The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 07, 1942, Image 2

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Ino. E Schroll,
RE veee.T5 Cents

| The subscription lists of three other newspapers, the Mount Joy Stat
News, the Landisville Vigil! and the Florin News were merged with
eae wl yes Cretan yueily Soke tn

ount Toy Bulletin!
Published Every Thursday at Moust Joy, Pa.
. almost impossible
Editor and Publisher and others to make thorough in-
Price $1.50 Per Annum
Single Copies. ,..«.. veei.8 Cents
Sample Copies..... FREE

{ the average weekly.
op =

President Roosevelt abandoned for
the present all plans to register and
mobilize women for work in War ink |
dustries—but the. War Department:
called on Congress for immediate
creation of a feminine corps of 150,-
000 soldierettes to do non-combat-
ant service with the Army “right up!
ai the battlefronts.”
e oO 9°
There is a fair chance that 2
forced savings plan will bo adopted
by Congress this year.
Under the plan, five or mere per
cent of each worker's check would |
be taken by the government and
deposited in_bonds relesmable of:
ter the war.
Tt is also possible: that some form]
The purpose -of all this is. to sip-
hon off what the economists call
excess purchasing power. The less
we have to spend, they reason, the
or the danger of inflation.
® 00
With more cyclists on open roads
and highways there may arise ¢
need for traffic laws to ecever in
order to avoid confusion and peril
The threatening avalanche of these
‘bikes’ may cause a new trans-
partition problem. i any of you
have ever been where workers in
factories for the most part ride bi-
cycles, will understand the need
for some special thinking on this
line. With narrow streets and
crowded highways we might need
some discipling along the line te

{town of every size have suffered
just the same and most stories are
| enemy
they pass from mouth to mouth.
Worthy church groups. in every
as foolish and as unwarranted. Per-
haps someone remarks of the enor-
mous salaries that cfficials in’ the
organizatien = receive, of '‘ware-
houses where sweaters are rotting
away, of geods being sold to the
or te our own soldiers—
some bringing $3 apiece! It appears
that such stories ave more wide-
read during a roll call when the
organization ‘is trying to raise
thing and if you grab hold of a
fair sized Tumor that takes on the
proportions cf organized propagan-
da, put by our country’s enemies
perhaps, report the = matter to
Washington and the FBI will in-
vestigate and successfully place
such slanderous reports.
20 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. John Wharvell cel-
ebrated their 50th wedding anniver-
Bread sold fast in Canada until
a Revenue officer opened a loaf and
pnd a pint of whiskey.
. Statler ‘Kuhns, West End mail
-arrier, succeeds, HE Smith.
The small frame’ barn lang
0 John Fornoff, at Tronville;

{1 lestroyed by five.
* Five Juniors weve § from
VL. J. HS. for removing the Senior
sennant. J ;
Kendig Bros., at Salunga, erected
1 room for the ‘sale of confections,
ce cream and cigars.
At Denver, this county, a resident’
walkéd® info’ a hotel armed with a
sevolver, and immediately began
shooting holes in the walls. Talk
about Wild West!
Markets: Eggs 26c, butter 35¢, and
ard lle. 3
A room has been added to the
west side of the Florin hotel, which
»ool room.
John D. Easton purchased the
Walter Welfley dwelling and garage
The Emigsville band in charge of
Howard Eberle, is engaged for the
ayening concert here on Memorial

make the danger less. Canada has
been using bicyeles in many of her
Hundreds of arrests were made
“ecause of people failing to take out
tac ; and the out-pouring ef Gshing licenses and alse catching
the workers during the rush hour
is something to sec! We may have
to take up this problem with our
own motorist and eventually adjust
rules for cyclists to obey.
There will be added women
around Mount Jey whe will grow
herbs in their gardems this year.
With the amount of home canning
and the increased supply of vege-
tables that will be found on our lo-
cal boards this summer, new is the
time to grow herbs. In many cases
is coming back te today’s gardens
_ in increasing favor. There might be
some folks who will lavish care on
certain weeds, desirable weeds
that are needed for the manufact-
ure of medicine, Comes the short-
age of drugs and experts need to
look to woods and fields for Jimson
weed, poison hemlock,
in some of their ferms
‘roots or
these valuable
is increased. jee at bricklaying for . Andrew
eo 0
WILD RUMORS M. A. Rollman left on an exten-
nightshade. Pharmacies need them
leaves or juices. There
might be profit in growing some of
weeds since the
supply is limited and the demand
2ass out of season.
Dr. W. D. Chandler was elected
president of the Chautauqua guar-
Ralph Youtz formerly of Mount-
ville, was injured by an explosion
A deed written in 1815 was re-
corded at the Court House.
30 Years Ago

a position as stenographer, at Mt.
| Gretna.
ing mill at his place of business.
Lewis Sillers
cream parlors for the season.
Springs is in operation.
Wm. Cunningham,
vith a hatchet.
Walker Brown fell from
fracturing three ribs,
moral Day.
dam at Hovst’'s Mill.
A subscriber repeats a a auto trip thru the west,
Cross had performed a duty, of
unwerthy practice
he. Now there have always been

it appeared to
Rep. Greist, of Penna.
ers Cooperative Asso.,
Rheems school house,
E. 8. Weaver, Florin,
fine office building on his lot.

