The "Mount Joy Bulletin ESTABLISHED Published Every Thursday at Mount Joy, Pa. the. E. Schroll, Subscription Price $1.50 Per Annum Bix Months. .............75 Cents [Three Months. ..........40 Cents The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Sta: and News, the Landisville Vigil and the Florin News were merged with the Bulletin, which makes this paper's circulation practically double that of the average weekly. sm JUNE 1901 Editor and Publisher Single Copies............3 Cents Sample Copies...... THE EDITOR’S VOICE Before and even after this war is over there will be a number of men “marked and some in jail for cheating our government. Of course every preceding war left similar records and this will be no excep- owners of the defunct Souderton Pants Co., were indictéd on nine ‘counts for embezzlement and con- spiracy. They took 2500 pairs of trousers valued at $10,000. eo 0 BE VERY CAREFUL + guthcrities do not exer- care and precaution, in- to land anywhere fhe enémy will set up armies within us. Frequently the FBI finds good sized gangs of ene- en week the authorities the ee collection of fire ever taken in any locality in raids cn 125 homes in Chester- Marcus Hook area. It included rifles, shot ‘gums, pistols, cameras, short wave radio receivers and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition— all of which Axis citizens are for- bidden to own ‘since the outbreak of the war: . ® 00 ANOTHER FOR RIPLEY . When it comes to that Ripley stuff, a man at Matietta is deter- mined that the Columbia cow which ate a man’s wallet, or the gcse that swallowed a fellow’s fountain pen have nothing on him. Al Rapp made a specially designed wooden leg for his pet duck which underwent the amputation of a dangling useless leg, and says it can outrun any duck in the neigh- ~ But ducks have more use. . for legs with which to swim than run and if Al takes his flock to the river he'll readily learn how the - peg leg functions in actual use. He may only have to add the web. @ ® HEAVY EATING These are the months that are supposed to be the most dangerous in the entire year, to the man who crams bis stdmach to capacity with all of the tempting things that are so easily and inexpensively attain- able to fill his dinner table. Ask a doctor and he will tell you that July and August are two months when thomisands of people bear down heavier on the shovel they are using to dig their graves—the knife and fork. He will advance the same sort of advice that we hand out, to eat a bit less heavily during hot days, not get too much sun, not chill the stomach with too much ice water. Of course it is hard to watch our diet when we are in the very midst of the best season there is for food. But the fellow who does is apt to outlive the othier who doesn’t. ® 00 EDITORIAL GALLEY TWO SaIM : SWIMMING Times have made it pcssible for most children to learn how to swim. Everyone should know how and almost everyone does. But one thing about swimming, tc learn the fundamentals. you can't read it | of hooks but must take to the The boy who lives in or y the country has the advan- using a creek nearby. Few oldsters wko won't thrill they think of the old swim- hole of their childhood and the memories that it revives are ‘sweet. There is more of a thrill to swimming. in the old swimming hele than in any modern heat tem- pered bathing pools with the water | shot through with health rays, | | shower rooms and electric at hand. No sir, give us the below the cornfield where off your clothes behind a and splash, yell and leap, tune of the old swim- rib H hl E fs eo ; - : he wen't die. lough, Intell-Journzl editor accepts the defi and bets Stephan all the cats in the rice. bet. up the action in these verdicts, the war will be over before the penal- ties are paid. mcnths afte: or those eight saboteurs are drag- ged around in courts and prisons is beyond many of us Americans. i the president him take a losk at the mess of eéx- «f the men were electrocuted while | quests, | atmy Well, he’s on. Ausin McCul- Lancaster County against Now we'd like to lay a little side If the authorties don’t speed Just why Stephan is held three being found guilty, thru let is not yet rending their trial testimony, plosives they brcught aleng and by an act of providence had no chence to use. Possibly that will convince him of their guilt. Since the above was written, six the two c¢thers were jailed, one fer 30 years, the other for life. ® © 0 LONG ens 20 Years Ago P. R. R. placed guards on all its bridges thruout this section. Maytown Alumni picnic was held at Accaniac. Markets: Eggs, 28 cents; 35 cents; Lard, 12 cents. The Mumma clan held their re- union at the camp grounds at Lan- disville. H. C. Brunner, suffered a badly sprained foot. Gerberich-Payne Shoe Co. base- bell team held a festival in the Market House. Phares Landis, of Rheems, suf- fered a’ broken arm in a fall. EE. Dudding, pres. of Prisoners Relief Society, sent a letter to gov- Sproul, to appoint a day be opéned and the a. Butter, ernor when prisons convicts freed.. A baby party held by the local clinic was held in the high school building. A birthday surprise in honor. of Mrs. Mary Shrites 76th | birthday was held on the “Bull Moose Farm.” The singing class, of Elizabeth- town, spent a delightful afternoon with Mr». and Mrs. W. S. Krady, near Palmyra. Rev. Chas. Truax, Port Carbon, was elected for the fourth time Chevrolet dealer's. Your fruck—ail dre essential to America’s war pro- gram. . . . Let yours Chevrolet dealer help you to “Keep ’em fit to keep ’em roiling.” . . . him for a thorough service check- up today—and see him for skilled service af regular inter- See vals. . . . Remember— Chevrolet dealers ‘are America’s Conservation Specialists.” “Truck Pa. \ Mount Joy, > | Originator and Outstanding Leader "Truck Conservation ur] < | HEVROLET r & Son, Inc. Au; drive the vy whicl nain drew stalla pen: Au ors b kava lands anece Scuth anno conti Au; tinue sive” bull their in fir in an turba Aug Jap | Indo- whict Aug hand- aitack fifth the S paitm closed bardn batter lation the cargo aged stroye plane, Aug abate Britigl ica in Gand} ross | the w Aug made jor J China, Nanch Aug the fc back Arma as lh: SECON wells Aug the E the the Germ sent. ing a iod.