SE The Bulletin, Mouiit Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., Thursday: Afternoon, October 22, 1942 REG’LAR FELLERS—The Double Cross vy a a By GENE BYRNES MAJOR DUFFY, YOUR CONDUCK IN THIS | MORNIN'S BATTLE 1S WORTHY OF MENTION/ { | OWL | | LAFFS i | | | | | | | BY | nl : A WISE Owl| Steady, Boy! We've been saving this one for| Sa the last two weeks. It's our old| friend Al “sharpshooter” Mumma back again. He's still doing the un-| predictable. Not so long ago he| * was sitting on his back step blowing soap bubbles. Ain't it awful? | = = LE | If a Junior boy walks up to you| and asks you the difference be- | tween a sewing machine and a kiss, | don’t bite cause they'll tell you this | - - - “A sewing machine sews nice seams, and a kiss just seems nice. * * x * While at Lancaster on Saturday,| I saw two policeman standing in| front of Hagers. They just stood Penna, Department of Commerce Photo THINK NOTHIN’ OF IT; GEN'RUL. there and watched and watched. Finally T asked an employee: “What, are those cops watching?” And he, explained: “Oh, they're watching) Many a hunter these days is anxi- ously awaiting the opening of the Pennsylvania small game season October 81. Here is a picture fa- miliar to every man who handles the revolving door. Its been going| a shotgun. around with the wrong people.” | ® - LE Clayt Newcomer left himself wide Here Comes Charlie open again. This time he got an ad- (From Page 1) vertising circular to post at his place of business, so he got busy and put|® St. Louis for Larry to take care it on the window where all his of and keep, as his part of the bar- customers could easily see it. But 53M after taking great pains to get it on Larry's aunt, Mrs. Fanny Farnham straight and good and tight, he who “took over” the Elliot house- found the reading matter was turn-'hold at the elder Elliot's death, is ed inside and the blank side was greatly annoyed and definitely a- towards the customers - - -Tsh, tsh,/#ainst this intrusion by complete strangers. The establishment in the house of these two cause one argu- | ment after another. such navigatin’! * % * ok x With elastic girdles and stee stays rapidly disappearing and with One side-splitting incident takes ne . jt place when Mrs. Farnham enter- things going military in fashion, “may “become stylish to Rave a sul= tains at tea and rakes Uncle Alec “‘buttle” for the affair. There's one marine shape or a cruiser silhouette. - - = Can you imagine it? laugh after another the whole way through. * % Xx % * After enduring hi t's dicta- Say, folks, I have a solution to =: endising his Aunis dite torship as long & ible, Larr the heating problem. And it's al UND ES Ng 9S possiys, any d d 1d if finally turns the tables and takes Brn goon one 0:5ay So myse ‘charge of affairs. He sends Charlie 1 suggest, that without Utes anil to school to become a lady and such a little gas, and with oil scarce when she returns a year later, Mrs. and coal tough to get, why not put Farnham is a changed WORE. A the family auto in the living room varty is given in Charlie’s honor and and turn on the heater? : al the final curtain Charlie and Lar- Well, anyhow, I thought it was a ood i ry become engaged. lace: Sa a The cast of characters in order of their appearance follow: Nora Ma- Just oodles of girls are answer- lene, Irish Cook, Mildred Way; Tim ing the call of the USO as dancing Nora's Sweetheart, John partners for service men. You Herr: Mrs. Farnham, Larry’s Aunt, wouldn’t call this a war sacrifice yrs. Ethel Herr; Larry,young busi- would you? ness man, Bruce Gingrich; Ted, +3232 Larry's college pal, Roy Sumpman; A daily paper recently