War Chest. As all’ of us know, it is
the other drives.
{| What Are These Six Causes?"
will be used as a barber shop and.
‘16. United Jewish Appeal ..
at the Ancenia Mining Co., Warren,
Mary E£hires, Florin, has accepted
E 8. Moore erected a large plan-
opened his ice
The new shirt factory at Silver
employed at
Rcllman’s Mfg. Co. cut his hand’
a box
Young Men's League held a seci-
able on the P. J. Dieter lawn, Me-
33 persons were haptized in the {it is impossible to contact each per-
Lleon Staley will be an apprent.
Melvin Grove was given a
Florin Quartette rendered spec-
izl ‘music at the meeting of Farm-
at the
erected a
ve —
for individuals
vestigation except at considerable
expense in order to kmow whether
the agency soliciting is a worthy
one. By making this one donation
you will be able to avoid donations
which may not be for a worthy
cause. We know that the citizens of
this district will do their part in
this drive as well, as they have in
The United War Chest will in-
clude the following agencies:
Lancaster County Civilian De-
(Emergency Medical equip-
ment, etc.) United Service Organi-
zation (USQ), Greek Relief, United
China Relief, Russian Relief, Unit-
ed Jewish Appeal.
Each of these agencies has made
its needs known and a careful in-
vestigation has been made and their
budgets carefully considered.
The demands of the United "War
are not great. They are as low as
they possibly can be but. they must
be met and they will be met, won't
they, in’ Lancaster County.
1. Lancaster County Emergency
Medical Equipment ........ $7,000
To provide beds and cots -for the
use of Lancaster Countains who
might be ill, or injured in air raids
or evacuations. There is notenough
money - available from any other
source for this badly needed ad-
iio) emergency equipment.
2. United Service Organization
(USO) $50,000
To equip -and operate .the more
than 500 recreational centers for
the boys in the “services—to pro-
vide camp entertainment—to serve
troops in transit and at stopovers—
and to collect and distribute books.
J (Over a million ‘books distributed
so far in the Victory Book Cam-
paign) Participating - agencies are
the Y. M. C. A; the Y. W. CA,
the National Catholic - Community
as | Service, the Jewish Welfare Board,
the Salvation Army, and the Na-
tional Travelers Aid Association.
'3. Greek War Relief ...«...." $6,000 |
To ‘provide food,” medical sup-

plies, and “clothing to. "evacuated
Greek. civilians as well as those in
| the . éccupied. homeland. Shipments |
‘are permitted from Turkey and are
| administered by thé Gieek War
| Retief Association.
4, United China Relief ....... "$6,000
To provide medical supplies and
food for China's teeming civilian
population, so. vitally in need after
ten years of ‘mereiless war. ig
5. Russian War Relief ...... $6,000
To provide medical supplies,
| clothing, and civilian
| gently necessary to the gallant
people of the “scorched earth.”
To provide aid, comfort, and
training, as well as food, clothing,
and medical supplies to interna-
ticnal Jewery. Participants ave the
American Jewish Joint Distributing
Committee, Inc., the National Ref- |
ugee Service, Inc, and the United
Palestine Appeal. Funds will be
used to facilitate immigration, eol-
gnization, training, resettlement,
and employment of evacuation and
homeless Jews.
Now that you've read the list
you can surely understand why all
of us must help. Whoever you are,
whatever you do, you have vital,
direct responsibility
international charity. It begins at
home, right here in Lancaster
County and it extends through and
beyond America to the war-weary
peoples of other nations.
It's America’s helping hand to
China—to Greece—to Russia—to
Jewery—to « those staunch peoples
who have fought and are winning
Give, Lancaster County, give!
Your contribution can be made
entirely to any one of the agencies
| specified if you wish. It is deduct-
ible charity for income
Solicitors will make
door canvass during the week be-
ginning May 11th. You will be giv-
en a numbered receipt. Also win-
dow sticker showing that you are a
eontributor. During all such drives

hia was reduced to 35 cents
Ladies Aid Society of Church of
{God held a chicken and waffle sup-
per in the Mt. Joy Hall. L
Clerk R."Fellenbaum, issued the
“The Kentucke y! : Belle” a
dy, will Eon. at: Maytown.
B.. F. Garber presided 1 1atw the
meeting’ Fo the Rheems Branch of
the 'Rheems Branch of the Lanc.
Ceo., Farmers Asso,
The top on an auto belonging to

