Season nell, Jay Snyder, Vernon Young; without financial worries Wilbur. Hawthorn, William Me- . + « by joining our Christ mas Club NOW! Next year, you have the mon- ey for your gifts saved . . J yougean give generously { gout worrying about Phe bill. Gt a HELE ChE Zor all the SAVINGS CLUB stermacher Jr, Herbert Mumma, Harold: Barnhart, Asher Beamen- derfer, John Germer Jr. Clayton Hoffman, Robert Bailey and: Robert Hawthorn. A CLUB for Every PURSE! Here are the classes: from whichg po choose: § S$ 1.00 weekly for 50 weeks, $.2.00 weekly for 50 weeks, . | $ 3.00 weekly for 50 weeks, totals... 150.00 1 ! dad j Suess what Suto! My dud just |X /% 5.00 weakly. for. 50 weeks. olals. 250.00 10 f his. for War Bond. 4B 10% of for. Wat Bands: (8. 510.00 weekly foi 50. weeks. totals. 500.00 “Top That 10% by New. Yes : First National Bank and Trust Company MOUNT JOY MEMBER OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION TR PT ST TR TH RT A TUT TS TO TT PH GT § WANTED—More People to use our classified columns and turn useless articles around their homes cash by advertising them in this me The Affai rs umn. Try it. 2-4-tf | ELECTION NOTICE —A¢L Florin For Notice is hereby given that thes annual election will be held at the. Union National Mt. Jo ‘Bank, Week y, Jan=+ Joy, Pennsylvania on , Jan=+ of (From page 1) Mabel Shetter spent p- m, and to. transact all ness as may legally come before the: Mr. and Mrs. meeting, Geo. Mumper, Sr. . tspent Thanksgiving with Mr. and H. N. NISSLEY, h: LEY, Cay °F Mrs. John Bender and family at Milton Grove. “Dr. and Mrs. Dale Garber of tyLansdowne, were guests of Mr. ues Notice is hereby given that th annual election will be held at First National Bank and Company, Mount Joy, Pa., o day, January 12, 1 hours of 9 a. m. election of director Michael Wagen- action of such other business as, bach visited George Wagenbach Tinos before the Stockholders, family at Silver Spring on R. FELLENBAUM, Cashiers Monday afternoon. i2i816tw, Mrs. Bertha Shumaker spent ANNUAL TIN —— Thanksgiving with her brother, stock-Ephraim Mortonand family at Co- The annual meetipg of al Bankolumbia. holders of the Firsf Na of Landisville, Pag e Purpose) Mrs. Cortland Williams, of Read- - oF nominating and aoe reclosing: visited her father, Jacob Rid- acting of other business will be held?” on Tuesday. at the banking house on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Walters of 9 a. m. and 12 M. Heft Tuesday for Orlanda, Florida, N. L. BOWERS, Cashier. 12/3/6¢ Where they will spend several - ks ee ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE! | app Harry Farmer moved his Estate of Paul I. Shank late of i d household he Hoff Conoy Township, Lancaster and household to the Hoff- ty, Pa, deceased. (man property on Market street, Letters of administration on saidivacated by Ray Withers who estate Den granted 2 he moved to Elizabethtown. undersigned, persons indebted thereto are requested tr mers ©. Mrs, E. S. Weaver, is confinad mediate payment, and those hav- t© her home on account of illness. ing claims or demands against the! At this writing the condition of sane, 2 present then. without| Jacob Rider is not improved. elay for settlement to the under- i i iad signed, residing at No. 71 E. Main = Martin Liggins, of Fort Ss > Mount Joy, Pa. |Meade, Md., is enjoying a seven- ANNA S. CARSON, |day furlough. Administratrix, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leasdom Hosterman, Atty. 11-12-6t spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. {and Mrs. Leroy Leedom at Rheems. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. ‘Harry Leedom visited Mr. and | Mrs. Chester Snavely at Landis- Becaus ville. : the ncrea Messrs. A. D. Garber,” George glrain {Mumper and Paul Diffenderfer 5 5 “] spent the weekend at Buck Ridge a Camp, Perry County. i war w eet your health | hi : with a wally Designed The newly elected public ser- Port. / vants will now try to keep on / their toes all of the time and not get on the other fellows. V — St. E'TOWN, PA. Don't have too much confidence : jin the truthfulness of the “within K. MUMMA jreason” man who says he is infa- RHEEMS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb and con Robert of Mount Joy and Mr. pnd Mrs. Morris Kauffman, of | Landisville and’. Betty Ann Doeb- ler were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank and children. ‘ Misses Mary and Theresa Reich- ert of Lancaster were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shank, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Bard return- ed home Monday after spending the week with their sons Jay and Russell in Buffalo, N. Y. Mrz. and Mrs. E. R. Krayhill spent Thanksgiving Day with their daughter, Jean at Wilmington, Del. ‘ Capt. Earl _Kochenour, Camp Dix, N. J, spent Thanksgiving Day at his home. During the Salvage drive in Rheems and vicinity, more than a ton of rubker and several tons of scrap iron was gathered. Auxiliary Meeting On Tuesday, Dec. 1, the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Fire Company, held their regular monthly meet- ing at which time it was planned to hold a covered dish social and Christmas party, December 15th. Both the Fire Company and the Ladies’ Auxiliary are sending Christmas boxes to all members in the armed forces. P. T. A. Met Atameeeting of the P.T.A. pro- gram and social committees were appointed by the president as fol- lows: Program, Mrs. Chas. Shank, Mrs. Ruth Landis and Mrs. John Stehman; Social, Mrs. Nelson Bru- baker, Mrs. Simon Heisey, Mrs. Alida Harning and Mrs. Norman Myers. A Christmas party and program will feature the December meet- ing. Mrs. Graybill and Mrs. Boas, teachers at the Rheems school, were named as a committee for the tin can salvage drive = being sponsored by the P. T. A, in Rheems and community This committe ' will award prizes * to ‘the school © children bringing in the most tin cans. The date of this drive will be an- nounced later. = Vv There is no better way to boosi your business than by local news ETOWN PA.'vor of telling the truth. paper advertising. Mortuary Record In This Section (From Page 1) She was the last of her family. Funeral was ville Wednesday afternoon. cemetery. V ree Jacob. H. Ziegler Jacob H. Ziegler, eighty - five Ee ot ss Te § | 78% & $1.50 box FOR LADIES-SETS BY- Te seve on et Does § eo HAIR BRUSHES § CLUB { 01d south $1.00 Township School board for several yg $1.75 to $4.00 a So 50c¢ box Old Spice $1.00 to $3.00 years of which he was treasurer|§\ TA TR RR SER RE RET for some time. whom he resided. Thirteen grand- children and three great grand- i children also survive. Vv SPRAY PEACH TREES Where leaf curl attacked peach trees this year it is advisable to spray after the leaves have fallen and when the temperature is above freezing. Plant pathologists of the WY Pennsylvania State College recom- mend use of lime sulfur, about 5 gallons of the concentrate in 100 gallons of spray. ¥ — A local man says that it used ER to be you would at least getafree i package of seeds for a bonus in|$ paying your taxes! of three weeks. She was a daugh-|¥g ter of the late James and Rachel} Bender Watson and was a member|g of the Landisville Church of God. |g” held at the Fred H. Koser funeral parlors Landis- § Inter- |X f ment was made in the Landisville| 3 died at 10 p. m. Friday at the i home of his son, Arthur H. Zieg- yx ler, Marietta R.1. Mr. Ziegler, whol} was a retired farmer, was a son Xj He is survived by|¥g four children, Mary, wife of C. L|® Heisey, Jersey Shore, Pa.; Barbara wife of P. F. Snyder, Lititz; Jacob (2 New Bern, N. C. and Arthur, with i OUR SUPPLY OF GIFTS FOR THIS CHRISTMAS, IS BIGGER THAN EVER. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. CARA NOME GIFT SETS § GIFT STATIONERY SETS ¢ STAG MEN SETS Bath Powder & Cologne $2.00 $1.00 to $1.69 Cologne with Atomizer $1.25 > -\ == \ i A 2543 A REE RE RE RE RS RARE RARE PERERA TSR Face Powder & Perfume 75c¢ Bot oe FOR MEN - SETS BY - Lipstick & Compact $2.50 PINAUD $1.00 to $1.95 Other Sets $3.95 & $5.00 OLD SPICE $1.75 to $2.75 IN GIFT BOXES WOODBURY $1.00 Cara Nome PERFUME $1.0 WILLIAMS $1.10 $1.00 Cara Nome SACHET &F YARDLEY $2.25 & $2.85 HEA) % LORD {8 \/ | 3 TERR TERETE RS REFER RE REE POTEET PROPHYLACTIC Even. In Paris $ $6.75 Pinaud Apple Blossom $1.00 to $1.75 Yankee Clover $1.10 $2.50 Wrisley 50c to $1.00 Ponds 25c 50c & $1.00 Woodbury 50c & $1.00 AAA HALLMARK GIFT WRAPPINGS & CHRISTMAS CARDS JEWELITE DRESSER SETS QE Or $5.50 and $10.00 IRR RR RRR RORY § OTHER DRESSER SETS $4.50 to $12.50 50; RRO BOXES R BOXES MUSICAL POWDER $4.50 ARR RARE EARL CUTEX MANICURE SETS = MILITARY SETS $1.50 to $6. § 31-00 9 ZEEE Ry ¥ SHEAFFER PEN & PENCIL SETS ) $3.95 to $12.75 ¥ Separate Pens $2.75 to $12.75 FOR MEN OR WOMEN Certain items listed subject to 10% excise tax. | | | 9} | |§ | |X | BB a a EP RS a a a I a RT i RE i a RECEIVED New 1942 Coty Sets $2.50 $6.75 PHONE 80 » A Well grind and W for all make War institu now a they've Whi in gir urday was d she se so pal engage a maui Abo! blacke night topic 1 of the sure g first a of abo there’s he’s ask C A i up to weekly robber money and s just s ficer i if you maybe Hea: “home Hom my p And plain home “itches recruit nose a An cently caught gest h long a lighted wife, pound: got the wer; ° Hav, land a No? tales, Ther squabh Street. certain and tt the nt suing Up a map bed. approa asked: caught “You's who wv “All jack tl Our followi Dear 1 Next day. I Iam j but sh her ¢ smoke, Our this Dear 1 Send doesn’t e k nated : to keep