carried a Vivian, Larry's Fiancee, Marion ciassified advertisement for a man Neiss; Uncle Alec Twiggs, in charge to retail imported canaries. A man of Charlie Hopps, John Newcomer; from town applied for the job, but Charlie Hopps, Larry's ward, Mrs. upon being interviewed admitted Martha Detweiler; Mrs. Caroline he didn’t know the first thing about Smythe Kersey, Vivian's mother, it but merely applied because he Mrs, Martha Eshleman: Mortimer was curious to know how the birds Smythe Kersey, lost their tails in the first place. |Jay Eicherley. ae 39 Special musical numbers will When one of our selectees, who feature Madalyn Sumpman and Mil- was just a little reluctant to leave dred Geibe as vocal soloists and his girl, was asked by the army Nancy Germer as tap soloist. sergeant if he had any preferences, That bevy of beauteous maidens the selectee answered: “yessir’. And who form the chorus are Nancy the Sarg inquired: “Just what would Germer, Charmaine Garber, Anna you like to be?” This was the reply: Cunningham, Josephine Shank, Zel- “An ex-service man with a pen- da Gehman, Doris Rice, Dorothy Shatz and Dorothy Rentzel. Don’t miss this show. Vivian's brother, sion.” = x x 2 * It's just Here's the “meowist” piece of what you need, you'll laugh youre cattyness I heard in a long while. {roubles away. Two downtown ladies were deep in conversation when one remarked: OUR TRAVELERS WIN “Whenever I'm down in the dumps, hii ou Joy i defeat- . » e e Overlook Ramblers in an ex- I get myself a new hal.” And the hibition game at Lancaster. The nn, other exclaimed: “Oh, so that’s where you get those atrocities!” - - ay Travelers - - = - I didn’t stay for the hair pul- To a 216 177 175 568 ling. Promio -......... 179 194 210 583 * 5 x % = Decker ...... . 210 230 168 608 Don't forget to look for me at the Good .......... 189 225 214 628 Auxiliary play “Here Comes ~~ "~~~" °° 2% 20 15 2 lie”. Totals ..... 1052 1036 921 3009 LE Overlook Ramblers The Absent Minded Professor's’ Shertz ......... 217 190 166 573 Club just initiated a new member. ra Ja 169 i a Harvey Herchelroth walked home Shellenberger |. 130 211 14s 590 from work at the Shoe Factory the McElligott ..... 201 188 172 561 other night and when he got there, i 3 ee oe 1 Totals ....7 918.7951 792 2661 remembered he his car at the So he’w | x 4 Ty oe Walked When in need of Printing. (any- back and got it. thing) kindly remember the Bulletin Row ow AE | Walking home without it wasn'tipush it out of the way before they enough though. He had it parked could get their own cars. so that the other fellows had to, A WISE OWL IN FACK, IT SHOWED QUICK THINKIN OF A VERY HIGH DEGREE. The Low Down From Hickory Grove My “sad sights contest” is going along great shakes. If you have not already sent the editor your entry, you should do se pronto. The con- test is gonna close some day. So that you will know how the con- test is going, I will tell you who is leading, etc. In the first place, with the most votes, as Sad Sights Number One, is “a nice young fellow, up-and- coming looking, but tagging along with a sweetie in purple seersuckers laced up tha back—and leading the gal’s dog.” That is number one, so for. In second place, according to the vote, is “a buxom young woman letting some wrinkle-brow sell her on the idea that her head is a vacu- um and she needs a shot of some- thing to maintain her morale. With- cut the correct shade of purple for her toe-nails, she would fold up.” Grandma Washington didn't fold up when George was crossin’ the Delaware. She melted lead and made bullets—she didn’t closet her- self with exhausted morale. Send your “Sad Sight” entry right