aid, so ur-|
in this great
this war from their very doorsteps.
tax pur-'
a door to
tax notices for 1912 at the rate. of
post card surprise on her birthday. { 40 cents on every hundred olla
serious ‘injury in an aute accident
on Ha
you, your contribution may be giv-
en to any of the persons
or plaegs:
J.‘S. Barnhart, 331 W. Donegal’ St.
Thomas Brown, Jr, Poplar St.
Clyde Fshlemian, E. Main St.
Ralph Eshleman, 21 W. Donegal St.
Roscoe Hassinger, 140 N. Market St.
Simon Nissley; 228 E. Main St.
Lester Roberts, 285 Marietta St.
W. L. Tyndall, 82 E. Main St.
Tenth Annual
(From Page 1)
at 9 A. M. and move promptly at
9:20 over the following route:
West on Orange street to North
Queen, nerth on Queen to Chest-

north on Franklin to Lehigh, and
thence to MecCaskey High School,
where the rally and entertainment
will be held in the auditorium. =.
Prizes will = be awarded by. the
Auto Club for the best floats,
group formations and other novel-
ties in the parade.
May 9th, has been designated as
National . School Safety Patrol Day
and ambng tributes: from State and
National leaders is a statement from
Governor James. He said; “I com-
mend these faithful young ‘volun- |
teer defenders and I urge all citi-
zens to pause and recognize them.
for the splendid services they ren-
der” 3 !
(From page 1)
ocracy daring War Times”. Mrs.
Paul Ricker, Elizabethtown, pres-
ident ‘of the Women’s Republican
Club will great the guests. Other
members of the Executive Board of
that. organization who will attend
the, meeting are Miss Ada Forry of
Columbia, . County Membership,
Chairman Mrs. George E. Blumen-
stock, Educational Chairman and
Mrs: Charles Marshall,
Publicity: Chairman,
The Mount Joy of the
Republican Club are’ sponsoring: the
meeting,” Mrs.
presiding. All those interested in
the future of the Republican Party,
and the. security of the “Two Partly
System” are -invited to attend.

Londo: mannequins
British, fashions are. attracting
sands <i South America.
reel Gee
“Cuba is considering ‘the installa:
tion: of - traffie- regulating’ deivees
and systems con highways.


A dime out of every
. dollar we earn.
/ 15 0UR QUOTA
Ig for VICTORY with

solicitor fails yn
nut, west en Chestnut to Franklin, |
A friendly deer has invaded Mar-
rietta and is entertaining residents |
along Walnut street.
Mrs. Charles
watched the deer half an hour as it
leaped back and forth acress the
fences. The animal is believed . to
have come from the nearby hills.
xxtR Ndbe thae ETA SHR CMF
me re eee BG

Practically all electric power
plants now in use in Jamaica were
made in the United States,


Beyers said . she |

Clayton B. Keller |1"
displaying 11"

® Jf a visitor, tradesman
or passerby is injured on
your premises through your
negligence you may be
held liable

®. Protect yourselfffagainst
Public nsurance
A few vested to-
day ma you thous-
ands of
® Public Liability Insur-
ance pays the cost of de-
fending suits as well as any
* judgment awarded.
® Don't
Insure NOW!
risk everything.

& Risser

| Raymond Sipling, was destroyed
rhe yc LL ea

TRAINED MM. D. motor vocror) ~
Poi ac
} 120 S. Market St, Eliabethtown, Pa.
Arnold's Garage
Main St. Maytown Pa.

HAGER’S 121+
Anniversary Sale
Offers Savings For All the Family!
Thousands of Dollars ‘Wor
Summer Merchandise, at

of New, Quality -
s than Regular Prices!
at Hager "Anniversary Sale!
omen are looking forward to attend-
that is needed, and keep within the
oblem in these times. And Lancaster pec-
The stage is set—for another
And thousands of men and
family budget, is a real
ple have jearned that lager Birthday sales are a great help.
So thin
(1) YOURG F have to be outfitted for warm weather, at
school or camp.
(2) WIVES and DAUGHTERS are thinging of cool crisp “"Wash-
(3) HUSBANDS AND SONS in business need cool new wash
ties, socks, underwear, shirts.
(4) HOMES AND GARDENS must be transformed into a cool
have to be purchased this time of year:
(5) VACATIONS call for new smart Sport Togs.
(6) CIVILIAN DEFENSE WORK requires serviceable: - work
clothes for women.
(7) GIFTS, must be bought for Mother's Day . . . Father's:”
Day. . . June Brides . . . Graduates!
With so many needs to be filled, Anniversary savings are doubly
welcome. But whatever your needs, rest assured that we have
anticipated all of them in our 121 st Anniversary. We promise you
a sale filled with thrilling values in every department!
Sale Now In Progress!
Come Expecting Unusual Values’. -
Great Varieties in Every Dept.!
. 25 West King Street,

- Lancaster, Penna

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