away—you may win something— mayhe everlasting glory—mayhse three cheers. Yours with the low down, IRONVILLE Mrs. Charlotte Fornoff Wagner, is visiting her husband Henry Wagner located in the Army at Petersburg, Va. The Women’s Bible Class will hold their monthly class meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary Von Stet- ten, on Tuesday evening. Amos Mowrey, located at Fort Knox, Ky. is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Amos Mowery living gt Hempfield Station. The Orange Blossom Sunday School class will hold their regular meeting at the home of Irene Lei- sey. Mrs. Jean Kauffman Stair has re- ceived word from her husband Mr. Samuel Stair, that he is now locat- ed in Australia. On Wednesday evening at 7.30 the Merry Maids’ Class taught by Mrs. Edna Forrey, will hold a class meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Kauffman. On Sunday Heme service was held in the Iron- ville U. B. church. The church was decorated with Zowers and all kinds of vegetalies, fruit, nuts, and a large consignment of groceries and canned articles. They were presented to the pastor and his wife Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Shearer. During the Sunday school session, an of- fering was lifted for the Cclumbia Hospital and the Welfare associa- tion. The CE vice president, Mrs, Loraine Rettew, the church history, being discussed by Jacob Kauffman, presenting the list of ministers, since the church organized, having a record since 1875. The CE registered 46 delegates for the CE convention at Mount Joy on Thursday-Friday and Saturday morning a Harvest was in charge of the was evening afternoon and evening. Ephraim B. Mummaw, who was :« patient at the Columbia Hospital for several weeks, is now at home recuperating. On Sunday evening October 25th 7:30 the Women’s Missionary So- ciety will observe World's Mission Day, and Clarence Musser, a return ed missionary from Japan, will de- liver the address. Mr. Musser has been in Japan about 20 years, do- ing mission work and teaching in a school. You Can't Tell "Em Like This :: Use A Want Ad YESSIR=-T THINK YOUR STUNT OF RUNNIN' FER. AW== SHUCKS, GEN'RUL 7, ME T' FACE. TH’ ENEMY’ ALONE, 1S WORTH A DECORATION / - There is no better way to boost | Patronize Bulletin Advertisers. your business than by local news- | Stimulate your business by adver- paper advertising. tising in the Bulletin. We Can’t Equal Their Sacrifices, but We Might Try TS ewe oF ri Nw EST 74 : —By Darling U.S. Treasury Departme lz, Phones lin \ NI) EYES RIGHT FOR VICTORY NEWS ITEM—More mistakes and accident occur in war factorics towards the end cf the working day, says M. J. Julian, president of the Better Vision Institute, adding that the fatigue that underiies such increase in mistakes often is caused by uncorrected visual defects of werkers. iJ @REENTRAY/! IF YOUR EYE IS QUICK, YOU CAN SEE A FLASH OF BRILLIANT GREEN JUST AS THE SUN SETS OVER A HILL. THE GREEN RAYS ARE BENT BY THE AIR MORE TOWARD. YOUR EYES THAN |. ARE THE RED AND YELLOW RAYS, | WHICH DISAPPEAR FIRST. CA INKIN' A YOU J NL? 1 3 4 7 Zz ¥Y/ EYE THERE $7 ARE NEARLY 4 HALF A MILLION OF ST == %/ TELEPHONE LINES| MANY LARGE AREA K Zt. CONNECTING THE | IN. THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS ea // RETINA WITH THE | HAVE BEEN:BASED UPON. ” BRAIN. THESE LINES ARE | SURVEYS MADE AT NIGHT BY NERVES WHICH INFORM THE § OBSERVING ‘POINTS OF LIGHT, fi’ BRAIN ABOUT THE LIGHT | ACCORDING TO THE BETTER 7 RAYS THAT ENTER THE EYE. | VISION INSTITUTE. : YESSIR == SOME i0EA of DECORATION THAT GLY HAs #/ 'HOW ARE YOUR SHOES I City Shoe Repairing Co. Stimulate your business by adver DON’T WAIT TOO LONG. tising in the Bulletin. BRING THEM IN. WHEN IN NEED OF Crushed & Building STONE 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET LANCASTER, PENNA. CEMENT, SAND, =» {| ~~ CONCRETE BLOCKS, {| SILLS, LINTELS, | STEEL SASH Dr. R. M. Balderson OPTOMETRIST 85 E. Main St. MT. JOY, PA PALMYRA, PA. Palmyra Bank Building OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS, ASPHALT PAVING, MASONRY and Mon., Tues, Wed. and Fri. CONCRETE WORK 8tol12 A. M. 70 3 P. 3 6 P.M For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 8 MOUNT JOY 85 East Main Street Thur.. 9:30-12:30—1:30-5:30 Sat., 1:30.5:30 SAMUEL N. STAUFFER MT. JOY, PA. Res. 903-R-14 Office 303-R-15 "THE SWPER-SAVING SALE EVENT OF THE YEAR Crud fo ITF NTO NOVEMBER 41 5% 67 THURS. ~ FRI-SAT. CU 4 BUY NOW AND SAVE Recent Increases in labor cosis have raised the price of Cemetery Memorials. Our present stock was secured be- fore the prevailing increase, enabling us to offer amazing opportunities in the face of a rising market. The Peopie’s Marble and Granite Works J. N. KEENER. Propr. MAYTOWN, PA, SMALL TCWN SMALL OVERHEAD MOUNT JOY, PA. WE HAVE..... QUALITY MEATS J West Main St., Mt. Joy Have you ever been locked out of your home? 1 4 & 1 i OY. 7 4 } Sloan’s Pharmacy 2 KRALL'S eat Marke! & NOTICE! Hallowe'en Pranks SUCH AS SOAPING WINDOWS DESTROYING PROPERTY BLOCKING ROADS Will Not Be Tolerated IF PARTIES ARE KNOWN THEY WILL BE DEALT WITH ACCORDING TO LAW Wm. E. Hendrix Burgess The most expensive safe- guards can't keep a determined burglar out of your home, but the most inexpensive precau- tion can minimize your loss. That precaution is this NEW, LOW - COST INSURANCE which provides protection up to $500.00 for loss by burglary, robbery, theft and larceny in your home and garage. The coverage of the new $500.60 policy is broad in scope, including: jewelry, sterling sil- ver and furs and other personal property and household goods of all Kinds; the damage (ex- cept by fire) to the premises and property by burglars or thieves and to the interior of the therein premises and property © vandalism or mali- cious mischief and: $25.00 Coverage on money and securities; $50.00 Coverage on stamp and coin collections; $50.00 Coverage on property left on porches and on the grounds of the building containing your home; Total insurance under the Poli- cy $500.00. Annual premium, 1 or 2 fam- ily dwelling, $7.50. Wn. YOUNG INSURANCE AND BONDING MARIETTA, PA. PHONE 2921. 3 or 49 N. Duke St, LANCASTER, PA. PHONE 32812. 0 I 30 . - YOUNG LADY, WERE ‘QUT OF LETTERHEADS 77 DONT GET EXCITED, BOSS=THE NEWSPAPER SHOP WILL PRINT / SOME INA HURRY IF WE £59 PHONE | {3 ; Moose Bldg. HOURS: Daily, 9-5 : . Thurs., 9-1 Elizabethtown rte a oa 6:30-8 EVENINGS J O Y MATINEE SHOWS SATURDAYS 7 AND 9:00 P. M. AND trond | THEATRE | wii 6-3-10 P.M. 2:00 P. M. Mount Joy, Pa. FRIDAY — SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23-24 ANN SHERIDAN — DENNIS MORGAN in "WINGS FOR THE EAGLE" ADDED — “THE BATTLE CF MIDWAY” MONDAY, OCTOBER 24 PENNY SINGLETON — ARTHUR LAKE in “BLONDIE FOR VICTORY” TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 — 2 HITS GUY KIBBEE -in “SCATTERGOOD RIDES HIGH” ALSO WILLIAM TRACY -in- “ABOUT FACE” WEDNESDAY—TEURSDAY, OCTOBER 28-29 KAY KYSER — ELLEN DREW — JANE WYMAN in “MEY FAVORITE SPY” NEXT WEEK—FRIDAY—SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30-31 BARBARA STANWYCK — GEORGE BRENT “THE CGAY SISTERS” SATURDAY OCT. 24. MATINEE ONLY E X 1 R A I FIRST CHAPTER “PERILS OF NYOKA” -in- §. P. MILLIS OPTOMETRIST g§ PHONE 334] cst £25 RIGHT THIS WAY Sts LADIES |= To The BEST BARGAINS in TOWN in Our ADVERTISING COLUMNS